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continuation of night 39

All eyes were glued on the newest Islander as he made his way towards everyone.

At the first sight of him, Seth turned to look at Sasha who was staring at the new guy with her mouth slightly opened.

"Dude, he is fucking hot."Indi whispered.

VC-Indi-Hubba hubba! The embodiment of sexiness just walked through our gates! All of the girls look absolutely stunned-I mean Sasha cant even take her eyes off the guy! He sort of has a resemblance to Xyon so I think for sure she might be interested in him. But guess what, im interested in him too so we may end up fighting! Nothing wrong with a little friendly competition. Unless he wants us both then...id totally be down with it.

The new guy eventually made his way towards Beth and stood next to her.

"Yo, what took your ass so long man?"Jey excitingly asked him.

He flashed a confident smile.

The cameras panned to Jojo who refused to lay eyes on the new guy. Instead, her eyes were glued to the ground.

VC-Jojo-Well.....this is awkward.

"Everyone, this is Roman."Beth introduced, "Im sure a lot of you know him very well. For those of you that dont know him then all you do need to know is that he's single and ready to mingle. Love Island is wrapping up very soon so im sure Roman is going to be grafting very hard while he's here. Fellas, id be worried if I were you. Thats all for now guys! Make the new Islander feel at home. I'll see you all very soon."

With that, Beth took her exit.

The guys and girls (most of them) immediately ran up to Roman to greet and welcome him.

VC-Jey-My uce Roman's here! Im fucking happy bruh! The bloodline is reunited! Lets fucking go!

VC-Dean-This is just what I needed. Roman is like a brother to me and now that he's here....I feel a lot more comfortable and settled. Wish he could've came in a little sooner but whatever, i'll take what I get.

"I need a shot of tequila asap."Sasha said to Indi as she grabbed her hand and pulled her away. They both went over to the outdoor kitchen.

VC-Sasha-Honestly...I dont even know what to say. Im just not going to have an opinion on this. The last time I was on a show with Roman as my ex....I wasnt too proud of the way I acted. Im just hoping he keeps his distance and i'll keep mine.

"Sooo, what are your thoughts on the new guy?"Indi asked Sasha.

Sasha furrowed her eyebrows, "Roman?"

"Yes! Dude, he is so hot, isnt he?" Indi said as she quickly glanced back at Roman.

Sasha smiled as she poured the shots, "Well, he's not bad looking, thats for sure."

"You like him dont you?"

"What makes you think that?"

"He is totally your type! Plus, I saw the way you were looking at him. You were simping for Xyon a few days ago, Sasha, this guy is an upgrade. I kind of want to get to know him too though. If Ric wants to slow things down and get to know other people then I should be able to do the same. Two can play that game."

"Well I think you should get to know him then. That'd be cute."

"Really? Wait but...dont you want to get to know him too?"

"Why should I?"

"What the hell kind of stupid question is that? Look at the guy! Yea I think he's gorgeous but im a good friend okay and I want to help you out because you're single and I want you to find love. Plus, you two would look so cute together."Indi gushed.

Sasha nodded, "Yea.....we were a damn good looking couple when we were together."

"When...you were together? Wait, do you know him already?"

Sasha laughed, "Indi.....Roman's my ex."

Indi's jaw dropped.

"SASHA WHAT!"She yelled out.

Sasha burst out laughing as she pulled Indi in for a hug,"I love you. Thanks for being such a good friend and trying to look out for me."

"Your ex? Him?"Indi still questioned.

VC-Indi-So this sexy beast of a man is my best friend's ex. Well, there goes my plans. Its fine though. I'll just admire him from afar.

"You need to tell me what went on between you two because like....I dont understand how he can be your ex. Please dont tell me he's a giant douchebag that goes around calling himself an alpha male."Indi said.

"He's not. He's actually a really good guy."said Sasha, "How about we go to the terrace and i'll tell you everything."

"Yes! Please!"Indi said.

VC-Sasha-I dont really like talking about my relationship with Roman. Its exhausting to explain everything we went through plus, it brings back old feelings. But Indi's my girl and she deserves to know. Well....maybe I wont tell her everything, just the important things.


Roman, Dean and Jey were seen standing near the fire pit talking. Ever since Roman had made his arrival, he hadnt moved from the firepit/recoupling bench area. He quickly had gotten distracted with the ongoing conversations and binge drinking.

"Uce you should have gotten here sooner bro!"Jey said to Roman, "We wouldve fucked shit up, no doubt about it!"

"Typical Roman, he always has to make a grand entrance."said Dean.

"I may have came in late but ive been watching. Dont think that I dont know whats been going on."said Roman.

"Well what do you think of the show so far?"Jey asked.

"You two are some fucking bone heads, thats what I think. Naomi wants to strangle your ass uce."Roman said to Jey.

"For what?"

"You had a good thing going with Bianca and you had to fuck it up. And you-"Roman looked at Dean, "You gotta make some changes. You're too damn stubborn for your own good. You gotta wake up."

"So what, are you Doctor Phil now?"Dean asked.

"Aight so I made some mistakes man. Thats in the past. Im happy now."said Jey.

"You're happy now but at who's expense?"Roman said to him.

Jey didnt respond.

"Y'all are in here like some hamsters in a cage man. Dont get carried away. Its gonna be back to real life in just a matter of days."said Roman, "Y'all got tunnel vision."

"Aight, aight enough about us. Which one of these girls you feeling?"Jey changed the topic.

"Thats....a tough question."he answered.

"What are you talking about man? These girls are hot."said Jey.

"Yea I agree. But half of them I know already. Plus, I got two exes in here so...I aint got much options. Im just here to do damage control."

"So you aint here to find love?"Jey asked.

"Im here to keep y'all asses in check."

"We'll see about that."Dean said, "Pretty soon you're gonna be pinning 'em, stacking 'em and smashing 'em all night uce."

Roman laughed, "Shut yo ass up."

At the same time, Seth walked over to the group and put his arms on Dean and Roman's shoulder, inserting himself in the middle of the two.

"Whats going on fellas?"he said.

"Roman said he aint here to get with nobody. Can you believe that?"Jey asked.

"Hardly. I'll give him a day until he starts having panties drop for him."said Seth.

Roman subtly shrugged Seth's arm off of him as he said, "I got a bone to pick with you. But i'll deal with it later."

"Dude already? You just got here."Seth said.

"I know. I'll deal with the matter when the time's right."

"Look Ro, I dont see why we cant be civil. Dean and I buried the hatchet, why cant we do the same? You're still holding a grudge for what happened years ago dude, come on. We're better than that."

"Nobody said anything about what happened years ago. I aint talking about that."

"So then what did I do?"

"I'll let you know when I feel like letting you know. I just got here, I aint tryna get riled up."

Seth rolled his eyes.

VC-Seth-He has a bone to pick with me? I have a gut feeling that this has to be about Sasha. What else could it be about? Ive done nothing to the guy.

VC-Roman-Seth and I never was the closest and id like to keep it that way. The guy's a scumbag. Dean can hang with him all he wants but I dont want any part of him.


11:45 pm

Jojo and AdamC were seen sitting on a day bed together.

"Its really weird having him here."Jojo was saying to Adam, referring to Roman, "He screwed me over and never apologized, never reached out, nothing. I just want to stay far away from him as possible."

"What if he tries to kiss and makeup with you?"Adam asked her.

"Too late. He had 3 years to do that and he never did it. I dont want him doing it now. And he better not even try because I would be stupid to go back to a guy that dumped me like I was garbage."

Adam looked at her and smiled, "At least you know your worth."

"Of course I do. Im not desperate."

"Thats what I like to hear."

As the two were conversing, Alexa approached them.

"Hey babe."she casually said to Adam.

"Oh hey."he said as he shifted his eyes onto her.

With a drink in her hand, she joined Jojo and Adam on the daybed, taking a seat on Adam's lap.

"Are you okay?"Adam asked her.

"Just a little bored."she giggled.

"Bored? Well, how can I be of service?"

She leaned over and whispered something in his ear which made a huge smile appear on his face.

Jojo rolled her eyes.

"I'll wait until you're done with your conversation or whatever."Alexa said to her boyfriend.

"Actually, its fine."an annoyed Jojo said, "Im about to get ready to go to bed anyway."

"Great."Alexa smiled.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow Jo."said Adam.

"Sure."Jojo replied as she got up and walked away towards the outdoor kitchen.

As she walked away, Alexa leaned in and began making out with Adam. It was almost as if she was marking her territory.

VC-Jojo-Alexa is still the same petty brat that I remember her to be. Some people just never change.

After removing her makeup and putting on her pajamas, Jojo headed into the living room where her bed currently was. With Carmelo and Aliyah-who were coupled up-now being gone, that freed up some space for a couple to move up to the communal bedroom. So now, Seth and Sasha were bunking with the rest of the couples while the three single Islanders were stationed in the living room. And those single people were Cameron, Jojo and Roman.

"Hey."said Roman as he stepped into the living room looking like he was also ready for bed.

Jojo looked around to see if anybody else was there with them. Cameron was there but at the moment she was sound asleep.

"Hey."Jojo replied.

"I hope this is not going to be weird for you or anything."he said as he sat on his bed.

"Um....no. Its fine."she said.

"Good. Have a good night."he said.

"Yea...you too."she awkwardly responded.

"You look incredible by the way. Its good to see you again."

She looked over at him and smiled, "Its good to see you too."

He flashed a smile back at her.

VC-Jojo-You know what....maybe i'll be open to talking to Roman again. He's single, im single, im going to need to get into a couple soon so for strategic purposes only....i'll be open to hearing him out....

day 40

12:34 pm

As Cameron was relaxing on a lounge chair, her phone went off.


She looked at her phone screen and gasped, "GUYS! I GOT A TEXT!"

When everyone was gathered around her, she began reading the text out loud. It said-

Everyone cheered.

VC-Sasha-This should be fun. Im curious to see how much Seth knows about me considering we've been friends for forever now. I think he should know me pretty well.
The Islanders all raced down to the site of the challenge which wasn't that far away from the Villa.

Like the text I sent said, today's challenge is called Dunk In Love and its going to put the couples to the test of how well they know each other. Here's how its going to go down.

-Each round will be couple versus couple.

-To begin, the guys from the couples will be stationed on a dunk tank. The girls will be standing to the side.

-The host will ask the girls a question. She will then write her answer on her answer board.

-Then the host will ask the guys the same question and they must respond with what they think their girls said.

-The girls will then give their answer.

-If the couple's answers match, they are safe and will earn a point.

-If their answers dont match, the guy will be dunked into the water.

-The process will be the same when its the girls turn to sit on the dunk tank.

-Couples with the most points win.

"Alright you guys ready to play Dunk In Love?"Jojo asked the Islanders.

Since she was currently single, she decided to be the host. The other singles, Roman and Cameron was just there to spectate.

For round 1, it was Liv and AdamC versus Finn and Bayley. Finn and Adam were seen sitting atop their bench in the dunk tank.

"Okay ladies, round 1. Your question is: If there was only one thing you could achieve in life, what would it be?"Jojo asked.

Liv and Bayley quickly scribbled down their answers.

"Okay Adam, what do you think was your partner's response?"Jojo asked.

"Um....to find true love?"he guessed.

"Liv, is that correct?"Jojo asked.

Liv turned over her answer board to reveal her answer.

She had written-To have a family with the man I love.

"Its kind of the same thing."Adam argued.

"No its not!"Liv laughed.

Suddenly, the bench under Adam dropped sending him directly into the cold water.

The other Islanders broke out in laughter.

"DO IT ONE MORE TIME!"Seth yelled.

VC-Liv-I have a really big family and one day I hope to have a really big family of my own. Family is very important to me.

"Finn, what do you think Bayley answered with?"Jojo asked.

"Erhm....to travel the world."he said.

Bayley turned her board over to reveal the exact words that came out of Finn's mouth.

"I knew it."he smiled.

"Finn and Bayley, you guys got one point!"Jojo said.

VC-Bayley-We've known each other for four years so if he hadnt gotten this question right....I would have been a bit concerned.

For round 2, it was Sasha and Seth versus Bianca and Damian.

"Okay girls, your question is, what is your guy's best personality trait?"Jojo asked.

Sasha and Bianca took a few seconds to think before they began writing their answer.

"Seth, what do you think is Sasha's answer?"Jojo asked.

"Um....well I know that I have a lot of amazing personality traits but im going to say that....she thinks my best personality trait is that...im a drip god."

"What?"Sasha said in confusion.

"Im just kidding. I think she thinks my intelligence is my best personality trait."he said.

"Sasha, whats your answer?"Jojo asked.

Sasha turned around her board to show her answer, "I wrote that his best personality traits is that he is extremely caring, thoughtful and funny."

"It asked for one personality trait Sasha."Seth said.

"You said it yourself, you have so much!"she responded.

The bench that Seth was sitting on contracted and down he fell into the water.

"That was not fun!"he said as he wiped the water from his face.

Poor Seth. Now he's dripping wet. I guess he really is the drip god.

"Damian, what do you think is Bianca's response?"Jojo asked.

"Im going to go with....laid back. I think thats what she thinks my best personality trait is."


"I wrote that your best personality trait is that you're a very positive person and that you have a good mind and heart."she said.

"Aw, thats very nice of you."he smiled.

Very nice of her to cause you to get soaked! Pull the lever!

Down Damian fell into the water.

For round 3, it was Dean and Summer versus Alexa and AdamP.

"You're going down cowboy."Dean threatened Adam.

"Only if you're going down with me pal."Adam responded.

"Summer, Alexa, your question is....what is your partner's worst habit?"

"This is easy."Alexa said as she scribbled on her board.

"Dean, what do you think is Summer's answer?"Jojo asked.

"Ummm......"he scratched his head, "I really cant think of anything. Summer's a sweetheart so I bet she doesnt think that I have a bad habit. My answer is that she put nothing."

Summer shook her head. She turned over her board to reveal her answer.

She wrote-He likes to get into fights.

"You really think you dont have a bad habit Ambrose?"Seth asked. Roman couldnt help but laugh.

Alright, this stupid idiot is just asking for it now. Pull the lever!

And just like that, Dean was dunked into the water.

VC-Seth-Where do I begin with Ambrose's bad habits? Yes he likes to fight, he's also unaware of anything thats going on around him, he smokes, he doesnt clean up after himself, he's too quiet at times, he bottles everything up, he's destructive, he's aggressive, he's too sensitive, he holds grudges for way too long, he's impulsive-I can go on and on if you want me to. I got all day.

"AdamP, what do you think Alexa answered with?"Jojo asked.

"For sure my worst habit is that I drink too much."he said.

Alexa grinned as she flipped her board to show him the answer. He was correct.

VC-Alexa-I honestly think Hangman has been drunk since the very first day he's been here. My theory is that one day he got drunk and signed up for the show and...he's been drunk ever since, even up until now. I feel like one of these days he's going to wake up and not know what the hell he's doing here or who any of us are.

That would explain a lot. There's no other reason for a guy to jeopardize his teaching job for this.

For round four, it was Jade and Jey versus Indi and Ricochet.

"Ooo this is a juicy one."said Jojo, "Girls, if your guy could be coupled up with any other person in the Villa currently, who do you think he would choose?"

A wicked smirk appeared on Indi's face as she wrote her answer.

"So Jey, who would you choose? I want to hear your answer, not what you think Jade wrote."said Jojo.

He blushed, "Well...id have to go with you Jojo."

She raised her eyebrows and nodded, "Hm, okay."

"Only because you aint coupled up with nobody yet."

"Jade, what is your answer?"Jojo asked.

She turned her board around to reveal that her answer was-Jojo.

"Lets go!"Jey clapped.

"Congratulations, you guys got one point. Ricochet, what is your answer?"Jojo asked.

"I'll choose you as well Jojo."he said.

Jojo seemed surprised, "Aw, I'm so flattered guys. Indi whats your answer?"

"I wrote,"Indi turned her board around, "Aliyah."

"But Aliyah's not even in the villa anymore."Cameron pointed out.

"I know. Send his ass swimming."Indi said.



Ricochet was dumped into the water.

VC-Indi-He one hundred percent deserved that. I feel no remorse.

It was now time for the couples to switch positions for the second half of the challenge. The rules will still be the same except this time different couples will be going up against each other and the girls will be at risk of getting dunked.

Round five was AdamC and Liv versus AdamP and Alexa. Liv and Alexa were seen sitting atop the dunk tank bench.

"I hate this already."Liv laughed.

Roman was now the host after Jojo decided to take a break. To prevent a possible altercation from breaking out, we had both Adams stand on either side of Roman. After all, if there was anyone that knew how to break up a fight, its Roman.

"Alright Adam and Adam, your question is, physically what about your girl are you mostly attracted to?"Roman asked.

Both Adams quickly wrote down their answers.

"Liv, what do you think your Adam answered with?"Roman asked.

"Ummmm...this is such a weird question for him to answer so im going to go with...nothing. I dont think he finds anything about me attractive. And thats fine! I'm not insulted."

AdamC was looking at her as if she was crazy.

"Adam, whats your answer?"Roman asked.

"I wrote that I liked her smile."AdamC said as he showed his board.

"Awwww thanks Adam!"she happily said, "I like your smile too!"

In a judging manner, Alexa turned her head to look at Liv.

However, she didnt get to look at her for that long because Liv was submerged into the water.

VC-Liv-I really wasnt expecting Adam to give an answer considering he's my best friend's boyfriend but he's such a sweetheart. Its adorable that he thinks I have a pretty smile.

"Alexa, what do you think your Adam answered with?"Roman asked.

"Im going to say that...he's attracted to my eyes?"she guessed.

"Adam, what was your answer?"

"I wrote that I liked her pretty doll face, Roman. She's beautiful. You got beautiful eyes too Lexi."said AdamP. AdamC shot him a dirty look.

Too bad you wont get to see them for much longer. Pull the lever!

Alexa screamed out as she was dropped into the water.

For round six it was Dean and Summer versus Seth and Sasha.

Dean and Seth were seen standing next to Roman.

For some odd reason, I want to recite the NATO phonetic alphabet. Specifically the letters of S, H, I E, L and D. Weird.

"Alright dudes, your question is...If your girl could be coupled up with any other person in the Villa, who would she choose?"Roman asked.

Its a repeat question, yes I know.

Roman waited for the guys to write their answer before he asked the girls.

"So girls, who would you choose to couple up with if you werent coupled up with your guy? Summer?"

"I'll couple up with.....Damian."

"Dean, whats your answer?"

Dean turned his board around to reveal his answer. He wrote-Dolph.

"What? Dolph's not even here."Summer said.

"What are you talking about? He got here like 4 days ago. Dolph, where you at man?"Dean said as he looked towards the bench where the spectating Islanders were sitting.

Seth facepalmed himself.

"Dolph got dumped last night dude. You dont remember?"Damian asked.

"Wait, he got dumped too? Really?"

"He's not anywhere here Dean!"Ricochet pointed out.

"I swore I saw the fucker this morning."he said.


Down went Summer.

"At least you werent buried in a box like I was Summer."Sasha said.

Its official, its either Dean is absolutely clueless or Dolph snuck back into the Villa and is now in hiding.

"Sasha,"Roman smiled, "If you werent coupled up with Seth, who would you have liked to be coupled up with?"

Sasha blushed as she answered, "Um.....id like to be coupled up with......Indi."

"Love you!"Indi yelled out.

"Seth, what's your answer?"

"The answer is so obvious Roman, you and I both know what it really is. Even Finn knows what it is."Seth said, "The whole world knows what it is. Who are we kidding?"

Sasha furrowed her eyebrows. Her heart rate began increasing.

Seth turned his answer board around to reveal his answer.

On his board he wrote-


Sasha gave a sigh of relief.

"We all know they're a match made in heaven."he joked.

Sasha held her nose before she was dropped into the tank.

VC-Sasha-I really thought he actually wrote Roman on his answer board. If he had done that, I would have been really fucking pissed. But, im glad that didnt happen.

VC-Seth-Honestly, I dont even want to know the real answer to that question. She said it was Indi but im pretty sure its not really Indi.

Damian and Bianca versus Jade and Jey was up next for round 7.

"Alright Jey, Damian, how many kids do you want in the future?"Roman asked.

The men quickly scribbled on their boards.

"Bianca, how many kids do you think Damian wants?"Roman asked.

"Um....maybe like 3?"she guessed.

"Damian is that correct?"

Damian turned his board over. On his board he wrote-none intentionally.

Bianca gasped, "Really Damian? You dont want kids?"

"No."he answered as if he was confused as to why she was surprised about that.

And just like that, she was dunked into the tank.

VC-Damian-Kids are great and all but...I like having my freedom to do whatever I want. Maybe when I get older I may want some but right now...no thank you.

"Jade what is your answer?"Roman asked.

"I think Jey wants a lot of kids. I cant give you a number so imma just say a lot."

Jey smiled as he turned his board over. On the board he had written-I want to be the next Nick Cannon.

Everyone laughed.

"Well Nick Cannon has a lot of kids so I guess you got that one right Jade. You guys got two points so far. You're in the lead."said Roman.

"Nick Cannon has like ten kids Jey!"Indi pointed out.

"I know! I gotta get to work asap."he responded.

"Thats if you dont already have some kids out there that you dont know about."said Roman, "I wont be surprised with yo ass."

"Shhhh."Jey put his index finger up to his lips.

The girls all gasped.

"Jey!"Jade yelled out.

"Im just playing girl."Jey laughed.

I would also like to point out the fact that Nick Cannon has five different baby mothers so Jade, if I were you, I wouldnt have been okay with his answer.

For the last round, it was Ricochet and Indi versus Finn and Bayley.

"Alright Ric, Finn, what is your body count?"Roman asked.

"Oh gosh."Bayley blushed.

"Whatever Finn's body count is, its up by one now isnt it Bayley?"Seth cheekily asked.

"Shut up Seth."Bayley smiled.

"Indi, what do you think is Ricochet's body count?"Roman asked.

"Im going to say....fifty five?"she said.

"Ricochet?"Roman asked.

"My body count is 16. It was originally 15 before I came here."said Ricochet.

"Only 16?"Indi said in disbelief.

"What do you mean only 16?"Ricochet asked.

"I feel like you're lying-"Indi was saying until she got interrupted by being thrown into the tank.

As she resurfaced she spat out some water.

VC-Indi-I refuse to believe that Ric slept with only 16 girls. Nope. Im not buying it.

VC-Ricochet-Ive been in a few long term relationships so obviously im not going to have a high body count number. Does Indi think im Johnny Sins or something? Damn. She yelled out 'only 16' like she was surprised. Im from little ass Paducah, Kentucky, I aint from Cali. If you're from where im from, you'd know 16 is a lot.

"Bayley, what do you think is Finn's body count?"Roman asked.

"Um....over one hundred?"

Finn's jaw dropped.

"What?"she asked.

"Wait is she wrong? Because I would have said the same."said Seth.

Finn turned his board around. The answer he had written was-45 give or take.

"Thats still a lot! What the hell?"said Bayley. Soon after, she was dunked into the water.

"That demon's possessed a lot of girls."Seth cackled.

VC-Bayley-My body count is four while Finn's is freaking forty five? How does he even know forty five different women?

Im still surprised you have a body count at all Bayley.

"Alright so the winners of this challenge and the only couple to score two points is the couple of Jey and Jade."Roman announced, "Congratulations guys."

Jey pulled Jade's face in and gave her a kiss.

"Now lets head back to the villa!"said Jojo.

GC-Jade and Jey

Jade-I think its very impressive that we won the challenge today.

Jey-Yo we were the only one to get two points. Even strong couples like Finn and Bayley couldnt get two points. That says something.

Jade-So....you want 10 kids huh?

Jey-Are you up for the challenge? You got one already, just need about nine more.

Jade-*laughs*You better be joking. I'll give you about....three.

Jey-Aight. We'll see. Im a Samoan. When we start having kids, its hard for us to stop.

Jade-Damn, so you really might be the next Nick Cannon then?

Jey-Thats what I'm planning on. Gotta keep the bloodline going.

Jade-Alright, we'll see what happens.

Jey-Listen...we'll have a daughter and guess what her name's gonna be?



Jade-*laughs* Sounds like a plan.

Jey-*leans in and kisses her*


coming up next-

Sasha and Seth goes at it again


A recoupling that will send one girl packing

Stay Tuned!


AdamP and Alexa

AdamC and Liv

Damian and Bianca

Finn and Bayley

Jade and Jey

Seth and Sasha

Ricochet and Indi

Dean and Summer

Leave a comment next to their names! You can only vote for one couple!!!

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