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Day 49

8:40 am

Sasha and Jade were seen in the dressing room.

"I am still so shocked about everything that went down last night."Sasha said as she brushed her hair, "Like....can you believe Bianca and Jey got voted the favorite couple?"

"Girl, im way more surprised that Tez and I werent in the bottom two."Jade responded.

"Its because you guys make sense. You guys really seem to like each other and from what we all can see, you two get along great. Jey and Bianca on the other hand......they should have been one of the at risk couples. I dont know what is it about them that the public likes so much. I swear to god, if they win this show, im going to riot because the fact of the matter is as soon as they're out of here Jey's going to cheat on her again."

"Oof, go off sis."

"Its the truth, we all know that. Bianca only went back to him because she's out of options."

"They're both out of options."Jade said.

"Exactly, so if a couple like them wins this show, its just going to be ridiculous. Im so sure as soon as they're out of here they're going to go their own ways."

"Im surprised they actually chose to dump Roman and Jojo last night."said Jade.

"Same. Literally no one likes Finn and Bayley besides Bianca."

As the girls continued gossiping, Bianca entered the dressing room.

Sasha immediately shot Jade a look.

VC-Bianca-Yea...I heard everything.

"Damn Sasha, it seems like you got a personal problem with Jey and I."Bianca said.

"I dont have a problem, im just shocked about last night like everybody else."Sasha responded.

"Im shocked about it too."Bianca said, "Neither Jey or I expected to be in that position. Were you expecting you and Seth to be voted the favorites?"

"Well....yea. If not us, I was expecting even Liv and Dean to be the favorites. I mean, you and Jey literally just got back together after weeks of not speaking. Its just so bizarre."

"Its bizarre but you know what, Jey and I dont care about it. The public has their reasons for voting for us. We dont care to be the favorites nor do we care to win the show. Its not a competition for us."said Bianca, "And furthermore, I think you got a little too much opinions on situations that does not concern you so maybe try to keep your big mouth shut sometimes, got it?!"

Sasha looked at her in shock.

Bianca then grabbed her water bottle (which she came to the dressing room for in the first place) and stormed out.

VC-Bianca-I couldnt help it, I lost my cool in there. Sasha seems to care a little way to much about who's being voted the favorite or who might win the show. Honestly, thats at the back of my mind. Now im becoming a little suspicious of her and Seth. They very well could be putting up a front just to win the money. I hate that im thinking like this but....they're giving me reasons to.

VC-Sasha-Yes im bothered at the fact that Jey and Bianca are being praised. If you were in my position, you'd be bothered too. There are couples that worked hard on their relationships and then there are couples like Jey and Bianca that literally made up like a few days ago. Im sure there is no love or trust between them, they still got a lot of work to do. Yet...they're the favorites? It just doesnt make sense.


12:00 pm


Finn looked at his phone.

"I got a text!"he shouted.

Everyone left what they were doing and ran towards him.

"What is it what is it what is it?"Liv excitingly asked.

Finn began reading the text out loud. It said-

Everyone erupted into cheers and screams.

VC-Liv-Oh my god! Our friends and family are going to be visiting us today? What the hell! Im so excited!

VC-Jey-Bruh, if I see that fool walk in here imma lose my shit-in a good way. I would love nothing more than to see my brother, Jimmy. That would be the cherry on top of this whole experience. I know he's gonna have a lot of shit to say but I dont care. I missed his dumb ass.

VC-Seth-I wonder who they're gonna bring? I already have some of my closest friends here with me right now. Finn, Sasha, Dean. Are they going to bring my mom?

Like the text said, today the Islanders will be getting special visits from their family and friends. Each Islander will get the chance to  have a one on one conversation with their visitors to find out what they (and the public) really thinks about their relationships so far. Also, maybe they'll spill a few secrets here and there, who knows?

Also, as a special treat (and because here at WWETV, we thrive on drama)the visitors will be spending the rest of the day with the Islanders.

All the Islanders were seen gathered on and around a day bed talking and speculating about who may show up. Finally, the first two visitors walked in.

"YEAAAA! WHAT UP FAM?"One of them said.

"OH SHIT!"Montez blurted out when he saw them.

He and Jade immediately shot out of their chairs and ran towards the visitors.

VC-Angelo-What up! My name's Angelo Dawkins but most people call me Dawks. And im here for my boy Tez!

VC-Leila-Hi everyone! My name is Leila Grey and im one of Jade's best friends! Watch out, the baddies are about to take over now.

"Everyone! This is my boy Dawks aka Angelo."Montez introduced.

"What up what up!"Angelo said as everyone greeted him.

"And this is Leila. She's one of my besties from back home."Jade also introduced.

The Islanders gave them both a warm welcome.

"Its always great to see new faces."Seth said as he shook both of their hands.

VC-Montez-My dude Dawkins is here and man, its like this experience just couldnt get any better! Im excited for y'all to get to know him and for the other Islanders to get to know him too! Thats my ride or die right there.

"Hello? Is anybody home?"said an unseen male voice. It was a voice that was familiar to most of the Islanders.

Everyone had their eyes glued to the entrance. Finally the next pair of visitors came into view.

Bayley gasped. A bright smile grew across Finn's face.

VC-Sami-Hello, im Sami Zayn and im here for my good friend Bayley.

Following behind Sami was none other than-

VC-Becky-Im Becky Lynch and im going to let you take a guess who im here on behalf of. If you've guessed Dean then you're correct! Just kidding. Its Finn.

Finn and Bayley ran up to their friends, greeting them with tight hugs.

"This is so surreal! I cant believe im actually in the Villa."Sami said.

"I cant believe im still in the Villa."Finn laughed.

VC-Bayley-So.....Finn's ex is here. Great......

VC-Finn-Becky's not only my ex but she's one of my best friends. She's one of the few people that actually understands my life and who I am as a person. We have a bond that is untouchable. Im so happy to have her here. Sami is also a great friend of mine too so im happy to see the both of them.

"Islanders! I've got a text!"said an oh too familiar voice. Sasha immediately cringed upon hearing them.

"It says that the fearless one has arrived!"the person added.

"Oh no."Seth muttered even though there was a huge smile on his face.

VC-Nikki-Hey everyone! My name is Nikki Bella and im here on behalf of my ex boyfriend Seth. *blows kiss*

VC-Seth-They....brought my ex?

Sasha was seen shaking her head.

VC-Sasha-Is this some type of sick joke?

VC-Seth-I thought you guys were bringing family and friends. You said nothing about exes.

Even though Sasha was upset at seeing Nikki's arrival, her spirits got lifted when she saw who was trailing behind her.

"Yoooooo!"Jey cheered.

Before Sasha could have ran up to Naomi, Jey beat her too it. He pounced at her with a bear hug, lifting her up from the ground a little.

Naomi laughed, "Chill bruh. I aint here for you."

"I dont care."Jey said, "Where he at?"

"Where who at?"

"Your husband."

"Maybe he's here, maybe he aint. Who knows."

"Whats up sis?"Sasha greeted Naomi.

"Girlllll! We have so much to talk about!"Naomi said as she hugged her.

VC-Sasha-I am so happy Naomi is here. She's the most level headed, non dramatic person I know. I can always depend on her for great advice. I cant wait to hear what she has to say about everything she's seen on TV.

"Your newest Islanders are here!"Said another visitor as she confidently strutted through the entrance.

"They just keep coming one by one, huh?"said Bianca.

Liv squealed when she saw who it was.

VC-Lana-I know its been a while since you all have seen this ravishing face but if you forgot, my name is Lana and im here for my girl Liv.

"Where's my boy Dean at?"someone said before they came into view. This person spoke with an accent. A British accent.

Dean perked up. The Islanders all had their eyes glued at the entrance when they heard this particular voice.

"Oh good god."Seth quietly said as he closed his eyes, preparing to see the worst.

VC-Paige-Did you miss me? Its been far too long. But, theres no need to suffer anymore. The bad bitch of reality tv is here to save the day! Let's get fucking wild!!!

Paige bypassed everyone, ran straight towards Dean and jumped onto him, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"Now its a party!"Dean said.

VC-Dean-Paige isnt a friend. She's my sister. Ive never had loyalty shown to me the way she has shown loyalty to me. I love the girl. She's someone that has my back but isnt afraid to kick my ass when she has to. I respect it.

"This is my Villa now!"Paige said as a greeting to everyone. She then looked at Seth and gave him a wink.

Sasha looked over at him so see his reaction.

All he did was sigh.

VC-Seth-These shows always finds a way to surprise me. Just when I think the surprises couldnt get any worse, they prove me wrong. You got Paige winking at me, Nikki standing next to me and Sasha standing on the other side of me. Who's next? Is Alexa going to come back and confess her love for me? Might as well.

Jeez Seth, not everything is about you. What a diva.

"Hi everyone!"greeted the next visitor.

"My girl!"Bianca said as she ran up to her.

VC-Ember-Hi everyone, my name is Ember Moon and im here for my girl Bianca!

"I cant believe you're here!"Bianca said to her as they hugged.

VC-Bianca-I met Ember on Temptation Island and we became friends straight away. She's just so down to earth and radiates positive energy. She is the meaning of what a true friend is. Spend your time with people that uplifts you, guys. Not people that tear you down.

Jey was seen bouncing from foot to foot in anticipation for his visitor to make their entrance. He was the last of the Islanders to get one and he had a good guess of who this mystery person could be.

"Where you at man, where you at?"he anxiously said.

"Who do you think is back there Jey?"Nikki asked.

"My brother."Jey responded.

"What if its just Roman again?"Liv laughed, "He probably hasnt even left the island yet."

"He'd just walk in here and punch you in the face for last night."Becky said to Jey.

"Dont get too excited Jey, Zelina's back there."Paige said.

He turned to look at her, "You playing right?"

She laughed.

"Dont joke with me like that."he said.

"Yea, dont."Bianca also said.

"Paige stop lying to him. You're making him worried."said Sami, "We need him to be in good spirits for when Mandy makes her entrance."

"Shhhh Sami!"Paige said, "You just ruined the surprise!"

"Oh dang it! My bad. Mandy's totally not back there."Sami said.

"Stop playing, y'all making me feel sick."Jey said.

Finally, Jey's visitor made their entrance. Everyone gasped and looked at Jey who seemed stunned.

"YEAAAAA! LETS GO UCE!"Jey yelled out. He was beaming with excitement.

VC-Jimmy-Whats up! My name's Jimmy and im Jey's smarter, handsomer, more likeable and way more talented twin brother if you didnt already know.

Jimmy rushed over to his brother and gave him a hug. The other Islanders and visitors couldn't help but smile at seeing the two of them have their moment.

"Theres tears in my eyes."said Liv as she wiped her eyes.

VC-Jey-Yooo man like, what a surprise! Y'all dont know how happy I am to see that guy right now. This is the first time y'all are seeing The Usos live on TV together! We making history right now! Let's fucking go!

"What up Uce?"Jimmy held Jey by the shoulders and asked.

Jey couldnt respond because the grin on his face couldnt seem to go away.

"Dad sent you a gift."Jimmy said.

"What'd he send?"

Jimmy smacked him on the head.

"The hell was that for?"Jey asked.

"He said that was for all the shit your dumbass did on the show."

Jey still couldnt stop smiling. To him there was nothing better than seeing his brother live in person right in front of him.

VC-Jimmy-I lied. That was all me. Got 'em!


With all the visitors being here, they and the Islanders all broke off into pairs to have their one on one discussion.

Jade and Leila were seen sitting on a day bed together.

"I have been loving every moment of you this far!"Leila said to Jade.

"Thank you! What do you think of Montez?"

"I love him! He is perfect for you!"

"Aww you really think so?"

"We all do. He seems like a genuinely good guy. I can tell that you're really into him."

"I am! I dont usually fall this quick for a guy but ugh, I dont know. Theres something about him. I feel like he balances me out."


"Were you team Jey or team Tez?"

"Well, I was team Jey until I heard him tell Bianca that he only went for you because he couldnt have her."

"I fucking knew it."Jade said in disgust.

"He's kind of a two timer."

"There was a reason that my mind and body was literally rejecting Jey. I knew his intentions werent good. I am so happy that I decided to follow my heart."

"Everyone at home are rooting for you and Tez. We love you guys."Leila said. Jade gave her a hug.

VC-Jade-Im so happy to know that everyone at home likes Tez and I together. And after Leila told me what Jey had said to Bianca, I feel way better about ditching his ass. I just knew something wasnt clicking with us. Im so happy I didnt go all in on him.

Montez and Angelo were seen sitting on a day bed.

"Man, you've been busy huh?"said Angelo, "First Mandy, now Jade."

"Busy? Dawks ive been gone for most of the show."

"Yea but you still got to hit. Twice. That impressive considering that you have been gone for most of the show."

Montez laughed, "You're right, you're right."

"You seem pretty settled with Jade."Angelo said.

"Yea man, I like her. She's a woman that knows what she wants. She's a woman with purpose."

"Wifey material?"

"Hell yea wifey material."

"I guess you're about to be off the market soon huh?"

"If things continue to go right then, hopefully."

"The real question is, who's gonna be the best man at your wedding? Me or Dean?"

"Why you gotta bring up controversial topics like this Dawks?"

"Answer it. Come on."

Montez got up and began walking away.

"Okay, I see how it is."said Angelo.

"You and Dean can figure that out on your own."Montez said.

VC-Angelo-Yo WWETV, can y'all make a TV show named Friendship Island. I think some of these friendships need to be put to the test.

I actually love that idea. I'll be getting in touch with a producer asap.

Bayley and Sami were seen sitting on the bean bag chairs.

"From what I can see, you have been having a hard time here."Sami said to her.

She nodded, "I dont know what im doing wrong."

"You're not doing anything wrong Bayley."

"Then why does no one like Finn and I together?"

"Does it matter? Are you trying to win a popularity contest?"

"I just feel like im the problem. I thought everyone would have been happy that we're together. Ive wanted this for so long but maybe it shouldn't have happened."

"Bayley, believe me when I say this, you're not the problem. If anyone's the problem, its Finn. I think people are finding it hard to believe that he has real feelings for you. He's known you for all these years and he knew that you had these feelings for him. Now he decides to give you a chance? Its a little sketchy to us. We just dont think his intentions are genuine."

"Really? Is that how it comes across?"

Sami nodded, "Thats why a lot of people think you guys are faking it. Its because this relationship is so sudden. Let me ask you something. Do you love Finn?"

"I do."

"Are you in love with Finn?"

Bayley looked at Sami. She gave no answer.

"Theres a difference between those two types of love."

"I just feel like its hard for this relationship to grow while we're on this show. Everyone has an opinion and its hard for me to just ignore what everyone is saying."

"I understand. At the end of the day, all I want is for you to truly be happy. I dont want you settling for what you can get."

Bayley nodded.

VC-Bayley-I honestly cant wait to get out of the Villa and be with Finn on the outside. Maybe things might be different. Healthy things cant grow in a toxic environment.

VC-Sami-Finn and Bayley are great but personally, I just done see the romance between them. I think they're better off being friends.

Becky was seen with Finn on the terrace.

"So, are you happy with her?"Becky asked him.

He nodded, "I am."

"You two are the most chill people I know. Its just how you guys are. Im not sure what people are expecting from you. Of course you guys are going to be boring because neither of you are overly dramatic."

"Tell me about it. If you compare Bayley and I to the other couples, we are far more stronger than any of them are. Yet no one likes us. But, I dont care. Bayley and I didnt come here for the money or to win. We came here for our own purpose.  We came here to achieve our own goal and...we did."

"Do you see her being endgame?"

"Well....I think she does have potential but its too early to tell. We've only been together for about a month."

"So there hasnt been any other girl in here that caught your attention? Be honest with me Finn."

"I mean....physically yes. All the girls that have been were beautiful. But I dont have the connection with them like I do with Bayley. Thats the selling point for me."

"Well....Bayley had a pretty good connection with Kenny."Becky revealed.


"The guy that was here when you and the other guys went to Casa Amor. When she was around him she lit up like a Christmas tree. She was actually contemplating on whether to re-couple with him or not. Im just telling you this because I feel like you're more into this relationship than she is. I think maybe you should slow things down a bit."

Finn sighed as his brain processed this information.

VC-Becky-Im leaving in a few hours so lucky me, im not going to have to face the backlash of the drama I just created. Arrive. Stir the pot. Leave.

"So you and Mr.Rollins huh?"Naomi said to Sasha as they were sitting on the recoupling bench.

"I know right. Shocking isnt it?"Sasha blushed.

"I cant believe this didnt happen sooner. And when I say sooner, I mean years sooner."

"Maybe it was because I was in a whole ass relationship."

"Honestly, I love you two together. You and Roman were talking about being power couple, you're in another power couple right here."

Sasha furrowed her eyebrows, "Oh...you saw that? The conversation between Roman and I?"

"Yea it was on the last episode."


VC-Sasha-If Naomi saw it that means Nikki saw it and that means she could probably tell Seth about it. Great. More fucking drama.

"So, are you finally happy?"Naomi asked Sasha.

She nodded, "Yea. Ive never been in this type of relationship where I feel one hundred percent comfortable with my partner. We started off as best friends and now look at us. I do feel like he is meant to be my life partner."

Naomi smiled, "Im so happy for you. I really am. It makes me happy to see you this happy. And from what I can see, Seth feels the same way about you."

Sasha blushed.

"There needs to be less arguing though."Naomi advised, "Calmly talking through your problems is a way better alternative. That arguing shit is not healthy."

"I'll try my best."


"Cheers."Nikki said to Seth as they both clinked their classes of wine together.

They were seen sitting together on a day bed.

"So....what are your thoughts?"he asked her.

"About you and Sasha? Well honestly....I want to cheer for you guys but you guys have been having so many problems. Your relationship with her is still so brand new but its starting to show signs of toxicity. Do you think she can really be the one?"

"Honestly...I do."

"I cant help but think that loneliness was a major factor of you two getting together. I know how you are Seth. You'll fall in love with any woman that gives you the chance."

"Thank you for making me sound like a hopeless cause."

"Im being real though. I think you need to take step back and analyze everything. I want you to be in a happy relationship, not a relationship thats full of arguments. And please dont put all your eggs in one basket because I feel like Sasha is being a bit shady."


"Honestly, I feel like as soon as Roman gives her the chance, she'll go back to him."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because after the conversation they had yesterday, its just so obvious. The way she was looking at him speaks volumes."

"Woah-what? They had a conversation yesterday?"

"Hm, it seems like she didnt tell you. I'll leave it up to her to tell you. I want you to find love Seth, I really do. But....I dont think Sasha is the one. I think you're going to end up getting hurt like you always do by these girls."

Seth didnt respond. Anger was starting to build up inside of him.

VC-Seth-*sigh* Fuck. That conversation with Nikki was a lot. Not only was she being totally unsupportive but she dropped a bomb saying that Sasha and Roman have been talking. I know nothing about this. You know what, maybe Nikki has a right to not be supportive. I thought she would have come in here and say how happy she is for me but then she lets me know that Sasha's doing shady shit behind my back? When will it fucking end? As soon as I experience an ounce of happiness and hope, the rug gets pulled out from under me. Im....so frustrated at this point.

Lana and Liv were seen sitting on the lounge chairs by the pool.

"Give it to me straight. What are your thoughts?"Liv said to her.

"Well Liv...you know ive always had my reservations about Dean. Im not his biggest supporter."


"But nothing. I still dont like him. I feel like you two are forcing the relationship."

"We're not forcing anything Lana. We love each other."

"But you guys aren't compatible. He's promising to change and put more effort into the relationship but whats going to happen when the cameras arent rolling? Whats going to happen when you two are back in the real world? He's going to go back to his old ways. You can do so much better Liv. He cant. You are the best he's ever going to get."

Liv forced a smile, "I.....dont know what to say to that. You and I have had this conversation before and it didnt end well."

"If he was a good guy he wouldnt have been showing interest in Eva or Summer or any of those girls in Casa Amor. Sure, you made your mistake with one guy but Dean on the other hand has been thirsting for multiple women through out the show."

"Are you forgetting that he still picked me over them?"

"And what does that prove? He picked you because he has a life with you back at home, not because he loves you. Dean is settling and I dont think you should."

"What the hell do you know about love Lana-"

"Argue all you want but I think eventually you're going to end up unhappy."

Liv sighed, "Whatever. You have your opinions and thats cool."

"Im not trying to bring you down Liv-"

"But you literally just did exactly that."

"The truth hurts."

Liv rolled her eyes.

VC-Liv-I loved having Lana here but.....I could have done without that conversation. She's being negative and I dont want to hear it. After all the troubles Dean and I went through I just want to keep a positive mindset. Forward is the only way.

VC-Lana-Dean is not the guy for Liv. Look at all the hell he has put her through. Yet, she's still acting like he's the best thing in the world. I hate to say this but she's going to end up finding out the hard way that he's not the one for her.

Dean and Paige were seen at the outdoor kitchen.

"I am so surprised that you actually made it all the way to the finals."Paige told him.

"Same. It was fucking hell though."

"It was hell watching the drama between you and Liv."

"If it was hell watching it can you imagine being part of it?"

Paige laughed, "It seems like you cant catch a break from these toxic relationships. What made you change your mind so suddenly? All this time you were anti-Liv and then all of a sudden, you want her back?"

"Yea well I was anti-Liv because I was like....alright, she brought me onto this show to have this experience then fine, i'll play the game. Its Love Island, I want to experience Love Island, you know what I mean? But then....I just got sick of the pettiness and I was like...what the hell am I doing? I have an amazing girl that surprisingly haven't given up on me yet....I should be cherishing that. Talking to Roman and hearing his perspective also helped."

"Dean in 2017 would have killed to have a girl like Liv."

"Yea. Im fully aware that im the one that fucks most things up in the relationship but its because im not use to this whole loyalty thing from other people. Honestly, im still waiting for her to ditch me."

"Dont say that Dean. The girl loves you. She really does. And you need to return the same kind of energy to her. Us girls love feeling wanted. Compliment her, romance her, make her feel like you give a shit. I know you're not used to doing things like that but for fuck sake man, at least try."

"Yea yea I know."he said as he took a sip of his drink.

"Ive seen you at your lowest point Dean. I know your story. All I want is for you to be happy and to be in love and to get all the things you never had in the past. I feel like Liv is the key to all of that. I just hope that you truly do love her and you're not kidding yourself."

He nodded, "I do love her."

"Well stop fucking around then. I love you two together, you know that."Paige said as she gave him a hug.

VC-Paige-Liv is very different to Dean's last girlfriend-you guys know who im talking about. I can tell that Dean is the center of Liv's world and...I really like her for him. If I like her, that says a lot because I dont like a lot of people.

Ember and Bianca were seen sitting on the outdoor sofa.

"Do you trust him?"Ember asked her, referring to Jey.

"Of course not."Bianca laughed, "He knows that I dont."

"What he did was stupid but honestly, it seemed like he really did have strong feelings for you before he messed up."

"Thats interesting that he would still mess with Mandy even though he had these strong feelings for me."said Bianca, "I guess those feelings meant nothing."

"My advice would be to take it slow. He has a lot of proving to do to you."

"Thats exactly what im gonna do."

"Do you see a future with him outside of the show?"Ember asked.

"Honestly, it scares to me think about being on the outside with him. He can say what he want now but who knows, he might go back to his old ways as soon as this is all over."

"Then...is all this effort even worth it? Maybe you should have stuck with Damian."

Bianca sighed, "I hope its going to be worth it Em. I love Jey. Ive tried to hate him so many times but....I cant. Even though he dont know how to act right sometimes, he's still one of my favorite people. I cant imagine him not being in my life."

"Well....all I can say is...proceed with caution."

"Definitely. "said Bianca.


Jey and Jimmy were seen in the living room.

"I am sooo surprised she took your ass back uce."Jimmy said to Jey referring to Bianca, "What were you even thinking messing with Mandy in the first place. You a next level kind of dumb."

"Man I dont know. But ive learned my lesson. Bianca's a good woman uce, if I let her down again, I let myself down."

"She reminds me a lot of Naomi. The way she thinks, how she speaks, how mature she is.  You always said that you want what I have. Well....there she is."

Jey nodded, "Yea. What sucks is the fact that I feel like her and I are starting brand new again. Before the situation with Mandy, Bianca and I were hot and heavy. And now...its back to square one."

"Damn I wonder who's fault is that?"

Jey laughed.

"Hey man, I just still cant believe you're here right now. I damn nearly cried out there when I saw you."he said, "Roman showing up was cool but having you here with me is probably one of the best things that could have happened."

"You done went and kicked his ass off the island uce. Id hate to be you when this show is over."

"That wasnt all me, that was Bianca."

"He dont care!"Jimmy laughed, "On a more serious note, I just wanted to say that....im proud that you realized that you need to change. I know being here hasnt been easy for you. Id be watching the show and seeing you hurting and man, I was feeling the same emotions you were even though I wasnt experiencing what you were. Bianca could have stuck it out with Damian and you would have been back home. But she decided to give you a next shot. Dont fuck it up this time. Do good. I want you to be happy."

"Them dog days are over uce. When it comes to B....I love her."

"I hope so. I love you man."Jimmy said as he reach over and gave his brother a hug.

"Love you too."

VC-Jey-Jimmy's been wanting me to do good from day one. In the past I did act a fool but now....I dont see the appeal in it anymore. Bianca is the missing piece of my puzzle. She's the missing piece of my life. If I let her down, I let myself down and I let my whole family down. Im tired of being seen as the problematic one. I wanna do good. I aint bout the drama anymore.

To Be Continued.....

Coming Up Next-Seth confronts Sasha about what Nikki told him.


"So this is the fool thats always up your ass huh, Tez?"Angelo said, referring to Jey.

"Y'all got something to say?"Jimmy asked.

VC-Angelo-If they want the smoke they can get it! Tez got back up now!

VC-Naomi-I literally cant deal with this shit. Im about to take Jimmy's ass back home.


A/N-Alright guys just wanted to give a little update on how much there is left of the book. All thats left to do is:

-the final dates

-the finals


And then we're done!

Then im going to move onto The Challenge Season 5 which im really excited about. Ive been dreaming it up in my head already and cant wait to get started.

Stay tuned!

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