#Reunion pt 2

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A/N-You guys have a lot of reading to do so get your popcorn.


"Welcome back to the Love Island reunion ladies and gentlemen! Once again, I am your host, Le Champion, Le Sex God, Y2J Chris Jericho and this is The Highlight Reel!"the host said as he opened back up the show to the sound of the cheering audience.

"We have so much more in store for you tonight, including a surprise guest appearance. Who could it be? We'll have to wait to find out. But before we jump back into more controversial discussions that we all love, I just want to pay some special attention to one particular guest with us here tonight."said Chris, "Paige! How have you been?"

Paige smiled, "Ive been alright Chris. Enjoying the drama as usual."

"You know, a lot of the viewers were expecting you to show up on Love Island as a hot, sexy single. Instead, you showed up as a special guest for only one episode. I even think some of the Islanders were expecting you to show up as a single, isnt that right Seth?"

Seth didnt respond.

"The poor guy seemed paranoid at times."Chris chuckled, "But, what happened? Why only make a one off appearance? Were you not contacted by one of the producers?"

"Yes I was actually. But at the time when the show began filming, I wasnt single."said Paige, "You guys remember Drew and I were dating right?"

"Oh right! So thats why?"said Chris in shock.

"Yea but we broke up about 2 months ago, right when the show ended. Trust me, I would have loved to be an Islander. You guys know I bring the drama. It would have been so much fun."

"Definitely. I can only imagine the chaos that would have happened. Well we all sure did miss seeing you weekly on our screens." Chris said as the audience cheered for Paige.

Chris then began speaking to one of the cameras.

"During Love Island, one of the biggest twists on the show was when the men had went to Casa Amor- which was a separate villa filled with brand new sexy, single women. It was like Temptation Island all over again on both sides. As we've heard earlier on, Jey wasnt too happy to be at Casa Amor however, there was one particular guy that was. And his name is the Tittymaster, Dean Ambrose. During his time there, he had gotten extremely close to two women in particular, Anna and Penelope. However, in the end when the Stick or Twist ceremony came along, Dean returned to the Villa alone, leaving everyone shocked. Penelope, how are you tonight?"

"Im fine I guess."Penelope responded as she was sitting next to Allie and Kip.

"What is it like seeing Dean after so long?"Chris asked.

"Um....its hard to look at him. This is the first time im seeing him since my last day at Casa Amor. So yea...its awkward."

"And Anna, what about you? What is it like seeing Dean here tonight?"Chris asked.

Anna shrugged, "Im not bothered. I definitely expect Penelope to be more upset. She was closer to him than I was."

"Penelope what was it like when you found out that Dean had chosen to go back to the Villa alone?"Chris asked.

"I felt like an idiot. I felt played. Then when I watched the show I felt even worse because it proved to me that I really was being played. I know our purpose on the show was to try to tempt the guys but I really caught feelings for Dean. And by the way he acted, I thought he felt the same for me to. But I guess I was just to gullible."

"And what are your thoughts on Dean and Liv getting back together and making it all the way to the end of the show?"Chris asked.

"Its ridiculous. They call that love? Thats not love, thats called a dependency. They have a dependency on each other because they're both toxic the same way Chris."said Penelope as some of the audience members cheered, "They are both just as bad. Whatever they have is not a healthy relationship at all."

Liv scoffed, "Are you joking? You dont know what the hell you're talking about hun, you barely even know us. Dont let what you see on TV fool you."

"Liv, im sure you watched the show after filming ended."said Chris, "What do you think about Dean's actions at Casa Amor?"

"Chris, Dean was single when he was at Casa Amor so whatever he did there has nothing to do with me. I dont agree with him messing with two girls at the same time but oh my god, he was there for like 4 days. How the hell can you catch feelings for someone in just 4 days?"

Penelope stood up, "Your boyfriend is a player, Liv. He didnt only lead me and Anna on, but he also led on Eva and Summer. How can you ignore all of that and go back to him like nothing happened! That says a lot about you as a person."

"Why am I getting blamed for this?"Liv asked.

"You're an enabler!"said Penelope, "You knew what he was doing yet you ignored it and ran back to him! All you are is his backup plan. You are what is safe to him. He knows that no matter how many times he fucks up, there is only one person that will blindly forgive him and its you Liv."

Liv laughed, "This is...honestly ridiculous. I dont have to sit here and prove to anyone that our love is real. Dean and I put everything on the line during the show and even though we put each other through hell, we made it out alive."

"And it just proves my point that you guys have an unhealthy dependency on each other."said Penelope.

"I agree with Penelope."said Lana, "Liv, obviously you know I dont like Dean. I feel like he has no respect for women because of how he treats them. He basically used Penelope, Ana and Summer and then threw them away like garbage. That is not the actions of a man, that is the actions of a boy. And this isnt the first time he has done this. He has done this so many times. Liv, he even did it to you! I cant believe you're okay with this."

"So what the hell do you want me to do Lana?"Liv yelled, "Break up with him because he messed around with other girls while he was SINGLE?"

"You deserve better Liv!"Lana yelled back.

"Can we hear what Dean has to say about all of this?"Chris butted in, "Dean? Your thoughts?"

"Damn, I dont know where to begin so if anybody in the audience has questions please raise your hands."Dean responded.

Penelope rolled her eyes.

"Yes, you with the long black hair."Dean pointed to Paige who had her hand raised.

"Hi, my name is Paige and im a huge fan. My question is what are your thoughts on Penelope calling Liv your backup plan? Thank you, we love you in England."

"Good question. Look, people can think what they want, they can say what they want. I dont care. I am not the type to fake anything. I dont need a backup plan. Id rather be alone than fake feelings for anybody. What I have with Liv is real. Sure I messed around with Penelope and Ana and Summer but I was single and it wasnt serious at all. I was just trying to play the game. But then I realized that as great as these women are...they're not Liv. And I couldnt help but crawl back to her. I thought I could have carried on without her but I couldnt. She isnt my backup plan, she is my only plan. When I initially went onto Love Island, I knew it was either I leave with Liv or I leave by myself. I wasnt going to be leaving with anybody else guaranteed. The bottom line is, Penelope, Ana, Summer, im sorry things happened the way they did. I truly am."

"Yea people need to realize that Dean and I actually had a life together before the show. It wasnt going to be easy to tear us apart."said Liv.

"Liv, but you know exactly how all of these women are feeling. You've been in their shoes already havent you?"Chris asked, "You've been used and tossed aside by Dean already. Do you not sympathize with these three girls?"

"She doesnt."said Penelope.

"Dont speak for me."Liv fired back.

"All that matters to her is that she's with Dean. He's some sort of trophy to her."Penelope added.

"You know, I do find it hard to sympathize with them because my situation and theirs isnt the same."said Liv, "Back on Temptation Island, Dean and I spent a lot of time together, it wasnt just four days. We had a legitimate connection. I went on the final date with him, we hooked up, we had so many beautiful moments. What we had at that time was way deeper than what those girls had with Dean on Love Island. It is not the same situation at all."

"Dean, how do you feel about people calling you a player? Would you agree?"Chris asked.

Dean nodded, "I understand where they're coming from when they call me a player. I deserve it because its what I did and again, I apologize. I was just trying to make the best out of the situation I was put in."

"I think we all need to remember that Dean was forced to be on the show."Paige pointed out, "It doesnt make the situation better but the poor guy was stressed and going through a lot. He didnt want to put his relationship at risk in the first place. He was just trying to make it through."

"So that justifies him treating us like trash?"Summer asked.

"Dont even talk Summer because you were literally throwing yourself at him. The whole world could have seen he didnt give two shits about you. You were forcing it."said Paige.

"But you didnt answer my question."said Summer, "That justifies him treating us like trash right?"

"Oh fuck off."Paige cursed, "He didnt even treat you guys like trash! All of you are over reacting and making a mountain out of a molehill! Its not that serious! You guys are acting as though Dean professed his undying love for you. Give him a fucking break."

"If this had happened to you, you wouldnt have liked it."said Summer.

"Whatever Summer, whatever."Paige rolled her eyes.

"Well, Dean, Liv, im going to assume that you two are still happily together?"Chris asked. The pair nodded.

"Has the communication improved between you guys? Dean, do you put in more effort now?"

"Yea and ive come to realize that its the little things that count."Dean responded, "The communication between us has gotten better and it has made everything so much easier."

"We definitely understand each other a lot more as well."said Liv, "Im an extrovert. He's an introvert. We're two different types of people. So I think us not understanding our personalities made us clash a little. But we understand each other so much better now. Now I understand why he does some of the things he does and he understands the same with me. We just need to work with it."

"And thats what relationships are about right? Its about meeting in the middle."said Chris.

"Definitely."Liv responded.

"Roman, it seems that even though the whole world was against Liv and Dean, you were the only one that wasnt. Why was that?"Chris asked.

"Because I know Dean. I love him and I want whats best for him. There was no doubt in my mind that Liv and Dean still loved each other even when they were broken up. I didnt like the fact that they were going to let what happened on the show affect their real life. I knew I had to step in because Dean didnt have the proper guidance that he needed. What he did have was a selfish jackass of a friend that encouraged him to make poor decisions. Yes, Dean and Liv has issues but there is no reason to let one bump in the road ruin everything. They needed each other."

"I cant help but assume that the selfish jackass you're talking about is Seth. Seth, why were you so against Liv and Dean's relationship to begin with?"Chris asked.

"Because I wanted to save Dean from getting caught up in another Renee situation. From the start of the show Liv had been complaining about Dean all while she's checking out Austin. That is exactly what Renee used to do!"

"Dont you dare compare me to Renee, Seth!"Liv said.

"Facts are facts. Im not the only one that sees it."said Seth.

"Paige, you're someone that is also very close to Dean."said Chris, "What are your thoughts on Liv and Dean's relationship?"

"Um...I disagree that Liv is another Renee. Trust me, if she was another Renee I wouldve dealt with that already. There wouldnt have been such thing as a Liv and Dean. But I feel like Liv had her reasons to complain about Dean during the show. To be fair...sometimes he does some questionable things. Like letting Eva give him a back massage. And as for the whole Austin and Liv situation, we all saw that they were attracted to each other but I felt like Austin liked Liv more than Liv liked him. All Liv talked about non stop was Dean. I support Liv and Dean to the fullest. I feel like their intentions with each other are pure. Those two are madly in love and we cant deny it. As long as my boy Dean is happy, im happy."

Dean leaned over and gave Liv a kiss. The audience cheered them on.

"Well I think Dean and Liv's story is far from over. Best of luck to you in your relationship guys."Chris said to the couple.

"Thanks Chris. Its so weird hearing you be so nice to us."said Liv.

"Its just an act, dont worry about it. Im being so fake right now."Chris said, "Anyway, relationships werent the only thing that was put to the test on Love Island. Friendships were also put to the test. Evidence of this was the case of Seth and Finn that we've already discussed tonight. But they werent the only pair of bffs that butted heads. We saw Alexa and Liv go at it as well. Alexa, you've been pretty quiet tonight. How have you been?"

"Ive been great."Alexa responded.

"As we've all seen, Alexa when you got dumped from the Villa, you werent on good terms with Liv. How is your friendship now?"Chris asked.

"Um....it hasnt been completely fixed."Alexa said, "We're still not on the greatest terms."

"She's way to stubborn."Liv said.

"She basically ruined our friendship for no reason at all."Alexa said.

"I ruined it?"Liv asked, "I was trying to talk some sense into you but you're too damn stubborn!"

"You had no business trying to tell me what to do-"


"Okay okay lets calm down for a second."said Chris, "Let me get this straight right, Liv, the reason that you and Alexa got into an argument was because of Adam?"

"Yea, both Adams to be exact."said Liv.

"Give me your side of the story."said Chris.

"I just couldnt stand the way she was hurting Adam! She was showing him no respect at all!"said Liv, "I took what she was doing personal because Adam is my friend. Alexa was my friend to but I wasnt going to support her actions just because she was my friend. What she was doing to Adam was absolutely heartless-like how could I even be on her side? Unlike her, I have a heart. How could you be making out with Hangman just moments after your boyfriend breaks up with you? You should have been bawling your eyes out. That just proves that you never cared Alexa!"

"He broke up with me though to go after Jojo!"Alexa argued.

"He broke up with you because you couldnt keep your tongue out of Hangman's mouth!"Liv yelled as some of the audience members cheered.

"You are so ridiculous Liv! Were you not encouraging me to get to know Hangman better?"Alexa asked, "You and Mandy always gassed me up about how cute Hangman and I would look together and always talking about how he was just my type! So dont you try to act innocent! Penelope is right, you are an enabler!"

"I NEVER TOLD YOU TO BE UNFAITHFUL THOUGH!"Liv fired back, "Are you trying to say this was my fault? I was encouraging you to enjoy your time with the new guys-"

"Okay so dont act like you have nothing to do with it!"

"Alexa you have serious issues! You couldnt have asked for a better boyfriend than Adam! The way you acted on the show made me think that you never even gave a shit about him in the first place! I still have love for you and I mean this from the bottom of my heart when I say that hopping on every dick that shows you attention isnt going to fix you! Stick to one!"

"Oh shut up Liv!"

"Everyone here knows that as soon as the next idiot comes along, you're gonna ditch Hangman because that's just how you are! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT!"

"Okay we need some order here."Chris said, breaking up the argument.

"Chris, Liv is literally the last person that should be coming at me like this."said Alexa, "She thinks that just because her relationship is back on track that somehow she is in a position to be talking down to me. Fix your messy, toxic ass relationship first and then worry about what I do okay?"


"Okay let's talk to Adam real quick-Adam Cole specifically."said Chris, "Adam, how have you been doing?"

Adam sighed, "Um...ive been okay."

"When you first went onto Love Island, did you anticipate that your relationship would have ended the way it did?"Chris asked.

"It was something that was at the back of my mind but I just wanted to stay positive. Alexa and I had went through many ups and downs on the show but I was adamant that I wasnt going to let it come in-between us. But eventually I just got sick of the two timing and the lying and the secrets."

"On the show you had mentioned that you knew Adam Page personally. What was that personal connection?"Chris asked AdamC.

"I knew him from back in my college days. We were a part of the same friend group but him and I were never particularly close. There was always that tension between us. We never clicked."

"Is it because you guys are both named Adam?"Chris asked.

Adam laughed, "I think so Chris."

"Hangman Adam Page,"Chris shifted his attention to the other Adam, "It seemed like throughout the show you were dead set on getting Alexa. Were you just trying to one up Adam or did you really like her?"

"This had nothing to do with Cole."said AdamP, "Im not spiteful like that. From the moment I laid eyes on Lexi I just thought she was the most beautiful girl ever. We ended up developing a strong connection and before you knew it, I was hooked."

"Do you feel guilty about what happened between Adam and Alexa?"Chris asked.

"I was just there playing my part Chris. Thats all."said AdamP, "I was a single man trying to find love and....I wasnt disappointed."

"Hangman shouldnt feel guilty about anything. Alexa is the one that should feel guilty."said Liv, "I dont know how a person could be so heartless."

"Well, Alexa, Adam Cole, did you guys get back in touch since you left the Island?"Chris asked.

"Yea of course we did."said Adam, "I had to go over to our apartment to get my stuff and move out."

"Wow. And thats it? That was the only time you two got in touch?"Chris asked.

Adam nodded, "Yea. Its over. For good."

Some of the audience members cheered for him.

"Wow. I was not expecting to hear that."said Chris, "I know you two personally and I know how you guys are. I was expecting to hear that you guys kissed and made up."

"Im not going to let myself be walked all over Chris."said Adam, "Alexa was way to spoiled. I needed to put my foot down. I gave her everything she wanted yet....I wasnt good enough."

"What are you talking about Adam?"Alexa asked, "You're acting like im the one that broke up with you. You're the one that let a few kisses ruin everything."

"No, you're the one that did that."Adam fired back, "And yes I broke up with you and im going to own it! You didnt deserve my loyalty or my love. I watched the show and I realized that you just didnt care! I dont think you ever did!"

"How the hell could you say that?"

"Look at everything that you've done to me! You've turned my life upside down Alexa! I was such a fool for thinking that you were the one. I was the only one in that relationship that fought for us!"

Alexa was seen wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"So....whats the update with you Adam? Have you moved on? Are you seeing anyone at the moment? I knew you had a few admirers on the show."asked Chris.

Adam forced a smile, "No I havent been with anyone since. Still trying to heal. Its been really tough."

"I'll help you heal at the after party tonight Adam."said Allie as the audience cheered. He blushed.

"And Alexa, give us the update on you."said Chris.

"Well....Hangman and I have been dating since we left the show so yea, everything's great on my end."she responded.

Liv was seen shaking her head in disgust.

"Well congratulations to both of you, that is great to hear. Where does this leave your relationship with Liv though?"Chris asked.

"I dont know. She can stay mad, I dont care. Im happy."Alexa said.

"I dont think our friendship is going to be the same."said Liv to Chris, "Im sorry but I cant support her."

"Good then dont. If you're going to let what I choose to do with my personal life affect you then I dont need you as a friend anyway. Im glad I know how much I meant to you in the first place. Lana doesnt even like Dean but she's still your friend because she values you. Its good to know that I dont mean that much to you Liv. Adam is more important than me apparently."

Liv didnt respond.

"So sad."said Chris, "Alexa and Liv came onto to show as best friends, its sad to see how things have ended between them. However, they're not the only ones that started the show as best friends but ended with a bitter rivalry. Sasha and Bianca also were supposedly friends at the beginning of the show however that friendship didnt feel like much of a friendship at all sometimes. Audience, would you agree?"

'Yes' some members of the audience said.

"I dont know who they were trying to fool."said Dolph, "Those two tried so hard to be friends but the whole world could have seen that they secretly couldnt stand each other."

"Bianca, Sasha, would you agree with what Dolph said?"Chris asked.

"Sasha and I are very similar in the sense that we have strong personalities."said Bianca, "We arent scared to tell it like it is. I think its because of that we kept clashing."

"I think its more than that to be honest."said Chris, "Through out the whole show the tension between you two was pretty evident. Bianca, you shared a great friendship with Bayley. And Sasha, you quickly became best friends with Indi. However, that friendship you guys shared with other people was never there between the two of you. In fact your friendship began breaking down due to the whole Carmelo situation."

"You know what....I agree Chris."said Sasha, "Personally, I feel like Bianca takes things way to personal."

"Girl, really?"Bianca asked.

"I keep trying to be your friend but its like you're always finding some reason for us to fight."

"Well you keep doing shit!"

"Like what Bianca! You got mad because Melo and I kissed ONCE! And that was before you two got serious! And then you wanna paint yourself as the victim and compare that situation to the Xyon situation!"

"No hun you're missing the point! The reason I got mad was because you didnt TELL me that y'all kissed!"


"Not only that Sasha but you're always talking shit about people and bringing them down. You're always talking bad about Jey and talking bad about me and Jey being together. You dont hear me doing that to you! As a matter of fact if anybody dare talk bad about you and Seth you'd turn into a big cry baby!"



"You're a fucking hypocrite Bianca! Sure, hate me and make me the villain! Im done trying to be friends with you! I literally dont care anymore! Jey hurt you so much yet you desperately crawled back to him meanwhile I kissed a guy that you barely even knew and didnt tell you about it and it seems like I committed an unforgiveable sin! Im done with your pretentious, goody two shoes ass! You're so fucking fake."

Bianca's jaw dropped.

"I feel like this has gotten way more personal now."said Chris.

"How the hell am I fake?"asked Bianca.

"You act as if you're such a fucking saint!"Sasha responded.

"You just tripping now."Bianca said, "Stop letting your anger out on me."

"Sasha, when Bianca and Jey were announced as the Love Island winners, I couldnt help but sense some animosity from you."said Chris, "Were you happy for them?"

"Im just going to be honest, no I wasnt."said Sasha, "Every other couple in the final five deserved to win first place besides Jey and Bianca."

"That is exactly why Sasha and I cant be friends."said Bianca, "She's selfish and she hates seeing other people happy. The world should revolve around you, right Sasha?"

"Girl, just go ahead and say you dont like me. Its way easier."said Sasha.

"You just love bringing other people down."Bianca said, "I cant handle your negative attitude sometimes."

After a few moments of awkward silence, Chris began speaking again.

"Well, thank you Love Island for ruining yet another friendship."said Chris, "It was interesting hearing what Sasha had to say about our Love Island winners but....I need another perspective. I need to hear someone else's opinion. And no, im not talking about any of the audience members because they're not relevant. They all got dumped from the island anyway so im sure they're salty. Luckily, I have someone here with me that wasnt on the show. Even though they werent on the show, they kept a close eye on it. And whats even better is that this person both personally knows our Love Island winners. They know one of the winners a little too well. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together and help me welcome our surprise special guest for the night!"

The audience began applauding even though they were all confused. They eagerly had their eyes glued towards the stage entrance to witness who this mysterious person was going to be. Finally, the person made their arrival. When the audience saw who it was, the cheers grew even louder.

"This should be good."said Paige as she clapped.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Zelina Vega!"Chris announced.

Zelina made her way on stage and took a seat on the special sofa that was added just for her. She was seated opposite the final five.

"Zelina it is so great having you here on the show! How have you been?"Chris greeted.

"Ive been doing okay. Thank you for having me."she smiled.

"Do you see any familiar faces here tonight?"

"Oh, I see many."she responded as she looked at Jey.

"Well, to my knowledge, you have connections to both Bianca and Jey right? What are those connections?"Chris asked.

"Jey is my ex and Bianca is one of the girls that he cheated on me with."

"Yikes. Jey, whats it like seeing your ex show up here tonight?"Chris asked.

"Um....im surprised to see her. Wasnt expecting that at all."

"The last time I showed up unexpectedly you were over the moon about it, remember?"Zelina said to Jey.

"Yea but....things are different now."

"You're not happy to see me?"Zelina asked.

Jey just sighed in frustration. At the moment, he didnt know how to properly respond.

"I guess we're not going to get an answer from him."said Chris, "Well Zelina, you've been watching Love Island as it premiered right?"

"Yes I have."

"What do you think about our winning couple?"

Zelina laughed, "Trust me, you do not want to know what I think."

The audience 'ooed'.

"Well...I do because thats why I brought you here."said Chris, "Do you support them or....are you against them?"

"Jey and Bianca are a joke."Zelina blatantly said.

"And what makes you say that?"Chris asked.

"Jealousy."Bianca commented.

"Jealousy? Really Bianca?"Zelina asked, "You know I was so amused to see how hurt you were when you found out that Jey was sexting with his ex! You were acting like you got shot through the heart. You were acting like it was the end of the world! But you know what, that was karma! Because you and Jey were doing that same exact thing behind my back when Jey and I were together! That was karma Bianca! I fucking hate Mandy and I agree she's a skank but babygirl you aint any better than her! Dont forget where you came from!"

Everyone in the audience had their mouths wide open.

"Is that what you came here for?"Bianca asked, "To be salty?"

"I came here to give y'all a reality check! Dont forget all the shit that you used to do Bianca! Sasha's right, you think you're so damn holy but you are far from it!"Zelina said.

"Im not holy. I aint ever said I was holy!"

"You lose them the same way you got them Bianca. You should have never thrown such a big tantrum when you found out about Jey and Mandy. That was the same shit y'all used to do to me!"Zelina yelled.

"So you're saying that I deserved to be played?"asked Bianca.

"Yea! Im glad you got a taste of your own medicine! Watching the two of you made me sick. Y'all didnt deserve that first place win."

"Well do something about it then Z!"Bianca said, "Whats the point of you coming on here and being so mad?"

"Im just here to remind people about the real you! It seems like they're forgetting that you belong to the streets!"

"Girl what?"Bianca shot up from her seat. Zelina also stood up. She began taking off her earrings. Chris quickly ran and stood in the middle of them to prevent a fight from breaking out.

"She aint worth it B. Ignore her."Jey said to his girlfriend.

"Watch your mouth Zelina."Bianca threatened as she sat back down, "I hope you aint forget that I can also kick bitches asses when im ready."

"Oh please."Zelina rolled her eyes as she also sat back down.

"Let them fight!"Dolph said, "What do they got to lose?"

"Nuh uh, not on my stage."said Chris, "Jey, do you care to comment on everything thats been said so far?"

He sighed, "Man, I dont know why Zelina came in here guns blazing like that. Bianca and I are happy together, just let us be man."

"I wish you could have said that when we were together."said Zelina, "But I get it Jey. Its a front. Do it for the cameras. Dont let down the people that gave you that hundred grand."

"Okay so Zelina,"said Chris, "What is it about Jey and Bianca's relationship that you are so against? Why dont you think they deserved to win first place?"

"They didnt deserve to win because Jey and Bianca's relationship was not built on a stable foundation. It was built on lying and cheating."

"You stuck in the past girl."Jey commented.

"I think the question on everyone's mind is....are you over Jey?"Chris asked Zelina.

"I am. Look at how much he's hurt me."said Zelina, "Bianca you aint even been hurt by him like how I was hurt. You are part of the reason why my relationship with him fell apart. And now both of y'all are here acting like Romeo and Juliet. Both of y'all are trash. Im over Jey but im not over what he did to me."

"So Bianca, is what Zelina saying true?"Chris asked, "Was Jey cheating on her with you in the past?"

"Yea I mean, if y'all watched Ex On The Beach y'all knew it was true. Back then I had told Zelina about what happened. As a matter of fact, if I hadnt told her about Jey and I the girl probably would have never known the full truth. So her ass should be thanking me."

"But....do you feel any sort of guilt about everything that happened with you and Jey?"Chris asked.

"I mean...yea, I do. Zelina im truly sorry for what happened in the past but I cant change things now. I dont see how any of this is relevant right now."

"Its relevant. Trust me, it is."said Zelina, "Y'all are out here trying to sell this love story. Y'all are out here trying to make everyone think you're good people. I see right through it. Guess what Bianca, sooner or later you're gonna end up just like me. You already got a taste of it."

"Can someone take her salty ass out of here?"Bianca said.

"Zelina you can say what the hell you want."said Jey, "Bianca and I worked hard at this relationship and we happy now! You aint gonna come here and bring us down! You talking all that talk and making yourself look like a fool! If you over me then just be quiet! Why you stuck in the past?"

"You're not a good person Jey. You're not."said Zelina.

"I asked if you wanted to fix our relationship and you didnt! So what did you want me to do? I had to move on Z!"

"Fix it just to get hurt again? Im glad that when you hurt Bianca, it made you want to change and be a better man. Talking about how you couldnt hurt the people that you love anymore. I guess I didnt mean anything to you. After all these years, I finally know where I stood with you."

"It wasnt like that Z. You know I had love for you."

"No you didnt. I was the one that had love for you."Zelina said as she wiped a tear,  "You know what Chris, I think I said everything that I needed to say. I'm done talking."

At the same time, Bianca got up from her seat and began walking to the back.

"I just need a minute guys, im sorry."she said as she walked. An upset Jey followed behind her.

"Wow well...this took an unexpected turn."said Chris, "Ladies and gentlemen we are just about running out of time so we need to start wrapping things up. But, before we do, lets touch base with some other couples and get an update. Finn and Bayley, how have you guys been? Are you guys still going strong?"

Finn and Bayley looked at each other.

"We are....no longer together."said Finn.

The audience 'ooed'.

"What?"Chris said in disbelief, "Why not?"

"Personally I just felt that things were moving a little too fast and I wasnt prepared for it."said Bayley, "The long distance was also a factor."

"Did you guys even give the relationship a try when the show was over?"Chris asked.

"We did for about an extra month but....it was just all to much."Bayley responded.

"Who called it off?"asked Chris.

"I did."said Bayley.

"Yea but we're still on good terms though."said Finn.

"Finn im sure you must have been disappointed with Bayley's decision. I mean after so many years, you guys finally got together only for it to just abruptly end like that."Chris said.

"Yea well...."Finn shrugged, "Its just my luck after every dating show I do."

"I was right. They were so fake."Dolph heckled.

"Well I wish you two the best."said Chris, "What about Montez and Jade? How have you guys been?"

"You know, its been pretty tough Chris."said Jade.

"Oh no. Whats going on?"Chris asked.

"Montez's lifestyle is just a little too much for me to handle. I was not prepared for it. We're not in a relationship but we're still keeping in contact."said Jade.

"We're taking things slow."said Montez, "We're just waiting for the puzzle pieces to fall into place."

"How likely is a relationship between the two of you at this point?"Chris asked.

"You know what, I think its still very likely. We already met each other's families and everything so, things between got a little more serious."said Jade, "Him and I just need to be a little more settled with our own lives before we jump into a relationship."

"I completely agree."Montez said.

"Well we're all happy to hear that you guys are on a good page. How about Matt and Doudrop."Chris said, "Matt, Doudrop, you guys were one of the first Love Island relationships to blossom. Matt you asked her to be your girlfriend on camera right after you guys got dumped. Are things still going strong between you guys?"

"As soon as I went back to Scotland he cheated on me with a pornstar."said Doudrop, "So to answer your question Chris, no, that relationship is over."

"Matt, what the hell man?"Chris asked

Matt laughed, "Yea...you know, shit happens sometimes."

The audience began booing him.

"What can I say, I messed up."said Matt, "I realized that....I wasnt even ready for a relationship. Im way too young for that. I dont know what I was thinking. Doudrop, bro, im sorry."

She didnt respond.

"Oh boy, anyway, Damian! You were someone on the show that-in my opinion-struggled to find love. You were head over heels for Cameron however, when Dolph came along she forgot all about you."said Chris, "What is your status now? Have you two made up?"

"Its...kind of complicated."Damian said.

"He's sleeping with Paige."Cameron dropped the bomb.

Everyone gasped.

"Oh my gosh."Paige rolled her eyes.

"Damian and I got back in touch about 4 weeks ago and everything was going fine."Cameron said, "But then this morning I found out that he and Paige shared a hotel room last night. Obviously they fucked."

"Wait wait wait-what?"Chris said in confusion.

"I flew into Orlando this morning and I was supposed to meet up with Damian-who was already in Orlando for this reunion."said Cameron, "I was supposed to be staying with him. He was even supposed to pick me up from the airport but he totally blew me off. Then I come to find out that he and Paige had been messing around the whole night. When I went to confront him at his hotel room she was literally in there with him."

"Look, a bunch of us went out and partied last night and I was so hungover this morning."said Damian, "Ive been apologizing to Cam all night. I feel horrible, I really do."

"Fuck off Damian."Cameron responded.

"But what about this Paige situation? Is that true?"Chris asked.

"We just had a fun night together. That was it."said Paige.

"So what is it that has you so upset Cameron? Is it the fact that he slept with Paige? Is it jealousy I'm sensing?"Chris asked.

"No its because he stood me up at the airport! I had to take a fucking Uber! What kind of a jerk does that? What pissed me off more is knowing he stood me up because he had some bitch in his bed. It's not jealousy, what he did was just rude."

Paige scoffed, "Some bitch."

"Its okay Cam, you got me."Dolph said to her.

"Yea keep your apologies Damian. I dont even need your ass with all your shitty tattoos anyway."said Cameron.

Chris laughed, "Cameron, you need your own reality show asap. But Dolph, Cam, are you guys a thing now? Did you guys get back in contact after the show?"

"We did only for a short time because Dolph is always touring."said Cameron, "But now knowing that he's here tonight, some magic is about to happen later."

Dolph winked at her.

"Damian who?"Cameron said.

"Messy messy messy."Chris sighed, "Xyon and Mandy! Give us the update on you."

"Well Xyon's here in the United States for a few months and he's staying with me so...we're giving things a try."said Mandy, "Its going to be fun."

"So you guys hadnt been in a relationship all this time?"Chris asked.

"No. As much as I liked Xyon I wasnt about to do long distance. But now that he's here, lets see how it goes."Mandy said.

"Hey Mandy."said Seth, "Tell your boy toy to stay out of Sasha's dms before I knock him the hell out."

The audience gasped.

"Ooo spill the tea please!"Chris said, "Xyon, you've been contacting Sasha?"

"Yes I did reach out to Sasha but it was only to apologize once again for what happened."said Xyon.

"She doesnt need your apology you jerk!"Seth yelled.

"It was innocent, I dont see why you're pissed."Xyon said.

"Just dont fucking talk to her, you got that? You're a fucking dirt bag. You should have nothing to say to her."Seth said.

"Oh piss off mate." Xyon responded.

"Wow. Well, last but not least, Roman! You were in a bit of a triangle with two beautiful women. What is your status now? Still a bachelor or are you off the market?"Chris asked.

Roman smiled, "Um...Jojo and I picked up where we left off. We're not in a relationship though, we're taking things slow. But yea, we've been spending some time together."

"When you guys got dumped, did you book that hotel room like you said you would?"Chris asked.

"Of course."Roman said. The cameras panned to Jojo who was seen blushing.

The audience cheered.

"Carmella, how does this make you feel?"Chris asked.

"Obviously I feel used. I understand why Roman and Dean are friends, they're selfish the same way. Its okay though, lets see how long they last. I dont think its going to be too long."

"That sounds very suspicious. Why do you say that?"Chris asked.

"I have my reasons. Im going to keep it to myself though."she smirked.

"Well I have one last question for Roman before we wrap up. Roman, what was the real reason you wanted to clear the air with Sasha on the show? After weeks of avoiding each other and even getting into little arguments with each other, it was just so odd to me that you wanted to bury the hatchet so suddenly."

"Well....like I said to Sasha, I didnt like that there was this tension between us. Especially given our history. I didnt like that we were now treating each other like strangers. That wasnt sitting well with me at all. I mean, my daughter even still asks about her. Sasha was more than just my girlfriend, she was a part of the family."

Sasha was seen with a guilty smile on her face.

"Would you agree that there was some flirting going on between the both of you during your last conversation on the show?"Chris asked.

"Its just how we are. We were together for two years, I think the flirting should have been expected. But its all in good fun."

"I think Seth would disagree."Chris said.

"The poor guy is insecure. Can you blame him?"Roman laughed, "I mean he even said it himself that I made him insecure."

"And what is your status with Sasha? Are you guys on good terms now? Have you been communicating?"Chris asked.

"Yea I think we're on good terms. The last I spoke to her was on the show. But she knows if she ever needs anything, and I mean anything-"Roman added a wink, "She knows she can hit me up. I got her back."

"Sasha, care to comment?"Chris asked.

"Yes, Ro and I are on good terms. And thanks for the offer Roman but, I think I have everything I need."Sasha said as she rested her head on Seth's shoulder.

"We'll see."Roman said.

The audience 'ooed'.

"Well guys, I think thats about it for the Love Island Reunion!"Chris addressed the camera, "I am not sure where Jey and Bianca headed off to but I dont think they're going to rejoin us. Anyway, thank you everyone for showing up tonight. Zelina, thank you for making an appearance and bringing the heat! To the viewers at home, thank you for watching! Once again, congratulations to the final five and congratulations to the winning couple, Jey and Bianca! This reunion has been juicy and drama filled as I predicted it would be! As always, ive been your host, Y2J Chris Jericho, this has been The Highlight Reel! Thank you for watching and have a goodnight you stupid idiots!"


-Jey and Bianca had gotten into an argument backstage about Zelina's comments.

-Bianca and Zelina also got into an argument backstage when the reunion was over.

-Bianca slapped Zelina and was therefore escorted out by security.

-Jey and Bianca did not attend the reunion afterparty.

-Seth and Roman got into a verbal battle at the after party.

-Seth had to be removed from the premises when he threw his drink in Roman's face. Sasha also left with him.


A/N-Thank you so much for reading guys! Finally, WWE Love Island is over! Thank you for spending a year and a half with me on this book.

PS-I think I accidentally deleted two of my chapters back in November so maybe in the future i'll rewrite them and publish them again. I just cant stand the fact that the chapters are not there.

And yes, this possibly is the last dating show book i'll be doing. But who knows, maybe things can change.

This is the tribute video ive put together. I basically tried to capture the whole book in this video so I hope you enjoy!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Challenge Season 5 will be updated very very soon so keep an eye out for that!

Im also leaving these edits here because I love these as well.

(Love Island Video confessional edits I made)

See you in the next book!

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