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day 26

The Villa

8:02 am

As the automatic curtains drew apart, the sunlight beamed through the large glass windows of the communal bedroom, forcing everyone to wakeup.

Not only did that force them to wake up but also the bright LED bedroom lights that I turned on did as well. Im so happy that I get to control these things from where I am.

"Rise and shine people!"said Liv as she was seen tying her hair in a messy bun.

Indi groaned.

Xyon and Sasha were seen still cuddled together while awake.

VC-Liv-I was hoping that id wake up and realize that everything that happened yesterday was all a dream. As a matter of fact, I was hoping that everything that happened in the past week would have been just a dream. But...nope. This is one hundred percent real.

VC-Bianca-Im not going to lie, it was weird not waking up next to Jey this morning. Even though I still hate his ass...I missed his presence. I miss all the guys actually.

"Hope you ladies slept well."said Adam to the girls as they made their way out to the backyard.

"I already made you guys coffee. Just grab a mug and relax. Kenny's whipping up breakfast."he added.

"Jeez mate, what did I do to deserve this?"said Xyon as the girls all giggled.

Alexa's eyes grew wide as she noticed Adam was wearing nothing but his briefs.

VC-Sasha-Last night was....just great. I felt really comfortable sleeping next to Xyon which is a first for me. It takes me a long time to get comfortable with someone. Maybe this is a sign....who knows *blushes*

Indi was seen talking to Bayley as they had breakfast.

"Im trying my best to have fun and get my mind off of Ric but...its hard."Indi was saying, "Ive gotten so attached to him lately. All I can think about is what he's doing at that other villa. If he's even thinking about me."

"Im sure he is. Stop worrying."said Bayley.

"Yea but if he can kiss Kayla behind my back then god knows what else he's probably doing. I cant relax."

"Well, you have seven new guys to explore. Dont hold back."

"Ugh, I dont know. The lads are cool and all but I cant just get over Ric just like that. How are you handling this?"

Bayley sighed, "Honestly....im just preparing for the worst."

"You think Finn would do something to hurt you?"

"I dont know but...im not getting my hopes up too high."

VC-Bayley-Im sure Finn's surrounded by a bunch of pretty, sexy girls that can easily take his mind off of me. Im not saying that he'll hook up with anyone but...im sure he's bound to make a strong connection with someone. And if he does then...I cant get mad. Thats what we came here for, to find out if its meant to be.


The girls at Casa Amor were all seen in the dressing room together, getting dolled up to take on the day.

"So girls, what do you think of the guys?"asked Cameron as she put eyeliner on, "Give me the updates. Anyone banged?"

"Pft. I wish."said Tay.

"I think I found my partner in crime."said Penelope as she applied sunscreen on her legs.

"You and Dean huh?"said Allie, "I saw you two last night getting cozy in each other's arms."

"I know I should stay away from him but I cant. Its my bad habit."she said.

"Why should you stay away from him?"Cameron asked, "Bitch, get that dick okurrr!"

VC-Penelope-Look, I know Dean is not your typical Prince Charming and.....thats what I like about him. I like the fact that he's tough and rugged and probably has a criminal record. I told you guys I was attracted to the bad ones. The good guys just dont cut it for me. I know he's going to break my heart at some point. I guess I just like the thrill of it.

He most definitely has a criminal record Penelope. Why does he keep getting casted on these shows every time, I have no idea.

"Would you hook up with Dean while you're here?"asked Britt.

"Hell yea. But...when the moment's right."Penelope responded.

"Do you think he'll want to hook up with anyone while he's here?"asked Cameron.

"Duh. We still have 3 days left including today so...we'll see what happens."said Penelope.

"I think he would."said Britt.

"You better lay it on him girl! If you dont I will!"said Cameron.

"You barely know him, why would you want to hook up with him?"AJ asked Penelope.

"Its okay AJ, she can get to know him while she's riding his dick!"said Cameron as the other girls all hollered.

VC-AJ-The people in here...disgust me. Like, Penelope's only met Dean yesterday and she already wants to hook up with him? She barely knows the guy. I doubt Dean even remembers her name.

"Y'all...is it bad that I like Jey?"Jade asked as she did her hair.

"Girl, that boy is a whole lotta mess. So yea, I think its bad."said Cameron.

"He just aint ever had a woman like me. Im sure I can fix him right up."said Jade.

VC-Jade-Im hoping that today i'll be able to talk to Jey and get to know him better and feel him out a little bit. From what ive seen of him, I do think he's a good guy with a good heart. He just needs the right person to whip his ass into shape.

"Has anyone noticed that Adam's been keeping his distance from us?"asked Allie.

"Hm. Look at him trying to show the world that he's a good boyfriend. Its all an act."said Britt.

"Or maybe he's just really in love with Alexa?"Anna suggested.

"I doubt it. They want to seem like they're the most perfect couple but I just know that deep down inside, their relationship is fragile."said Britt as she brushed her hair.

"I'll be the one to find that information out."Allie smiled, "All I need is time."

"You go girl."said Britt.

"We're here for a good time, not a long time ladies."said Cameron, "Dont let anybody stop you from getting what you deserve! If you see him and you like him and you want him then go get him sistas."

"Damn right!"said Britt as all the other girls cheered.

VC-Cameron-Im such a bad influence *laughs*


"You my friend, were a very busy man yesterday."Seth said to Dean as the two were relaxing on the pool chairs, "As a matter of fact, I dont think you were here yesterday. The Titty Master was here, not Dean Ambrose."

"Yup. And today is another day to do it all over again."Dean responded as he took a sip of his beer.

"So, whats the situation with you and AJ? The world knows you're her kryptonite for some odd reason."

"Situation? There isnt a situation. Yo, didnt you two bang or something last year?"he asked.

"We had...relations but it was just a one time thing."

"AJ is great and all but...I dont get why she's into me that much. I dont think we have that much in common aside from the fact that we had shitty childhoods."said Dean.

"Well, AJ is known for going after men that she has absolutely nothing in common with. She went after John and Dolph for crying out loud."

"I dont mind being friends with her but...I dont think there'll ever be anything more. She's already being clingy towards me. I gotta put a stop to that before things get out of hand."

"Im pretty sure in her mind you two are dating already."

"What about you? You got your eye on anyone? Well...besides Finn."

Seth turned to look at him, "Really Ambrose?"

"Dude, we all see it."

"See what?"

"That you'd probably turn gay for Finn in a heart beat if he gave you the green light."

"What! He's one of my best friends okay. We just got a bromance going on, its completely normal. What a weird thing to bring up. Anyway, Britt and I have been connecting really well."

"Getting with your enemy's ex? Thats some next level shit."

"Nothing I havent done before but yea....She's pretty cool."

"I think you should go for it."

"Im not going for anything. Im not here for a relationship. Im cold hearted now. Its honestly going to take a lot for me to fall in love with someone at this point."

"Same here man."

"Glad to know we're on the same, sinking boat."

VC-Seth-Ive let myself be vulnerable way too many times only to get humiliated at the end. So its not like im trying to be a jerk by not letting myself get too close to anyone, im just protecting myself at this point. And I honestly think im at a point of no return.


The Villa

"Ive never been to Australia."Mandy was saying to Xyon.

"Oh its lovely. And im not just saying that because im an Aussie myself. My country's beautiful. Sun, sand, sea, snow, anything and everything you can want. Lots of things to do."

"And lots of large creatures that can probably kill me."

"No worries. I'll protect you. I like to think of myself as the second coming of Steve Irwin."

"You're good with animals?"

"Not quite. I just have the confidence that he has. One of these days I may confidently try to wrangle an alligator and it might just cost me my life. But oh well, at least I can say I tried."

She laughed.

VC-Mandy-So finally I was able to get Xyon to myself and so far...im loving our time together. He is definitely someone I can stare at all day. Sasha better not get too attached because Mandy's coming in for the taking.

"So what were your first impressions of me?"she asked.

"Well...obviously you're very eye catching."

She flipped her hair, "Thank you."

"But from seeing you on TV....you seem like a bit of a drama queen not gonna lie."

Her jaw dropped, "Drama queen?"

"Im sorry."he laughed, "But its true. You're a drama queen."

She also laughed, "I dont know why I reacted that way. I know that I am."

"You thrive on the drama dont you?"

"Honestly...no I dont. Im just a very opinionated person. I have trouble holding back how I feel. And there is a lot of people that cant handle the way I am. Im just straight forward, thats it. Im not the type to sugar coat anything for anyone. I just dont care."

"So are you really here looking for love?"

"Of course."

"You're sure you're not just here for Jey?"

"For who? Xyon, you're talking nonsense. Its fun playing with Jey because thats what he is, a player. And what do you do when you're bored? You play. What happened with Jey and I was just me being bored, thats it. Theres nothing more to it."

"What about Montez?"

"Again, I was bored and was low on options."

"So then your future boyfriend is going to have to worry about you potentially getting bored."

"Well I dont know about that. You seem like a pretty interesting guy. Im sure you'll keep me entertained."she twirled her hair.

His eyes lit up.

"Ohhh."he smiled, "I see what you did there."

VC-Xyon-To be honest...at first I didnt really care to much for Mandy. She seemed like she wasnt my type. The way she has been acting was such a turn off for me. But after talking to her and getting to know her a bit....she's quite alright.


2:12 pm


Both Dean and Liv's phone went off at their respective villas. They got it out and began reading what the text said as everyone gathered around them. The text said-

Everyone 'ooed'.

"What the hell are they going to make us do now?"AdamC complained.

Glad you asked Adam. What is Raunchy Races you may be wondering? Well, here's how its going to work. Each round an Islander at both Casa Amor and The Villa will receive the same text with a task they must complete. The house that completes the task first will win a point. At the end, the group of Islanders with the most amount of points wins the game.

Let the games begin!

All of the Islanders at both Casa Amor and The Villa were seen gathered together in their backyards.

At Casa Amor, Finn's phone went off. At The Villa, Sasha's did. They read the instructions of their first task out loud. It said.-

The guy and girl with the shortest names in the house must French kiss for 5 seconds.

Casa Amor

"Quick! Hurry! Who has the shortest names?"Tay asked in a panic.

"Finn!"Dean yelled.

"Its not Finn! Finn has two N's."said Seth.

"What? Why?"he responded.

"AJ!"Adam pointed out.

"My real name is actually April so that doesnt count."AJ responded.

"JEY AND BRITT!"Ricochet shouted, "B-R-I-T! FOUR LETTERS!"

Before Britt could have corrected him, Jey rushed over and began French kissing her.


Eventually the five seconds were up and he pulled away.

"Thanks for that Jey but my name is spelled with two T's."Britt informed, "You should have kissed Jade or Anna."

Everyone groaned.

"Ricochet what the fuck man?"Jey asked.

"How am I supposed to know that?"Ricochet responded, "She should be wearing a name tag or something then!"

VC-Ricochet-Britt with two T's? Like-whats the point? Thats so extra.

Says the guy that calls himself Ricochet.

The Villa

Liv and Kip were seen French kissing as the rest of the islanders provided the 5 second count down.

VC-Liv-Look at me French kissing the English guy. At this point y'all should just call me Mrs.Worldwide.

The five seconds were up and the pair pulled away. A few seconds after they received a text stating that they had won the first point.

Everyone broke out into cheers.

"We are superior!"Indi boasted.

VC-Bianca-We won the first point and thats great and all but....that means that Jey had to kiss someone because I know his name is the shortest......*folds arms*Hm. Bet he liked it too.

The next task came in. This time it said-

Two Islanders must perform an underwater kiss.

At Casa Amor, Cameron and Ricochet were the first to get out of their seats and jump into the pool where they shared a kiss under the water. At The Villa, it was Indi and Carmelo.

VC-Indi-Kissing underwater seems all magical and romantic in the movies but in real life...you feel like you're about to drown. Would not recommend.

Casa Amor ended up scoring the point for that one.

Their third task that came in said-

The guy and girl who's names comes first alphabetically must share a kiss.

"ADAM AND ALEXA! ADAM AND ALEXA!"Liv shouted. The two sprung out of their seats and began kissing.

"Get it Lexi!"Mandy cheered them on.

At Casa Amor, after doing some quick rocket science to try to figure out which name was first alphabetically between Allie, April and Anna, Adam and Allie locked lips....for a brief second before Adam pulled away.

"Wow Adam. Way to show a girl a good time."said Penelope with sarcasm.

"All we had to do was share a kiss-which we did."Adam defended himself.

"You do realize that Alexa also has to kiss somebody back at The Villa right?"Damian pointed out.

"And knowing Lexi, she's probably giving it to him good."Seth added.

"I highly doubt it."Adam said.

Little did he know Seth was right. Alexa and Cowboy Adam's 4 second long kiss caused them to win this point for The Villa. Also because the geniuses at Casa Amor took too long to figure out who's name came first.

VC-Alexa-I did it for the game okay. Im a competitor at heart, you guys know that. When its time to compete, I go all out. So yea, kissing Hangman was just about winning the point. I also know that Adam had to kiss someone which....pisses me off a little, not gonna lie. Whatever. Im sure im hotter than she is.

A text with the fourth task came in. It said-

The youngest girl and guy must make out.

The Villa

"Me! Thats me!"Indi yelled, "Im the youngest girl!"

Kip ran towards her and the two began making out.

At Casa Amor, Anna and Austin were going at it.

VC-Ricochet-I just realized that...Indi's making out with someone right now because she's the youngest girl. *sighs*.....Im definitely not happy about that.

When they were done, both villas received texts stating that The Villa had won that point.

"Way to go Indi."Ricochet bitterly muttered.

"Yo we're on a losing streak right now."said Damian.

The next task said-

The shortest girl and the tallest boy must kiss.

At The Villa, Xyon quickly scooped Alexa up into his arms and they began kissing.

VC-Alexa-Well...damn Xyon. Are you trying to make me fall in love with you too?

Sasha twisted her mouth.

VC-Sasha-*clears throat*......Its whatever...

At Casa Amor AJ had her legs wrapped around Damian's waist as they kissed.

VC-AJ-*twirls hair* Damian's....not a bad kisser at all....

Yep, I think we know whats coming. Damian, good luck.

"Alexa has to kiss someone again."Adam worryingly said.

VC-Adam-Its just a dumb game Adam. Its just a game. Stop over thinking things. Alexa's probably not even enjoying it.

Can we get a quick replay of Alexa just mere moments ago?

//VC-Alexa-Well...damn Xyon. Are you trying to make me fall in love with you too?//

Thank you.

Casa Amor ended up scoring that point.

The next task said-

The Islander that had been coupled up with the same person the longest must make out with the person they are attracted to the most.

"Oh my god, thats me and Jey."said Bianca.

"Take your pick B!"said Sasha.

Bianca hesitated.

"Hurry!"Indi yelled.

She went over to Carmelo and began kissing him as everyone else cheered. As they were kissing, she took a seat on his lap.

VC-Indi-It seems like Bianca is really into Carmelo. I honestly hope it works out for her because its what she deserves after dealing with Jey.

VC-Bianca-As im kissing Carmelo, I realized that Jey also is going to be kissing someone so...I had to spice things up a little.

While the pair were still locking lips, Bianca took his hands and placed them on her butt to which he had no problem gripping onto.

VC-Carmelo-Damn yo. She had ya boy turning all shades of red *blushes*

Casa Amor

"Hurry up and pick one Jey!"Cameron yelled at Jey who was taking his sweet time trying to decide which beautiful girl to kiss.

VC-Jey-Man, they're all hot. Im mostly caught between Tay and Jade. Im in a dilemma right now.

"All y'all are attractive, man."Jey said.

"Dude hurry the fuck up!"Seth said.

He quickly went over to Jade and began kissing her.

VC-Jey-But....theres something special about Jade. I dont know what it is but...she got me intrigued.

Once again, The Villa scored that point.

VC-Bianca-Ha, do better next time Jey.

Another text came in with another task for the islanders. This one said-

Everyone that shares the same zodiac sign couple up and get into a sex position.

At both villas the islanders quickly got to discussing their star signs. Except for Dean who seemed lost.

"Whats your horoscope Dean!"Cameron asked.

"How am I supposed to know?"he responded.

"When were you born?"

"On a cold winter's night."

She groaned, "Oh my god you're useless."

"He's a Sagittarius."Seth informed.

"Did you just insult me? Well so are you, you dipshit."Dean said.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, this is the guy that has all the ladies going wild.

After doing some more rocket science to figure out their horoscopes, the islanders at The Villa quickly got to doing the task.

Luckily for Sasha, her and Xyon both shared the star sign of Aquarius. She laid flat on the grass as he got on top of her in the missionary position.

VC-Sasha-Listen...I haven't had intimacy in a damn long time so right now my hormones are all over the place *laughs* I need to chill yo.

Being both Leos, Alexa and Adam got into the-yes, you guessed it, the Cowgirl position.

VC-Adam-For obvious reasons its one of my favorite positions.

Indi and Carmelo were also both Leos. They decided to get into the position that they used the night before while playing Dares which was the doggy style.

At Casa Amor, both Cancers Anna and Adam were seen in a spooning position and the Geminis Seth and Tay were seen in a standing 69.

"Show off."Dean muttered.

VC-Seth-Its a great day to be a Gemini.

VC-Jade-Im the other Gemini girl in the house and trust me, if I did that position with Seth, he'd be the one hanging upside down.

Surprisingly, Casa Amor was able to win this point.

Another task was sent via text. This one said-

All Islanders must pair up and share a passionate kiss.

The Islanders at both villas all grabbed onto the person closest to them and began making out.

Before Sasha could have gotten to Xyon, Mandy had already thrown herself at him. She had no choice but to go with MJF. Alexa went with Adam, Liv went with Carmelo, Bianca went with Andrade, Bayley went with Kenny and Indi went with Kip.

At Casa Amor, Allie chose to kiss Adam, Penelope went with Dean, Britt chose Austin, Tay chose Jey, Jade went with Damian, AJ went with Finn, Anna went with Seth and Cameron went with Ricochet.

What a beautiful sight. Everyone coupled up together, making out, looking like the beginning of a potential gang bang. When we say make love, not war, this is what we mean.

After the spit swapping fest was over, the point was awarded to Casa Amor.

The next task that was sent through text said-

The guy who's first name comes last alphabetically must make out with every girl.

Without thinking, Xyon got up and got to work.

VC-Xyon-Its obviously me. Lets not waste any time.

"Damn bro, your lips must be chapped as hell from kissing so much today."said Carmelo as Xyon was kissing Bianca.

"Putting in that work mate."he responded.

"Somebody get this man some chapstick!"said Kenny.

At Casa Amor, Seth was the one tasked with kissing all the girls which he had no problem doing.

VC-Seth-All the ladies are going to get a piece of The Messiah today *cackles*

In the end, Seth won the point for Casa Amor.

"TAKE THAT LOSERS!"Seth gloated.

VC-Seth-You cant dethrone the champ. These lips are very experienced.

The last task that came in said-

Four Islanders must jump naked into the pool.

"Time to shine."said Dean as he began taking off his mic and his swimming trunks.

Ricochet, Cameron and Tay all joined him as they speedily ripped off their clothing and cannonballed into the pool.

At The Villa, Liv, Mandy, Andrade and Xyon were all seen jumping into the pool one by one, in the nude.

After spending a few minutes in the pool, everyone came back out and put their clothing back on.

At least they had the courtesy to use their hands to cover their bare areas from everyone. Except for Dean of course who was just giving us more raw footage of him to add to our ever growing collection.

VC-Dean-When you got it, flaunt it.

VC-Penelope-I tried not to look but...at least I know what im working with now.


The islanders at both villas were now sitting around waiting to find out who had won this last point.


Both Austin and Bayley's phones went off at their respective villas. Simultaneously, they began reading the texts out loud. The texts said-

Everyone at Casa Amor erupted in cheers.

VC-Seth-Two victories in a row! You cant touch us! Eat your little hearts out girls!

"Great. I hope they have fun."Indi bitterly said.

At the same time, Liv left everyone and stormed off into the bedroom.

But worry not for Alexa and Mandy were on the case!

They found her sitting on her bed, with tears running down her cheeks.

They sat beside her and didnt say a word. They knew exactly what was wrong.

VC-Liv-So...Casa Amor won the party. I...know what goes on at these parties *wipes eyes* I feel like im losing Dean for good this time. Im sure those girls are going to be all over him and he's going to be tempted and hell, he's not going to resist because why would he? I feel anxious and helpless. I wish I can race across to that other villa and stop everything but...I cant. I have no choice but to sit back and let everything happen. Its hard to force yourself to not love someone anymore, you know.....I wish it was easy.



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