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continuation of night 35

9:00 pm

VC-Bayley-So...Beth is here and....anytime she's here, its never really a good thing.

Everyone was gathered at the recoupling bench. Reluctantly, they had their eyes on Beth who was standing at the center of their view.

VC-AdamC-There are a lot of Islanders at the moment and a few of us arent even coupled up, like myself. Im nervous for sure. You never know whats about to go down.

"Islanders, tonight there will be a recoupling."Beth informed, "However, this recoupling is not your ordinary recoupling."

"Great."Bianca murmured.

Everyone got a lot more tense. Comfort was the last thing any of the Islanders felt at the moment.

"Ladies, at the end of the night, one of you will be leaving the island. And if you are currently not coupled up then you are at greater risk."

"Oh no."Indi sighed.

Seth looked over at Sasha. Her eyes were focused on the ground.

"As you all know, Summer and Aliyah are our newest additions to the Villa. So, to give them a fair shot at finding love here....the newest Islanders will have first dibs which means.....they have immunity tonight. They will not be leaving the island."

"Fuck."Liv said under her breath. Alexa held her hand.

Tay took a slow deep breath in and out.

"So without further ado, Aliyah, Summer, can you please join me on this side?"Beth asked. The two women got out of their seats and stood next to Beth.

"Ladies, tonight you will be coupling up. And....the possibilities are endless. Luckily for the both of you we currently have two guys that are not in couples : Seth and Adam. You can choose to couple up with them or if they're not your type then....you can choose to steal any of the other guys."

Aliyah smiled.

"The choice is all yours. What is it going to be?"Beth asked.

Indi interlocked her fingers with Ricochet's.

Seth avoided eye contact with either of the girls.

VC-Seth-Im hoping they dont pick me. If im chosen tonight then....that puts Sasha at serious risk.

Liv and Dean looked at each other. All she did was flash him a sad, forced smile. It was almost as if she was saying 'if I leave the island tonight, it'll be okay'.

"Aliyah, have you come to a decision yet?"Beth asked.

She nodded, "Yes Beth. I have."

"Who's it going to be?"

"So...there are two guys that ive spent the most time with since ive been here. And...I really enjoyed my time with both. They are great cooks by the way."she giggled.

Jey put his arm around Jade's shoulders. Jade glared at Aliyah as she spoke.

"But I want to couple up with this guy because I feel like we both have an attraction to each other and-I just feel way more comfortable with him. He's definitely someone I can see myself being in a relationship with eventually so.....the guy id like to couple up with is.....Carmelo."

Tay frowned.

"Well, we have our first new couple, Aliyah and Carmelo. Aliyah, you can go join Carmelo on the recoupling bench."said Beth.

Carmelo got up from his seat and moved to a different spot on the bench where he sat with Aliyah. They gave each other a quick kiss.

Bianca was now left all alone.

"Bianca, since Carmelo has been taken from you, you are now single and at risk of being dumped from the island tonight."Beth informed. Bianca nodded.

"Summer, what about you? Have you come to a decision yet?"Beth asked.

Summer smiled, "Yes Beth, I have. There's only one guy that ive had a pre-existing relationship with. Not a romantic one but a physical one. I know him really well, he knows me really well and I feel like its time he has someone supportive stand by his side. I know I can show him a good time and teach him that love doesn't have to always be complicated. The guy that I want to couple up with is my good friend, Dean."

"Here we go again."Liv whispered.

She watched as Dean got up from next to her and walk towards Summer. Summer gave him a subtle kiss on the lips before they took their seats. Not once did Dean show any kind of emotion.

"Liv, Dean has been taken from you which means...you are now single and at risk of being dumped from the island."said Beth.

"Just dump me already. Whats the point anymore?"Liv said with sadness in her voice.

VC-Seth-You'd think that Dean would at least show an ounce of happiness to be coupled up with Summer but....as usual, he's being a sour puss. At this point, I dont know what it'll take to make him happy. I dont.

"So, the new Islanders have been coupled up. But....we're not done there. We have one new Islander left."Beth suspiciously said.

This caught everyone's attention. Their eyes were on her, looking at her in confusion.

"What do you mean?"Damian asked.

She smirked, "Guys, please give a warm welcome to your newest Islander."

Everyone gasped.

"Wait-what?"said Cameron in disbelief. Everyone turned their attention to the entrance of the backyard.

"Beth! What is going on?"Indi asked in shock.

The Islanders waited at the edge of their seats in anticipation for a few seconds before they saw a shadow emerging.

"Oh my god, please be a guy."Liv groaned.

They all eagerly looked on.

Finally, out of the darkness and into the light, the new Islander approached.

"Woah."said Indi.

Their eyes widened.

VC-Dolph-Whats up. The name's Dolph Ziggler aka Perfection aka Mr Steal Your Girl aka The Showoff! Im 29 and im a model, comedian and stripper. Basically, im the whole package. Im everything you can ever need in a man. Im good looking, romantic, funny, driven, financially stable and a beast in the sheets. Heres a little fun fact about me, ive been on every dating show that WWETV had to offer. Yet, im still single. I guess you can say im a bit of a player and a heart breaker, you either take it or leave it. I like my women sassy and feisty. That turns me on a lot. There's a certain girl in the Villa that has caught my eye and im going after her, I dont care who I piss off. Im not here to make friends.

"Whats up people!"said Dolph as he stood next to Beth.

VC-Seth-Yea I have my issues with Dolph. I dont like the guy okay. Theres just nothing about him that's likeable.

"Everyone, this is Dolph....and he's your newest Islander."Beth introduced.

"Booo!"Seth gave a thumbs down. Dolph chuckled.

"And since he is the newest Islander that means....right now, he has to couple up with someone. And he can do so with any girl that he wishes to."Beth added.

"Shit."Ricochet quietly said.

The men that were already coupled up suddenly seemed uncomfortable.

"Luckily for him though, we have four single girls in the Villa. Dolph, you can either choose to couple up with Sasha, Bianca, Liv or Tay. But, you're not just limited to them. Everyone is up for grabs. Even Summer and Aliyah."

"Its okay Beth, I already know who I want."Dolph confidently said.

"Well....who's it going to be?"she asked.

His eyes scanned every single one of the girls, making all of their hearts race (and for some of them, not in a good way).

"I want to couple up with this girl because I really dig her personality. She's not scared to speak her mind and express how she feels. I think her and I would be an interesting combination. The girl id like to couple up with is......"

A hopeful Liv closed her eyes. Meanwhile, Jey and Damian were glaring holes through Dolph. Tay had her fingers crossed.

Sasha was on edge a little. Could Dolph be talking about her?

VC-Sasha-Ive known Dolph a long time and theres never been any kind of romantic feelings involved-ever. I know I could be dumped from the island right now but....I really dont want to be coupled up with Dolph *laughs* He's just not really my type.

"The girl id like to couple up with is........Cameron."Dolph said.

"Dude..."Damian said in defeat.

Cameron's jaw dropped. She was just as surprised as everybody else.

VC-Indi-Woah....No one could have seen this coming. What the hell?

"Dolph and Cameron it is."said Beth.

Indi buried her face on Ricochet's shoulder.

To say the least, this caused a lot of upset among the other Islanders, especially Damian's close friends.

"Beth, this is fucked up."Jey said.

VC-Ricochet-This Villa just got flipped upside down.

Cameron got up from her seat next to Damian and met Dolph half way.

"Hi, im Cameron!"she said as she stuck her hand out for Dolph to shake.

He kissed her hand instead and said, "Im Dolph. Nice to meet you finally."

Damian's face was red with anger.

VC-Damian-This is....absolute bullshit. Fuck...

Together, they took their seats.

VC-Cameron-Awww he came in here and chose me? Girl, I feel so special right now! Im so flattered. Plus he's cute as hell so I aint got any good reason to be mad.

Damian got up from his seat and stormed away from the recoupling bench.

"Damian."Beth called out.

Jey, Ricochet and Carmelo quickly followed behind him.

"Ugh why is he so dramatic?"Cameron complained.

VC-Cameron-Damian, why are you doing this? You're embarrassing yourself boo. Chill.

"Damian, you good bro?"Jey asked as he caught up to him.

"Yea man, I just-I just need some time to cool off."he said as he paced up and down.

VC-Sasha-I have never seen Damian react this way to anything. He must really like Cam.

VC-Damian-Im pissed. Im so fucking pissed. Things were going so good with Cam and I and now Dolph comes and throws a wrench in everything. There were four single girls he could have picked from. This guy just made an enemy out of me and I dont think he's going to like the consequences.

After cooling off for 7 minutes, Damian along with the other guys returned to the recoupling bench.

"Its a game dude. Grow up."Dolph commented to Damian.

"Damian, glad to see that you've returned."Beth said before an argument could have broken out, "Hopefully now we can proceed."

Damian nodded.

"Damian, now that Cameron has been taken from you, you are now single. You, AdamC and Seth are the only single guys at the moment. However, we have four single girls. By the end of the night, everyone should be in a couple. This is where the real recoupling starts. Sasha, Tay, Liv, Bianca, please come stand next to me."

The four women got up from their seats and joined Beth where she was standing.

"This is not good."said Ricochet under his breath.

The girls all held hands.

"Seth, Adam, Damian, tonight, you must choose to couple up with any of these four girls. The girl that is not chosen...will be dumped from the island immediately."Beth said.

Sasha shook her head.

VC-Sasha-Once again, I find myself in this position. *sighs* My ego is taking a real hit right now.

"Without further ado, Seth, would you please stand?"Beth asked.

Seth stood up. He couldnt help but smile.

"You're smiling? Huh, thats interesting given everything that just happened."said Beth.

"I cant help it Beth."

"So Seth, you have been single ever since Britt got dumped from the island. Its time for that to change. Which one of these girls would you like to couple up with and why?"

"Oooo he's blushing."Cameron pointed out.

"No, no! Im not blushing."he denied as everyone laughed, "Um...I want to couple up with this girl because I made a promise to her that if we ever ended up in this situation that id have her back. She's one of my best friends and I think she really does deserve to be here. Plus, im closer to her than to any of the other girls at risk so no offense to them. I feel like there is a good chance of her finding love in here even though the last guy did her wrong. I dont want her giving up just yet so...the girl id like to couple up with is......The Boss herself!"

Sasha laughed.

"Sasha."he said with a smile.

She walked over to him and gave him a hug.

VC-Sasha-Who the hell would have thought, man. I cant believe im coupled up with Seth....and im not mad about it at all. Lets see what happens.

"As long as im here you're going to be here too! You're not leaving me! I wont allow it! I need all my heathens with me!"He jokingly said. She laughed.

"Thanks so much."she quietly said to him as they sat down.

"Dont thank me. You have nothing to thank me for. Come on."

She leaned her head on his shoulder.

"AdamC, please stand."said Beth. He did as was told.

"So Adam, ive never seen a man that was literally single but also in a relationship at the same time but....thats your situation right now."

He laughed, "Yea its quite the dilemma huh?"

"Yea, its kind of what he does Beth. He's no stranger to this situation."Seth commented.

"Did she ask you anything?"Adam asked him.

"Just thought it was a fun fact to point out."Seth shrugged.

"Anyway," Beth intervened, "Adam, you've been single ever since Allie got dumped from the island. But now, you have three girls to choose from. Will you be coupling up with Liv, with Bianca or with Tay?"

"Much like my acquaintance Seth, I would like to couple up with this girl because she's a great friend of mine and my girlfriend and, I feel like she has a lot left to give. She has been through so much and I feel-I hope that Love Island has a silver lining in store for her soon. She deserves to be happy."

Liv smiled.

"For strategic reasons, the girl id like to couple up with is Liv."

Liv rushed towards him and gave him a hug.

"Thank you so much."she said.

VC-Liv-Yea its bitter sweet recoupling with Adam. Im now in a couple with my best friend's man. And plus I gotta continue living in the Villa with Dean and Summer. But like Adam said, hopefully Love Island has a silver lining for me.

Being the last two remaining, Bianca and Tay held hands.

"Damian, now its all up to you."said Beth, "As we have just witnessed, Cameron was taken from you by Dolph which left you single. You can now choose to couple up with either Bianca or...with Tay. Who's it gonna be and why?"

"Fuck."he said with frustration.

VC-Damian-Here I am in this fucking situation again where I have to now send someone home. I love those girls, they're so great. I dont want any of them gone. They both deserve to be here. But now thanks to Dolph....I gotta be the bad guy and send someone home.

"Come on D. Do the right thing."Jey muttered.

VC-Jey-Obviously I dont want to see Bianca gone. Even though we aint a thing no more, imma still miss her if she goes home. Im hoping Damian does the obvious thing here and send Tay packing.

VC-Jade-Tay is my girl. We both came into this show through Casa Amor so obviously im on her side. I feel like Bianca has had many chances to find love but...she blew it. She expects these guys to be picture perfect. She needs to realize that it aint ever going to be like that. People make mistakes. Tay has been here for only 10 days and I feel like she has a higher chance of finding love than Bianca at this point. Tay one hundred percent deserves to come back.

Damian stared at the floor with his hands on his hips as he tried to come to a decision.

"Damian." Bianca called out to him. He looked at her.

"Its okay. No matter what you do theres going to be no hard feelings. Do whats best."she said.

"You're talking non sense Bianca, stay quiet."a panicking Indi said.

VC-Damian-Bianca has been here since day one. She's like the mom of the Villa, if she goes home we'll all miss her for sure. But....she has nothing romantic going on with anyone. Tay on the other hand has something going on with Carmelo plus, I can see myself being with someone like Tay rather than Bianca, we have a lot more in common. Fuck....this sucks so much.

"Do what you gotta do Damian, its fine."said Bianca, "She deserves it more than me."

"Ugh, I dont even wanna look."Bayley sighed.

Damian took a deep breath in and out. Then, he began to speak.

"You know...this show is called Love Island, not Friend Island. I feel like between the two remaining women, I see more of a romantic potential with one than the other. If not with me then I think this girl can for sure find someone here eventually. She hasnt been here that long either. Obviously....im talking about Tay."

"Oh my god. Im like-shaking right now."Indi quietly said.

Sasha couldnt bring herself to look at Bianca.

Jey shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

Damian continued, "Despite that, im the type of guy that likes looking out for people that has looked out for me. In friendships, im loyal to a fault. She saved my ass from going home the last time we were all here so im going to repay the favor. Id like to recouple with Bianca. Im so sorry Tay."

Bianca smiled as she shook her head. It was as if she was disappointed with his decision.

"I cant do that to you B, I literally cant."said Damian.

"You should have."she said as she walked over and gave him a hug.

VC-Bianca-I have nothing going on for me right now, why should I even be here? Im the best candidate for being dumped off the island. I hated that Damian felt like he had to repay me because I really wasnt looking out for that. Thats not what the show is about. No one owes anyone any favors here. If he had sent me home, it would have been fine. But...he's a good guy with a good heart.

The universe has a funny way of making things happen, doesnt it Bianca?

"Unfortunately for you Tay, this is the end of the road."Beth said to her, "You have 30 minutes to pack your stuff and say your goodbyes. As for the rest of you, i'll see you guys very soon. Keep in mind that your days here are numbered. You dont have much time left. Take care guys."

With that, Beth took her exit.

Everyone immediately got up from their seats to say their goodbyes to Tay.

"You were robbed girl."Jade said to her as she gave her a hug, "It shouldnt have been you."

"Oh well."Tay responded.

VC-Tay-This really sucks because I was just starting to get to know Carmelo a little better but *shrugs* I cant do anything about it now. It was kind of unfair for me because my Austin got taken from me and then most of the guys in the house were either in a relationship already or they were seeing someone. There were no new single guys for me to get to know and I didn't want to piss any of the the other girls off. But then I connected with Carmelo and I was really looking forward to that. But Aliyah got to him before me. I had a lot of fun during my short time here. I would do it all over again if I can. Once again im not leaving with love but Liv did say that she has an ex just my type that she can hook me up with so, I hope she remembers! Bye Love Island! It was fun!

Everyone waved goodbye to Tay as they watch her walk towards the entrance gate of the Villa, rolling her luggage behind her.

"Tonight was such a shit show."said Indi.

"You can say that again sister."said Liv.

VC-Jade-Right now we have a lot of couples that arent making sense. Seth and Sasha? Liv and Adam? Bianca and Damian? Its really random I mean, this recoupling came and flipped everything on its head. This Villa is like scattered puzzle pieces right now.


10:12 pm

After saying goodbye to Tay, some of the Islanders decided to get ready for bed while some of them headed back into the backyard.

VC-Damian-Im still really heated about the whole situation with Dolph. He had four beautiful, single girls to choose from but yet he decides to take my girl away from me. It just proves that he's here to cause drama. I remember him saying that this is just a game. Its...not just a game. Im here looking for love. If it was just a game for me I would have been clinging onto Sasha still.

Cameron, Dolph, Summer, Aliyah and Carmelo were all seen hanging out on the outdoor sofa. At the same time, Damian was seen approaching them.

"Did you cool down buddy?"Dolph asked him.

"I still dont understand why you would choose Cam."Damian said, ignoring his question.

"What do you mean?"Dolph asked.

"Dolph, you had four hot girls to choose from."Damian said as he sat down.

"But I wanted Cam."

"And how are you so sure that you and Cam would be compatible?"

"We'll see how it goes. You said it yourself earlier man, this is Love Island, not Friend Island. If I see someone that I know might be a good match for me im going to go after her. Why cant you be mature and respect it? You can just go ahead and move on to another girl like you're used to doing. Stop acting like your life is ruined."

Damian shot up from his seat as if he was about to go manhandle Dolph but at the same time, Carmelo and Cameron also got out of their seats and convinced him to calm down.

"Come on, we need to go talk."Cameron said to Damian as she grabbed his hand and pulled him away.

VC-Dolph-Ive been watching the show just like everybody else and I have a lot of theories about whats going on. Sure, this show is about finding love but at the end of it all, its still a competition. I think a lot of people are forgetting that aspect of it and there is a lot of people in here that I think are just in it for the money. Damian is one of them. The show is getting close to the end and now that ive taken away his girl, he's at risk. But guess what, I dont give a shit.

"I feel like you're overreacting about everything."Cameron said to Damian as the two stood in a private corner.

"You expect me to not be upset after everything that went down tonight?"

"Yea but its not a big deal though! Why are you making such a big deal out of it? At the end of the day you're still here and im still here!"

"I just feel like he has a personal vendetta against me. He couldnt pick one out of the four girls? Are you kidding?"

"Oh my god Damian its not the end of the world!"

"So I guess you're happy about this then?"

"Damian we're here to get to know everyone right? Its what we have to do!"

"After meeting you I dont care to know anybody else."

"Damian,"she said with a little laugh, "Its only been ten days since we've met."

"Yea and you got me addicted."

She laughed.

She gave him a hug, "Being in a couple with someone dont mean shit okay. Im still here for you."

He nodded. She could have tell that he was getting emotional. His eyes turned glossy.

VC-Damian-I dont want to let Cam know how I really feel about her. I dont want to scare her off. Plus, I'm not good with emotions. But...I really do like her a lot. I was planning on riding out the rest of the show with her but everything is up in the air now. This is why I try not to get attached to one girl. It always backfires.

VC-Cameron-I really wasnt expecting this reaction from Damian but what can I say, ya girl has that effect on people. Once they get a taste of me they aint ever wanna go back. I got one of the biggest players in the Villa getting emotional for me man, *flips hair*im next level. But seriously though...I dont know what im going to do. Dolph is fine, very fine. Either way, someone bout to be hurt.



Not life imitating art...

Y'all remember that scene I wrote of Carmelo thirsting for Sasha when she did the split during the challenge?

Carmelo, you been reading my books?

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