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continuation of day 34

7:12 pm

The backyard was used for the site of the dates. There were two tables set up on the lawn, each with two chairs on either sides. Summer and Aliyah werent stationed that far away from each other.

Due to the massive expense Dean and the guys put us in earlier, we couldn't afford to have the dates in a fancier location.

The atmosphere was serene; perfect for the occasion. There was subtle lounge music playing in the background for a more immersive experience. The rest of the Islanders were told stay away from the backyard to give the dates their privacy. Some of them looked on from the terrace (like Indi and Cameron).

"How are you feeling about this?"Indi asked Cameron as they both secretly watched Damian and Summer on their date.

"Well obviously im a little jealous but its not going to be hard for me to move on."said Cameron.

"Damn, so you're not even going to try to fight for him?"

"Me? Fight for a man? Girl, there are so much fish in the sea."

VC-Cameron-Damian and I have been two peas in a pod since we met in Casa Amor but....im not expecting him to commit to me just yet and im not going to commit to him either. We're still in the 'having fun' stage. I dont understand why people get possessive over someone they've known for only like a week. Couldnt be me. Damian's gonna have to give it to me real good for me to want to fight for him.

"Yummm, this looks really good!"said Summer as Damian placed both plates of food onto the table.

"So what we got here is some Puerto Rican delicacies. We got Mofongo which is mashed, fried plantains and then I made some Pinchos which is basically grilled chicken kabobs with barbecue sauce to the side."said Damian as he took his seat.

"Oh wow! I didn't know you were Puerto Rican. I thought you were a New Yorker."

"I am. I was born in New York but then I moved to Puerto Rico with my mom. I spent about ten years there and then I came back to the U.S when I was a teen."

"So thats how you're so skilled in the kitchen huh?"

"Yup, my mom and grandma taught me well."he laughed.

"Husband material for sure."Summer smiled.


"I am so sorry I burned the potatoes." Carmelo apologized to Aliyah as he placed both dishes onto the table.

She laughed, "How did that even happen?"

"I don't even know."he said as he sat down, "My mom's gonna be so pissed at me when she sees this. I can already hear her saying 'Melo, how you gon burn the damn potatoes boy? I thought I raised you better than that.'"

The dish that Carmelo had prepared for Aliyah was initially supposed to be rib eyed steak and baked potatoes. However, its fair to say that they were going to pass on the potatoes.

"So, how did you feel about me asking you on this date?"Aliyah asked.

"I was thrilled. Aint nothing bad about spending time with a beautiful girl like yourself. Cant complain."

She blushed, "Awww. So whats going on with you and Bianca? Tell me a little bit about that."

"Man, I don't even know. Things between her and I were really good up until the Poll Dancing challenge. I just feel a little disconnected with her at the moment."

"Maybe you shouldn't be kissing her friends behind her back."Aliyah cheekily said.

"Well, I can't take it back now can I?"he said with guilt.

"Its a good thing I'm not her friend though."Aliyah winked.

Carmelo grinned, "You got a point."


"Describe yourself to me in just a few words."said Damian to Summer.

"Fun, fiery, spontaneous, free spirited."

"Okay, okay. Right up my alley."

"What about you?"

"I think i'll have to steal your answer because I'm all of those things to. I love having a good time. I find it hard to take life seriously because theres just so many things to enjoy."he said.

"Im not going to lie, you seem like a ladies man. I can't ever see you settling down with just one woman."

A guilty smile grew across his face.

"Im right aren't I?"she asked.

"Okay yea like in my past it was hard for me to stick to just one girl but I do think that I'm on the brink of change."

"Oh yea?"

"Cam came in and just blew me away. At the moment I don't feel the want to even look at other girls because she's everything I needed. She's someone that I can be myself around. She's fun and crazy and I like that."

"Thats adorable. So I guess theres no chance for me to change your mind huh?"

"I mean...anything's possible."

VC-Damian-I really enjoyed my date with Summer but....as hot as I think she is, my mind was on Cam the whole time. This is weird. This has never happened to me before. Ive never felt so strongly towards a girl. Its either that Love Island is starting to mess with my head or....ive found the one.


"So I remember you saying that you're a nurse and an Instagram model?"Carmelo asked Aliyah.

"Yup."she nodded.

"Those are very interesting occupations to have simultaneously."

She laughed, "Yea I'm honestly thinking of retiring as a nurse. I want to move to Vegas to be a Cirque du Soleil performer. I never really enjoyed being a nurse, I've always loved performing."

"So then why did you do nursing?"

"I grew up with really strict parents that thought pursuing a career in entertainment was unrealistic. So to please them, I went to nursing school. But now that I'm older, I just don't care anymore. I want to do what I want to do. I want to live my life and have fun."

"Preach it! I like that shit."

"Now that I'm here, I'm feeling like a free bird. I just want to make the most out of this experience you know?"

"I think you'll need a guy to help you do that."

"You're right. Got anyone in mind?"

"I know a dude. He's 26, 5 foot 10, he's a Leo, extremely attractive. I know for a fact he thinks you're fine."Carmelo said, describing himself.

"Oh yea? He sounds like he's my type. I wonder if he'll be able to handle me?"

"What do you mean handle you?"

"Like I said, I feel like a free bird. I want to have a great time. Im not here to get stressed out. Im here to be....satisfied."

Carmelo nodded, "Oh I see what you mean. Trust me, he'll be able to handle you."

"Well then, I guess I'm interested."

VC-Carmelo-Aliyah is someone that definitely has my interest and....it seems like she's interested in me too. I adore Bianca but I feel like I'm not getting anywhere with her at the moment. If a fine girl like Aliyah wants to mess with me then....why not? Melo dont miss baby!

"Thank you for the incredible date!"Aliyah said as she and Carmelo both stood up.

"Hope I made you fall in love."Carmelo jokingly said.

She laughed as she went in for a hug. As they hugged, she also gave him a quick kiss.

VC-Aliyah-The sexual tension between Melo and I is through the roof. I feel like this date just made it even more intense. I wonder how he'd feel about sharing a bed with me tonight *laughs*

After the girls were done with Damian and Carmelo, it was now round 2. Send in Dean and Jey!

Aliyah rubbed her hands together as Jey approached her with his food, "Oooo, that smells good!"

"Yup, your taste buds are about to take a trip to the Pacific Islands girl!"said Jey as he rested the two dishes down onto the table, "This right here is Palumalau Sosi Pe'epe'e."

"Wow! I have no idea what you just said."

Jey laughed, "Its roasted fish seasoned with Thai and Indian herbs and covered in coconut sauce."

"Exotic! I love it!"

"Exotic dish for an exotic girl. Plus, gotta represent my culture you know?"he said as he sat down.

"You're Samoan right?"she asked.

"A proud, pure blooded one."

"Ive never had Samoan food."

"You're gonna love it ma, trust me."

They clinked their glasses of wine together and then dug in.

"Wow! This is really good. I love a man that can cook."Aliyah complimented him.

"With me, you'd never have to cook a day in your life. You'd have to do all the grocery shopping though. I hate that shit."he said as she laughed.

"So you're Jimmy's twin brother right?"she asked.

"Yea, you know that fool?"

"Yea I met him through Temptation Island. Are you guys identical twins?"

"Nah, im the better looking one obviously."

She burst out laughing, "I mean...id have to agree with that. No offense to Jimmy.

"Yea that fool went and dyed half his hair red. His ass out there looking like a damn Stop sign. But thats my brother so, im allowed to talk shit about him."

"It must be awesome having a twin."

"Ehh...its alright. Its a lot of pressure on me because im everyone's favorite twin but what can I do? This life chose me."

Aliyah laughed, "Oh, I see."

Jey cracked up, "Nah im just playing. Having a twin is pretty cool. I cant imagine life any other way."

VC-Aliyah-Jey is definitely very charming and very funny. And I love a guy that can make me laugh. It makes sense as to why he's a player. He's easily able to make any girl fall for him. I think we hit it off really well.


"Dean what is this?"Summer laughed.

Dean placed his two plates onto the table. Each plate had three hot dogs on them.

"Bon appétit."he said.

"Really Dean? Is this the best you could have done?"

"Its July fourth. What else are you expecting?"he asked.

"I just had a fancy Puerto Rican meal."

"Well now you're having a traditional American meal."

Summer laughed, "You're still the same old Dean. You haven't changed one bit."

He smiled as he chewed his hotdog.

To please him, she took a bite of her hot dog. Then, she quickly spat it into her napkin.

"Dean, I think the sausages are a little undercook. Its really rubbery."

"Seems fine to me."

"Anyway," she said as she pushed her plate to the side, "I bet you thought you'd never see me again huh?"

"Not really. Its kind of refreshing to see you actually."he said.

VC-Summer-Sooo...Dean and I were never in a relationship. We were basically friends with benefits. Back in 2017 I met him through doing The Challenge and after the show was over my friend Alicia and I would throw a lot of parties and a lot of the cast members would attend. And thats how Dean and I got closer. We were hooking up until 2018 before he got himself into a relationship. We even had an encounter last year, 2020. Before he complicated his life with these women he chooses to go after, I was the one keeping him busy.

"So how long have you been single now?"Dean asked her.

"For quite some time. My careers had me busy. Rarely had time to date around. Thats why im here."

Dean nodded.

"Its weird we never gave things a shot before. Have you ever thought about what a relationship between us would be like?"she asked.

He shook his head no, "I never really had the time to think about it to be honest."

"Yea because you've been busy chasing these girls that treat you like garbage."

He rubbed the back of his head,"Yea its just...one thing after another. Its been that way since 2018. I dont even know what the fuck ive been doing wrong."

"I must commend you on how loyal you are though. You choose to put up with the complicated bullshit even when you know its very easy for you to crawl back to me. I'll accept you with open arms and legs any day."she said with a giggle.

"Yea I know but...you're out there doing your thing, im out here doing mine. I just feel like metaphorically we were on two different boats. After 2018 we rarely crossed paths."

"You're right. But I'm here now and...you're single. Im single. If you want to take a trip down memory lane anytime then I'm all for it, if you know what I mean. No strings attached."

Dean nodded.

"I know how much you've been stressed out lately with everything thats been going on and I feel like you need someone to be by your side and help you relax. And I don't only mean in a sexual way. You need someone thats going to make the rest of this show fun for you. Someone that you can lean on."

"Summer, I can't escape the drama if I wanted too. As long as Liv is here, theres going to be chaos."

"Well then...maybe she needs to leave."

Dean didn't respond. Instead, he quietly finished out the rest of his beer.

"I can see that you're a bit hesitant. She got you in chains baby. You need to break free."

"Look, I'm not trying to be in a relationship right now. So if thats what you're after then....you gotta look elsewhere."

"Then...why are you still here? On a dating show?"she asked.

Again, he kept quiet.

"Look,"she said as she placed her hand on top of his, "I just want you to know that im here for you. You're allowed to have fun. Stop letting Liv dictate things for you."

All he did was nod. It was almost as if he wasnt too interested in what Summer was saying.

VC-Dean-Its a bit annoying that almost everyone wants to put in their two cents about whats going on with Liv and I. I know what im doing okay. I dont need anyone's opinions. Just....let me do me. I'll figure my shit out.

VC-Summer-Its not that he's not looking for a relationship, the poor boy is scared to get himself into another one. Its so sad to be honest. But...I cant blame him.


After 45 minutes with Dean and Jey, Summer and Aliyah's last dates were finally completed. When the chairs and tables were moved away, the backyard was quickly occupied by the rest of the Islanders.

VC-AdamP-Today is the fourth of July so everyone decided to celebrate it the good ol' fashioned American way by drinking beer, eating burgers and lighting up some fireworks. Even though the United States pisses me off sometimes hell, i'll celebrate its independence day. Any excuse to drink.

The Islanders were all seen dressed in outfits containing the USA flag (even the Islanders that werent American).

"Happy birthday America!"Tay yelled as she waved around an American flag.

Ever since returning from his date with Summer, Dean noticed that Liv wasn't being the clingy ex girlfriend like she was used too being. Instead of pulling him aside and questioning him about everything, she remained hanging around Aliyah.

He was a little surprised by her change in behavior but nonetheless, he headed over to where Damian and AdamP was to hangout.

VC-Liv-So...Aliyah gave me the rundown of Dean and Summer's history because Summer had told her about it. Obviously knowing that a girl he used to hook up with is now living here in The Villa is going to bother me a lot but...I need to remind myself that we're not in a relationship. I'm going to stay true to my word. I'm going to distance myself from him. He obviously knows that I want him, I want to see if he wants me just as much.

"Did you enjoy your date today?"Jade asked Jey, taking a seat on top of his lap as he was sitting on a daybed.

"It was alright. Aliyah's cool but I don't think she's for me."

"Thats what I like to hear. She better keep her distance if she knows what's good."

Jey smiled.

"You think I'm really gonna choose her over your sexy ass?" He asked.

"I know you ain't that dumb Jey."

He leaned in and kissed her.

VC-Jey-I feel like I'm finally able to let go of everything that happened with Bianca and really enjoy myself here with Jade. It took me some time but....I'm moving on. Time really does heal everything.

"I cant wait to go to the Getaway room with you."said Jade as she stroked his beard.

He grinned, "Damn, what you got in store for me?"

"Baby, what I got for you, it might just change your life."

"You got me suffering over here."he said as he leaned in and kissed her again.


10:45 pm

As the night progressed, the July 4th celebration became increasingly wilder (for a certain group of Islanders that is).

At the the moment, Carmelo was seen in a three-way kiss with Aliyah and Tay in the pool.

Cameron cheered them on.

VC-Tay-A bunch of us are in the pool and we're having drinks and having a good time and...you know, enjoying each other *giggles* Im a very flirty, touchy person okay! Make love, not war, right?

Aliyah, Summer, Tay, Carmelo, Damian, Cameron, Liv, Indi and Ricochet were all in the pool. The rest of the islanders were close by, looking on. Those that were in the pool were also either partially or fully naked after Summer suggested skinny dipping.

VC-Liv-Ive been naked on tv before, its whatever.

Yes, this is exactly what the founding fathers would have wanted. God bless America.

VC-Carmelo-So, after my date with Aliyah, Bianca pulled me aside and told me that things with her and I doesnt seem like its going to work out so I was like....alright. If she feels that way then theres no going back. Tonight, Aliyah and Tay has been giving me a lot of attention so imma kick it with them and see how it goes.

The trio had drifted off into a corner of the pool, a little further away from everyone. Everybody else that was in the pool had their eyes on them as they continued frolicking and making out.

VC-Indi-I think Aliyah, Tay and Carmelo forgot that everybody else was in the pool and can clearly see them being horny for each other. Like..come on guys. Get a room.

"YOU GUYS KNOW WE CAN SEE YOU RIGHT?"Liv shouted to them. Aliyah laughed. But not long after, the three left the pool and headed into the villa.

Summer gasped as she watched them, "Oh my god."

"Dont tell me they're going to hook up in there."Indi said.

Cameron raced out of the pool and followed behind them. Eventually Liv, Damian and Indi did the same.

Seth, who was sitting nearby watching all of the action go down with Finn, was seen shaking his head.

VC-Seth-Its nice to see the newer generation of reality stars follow tradition. They're young, wild and horny. I remember my days. Good times, good times.

Liv met Cameron at the communal bathroom upstairs. She was standing by the door.

"Is the door open?"Liv asked her.

Cameron carefully opened the door to the bathroom and peeked inside. She shrieked and slammed the door shut.

"Are they really doing what I think they're doing?"Indi asked.

Cameron nodded.

"Oh my god! Y'all are some freaks!"Liv shouted.

VC-Carmelo-Like I said, Melo dont miss.


day 35

8:23 am

AdamC was seen heading into the outdoor kitchen where Liv, Alexa, Indi and Ricochet was.

"Ooo, guys he's coming."Liv said to them.

As he finally entered into the kitchen, they all yelled out in unison, "Happy birthday Adam!"

He blushed, "Awww thank you guys!"

VC-AdamC-Yes, today, July 5th, is my birthday. I was kind of hoping Lexi wouldnt tell anyone because I wanted to keep it low key but...who was I kidding? Everyone was obviously going to get to know. You cant hide shit from anyone in this Villa.

The crew that was in the outdoor kitchen had prepared a breakfast buffet for all the Islanders in celebration of Adam's birthday.

"We gotta make him a birthday cake. Whats a birthday without cake?"Ricochet said.

"Oh, he got all the cake he wanted last night."Alexa said with a wink.

"Yea, if I were you guys I wouldnt use the daybed on the right thats facing the pool."said Adam.

"You animals."Indi disappointingly said.

At this point, we should just burn every single piece of furniture thats in the Villa.


"So, I heard there was a threesome last night?"said Bayley as she, Bianca and Summer was in the dressing room.

"Yup, thats the word on the street."said Bianca as she sprayed sunscreen on her legs.

"This Villa is so crazy."Summer laughed.

"Did y'all know that after Melo was done with those two girls, he came back and slept next to me? Like, who does that?"Bianca complained, "Yea we're coupled up and we got to share a bed together but like...dude, you just banged two girls. Your ass should be sleeping with one of them."

"Yea thats messed up."Bayley agreed.

VC-Bianca-As soon as I let Carmelo go, he goes and has a threesome......pft, *laughs* all I can do is laugh to be honest. It would have never worked out with him and I anyway.


10:34 am

"Dude like-I feel so much better after last night."Carmelo was saying to Damian, Jey and Ricochet as they were hanging out on the recoupling bench, "My mind feels so much clearer right now."

"No joke, when you go without it for too long it drives you insane."said Damian.

"Yea and especially when you're getting tempted everyday."Carmelo added, "Dont kill me Jey but resisting B was tough task to do every single day."

"Dawg, you aint gotta tell me that, I know! I been there."said Jey.

"But yea, I feel so much better today. Before last night, I hadnt gotten freaky in like two months."

"How do y'all think im feeling right now?"Jey said.

"Oh right. Guys, Jey hasnt had any yet."Ricochet told them.

"Yea so please shut the hell up about it. Its been months dawg, months. Y'all out here having threesomes and shit. The most I got was a dirty pic from my ex. I should be coupled up with my right hand instead of any of these girls."said Jey as the guys bust out laughing.

"So Jade's making you wait too?"Ricochet asked.

"Yea we talked about it and she said she wont be comfortable getting freaky in a room with a bunch of other people or on any of the day beds so y'all, next time the Getaway room is available, help a brother out. If y'all want me to survive the rest of this show, send my ass to that Getaway room!"

"You got my word man."said Ricochet.

And just like that, Jade has become my favorite Islander.

"Dude so, between Tay and Aliyah, who are you feeling more?"Damian asked Carmelo.

"Honestly....bruh I dont know. I got to spend some more time with them to get to know them on a deeper level."

"Last night wasnt good enough?"Jey asked.

Carmelo laughed, "Nah bro. Last night was just....months of frustration being released."

VC-Jey-Carmelo said he and Bianca aint messing with each other any more because she called it off so....I mean, I dont know where that leaves her. She aint messing with anybody right now. I...feel really bad for her for some reason. *sighs* I definitely feel some guilt.

At the same time, Tay was seen approaching the guys.

"Speak of the devil."Ricochet murmured.

They all got quiet when they saw her.

"Hi boys!"she said.

They all greeted her.

"Carmelo, can I talk you for a second."she asked.

"Sure."he said as he got up and followed her to a daybed.

"So...last night was really fun."she smiled.

"Yea for sure."

"And....you're single right?"

"Yup, very much so."

"Well im single too and im really interested in getting to know you more. I just felt that chemistry between us last night and I was like oh my gosh, theres something there. Like honestly at times it felt like it was just you and I in there, no offense to Aliyah or anything."

"Yea last night was a movie."he smiled, "But Im glad to hear that you're interested because you're obviously gorgeous and honestly, ive been into you for quite some time."

"And...obviously a recoupling might be coming up soon. Id love for you to maybe consider recoupling with me if its guys choice."

"No doubt about it. And id appreciate the same from you."

"Of course!" She smiled, "Well I think we should hang out some more then! I really want to get to know you better."

"For sure, for sure."

VC-Carmelo-Tay is a wildcard in the Villa. She's single, she's not attached to anyone and she has a very vibrant, crazy, bubbly personality that attracts a lot of people. I like those things about her and shit, if she wants to get to know me more, who am I to say no?


Bianca found Sasha laying on a daybed in the backyard.

"Hey. Is it cool if we talk for a second?"she asked her.

Sasha sat upright, "Sure."

Bianca sat next to her, "Look...I would hate for Carmelo to be the reason why our friendship falls apart. I cant stand being in here and not speaking to you. Can we just...forget everything that happened and move on?"

"Yea but I dont want to be friends with somebody that deep down inside thinks im a bad person."

"I dont think you're a bad person Sasha."

"Yet you go around believing anyone that has anything negative to say about me."

"Sasha I didnt want to make it a problem. I knew if I told you what was said, that there would be drama. I was trying to avoid that. The reason I said that I didnt care about what happened between you and Melo was because I didnt want any problems. Deep down inside though, I was hurt. Im so used to people always doing shit behind my back so when I find out that my friend went behind my back and kissed this guy that I was trying to get to know....it hurt. And then I find out about you and Tez and...I was really bothered by it. Im not some heartless robot. These things are going to affect me."

"Okay but its not like I kissed your boyfriend Bianca. You and those guys werent serious. You wanted nothing to do with Tez and you and Melo had only known each other for a day at the time. How could you even compare your situation to mine with Xyon?"

"I just feel like....in a friendship, there are boundaries. And you crossed those boundaries. You acted pretty selfish. All you needed to do was tell me about what happened but you chose not to."

Sasha frustratingly sighed, "I feel like if we keep this conversation going we're going to end up arguing again."

"I didnt come here for that though. Look, we're grown ass women okay. I apologize for lashing out on you like that a few nights ago. I hope we can just...move on and be at peace with each other from here on out."

Sasha nodded, "Yea and well...I apologize for what happened with Melo and Tez. My intentions wasnt to hurt you Bianca. But...im sorry for everything."

"Can we hug?"

Sasha smiled, "Of course."

Both women shared an embrace.

VC-Bianca-Like I said, I wasnt going to let a man be the reason why Sasha and I turn against each other. Im a better person than that. As for Sasha and I's friendship...I feel like its definitely fractured. Even though we buried the hatchet, I dont think we may go back to how we were before. I feel like Sasha is still holding a bit of a grudge but...*shrugs* I did what I can do and thats that.

VC-Sasha-I feel like the less people I associate with, the better for me. I got Seth and Indi, they're my two closest friends here and...im content with that.


8:43 pm

"To the birthday boy!"Summer said as she and all the other Islanders clinked their champagne glasses together in celebration of Adam's birthday.

Soon after, the impromptu birthday party that the Islanders decided to have for him commenced. The music was turned all the way up, the drinks were never ending and all in all, everyone seemed to be in great spirits.

Sasha was even seen taking Tequila shots with Indi and Bianca despite the tension. But what was most important was that both Bianca and Sasha were seen with smiles on their faces.

But little did the Islanders know of the chaos lurking ahead.

"Islanders!"said a voice that made many Islanders' hearts skip a beat.

Damian went and cut the music.

They all looked towards the entrance of the backyard. It was Beth.

"Oh fuck."Liv said.

"I need all of you to meet me at the firepit immediately."Beth announced.

The Islanders, now filled with anxiety, all looked at each other.

VC-Liv-Oh my god like...there are eleven girls. There are only nine boys. If theres a recoupling tonight, that means two girls could be going home.

VC-Bianca-I am not feeling good about this one *sighs*

With a sense of impending doom, everyone followed behind Beth as if they were going to the gallows.



coming up next-

"This recoupling is not your ordinary recoupling. The newest Islanders will have first dibs which means.....they have immunity tonight." said Beth.

VC-Indi-No one could have seen this coming.

VC-Ricochet-This Villa just got flipped upside down.

VC-Damian-This guy just made an enemy out of me and I dont think he's going to like the consequences.


A/N-Alright so my summer semester of college is finally over so my main focus will be on this book. No more waiting two weeks for an update again (hopefully).

Also, did any of you see that Dolph Ziggler was on Love Island USA this week? He hosted a Summerslam themed challenge for the Islanders. I love when my two worlds collide. Its also awesome seeing him on the show considering some of the plans I had for this book.

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