#Reunion pt 1

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In This Universe...

Love Island Ended-July 21st 2021

Reunion Takes Place-2 months after (September 25th 2021)

Location-Orlando, Florida


"Hello ladies and gentlemen! I hope you're all having a marvelous night! And even if you are then guess what, your night is about to get a whole lot better! Let me welcome you to.....The Highlight Reel with yours truly, Le Sex God, Chris Jericho!"the host of the reunion said.

Chris continued as he spoke to the audience, "Let me tell you, it is so great to finally be in front of the cameras, where I rightfully belong. Being behind the scenes was tough. But it is great to be face to face with the people ive been forced to look at for 7 weeks. Wasnt I the best narrator ever?"

The audience responded in disagreement.

"You're all wrong."Chris said as he began speaking to one of the cameras, "Anyway, folks tonight we have a lot in store for you. Here with me right now are the people that you have spent 7 weeks watching. Yes, every single soul that was on Love Island is here with me tonight!"

The cameras panned around the room to confirm what Chris was saying. Unlike the past reunions that have happened on WWETV, instead of regular audience members, the audience was filled with every single cast member that appeared on Love Island. There was all of the OG Islanders that kicked the show off like Eva, Matt and Austin, there were the sexy singles that joined the show later on like Dana, Mustafa and Carmella, there were all the girls from Casa Amor like Penelope, AJ and Allie, there were the guys that were in the Villa when the OG guys were at Casa Amor like Andrade, Kenny and MJF, there were the surprise visitors that made a brief appearance on the show like Paige, Lana and Becky, there were the Islanders that ended up being fan favorites such as Damian, Indi and Jojo and finally, there were the Islanders that became Love Island villains like Mandy, Aliyah and Xyon.

"But....as all of you may notice if you look around....some Islanders are missing."said Chris.

He then pulled out his phone and proceeded to send a text.


Everyone gasped at the oh to familiar sound.

"Guys! I got a text!"yelled one of the first Islanders to be in the Villa, AdamC. Everyone cheered.

Adam stood up and began reading the text out loud.

He said, "Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for Love Island's final five! Hashtag, they are better than all of you. Hashtag stay winning. Hashtag kings and queens."

"Thats right!"Chris said, "Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together and help me welcome our finalists! Starting with..... the literal mom and dad of Love Island, Montez and Jade!"

Hand in hand, the couple made their entrance to the sound of the audience wildly cheering them on.

"Give it up for a couple that is totally real and not boring, Finn and Bayley!"

The couple waved to the audience as they made their entrance.

"Please welcome a couple thats more toxic than the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, Liv and Dean!"

Arm in arm, the couple made their way out and greeted the audience.

"Please, give it up for the best friends turned lovers, the king and queen of arguing with each other, so good at arguing that I hope they become lawyers in the future, our runners up, Sasha and Seth!"

"Couldnt we get anybody else in the world to host this? Where is Beth?"Seth asked as he and Sasha made their way out.

"And finally, put your hands together for a couple that is just as bad as all the other couples but for some reason, our viewers couldnt get enough of them. Give it up for your winners of Love Island......Jey and Bianca!"

The cheers got louder as the pair emerged on stage.

"THATS MY BOY!"Jimmy cheered from in the audience, "THATS MY BOY RIGHT THERE!"

"What kind of host insults their guests like that?"Bianca asked Chris as she took her seat.

"Insult? I was just stating facts."Chris said as he also sat down.

He then turned to the cameras once again, "Like ive stated before, every single person that appeared on Love Island is here whether they wanted to be or not. However, the only person that is not here tonight is unfortunately....Beth."

Everyone groaned.

"I wish it was the other way around."said Seth.

"Can you blame her?"Chris asked, "None of you ever made her feel welcomed when she showed up in the Villa. Seth, you even called her the grim reaper."

"Yea because she's like the female equivalent to Hunter. Nothing good ever happened when she showed up."Seth responded.

"She had 7 weeks with you guys, she's had enough. I cant blame her for not wanting to be here."Chris said, "Im just kidding, Beth couldnt be here due to her hectic schedule. Her hosting career took off after Love Island. But thats okay, im here!"

"Boo!"Seth said as other Islanders also booed him.

Chris continued talking to the camera, "Now, let me officially welcome all of you to the Love Island reunion! You the viewer and I, the best narrator in the world, have spent 7 weeks with every single one of these Islanders here with me tonight and boy, did it feel like we've spent a year and half with them. We've seen their highs, we've seen their lows, we've watched them make mistakes, we've watched them change for the better, we've seen strong relationships crumble and we've seen new relationships blossom. To say the least, Love Island had everything you could have asked for. It was like all of the other dating shows combined into one. There was an element of finding your perfect match, there was an element of temptation and there was an element of exes showing up out of nowhere."

"Thats so true."Liv nodded.

"So guys, how has it been being back in the real world after the show ended? Bayley?"Chris asked her.

"Its been....different. Real life starts again after the show ends. Suddenly you have more serious responsibilities than just deciding who to recouple with or who to dump off the island."

"Bianca, you've been in the Villa since day one, how has readjusting to the real world been for you?"Chris asked.

"Well I definitely agree with what Bayley said. Going back home was so crazy. I definitely missed the Love Island life style. Waking up with everybody else, spending my day with everyone, wearing bikinis all day, doing challenges, chasing love. I miss it even though some times it stressed me out."

"What about you Jey?"Chris asked, "Your story here on Love Island was such an interesting one. You came in, you got the girl but then...you blew it. But luckily, you got another girl however....after weeks together she realized that she wasnt interested anymore. But fortunately for you, the first girl felt sorry for you and gave you another chance which led to the both of you winning the show. How has life been since?"

Jey grinned, "Uh....its been great. Life's been great."

"Bianca, what is the real reason that you gave that poor soul another chance because-to be fair, you seemed very hurt by what he did."Chris asked.

"I was very hurt by what he did. When I found out about the messages between him and Mandy, I felt like the rug was pulled out from under my feet. I had so much faith in him and then he went and did what he did. I tried with other guys but....I just didnt have the same spark with them that I had with Jey. When I found out that Jade and Tez hooked up, I knew that Jey would have been devastated. And you're right Chris, I felt sorry for him. He didnt deserve that. I saw a good opportunity to try to mend things. Dont get me wrong, I had no right to do what I did and give him a second chance. But....I guess the love I had for him never went away. Jey really meant a lot to me."

"I just want to add something."Damian said from in the audience, "Jey felt really horrible about what he did. I know it doesnt make the situation better. But...I was at Casa Amor with him, I know how down and out he was about the whole thing. The guy was depressed. He literally didnt want to talk to anyone. But then Jade came along and helped him snap out of it. Thats why when she ditched him, it messed him up more than it should have."

Ricochet then began speaking, "Right before Casa Amor, Dean, Seth and I were helping him plan a way to get Bianca back. But then we left for Casa Amor and everything went to shit. Seeing how depressed Jey was about the situation made all of us realize that the feelings he had were one hundred percent real. That boy wasnt playing. So Bianca, giving Jey a second chance was a great choice. In my opinion, he deserved it."

"They my dawgs for life."Jey smiled.

"We got your back dude."said Damian.

"Okay but if he was so in love with me then why was he sexting with his ex?"Bianca asked, "I have never gotten an answer to that question yet and ive been asking it since we were in the Villa."

"The guy was horny and needed some."Dean said. Liv put her hand over his mouth to keep him quiet.

"That makes the situation worse."said Bianca.

"Im going to be honest."said Jey, "Mandy sent the photo first. And....instead of ignoring it like I should have...I responded to it. I was wrong for that. Imma take all the blame."

"Mandy, why would you send him naughty pics knowing that he was pursuing Bianca?"Chris asked.

"Because she nasty."said Naomi as a few of the other Islanders cheered.

"Im nasty?"Mandy asked, "Woah woah woah, is there something wrong with sending naughty pics to my ex boyfriend that I know was single at the time?"

"You really gonna play dumb?"Naomi asked, "Bitch you knew he and Bianca had something strong going on! The man told you he wanted nothing to do with you-"

"Jey was a single man! There was nothing wrong with what I did. Did I wreck a relationship? No."Mandy argued, "Bianca is just so insecure that she had to go and make these pictures a problem!"

Bianca stood up from her seat, "Insecure? Girl, really?"

Mandy also stood up, "Really!"

"You know what, you right. Yea im gonna be insecure when the biggest skank of reality tv is messing with my man!"

Sasha, Naomi and a few other Islanders loudly clapped.

"Bitch, I dont like bringing down other women like this but...its what you are! Time and time again you keep proving that you a damn skank!"Bianca added.

"Okay okay, lets settle down now."said Chris.

"You have no respect for yourself or for anybody!"Bianca yelled, ignoring Chris.

"I dont even see what your issue is."Mandy argued, "The pictures that I sent Jey is nothing he hasnt seen before. And you're lucky we were just sexting because if I allowed him, we would have hooked up and you wouldnt have even know it! You're lucky that I gave your so called man the satisfaction that you werent!"

"If that aint the definition of a skank, I dont know what is."said Bianca as she sat back down.

"Okay so we know that you sent pictures Mandy."said Chris, "Jey, did you send any pictures back?"

"Yea he did."said Mandy.

Jey didnt respond.

"So behind the scenes, you guys were sexting but face to face, you guys were acting like you hated each other?" Chris asked.

"Chris, I gotta admit like....at the time, I didnt see how wrong what I was doing was."said Jey, "Mandy and I was in a relationship for a long time so getting those type of texts from her was normal. Being on the outside now....I can see how fucked up it was."

"Pft, what the hell?"Sasha commented.

"Sasha, you seem to be outraged by what Jey just said."Chris pointed out.

"Im not outraged its just that....how can he only see how wrong what he did was after the show was over. Jey you're a grown ass man, you're out here talking like a kid and trying to defend yourself even though you're guilty as shit."

"I know im guilty Sasha. Im not trying to act innocent. Im just telling y'all as it is."

Sasha scoffed, "You're just....ridiculous. Dont even get me started."

"Get started, let me hear what you gotta say. For some reason you got this grudge against me girl and I dont know what for."

"You're saying all this bullshit now about how you didnt know what you did was wrong ONLY because you never thought you'd get caught!"

"Preach it."said Montez.

"If no one found out about these texts then I am so sure that he and Mandy would still be sexting with each other!"Sasha added.

Jey didnt respond.

"Jey, do you have anything to say?"Chris asked.

"Imma stay quiet because y'all dont really wanna get me started now."said Jey.

"You got nothing to say because you know what I said is true."said Sasha.

"I'll say something."Bianca butted in, "All this shit happened in the past okay. Lets just move on. Im tired of talking about it and im sure everyone is tired of hearing about it. Talking about it aint gonna change what happened."

"So I take it that you two have gotten past this issue?"Chris asked Jey and Bianca.

The pair nodded.

"And...where do you stand with each other now?"

Jey and Bianca looked over at each other.

"Well.....some of y'all may not wanna hear this but.....we've been officially in a relationship for about two months now-"Bianca was saying before the audience erupted into cheers.

"YESSS IM HERE FOR IT!"Indi yelled.

"Wow! So it finally happened?"Chris asked.

"Yessir it did."said Jey.

"Take me through it! How did this come to be?"Chris asked.

Bianca began speaking, "Well...after the show ended...we didnt leave the island. I mean, we both had just won a hundred grand each so.....we spent an extra week in Fiji together in a villa, just the two of us and....yea, it was right then and there we both decided to make it official."

"Who asked who to be their boyfriend or girlfriend?"Chris asked.

"I guess I did."said Bianca, " We had a really long, deep conversation during our first day vacationing and I brought the idea up and he was really surprised that I was even talking about us being in a relationship. I was like....yea. Lets just do it. I was tired of battling with the decision in my mind. I knew it was risky but...I knew that I loved him so I was like, what the hell. We won the damn show, might as well make it official. The people voted for us, lets repay them. If it works out then....great. If it doesnt then...thats it."

Jey leaned over and gave her a kiss. Once again everyone cheered them on.

"I love that for you guys!"Liv said as she clapped.

"Jey, you look like the happiest man in the world right now."said Chris.

"I am, Uce. I am. And its because of her."Jey put his arm around Bianca.

"Jey while watching you on the show, there were many reasons why I felt sorry for you. One of those reasons is because....you were the only dude in the house that wasnt getting any action."said Chris.

Everyone laughed.

"Every other guy in the Villa was getting it on....except you."Chris said, "For crying out loud, Roman got it on twice in one night."

The cameras panned to Roman who pretended to not know what he was talking about.

"Yea that shit was tough. I swore I was a born again virgin."said Jey.

"But I think its fair to say that....that has changed."Chris asked.

"Hell yea Uce! Hours after filming was done, B and I left the Villa, got a hotel room and went at it like rabbits!"Jey happily said.

Bianca hid her face with her hands.

"We sure as hell made up for all that time we lost imma tell you that!"he added.

"Was the wait worth it?"Chris asked.

"One thousand percent!"Jey responded.

"Well congratulations to the new couple. Im happy that your story had a beautiful ending."said Chris, "We'll check back in later with you guys though because im not done with you yet. Indi, Ricochet, how have you guys been?"

"Ive been great."said Indi who was sitting at a table with Dana and Doudrop.

"Not to bad myself."Ricochet added as he was sitting at a table with Mustafa and Damian.

"I think when you guys got dumped from the island it was one of the most shocking moments on the show. Were you expecting that?"Chris asked.

"Not at all."said Indi.

"I dont think any of us were expecting that."said Liv.

"I couldnt believe they were actually in the bottom 3."said Damian.

"I agree."said Chris, "I think all of us were expecting you two to be one of the final five couples but....the public thought otherwise. Why do you think that is?"

"I think its because Ric had his head turned by Aliyah. Thats definitely why."said Indi, "All along we were going strong but then...he let Aliyah get in the way."

Ricochet was seen shaking his head.

"Ricochet, I remember on the show you made a comment saying that you felt backed into a corner by Indi. What did you mean by that?"Chris asked.

He sighed, "I dont even remember to be honest."

"Oh come on Ric, be better than that."said Paige.

"I dont! It was so long ago."

"So, what is the official status between you two now?"Chris asked.

"Well Chris....we're not together."said Ricochet.

"Really? What happened?"Chris asked.

"The distance-"Indi began saying until Ricochet cut her off.

"Its not the distance. Indi was hooking up with her ex."

The audience gasped.

"No Ric-"

"Thats exactly what it was."Ricochet cut Indi off again.

"Okay okay, someone explain their side of the story."Chris said.

"I'll go."said Indi, "After we left the show, we continued the relationship. I stayed in the US with him for a few days but then I had to go back to Australia. When I did, thats when things started falling apart-"

"No it fell apart because you were hooking up with your ex. You didnt even go back to Australia."Ricochet accused again.

"Let me speak! Okay, yes I am back together with my ex but I was not hooking up with him while we were together."

"Ricochet, you can give your side of the story now."Chris said.

"Its not much of a story Chris. Indi had me thinking that after she stayed with me in Kentucky, she hopped a plane and flew back to Australia when in reality, she hopped a plane and flew to Jacksonville, Florida. A few days after, someone sent me a photo of her and her ex at a beach in Jacksonville holding hands."

The photo that Ricochet was talking about came up on the screen for everyone to see.

"I asked her about the photo and she said she went to Florida to visit 'family'. Suddenly, she started making issues about the long distance relationship and it was just one problem after the other. Then, she finally said that we should go on a break. I agreed. Weeks passed by, I would try to call, I would try to text, she would never respond back to me. Then finally one day, she confessed that she reconnected with Dexter or whatever her ex's name is. At that point, I didnt want to hear anything else. I was over it."said Ricochet.

"And...is this ex the same ex that you were once engaged to Indi?"Chris asked.

Indi nodded.

"Wow. This is even more unbelievable."said Chris.

"She threw such a big tantrum when she saw you and I talking."Aliyah said to Ricochet, "And now she goes and does this?"

"Oh shut the fuck up Aliyah! Nobody even likes you!"Indi said.

"Ricochet did."Aliyah responded.

"Indi, I just have one question. Why?"Chris asked.

"Chris...how do I respond without sounding like a total bitch?"Indi asked.

"Save it Indi."said Ricochet, "I think we've all now realized that you came onto Love Island just for the shits and giggles. You just wanted clout. Your intention the entire time was to go back to your ex when the show was over."

"Are you joking right now?!"Indi yelled, "How dare you say that!"

"Because its true! Its what you did!"

"My boyfriend Dexter lives with me in Australia now, that was something that you didnt want to do! He actually made the effort."

"I wasnt going to move to Australia after only knowing you for 2 months Indi!"

"It was never going to work out anyway Ric so whatever! I couldnt deal with that long distance shit. It was frustrating."

"Yea, whatever! All those moments we had on the show, lets just flush them down the toilet right? Thank god we werent in the final five because we would have let a lot of people down!"

Indi folded her arms.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Chris turned his attention to Sasha.

"Sasha, you were one of Indi and Ricochet's biggest supporters. How do you feel about this?"

She sighed, "Im heartbroken. They're both great friends of mine and im crushed to know that they've broken up. But who knows, maybe I can step in and try to fix it? I'll be the love therapist."

Indi and Ricochet laughed.

"Do you think you're qualified to be a love therapist?"Chris asked.

"Hell no. I need a love therapist myself."said Sasha.

"Indeed you do."Chris said, now turning his attention fully on her, "I mean, you went through your fair share of trial and error. You tried with Damian, you tried with Xyon, then you had your brief encounters with Montez and Carmelo. But then finally...you struck gold with someone that you have known forever."

"Yea well you know the saying, you gotta kiss a few frogs before you find your prince."she said.

"Well it seems like everyone was rooting for you and Seth...except for one person. Nikki, when you made your appearance on Love Island, you made it clear to Seth that you are not in support of his relationship with Sasha. Why were you against them?"Chris asked.

"Because Chris, I know Seth. I know him better than anybody else. Plus after seeing them argue so much on the show like-how can you think they're meant for each other?"Nikki said.

"No no no, Nikki just has something personal against me."said Sasha, "This girl cant seem to stay off my back. Every single show my name keeps coming out her mouth."

"When you're messing with someone thats very close to me then of course your name is going to come out of my mouth."said Nikki, "Seeing you and Seth hurt each other and argue with each other almost every episode made me come to the conclusion that you guys were forcing the relationship. It was so hard to watch."

"Of course there were going to be arguments at first."Sasha answered, "Seth and I were still getting use to each other and figuring each other out as lovers. It was not going to be perfect."

"Everyone believes that you two just got together because you both were lonely."said Nikki, "Like, all of a sudden these feelings for Seth just appeared out of the blue like that? Seth was there before Xyon yet you caught feelings for Xyon before you did for Seth like....it made no sense. He was literally your last option."

"What the hell are you trying to say Nikki? What are you trying to accuse me of?"Sasha asked.

"Being a player. Seth said it himself, you're another Paige and another Alexa."

"And another Nikki."Paige added.

"Oh fuck off Nikki!"Sasha stood up, "Why dont you try to get a man and live your own life bitch! Stop worrying about what I do! You always seem to be worrying about what I do! Mind. Your. Business!"

Nikki shook her head in disappointment.

"Alright lets settle down now."said Chris as he turned his attention to Seth, "Seth, did these feelings for Sasha take you by surprise? Or did you always have them?"

"Like ive told her before, ive always been into her. I never thought id be her type though. But it did take me by surprise a little because I wasnt intending on falling in love with anyone. But....things changed between her and I on that show and suddenly the feelings kept on snowballing."

"Hmm. I feel like you're contradicting yourself Seth."said Chris.


"Well, I have a clip here with me that I want to show. Its a clip from The Challenge Takeover. Everyone, take a look."

Chris pointed to the screen and the clip began playing.

//From the Chapter-Tribunal Deliberations 5

Seth and Finn were seen sitting, having dinner together in the backyard.

"You know what ive noticed about Sasha? Ever since she was on that break with Roman she's been very possessive of you."Seth said to Finn.

"You think so?"

" She could be using you to fill that void Roman left. And thats not fair Finn. Take it from someone thats also been used a bunch of times dude."

Finn sighed, "You're right. Last night she was telling me that she regretted being with Roman. She said she wished she could have spent the last two years with me."

"Ooo those are some major red flags."Seth said as he ate his salad, "Do you believe her?"

"Not at all."

"The point is, she knew how you felt about her all along and she never gave you a shot. Dont let her wrap you around her finger. You shouldn't be anyone's backup plan."

Finn nodded.//

Everyone 'ooed'.

"Really Chris?"Seth asked, "What the hell are you trying to do?"

"Nothing."Said Chris, "I just find it very interesting that not too long ago you had these views about Sasha and now suddenly....you turned around and did the same thing that you warned Finn about."

Seth frustratingly shook his head.

"Sasha, what do you think about Seth's comments?"Chris asked.

"I didnt even watch Takeover when it aired so I didnt even know about that conversation."Sasha said, "But you know what, I wasnt using anyone and Seth knows that. People have been trying to paint me as this Roman obsessed, untrustworthy, unfaithful person. Thankfully Seth didnt believe those people. Those comments he made were stupid but whatever. He very well knows that he wasnt just filling the void that Roman left. There was no fucking void in the first place. If he had believed that and if I really was using him then we wouldnt have still been together, going strong for almost three months now!"

Everyone erupted in cheers.

"So everyone can keep trying to bring us down and keep saying shit about us, we'll let our relationship and our love do all the talking. The bottom line is, Seth and I are still crazy about each other so y'all can stop over analyzing and asking all these dumb questions! Fuck all of y'all. And thats all I have to say about that!"Sasha said.

"Couldnt have said it better myself."Seth smiled at her.

"Wow! So you two are still together?"Chris asked in surprise.

"We sure are."Seth answered.

"Yea so like, all of these questions dont even matter because we're still in a relationship."Sasha said.

"What is it like being on the outside together? Are there still trust issues? Are there still arguments? Is Roman still getting in between you guys?"Chris asked.

"Not at all."said Seth, "Things have been surprisingly calm between us. No outside interferences. Its been peaceful."

"Yea ever since leaving the show, its just been amazing between us."Sasha agreed.

The audience cheered them on.

"MY GIRL IS HAPPY GUYS!"Indi shouted.

"Does anyone have anymore fucking dumb questions about us?!"Sasha stood up and asked.

"Well im the host so of course I do."said Chris, "I am honestly happy for the both of you. But Seth, I have one last question to ask you. I remember you telling Sasha on the show that you were always hesitant to pursue her because you were concerned about how that would make Finn feel. Why were you so concerned about Finn?"

"Well you of all people should know the history those two share. I knew if I had tried to get with her it would have tainted our friendship."

"And.....has it?"

"Well.....I feel like it has."said Seth, "Ever since the big reveal of Sasha and I being in a relationship on the show, I feel like Finn has gone cold."

"No I havent."Finn responded.

"Yes you have dude. The bromance isnt much of a bromance anymore."said Seth.

"I think its all in your head Seth."Finn said.

"Then why did you try to get rid of Sasha and I that one time?"Seth asked.

Everyone gasped.

"What are you talking about?"Finn asked.

"On the show, during the last week when we had to vote for a couple to kick off the island, you and Bayley put your vote towards Sasha and I and then you fucking lied about it when I asked you. If that doesnt prove that he's salty about something then I dont know what does."said Seth, "You didnt think id find out huh, Finn?"

"We had to vote for the couple that we thought was the least compatible."said Bayley, "In my opinion, Seth and Sasha was that couple."

"He even told me that he and Sasha was arguing a lot so...yea didnt seem very compatible to me."said Finn, "He seemed really frustrated actually. I thought I was doing him a favor."

"But why did you lie about it?"Seth asked.

"He didnt owe it to you to tell you!"Bayley argued, "The votes were kept anonymous at the time for a reason!"

"I just feel like thats shady as fuck. You call yourself my best friend and then try to stab me in the back. And then when I confront you, you fucking lie Finn. Just say that you're salty."

"Salty about what Seth?"Finn asked.

"Because Sasha and I are together."

"You and Sasha are literally so full of yourselves."said Bayley, "You're in a relationship and now suddenly you think the whole world is jealous of you and is out to get you. No one cares about you guys!"

"No no no, you guys are the ones that no one cares about!"Sasha fired back.

"Seth of course things are going to be different between you and I."said Finn, "You very well know why. But dont for a second go around saying that im jealous of you and Sasha. That is not what it is. You're dating someone I have a lot of history with so for my sake and your sake, its best if I keep my distance. I value you as a friend-as a brother-and I dont want to let someone come in between that."

"So Finn, Seth, is it fair to say that the bromance is not going to be the same again?"Chris asked.

"I dont think so Chris. This is exactly what I was afraid of."said Seth.

"I dont understand why Finn is making me out to seem like im the problem."said Sasha.

"I just think you're a toxic person Sasha."Finn said, which made many jaws drop, "Personally, I want to keep my distance."

"You can think im a shitty person all you want but that has nothing to do with Seth."said Sasha.

"Jeez, he doesnt wanna fuck with you guys anymore!"said Cameron from in the audience, "Just accept it and move on. Stop fighting the poor guy!"

Everyone clapped for her.

"You have your reasons for acting the way you are Finn and...yea I guess I got to accept it. I hate that our friendship has to be fractured like this."said Seth.

"I think its for the best."said Finn.

Chris looked at the both men in shock, "Wow. Does anyone in the audience want to add anything to this?"

"I will."said Nikki.

Sasha groaned.

"I totally understand why Finn wants to keep his distance."said Nikki, "And I think its to protect Seth. I also think its out of respect. Did you guys remember what happened on Ex On The Beach? Sasha and Finn were messing around while she was still with Roman. If anything, Finn is looking out for Seth by keeping his distance. Thats what a true friend does."

"So you're saying that im gonna cheat on Seth with Finn? Is that what you're saying? You think I'm just foaming at the mouth for Finn?"Sasha asked.

"We know how you are Sasha. Finn is your comfort blanket."

Sasha's jaw dropped.


"Yea, we're done with this conversation Chris."Seth said as he put his arm around an emotional Sasha's shoulders.

"Y'all, just let them be."Naomi said to everyone, "They're in love and thats all that matters. Lets keep our opinions to ourselves."

"It hurts having your relationship be judged by other people doesnt it Sasha?"Bianca asked Sasha, obviously shading her.

"Yea I mean like Sasha is always judging and giving her opinions about everyone else."said Liv, "But if someone judges her she doesnt like that. If you dont like it then dont do it to others."

"Is this the Love Island reunion or is this the Seth and Sasha show?"Seth asked with anger in his voice, "This is getting ridiculous now."

"It indeed is the Love Island reunion Seth!"said Chris, "So far this reunion has been juicy but I think we need a quick break to let the tension die down a little bit. Coming up, we get an update on Alexa and Liv's friendship, we address Dean's player ways, we find out which couples are still together and who has split and also, a very special guest will stop by to give their thoughts on a particular couple! Who could it be? Stay tuned to find out. Dont go anywhere! The Love Island reunion will return after the break!"


A/N-Part 2 will be published in a few days. Im also working on a video for the book so thats going to take some time.

I have a fun question for you guys. Imagine that you were in the book, on the show at any given point in time. Who would you go after? Who would you be into? Me personally, Id rather be one of the OG islanders and probably might have gone after Damian (even though id be secretly crushing on all the other guys). I also probably might have waited to see who was into me and then make my pick. I wouldnt trust Damian the slightest bit but he seems like he'd be fun. The other guys had too much baggage in my opinion. But just saying, if Jey, Seth, Finn, Dean, Roman, Melo, Tez or any of the Adams wanted it, they could have gotten it 😂

What would you do? Let me know!


I also found these tweets on a Reddit post and tbh, I didnt know Sasha used to actually thirst for Roman lmaooo was I the only one that didn't know this

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