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continuation of day 39

12:10 am

VC-Dean-So there I was, trying to get some alone time in the toilet. Im a single man, I have needs. So, as im trying to get the job done, next thing you know, I start hearing Seth's croaky voice. How am I supposed to get anything done when im hearing this guy? It made me lose my concentration. On top of that, im hearing lip smacking and moaning so of course I wanna know just what the hell is going on.

After just being caught, a flustered Sasha and Seth were still in the bathroom with Dean who was skeptically looking at them.

"What the hell were you doing in there man?"Seth asked him.

"Reciting the Declaration of Independence."Dean said sarcastically, "What else am I going to be doing in here dude? A guy cant take a shit?"

Seth rolled his eyes, "How much did you hear?"

"Everything."he responded, "What the fuck is going on?"

"Dont say anything to another soul about what you heard and saw here tonight Ambrose, please."Seth said.

"Damn, you're acting real shady. This can mean either one of two thing. Either y'all dealing drugs or....y'all together now."Dean asked.

"We're not dealing drugs you idiot."Seth said.

"So then...are you guys together?"Dean asked.

Seth and Sasha looked at each other.

"No. No we're not."Sasha said as she got down from the bathroom counter.

"Really? Because I could've sworn I heard-"

"We're not together Dean."Sasha insisted.

"I feel like maybe we should tell him."Seth said to her, "Its just Dean."

"Tell him what? Nothing's going on."she sternly responded.

He didnt want to show it but after hearing Sasha's defensive response, Seth immediately felt shot down. His whole demeanour changed. A million things were now rushing through his mind. Was she embarrassed by him?

"So you guys just looking for a quick bust or something?"Dean asked, "Kinda weird you guys wanna do it with each other dont you think?"

"Im...gonna go to bed Seth."Sasha said as she began walking away. The awkwardness of the situation was too much for her to handle.

"Alright good night."Seth said to her.

VC-Sasha-Ugh-I literally didnt know Dean was in there with us this whole time. I feel so weird about everything now. I just wanted to get out of there.

"Dude...I feel like I stepped into the twilight zone like-what universe am I in?"Dean said with a laugh, " What the fuck was just going on there? Y'all were up to something because I know what-"

"Why are you always in the wrong place at the wrong time Dean?"Seth angrily asked.

"What? Dude, I was in there before you guys came in! You wanted me to stay quiet and listen to you guys bang, are you out of your mind?"

"I cant catch a fucking break from you can I?"Seth raised his voice.

"Why the hell are you coming at me for?"

"You're always fucking ruining something Ambrose! Why are you always fucking something up!"

"What the fuck is your problem bro! If you wanna go at it we can fucking go at it because you're being a fucking jerk right now! I'll fuck you up right now! Come on! Lets do it!"

"Just get lost man! Im fucking sick of your ass."

The Islanders in the communal bedroom was able to hear the arguing loud and clear. However, they decided it was best to not interfere.

"Fuck you dude!"Dean said as he proceeded to walk away, intentionally hitting Seth's shoulder with his.

"God dammit."Seth muttered as he leaned against the bathroom counter.

VC-Seth-Im not going to lie...hearing Sasha deny that we're together...was a shot straight in the heart. As you can imagine, instant PTSD. Here we go again with the same situation. She's another Paige, she's another Alexa, I knew it would end up this way! This is exactly what I didnt want. I knew I was fearful for a reason. No matter how detached I want to be I always end up giving in and when I do that and let my guard down thats when they screw me over. Im fucking sick of this man. Just once I want someone to be proud to be with me. Maybe im the problem, I dont know *sighs*

Instead of joining Sasha in bed, Seth spent the rest of the night on the terrace.


8:03 am

Sasha was seen stepping onto the terrace. There she found Seth still sound asleep. She noticed he was without a blanket and seemed to be cold. So she left, went to their bed, took her blanket, brought it back up to the terrace and covered him with it.

VC-Sasha-Im guessing that Seth's hurt by me saying that we werent in a relationship and trust me, I feel fucking horrible. But, I dont know-I just, panicked and I said that. I should have been more sensitive because like-I know what he's been through. Fuck, I hate myself for this. I really do *wipes tear* Everything was just so unexpected and...I didnt know how to react.

After waking up and getting himself together, Seth's first priority was finding Dean to apologize to him.

VC-Seth-Due to the emotions I was feeling last night, I lashed out at Dean and said some harsh things. I didnt mean any of it though, it was the anger talking. I need to set things straight with him before we go back to being enemies. I dont wanna lose the doofus.

Seth found Dean chilling on a bean bag chair having his morning cigarette.

He stood in front of him, "If I sit next to you would you punch me?"

Dean shrugged, "Try me."

Seth sat on the bean bag chair and nervously looked at him.

"Its too early for violence dude."Dean said as he blew smoke, "Maybe if it was like 1 pm I would've punched you."

Seth coughed, "Thank you for forcing me to second hand smoke by the way."

"I let you sit next to me and now you're complaining. You nag more than any of the women ive been with, you know that?"

Seth laughed,"Whatever man. Look, im sorry about last night. I didnt mean any of the things I said. I was just...really pissed off. Im sorry that I took my anger out on you."

Dean nodded, "Its cool, I get it. And hey, im sorry for cock blocking you. As your friend, I should've just stayed quiet and suffer through hearing you get freaky. As grossed out as I wouldve been....I should have taken that bullet for you."

"What? No. No no no I dont want you doing that at all and...I wasnt angry I got cock blocked. I was just...angry that I keep allowing myself to be made a fool of."

"Be honest with me, you and Sasha are into each other arent you?"

Seth hesitated, "I dont know man, thats what I thought. She led me to believe that we're together but then she goes and denies everything. I feel like im being used."

"Wait so...you guys were actually together?"

"Yea. We made it official like two days ago. I asked her to be my girlfriend."

"What the fuck? Dont you think thats kinda weird? I mean, she's Roman's ex. Imagine if I were to start dating Nikki. You'd feel weird about that right."

"Number one, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, I dont think you'd ever have a shot with Nikki. And number two, Roman's mostly your friend, he's not really mine."

Dean looked at him in confusion, "Damn, thats fucking harsh. You got an issue with Roman or something?"

"Look-we're not talking about Roman okay, we're talking about me."Seth said, "What do you think I should do man because I just feel like an idiot now. Do you think Sasha and I would ever make it outside of this show? Or do you think that we only feel this way for each other because we're lonely?"

"Its very easy to feel lonely in a place like this. The feelings you think you're feeling could all just be smoke and mirrors. And maybe its the same for her to. Its strange you guys never had these feelings for each other until now. Dont mistake lust for love brother. Dont get too caught up. Maybe you guys just want to bang each other and thats it."

Seth nodded.

"Just think about it man."Dean said as he took a pull off his cigarette, "Dont rush into things and be impulsive and make choices that you're going to regret as soon as this shit show is done."

"You got a point."

"I know I do."

"You're a wise fellow Ambrose."

"Of course I am."


Indi was seen with Bianca and Damian on a day bed. Across from them on the lawn, Ricochet was coaching Aliyah and Liv through a workout.

"I feel disgusted."Indi said with her eyes glued on Ricochet, "I feel like I dont mean as much to him. How can he do this to me all of a sudden? Its bizarre."

"Did you guys talk at all today?"Bianca asked Indi.

"No. I avoided him. He slept next to me last night but I put a pillow in between us. I hate him. I fucking hate him. Everything was going so well guys like-why is he doing this to me now? God, if he wanted to leave me for a better woman then id understand. But Aliyah? The guys' a fucking idiot."

Bianca laughed.

"Listen, i'll slap some sense into him okay."Damian said.

"Please."Indi said.

VC-Indi-I dont understand like-why now? We have a week of the show left, why decide that now would be a great time to be a total dickhead? Ric and I should be having a fairytale romance but he's letting this trashy bitch ruin everything! God im so pissed off you wont believe. Theres not even another guy here that id like to get to know. Ive put all my eggs in one basket and maybe I shouldnt have done that.


11:45 am

Jojo, Summer, Bayley and Cameron were seen each sitting on a lounge chair by the pool having some gossip.

"So how was your first night in the Villa, Jo?"Summer asked.

"It was okay. Kinda wished I had somebody to fall asleep next too but whatever."Jojo laughed.

"Oh right. You're on a bed by yourself in the living room."said Bayley.

"Hopefully that changes soon."said Jojo.

"So what do you think of the guys?"Summer asked, "Who are you into?"

"Mostly Adam. He's my number one like-I really like him. He's been on my mind ever since we had our date. But yesterday Alexa pulled me aside and basically threatened me so-"

"Threatened you for which Adam? Because I feel like she'd threaten you for both."said Summer.

Jojo laughed, "True. But she threatened me for her boyfriend, Adam."

"No way."said Cameron in shock.

"Yup."Jojo nodded.

"Her and Liv are so fucking ridiculous. No wonder why they're friends."Cameron said.

"I dont care about her though. In my opinion he's fair game."

"She's threatening you only because she feels threatened by you."said Summer.

"Girl I can just imagine it already."said Cameron, "When he gets with you he aint even gonna remember little miss blondie anymore. He's gonna be like Alexa who?"

The girls laughed.

"Lets not get too ahead of ourselves now."said Jojo.

"Are you attracted to anyone else though?"Bayley asked.

"I really like the other Adam as well, I think he's adorable. Carmelo is such a good looking guy but oh my god he gives off way too many red flags. Dolph is also an option for me, I dont know how you'd feel about that Cam-"

"No its fine girl. Do what you gotta do."Cameron responded.

"But yea, Adam is my first choice."Jojo blushed.

"Girl, dont hold back. If you want him, go get him. You're the type of woman that man needs, not no little indecisive brat."said Cameron.

"Imma work my charm on him, trust me."Jojo smiled.

VC-Jojo-It sucks that I like Adam because I just know that im bound to get myself in some drama but....I cant deny the feelings I have for him. He's just so freaking cute and I just wanna hang out with him all day.


As Seth was hanging out with Jey and Jade engaged in a deep conversation about football, Sasha approached him.

If you're surprised that Seth associates with people other than Dean, Finn and Sasha then you are not alone.

"Whats up guys, can I steal Seth real quick?"Sasha asked.

"Sure but make sure to return him without any damages."Jey joked.

A little too late for that.

The two went off into the communal bedroom where currently, no one was. At least thats what they assumed. If I were them, id double check for Dean. Even when he's not there, he's probably there

They both sat atop Ricochet and Indi's bed.

"Whats up?"he asked.

"Missed you last night."she said.

"Yea uh......I decided to do some star gazing and...I fell asleep."

"Are you sure thats why you slept on the terrace?"

"Yea. Why else would I sleep on that uncomfortable bench they got up there, out in the cold, getting eaten alive by mosquitos? It was great."

Sasha frowned, "Look, I know that you're mad at me and...im sorry for saying that we werent in a relationship-"

"No no no no Sasha-"

"No listen to me. I panicked okay like...im still really nervous about this whole thing. I havent even told Indi about it yet and I tell her everything. It was stupid of me to deny that we were together because I know that you've been through this before. I hated myself for saying that. I really did. I couldnt even bring myself to look at you because I felt so guilty. Thats why I walked out of the bathroom."Sasha said as tears began streaming down her cheeks, "Im so sorry Seth."

Seth nodded.

"Its alright."he said as he pulled her in for a hug.

VC-Sasha-I dont want him thinking that im using him because im not. I fucking love him and...the last thing I want to do is hurt him. I'll never forgive myself for reacting the way I did last night. Never. Ive never felt this bad about anything in my life.

"So...what's our status?"Seth asked her.

"Whatever you want it to be. Its fine."

"Look, what happened last night was stupid and I dont think that should come between us. Id like to continue what we have right now if you're okay with that."

She smiled, "Id like that too."

He leaned in and kissed her.

VC-Seth-What she did last night was a little bit of a red flag but you know what...i'll give her the benefit of the doubt. We've only been official for like two days and I understand she's nervous about what everyone's going to think. Im just going to trust the process. At the end of the day we both have our issues when it comes to love and I think thats why we clashed. However mentally, I feel like ive taken two steps back from everything. I have my guard up, thats for sure.


VC-Damian-So Ricochet brought it to Finn and I's attention that Dolph has been going around telling people that we're just here for the money and that we're faking our way through the entire show. Well guess what, this motherfucker is in for a rude awakening.

Damian, Finn and Dolph were all seen on the terrace.

"So, what you guys wanted to talk about?"Dolph asked.

"Dont act like you dont know."said Damian.

"You've been going around spreading lies and rumours about us. What's your deal?"said Finn.

"First you take my girl and now you're talking shit about us?"said Damian, "We dont respect this type of attitude that you have. It seems like all you're here to do is cause drama. We dont need that."

"First of all, she's not your girl, she's made that very clear to me."said Dolph, "And, you two look like you're here for the wrong reasons, that just my opinion. Am I not allowed to have an opinion?"

"Maybe keep your opinion to your damn self!"Finn raised his voice, "I dont give a shit if you think im a fake but the fact that you're going around the house telling everybody that im just here for the money is pissing me off! You dont know a fooking thing about me Dolph so keep my name out your mouth."

"You're trying to turn people against us and its not working. If all you're here for is to start drama then maybe you should have kept your ass at home."Damian added.

"If you guys know you're not fakes then why are you overreacting like this? Its amusing to watch."

"BECAUSE WE'RE SICK OF YOUR BULLSHIT MAN!"Damian marched up to him and yelled.

The Islanders in the backyard heard him loud and clear.

Finn pulled Damian back.

"You're getting on my nerves. Keep fucking with me and see whats gonna happen. Im not finished with your ass yet."Damian threatened before he and Finn walked off.

VC-Dolph-*laughs*I love getting under people's skin. Its my favourite hobby. But honestly, Damian and Finn just rub me the wrong way. You cant tell me that they're not sketchy as hell. This is all just a game baby.

7:09 pm

Most of the girls were seen in the dressing room getting glammed up like they usually did every night.

Bianca's eyes were on Jojo as Jojo applied eyeliner.

"Im just gonna come right out and say it."said Bianca, "Jojo, your ass in unreal."

The girls laughed.

"Anytime I need inspiration to do squats i'll just look at Jojo."said Liv.

"We're here thirsting over her, imagine what the guys are saying."said Cameron.

"I dont even want to know."said Bianca, "Imma feel real insecure."

VC-Indi-So we're in the dressing room and Aliyah is here too. Right now I am just dying to make some type of shady comment. I just need too. I cant keep my mouth shut for long.

"Aliyah, I hope you're not planning on playing with Melo's feelings."Indi said out of the blue.

Aliyah was caught off guard, "What do you mean?"

"How can you be with Melo but you're telling my boyfriend that you want to get to know him better? Make your damn mind up babe. Apparently having a boyfriend and being in a relationship means nothing to people these days."Indi ranted.

"You can say that again."Alexa said.

"I swear, its like men dont know how to appreciate a good woman. They'd leave you for someone who's absolute trash."Indi added.

The other girls all looked at Indi in disbelief.

"Are you calling me trash?"Aliyah asked.

"Im pretty sure everyone that watches this show calls you trash babe."Indi said.

"Okay slow your roll Indi."said Liv, "Thats really mean. We dont want that negativity here. Save that for some other time."

"I dont give a shit. I say what I mean and I mean what I say."

"You are so unbearable Indi."Aliyah fired back, "No wonder why it was so easy to change Ric's mind."

"You keep throwing yourself at him like the desperate bitch you are, thats why! You aint even that fucking cute!"Indi lashed out.

Bianca quickly butted in,"Can we not do this right now?"

Indi angrily got up from her seat and stormed off. Sasha followed behind her.

"She's so immature."said Aliyah.

VC-Aliyah-Indi is acting like im the reason why she and Ric got divorced like-chill out. I just want to talk to the guy. I feel like a lot of people here tend to forget the purpose of this show. She is such an entitled, possessive brat. And she says im not cute? Am I supposed to take that comment seriously when she looks like that? Pft, be serious.

Hashtag girls supporting girls.


After everyone was done getting ready, done getting emotional and done bickering, they were all seen scattered about the backyard in their social groups.

"Hello hello Islanders!"said someone with a sickeningly familiar voice.

"No not you!"Liv groaned when she saw that it was none other than Beth making her entrance.

"I need everyone to gather around the fire pit immediately."Beth informed.

"And what if we dont?"Seth sassed.

"Then you're going to have to deal with me."she responded.

"Get your asses around the fire pit immediately guys! No fucking around tonight."Seth said.

VC-Damian-Theres no telling whats going to go down tonight. It could be a recoupling. Maybe the public has been voting us off. Anything can happen and right now, im nervous as hell.

The Islanders were now all seated on the recoupling bench. Beth stood in front of them.

"So Islanders, if you werent on your best behaviour during the past few days then you should be worried because....the public has been voting for their favourite Islanders all this time."Beth informed.

"Oh no."Bayley whispered.

"Jojo, since you have only been here for a day, you are not at risk tonight. You can sit back and relax."

Jojo nodded and smiled.

"Everyone else, you are at risk of being dumped."Beth said in a very threatening tone, "Now lets just jump right into it shall we? Aliyah.....the public has voted you their least favourite Islander. Therefore, this ends your time here on Love Island. Im so sorry."

Aliyah, along with everyone else, was extremely caught off guard.

"Wait what?"Aliyah asked.

"She has to leave? Like, seriously?"Liv asked.

"Yes."Beth responded, "Aliyah, your Love Island journey has officially come to an end."

Summer put her hand over her jaw dropped mouth.

"Damn bruh."said Carmelo.

VC-Seth-What a savage Beth is. She just comes in here and starts sending people home just like that. No warning or nothing. She's like alright, no one likes you, get outta here *cackles*

"Oh my god."Aliyah said, still in shock. Liv hugged her.

VC-Indi-God is real. Beth is god.

"Its sad that we have to say goodbye to Aliyah but....she's not the only one thats going to be leaving tonight."Beth said, "Carmelo, Summer and Dolph...you all are in a second place tie for least favourite Islander. Whats going to happen now is that im going to let the three of you go off to a private area to discuss which of two of you are going to leave the island with Aliyah and which one of you are going to continue your Love Island journey. You all will have 5 minutes to do so. If no conclusion has been made after the time has come to an end then the Islander that the public has voted their favourite will make the decision for you. Your time begins now."

Immediately the three at risk Islanders got up from their seats and went off to a private area a little distance away from the other Islanders.

"This is insane."Ricochet sighed.

VC-Bayley-This show is so unpredictable I swear. These guys gotta kick themselves off the island, what the hell?

"Is there anyone that wants to leave?"Dolph asked Summer and Carmelo, taking lead of the discussion.

They both shook their heads 'no'.

"Carmelo I think you should leave."said Dolph, "Aliyah's been dumped. You should go with her."

"Aliyah aint my girl though."

"Yea but dont you like her?"Dolph asked.

"Not enough to go with her."

"I just got here so I think I deserve a chance."said Dolph.

Summer butted in, "Im literally in a great couple with Dean. We're going strong, I think im the one that deserves to stay."

"Dolph, all you've been doing in causing drama." said Carmelo, "Thats all you're here to do. You should be the one to volunteer to leave."

"You've been here for two weeks and still cant find a strong connection. You want me to volunteer? How about you do it?"Dolph argued.

"You two should volunteer to leave and let me go back to Dean."said Summer.

"Dude, Dean doesnt even give a shit about you."Dolph said.

Summer's jaw dropped.

"Do you really think you two would make it to the end of this show? Give me a break. The guy barely looks at you."Dolph said.

At this point, the trio had only been discussing the decision for 2 minutes. They ended up arguing for the remaining 3.

The five minute timer eventually came to an end. When it did, the three Islanders reassembled next to Beth.

"So, which one of you will be continuing your journey?"Beth asked them.

"Well Beth...we havent decided yet." Summer rolled her eyes, "We argued more than anything."

"Hm. I understand. Its a tough decision to make. But, now you've left me no choice. The power is now in the hands of the public's favourite Islander. And that is......none other than Bianca."

Bianca sighed, "Here we go again."

VC-Bianca-Yea im happy that im the public's favourite but now I gotta send people home. Im so tired of doing this. It just...never sits well with me.

Bianca stood up from her seat.

"Bianca, the decision is now yours. You have the power to bring either Summer, Carmelo or Dolph back into the Villa to continue their journey for love. The two that you dont save will be dumped from the island immediately. Choose wisely."said Beth.

Bianca's eyes carefully focused on her three options.

VC-Bianca-I literally dont know what to do. Dolph just got here a few days ago. Summer has her thing going on with Dean and Melo...I still kinda care about him. I dont want to get back together with him but I cant just forget about our days together. Ughhh I dont know! Stop voting me as your favourite! Ya'll putting me in tough positions!

Bianca took a deep breath in and out before she began speaking.

"Beth...ive carefully considered my options and im going to save this person because I really think they deserve a chance. It would be wrong of me to destroy a blossoming couple so....the person im going to save is.....Summer."

Summer put her hand over her heart in relief.

"Summer, you can rejoin the cast."Beth said.

Summer went over to Bianca and hugged her.

"Thank you so much."she said.

"Dont worry about it."Bianca responded.

"Unfortunately, Dolph, Carmelo, Aliyah, this ends your time here on Love Island. Say your goodbyes and please go back to the Villa and get your belongings. As for the rest of you Islanders, I need you to stay right here. Your night isnt over yet."Beth informed.

"Oh boy."Liv sighed.

The Islanders all got up from their seats to say goodbye to the dumped Islanders.

"Im sorry Melo."Bianca said as she gave him a hug.

"Its alright. Dont beat yourself up about it."he responded.

VC-Carmelo-She brought me here, she might as well take me out. It sucks but it is what it is. I aint mad. Hopefully when Sasha gets out of here she gives me a call.

"I love you okay."Liv said as she hugged Aliyah, "I'll see you soon."

"Love you too."Aliyah said.

VC-Aliyah-This is so unfair. I was looking forward to accomplishing so much more here. But im the most disliked Islander apparently. Its okay, im used to it. The pretty girls are always hated on just because we're pretty so i'll actually take it as a compliment thank you very much. I may not get the chance to further things with Ric but bet your ass i'll be hitting him up when he's out of the Villa.

"I literally dont want you to go."Cameron said as she had her arms wrapped around Dolph's waist.

"Come with me."

"I like you but not that much."she said as they both laughed.

She pursed her lips as a way to say 'kiss me'. He leaned in and gave her a quick peck.

"Lets hang out when you're done with this."he said.

"Of course."she smiled.

"I wish I could have left you with something to remember me if you know what I mean."he winked.

She groaned, "This is so unfair."

VC-Cameron-I really liked Dolph. I loved his confidence and his attitude. *frowns*Im really going to fucking miss him. He was just...so great.

VC-Dolph-Bianca chose wrong. It should have been me. I should be the one continuing my journey. Furthermore I should have had immunity like Jojo because ive been here for only four fucking days! Whatever. I came in, stirred shit up and now im leaving. I feel a bit accomplished.

Dolph, Aliyah and Carmelo all eventually headed into the Villa to pack their things. The rest of the Islanders remained seated on the recoupling bench.

The atmosphere was quiet. An eerie kind of quiet.

"So whats going on now?"Liv asked Beth.

"Well, we have just said goodbye to three Islanders and...goodbyes are always hard. We hate them."said Beth, "We hate saying goodbyes but we love saying hellos. And now with three Islanders gone, it frees up some space for...maybe one more to join us."

Everyone gasped.

"What?"Indi exclaimed.

"Everyone, please say hello to your newest Islander."Beth announced.

She pointed towards the entrance of the backyard. All eyes were now glued there.

VC-Seth-God please not let it be Paige.

"Who is it who is it who is it?"Liv excitingly said.

"My heart is literally racing right now."said Bianca.

Everyone eagerly was looking at the entrance waiting to see the new arrival.

VC-Indi-I am at the edge of my seat right now. Im hoping its a sexy dude because I need to distract myself from Ric.

Finally, a towering figure was seen emerging. As the person got closer, everyone got a good look of who it was.

Sasha's eyes widened.

Dean shot up from his seat. So did Jey.

"No. No no no. Tell me it aint who I think it is."Jey said with a wide smile.

Everyone broke out into cheers as the new Islander took his sweet time making his entrance.

VC-Roman-You wanted me, you got me.



Voting Results-

To celebrate 5 years of WWETV, I've created a Spotify playlist with all the music I've ever used in the books. The link is in my bio!

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