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continuation of Day 38

AdamC and Jojo were seen on their date.

"You look familiar. I feel like ive seen you somewhere before."Adam said to her.

"I was on Are You The One. I dont know if you've seen it."she said.

"Ohhh right! You were with Roman right?"

"Sort of."she laughed

"So, what brings you here to Love Island?"

"I guess im still looking for the one. Havent been able to find him unfortunately."she said as she took a sip from her glass.

"How long have you been single?"

"Two years."

"No way."he said in surprise.

She nodded, "Mhmm. I seem to always attract the wrong guys. At first they seem great but eventually, their red flags start showing."

"Are you excited to get back onto the dating scene?"Adam asked.

"Im excited and a bit nervous."she smiled, "I dont know what to expect."

"So what type of guy are you looking for?"

"One with a good heart."she laughed, "Thats all I want. Im done chasing after these F-boys."

"Im sure you have a lot of F-boys chasing after you though."

"I do but, I dont care. They're bad news. Im done with them. You cant settle down and start a family with a player. I mean-you can but the relationship is going to keep on getting toxic."

"Nothing but the truth. So I guess you're looking for husband material then? You're not just trying to have a summer fling?"

"My time for summer flings have long ended. If I cant see myself marrying him then im not going to entertain it. Im not here to play, im here for business only."

Adam laughed, "I like that you know what you want. A lot of people in this Villa are here to play so its nice to meet someone who's different. So, what made you pick me for this date?"

"Because I feel like we're very similar. I can relate a lot to you. What you are going through now, ive been through already."

"What do you mean?"

"The two timing, the secrecy, the always being made to feel like im over reacting. It sucks."

He nodded, "Yea but...no relationship is perfect."

"Thats true but these are things that you shouldnt have to be going through in a relationship. Arent you tired of it? Alexa is supposed to be making you feel like you're the only man in the world."

"Yea...I guess its pretty tiring. Since Adam got here our relationship has felt like a whirlwind."

"It sucks seeing you go through that. I feel like you deserve so much better."

Adam didnt respond. Instead, he took a sip of his wine. His silence wasnt because he was irritated, it was because he knew she was right. He just didnt know what to say to that comment.

"I...would love to get to know you better if thats okay with you."Jojo said to him, "I think you're one of the best guys in the Villa. I see the way you are with Alexa and I admire it. You're genuine, thoughtful, caring. I can see why Alexa doesnt want to let you go."

He tilted his head, "Wait a minute. So...you can see yourself marrying me then?"

She broke out in laughter, "For sure. You are husband material to a T."

He blushed, "Well, thank you.  And...sure. Id love to get to know you better as well."

Jojo smiled.

VC-Jojo-I am very attracted to Adam. He is definitely the type of guy that I want. If his girlfriend cant treat him right then, i'll be the one to do it for him. Hopefully I can show him that he isnt only limited to Alexa, he can get an upgrade if he wants *laughs*

She raised her glass, "Cheers."

He raised his, "Cheers."


Back At The Villa

Dean noticed Seth laying on a lounge chair staring blankly at the pool water. He seemed to be pondering something. At least, this is what Dean thought. Usually Seth would have been talking his ear off about something he didnt care about or nagging him to do something he didnt want to do. Since he wasnt doing these things at the moment, Dean found it odd.

He went over and sat on the chair next to him.

"You alright man?"Dean asked.

"Yea,"Seth nodded, "Just...got a lot on my mind."

"Like what? You've been literally doing nothing since you got here."

Seth ignored him. He wasnt sure if telling Dean about the status of him and Sasha was a good idea yet. After all, they just sealed the deal this morning, it was way too soon to be running his mouth.

"Okay fine. Dont tell me. I dont care."Dean said.

VC-Seth-All day ive been thinking about what Sasha and I got ourselves into and...im wondering if we made the right decision. These types of situations always end up backfiring and....if something goes wrong in this relationship I dont want to lose Sasha. I cant imagine not having her in my life. Maybe we should have stayed friends? But im not sure how much longer id be able to do that. The point im trying to make is that.....I hope we dont end up regretting this.

"Do you realize Liv has been ignoring me?"Dean said to Seth.

"Good. Thats what exes are supposed to do. And dont you have Summer?"

"Yea I guess."

"That doesn't sound very enthusiastic."

"You know I hate feeling forced into things and thats how im feeling with her."said Dean.

Seth groaned, "Dude, just give it a fucking chance okay. You like her right?"

"Yea."he said as if he had no other choice.

"Stop over thinking things and let it be."Seth said, "Pft, I feel like I should follow my own advice."

"What do you mean?"

Seth shook his head, "Nothing."

VC-Dean-It seems like Liv has finally come to her senses and has moved on. Good for her. Im happy. This is what she wanted right? I hope she's happy too....


After an hour long date, AdamC was finally heading back into the Villa. Right beside him was Jojo.

Cameron was the first to notice the two as they entered the backyard. She gasped.

"GUYS!"she alerted the other Islanders. Finally they all noticed the new arrival.

They exclaimed in excitement and shock.

"Hey everyone!"Jojo greeted as she made her way towards where everyone was.

Carmelo, Damian and Ricochet's jaws all dropped when they got a good view of her.

"Yoooo."Carmelo said in awe of her.

VC-Carmelo-I dont know how y'all stay finding these beautiful girls man like-how? They're just getting hotter and hotter. Can y'all extend this show for another month because I dont want this experience to end.

"Talk about ghosts of the past. I havent seen you in forever."Dolph said to Jojo as he gave her a hug.

VC-Indi-So, this new girl walks in and immediately all the guys become captivated by her. I understand why though. She has a lot of.....assets. Even I cant stop staring.

As Jojo got acquainted with everyone, Alexa pulled her boyfriend aside to question him.

They were both seen on the terrace.

"So how was the date?"she asked.

"It was really nice. We got along great."

"What do you think of her?"

"I think she's wonderful. She'll fit right in with everyone, no doubt about it."

Alexa raised her eyebrows.

"Did you remind her that you're taken?"She asked.

"Obviously she knows. But she did say that she would like to get to know me better."

Alexa nodded, "Hm."

"She's the new girl here and I dont want her feeling uncomfortable. And...im actually really flattered that she wants to get to know me. No other girl has been that way to me besides Allie."

"You do know what she's going to try to do right? She's going to try to pull you away from me. She's going to tell you how bad I am for you and trick you into thinking that you want to be with her. Its so obvious whats going to happen, Adam."

"Alexa im not weak minded, you should know that. Things between her and I are going to remain friendly, thats it. I'll talk to her sure, but you're the one I love. Remember that."

"Alright. Then I guess im fine with you talking to her."

Adam smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead, "I love you."

"I love you too."she responded.


"Yea, her and I dont have the best history."Sasha was saying to Indi as they were sitting together on a daybed.

They were talking about their new housemate, Jojo.

"What? Why not? What happened?"Indi asked.

"Its...a long story. I'll tell you about it another time. I dont have the energy to reminisce right now."

VC-Sasha-So um....Jojo's here and...the last I saw her was when she stormed off the set for the Are You The One reunion. Simply put, I dont think she likes me.

Care to explain why Sasha?

After spending some time mingling with the Islanders, Jojo finally headed over to Sasha who was still sitting next to Indi.

"Hey."Jojo greeted.

Sasha looked up and smiled, "Hey."

"Can I just speak to you real quick?"

"Uh..yea. Sure."Sasha said as she got up from her seat.

VC-Jojo-So, on Are You The One, Sasha was always....really nasty to me. When the show aired and I watched it back I realised that she never liked me. She'd always be making these petty, bashful comments all through out the show. Not to mention that....she ended up stealing my boyfriend at the time from me and flaunting it all over social media unapologetically. So yea, its definitely awkward seeing each other after all that.

"So I know theres a lot of history between us."Jojo said to her, "And I know that you may not be the most excited to see me."

Sasha forced a smile.

"But...im willing to ignore everything that happened in the past if you're up to it."Jojo continued, "We were young you know. I dont know want any animosity between us while we're here. Im not here for that."

Sasha nodded, "That would be great. Because honestly, im so over everything that happened."

"Me too. Lets just forgive and forget and move on."

"I would love that."

"Awesome."Jojo said as she reached over and gave Sasha a hug.

VC-Jojo-I dont mind being the bigger person here. Its just the way I am. I dont have the time to continue this feud with Sasha. I dont even care about what happened in the past. Life is too short for that crap. However, I would like to note that I didnt even get an apology from her but whatever-its fine.

"Do you wanna grab a drink?"Jojo asked her.

"Lets do it!"Sasha said.

Theres nothing better than going up to the girl that stole your boyfriend and making peace with her instead of it being the other way around. This is what we call progress people!


After kissing and making up with her long time rival, Jojo was then pulled aside by her future rival.

"So I just wanted to have a quick chat with you obviously about Adam."Alexa said to Jojo as they sat together on the recoupling bench, "He told me that you said you were interested in him and wanted to get to know him more."

"Yea well personally I feel like out of all the guys here I relate to him the most and id get along with him the most. The other guys in here are just....too much. Adam is my favourite though."

"Okay and...im not mad. So I dont want you thinking im pissed off at you or anything."Alexa laughed, "I agree, Adam is great and I have no problem with you guys talking, I told him that already. But like...we are in a relationship-"

"Oh yea I know."

"Right and I just hope that no boundaries are going to be crossed. Despite what people may think, Adam and I are still very strong and we love each other a lot so...I just hope you know what kind of waters you're threading. I dont mind you getting to know him but I think it'll be way more beneficial for you to know other guys because Adam and I are solid as a rock. He's a very stubborn guy when it comes to me."

Jojo nodded, "Yea I totally understand. I guess why I gravitated more towards him is because he seems to be pretty lonely. Plus he's been going through such a tough time in here. I feel like a friend is what he needs right now and he currently doesnt have that."

"What do you mean he's going through a tough time?"

"I just feel like the things you've been doing has really been stressing him out."

"The things ive been doing? What have I done?"

"You havent really been there for him. You say that you guys are solid as a rock but...thats not what it looks like from the outside. He even said that the relationship is like a whirlwind."

Alexa remained silent.

"Im not trying to stir the pot Alexa, im just telling you how other people are viewing the two of you."

"What are your real intentions with him? Because I find it odd that you came in here wanting to get to know my boyfriend. By the way that you're speaking right now I just feel like this is going to end up in drama."

"My intention is to pursue him the same way that you're doing with the other Adam. Its only fair."

"Well newsflash Jojo, my boyfriend isnt into you like that. You can try though. Good luck."Alexa said with a giggle before she walked away.

"We'll see about that."Jojo said.

VC-Jojo-During our conversation, Alexa seemed really passive aggressive. I cant blame her because how else is she supposed to react when a girl tells her that she's into her boyfriend. But, their relationship isnt stable so thats why I dont feel bad trying to pursue Adam. Alexa wants to have her cake and eat it too. When Adam tries to do the same thing, she has a problem with it. Its unfair.

10:29 pm

Ricochet was seen alone at the outdoor kitchen currently mixing drinks for him, Indi and Sasha.

"Hey."Aliyah said as she made her way over to him.

He quickly glanced over at her, "Oh hey. Whats up."

"Are you gonna make me one?"she asked.

"Sure if you want. What are you drinking?"

"Anything you wanna make. Surprise me."she said as she stood next to him.

"How about a tall glass of water?"

"Oh come on."

He laughed.

"You know as a matter of fact...I might actually need it."she said, "Because you got me so thirsty."

"How'd I do that?"

"Just by looking so good."she twirled her hair.

He blushed, "Cant argue with that."

"You know, im really jealous."

"Of what?"

"That you've found your happily ever after. That you're not looking for love anymore."

"Well...I wont go as far as saying that."

Aliyah seemed surprised, "But you and Indi are so committed to each other. Right?"

"I dont know I mean...sometimes I feel like Indi backed me into a corner."

"What do you mean by that?"

He shook his head, "Its nothing. Never mind."

"It definitely sounds like something."

He continued mixing the drinks.

"Do you maybe wish things werent this serious between you and her?"Aliyah asked, "Because a lot of girls do feel a bit intimidated by your relationship. We want to get to know you but at the same time, we dont want to get crucified by everyone in here."

"I cant blame you, Indi and her friends are intimidating."

"That must suck though. You cant explore your options. Who knows, maybe you could be happier with someone else."

Ricochet didnt respond. However, he maintained eye contact with her.

"What would you say if I told you that id like to spend some more time with you?"she asked.

"What about Carmelo?"

"Im kind of getting bored with him. Plus you're the one I was initially attracted too while watching the show. Ive been doing my best to keep my distance from you but...its getting harder to continue doing that."

"Indi is obviously going to have a problem with this."

"Then let her. What, I cant be your friend?"she asked with a wink.

He blushed.

Aliyah stepped closer to him.

"I think that you should give me a chance. If you dont like what I have to offer then you can run back to her. But spoiler alert, you're going to love what I have to offer."

At the same time, Indi entered into the outdoor kitchen.

"Whats going on? You're taking forever to bring the drinks, I thought you got lost."she said.

"We were just talking."Aliyah said.

"I didnt ask you."Indi responded.

Aliyah smiled, gave Ricochet a wink and then walked away.

VC-Aliyah-Its obvious Ric likes me. I like him to. Ever since he's got here Indi has been clinging onto the poor guy. He's not getting the chance to explore his options. Its unfair to me and to him. I dont care that they're boyfriend and girlfriend, I want to know him better.

"What was going on?"Indi asked Ricochet.

"She was basically saying that she'd like to get to know me better and stuff like that."

"And what did you say?"Indi asked.


"Wow. Great way to defend our relationship."

"Even if I do hang out with her, its not going to mean anything."

"What do you mean its not going to mean anything? So you actually want to get to know her better as well?"

"Am I not allowed to do that? I cant talk to other girls?"

"Yea but not her! She's the same bitch that had a bloody threesome on her second night here! Thats the kind of girl you want to talk to? I dont feel comfortable letting that happen."

Ricochet frustratingly sighed.

"Are you fucking serious Ric?"Indi said in disbelief.

"I just feel like we need to slow things down a bit Indi."


"We've been going at a fast pace ever since I got here and maybe we need to relax a bit."

Indi grabbed her drink and began walking away, "Fucking unbelievable."

"Indi!"he called out to her.

She turned around, "Go! Go get to know her Ric! Do what the fuck you want."

Indi then threw her drink on the grass and stormed off to go vent to Sasha.

VC-Ricochet-What the hell did I just do?

Indi and Sasha were seen on the terrace together.

"Everything was going so well Sasha. But after one little interaction with that bitch he wants to take things slow now? Are you kidding?"Indi ranted, "Im not used to this. Im not. If I have to be with someone he has to literally have tunnel vision for me and me only, thats how my ex fiancé was. I have no interest in competing with anyone!"

"Preach it girl, I agree."Sasha nodded.

"If he is not about me and only me then I dont fucking want it! I want the same energy that I give to him. Thats what I bloody deserve!"

VC-Indi-That bitch Aliyah came in here and poisoned Ric's brain with her bullshit! And the thing is, this is not the first time im going through this with him. I havent forgotten about fucking Kayla! I have never put Ricochet through any of this shit, why is he doing this to me? Fuck! I send the chap to get me a drink and the next thing I know he wants to slow the pace of the relationship? I sent you to get me a drink! Not reflect on whats been going on!

After ranting to Sasha and cooling down a bit, Indi decided to go try to talk things through with Ricochet to avoid having to go to bed angry tonight.

The two were seen standing by the pool.

"So thats how you truly feel?"Indi asked him. "You truly think that we need to slow down?"

The tone in which she spoke was still very much filled with anger.

Ricochet sighed, "I just feel like this is getting a bit overwhelming."

"I dont even know what you mean by we need to slow down. You're acting as if we're talking about marriage and kids already Ric. We havent even said I love you to each other so what the hell do you mean that we need to slow down? Do you even fucking like me at all?"

"Of course I like you."

"Right and I like you too thats why I fucking like being around you. But this is beginning to feel very one sided."

"Why does this need to be an argument Indi? Why cant you just understand what I want? Arguing is not going to make it better."

"Because I DONT understand what you want, IT DOESNT make sense to me! Ric we spent three days apart. Thats not enough? We're supposed to be growing stronger! Not falling apart now!"

"We're not falling apart Indi."

"Well its beginning to seem like we are!"

"I just feel like I have no say in anything."

"Now it just seems like you're making excuses. You know what, do what you want. You want space, you want time apart then okay. I'll give it to you. Whatever happens, happens. I dont give a fuck anymore." Indi said before she stormed off, wiping her the tears off her cheeks.

VC-Indi-I know im being really dramatic right now but I dont fucking deserve this *wipes tears* I dont. If he wants to talk to Aliyah so much then he can go right ahead. If thats the type of girl he wants to go for then maybe im above his standard.

VC-Ricochet-I feel like there's nothing wrong with wanting to take a step back and see things from a different perspective. I do enjoy being with Indi but at the same time I feel like I'm being deprived of my experience. All I said was that I wanted to know Aliyah better and that's an issue with Indi. She's being a pit too possessive.

12:02 am

Since one couple is going through some tough times right now, how about we check in with our most recent official couple.

Sasha was seen in the bathroom in front of the mirror brushing out her hair as she got ready for bed. At the same time a shirtless Seth walked in.

"There you are."he said, "You got moisturiser?"

She couldnt help but laugh a little, "Yea its in the dressing room. I'll get it for you in a sec."

"Let me help you."he said as he took the brush from her and began brushing her hair.

After a few strokes, he tossed the brush aside and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her body closer to his. As he did so, he buried his face on her neck.

"Since im your man now you gotta deal with my clingy-ness."he said to her.

"You're gonna have to deal with mine too."she said.

"Challenge accepted."he said as he planted a kiss on her cheek.

Then he turned her around, pulled her close and began kissing her.

The quietness of the bathroom made the sound of their lips smacking that much louder.

VC-Sasha-This still seems so unreal like....Seth and I...who the fuck would have thought.....*stares blankly off camera with a smile on her face*

As they were kissing, he lifted her up and sat her up onto the bathroom counter. They were trying their best not to make much noise as to avoid attracting any attention from the Islanders in the communal bedroom which was in very close proximity.

"I like sneaking around with you."he said to her.

"Its exciting isnt it?"she said as they kept on kissing.

Slowly the passion between the two intensified. Seth's lips moved down towards her neck. Her nails trailed down his bare back making him get goosebumps. At the moment, they both wanted the same thing but was unsure of how to let the other know. This was odd since they were both known for being very forward when it came to this 'thing' but for some reason now, with each other, they were a bit nervous.

As Seth kissed her neck, Sasha softly moaned. In their opinions, the bathroom wasn't the most ideal place for them to potentially take the next step in their relationship but hell, who were they to stop a good thing from happening? The most important thing was that they were getting some alone time which was very hard to get in the Villa.

Well....at least that's what they thought.

As Sasha's hands were beginning to undo the knot on Seth's sweatpants, the sound of a door opening caught them off guard. It was the door to the toilet (that was in the bathroom itself).

The pair turned to see who had opened the door and was shocked beyond belief to find someone standing there.

A startled Sasha put her hand over her heart.

Turns out, someone was in the toilet during the whole time Seth and Sasha was in the bathroom. And that person was none other than Dean.

"What the actual fuck?"he said as he looked at the two. Sasha was still on top of the bathroom counter and Seth's hands were still holding onto her hips.

The three were now just staring at each other in shocked silence, all looking like deer in headlights.

VC-Seth-*angrily sighs*.......Fuck you Ambrose.


A/N-I wont take long with the next chapter. Most of its already written.

Coming Up Next-

VC-Seth-Here we go again with the same situation. She's another Paige, she's another Alexa, I knew it would end up this way!

Plus, 3 Islanders say goodbye just for 1 new arrival to take their places.

Stay Tuned!

Leave your thoughts in the comment section!!!

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