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a/n-This chapter is pretty long because I tried to make up for not updating in almost 3 weeks.


continuation of day 26

5:12 pm

The Villa

"I think she's feeling me."Carmelo was saying to Kip and Xyon, "Since we got here Bianca's been giving me the green light."

"Its so obvious."said Xyon.

"But our time is limited and...as much as I really do like Bianca, I want to get to know Sasha too."Carmelo said.

"Sasha?"Xyon asked.

"Uh oh. Xyon and Sasha are practically in love already."said Kip.

Xyon laughed, "No no no mate. But her and I do have a pretty strong connection. I really like her."

"So what, is she off limits or something?"Carmelo asked.

"No no not at all. It'll be absurd of me to be acting possessive this early."

"And I dont think you should get hooked on Sasha just yet."said Carmelo to Xyon, "Mandy got the hots for you dude."

He gritted his teeth, "I know."

"Dude its only day 2 and you already got 2 of the baddest girls in here in love with you."Kip said to Xyon, "Meanwhile, the girl that I really like is too busy crying about her ex boyfriend that doesnt give a shit about her."

"Yo Liv confuses me sometimes. One minute she's in love with Dean, the next minute she's into other guys."said Carmelo, "She doesnt know what she wants."

Kip sighed, "I just gotta work my English charm on her even harder."

"Yea. Im sure she'll come around eventually."said Xyon.

VC-Kip-One minute, Liv is bubbly and lively and into everything thats going on and then the next minute, she's super depressed and bummed about what Dean may be doing. Like-you guys are broken up are you not? Im getting mixed signals from her. She gave Dean mixed signals too, thats why they fell apart.


8:00 pm

Casa Amor

"CHEERS GUYS!"Cameron yelled as she, the girls, and the guys all clinked glasses.

GC-Austin, Damian and Ricochet

Damian-Because we won the Raunchy Races, Casa Amor got awarded a party so tonight, we're prepared to go all out.

Austin-Theres going to be nothing but good vibes tonight. These girls at this villa are crazy so you know we're gonna have fun.

Ricochet-Wait-are you guys missing your girls?

Damian-Yea but.....we cant get caught up in our feelings when theres a party happening.

Ricochet-True. We deserve this. Alcohol, good music, sexy ladies, yea, we're gonna have a blast.

The theme of the party was Angels and Devils. Some of the islanders were seen dressed in white wearing halo headpieces and angel wings while the others were seen wearing darker colors and sporting devil horns and plastic pitch forks.

-Those dressed as Angels-Finn, Austin, Adam, Jey, Seth, Anna, Jade, Tay.

-Those dressed as Devils-Dean, Damian, Ricochet, Allie, Penelope, AJ, Britt, Cameron

"Aint no way you're wearing a halo right now!"Cameron said to Jey as she took his halo headpiece off and threw it aside. She then took the horns off of her head and put it on his.

"Thats more like it."she said.

The drinks were flowing, the music was blasting and the dancefloor was packed with bodies grinding against each other. Casa Amor was definitely making the most out this party.

Even our resident sourpuss AJ was having a good time as Damian was seen with her across his shoulder, spinning her around.

VC-Damian-I hate seeing people not enjoy themselves. Like, we're having a party! Theres no room to be sad right now. AJ was sort of just sitting there watching everything go by so I felt like I needed to step in and show her a good time.


Because Adam was missing his girlfriend Alexa so much, he decided to hang out on a day bed with the Casa Amor version of her.

Allie was seen taking a sip of her drink.

"Oh my god thats strong!"she said.

"Did I put too much tequila?"Adam asked.

"Are you trying to get me to black out tonight or what?"she laughed.

"Im so sorry. Here, have mines."he said as he gave her his drink.

She took a sip of his, "Okay, this is better. Thank you."

"You're welcome. So, are you having fun?"

"I am! And I like that you're also loosening up a bit. You got some....pretty interesting dance moves."

He laughed, "I try not to show off too much. Dont want to put the other guys to shame."

She giggled, "I like seeing this side of you. Ive been very intrigued about you since day one."

"Hmm what's so intriguing about me?"he asked.

"The fact that you're exactly my type."

"Oh really?"he smiled.

"Plus you have a really cute smile."

He purposefully changed his smile into a frown.

"What about now?"he asked.

She giggled and pinched his cheek, "You're still adorable."

"Well thank you. And are you sure im exactly your type because im known to be kind of a pain in the ass."

"Oh, that makes you my type even more."she said as they both laughed, "You know, im pretty surprised that after almost four weeks of being on this show, your head hasnt been turned."

"Most of that time ive been with Lexi so...it would be hard to turn my head when im always with the woman that I love."

"Is that the case or were the other girls just not your type?"

"Well....there's also that."

"What do you look for in a girl?"

"Thats...kind of hard to say. There's really nothing specific. It's just a matter of if I click with someone or not. It really depends on their personality."

"So what are your thoughts so far on Casa Amor? Is there anyone that can potentially give Alexa a run for her money?"

He blushed, "Well...I don't want to say anything just yet."

She perked up, "So there is someone?"

"I mean-you girls are great-"

"Oh shut up. Who is it? I promise I won't tell."she excitingly said.

"Well....there's this pretty cute blonde that I like hanging out with. I think her name is Allie or something."he said with a bit of sarcasm.

Allie laughed.

"Ugh I feel so guilty though. Why'd you have to make me like you?"he asked.

"Im just naturally charming. Its a blessing and a curse."

He laughed.

"Look.....im not trying to cause drama or anything but...there is a clear difference between you and Alexa."Allie said.

"How so?"

"From watching you guys for these past few weeks I feel like...your heart and soul is invested into the relationship whereas Alexa is treating it like its a storyline. There was an episode where she was telling Liv and Mandy that she was getting bored in the relationship and wanted excitement."


"You guys are cute and all but...I just feel like you two are on different paths."

"Is that how we come across?"

She nodded, "But enough about her. You got me!"

He smiled, "Yea but..after what you told me..im kind of worried now."

"I'll help you get your mind off of her."said Allie as she repositioned herself and sat across his lap, "Its what im here to do. I'll keep myself reserved for you and you only."

He locked eyes with her and smiled.

"Dont look at me like that."she flirtatiously said.

"Like what?"

"Like that!"

He laughed, "Like what!"

She tossed her arms around him and pulled him close, into a hug.

VC-Adam-Allie is a very attractive, tempting girl. Not only that but she's really cool and easy to talk too. After she told me about what Lex had said...I just feel like maybe she's going to be at The Villa really getting to know those new guys and seeing if theres a possible connection. What she said about Alexa treating the relationship like its a storyline....kind of makes sense. Why else would she say she needed excitement? I thought our relationship was already pretty exciting.

VC-Allie-Slow and steady wins the race. I know Adam really adores Alexa but...I think in due time i'll be able to win him over. Im not rushing.


The Villa

Despite losing to Casa Amor at the Raunchy Races game, the guys and girls at The Villa still insisted on having a good time. They were all dressed up and out in the backyard drinking and playing games as loud music blared.

VC-Indi-Sure we didn't win the party but that doesn't mean we're not allowed to have fun. We're here with 7 hot single guys. We gotta seize the opportunities.

MJF, Mandy, Indi, Kenny, Bayley and Andrade were all seen hanging out together at the outdoor kitchen.

"What do you guys think is the end goal of this?"Indi asked the group, "Like, at the end of the four days are you guys just gonna go back to wherever you came from are you going to be staying with us?"

"We weren't told anything so we don't know."said Kenny.

"We were just told to make you fall in love with us."said Andrade.

"What would you guys prefer?"MJF asked, "Those old losers that you were with or us?"

"I'll take you guys over those guys any day."said Mandy, "Y'all are way hotter."

"Right? Those guys are so mid."said MJF, "Isnt that right Bayley?"

Bayley blushed, "Oh I dont know about that."

"Why are you letting yourself be Finn's puppet? You can get a way better guy."MJF said.

"I'm not his puppet. What we have is real."

"Yea, a really real friendship."

"Why are you always such a jerk Max?"Mandy asked.

"Im a jerk for telling the truth?"

"Finn and I are going at a very comfortable pace. If you dont like it then...thats kind of your problem."Bayley said.

"You guys are a snooze fest, thats what you are. I mean after four years you just had your first kiss with him? Sounds like this whole relationship is very forced. He probably just wanted to be on TV. You deserve a guy that would sweep you off your feet."

"Dude, what the hell is your problem?"Kenny said, "You're not here to critique the show, you're here to make a connection with the girls. But it seems like you're struggling to do that because you've been nothing but a little whiny bitch since you've been here. Chicks dont dig that."

"I just call it as I see it. Im not trying to be a jerk. Im far from one. Im the nicest guy you'll ever meet. Bayley, im trying to help you."said MJF.

"I dont need help. I know what im doing." Bayley sternly said.

VC-Bayley-Whenever someone says that they're trying to 'help' me, it kind of sets off a trigger. The last time someone did that, I ended up looking like a total fool. I dont need anyone's help. I like doing things on my own.

"I think you're going to regret your decision. Finn is just a cheating timebomb waiting to explode. Im pretty sure he already did at Casa Amor-"

At the same time, Indi snatched MJF's Burberry scarf from around his neck and began running away with it.

VC-Indi-Just to shut him up.

"How dare you! Do you have any idea how much that costs?!"he yelled as he ran after her.

"He's literally such a pain in the ass. I kinda hate him."Kenny said, referring to MJF.

Andrade nodded in agreeance.

"So Kenny...who's bed will you be sleeping on tonight?"Mandy asked.

"Im fine with sleeping on the day bed."

"Oh come on."

"Everyone already has their bed partner-its really not a bother."

"Well...I think Bayley has some space on her bed, right Bayley? Help a guy out?"Mandy nudged Bayley.

"Oh no."Kenny said, "If she's uncomfortable then thats totally understandable. I wont want to be-"

"You know what,"Bayley interrupted him, "You can bunk with me tonight. If you'd like."

Mandy grinned.

"A-are you sure?"Kenny asked.

"Yea. I bet sleeping out here is really uncomfortable."

"Yea I froze my ass off last night."Kenny agreed.

"You can sleep with me then."she smiled.


"Just a warning Ken, Bayley's a hugger."said Mandy.

"Well its a good thing I like hugs!"he responded.

Bayley blushed.

VC-Mandy-Ugh, I feel like such a match maker right now. So, Bayley confided in me that out of all the guys she really likes Kenny. And knowing Bayley, she wasnt going to do anything about those feelings. So, I had to make magic happen myself. Plus, I think they'd be cute. You go for it Bayley.

Darn you Mandy, how dare you help her!


Casa Amor

10:03 pm

The party was raging on except, the whole theme of Angels and Devils was thrown out the window as everyone were now in their bathing suits in the hot tub.

VC-Cameron-Soo...the party took a wild turn and next thing you know, we're all half naked, in the hot tub and kissing each other.

And that they were. An impromptu game of Dares broke out which mainly consisted of the Islanders daring each other to kiss whoever they'd like.

At the moment, Tay was seen sitting on top of Austin's lap as she made out with him. The other girls cheered her on.

VC-Tay-Listen, I am single and I love having a good time! So what if I kiss a bunch of the guys? Its just a kiss, it doesnt mean anything. We're all still getting to know each other. Everybody's kissing everybody!

And to think these stupid idiots would be tired of kissing each other after today's Raunchy Races. Guess not.


Dean was seen making his way into the bathroom to retrieve a can of beer he forgot in there a few minutes earlier. As he walked in, he saw Anna washing her hands.

He whistled when he saw her and said, "Looking good babe."

She smiled, "Thanks."

He grabbed his beer and was about to walk out until she said something to him that made him stop.

"I feel like we should hang out some more."she said.

"Me and you?"

No Dean, she's saying that to her reflection in the mirror.

"Yea. You're always with Penelope so...I dont know if theres a strong connection there but...I would like to get to know you a bit more."

"The door's wide open."

"Well, id like to step through it then."she said as she approached him closer.

"Come on through."

VC-Anna-The top three guys that I was into when I came into the villa was Finn, Ric and Dean. I really gravitated towards Dean because he reminds me of myself. He's laid back, chilled out, doesnt really give a fuck about anything. I would really like to spend time with him and get to know him a bit more.

Anna was seen now sitting atop the bathroom counters as Dean slowly paced up and down.

"So you and Penelope arent serious?"Anna asked.

"Its been like-not even 2 days since ive known her. How can anything be serious?"

"But...do you like her a lot?"

"She's cool."

"But do you like her?"

He smiled, "Im a lover babe, not a fighter. I like everyone."

"Oh bullshit. You punched a guy in the face for crying out loud."she laughed, "You're such a player."

"Im not. Im the loyalest guy you'll ever meet."

"Loyalest isnt even a word."she laughed out loud.

"Whatever. I dropped out of high school. But its true."

"So if I asked you to come over here right now and kiss me, would you?"

He made eye contact with her for a few seconds before he walked up and began kissing her.

VC-Anna-There isnt much time left for us to really get to see what these guys are about so....I had to take matters into my own hands.

VC-Dean-At this point im just going with the flow. Whoever wants a piece can get it.

I just hope everyone is practicing proper oral hygiene, thats it. Well, we have a dentist in the house so how could they not be?


The Villa

"Im happy im finally getting some one on one time with you."Carmelo said to Sasha as they were sitting together on the terrace.

"Yea ive been wanting to get to know you a bit better too. But I know you and B got a thing going on so, I aint trying to mess up a good thing."

"Yea, Bianca's incredible but id like to get to know everyone. As a matter of fact, I came in here with the intention of chasing after you."

She smiled, "Moi?"

"Had a guy drooling for you just by watching you through the TV screen."

She laughed.

VC-Sasha-Oh no...Carmelo what is you doing?

"I would love to spend more time with you and get to know you better. I feel like....its too early to get attached to just one person-"

"No I agree."said Sasha, "The thing about it is...Bianca's my girl. I dont want to start hanging out with you and leave her in the dark just like that. Id like to talk to her about it first."

"Thats understandable. So in other words...you're feeling me then?"

She flipped her hair, "Yea you fine. I like what I see."

They locked eyes for a few seconds. Though there was silence between them, tension was also there. Sexual tension.

"I really want to kiss you right now."he said to her.

"And what's stopping you?"

"Can I?"

She nodded.

Without hesitation, he pulled her face close and began intertwining his lips with hers.

VC-Sasha-I do see potential with Carmelo but...Xyon is my number one. I feel like I may have led Carmelo on a bit because I do want him and B to fall in love. But...at the same time I feel like I should keep my options open. Ugh....I dont know why I let him kiss me. Im tangling myself in a web right now.


Casa Amor

11:23 pm


Seth's phone went off.

He quickly took a sip of his beer before he said, "GUYS! THE MESSIAH HAS GOTTEN A TEXT ON HIS MOBILE DEVICE!"

As everyone gathered around, he began reading the text out loud. It said-

Everyone broke out in cheers.

VC-Jey-Yo...a hideaway room at Casa Amor? Y'all really trying to get us in trouble man.

"So who wants it?"Cameron asked.

"Cant we all just share it?"Tay suggested.

"Why on earth would we want to do that?"Adam asked.

"My vote's for Dean and Penelope."said Seth.

"I agree."said Allie.

"Yes! Deanelope!"Tay clapped.

Penelope smiled, "Are you guys sure about this?"

The rest of the islanders agreed.

VC-Ricochet-I feel like Dean would be the only one of us comfortable enough to spend the night with one of these girl all alone at the Hideaway so...have at it my guy.

"I think you guys would make the most use out of the Hideaway. Have fun, you crazy kids."said Seth.

Dean pulled Penelope in for a kiss before he scooped her up and walked off with her, taking her into the house to pack their overnight bags.

VC-Anna-How is he going to act like we didnt just make out in the bathroom a few moments ago?

"Yup. She's definitely getting pregnant tonight."said Cameron.

"Ooo I hope I get to be the godmother!"Tay said.


The Villa

Alexa squealed in excitement as Adam was carrying her in his arms, to the bedroom.

It was almost lights out time in The Villa so everyone was getting ready to go to bed.

VC-Indi-I think today we've all gotten a lot more closer to the guys because we got to spend more time with them. I just know that when they have to leave, its going to be heart breaking.

"Do you want to stay with me for the night?"Alexa asked Adam as she was laying on her bed.

"Uh...sure, if thats okay with you."

"Of course it is."

VC-Alexa-I heard that Kenny was going to be staying with Bayley tonight so...I would have felt awful if I let Adam sleep outside all by himself.

"I feel really close to everyone already."Indi said to everyone as they were all already in their respective beds. The sleeping arrangements were the same from the previous night with the exception of Kenny and Adam now joining them.

"So I guess you're not missing Ricochet?"Xyon asked.

"I am! I love you guys but im still missing our old guys."

"Old guys? They've only been gone for two days."said Bianca.

"Yup and they're already history."said MJF.

"Thats what you think."said Liv.

"Well im pretty sure you're already History to D-"MJF was saying until Indi put her pillow over his face.

"Please dont move the pillow until he stops breathing. Thank you."said Liv.

As the lights went out, everyone all said their goodnights.

And so, the sickening sound of lips smacking against each other began to poison the air.

The culprits: Xyon and Sasha, and Carmelo and Bianca.

Adam even leaned over and gave Alexa a quick goodnight kiss which caught her by surprise.

"I really wish I brought some freaking ear plugs."MJF complained.


Casa Amor

"So you're here trying to find your next boo thang?"Jey said to Jade as they were both sitting on the living room sofa together.

"Not my next boo thang, my potential husband."

"Ohhh okay I see you."

"Im too grown for flings and hook ups. Im here looking for a mature, level headed man that I can hopefully share a life with. Sure we're here as temptresses but im more than just a hot piece of ass looking for the spotlight. Im looking for something real."

"I respect that."

"What about you?"

"I feel like if I say anything...i'll sound like a hypocrite."

"How so? Because of the Mandy-Bianca situation?"

He nodded.

"Yea. You were dumb to let that blonde come in between you and Bianca. But I could have tell that you were here with a purpose as well. You're not here to play games like some people may think."

"Im not. Im really not. I want to settle down. I want to find love. I want to be in love. I could have had that but my dumb ass had to ruin it. I feel like at this point...I should just let everything go and move on from B. She's probably already moved on from me."

"Well I think Casa Amor is the best place to move on from someone. Ive heard many different people call you many different things, Jey but...I still have faith in you. I dont think you're as bad as people claim you to be."

"Well...thats refreshing to hear."he smiled.

"And the next time someone says anything bad about you imma let them know whats up!"she said as he laughed.

"Okay so wait-after seeing and knowing everything that you know about me....would you give me a chance if I chased after you?"

"I would. Because I believe it takes the right woman to change a man for the better. And I think im that person for you."

"Hmm."he smiled, "Interesting."

"Maybe we should test the waters a bit?"she asked.

He locked eyes with her, "How would we do that?"

"What, you playing shy with me now? You know exactly what I mean."

He laughed, "I have no clue what you mean."

"This is what I mean."she said as she leaned and began kissing him. His hands gripped her waist. Slowly, she manuevred herself on top of him as they continued kissing.

VC-Jey-I dont know man, theres something different about Jade. I dont know what it is. When im hanging out with her, I feel...calm. I feel...a sense of security. Its just...different. A good different.


"What do you think Dean and Penelope are doing in the Hideaway right about now?"asked Ricochet as he and most of the islanders were seen in their beds.

Hopefully reading the bibles I requested to have put in there.

"Having the time of their lives."said Cameron, "And rightfully so. Im jealous."

"Guys...I dont want to go back to The Villa just yet."said Seth, "Can we just live at Casa Amor?"

"That would be the dream."said Damian.

"Stay at Casa Amor and we'll make all your dreams come true."said Tay.

"Im sold."said Seth.

VC-Ricochet-Casa Amor's fun but...I dont know, am I loser for wanting to be back at the main villa? Im feeling a bit homesick. Some of the guys love it here, some of us are getting a bit miserable.

Everyone said their goodnights as the lights went out. Britt was sharing a bed with Seth, AJ was with Damian, Jade was with Jey, Cameron was with Ricochet, Tay was with Austin, Anna was with Finn who was passed out drunk on his bed and Allie was by herself since Adam chose to yet again, sleep outside.

The footage switched to the bedroom surveillance camera. Britt was seen gently playing with Seth's hair as his back was turned to her and as Jey slept on his stomach, Jade was seen lightly running her fingers up and down his back.

Bothered by the fact that Adam was sleeping outside alone, Allie got out of her bed, grabbed her blanket and pillow and headed outside to join him on the day bed.

Hey, Allie, yea, that sorta defeats the whole purpose of why he's choosing to sleep outside but you do you sis.

Adam was awaken by her crawling onto the bed next to him.

"What are you doing out here?"he asked.

"Couldnt leave you here alone."she said.

"Im okay. You dont need to sleep outside. You should go back inside where its nice and warm."he said.

"Its fine. Plus ive never slept under the stars before. Im looking forward to it."she said as she snuggled up closer to him.

"Well...be my guest."he smiled.



Coming Up Next-

The Islanders learn the true purpose of Casa Amor


Both The Villa and Casa Amor gets a sneak peek of what each other has been up too since the split.

VC-Indi-*wipes eyes* I think its safe to say that we're all pretty sure that our boys arent coming back to us.

VC-Finn-I feel like there is a high chance that Bayley's head was turned.

VC-Liv-I feel fucking sick to my stomach. I dont even recognize who Dean's become. I think its officially time for me to leave before I lose whats left of my mind. I'm done.

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