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continuation of Day 49

4:00 pm

After the one on one conversations with the Islanders, the visitors wasted no time in getting comfortable around the Villa. After all, they had limited time so they had to make the most of it.

"So you're Sami huh?"Jey asked Sami as he was chatting with Jimmy.

"Thats what they call me! Nice to meet you finally. Your brother has told me all about you."Sami put his hand out for Jey to shake.

"Why you talking to this fool Jim?"Jey asked, ignoring Sami.

"What do you mean? Sami's cool as hell."Jimmy asked.

"You think I forgot about that tweet you made?"Jey asked Sami, "The hell is ucey?"

"Oh! That. Well Jey....ucey is something that...you're not."Sami responded.

"But what does it mean though?"

"I mean, my dawg Jimmy's ucey. Im ucey. Naomi's ucey. Roman's ucey. Bianca's ucey. But you...you're not ucey."

"The hell does that even supposed to mean!"Jey yelled.

Jimmy laughed, "Yo calm down man. Sami's dope. We've been hanging since we were in the airport to get here. He's a real one. By the way I invited him to the next family barbeque."

"But he aint family."Jey argued.

"It doesnt matter."Jimmy responded.

Sami and Jimmy then proceeded to do a handshake followed by a shoulder bump.

"What was that? Y'all got a handshake now?"Jey asked.

"Yea its kind of our own thing that we started."Sami said, "All good friends needs a cool handshake, am I right Jim?"Sami asked.

"My dawg."Jimmy responded.

"Thats his way of saying yeet. Yeet is another way of saying yes."Sami said to Jey.

Jey glared at Sami, "I know how my brother talks fool."


7:20 pm

After enjoying a cookout hosted by Jimmy and Jey, most of the Islanders and visitors were seen hanging out at the recoupling bench. There was Jade, Leila, Bayley, Finn, Becky, Lana, Paige, Dean, Liv, Nikki and Seth.

"Honestly, who do you guys think is the strongest couple out of all of us."Jade asked the guests.

"Uh oh, we're entering dangerous territories there."Becky said.

"Im curious though."Jade said, "You guys know all the tea so I want to know what you think."

"I dont think any of you deserve to win."Nikki said, "All of you are toxic in your own way."

"Bayley and I arent toxic."said Finn.

"Be careful with your words Nikki."Lana said, "Bayley might start crying again."

Bayley rolled her eyes.

VC-Lana-Bayley is such a cry baby. She takes things way too personal and is always so over-sensitive about everything. She's very unlikeable.

As the group was conversing, Sasha made her way over.

VC-Sasha-So I havent talked to Seth all day since our guests came. He seems to be hanging out with everyone else besides me but-its fine. Im planning on pulling him aside and letting him know about the conversation Roman and I had before he hears about it from anyone else. If Nikki already told him about it then hopefully we can just have a talk to clear things up.

She went up to Seth and quietly asked, "Can we talk for a minute?"

He looked at her but didnt respond.

"Babe, can we talk for a minute?"she asked again.

Since Nikki was sitting next to Seth, she was able to hear her.

"Can this wait?"he asked.

Sasha seemed taken aback.

"Its important though."she said.

"I think he needs some time Sasha. He'll come to you when he's ready."Nikki said.

Sasha looked at Nikki in confusion.

VC-Sasha-Girl.......was I talking to you?

"Fine. Sit there."Sasha said to Seth as she stormed off.

With a frustrated sigh, he got up and followed behind her.

"Whats the matter?"Seth asked as he walked.

"Nothing Seth. I am so sorry to disturb you! Go back and do whatever it is that was so important!"

"Oh, you're pissed off huh? It must suck for you to see me talking to my ex. At least im doing it in front of your face instead of behind your back."

"I fucking knew that bitch would tell you."

"Dont call her a bitch."

Sasha finally stopped and turned to him, "Oh! Dont call her a bitch?"

"Yea, dont. Im serious."he said.

"I dont give a fuck because she's a fucking bitch for running her mouth-"

"Running her mouth and telling me the things that I should know! You're having private conversations with Roman reminiscing about the good old days? You guys are on good terms now apparently?"

"You're friends with your ex, I cant be friends with mine?"

"Its not about that-"

"WHAT THE FUCK IS IT ABOUT THEN?"Sasha yelled out. Those that were nearby had their eyes glued on the pair.


"You tell me Sasha, is he?"

"I am so done with this."Sasha said as she walked away into the living room.

Seth followed behind her.

"I dont care that you talked to him, what im mad about is the fact that you're keeping secrets from me. Why didnt you tell me you guys talked?"

"Because I knew you would react like this!"

"I have every right to react like this!"

"Just leave me the fuck alone okay Seth-I literally cant deal with this anymore. I cant."



At the same time, Naomi entered into the living room.

VC-Naomi-Didnt I just tell this girl not to be arguing all the time?

Feeling defeated, Seth stormed out of the living room and headed back into the back yard.

"Baby, whats the matter?"Naomi asked as she pulled Sasha into her arms. She couldnt speak. As her emotions overwhelmed her she began breaking down.

VC-Seth-I dont like fighting with Sasha at all but....im really upset at what she did. Nikki told me about the conversation Sasha and Roman had and the fact that Sasha would choose to keep it a secret from me speaks volumes. If she had been honest with me I would have felt way better about the situation. But the fact that she chose not to tell me has me thinking that she has an agenda.

"You okay?"Paige asked Seth who was now at the outdoor kitchen pouring himself a drink.

"Oh great, more drama."he said when he saw her.

She laughed, "Its my middle name. But seriously though, are you okay?"

"Im not. Im really not."

"Yea, we all heard you and Sasha arguing."she said.

"Yup. Same old shit. Nothing new."he said.

"Aww poor baby."Paige said as she put her arms around him, "Do you want to talk about anything?"


"Dont what?"

Seth took his drink and walked away.

VC-Seth-I dont even know if what Sasha and I are doing even makes sense anymore. We havent even been together for 2 whole weeks yet and everything is already so complicated. I think we were really kidding ourselves thinking that we could make this work.


VC-Angelo-While watching this show, there was a lot of things that bothered me. Like the fact that I wasnt here to bag Eva or Jojo. Another thing that bothered me was the fact that that little, tiny weasel named Jey Uso kept on coming at my boy Tez. In this friendship, Tez is the loudmouth and im the hot head. Well....im also kind of a loudmouth. But I aint gonna come in here and play dumb. Imma handle this business.

"So this is the fool thats always up your ass huh, Tez."said Angelo referring to Jey as he and Montez walked up to Jey and Jimmy who were chilling on the lounge chairs.

"Indeed yes he is."Montez said.

"Y'all got something to say?"Jimmy asked.

"Man I aint talking to you. Im talking to your boy over there."Angelo pointed to Jey.

Jey stood up.

"You like acting tough huh?"Angelo said to him, "I dare you to do that shit now that im here."

"The hell is this about?"Jey asked.

"Oh you know what this is about."Angelo said as he walked closer to him.

"Hold up, hold up."Jimmy said as he also stood up, "What you tryna do Angelo? You tryna start some shit?"

"Man, I aint talking to you! Sit yo ass back down!"

"Homie if you talking to him you talking to me to! Whats good? Let me know!"Jimmy raised his voice, which caught everyone's attention.

"Well man let me give you a warning since you seem to want this smoke. You better keep that bitch Jey on a leash unless-"

Jimmy pushed him on the chest causing him to take a few steps back, "WHATCHU SAY?"

"Oh we getting handsy now?"Angelo said.

"Hell no he just didnt do that."Montez said as he stepped up to Angelo's side. Jey rushed over to his brother's side. Jimmy and Angelo were now standing face to face.

"Go ahead Angelo, keep talking! Let me hear what you have to say-"

"I SAID....keep that bitch Jey on a leash unless you want him get humbled but it looks like your bitch ass gotta be on a leash too."Angelo said as he knocked Jimmy's hat off his head.

"Give em the smoke Dawks."Montez cheered.

VC-Montez-I cant do anything because I dont want to get sent home. So imma just sit back and watch Dawkins take care of this business on behalf of me.

VC-Angelo-If they want the smoke they can get it! Tez got back up now!

"What the hell is going on?"Naomi said as she came in between the two men, pushing them apart.

VC-Naomi-These people got me doing double duty here tonight. I aint come here to be a referee!

"Yea is there a problem here?"Sami asked as he stood at Jimmy's side.

"These fools must be bored because they over here starting shit for no reason."Jey said, "Do y'all want attention or do y'all want TV time?"

"Now you wanna talk? You been real quiet all night Jey."said Angelo, " Now that your brother's here its clear that all this time he was really the horse's mouth while all you ever really were was the horse's ass."

Jey rushed towards Angelo, "OH YOU GOT JOKES HUH?"

"YEAAAA! THATS WHAT I WAS WAITING FOR!"Angelo said as he met Jey half way. Him and Jey were now face to face but soon after, Jimmy laid his hands on Angelo again by pushing him away. Angelo returned the favor by putting him in a headlock. Now, the men were in a scuffle. Sami, Jey and Montez quickly reacted by trying to pull them apart.

"You gotta be kididng me right now!"A pissed off Naomi said.

VC-Naomi-What the hell is going on? I literally cant deal with this shit right now. Im about to take Jimmy's ass back home.

The men were separated with the help of the Villa's security team. Not only did they separate them but they also escorted them out of the property.

"This is what you wanted Montez?"Jey asked Montez, "Your guy just started shit for no fucking reason!"

"I had nothing to do with that-"

"You bringing in other people to fight your battles for you? Look at what happened! My brother and I were minding our own fucking business-"


"Dont call him Jason. Thats not his name."Sami defended Jey.

"YOU THINK I TOLD DAWKS TO GO DO THIS SHIT?"Montez continued arguing.



Jey rushed up to Montez but was quickly restrained by Sami, Naomi and Finn.

"Can you guys stop!"Bianca pleaded.

"SAY THAT SHIT ONE MORE TIME MONTEZ, SAY IT!"Jey yelled as the Islanders held him back.


Jey was seen angrily pacing up and down. Sami and Finn made sure to stand in front of him to prevent him from potentially pouncing on Montez.

"That dumb beef y'all got going on ended up getting my husband kicked out of the Villa! Now all of us are probably going to get kicked out too! We all came here to have a good time and spend some hours with you guys but the both of y'all had to go fucking ruin everything just because y'all couldn't keep your egos in check!"

"Montez and the other one started it-"

"Shut up Jey! I dont care!"she yelled out.

"What Naomi is saying is right."Sami butted in, "Jey, even though you didnt start it, you shouldnt have let it escalate to the point that it did. You should have been the bigger man. Now...because of you, I dont think Jimmy's coming back to the Villa."

Jey was looking at Sami as if he was out of his mind.

"Was anyone talking to you bruh?"Jey asked him.

"There you go again letting your rage control you."Sami said.

"Fuck this."Jey cursed as he stormed off to go look for his brother.

VC-Liv-Can Sami and Naomi please stay *laughs* I am living for them right now. No pun intended.

As Naomi predicted, the visitors' day at the Villa was now being cut short due to the altercation between Jimmy and Angelo. They were all told to get ready to leave.

VC-Naomi-Man im happy to leave. Get me the hell out of here. Ive been in here for only a few hours and im losing my mind with all the bullshit thats been going on. Nuh uh, this aint for me.

They all said their goodbyes to the Islanders, wished them well and then took their exit.

"Yup, just another day in paradise."Liv sarcastically said.

VC-Jey-I feel horrible that Jimmy had to be kicked out of the Villa like that. Montez and his dumb ass friend had to go fuck everything up for absolutely no reason at all. Like...what was the point? That shit was embarrassing. But im  happy that Jimmy let em know that we aint no bitches. We can handle our own. If they wanna go round 2 anytime, we can do it.

VC-Montez-Personally I dont feel bad. Jey likes to puff his chest out and walk around here like he's the man. Well karma came and bit him in the ass today. Bit his brother too.


Day 50

5:45 am


Liv was awaken by her text notification going off. She looked at her phone. She had gotten a text.

"Did someone get a text?"Bayley groggily asked.

"Yea. Me."Liv said.

At the moment, only Liv and Bayley were awake.

Quietly to herself, Liv read the text. It said-

"Holy shit. We're going on a date."she sleepily said.

She shook Dean to wake him up.

"Babe, we're going on a date. Get up."she said.

Still asleep, he turned his back to her and pulled the blanket over his head.

Good luck with that Liv.

Today, all the five couples will be embarking on their final dates. One couple at a time, these dates will take place through out the day into the night. And yes, these dates are going to be way fancier and expensive than anything we've done on the show before.

VC-Liv-So Dean and I are about to have our last date on the show and its really early in the morning. I wonder what kind of date its going to be? It better be worth it because im missing out on some hours of beauty sleep.

Liv and Dean were seen holding hands as they walked through a field. Further in the distance, Liv saw what seemed to be a hot air balloon being set up.

"No way!"she squealed.

VC-Liv-Okay....its worth it.

The pair were taken on a hot air balloon ride across the early morning Fijian sky. They both stared in awe at the spectacular views of the landscape that surrounded them. As Liv admired the beauty around her, Dean stood behind her with his arms around her waist. He pulled her close and gave her a kiss at the top of her head. She then turned and gave him a kiss on the lips.

VC-Liv-I have never been in a hot air balloon before. I love having new experiences with Dean right by my side. It makes everything way more magical.

After an hour long hot air balloon ride, the pair made their way over to the field where a breakfast picnic was set up for them.

"This looks familiar."Liv said as they both sat down.

"The first time we had a picnic date on this show it didnt go too well."said Dean.

"Yea I dont like thinking about it."

Dean popped open the bottle of wine and filled both of their glasses.

"Cheers babe."he said as they both clinked their glasses.

"Wine for breakfast. This just might be the perfect date."Liv laughed.

"Coming to think about it, we've had so many interesting dates on TV."said Dean.

"I feel like this is the best one."

"It is, because im here with you."

"Awww someone's in his feelings."she gushed.

"No honestly. I shouldn't be here with you. I put you through some crazy shit. I dont know why you're still here."

"Damn, do you want me to leave?"she jokingly asked.

"I dont. I really dont. If you do, im going to be lost again."

"Well you're lucky because im not planning on going anywhere. You're stuck with me."

"Good. Promise me one thing. After this show is done, no more of this. I dont care how much you beg, im not doing another dating show. Im officially retiring from it."

"You dont need to tell me twice. I have all my answers and I have everything I need."

"Thank god."he said followed by, "I love you."

"I love you too."she said as she leaned over and kissed him.

VC-Liv-I dont care if the world is against me for being with Dean. I see his beauty, I see how amazing he is and most importantly, I see my future with him. We're not the perfect couple and....thats okay. We're young and we're still figuring shit out. Im just happy that we get to do it with each other.

VC-Dean-In relationships, making your partner happy is the most important thing. And when Liv is happy...im happy. When she's not happy, im not happy. Relationships are also about compromise. I know I cant be stuck in my ways and expect a happy relationship. You got to put in work. Damn.....I should write a book about this shit.

After Liv and Dean returned from their date, Jade got a text saying that it was time for her and Montez to go on their date. The pair got dressed and then they were off.

"Damn, they brought us to a castle?"Jade said when they arrived.

"Where else are they going to take the king and queen?"Montez said.

Hand in hand, the couple headed into the backyard of the castle where they saw their date setup.

He pulled her chair out for her to sit on before he took his seat.

"This is absolutely beautiful."Jade smiled.

"This is our final date but its also our first official date."Montez pointed out.

"It is."she nodded.

"The Getaway Room dont count. Thats different."

She laughed, "Im happy that im ending this experience with you though. I really am."

"Im happy to hear that. I believe that every thing happens for a reason. There was a reason that I got another chance to be on this show. And that reason is you. I know we've only known each other for a week at this point but honestly....ive enjoyed every single one of those days here because of you."

She blushed, "I feel the same way. I know a good man when I see one. Im very happy that I listened to my heart and chose you."

"This experience might be coming to an end but...I hope what we have between us isnt going to end as well. I would to keep getting to know you even on the outside."

"I would love that but I just want to remind you again that....this is serious for me. If you want to continue this on the outside then a commitment needs to be made. I dont want the back and forth, I dont want the games."

"There aint gonna be none of that. I want the same thing as you. I dont think we should jump into a relationship just yet because its way too early but I would love to be officially dating you."

She smiled and nodded, "Then yea...I guess we're officially dating now."

"You just made me the happiest man."he said as he leaned over and kissed her.

VC-Montez-Jade is the whole package and fact that she's into me makes me feel honored. I have something great with her and I have no intention of letting that go. I just hope we continue to grow stronger.

After Jade and Montez arrived back from their date, Finn and Bayley got ready and were off to the site of theirs.

"I am so excited to be leaving."said Bayley as she Finn were relaxing on the yacht, "Just one more day and we're done. Dating shows are way more stressful than Challenges."

"Did you think that you'd end the show with me?"Finn asked.

"Who else would I have ended it with?"

He shrugged, "I dont know. Just asking. You had so many other options."

"Pft like who? You're the only guy I like. Who do you think was your competition? Roman? Seth? They're not my type."

Finn was tempted to ask Bayley about Kenny but, to avoid any sort of disagreement, he decided not to.

"I loved spending these weeks with you."Finn said, "I felt like ive learned so much about myself and about us a couple."

"Yea I think we definitely grew closer."she smiled, "I came onto this show single and now im going back with a boyfriend. Thats crazy to me."

"Going back into the real world means me going back to Ireland and you going back to the United States."

Bayley frowned.

"Its going to be hard adjusting to the long distance thing. Especially since we've spent all our time together here."

She nodded, "Yea. I didnt think about that."

"How would you feel about maybe...living with me?"

"In Ireland?"

"Yea."he said with a wide smile, "When the show is over we can fly back to Ireland together and you can try it out. If you dont like it then maybe we can live in the United States."

She took some time to think about the proposal.

"Thats a big step, dont you think?"she asked.

"I know it is."

"Ive never lived with a boyfriend before."

"I think its going to be a lot of fun."he smiled, "Its going to be you and I after all."

She seemed a bit hesitant but then she smiled, "Umm well...yea. I think we should do that."

His eyes lit up, "Really?"


"I cant wait."He said as he pulled her in for a hug.

VC-Bayley-This is a really big step in a relationship. Personally, I dont know if im ready for it but i'll give it a try. Truth be told, I wouldnt have enjoyed the long distance relationship so us living together is actually going to be a great thing.

After Bayley and Finn had their date, Jey and Bianca was up next.

"Yoo! This is dope."Jey said as he got a glimpse of what was awaiting them.

VC-Jey-I see a horse and a carriage. This is something straight out of a romance movie bruh. This is epic.

"Im about to feel like Cinderella."said Bianca as Jey helped her onto the carriage. As Jey also took his seat, the horse began pulling the carriage.

Poor Bianca, she's sitting behind the horse's ass and (according to Angelo) next to the horse's ass.

The pair embarked on a 30 minute horse-drawn carriage ride to reach the site of their date. They were taken to a majestic mansion where in the courtyard they found their date setup.

There was even a small, live orchestra to serenade the couple with sounds of violins.

The pair clinked their glasses of wine together as they said 'cheers'.

"This feels like a fairytale."she said.

"I think it is a fairytale because im on a date with a princess."said Jey.

Bianca laughed, "Stop. You're so cheesy."

Jey rested his hand out across the table for Bianca to put hers in it, which she did.

"I had my first date with and now im having my last date with you."he said as he looked into her eyes.

She smiled.

He continued, " I hope it really aint gonna be the last date for us though. Id like to know if..... this is going to be a one time thing or...are we going to be seeing each other on the outside to?"

"Thats a good question. I dont know."

He nodded, "I understand. But I just hope that you'd give me the chance. I miss what we used to be. Like I told you before, I am not the same man that I was when I started this show. I hope that you'll give me the chance to prove to you that I am all about you, im all about us. But...if we do go on the outside and you find someone better then I guess I cant be mad."

She smiled, "Lets just take things as they come. I dont want to overthink things. If I do, im going to freak myself out. Whats important is that I love being here with you, I love spending time with you, and whatever happens after the show, happens."

"I just...I dont want this to be the las of us, you know. At the beginning, I was in love with you. And....no matter what we went through...I remained in love with you. I tried to pretend that I wasnt but....I failed at that."

"I was in love with you to. And it hurt to know that someone who I felt so strongly about...could do what you did to me. If you were in love with me then....how could you do that?"

He sighed, "I dont know. Trust me B, I felt horrible. I had never felt that low in my life. Again, im sorry."

"Yea well...like I said, lets just see what happens okay."

"I respect that."

VC-Jey-My biggest regret on the show was getting carried away by Mandy. She ruined everything for me. The girl is a devil. But im grateful for Bianca giving me a second chance. I just hope eventually things can go back to the way it was. I know she's going to need her time to heal and I respect that.

VC-Bianca-I can never hate Jey. No matter what he's done to me, I cant hate him. I feel the opposite way actually. Its a battle between my heart and my head. My heart's saying to be with him because he makes me happy but my head's saying to protect myself. I dont know what to do yet.

After Jey and  Bianca's date ended, the last date was about to take place. It was Seth and Sasha's.

VC-Sasha-Going on a date with your boyfriend that you're mad at and havent spoken to all day? What a perfect situation *rolls eyes* This whole thing is going to be so awkward.

He pulled her chair out for her to sit. Then he took his seat.

VC-Seth-Yea so Sasha and I havent talked since last night and....I dont even know what to say right now. We're on a beautiful date and its actually our first and last date of the show. But the tension is so thick. Its very uncomfortable honestly.

After a few moments of silence, Seth spoke up first.

"You look beautiful tonight."he said. She nodded.

"It seems like every time we argue, we get put into a situation where we're forced to work things out."he said.

"Does it even make sense to work things out?"she asked.

"So you want to give up already?"

"Im tired of fighting with you Seth. Its mentally taxing. It fucks me up."

"You think you're the only one? Im just going to come right out and say it, I felt really hurt when I found out about you and Roman. I felt...betrayed. I felt...like an idiot-"

"I was going to tell you about it but I was waiting for the right time."

"Were you? Or were you going to tell me only because you knew id find out from Nikki."

"Everything's being filmed, I knew you were going to find out eventually."

"I just wish I heard it from you first. That would have made me feel a lot more secure."

Tears were beginning to settle in Sasha's eyes.

"Seth...im sorry. Im sorry that I didnt tell you about it earlier. I fucked up and im sorry. The only reason why I didnt tell you was because I knew it would lead to us fighting. This is what I wanted to avoid."

"Be honest with me Sasha, where do you stand with Roman?"

"I am completely done with him Seth! I broke up with him, remember? I did it for a reason!"

"So why does he want to be in your life all of a sudden?"

"I dont know and I dont care."

There was some moments of tense silence between two.

Sasha then began speaking again.

"Look...Seth....do you think we should continue this relationship? Think about it. We havent even been together for a full month yet and its been a rollercoaster of emotion this far. I hate fighting with you. I hate being on your bad side. I dont like what its turning us into."

Seth pondered on what she said for a few seconds and then answered.

"If you want to end it then....we can end it."he said.

She wiped a tear from her cheek, "But...I dont."

"Well I dont either. The fact of the matter is...you're my rock in here Sasha. For the last two weeks, ive never been this happy or this stressed out before. But what matters the most to me is that....im finally happy. I just wish that these stupid little things would stop coming in between us."

"But I hate the fact that we keep hurting each other. I know ive hurt you and....I feel horrible."

"Yea im not perfect either. We both got work to do. But...I dont want to give up on us just yet."

"Me neither."

"No more secrets okay."he said.

She nodded, "Okay."

They both got out of their seats and went into each other's arms.

"No matter what, I love you."he said.

"I love you too."she said before she kissed him.

VC-Seth-Its always these stupid little things that mess us up the most. Im still hurt about the situation but....im not going to let it tear us apart. Especially since its the end of the show. Sasha and I came such a long way, now is not the time for it to go to shit. Plus, I cant ignore the good and only focus on the bad. Im just going to keep my fingers crossed that from here on out, things are different.

VC-Sasha-I love him and...I hated that I kept on hurting him. Im just happy that he still has faith in me. I just wished he wasnt so paranoid about Roman. He has nothing to worry about. If only he knew how much he truly meant to me.


Coming Up Next-The Finals!


A/N-Im going to post the link for you guys to vote in a separate chapter so look out for that soon.

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