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continuation of night 37

VC-Ricochet-So.....the guys are all on the terrace still because Cowboy Adam just performed and during his performance, he kissed Alexa. Now, other Adam is pissed off and about to cause a scene.

AdamC barged back into the backyard and began making his way to AdamP.

"You have some nerve pal!"he shouted at AdamP.

"Uh oh."said Liv as she and the other girls looked on.

Alexa, who was still in Adam's arms, immediately pulled away from him.

As AdamC was marching up to AdamP, Ricochet, Damian and Carmelo all chased behind him. However, they weren't fast enough to get to him before he aggressively pushed AdamP by the chest.

As he did so, Damian quickly pulled him back.

"What the fuck is your problem huh? Are you fucking stupid?"Cole shouted to Page.

"Adam stop!"Alexa went up to him and said.

"How could you let him do that?"he asked her.

"I didnt know he was going to do that!"she answered.

"Its just a game dude."AdamP said to him.

"Yea but that doesnt give you right to kiss my fucking girlfriend you low life scum bag! What kind of fucking man are you?"

"Punch him in the face!"Dean heckled from on the terrace.

"Why are you so sensitive man?"AdamP asked.

"Oh im sensitive? Im sensitive because I dont like people disrespecting my relationship? Fuck you!"

AdamP just shook his head in amusement and laughed.

Muttering curses, AdamC stormed off.

"You alright Adam?"Cameron asked AdamP.

He chuckled, "Yea, im fine."

VC-Bianca-Listen, Adam has every right to be upset at what happened. Sure this was game but Hangman didnt have to kiss her. And she didnt have to look like she enjoyed it.

"Way to go Adam! You probably just got yourself kicked off the show!"Alexa yelled at her boyfriend as she followed behind him.

"What the hell do you care? At least you're going to get to be alone with Hangman now."he said as he kept on walking.

"Why are you being like this? Oh my god it was just a game!"

"I feel like the whole relationship is a game."


He stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at her, "Look, stop following me okay. Just-give me some space."

He then walked away. Alexa watched as he did so.

VC-Alexa-This is a prime example of overreacting. Everyone was literally grinding on each other and sucking each other's fingers tonight but Adam just had to make a mountain out of a mole hill. This is getting ridiculous.

After the tensions died down, everyone was seen on the recoupling bench, except for Indi who was standing in front of them at the centre.

"Okay guys so I got the results of the heart rate monitors and im going to read them to you now."Indi said as she read from her phone, "Boys we'll start with you first. Dolph, your heart rate was raised the most by Cam. Damian and Jey, your heart rate was raised the most by.....oooo Bianca."

"Oh shit."Jey whispered. Jade did her best to not look bothered.

Indi continued, "Adam Cole, your heart rate was raised the most by your girlfriend Alexa. Melo, Sasha got your heart racing the most. Ric....your heart raced the most for.....Aliyah. Interesting."

Ricochet was at a loss for words. Indi sneered at him.

"Sorry I wasnt sexier Ric."Indi passive aggressively said.

"Come on, dont be like that."he responded.

VC-Aliyah-OMG I was not expecting to raise Ric's heart the most but....can you blame him? Its me-like *flips hair* come on.

"Anyway, AdamP, Dean, Finn and Seth, Liv had your hearts racing the most."Indi said.

Liv couldnt help but smile.

VC-Liv-Dean's heart was racing for me? Hm....I wonder why? I mean, I didnt even pay him any attention.

VC-Seth-Listen that kiss from Liv caught me off guard. However the reason why I think my heart raced the most for her was because I was sitting next to her ex boyfriend who was glaring at me as everything went down.

"And now for the girls."Indi continued, "Cam, Dean raced your heart the most for whatever reason. Jade and Summer, Jey got your hearts racing the most. Sasha, your heart raced the most for Seth. Aliyah, your heart raced the most for Melo. Bianca, yours was for Damian. Liv, yours was for Adam Cole. Bayley, yours was for Finn. And for myself and Alexa, Adam Page raced our hearts the most."

"Sorry I couldnt be sexier Indi."Ricochet mocked her. She laughed.

Alexa looked over to AdamC. She noticed his face looked dull and drawn out-not bright and animated as it usually is.

"The group that got the other group's hearts racing the most was......THE GIRLS! LADIES, WE DID IT!"Indi shouted as all the girls cheered and celebrated.

And since the girls were able to make the guys' hearts race the most, they are going to be rewarded with unlimited bragging rights! Good job girls, you deserve it! Enjoy your prize.

However, someone who wont be bragging about anything tonight is AdamC because he'll be spending the night at a hotel for putting his hands on AdamP.

"See you guys soon."said AdamC to the Islanders as he exited through the Villa's entrance door with an overnight bag in hand.

VC-AdamC-Im looking forward to having a night of peace and quiet away from everyone. For sure im going to use this time to reflect on everything thats been going on and hopefully figure out what I want to do with regards to my relationship. Hopefully Alexa does the same thing.

"Thats why being in a relationship and coming onto this show was a bad idea."said Cameron as she, Alexa, Summer and Jade were at the outdoor kitchen having drinks, "At first you may think you'll stay loyal but life is just so unpredictable. You never know who you might meet."

"Just take a look at how Liv and Dean ended up."said Jade.

Alexa slowly nodded as she sipped her drink.

Even though the girls were talking about her situation, she didnt care to hear it. Its not like she didnt know these things already.



Carmelo looked at his phone.

"Y'ALL! I GOT A TEXT!"he yelled.

As everyone gathered around him, he began reading the text out loud. It said-

Everyone 'ooed'.

"I feel like we all would love to go to the Getaway room right about now."Seth said.

"Which one of y'all want it?"Bianca asked.

Just as Jey was about to voice his need for the Getaway Room, Finn beat him to it.

"I would be very thankful if you guys would send Bayley and I to the Getaway Room tonight if thats okay."he said.

Everyone's jaw dropped. Even Bayley's.

"Uh oh, the demon wants to be let loose."said Seth as everyone cheered.

However, as most of the Islanders rallied behind Finn, Carmelo, Ricochet and Damian all looked at Jey.

VC-Jey-Everyone's really supporting Finn and Bayley going to the Getaway Room right now like...I dont even know how to butt in and say-well actually, I want it more than he does. And then on the other hand, if we do go to the Getaway I dont know if Jade is going to be ready to take that next step yet. This is all so sudden.

"Is everyone cool with Finn and Bayley going to the Getaway?"Seth asked everyone.

"I feel like Jey and Jade should get it."said Damian.

"Yea Jey's been here longer. The guy deserves to have a little fun, jeez."Ricochet backed him up.

Jey and Jade looked at each other.

"Yea but Finn and Bayley has been coupled up together longer than Jey and Jade has."said Liv, "Its about time they get some privacy."

"I feel like we should take a vote."said Carmelo.

"We dont have to vote."Indi argued, "Jey's been to the Getaway already. Someone else should be able to get it now."

"Y'all its cool."said Jey, "We aint gotta argue. Finn wants it and I think he deserves it."

"You sure, man?"Finn asked.

"Yea no worries. Hopefully we get it next time."Jey said.

"I appreciate that."Finn said to him.

"Finn, Bayley, dont get too crazy in there. Have fun guys. You deserve it."Seth said to them

"Lets go get you dolled up!"Indi said to Bayley as she grabbed her hand and ran back into the Villa with her.

VC-Finn-I have a lot planned for tonight. I feel like now is the right time to move forward with Bayley and ask her to...be my girlfriend. After four years of friendship, its about time we take that next step.

"Im so nervous."said Bayley as she sprayed Victoria Secret body spray all over herself.

At the moment it was just her, Indi and Bianca in the dressing room.

"Have you guys ever hooked up before?"Bianca asked.

"No. Not even close."

"Do you think you guys are going to do it tonight?"Indi asked.

"I dunno I mean, he seemed pretty determined to get that Getaway Room for us. But I dont want it to be a one night stand you know? If we do get intimate, I want it to be meaningful."

"Finn doesnt seem like a one night stand type of guy."said Indi.

"Pft, you dont know Finn at all."Bianca said to her, "But Bayley, I think you guys are going to have a great time tonight. Its been a long time coming. No pun intended."

Bayley smiled.

Indi furrowed her eyebrows at Bayley's choice of sleepwear to spend the night at the Getaway Room in. She wore long, red sweatpants, a white t shirt and flip flops.

"You're not going to put on some sexy lingerie at least?"Indi asked.

"What do you think's underneath?"she replied.

Bianca hollered.

"Its whats underneath that really matters Indi. Its always fun to unwrap gifts."Bayley said as Indi laughed.


day 38

1:34 am

Sasha was seen getting into bed next to Seth who was sitting with his arms folded, leaning against the headboard staring into space at the moment.

Since the communal bedroom was still full to capacity, Seth, Sasha, Dolph and Cameron were the two couples that had their beds in the living room.

At the moment though, Dolph and Cameron were still in the backyard with a few of the other Islanders

"So what was the inspiration behind your costume tonight?"Sasha asked Seth as she laid down.

He looked down at her, "The SWAT team. What, did you not like it?"

"Dude you were the one that made my heart race the most, what do you mean if I didnt like it? I freaking loved it. But apparently you didnt like mine. The peanut butter wasnt enough for ya huh?"

"If im honest, what you did out there was the sexiest thing anyone has ever done to me. The only reason why my heart raced the most for Liv was because I wasnt expecting her to kiss me. To make things worse Dean was right there breathing down my damn neck."

"Did you like it though?"

"No. I dont even like Liv. She got issues. We never got along and we still dont. But honestly....you looked so sexy tonight."he said as he looked into her eyes, "When you walked out, all of the guys were basically speechless."

She blushed, "Awww, you think im sexy?"

"Duh. Ive always thought that you were attractive since we first met."

"Really?"she said in surprise.

"Why do you seem so surprised about that?"

"I just never thought I was your type."she said as she sat up.

"Get out of here. How can someone not be attracted to you?"

"I never got that vibe from you though. But all this time you were into me and you didnt let me know anything? Especially when you knew I was into you too."

"Wait-you were?"Seth asked.

"Dude on Are You The One I literally told you that I had a thing for you."

"I thought you just said that for the hell of it."

"Why would I do that?"

He shrugged, "I dont know. I thought you were caught up in the moment maybe."

She laughed, "Seth, I dont say things that I dont mean."

"I thought I wasnt your type either."he said, "To be fair you were always involved with some meat head like Roman or Damian. I thought I was out of your league."

"But you're such a flirty guy and in all the years we've known each other....you've never been flirty with me. Thats why I thought you werent into me."

"There are a few reasons why I didnt pursue you. One of them being Finn. Obviously I know of your history with him. Once upon a time we were all best friends. It would have been weird if you and I were to.....have something going on you know? Finn's like a brother to me and I knew that he really liked you at one point. I felt like showing romantic interest in you would have broken the bro code."

"Yea I understand why you'd feel that way. But at the same time, you got to live your own life. Bayley, Finn and I were all really tight at one point and look, Finn and Bayley got closer despite how I felt about it. What im saying is that, if you and I were to get closer, who the hell gives a shit about what Finn thinks? He's out there living his life. And if he allows this to be the reason why your friendship becomes strained then....maybe you dont need him as a friend anyway. If its been said once, its been said a thousand times, this isnt Friend Island, its Love Island."

Seth smiled, "So....what are you saying?"

"I guess im saying that the little crush I had on you back in Hawaii has grown into something more. Being with you for these past few weeks have just been making me fall for you even harder. I know this is kinda weird but....im really into you."she said with a little laugh.

He nodded, "I feel the same way."

She smiled, "Then lets do something about it."

" I already know you, you already know me. I guess all thats left to do is....make things official. Do you wanna...be my girlfriend? Just jump right into it?"

As she smiled, her jaw dropped.

"Too soon?"

"No. No, not at all. Lets do it."she said.


"Whats the worse that can happen?"she said as she crawled onto his lap.

"So we're doing this?"he asked as he put her hands on her hips.

"Yea."she laughed, "Im your girlfriend now."

"Holy shit."he said as he leaned in to kiss her.

VC-Sasha-*blushes*....So yea...that just happened.

As they kissed, they noticed it felt different this time. It felt very unlike when they kissed during the Heart Racers challenge and even when they first kissed back in Hawaii. This time, the kiss had more passion to it and was enough to make them get those butterflies in their stomach.

VC-Seth-Sasha and I just had a really deep moment and now, we're together I think. But as im kissing her, part of me is just expecting Paige to like crawl out from under the bed to ruin everything because I can never have anything nice happen to me. If that does happen, I swear to god im done with WWETV.

As they were kissing, Seth momentarily opened one eye to make sure nothing fishy was going on.

We're not that cold blooded Seth, jeez.

"How should we break it to everyone?"Seth pulled his lips away from hers and asked.

"Lets not rush anything. They'll get to know eventually."she said.

VC-Sasha-Right now...I'm feeling something that I haven't felt in a long time. And that's comfort and safety and dare I say...happiness. I just hope it isn't my mind and heart playing tricks on me but...yea *smiles* all is good for the moment.

9:02 am

Finn and Bayley were seen returning from the Getaway Room holding hands. The Islanders all greeted them. Finn quickly went over to the group of guys that were sitting on the outside sofa as Bayley headed over to the group of girls that were at the outdoor kitchen.

"Soooo, what went on?"Indi asked her.

"Well, we went in the hot tub, talked a bit, drank some champagne. It was really nice and romantic. Its the first time I had experienced something like that in my life."

Over where the guys were, they were also questioning Finn.

"Then what happened?"Damian asked him.

"Then I....asked her to be my girlfriend and...she said yes."

The guys all broke out in cheers.

"Wait-thats it?"Dean asked.

"After she said yes then I introduced her to the demon."

The guys broke out in even louder cheers this time. A few seconds after, the girls also erupted in cheers and squeals when Bayley told them what went on.

VC-Bayley-Yea so...Finn and I are officially a couple now. We did the thing that couples do-twice actually. Once last night and then again this morning before we left the room and...it was just an amazing time. The wait was definitely worth it.

While most of the Islanders were celebrating Finn and Bayley's love, others were questioning it.

"Something is so off about Finn and Bayley."Dolph said as he was sitting on the lounge chairs next to Summer and Ricochet.

"What makes you say that?"Summer asked.

"I see through their bullshit. They're here to win the money and thats it. I think Finn is the mastermind, not so much Bayley. But she's as gullible as they come so its easy to manipulate her. Finn and Damian are on the same boat."

"Thats kind of mean dont you think?"Ricochet asked.

"Dude, at the end of the day, we're competitors. We've all done some fucked up shit for money on live TV already. Do you realise how unproblematic Finn and Bayley are being? They literally stick to themselves. They dont give anyone a second look. If they're so into each other then why not stay home? Why come here to take up space? This is all about the money to them, im telling you. I doubt they even had sex last night. Im calling it right now, they're putting on an act."

"Finn and Bayley are acting unproblematic because thats just how they are."said Ricochet, "Its not an act. They're quiet people. You of all people should know that."

"You of all people should be threatened by them. You and Indi obviously love each other, what a shame it would be if you lose the show to a fake couple like Finn and Bayley."

"Its not just about the money Dolph."said Ricochet.

"So why dont you leave then? You and Indi found each other, if its not just about the money then why dont you leave the show? You found love, mission accomplished."

"Dude you're being really annoying right now."Ricochet said as he got up from his seat.

"Keep in mind that ive been watching the show since it started. Ive been seeing things that you havent. I know what im talking about."

"Whatever dude."Ricochet said as he walked away.

VC-Ricochet-I dont get why Dolph is so focused on Finn, Bayley and Damian like-dude mind your own business and try to find love for yourself. However, he did bring up a good point. Finn and Bayley are a strong couple just like Indi and I. Obviously we want to make it to the end and win the show so....yea I do feel threatened by them.


3:03 pm

"Have you cooled down?"Alexa asked AdamC who had made his return to the Villa an hour ago.

They were both sitting on his and Liv's bed.

"Yea."he simply responded.

"I just want to start by saying that im sorry about what happened last night. I should have never let that happen and trust me, it wont happen again."

"You know....what made me even more upset was the fact that....you were acting like I had no right to be mad. If the roles were reversed....you would have wreaked havoc."

"You're right okay. And again...im sorry."

"You know, things between us were so great at first but...ever since Adam showed up, I feel like ive been in a tug of war with you."

She intertwined her fingers with his.

He continued, "This isnt us. You and I were always so strong. Whats happening now?"

She didnt respond. However, her eyes were locked with his.

"Look, even though its been tough lately...I still have faith in us and...I still love you. We have been through way too much for us to let these minor inconveniences come between us. Lets just use this incident as a learning experience."

She nodded, "I agree. I love you too."

They both leaned in and gave each other a quick kiss.

VC-AdamC-If Alexa and I have to break up then I want it to be due to something that happened in the real world-in our real lives, off camera. But this is reality tv. I am not going to let what happens here possibly affect my real life. I love Alexa and she's the one I plan on spending the rest of my life with. We are better than to let a guy like Hangman come in between us. He's just wasting his time.


"You definitely caught me by surprise last night."Damian was saying to Bianca as the two were hanging out on the terrace, "You killed your performance."

She laughed, "Thank you. Dont you think its funny that we made each other's hearts race the most?"

"If you were to tell me that two weeks ago id be very confused."

She laughed, "Same."

"So, I know we didnt get to talk much since we coupled up but....how are you feeling about being in this new couple?"Damian asked.

"Im going to be honest...I did a lot of thinking and....I would have been okay with diving head first into something with you but...I know you're really into Cam still so...because of that im a little hesitant."

"Wait really? You'd be open to that?"

"Yea I mean, we're in a couple. Why not? And im not talking about getting serious or anything like that. We could have started off by just getting to know each other a little better and...see where it takes us."

He nodded, "Well...now that I know you feel that way...that changes everything for me. Sure I still care for Cam but....you and I can give this a shot if you want?"

"I dont see any reason why we shouldnt."

VC-Damian-I never thought in a million years that Bianca and I would be in this position. But she's right. We are in a couple. Why not at least put some effort into it? I care about her a lot and...you never know what may happen.

VC-Bianca-I rather try and fail than fail to try, you know? I dont know the romantic potential between Damian and I but, we're about to find out now.

4:23 pm

As everyone was in the backyard, AdamC's phone went off.

He stood up and yelled, "Guys! I got a text!"

When everyone gathered around him, he began reading it out loud. It said-

Everyone broke out into cheers...except for Alexa who didnt seem pleased.

VC-Alexa-Okay like...what the hell is this? Who is J?

AdamC turned to look at Jey, "Jey, you wanna have drinks dude?"

Jey laughed, "No it aint me dawg."

After spending some time in the dressing room freshening up for his date, Adam kissed Alexa goodbye and headed off.

He was taken to a private, restricted end of the Villa where only staff was allowed. But during this time no staff was there, ensuring that Adam and his date had their privacy.

As he entered onto one of the balconies, he saw a table set up with two chairs on either end. On the table was a bottle of wine and two glasses. On one of the chairs was his date. She was a new face to him, he didnt seem to know her.

She smiled and stood up when she saw him.

"Hi! Nice to meet you, im Adam."Adam introduced himself and shook her hand.

"Im Jojo."

VC-Jojo-Hey everyone, my name is Joseann Offerman but you may know me as Jojo. Im a journalist and reporter from Los Angeles and im a bit of a reality tv veteran myself. You might remember me from Are You The One. If you don't then-thank god. It's better that way. Ive been single for about two years now. All the guys that want me are just never my type and all the guys that I want are taken, sometimes married *laughs*. Im very laid back and easy going. I dont really like the drama. I just prefer to watch it happen. Im hoping that while im here I can find a guy thats down to earth, thoughtful, funny and most importantly, someone thats going to be all about me. My parents has been nagging me constantly to get married so, im here to find my husband.

T O    B  E     C  O  N  T  I  N  U  E  D



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