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day 48

10:48 am

"Last night was wild, wasnt it?"Seth said to Finn as the two were sitting on the terrace.

"Definitely." Finn responded.

"First Jey and Bianca getting back together, then Jojo picking Roman, then we had to vote a couple off. Sasha and I put our vote towards Roman and Jojo for obvious reasons. The less Roman Reigns there is in the Villa, the better for my relationship."

"I dont think it should matter if he's in the Villa or not. Why should that affect you and Sasha?"

"He just gives off this negative energy. Its obviously going to be awkward being in the same house as your girlfriend's ex boyfriend that she was crazy about once upon a time. Plus, the guy walks around here with his nose in the air like he's better than everyone. By the way, did you know that Dean and Liv voted for you guys?"


"Yea. He said it was just a burn vote because he and Liv couldn't decide which couple to vote for."

"So...they voted for us?"

Seth shrugged, "I think they both share a braincell. To be honest, I was really shocked to hear that Sasha and I got a vote. I wonder who would do that?"

"Damn Seth, its like you're new to reality tv. You of all people should know that there is no loyalty where competition is involved."

"Yea but...its a dating show dude. Its not that serious. Whoever voted for Sasha and I are shady as fuck for doing that. They probably have something personal against us."

"It could be Jojo and Roman."

"Could be."Seth agreed, "Who did you and Bayley vote for?"

"Mella and Damian."

"Arent Bayley and Carmella friends though?"

"Well....the task was to vote for the most incompatible couple."

"I guess you're right, there is no loyalty on these shows."Seth laughed.

"We had to do what we had to do."

VC-Seth-I have a gut feeling that Finn and Bayley voted for us last night. I know its not Jojo and Roman because Sasha talked to Jojo and she found out that they voted for Carmella and Damian, which makes sense. The obvious targets for last night would be either Carmella and Damian or Jojo and Roman since they were the newest couples. Finn and Bayley only got a vote because Beavis and Butthead couldn't decide on any other couple. But....this is all just speculation. Sooner or later, im going to get the truth from Finn.


11:30 am

Because a producer asked nicely, all of the ladies were seen gathered in the bedroom. However, the guys were unaware of this because they were too busy laying around on the day beds outside.


"Ooo I got a text!"said Bianca. The other girls gathered closer as she began reading the text out loud. It said-

The girls all cheered in excitement.

"This sounds so fun! I cant wait!"Liv clapped.

"We're gonna be getting sneaky!"Jade cheered.

Sneaky indeed Jade. Here's how today's challenge is going to work.

-Played in 2 rounds.

-Each girl will have two individual tasks to accomplish.

-In the first round, the tasks will be fairly simple. In the second round, the tasks will be a little more difficult.

-All tasks must be completed one at a time. That means that a girl must complete her task before another girl can start hers.

-These tasks will be involving the guys.

-They must accomplish these tasks without the guys catching onto them.

-If the girls successfully complete all of their tasks, they will win a party for the Villa.

"Lets win this party girls!"Bianca said as the rest of the girls cheered.


Round 1

Sasha decided to kick off round 1. Her task was to get Dean to say Titty Master 5 times without her saying it herself.

She walked over to Dean and took a seat next to him on the lounge chairs by the pool. He was sitting there with sunglasses on. She couldnt tell if he was awake or asleep.

"Dude, are you awake?"she nudged him.

"Barely."he responded.

VC-Sasha-Ugh how do I even begin with this? Its so awkward *laughs*

"Isnt it so hot today? Im literally so sweaty."she said.

"Where are you going with this? Are you flirting with me?"he groggily asked.

"What?"she laughed, "Maybe I am."

"Yea, I always knew you had feelings for me. It was so obvious all these years."

"Oh really?"

"How can you resist this?"

"You're right. You are the.....wait-what do you call yourself again?"she asked.


"No, isnt there some type of nickname you call yourself?"

"I dont know. A lot of people call me unstable. Some call me a lunatic. Liv calls me daddy."

"Ew. No but there's a name that you call yourself. Is it the....kitty master or something?"

He chuckled, "I guess you can call me that too."

"WHAT IS IT DEAN?"Sasha yelled, losing her patience.

"What are you even talking about?"

Sasha frustratingly sighed.

VC-Sasha-Im going to be here all fucking day.

"You call yourself some type of master right?"

"Im a master of a lot of things. A lot of people know me as being the titty master-"

She gasped, "The what?"

"Titty master."

"Right! Whats the story behind that? Ive always been curious as to why you call yourself....what is it again?"

"The titty master. You should probably write it down because you cant seem to remember it."

VC-Sasha-Okay, thats three so far. I just need to get two more.

"Tell me the story. Why do you call yourself that?"

"Well...good question. Its quite a...complicated, complexed, inspiring story. Prepare yourself."

Sasha furrowed her eyebrows. She was now questioning what she was about to get herself into.

"Here's the thing. One does not simply wake up in the morning and put on the title of titty master. One does not come home at night and take it off. Its far more complexed than that. One morning, I woke up in a cold sweat, sweat beads and rivulets coming down my face. I had a nightmare and it was kind of like the opening scene from Baywatch mixed with Mortal Kombat. Apparently, I was given a message through the ether. The message was...that I had to go somewhere. The universe had put me on this path. The universe told me....to journey to Mount Titicaca in the Andes Mountains."


Dean proceeded to spend 25 minutes telling a bogus, descriptive story of him journeying to Mount Titicaca, braving lighting and hurricanes and retrieving a pair of nun-chucks from the 'elders'. Five minutes into the story, Sasha was already completely zoned out and full of regret.

"And then the elders put their hoods up and walked away, leaving me alone at the top of the mountain with the nun chucks. And it was at that moment that I realized that the power lies within me. I am....the Titty Master."he concluded.

There was a few seconds of silence before Sasha asked, "Are you-are you done?"

He nodded.

"Finally."she said as she got up and walked away.

"Go forth and spread the word."he said.

VC-Sasha-Im never having a conversation with him ever again. I literally suffered out there. I didnt deserve that.

(btw that story was actually the real response Mox gave when he was asked about the origin of the Titty Master lmao)

Up next was Liv. Her task was to tell any guy that he reminded her of her creepy uncle.

She was seen sitting and chatting with Jey and Roman on the bean bag chairs that was out on the lawn.

"Man like...I feel blessed that she gave me another chance."Jey was saying to the group, "I personally dont think I deserve it. But she's a damn good woman."

"You better not fuck up again Uce. If you do, you better not bitch and complain about anything." warned Roman.

"Trust me, I aint gonna be fucking up again. I aint."

"You know what Jey,"Liv butted in, "This is going to sound so weird and out of the blue but.....I just need to get it off my chest. I have this really weird, creepy uncle and....you remind me so much of him."

Jey and Roman stared at her in confusion.


"Im sorry but its true! Every time I see you, I see my creepy uncle Carl."

Roman couldnt help but laugh, "How?"

"Well my creepy uncle, he lives alone and he plays video games all day and he collects action figures. He has no kids, no wife. He also has like zero social skills what so ever. Thats just weird for a fifty five year old man right?"

"And.....how do I remind you of him? I dont do any of those things you just described."Jey said.

"You just give off creepy uncle vibes, like, ask any of the girls. We all think so."Liv said.

"What?"Jey said in shock, "Yo Bayley!"he called out to Bayley who was walking by at the same time, "Do I give off creepy uncle vibes?"

"All the time."she responded.

"The hell?"Jey angrily said, "This is some bullshit bro. I aint creepy!"

Roman couldnt even back him up, he was too busy laughing. Liv was trying her best not to burst out laughing herself.

VC-Jey-This is the first time im hearing something like this. Listen, I am a lot of things but creepy aint one. Aint nobody ever called me creepy before. This is some bullshit. I gotta change up my whole personality now. I dont want more people out there thinking im creepy.

Since Liv was successful in her task, up next was Jade. Her mission was to spill water all over a guy and yell at him for it.

She was seen walking with a jug of water in hand. Her plan was to take that jug over to where her water bottle was to 'fill it up'. As she was walking with it, she 'accidentally' stumbled on a rock which caused her to trip and spill the icy, cold water all over Finn who was laying on a lounge chair.

He gasped and shot up out of the seat. He was momentarily stunned and confused.

Jade's first instinct was to apologize however, she tapped into bitch mode. She had no other choice.

"What the hell Finn?"she said, "Watch where you're sitting next time! Now I gotta go refill the whole jug!"

"I am....so sorry for being in your way. I should have gotten up when I saw you walking."he sarcastically said.

"Yea you should know better, damn! Stay out of my way next time."she said before she walked away. He stared at her in complete shock as she did so.

VC-Finn-Well...that was the rudest thing ive ever encountered in my life. She spilled water all over me and I had to apologize. I am.....absolutely speechless.

Now that Jade was done, it was Bayley's turn. Her task was to hug any guy (besides the one she's coupled up with) until he says to stop.

She spotted Jey sitting alone on the recoupling bench and headed over to him.

"Hey dude, are you okay?"she asked.

"Nah. Im still trying to figure out what about me is creepy."

VC-Bayley-Of course he is.

"Maybe its the way you dress?"

"Creepy uncles dont wear Air force ones!"

"Listen, just because we think you're creepy doesnt mean that every body else will."

"What is it about me thats creepy though?"

"Its hard to say. There isnt just one thing. It's a combination of things."

"Fuck."he groaned.

"Just keep on being yourself okay. Maybe you'll stop being creepy some day. Now, can I have a hug?"

"Whatever."he said as he got up and gave her a hug. For him, it was supposed to be a quick, one second hug but he noticed that Bayley didnt let go. So, he kept his arms around her. She pulled him closer and tightened the grip she had around him.

"Dont change for anyone."she said.

"Yea thanks."he indifferently responded.

As she kept the hug going, he was beginning to get a little uncomfortable.

Forty five seconds had passed and they were still locked in each other's arms.

"Damn. You really like hugs dont you?"he asked.

"What can I say? Im a hugger. Its kind of my thing."

Jey was ready to end the hug, but he had no idea how to go about doing it. That resulted in them hugging for an extra 45 seconds.

VC-Bayley-Damn it Jey just tell me to stop already!

"Samoans give the best hugs."she said, just to make conversation.

"Damn girl, how many of us have you hugged?"

"You, Jimmy, Roman, Nia."

"Alright well, I think we better stop before Bianca sees us and gets mad."he said as he pulled away.

"You're right."

"Yea I dont want to be messing up again. I cant afford to."

"This was really nice. We should do it again sometime."she said before she walked away.

VC-Jey-That was.....strange. But she's right, we do give the best hugs.

Next up was Jojo. Her task was to tell every guy (besides the one she's coupled with) that they look sexy today.

VC-Jojo-These guys are going to think that im so thirsty *laughs*

She headed over to where the outdoor gym was. There she found Montez and Finn working out.

"Damn guys! You're looking so sexy today."she said.

The men looked at each other and then back to her.

"Um...thanks Jo."Montez awkwardly replied.

"No...thank you."she winked.

She then headed over to the day bed where Dean was currently asleep.

She shook him to wake him up.

"What?"he said.

"I just wanted to tell you that you're looking so sexy right now. Definitely yummy."she said.

"I know. Im the titty master, its what I do."

She rolled her eyes and headed towards Seth who was cuddled up with Sasha on another day bed.

"Damn Seth! I must say, you are looking so sexy right now. Got me thirsty."

Seth looked at her in disbelief. He then looked at Sasha who seemed amused (because she was obviously in on it).

"I...dont know how to respond. Thanks I guess?"he said.

"No, thank you, you sexy beast."she said before she walked away.

VC-Jojo-Oh my gosh, what am I even doing *laughs*

"Are you not going to fight her?"Seth asked Sasha.

"For what? She's right. You do look sexy."she said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

VC-Seth-Jojo must be either drunk as hell or just fucking with me.

Jojo then headed into the bathroom where Jey was currently showering. She knocked on the shower door.

"Occupied."Jey said.

"Can I see you for a minute Jey?"She asked.

He slid the shower door partially open and peeked his head out.


She bit her lip, "You are looking really sexy right now."

"Oh yea? I aint looking creepy?"

"Sexy and creepy."

He closed the shower door and continued with what he was doing.

VC-Jey-These girls be acting weird. But...I know whats going on. You cant fool me. They think im dumb but I aint. Its so obvious. Bianca obviously set the girls up to flirt with me. Why else would Bayley want to hug me? Why else would Jojo tell me im sexy? She's trying to test me. She's trying to see if im loyal. Its cool though, I can play her game.

VC-Jojo-Thank god that Roman wasnt anywhere around when I had to do my first task because that would have been very awkward.

Now that Jojo was done, it was Bianca's turn. Her task was to get any guy to bring her 5 random items.

She was seen in the pool. At the same time, Roman was seen heading towards a lounge chair.

"Roman!"she called out.

He looked over at her.

"I forgot my water bottle on one of the chairs. Can you bring it for me please?"

"Sure."he said. He got the water bottle and gave it to her.

"Oh, one more thing. Can you bring me my phone. Its on the kitchen counter."

"I got you."he said. He went over, got the phone and brought it for her.

"One more thing. Can you get me my sun glasses? Its on my bed."

He seemed taken aback.

"You really want me to go all the way up into the bedroom?"he asked.

"Please."she begged.

He sighed, "Do you need anything else while im up there?"

"My towel."

He did as she asked and retrieved her sunglasses and towel and gave it to her.

"Thank you so much Roman but there's just one last thing that I want."

"What is it?"he asked, clearly fed-up at this point.

"Can you make me a sandwich?"

Roman looked at her as if she was crazy.

He scoffed, "You're just messing with me now."

"No! I heard that you made the best sandwiches! Pretty please, Roman!"

"Jey makes great sandwiches too."he said.

"I want yours!"

He chuckled at how funny that sounded. He then hesitated for a few seconds before he shook his head and headed to the outdoor kitchen to make the sandwich. Its not like he could have said no to her. He didnt know how to.

After 15 minutes, he came back to the pool with a turkey sandwich for her.

"Awwww you're such a doll. Thank you so much!"she said.

"Do you need anything else?"he asked.

"No im fine. Thank you! I owe you one!"

VC-Roman-She got the tribal chief out here like a butler.


Since all the girls successfully completed their tasks for round 1, it was now time for round 2.

Sasha was up again. Her task was to cuddle with a guy that wasnt her partner, for 5 minutes.

She headed into the bedroom. There she found Montez laying in bed.

"Are you sleeping? Its only 3pm."she said to him.

"No im not sleeping. Just trying to re-energize myself by having a little nap."

She climbed into bed next to him, "Well i'll have a little nap too."

"Aint a problem."

He turned on his side, turning his back towards her. She then put her arm and leg over him. They were in a spooning position with Montez being the little spoon.

VC-Sasha-What makes this easier is the fact that its Tez. Im very comfortable with him. I thought this task was going to be a breeze but of course....Seth walks in.

"Having fun there guys?"he said as he walked past the bed.


"We're just having a little nap."Sasha said as she was still spooning Montez.

"Hm."he responded as he suspiciously looked at them.

After spending a few more minutes in the room, Seth thankfully left.

VC-Seth-I dont know if I should be bothered or not. I know they're just friends but...*sigh* Whatever. If I bring this up its going to turn into an argument and...I dont want that right now. Im just going to bite my tongue and leave it as is.

The five minutes eventually came to an end and reluctantly, Sasha got out of the bed.

VC-Sasha-That was actually really relaxing. I almost fell asleep.

Next up was Liv. Her task was to get into an argument with a guy and end it by saying 'I love you'. Of course, she was not allowed to choose her boyfriend for this task.

She was seen at the outdoor kitchen eating a bagel. At the same time, Seth entered into the kitchen and rested a plastic cup that he was drinking from, into the sink. He was about to walk away until Liv said,

"Wow. You're not even going to wash it?"

"I'll wash it when im ready, jeez."

"No you're not. You're expecting me to wash it arent you?"

He looked at her in utter confusion, "When did I ever say that?"

"You always do this Seth! You never do any chores around the house. Everybody else has to pick up after you!"

"Excuse me?"

"You should try to be a little more responsible."

"Im the one that always has to pick up after everyone else! What the hell are you talking about!?"

"When? You're always laying around doing nothing while everybody else does all the chores!"

"You must be out of your mind Liv. You know for a fact that I help out with the chores! Why are you acting as if you do anything around here? All you do is follow Dean around everywhere and cause drama! If anyone needs to be more responsible, its you!"

"I dont cause drama!"

"You're causing drama right now!"

"Im causing drama because I asked you to wash your cup? Jeez, how hard is it to wash a damn cup!"Liv said.

"This isnt about the cup! You're flat out lying! How can you say that I dont do any chores?"

"Whatever okay! I love you."

Seth stared at her.

"What?"he asked.

"I love you! Can we stop arguing now so you can wash your stupid cup."

Seth didnt respond. He quickly washed his cup and left.

VC-Seth-What the hell is going on today? I am stressed out to the max right now. Its just one thing after the other with these girls.

Next up was Jade. Her task was to get someone, other than the guy she's coupled up with, to tie her bikini bra.

She headed over to Dean who, fortunately for her, was sitting right next to Montez.

As she was walking (only wearing her bikini), she pretended to realize that lower strings of her bikini bra that was supposed to be tied around her back, came loose.

"Oh shit."she said.

She then quickly ran over to Dean.

"Dean, can you tie this for me real quick."she asked as she turned around to show him the dangling strings. She made sure that her hands were covering her chest.

"Sure."he said as he got up and tied it for her.

"Dont tie it too tight Dean."Montez said, "I gotta be able to untie it later tonight."

Jade smiled.

When Dean was done, Jade went over, gave Montez a kiss and left.

VC-Jade-This is what I adore about Tez. He's way too grown to let something meaningless like this affect him. If that was Jey, we all know he would have thrown his hissy fit and stormed off.

Next up was Bayley. Her task was to get Dean, Seth and Roman in the hot tub with her all at once.

VC-Bayley-Yea...this might be literally impossible.

"Oh my gosh Roman! You need to see this."Bayley ran up to Roman and said.

"What is it?"he asked as he was cutting up some watermelon.

"Come with me!"

He began following behind her as she led the way. As she was walking, she stopped in front of Dean (who was still next to Montez).

"Dean! You need to see this! Come with us."she said.

He looked at Roman. Roman shrugged.

Without question he followed behind the two. Eventually she led them to the hot tub.

"The producers opened the hot tub for us. What are you guys waiting for? Lets hop in!"she said as she got into the hot tub. Again, Dean didnt question it. He also got into the hot tub.

"Really?"Roman asked.

"Come on in Roman! The water's warm!"she said.

"Where's your man at? Do you want me to call him instead?"he asked.

"Oh forget about him! I want you in here."

"Are you drunk Bayley?"Roman asked.

"Stop with the questions and get your ass in here!"she said.

"Yea, hop in bro."Dean said.

"Fine."he said before he took his shirt off and then got in.

VC-Roman-I dont know why I give these girls so much control over me. Maybe its because I have a daughter so im used to it.

"Do you guys want some beers?"Bayley asked.

"Duh."Dean said.

She got out of the hot tub and ran to get them some beers. However, in actuality, she was using that as an excuse to lure Seth to the hot tub.

"Seth! You need to come with me. Its important."she said as she approached him.

"No. You girls have been acting weird today and I want no part of it."he said.

"What? Dean and Roman is in the hot tub and they sent me to get you. I think Roman's trying to make peace, I dont know. I heard them talking about going back to the way things were."she lied.


She nodded. Seth, believing Bayley, followed behind her to the hot tub.

"The hell is he doing here?"Roman muttered when he saw Seth.

"We have company guys!"Bayley said.

Seth cackled, "I heard that I was being summoned."

He then got into the hot tub with the others.

VC-Bayley-Look at me, hanging out alone in a hot tub with three, huge, muscly men. Mom, I hope you're proud.

"Have you finally come to your senses Roman?"Seth asked.

"What are you talking about?"Roman asked.

"How about we drink some beer first, huh boys?"Bayley nervously said.

"Are you ready to call a truce?"Seth asked Roman.

"Why would I want to do that?"Roman asked, "I still dont want nothing to do with your lying, two timing ass."

Seth looked at Bayley.

"You know what, im going to leave you guys to talk things out."Bayley said as she got out of the hot tub. She then ran away, leaving the three men in the hot tub by themselves.

"Well...this is awkward now."Seth said as Roman glared at him.

"Its actually kind of nice. Just like the old days huh?"Dean said.

Roman then got out of the hot tub and left as well.

VC-Seth-Why do I have a feeling that all the girls secretly agreed to fuck with me today. They are just acting bizarre. This isnt cool. Im about to lose my shit and burn this whole house down.

Next up was Bianca. Her task was to call the guy she's coupled up with, by the wrong name.

"You sure you wasnt trying to test me?"Jey asked Bianca. The two were seen cuddled in bed together.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because I know you dont fully trust me yet, and I cant blame you. Plus, why else would Jojo just randomly tell me im sexy?"

"I wont do that, you know I dont play those games. Thats childish. Im not going to put you through no test. I'll see what you're about when the time's right. And can you blame Jojo for doing that? She's right. You are so sexy Jimmy."

Jey's facial expression immediately changed. He stared at her in utter shock.

She gasped and covered her mouth, "Oh my god."

"Nah. Nah. Tell me you aint just said that."he said as he sat upright on the bed.

She laughed, "Im sorry. I dont even know where that came from."

He was still staring at her, completely dumbfounded.

"Stop looking at me like that. Im sure that happens all the time."she said.

"That never happened with you though. Damn girl, just because we havent talked for weeks you already went and forgot which twin I am? Thats cold."

She laughed, "Im sorry! What else do you want me to do!"

VC-Jey-Why is that fool's name even on her mind? Bruh....Im just...mind blown right now. Today is not a good day.

Finally, Jojo was up next. Her task was to ask a guy (not the guy she's coupled up with) for a shoulder massage and sexually moan while he does it.

Jojo, Finn and Bayley were seen hanging out on the terrace. To make things a little less awkward, Jojo had asked Bayley for some assistance.

"Do you guys sleep comfortably on that bed?"Jojo asked.

"Yea, its alright."Bayley said.

"My back and shoulders have been killing me. That bed is so uncomfortable. I tried to massage my shoulders myself but its just not doing the trick."

"Finn's pretty good at massages."Bayley nudged Finn, "You should help her out."

"Huh?"he asked.

"That would be greatly appreciated, Finn."Jojo said.

"You want me to massage your shoulders?"He asked just to make sure.


"I really dont want Roman killing me in my sleep tonight."

"Oh my god its just a massage Finn."Bayley said, "Roman doesnt need to know about this."

Hesitantly, Finn agreed. Jojo then sat in front of him and he began massaging her shoulders.

"Mmmm yea that feels good."Jojo seductively said, "Go a little deeper."

Finn's eyes widened. However, he pressed his hands deeper into her shoulders as he massaged them.

"Oh yea."she moaned, while trying not to laugh. Finn tried his best to ignore her reaction. Maybe she got a little carried away and let that slip.

She then moaned again. Finn looked at Bayley who pretended to be very confused as to why she was making those sounds.

VC-Finn-I know im good but I didnt know that I was that good.

VC-Jojo-I hate this so much. Its so embarrassing.

"Do your shoulders feel better now?"Finn asked after a 2 minute massage.

"So much better. Bayley, you were right, he does give the best massages. Thanks so much Finn!"Jojo said before she left.

Finn frustratingly sighed.

"What?"Bayley asked him.

"Today has just been...weird."


5:30 pm

As all the Islanders were seen in the backyard, Roman's phone went off.

"I got a text!"he said.

When everyone was all gathered around, he began reading it out loud. It said-

Stunned, the guys all looked at the girls. The girls all broke out into loud cheers.

"The hell?"said Jey.

"It all make sense now!"Seth said.

GC-Sasha, Bianca, Bayley, Jade, Jojo, Liv

Sasha-We got it done!

All the girls-*cheers*

Jojo-It wasnt easy though.

Bayley-Yea it was a lot of work. We deserve this party.

Bianca-Ladies, well done today. Now, lets have some fun!





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