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continuation of Day 48

6:30 pm

Sasha was seen at the outdoor kitchen pouring herself some wine. Most of the other Islanders were still in the Villa getting ready for the party later on. The only other Islanders that were in the backyard at the moment was Finn and Bayley, but they were doing their own thing.

As Sasha was pouring her wine, she felt the presence of someone entering into the kitchen. She looked up only to find Roman. They ended up making eye contact but she quickly went back to focusing on her wine.

Now, it was just the two of them in the kitchen. They both definitely felt the tension in the air. 

He opened the fridge and got out a can of beer. He popped it open and took a sip. 

At this time, Sasha was also sipping on her wine. Her back was towards Roman, so he wasnt in view.   

"Its funny how people can turn into strangers in a split second huh?"he said, breaking the awkward silence.

She turned to look at him.

"Are you talking about me?"she asked.

"Yea. You're out here acting like you dont know me. I know you got your new boyfriend or whatever but jeez, you dont even acknowledge me. The only time you do is when you're defending your boyfriend."

"You dont acknowledge me either."

"Ive been wanting to. But I know if I do, Seth's going to make a big deal out of it."

 "Is that the reason or is it because you're too busy being a ladies man."

"Ladies man?"

"I know your dirty secrets. Two girls in one night?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."he said with a wicked smile.

She shook her head.

"How have you been otherwise?"he asked.

"Ive been.....fine I guess."

"Well, you look great as always."

"So do you. I see you've changed up your look a bit. You look great."

"Thank you. I just wanted to say that....I know theres been some heavy tension since I came here but I dont want it to be like that between us. You and I, we're better than that. We ended things on a good note and I would like it to stay like that if thats fine with you."

Sasha smiled, "Yea, that would be nice."

"I dont want you to be my enemy. We've been through way too much together."

"So true. I mean, we literally slept on a glacier in Iceland together."she laughed.

Thats true, I was there. I also slept on the glacier.

He laughed as well, "Yea we've done some wild things."

"We were the power couple at one point."

"At one point? We were the power couple all the time. We ran things on TV."he said as they both laughed.

"The king and queen."she said.

"Damn right."

Then, there were some moments of silence between them. This time, it wasnt awkward. It was almost as if they both were having little flashbacks of their times together.

"Hey, anyway, have a blast tonight."he said, "I'll see you around. And um...if you need anything, just reach out."

"No problem. See you around."

He then gave her a brief hug before he walked away. As he walked, he took a quick look back at her. Again, they made eye contact. She smiled.

What a good guy Roman is. He just hates being enemies with his exes.

Sasha then looked around at her surroundings to make sure that Seth was no where nearby. She thanked god when she realized that he wasn't. This was an interaction that she felt would be better if she kept to herself.

8:20 pm

The party in the Villa was in full effect, thanks to the girls for completing a series of embarrassing tasks earlier on. Everyone was seen dancing, drinking and enjoying what could potentially be the last party in the Villa before the finals.

"Hold up, so y'all really dont think im creepy right?"Jey asked Liv, Bayley and Jojo who were seen at the outdoor kitchen.

"Yea we do. That wasnt part of the challenge. That was just straight up honesty."said Liv.

"You fucking with me."Jey said.

"Im not! Its true."Liv said.

"Yea it really is."Bayley agreed.

"Y'all playing. Aint no way."he said as he walked away.

VC-Jey-I dont want to believe them but....I dont know man, part of me still do. Im really hoping they were just joking with me.

"So, how are things with you and Roman?"Liv asked Jojo.

"So far...everything's been great."she blushed, "We're taking things slow. Baby steps."

"I thought you were against him after what he did to you. What made you switch up so suddenly?"Bayley asked.

"I gave in to the temptation. I thought that he wouldnt be able to affect me but....being in the Villa with him here is a whole different story. Plus he's always been micro flirting with me so how am I supposed to resist that?"

"That was real ballsy of you to take him away from Carmella though. What a bold move. I dont think anyone was expecting that."said Liv.

"I got to put myself first. Am I supposed to just sit around and watch everybody else be in love? I want some of that too."

"You go girl."said Liv as she high-fived her.

VC-Jojo-I talked things through with Roman and he doesnt even seem bothered by the fact that Carmella's gone. I am so relieved that he's not mad at me. Im excited to continue this journey with him and maybe have some fun like the way we use to in Hawaii. Im not looking for a relationship with him at this point but.....some companionship would be nice.


The party was raging on. Dean, Jey, Finn and Liv were all seen playing beer pong, Bayley and Bianca were seen on the sidelines cheering them on, Jade and Montez, and Sasha and Seth were seen on the dancefloor dancing to Say So by Doja Cat, and Roman and Jojo were seen at the outdoor kitchen drinking, conversing and laughing with each other.

What a beautiful sight. Everyone is in good spirits, having fun without a care in the world, enjoying the party that I threw for them. It makes me sick. Lets do something about it.

As the good vibes continued, a surprise guest entered into the backyard.

Yes, it was Beth.

"Islanders!"she called out to them.

"Fuuuuck."Liv groaned when she saw her.

Montez immediately cut the music.

"Uh oh. The grim reaper is here guys."said Seth.

"You're the last person we want to see right now Beth!"Liv said.

"Thank you for the warm welcome Liv. Im sorry to crash the party but....I need everyone to gather around the firepit immediately."Beth said.

"Oh no."Bayley muttered.

VC-Jojo-Tonight was actually very enjoyable. Everyone was in good spirits and we were all having fun. Until.....Beth showed up. Words cant express how much I wish she wasnt here right now. Leave us alone Beth!

The Islanders were all seen gathered on the recoupling bench. As usual, Beth was standing in front of them. There was nothing but eerie silence among everyone before Beth spoke.

"Islanders, I hope you were all on your best behavior because...the public has been voting."she said.

A collective sigh emitted from everyone.

"They have been voting for their favorite couples. Those that got the least amount of votes.....will be at risk of being dumped from the Island tonight."

"Here we go."Seth said under his breath.

Bianca and Jey locked eyes.

Finn interlocked his fingers with Bayley's.

Liv was seen shaking her head.

VC-Liv-I know Beth said that there's only going to be 5 couples in the final but....its so hard to imagine any of us leaving right now. Everyone's so close with each other. Its going to be heart breaking saying goodbye to whoever leaves. Shit, who knows, it could be Dean and I.

"So now, im going to ask all of you to stand."Beth said, which they all did, "When I call your names, that means you are safe and can sit back down."

They all nodded.

"In no particular order, the first safe couple is..........Seth and Sasha."said Beth.

Seth gave Sasha a quick kiss before they sat back down together. She then looked at him and smiled in a way that showed that she was proud of the two of them for making it that far.

"The next couple that is safe is......Dean and Liv."

"Oh my god."Liv said as she gave Dean a hug.

VC-Liv-We're in the finals? We're actually in the finals? What?

"The third safe couple is.......Montez and Jade."

Jade's jaw dropped.

Montez pulled her into his arms for a hug.

VC-Jade-Wow. I was not expecting to hear out names called tonight.

As they sat down, Jade still stared at Montez in shock.

At the moment, there were three remaining couples: Finn and Bayley, Jojo and Roman and Jey and Bianca.

"The fourth and final couple that is safe tonight is.........."

Jey put his arm around Bianca's shoulders.

Roman looked at Jojo and gave her a reassuring smile.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Islanders anxiously waited for Beth to make the reveal.

Finally, she gave the answer.

"Jey and Bianca."

Bianca's eyes grew wide. Jey immediately hugged her.

"This is crazy."he said to her.

VC-Bianca-I was not expecting Jey and I to be one of the safe couples especially given our history on this show. I legit thought that we were a goner. I....I dont know what to say.

"So now, only two remain."Beth said, "Finn and Bayley.....and Jojo and Roman. You two got the least amount of votes from the public. The unfortunate truth is that....only one of you will make it back into the Villa tonight. The question is....which one of you will it be?"

Bayley sighed.

"However, the choice is not mine to make. The choice is not the public's to make either. This decision of which one of these two couples to save is going to rest on the shoulders of the public's favorite couple."

"Oh no."Liv muttered.

Montez shook his head in sympathy.

"Wow."Seth said as he uncomfortably shifted in his seat.

"So...without further ado, the couple that received the most votes from the public and is therefore the public's favorite couple as right now is........."

Liv closed her eyes.

Sasha was at the edge of her seat.

Anxiety was coursing through Bayley's veins.

As flattering as it would be, being voted as the public's favorite couple tonight comes with a lot of pressure. Some of the safe Islanders were hoping not to hear their names called. They didnt want the responsibility of sending a couple home.

After a few more seconds of suspense, Beth made the reveal.

"Jey and Bianca."she said..

"What?"Bianca said in shock.

Sasha and Seth looked at each other in disbelief.

Almost everyone was left feeling dumbfounded. Even Jey and Bianca themselves.

"How in the hell?"Sasha asked.

"This is rigged."Seth muttered.

VC-Sasha-This does not make sense at all. Jey and Bianca? The public's favorite couple? Y'all are just going to act like the last few weeks didnt happen? Y'all are just going to act like Jey wasnt with a whole different woman a few days ago?

"Jey, Bianca, you got the most votes out of any other couple. Now, your task is to decide which of these two couples you will be saving from getting dumped tonight. Will it be either Finn and Bayley or....Jojo and Roman? But first, to help you make your decision, each couple will be given a chance to plead their case and tell you why they think that they should be saved. Jojo and Roman, we'll start with you."said Beth.

Jojo nodded.

"Okay well, we know we're the newest couple here."she said, "But....our connection is not new. Ask the others, Roman and I have known each other for years now. Back in Hawaii, we had such an amazing romance story and I would love if we can get the chance to continue it here."

Roman then joined in, "Things didnt work out back then for a reason but now that we're reunited here, I can tell that the future is looking bright for us. Three years later and she's still the most beautiful woman in the room to me. What Jojo and I have is more than just some showmance, it goes deeper than that. Yes, we are the newest couple on the show but like Jojo said, we arent new at all. Our connection wasnt fabricated, it wasnt forced. Its not like we were best friends all this time and randomly decided to be lovers. What we have is genuine."

"Did he just take a shot at us?"Seth quietly asked Sasha.

Roman continued, "We know that we've only reconnected for a hot second but thats because we both came into the Villa pretty late. Good things take time. I believe in second chances and so does Jojo. So thats why we would love if you guys give us the chance to continue this Love Island journey together. Plus, Bianca you owe me one after I made you that sandwich today."

Bianca laughed.

"Well said. Okay, Finn and Bayley, you're up next."said Beth.

"I feel like we're fighting a losing battle but okay, we'll still try."Finn said, "Ive realized that a lot of people dont like Bayley and I together for no other reason than the fact that we're unproblematic. In my opinion, that just further proves that we are perfect for each other. Yes, we were best friends that decided to be lovers like Roman said. But...thats how all relationships should be. You should be best friends with your significant other. Unlike a lot of the other couples here, we havent had much troubles with our relationship. We played the game, we gave other people a chance, but it led us right back to each other."

Bayley began speaking, "We may be boring but one thing's for sure and its that we're not fake. We are the definition of a strong, healthy, stable relationship. We came in here together and we're going to leave together, unscathed. This is what Love Island is about. Its about separating the weak, fake, toxic couples from the couples that are real. Shouldn't there be strong couples in the final? Jey, Bianca, if you want to send us home tonight for actually being a healthy couple then.....so be it. But in my opinion, Finn and I deserve to be here because we put in a lot of work not only on this show, but for the past four years. I love Finn, he's my best friend, im glad that I get to call him my boyfriend, and im glad that we're still at each other's sides after all these days. We've been here for little over a month and never once did we give up on each other. I hope you take that into consideration and decide whether or not we're deserving enough to go to the final."

Finn looked at her and smiled.

"Well, there you have it."Beth said to Bianca and Jey, "Now its time for you two to go discuss about which of these couples you will be sending home tonight. You have ten minutes. Choose carefully guys."

VC-Liv-I am so glad im not Jey and Bianca because after hearing from the two at risk couples, I just know this decision isnt going to be easy. I think they both deserve to be here.

Jey and Bianca walked off to the side, away from everybody else to deliberate.

"This is harder than I thought."Bianca said to him.

"What do you mean? You're actually thinking about saving Finn and Bayley?"Jey asked.

"What do you mean if im actually thinking about saving them? You sound like you had your mind made up on Roman and Jo already."


"Why? Just because he's your cousin?"

"Not only that but you heard them, their connection goes all the way back to 2018. If you wanna talk real, thats real. They should get this chance."

"It doesnt matter what happened in 2018, what matters is what happened here, in 2021. They just got coupled together Jey, how can we save them over Finn and Bayley?"

"Its not our fault that Jojo and Roman came into the Villa late. Its not anyone's fault. That was out of their control."

"Look, both couples gave great reasons why they deserve to stay. We're going to have to carefully think through this okay. Lets be open minded here."Bianca said.

VC-Bianca-No matter who we send home tonight, we're going to be losing close friends. Its going to hurt. I cant tell y'all how much I hate being in this position. Stop voting for me. Please.

After their time was up, Jey and Bianca joined everyone back at the recoupling bench.

"So...have you come to a decision?"Beth asked.

"Unfortunately...yes."Bianca nodded. Jey also nodded.

"So....which couple are you going to be saving and why?"

Jey kept his eyes locked on the ground. He couldnt bring himself to look at any of the couples. The guilt was weighing heavy on his mind.

Bianca began speaking, "We have decided to save this couple because...we truly think they deserve to be here. Though their story on Love Island this far may have been short, we can tell that long after this show is over, they're still going to be together. The couple that we've decided to save is........."

Everyone was seen at the edge of their seats in anticipation.

As for the two at risk couples, all of their hearts were racing. Even Jey and Bianca's hearts were racing.

Bianca took a deep breath in and out before she gave her answer.

"Finn and Bayley."

Gasps rang out through the air.

"Holy fuck."Seth said.

With sorrow in his eyes, Jey looked over at Roman who seemed caught off guard by the decision.

"You guys are right."Bianca said to Bayley and Finn, "You two are the definition of a strong couple and you two definitely deserve this spot more than anyone."

"Thank you, B."Bayley smiled.

"Finn, Bayley, congratulations. You can take your seats."Beth said to the couple.

They gave each other a kiss before they sat down.

VC-Finn-My mind is blown. I thought that for sure Bayley and I were going home because look at who we were up against. But, I am very grateful that Bianca and Jey gave us this opportunity to stay. The finals should consist of couples that are rock solid so if they had sent us home, the finals would have just been a joke. Bayley and I may be boring but at least there is love and trust between us.

"Roman, Jojo, unfortunately, you two have been dumped from the island. You have 30 minutes to pack your stuff and say your goodbyes."said Beth.

The pair nodded.

"Before I leave, I just want to say congratulations to the other couples."Beth said, "All five of you have made it to the Love Island finals! No more dumpings, no more recouplings, but still a lot more surprises. Have a goodnight guys. See you all soon."

With that, Beth took her exit.

The Islanders all rushed out of their seats to say their goodbyes to Jojo and Roman.

"Im sorry uce. I tried my best to save you."Jey said as he walked up to Roman.

"This was all Bianca huh?"he disappointingly asked.

Jey nodded.

"Its all good."Roman said, "You better behave yourself while im not here."

"Hell yea man."Jey said as he gave him a hug.

"Dude."Dean said as he walked up to the two of them, "I cant believe you're leaving already."

"Yea well, thank Jey for that."said Roman, "You boys better act right. Dont make me come back here and slap some sense into y'all."

"Practice what you preach uce."Jey said as Roman laughed.

VC-Roman-If I had been dumped off the island by any other couple, I wouldn't have cared. But the fact that Jey couldnt stick his neck out for me says a lot. She already got him whipped. Its alright though. The next family barbeque is going to be pretty awkward now to say the least.


"Im so sorry Jo."Bianca said to Jojo as she gave her a hug.

"Its fine! Its totally fine."Jojo comforted her, "Im happy that Bayley and Finn got the last spot. They deserved it way more than us."

"You gonna be alright?"

"Look at who im leaving with."Jojo winked, "I'll be fine."

Bianca burst out laughing.

VC-Jojo-We got dumped from the Island, we're not going to the finals but....I dont care. I was able to rebuild the bridge that I had with Roman and thats all that matters. Im actually very excited to leave and be on the outside with him. Its always fun to reconnect with an old friend. Who know what may happen?

"I love all of you!"Jojo said as she and Roman were standing at the front entrance of the Villa with their luggage in hand. All of the other Islanders were gathered behind them to watch them go.

"We love you too, Jo!"Montez said as everyone cheered.

GC-Jojo and Roman

Roman-Im actually kind of happy to leave.


Roman-Because hotel rooms dont have cameras. You know what that means?


Roman-*puts his arm around her* We have the full freedom to do whatever we want.

Jojo-So...are you saying we're going back to a hotel room after this?

Roman-Thats exactly what im saying.

Jojo-*smiles* Sounds like a plan.

Roman-*kisses her*

The Islanders all shouted their goodbyes as the pair walked off, rolling their luggage behind them.

"Lets keep the party going guys! WE'RE IN THE FINALS!"Montez said when Jojo and Roman went out of view.

Everyone all erupted in cheers and raced back out into the backyard.

Montez poured 10 shots of tequila for everyone and all together as a group, they downed it.

GC-Seth and Sasha

Sasha-There are so many reasons to celebrate right now!

Seth-Yes. We're in the finals together, your asshole ex boyfriend is gone.

Sasha-*laughs* Imma drink to that!

Liv was seen sitting on top of Dean's lap as they made out. They were going at it like drunk college kids at a party.

"I feel like its been a long time since we've made out."she said when she pulled away.

"It has. I missed it."he said.

"I cant believe we're in the fucking finals babe. Look at us. Who would have thought?"

"Its been a rough journey right?"

Tears were settling in her eyes. She was beginning to get choked up.

"Yea. I thought I had lost you so many times."she said as she wiped a tear.

"I thought I had lost you too. This still feels unreal."

"But look at us. We're still here. We've been here from day one and we're still here. We went through hell and back but....we emerged victorious."

"This is Love Island right? It only makes sense that I end the show with the woman that I love."

A wide smile spread across her lips.

"You know that I love you right?"he said.

She didnt respond. She just kept on staring at him as she smiled.

"What?"he asked.

She giggled. She was too overwhelmed with emotions to speak. Hearing him randomly say that he loved her, caught her off guard. It wasnt the first time he said it. But tonight, the way he said it was different. He said it with meaning and sincerity. To her, this meant the world.

She wiped her tears as they began flowing down her cheeks.

"Why are you crying?"he asked as he also wiped her tears.

"I dont know!"she said with a laugh, "Im just so happy right now! They're tears of happiness."

He smiled.

"I love you too babe."she said before she leaned in and kissed him.


12:03 am

Bianca and Jey were seen sitting on a day bed together.

The skies were dark, the wind was cold, but the energy in the Villa was still high. Everyone was still awake, keeping the party going.

"Its still blowing my mind that we were the public's favorite couple."Bianca said to Jey.

"Right? I swore our asses would have been at risk. But...at the beginning, we were always their favorite. This isnt the first time we were voted as favorite. So even after all the drama, its nice to see that they still have faith in us."

"The question is...do we have faith in us?"she asked.

"Hell yea. B, the fact that you're even here talking to me right now means the world to me. It changed my whole perspective on things. I honestly feel like a whole new man. You are the embodiment of kindness and positivity. And...I want that in my life. The old Jey that used to be chasing the bad girls and breaking the hearts of the good women-he's dead."

"Damn, its like you went through some sort of spiritual awakening."she laughed.

"I honestly feel like I did. You are someone that I have pure love for, and I mean that."

"You sure you arent just saying this because Jade ditched you?"

"I had pure love for you even before I met Jade. She was a great girl but I pursued her because I couldn't have you."

She smiled.

"I just hope you know that for me, im taking a risk with you."she said, "Like I said a few days ago, I forgive but I dont forget."

"I understand. Actions speak louder than words. Hopefully this chance that you're giving me lasts a little longer after the show is over so I can keep proving myself to you."

"Who knows, it might."

"I hope it does."

She smiled and ran her hand along the side of his face, subtly pulling him in for a kiss.

The kiss was prolonged, slow, passionate. This was their first kiss after making up. And it was everything they needed at that moment.


Coming Up Next-

The Islanders gets special visits from their friends and family!

VC-Seth-They....brought my ex?

VC-Sasha-Is this some type of sick joke?


A/N-Happy New Year guys!

Also, ive published The Challenge Season 5 so go add it to your libraries! Updates will begin as soon as this book is done. 


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