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Day 51

8:30 am

"Rise and shine everyone!"Liv said as she pulled open the blinds of the communal bedroom, letting in the early morning sunlight, "Its our last day here. Lets make the most of it!"

Finn sat upright on his bed. He looked over to Bayley who was still asleep.

"Can you guys believe this is it? Its our last day?"Bianca asked as she also sat upright on her bed.

"I felt like ive been here for a year."said Seth.

"Ladies and gentlemen, its been a pleasure getting to know all of you."Montez said.

"Damn Tez, dont be so dramatic. We got some time left."Liv said.

VC-Bayley-Today is the big day. Yes, the day that this experience comes to an end. Im feeling both excited and nervous because....im excited to leave the Villa with Finn but I think we all know that the real test is seeing if these relationships we formed is going to survive in the real world.

Unfortunately Bayley is right, today is the last day of Love Island and its going to be an extra eventful and emotional one for our couples. The final ceremony will be taking place later on tonight. In the meantime, the Islanders will be tasked with writing their Declarations of Love which they will have to read to their partners at the final ceremony.

Dean and Montez were seen sitting on the lounge chairs by the pool. They each had a pen and paper in hand to write their Declarations of Love.

Montez was busy scribbling away as Dean was seen staring up at the sky with the pen in his mouth.

"How much did you write so far?"Montez asked him.

"All I got is...my name and the topic. I was going to include the date but I dont even know it. Is it like the 8th of August or something?"

"My dude, its July."

"Shit, no way."Dean said as he wrote the word July on his paper, "Can I see what you wrote?"

"You cant copy off of me. Be original."

"Dude I dont even know what a Declaration of Love is."

"Its in the name."

"I'll give you fifty bucks to do mine."

"Man....no. This is where you gotta pour your heart out on a piece of paper for Liv. Write about how much she means to you. Get all up in your feelings!"

"Who even writes anymore? Using pens and papers is so out dated."

"Man you're distracting me."Montez said as he got up and walked away.

"I wonder if Seth will do it?"Dean muttered.

Speaking of Seth, how about we check in to see how he's doing with his Declaration of Love. Huh, strange, he seems to be co-writing it with Sasha....in the shower.....without any pens or paper.

"Yo, who the hell is clapping right now?"Liv loudly asked as she was also in the bathroom. She was fully aware of what was going on.

My theory is, Seth's Declaration of Love was so good that Sasha just had to give him a round of applause.


Bianca and Bayley were seen sitting together on a day bed working on their Declaration of Love. What helped was the fact that Finn and Jey were in front of them on the lawn playing a game of soccer. It gave them all the inspiration they needed. Especially since they were shirtless.

"The truth is....I have an attachment to him."Bianca said to Bayley, talking about Jey, "Even though we spent two or three weeks not speaking to each other, what gave me comfort was the fact that he was here, in the house. I really dont know how im going to handle being away from him when we leave the Villa."

"Have you made your mind up about if you're going to continue seeing him when the show is over?"Bayley asked.

"No. Girl, trust me...I want to. But my guard is up extra high. Im conflicted. I dont want to be away from him but....I dont want to get too close. My guard was always up with him, even before this mess with Mandy."

"Well...I dont know what to tell you."

"I know. Its a sticky situation."

"Thats what you get for going after one of reality tv's biggest fuckboys."

Bianca laughed, "I cant help it. He's irresistible."


6:30 pm

All five men were seen dressed in matching black suits and standing in front of the recoupling bench as the final officially kicked off.

"Wow. Dont you all look dapper."Beth said to the men as she made her entrance.

"You look amazing yourself, Beth."Montez responded.

"Thank you. So, gentlemen, welcome to your final Love Island ceremony. I have the girls waiting inside to make their grand entrances. When they get here, we will have the reading of the Declarations of Love that all of you have written. After that, then the winner of Love Island will be revealed. Understood?"

The men nodded.

"Well, lets bring out your women shall we?"Beth asked.

"Please."Montez said.

The first to walk out, in a long black and white dress, was Bayley.

There was an ear to ear grin on Finn's face when he saw her.

"You look lovely."he said to her as she walked over and stood next to him. She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Next to make her entrance was Jade.

Montez whistled when he saw her.

She walked over to him and gave him a hug.

"You got me nervous over here."he said to her, "You look beautiful."

"You're looking fine yourself."she said as she straightened his bowtie.

The next girl to make her entrance was Bianca.

"Damn."Jey said when he saw her. His eyes watched her every step as she walked towards him. He couldnt help but lick his lips.

She went over and gave him a hug. He then leaned in for a kiss.

"You got me speechless."he said to her.

"Good."she giggled.

Making her entrance right after Bianca was Liv.

Her face lit up when she saw Dean in his suit.

"Awww you look so handsome!"she said as she ran over to him and hugged him.

He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You look sexy as fuck babe. As always."he said.

She smiled, "Thank you! Its nice to see you in an actual suit for once instead of a leather jacket and cargo pants."

"I look good, dont I?"

"Hell yea you do!"she laughed.

And finally, Sasha made her entrance.

She and Seth both smiled when they laid eyes on each other.

"Wow."he said under his breath.

She made her way over to him. He took her in his arms.

"You look absolutely stunning."he said to her.

"So do you. Its weird seeing you in a regular, black suit."she said.

"You mean a boring one. This provides no drip at all."he said.

"You still look sexy though."

He begged to wear one of his ridiculous suits but on this show Seth, no means no. This is where we draw the line.

"Ladies, you all look drop dead gorgeous."Beth said, "So now that you're all here, lets officially kick off the finals shall we? To begin, we'll have the reading of the Declarations of Love. Earlier today, each of you had the task of writing a heartfelt speech about how you truly feel about your partner. Now, its time to read it to them. Finn and Bayley, we'll start with you. The rest of you can take your seats."

The four other couples all took their seats on the recoupling bench as Finn and Bayley remained standing. They both each had their pieces of folded paper in their hands.

Finn cleared his throat and began reading from his paper, "So erhm, i'll start. Bayley, these past few weeks have been wild. Not a lot of people understand us and....thats okay. We shouldn't have to live our lives trying to prove anything to anyone. I love the fact that I am still standing opposite you right now. We both have witnessed relationships fall apart. Thats why I feel privileged to still be here with you. We walked into this show together and we are walking out together. You mean so much to me. More than you will ever know. And please, if you ever start doubting yourself just know that....my love for you is unconditional. You are my life partner, my best friend and...I love you Bayley."

Bayley blushed. Then she began reading what she wrote.

"Finn, I think there is a reason why we are so strong. Its because we are best friends first and lovers second. Ive never met a more amazing man. And im lucky to be able to call you mine. Sometimes when things seem too good to be true then they usually are. You are one of those things that seem too good to be true. Sometimes...I cant believe it. I cant believe that I struck gold. You are the most understanding, most kind, most caring person I know. Not to mention how insanely hot you are. You are the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and im the leprechaun that has found you and will not let you go. I love you too Finn."

The pair then shared a kiss.

"Awww."Liv gushed as she and rest of Islanders clapped for them.

After Finn and Bayley took their seats, Dean and Liv got up and stood at the center.

Liv decided to read her Declaration of Love first.

"Dean, from the very first moment I laid eyes on you back in 2019, I knew there was something special about you. I knew one way or another, you were meant for me. Our relationship has been put through the wringer. We have hurt each other, we have broken each other down. And now that we are building each other back up, I believe that we are going to be stronger than ever before. We're a work in progress and its something ive come to accept. I believe that one of my purposes in life is to love you unconditionally. And that is exactly what im going to do. No matter what babe, I am with you on this crazy journey called life for as long as you want me to be. I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you to the moon and back."

Bianca was seen looking at Jey and smiling even though he wasnt looking at her. Hearing the other Islanders profess their love for their partners resonated with everyone. They all could relate. For once, there was no tension in the air, only love. And it was contagious.

Dean then cleared his throat, "Well Liv, I want you to know that I put my heart and soul into writing this Declaration of Independence and I mean every word of it."

"This should be good."Montez whispered.

Dean began reading, "My dearest Liv, we're no strangers to love. You know the rules and so do I. A full commitment's what im thinking of. You wouldnt get this from any other guy."

The Islanders looked at him in confusion.

"Please tell me he's not doing what I think he is."Seth muttered.

Dean continued, "I just wanna tell you how im feeling. Gotta make you understand. Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry. Never gonna say goodbye. Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you."

Everyone burst out laughing.

"This motherfucker rick rolled us on the final day."Montez said in disbelief.

"Leave it to Dean to be the only one to not take this seriously."Sasha said.

"I hope thats really not what you wrote."Liv said as she faked a laugh.

"It is."Dean showed her the paper. Indeed, the lyrics to the song Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley was what he wrote. Liv's jaw dropped. Her heart broke a little.

"But I didnt need a piece of paper to write my Declaration anyway."he said as he crumpled the paper and threw it aside.

He locked eyes with her and began speaking from the top of his head, "Lets get serious now. Liv, you are the ray of light in the dark tunnel that is my life. Sure, you're a pain in my ass sometimes but.....I love it. Id rather you annoy me for the rest of my life than not have you in my life at all. I was hesitant about coming onto this show. It fucked with us. But just like everything in life, it was a learning experience. Ive learnt that even though I like to act like id be okay on my own......if you're not in my life then id feel empty. If you're not in my life, you're still always going to be on my mind. You've been on my mind since the first moment we shared together on that other shit show. There can be a million other girls wanting me, at the end of the day, they aint you and they dont matter. Thank you for showing me kindness, for being my happiness and for showing me love. These things are pretty new to me so when I do get it, I dont really know how to act. You dont know how much I really love you and care about you. Im still working on ways on how I could be able to show that to you. Its not easy for me. But im trying. I dont like being vulnerable. But being with you made me realize that I can be vulnerable around you. Im a pain in the ass myself, I dont know how or why you put up with me. Theres a million reasons why you should have left a long time now. But....thankfully you're still here and you still havent given up on me. Liv, I love you to death and...I just hope you know that."

By this time Liv's eyes were full of tears. She ran into his arms.

"I love you too babe."she said before she kissed him.

He used his thumbs to wipe her tears.

"Huh. Who wouldve thought he had that in him."Seth commented.

After Dean and Liv took their seats, Jade and Montez went and stood at the center.

Montez decided to begin reading what he wrote first.

"Jade. You are a true gem just as your name implies. Like I have told you before, I believe that I was given a second chance at this show for a reason. That reason is you. When I speak to you, I feel heard. I feel listened too. I hope you feel the same with me. You are my fascination. I am still very much intoxicated by you and I dont think im going to get sober any time soon. You are beyond beautiful, inside and out. Your daughter is blessed to have a woman like you to call her mother. I adore everything about you and I cant wait to see what the future brings for us."

With an adoring smile, Jade began reading her Declaration, "Montez, I am happy that I was able to meet you and got to know you. I love everything about who you are. You're loud, you're outgoing, you're goofy, you're funny but most importantly, you're a good man. You are the person I needed to balance my life out. Theres a saying that the heart wants what it wants and...my heart wanted you. We still have so much more to discover about each other and I cant wait to be on the outside with you."

They both gave each other a kiss before they took their seats. Seth and Sasha then took the floor. Seth chose to read his Declaration of Love first. He took a shaky breath in and then started.

"When I came into this villa, I had little intention of actually finding love. I swore my days for that were done. I was determined to be as cold as possible. But...Sasha, you didnt allow me to. After all, how could I be cold to someone that I genuinely cared for. I cant believe I was blind all this time. For the past 4 years, true love has been right in front of my face. However, I was looking in the wrong direction. I am thankful for this experience and what it has done for us. Do you know that song that goes like 'We found love in a hopeless place'? Yea, thats us."

Everyone giggled.

He continued, "Our love story hasnt been a perfect fairytale but I am confident that things will change as soon as we are out of here. Thank you for making me the happiest I have ever been in a long time Sasha. I love you."

"Damn, you made a Rihanna reference, I dont think I can top what you wrote but i'll try."Sasha said.

She then began reading what she had written.

"Here we are, two broken souls trying to heal each other. We are still very much broken and that is why I believe things have been difficult lately. You have your insecurities, I have mine and....because of that we keep clashing. But I think its beautiful that we're still trying to heal each other with love despite what we've been through in our pasts. Ive come to realize that you and I are very similar. I feel as though we reflect each other and it can be a good and bad thing. However, when I love, I love hard. You never need to feel insecure. I swear, you will always be safe in my arms. I love every piece of who you are. If you only knew how much you mean to me Seth, you'd never question it again. When I am with you, I feel loved, I feel cared for and...I know for a fact that you are my soul mate. This learning experience isnt over. We still have a long way to go. But I trust that we will make it out successfully without ever leaving each other's sides. I just want you to know that no matter what, im with you. I will be by your side. I love you, im in love with you and I will continue to love you Seth."

Because he was too choked up to say anything, Seth pulled her in for a kiss. Sasha could have tell that he was emotional because of how red his nose and cheeks had gotten.

"You got me, okay. You got me. Im yours."Sasha held his face and quietly said to him.

He tucked her hair behind her ear and kissed her on her forehead. For a moment, they both had forgotten that there were other people around them. They had gotten lost in each other.

After they sat down, the last couple, Jey and Bianca took the stage.

Bianca opened up her paper and began reading.

"Jey, I dont know where to begin. You've made me both love you and hate you all within a day. But love conquers all. You are one of my favorite people in the world and I couldnt imagine not having you in my life. Those weeks that we didnt speak was very challenging for me. I missed waking up next to you, I missed going to sleep next to you, I missed your arms around me, I missed our late night pillow talk. I wouldnt have easily forgiven anybody else for doing what you did but....you mean too much to me and I can never stay mad at you. I am happy to see that we have picked up right where we left off. I would love nothing more than for us to keep progressing. People can say what they want about you Jey, I will keep defending you. I see the good in you and I see your beauty. I cant wait to see what the future brings for us."

With glossy eyes, Jey proceeded to read his Declaration of Love.

"Bianca, you gave me a second chance when I didnt deserve it. You picked me up when I was down and hopeless, feeling like it was the end of the world. You breathed life back into me. I still dont think I deserve to even be in your presence. But thank you for your kindness even though I dont deserve it. I just want you to know that the love I had for you never went away. I felt like it has only grown stronger. You are the definition of a strong woman with a good heart. You are the best of the best. There aint anybody else that can come close to you. You the one while everybody else is the twos. I dont expect you or want you to say it back but...Bianca Belair, I love you more than you can imagine. I adore you. You are above everybody else to me. I hope your faith in me stays strong because I see you as my endgame. I hope some day you can see me as that to. Im prepared to work for it though. Good things dont come easy. Love you, B."

Bianca pulled him close for a quick kiss and then together, they took their seats.

"All of your Declarations were absolutely beautiful guys."said Beth, "Now.....its time to crown the winner of Love Island. Can all of you please stand?"

All five couples did as was asked.

Beth continued, "As you may have known, the public has been voting for their favorite couple for the past few days. The couple with the most votes will take the title of the public's favorite couple and also, the winners of Love Island. And now....the results are in. Coming in fifth place is the couple of..........."

Everyone held their partner close as they waited to hear Beth's answer.

"Jade and Montez."Beth said.

The pair gave each other a kiss as the rest of the Islanders applauded them.

"Guys, what are your thoughts on placing fifth?"Beth asked the couple.

"I was expecting this."Jade said, "Im not mad about it at all. Tez and I still have a long way to go romantically compared to the other couples. Its all good."

"Fifth place aint bad at all Beth."Montez said, "Im just lucky to actually be here still. Especially with this beauty right here. Personally, I felt like im the one that really won."

"So I think its fair to say that you guys will be keeping in touch?"Beth asked.

"Oh hell yea."Jade said.

"Thats great to hear. You both can take your seats."Beth smiled, "And now.....the couple that placed fourth place is..........Finn and Bayley."

Finn leaned over and gave Bayley a kiss as the other Islanders applauded them.

"Finn, Bayley, what are your thoughts on placing fourth?"Beth asked.

"Well we cant argue about what the public thinks."Finn said, "It is what it is."

"I am just happy to have made it out alive with Finn. Im tired of letting what people think affect me."said Bayley, "Its not going to change the fact that I love this guy right here."

Finn smiled and looked at her, "I love you to."

"Finn, Bayley, you both came onto this show together unsure of what might have happened between the two of you. You put your strong friendship at risk and as a result, a relationship blossomed. Do you think the experience of being on the show was worth it?"Beth asked.

"For sure. It made me realize that the connection I have with Bayley is very strong, especially since it was able to survive this show."said Finn.

"A lot of the other couples went through hell. Finn and I cant relate. That says a lot about us. We should be role models."said Bayley.

"Well said. And now.....its time for our third place couple. The couple that came in third is the couple of......."

Seth and Sasha tightly held hands.

Liv looked up and Dean.

Jey put his arm around Bianca's waist.

"Dean and Liv."

Liv's jaw dropped.

Dean nodded.

"What are your thoughts guys?"Beth asked.

"You know what.....its whatever."Liv said, "I know Dean and I went through hell and back on this show so that may have made the viewers a little unsure of us. But its fine. At the end of it all, im still in a happy relationship with the man of my dreams and...thats all that matters."

"Im just happy to end this experience with Liv."Dean said, "We've been here from day one, its the last day now. The only way I was going to leave this show was either by myself or with her so, im happy im leaving with her."

"Liv, I understand that you wanted to come onto this show because you were experiencing problems in the relationship. Have you guys learnt anything from being here? Anything that could help your relationship when you go back home?"Beth asked.

"I have."Dean said, "I know that I need to be more open with her and put more effort. If you love someone, you need to show them. I know what I need to work on now."

"As for me, ive learnt that....nobody can compare to him."Liv said, "Ive fallen more in love with him now than ive ever been before. I feel like the relationship is brand new again. It feels like we're starting fresh."

"Thats beautiful guys. Now.....only two couples remain. Seth and Sasha and....Jey and Bianca. But.......there can only be one winner. And....the winning couple of Love Island is......."

Seth took a deep breath in.

Jey had his eyes locked on the floor.

Everyone's hearts were racing, even the couples that were already placed.

Sasha looked up at Seth and smiled.

"I love you."she mouthed to him. He mouthed it back.

Jey pulled Bianca close to him. She laid her head against his chest as she waited in anticipation for Beth to make the reveal. Finally, she did.

"Jey and Bianca!"

Everyone's jaws dropped.

"Oh my god."Bianca said with tears in her eyes. Jey pulled her in for a kiss as all the other couples loudly cheered them on.

As the winning couple celebrated, Seth wrapped his arms around an emotional Sasha to comfort her.

"Jey! Bianca! Congratulations! You are the winners of Love Island!"Beth congratulated them, "But before I get to you guys, Seth, Sasha, you guys are the runners up. What are your thoughts?"

Sasha looked over to Jey and Bianca and simple said, "Jey, Bianca, congratulations. Im happy for you guys."

Bianca went over and gave her a hug. She could tell that Sasha was disappointed.

"Seth, Sasha, you both have had very interesting journeys here on Love Island both individually and together. What are you taking away from this experience?"Beth asked.

Seth smiled and looked at Sasha as he responded with, "A girlfriend."

"Perfect answer."Beth said, "Jey, Bianca, how are you feeling?"

"Man....I cant believe it. I really cant."Jey said with a shaky voice, "To everyone that has faith in us still, thank you."

"There is nobody else id rather end the show with Beth."Bianca said as she looked at Jey, "Jey and I have been through a journey on this show. To emerge as the winners is just...crazy."

"I thought my ass would have been kicked off the island so many times so...yea, to be one of the winners is...insane. For real."Jey added.

"Well guys, winning Love Island means that you've won the cash prize! The question is...which one of you will win the money?"Beth asked.

Everyone looked at her in confusion.

She then brought out two golden envelopes.

"So guys, in one of these envelopes are two cheques, each for one hundred grand. Let me remind you that the cash prize is a total of $200 000. In the other envelope is....nothing. To begin, im going to have you each take an envelope. There is no way of knowing which envelope has what in them. One of you will get the envelope with the money and other will get the envelope with nothing. Whoever gets the envelope with the money....it will be your decision on whether you're going to be giving your partner one of those cheques or....if you're going to be keeping it for yourself. This is the ultimate and final test of your relationship guys. Are you ready?"

Jey and Bianca nodded.

"Bianca, we'll start with you first. Go ahead and pick any of the envelopes."

Bianca chose a random envelope. Jey took the remaining one.

"So now, go ahead and open your envelopes guys."Beth said.

Together, the pair open the envelopes.

Everyone gasped.

The envelope with the two cheques belonged to.........Bianca.

"Shit, im about to leave broke."Jey joked.

"So Bianca, the decision rests on your shoulders. Will you be sharing the money with Jey or....will you be cashing in and keeping the money for yourself?"

"Sasha, its a good thing you didnt win."Dean said, "We all know what Seth wouldve done if he got the money."

Sasha couldnt help but laugh.

After a few seconds of pondering the decision in her mind, Bianca began speaking.

"Beth.....Jey means a lot to me. But...I cant forget what he's done. I dont think I deserved the hurt he put me through and you know what.....I feel like this extra one hundred grand is going to help me heal for sure. I am the EST of WWETV after all. Now im about to be the rich-EST of Love Island."

"Damn bruh."Jey muttered, "Its aight though B. You can have it."

"Really?"Bianca asked.


Bianca laughed, "Im just playing with you Jey. Beth, im splitting the money with Jey."

"No for real, you can have it."Jey said, "I dont need it."

"Shut up and take your money."Bianca said as she gave him a cheque.

"Well there you have it. Bianca, Jey, congratulations on winning Love Island! As for the rest of the couples, congratulations for making it to the end and finding love! This journey has been very exciting and I am honored to have been able to host it. I hope you enjoy your last few hours in the Villa! It was a pleasure getting to know all of you. Take care everyone!"Beth said.

The Islanders all raced up to her to give her hugs before she left.

GC-Seth and Sasha

Sasha-Im going to miss being here. I think this show is going to have a special place in my heart. *looks at Seth* Im so happy that it brought us closer together. We made so many memories here.

Seth-I think this was the best summer ive ever had. Thank you for that.

Sasha-No, thank you.

Seth-Its all finally sinking in. I cant believe I have a girlfriend again. I think this is the first time in the history of the dating shows where im actually ending my experience on a good note.

Sasha-And all it took was me to come in and rock your world.

Seth-*leans in and kisses her*

After Beth left, hand in hand Dean and Liv ran straight towards the pool and jumped in (still fully clothed). Instead of questioning it, the other Islanders followed suit.

Before Montez jumped in, he had made sure to grab a bottle of tequila with him.

"We're getting drunk tonight everyone! Open up!"He said as he poured some tequila right out the bottle and into this mouth, "Who wants next?"

"Me!"Liv and Sasha shouted.

VC-Jey-Ive been on the highest of highs and lowest of lows on this show. I am not going back home the same man that I was when I came here. This show humbled me for real. I learned a lot from it. And im glad I learned the hard way.

VC-Liv-Ive experienced every emotion known to man while being on this show. But in the end, it was all worth it. So long Love Island. Thank you for all you've done. Its been wonderful.

On behalf of WWETV, id like to say that this program was made possible by contributions from viewers like you, thank you. Thank you for your support for the past 7 weeks and thank you for putting up with all the mess that these stupid idiots made. This is not a goodbye, this is a see you later. My name is Y2J Chris Jericho aka the real star of the show, finally signing off until next time.

See you guys at the reunion hosted by yours truly!

I told you this wasnt goodbye!


Coming Up Next-The Reunion.


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