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day 27

The Villa

8:00 am

The bedroom light turned on, signaling to everyone that it was time to wake up. Sasha groaned as she buried her face into her pillow. Xyon tightened his grip around her waist.

"Good morning guys!"Indi said as she sat up on her bed.

"Morning."Bianca yawned while stretching out her arms. Everyone said their good mornings.

"Who's making breakfast? Im starving."said MJF.

"How about you do it yourself?"Kenny said.

"Im the guest here, did you forget? I need to be attended to."MJF responded.

Liv threw her pillow at him.

"Wow. How rude."he said.

Kenny also threw his pillow at him. Soon after, everybody else began raining pillows down on him.

The islanders soon dispersed as they started their day. Some of them were in the bathroom, some were in the dressing room, some went out to the terrace to do yoga and some chose to stay in bed a little longer.

Sasha, Bianca and Indi were seen in the dressing room together.

"Soo....I might have gotten my hands a bit dirty last night."said Sasha as she was brushing her hair.

"What are you talking about?"Indi asked.

"I touched Xyon's...you know."

Indi gasped, "SASHA!"

Bianca screamed out in excitement.

"Yea we got a little handsy, you know."Sasha blushed, "Nothing too serious."

"You touched his dick how can it not be serious?"Indi asked.

VC-Sasha-So yea...last night Xyon and I sorta took it to a next level. We were kissing in bed and...he got excited so....yea. Some stuff happened *giggles*

"I cant wait to get some alone time with him. We'd absolutely wreck each other."said Sasha as Indi burst out laughing.

"Girl I know exactly what you're talking about. The sexual tension between Melo and I is crazy."Said Bianca.

"Then go for it!"Sasha responded.

"I promised myself no more hook ups though."

"But...you really want to dont you?"Sasha asked.

A guilty smile grew across Bianca's face.

"I wish I was feeling what you guys are."said Indi, "But all I can think about is Ric."

"So you're over the whole Kayla thing?"Sasha asked.

"Yea I was pissed at him when I found out about it but...im not going to let that ruin what we had. We can overcome it."

"So what if he's at Casa Amor totally in love with another girl?"Sasha asked.

"Then...im prepared to accept defeat."

"I wish I can argue with you but ive been in your shoes so I know what you're feeling."said Sasha

VC-Indi-The more im away from Ric is the more I want him. I havent been able to connect with another guy the way ive connected with Ric and...im not going to force anything. If Ric is in love with another girl by now then...so be it. But im not going to force anything with anyone just to protect myself. Im here for something real.


Bayley, who was finished doing her morning routine, was seen heading down the stairs to go to the backyard to start with breakfast. But as she made her way down, she noticed something at the bottom of the stairs, laying on the floor. It seemed like a postcard.

(like this)

She finally approached it and picked it up. Her eyes scanned it for a quick moment before her jaw dropped. She took it and ran back up the stairs towards the bedroom.

"Guys!"she yelled out.

VC-Bayley-So...I find this thing just laying on the ground. Its....a postcard with pictures...of the guys at Casa Amor......and it doesnt look good.

As she informed the girls of what she found, everyone gathered around her to view it. Even the guys.

"Oh my god."Alexa said in horror.

What Bayley had found was indeed a postcard. It was a collage of moments of each of the guys at Casa Amor. Very scandalous moments.

Pictures on the postcard included-

-Jey and Jade making out from the previous night.

-Seth and Britt laying together in bed.

- Austin doing the body shot off of Anna during the Dares game

-Damian kissing AJ during the Raunchy Races game

-Allie sitting on top of Adam as they stared lovingly into each other's eyes

- Ricochet and Cameron making out in the hot tub

- Finn and Tay kissing in the confessional room (which was un aired)

- Dean and AJ making out by the pool

-Dean and Anna making out in the bathroom

-Dean and Penelope cuddling in bed

-Dean and Penelope in bed making out in the Hideaway room.

Honestly, we should have dedicated a separate postcard just for Dean.

There was nothing but silence as all the girls studied the picture. Though it was heart wrenching to look at, they couldnt bring themselves to stop.

"I feel like im going to throw up."said Liv before she stormed out of the room.

VC-Liv-Gutted. I feel absolutely gutted....*wipes eyes* I dont think im going to recover from this.

"What a bunch of dogs."said MJF, "Good thing you girls got me right?"

"Max, they're not in the mood for your shit right now."said Carmelo.

"I need to punch something right now!"said Indi.

"You can punch me."Xyon offered.

Without hesitation, she punched him on the shoulder.

"Jeez...that actually sorta hurt."he rubbed his shoulder.

VC-Sasha-So...I saw a picture of Damian and Miss AJ Lee kissing which-im not surprised about. Like-its AJ. Thats what she does. Honeslty...im not mad about it. Ive been so caught up in Xyon that I dont really care about what Damian does. But ive noticed that the rest of the girls seemed to be super bummed about what they saw so I figured that I should bring them back to reality real quick.

"Guys, just remember, we dont know the context of these images. We dont know what was going on when these moments happened-"

Indi cut Sasha off, "What more do we need to know Sasha! Look at them! Look at what they're doing!"

"Yea but we've been doing the same things!"

"Why are you defending them?"

"Indi, these pictures could have been taken during one of the challenges! Who knows!"Sasha argued.

"Yea maybe like two of them Sasha."said Alexa, "What about the rest of the images? Why was Finn in the confessional? And Dean in the bathroom? The challenges took place outside in the backyard. Not indoors. And who the fuck is that bitch sitting on top of Adam! No one had to sit on top of anyone!"

"Look, im just trying to be the voice of reason here."

"Yea because everything is going so great between you and Xyon that you dont give a fuck about what Damian's doing!"said Indi.

"Why the hell are you guys arguing with me!"

"Im sorry im just-"Indi threw her hands on top of her head, "Fucking pissed off right now."

VC-Indi-I understand what Sasha's trying to say but....a lot of us are heartbroken right now and we have every right to be. Real feelings are involved here. We're not just some robots that can brush this shit off. Seeing Ric kissing whoever that girl is is really affecting me.

"Well ive officially lost my appetite. I think i'll pass on breakfast."said Bayley. Bianca gave her a hug.

VC-Bayley-So...I noticed that Taynara is at Casa Amor with Finn. I know Tay from our time back on Temptation Island. I know that she is just his type.....With a girl like her around...why would he be thinking about me?


"I dont even know what to say."Bianca said to Sasha as they were both sitting on the terrace, "Here I am thinking about Jey and missing him and all this time and he's over there with this other chick. I feel dumb. I honestly dont think I can ever trust him again. I think this is it. Like-for real."

"You're way too good for him B."said Sasha.

She took a deep breath in, "I know. And its time I start putting myself first before anybody else."

VC-Bianca-Its going to be hard to let go of Jey. Part of me is a bit scared to because what him and I had was so special. He knows how to make a girl feel like she's one of a kind. But...whats the point of pursuing a relationship with someone you cant trust? I hope he's used the past 2 days to figure his shit out because...I think I already have mine figured out.


Casa Amor

8:25 am

Dean and Penelope were seen heading into the backyard from the Hideaway room. Penelope was still in her two piece, black, lace pajamas and Dean was in his briefs with a pair of his shorts slung over his shoulder.

Seth, who was sitting out by the pool having his coffee noticed them.

"Damn you guys look exhausted!"he teased them, "You crazy kids were up all night werent you? Poor Penelope's walking with a limp."

Penelope cracked a smile and shook her head.

"Should we start discussing baby names?"Seth asked, "I think little Seth Ambrose sounds great."

Yea right. Over Roman's dead body.

VC-Penelope-So last night....was....not how I expected it to be.

All of the Casa Amor girls were seen in their dressing room ecstatic to hear about Penelope and Dean's special night.

"Give us all the details! Is he good in bed?"Tay said to Penelope.

"Did you guys make it official?"asked Cameron.

"Did you guys use protection?"Allie asked.

"How long did you guys do it for?"Cameron asked.

Penelope laughed at the absurd questions, "Chill guys. Nothing happened."

"What!"Tay said in disbelief.

"Okay she doesnt want to kiss and tell. We gotcha sis."Cameron winked at Penelope, "Nothing happened. We hear you."

"Im serious. When we got to the Hideaway, we drank some champagne, made out a little bit, talked and then...he fell asleep."

"Are you sure you're not lying to us?"Tay asked.

"Why would I lie?"

"Because its Dean! Like-why would he not want to have sex with you? You guys are so into each other!"Tay asked again.

"Yea I mean you guys just look like you're dying to bang each other's brains out."Cameron said.

"I have a feeling that maybe he's not ready to jump into another girl's pants just yet. I also feel like he's not over Liv."said Penelope.

"Why would you say that?"Anna asked.

"He kept talking about her. After everything I say he would always bring up Liv. For example I was telling him about all the pets I have and he was like yea Liv also wants a bunch of pets and want to live on a farm yadda yadda yadda. I was like....why the hell is he bringing her up so much?"

Cameron groaned.

VC-Penelope-So yes..what I told the girls was true. Except...I left out the small fact that he also accidentally called me Liv a few times last night so....yea, theres that.....Great to be me isnt it?

"Maybe it was just the alcohol talking. He was pretty wasted yesterday."suggested Jade.

"I dont know but...im a bit on the fence about everything. I dont want him thinking about his ex when he's with me. Thats obviously going to make me feel like crap."said Penelope.

"Girl, you shouldve laid it on him real good and make him forget about whatever her name is."said Cameron.

"I feel like if he wanted to hook up, he would have given me signs. But...there wasnt any."said Penelope.

"Like you said, maybe he's not ready. What he's been going through these past few weeks hasnt been easy. Just give him time. Im sure he'll come to his senses."said Allie.

"Yea but tomorrow is our last day here and...I really like him. I want to know if what we have between us actually meant something or if im just being toyed with."

"Well, my advice is...dont get too attached. I dont think he knows what he wants."said Anna before she walked away.

VC-Anna-I personally think Penelope thinks that Dean is into her way more than he actually is. She said she usually goes for the heart breakers and well...I think she's on a path to getting her heart broken.

9:30 am

The islanders at Casa Amor were out and about doing their own thing by this time. Some were working out, some were having breakfast, some were having a chat, some were soaking up the sun.

Ricochet, who just got done taking a shower was seen about to head into the guys' dressing room. As he approached the room, he noticed something laying at the front of the door. He took it up in his hands and looked at it.

As you've probably guessed, yes, it was a postcard with a collection of images exposing what the girls have been doing at The Villa. Here at Love Island, we're all about equality.

"No freaking way."he said before he ran out into the backyard to get the guys' attention.


They all skeptically looked at him.

VC-Adam-So uh....Ricochet runs into the backyard all excited, wearing only a towel wrapped around his lower torso and....says theres something we need to see. I dont know what it is but....I think i'll pass.

"Are-are you sure we should see it?"Seth asked, "Maybe you should ask one of the girls?"

"What?"Ricochet asked, confused.

"We love you bro but....not that much."said Jey.

"Guys, its something from the girls at The Villa!"Ricochet explained.

They all shot up from their seats and followed him into the dressing room where he showed them the postcard.

It was similar to the one the girls at The Villa got. It was a collage of photos of each of the girls acting very risqué.

Pictures on the postcard included-

-Carmelo and Indi in the doggy style position during the game of Dares

- Adam giving Alexa a quick kiss in bed

- Bianca and Carmelo kissing in bed

-Kip and Liv making out during the Raunchy Races game

-An unaired moment of Mandy making out with Xyon in the girls' dressing room

-Sasha sitting on top of Xyon in bed kissing

- Kenny kissing Bayley on the neck

-Bayley and Kenny cuddling in bed together.

Seth whistled.

Much like the girls at The Villa were earlier, the boys were speechless.

"Well....it didnt take them that long to move on now did it?"Dean said.

"This is bullshit man. WHO THE FUCK ARE THESE CLOWNS?"Jey shouted.

"Chill, man."Austin tried to calm him down.


Jey grabbed the picture out of Ricochet's hands, tore it in half and threw it on the ground.

"Dude!" Austin said as he picked up the pieces.

"FUCK!"Jey yelled as he punched the wall and began angrily pacing up and down.

Stunned by what he saw, Finn had to take a seat.

VC-Adam-Things are not looking good over at The Villa.....*sigh*

Seth took the pieces of the picture from Austin and held it together.

He cackled, "Yup. They sure look like they're having fun. Look at Lexi go. Good for her. What was that one Justin Timberlake song called again? Oh yea, What Goes Around Comes Around. Karma is one hell of a thing isnt it Adam?"

"Dude, fuck you."replied Adam as Seth obnoxiously cackled.

At the same time, Jey stormed out of the room.

VC-Jey-I saw Bianca..in bed....kissing some random ass dude. I know Bianca. I know how she is. For her to be kissing that dude in bed already-after only 2 days, I know she's feeling him. This is what I didnt want! I wanted to stay my ass in that villa and take care of my business! But it looks like im too late. *slouches down on chair*Damn bruh....this sum bullshit.

VC-Finn-I feel like there is a high chance that Bayley's head was turned. There were two pictures of her with the same guy. She seems very comfortable with him. For her to be like that with him...she must really like him a lot. Im...happy for her I guess.

"So you're not bothered by the picture at all?"Seth asked Dean as the two were relaxing on a daybed together.

"Why should I be? Im a single man. I saw Liv doing exactly what I expected to see her doing so...im not shocked."

"Guess you've really moved on huh?"

"Mhm."he slowly nodded, "Anyway, did you know that Anna...is into me?"


"We made out in the bathroom last night."

"Woah woah woah...so you made out with Anna and then took Penelope to the Hideaway?"

Dean chuckled, "Yea."

"Thats...insane. You gotta slow down dude, you're on a roll."

"Anna's cool though. I really like her. Penelope's cool too but she's a bit clingy. From day one she's latched onto me and thats why we are where we are now. Everyone thinks we're so in love but she doesnt really give me room to entertain other girls. I like the fact that Anna is into me but she's not really being aggressive about it."

"I feel like all the other girls are aggressive except for her."said Seth.

"Yea. I feel like she's who I should be talking to a lot more."

"So what about Penelope?"

"At this point dude...I dont know."

"I mean...I get that you dont want any strings attached but...you're sorta leading them on."said Seth.

"So what do you want me to do Seth? Ignore all of them? Then I become the asshole."

"I know but...you dont want to hurt them do you?"

"Dude, this is all just a game in the end. Whatever happens, happens I guess."Dean dismissively said, "Sooner or later im going to get dumped from the show and then all of this would have meant absolutely nothing."

"Thats the spirit bud."Seth sarcastically said.

VC-Seth-Listen, I love having the Tittymaster here but....deep down in my wretched soul I have a little piece of heart left and...I sorta feel bad for these girls that Dean's messing around with.

The Villa

Alexa and Liv were both seen laying in Liv's bed together.

"I feel....stupid."Liv was venting, "Ugh, I wish...I can just tell him how sorry I am you know?"

"We were idiots thinking that our relationships would remain untouched."said Alexa.

"Im over it Lex. Im so done. Those pictures that I saw of him-and worst of all knowing that AJ has been living in the same house with him.....like...im physically feeling sick."

"You're telling me. Fucking Britt is there too. God alone knows the shit that went down there. And the way Adam was looking at that girl.....ugh, I dont even know what to think."

"Yea but you have the other Adam. Me on the other hand, I dont think I can like another guy as much as I loved Dean. Its over for me at this point."

"Dont say that."

"Its true. Im literally feeling like I cant ever be romantically interested in another guy again."

Oh so the only way she can feel romantically interested in other guys is if she's in a relationship with Dean. Totally makes sense.

"What about Austin?"Alexa asked.

"Like...I liked Austin a lot but...I dont think I can ever see us being in a long term relationship. With Dean, I saw my future in him."

"Liv...im going to be honest....I think what you and Dean are going through is exactly what AJ and I went through. The arguing, the breaking up, the missing him even though we were broken up, the hating him and loving him at the same time. Take my advice and move on before you get in too deep."

Liv didnt respond. Her fingers played with the bracelet on her wrist, the one that Dean had given her for her birthday. She had never taken it off.

VC-Liv-At this point, im mentally preparing to let go of Dean. If im able too, I just want to have one last conversation with him and....that'll be it. Im hoping that eventually I do find the man of my dreams. It may not be soon but...hopefully one day.

"You're on Love fucking Island. Im sure eventually you'll meet someone better. He's clearly not thinking about you. Just...let it go and have fun."Alexa said.

"I guess you're right."Liv mumbled.

"Now get your ass up, put on a bikini and lets go get drunk in the pool."Alexa said.

Liv laughed, "Yay to drinking away our problems!"

Disclaimer: WWETV does not condone drinking away your problems.


"So...are you the needy type?"Xyon asked Mandy as they were sitting on the terrace drinking wine.

"I can be. Dont get me wrong, im an independent woman but....I like acting clingy. Its fun."

"Oh I can be clingy too. Im a big baby."he said, "But only with the right person. I want someone that I can let my guard down around. I may look big and mean but...im a pretty sensitive guy."

"Awww I guess you like the deep conversations at night and long walks on the beach type of stuff?"

"Yup thats me. Im kind of a softie. But I can still kick someone's ass if they wrong me. Im not a pushover."

"I love that. I love a man that can be soft but also assertive at the same time."

He smiled.

"So I have an offer for you."she said.

"Im all ears."

"How about you stay in my bed tonight?"Mandy said.

He bit his lip as he pondered the suggestion.

"I mean...I would love to but...theres Sasha-"

"Does she even know that you and I have been getting close?"

"I havent mentioned it, no."

"Well....she's going to have to know at some point because im getting a little impatient. I just cant wait to have you all to myself."she seductively said.

"Oh boy."he blushed.

VC-Xyon-God, what have I gotten myself into? I really fancy both girls. I think I have great connections with them both. *sigh*.....I did not anticipate being in a love triangle when I came here.

Well, my advice to you Xyon, is to get the hell out of that love triangle asap. Once Sasha and Mandy is involved, its bound to get catastrophic.

7:34 pm

Heres a question for all the loyal viewers: what usually happens when the cast gets bored? Well if you said throw a party then I suggest you go treat yourself to a little bit of the bubbly because you are correct!

To liven the mood of The Villa, Alexa, Liv and Mandy decided to throw a Mardi Gras themed party. The girls were all dressed in bikinis with feather masks, body glitter and bead necklaces around their necks. The guys were shirtless wearing only shiny pants, masks and the bead necklaces as well.

Xyon was seen walking around wearing a bikini bra he had borrowed from Sasha. Replicating the New Orleans culture, he lifted the bra up flashing his pecs as the girls all threw beaded necklaces at him.

The atmosphere was busy as it was filled with pounding music, drinking, dirty dancing and bit of making out.

"WOOH! GET IT B!"Indi yelled.

"YOU GO GIRL!"Sasha shouted as they both noticed Bianca pinned against the wall making out with Carmelo.

VC-Bianca-I refuse to stay here and be sad and let myself be another one of Jey's statistics. Like...no. Im a bad bitch. And I should be out there soaking up this experience to the max. Carmelo is hella fine and I love hanging out with him so...my focus is on him. Nobody else. Im here for me and I gotta remember that.

Alexa and Adam were seen at the outdoor kitchen together. It was just the two of them. He was seen holding her hand with both of his as he leaned on the kitchen counter. She was standing in front of him.

"I really like having you around."she said to him, "And thats not a good thing."

"Because you're in a relationship right?"

She frowned, "Yea. Thats why I never wanted to be around you. But....I broke my own rules."

"I cant help it. I got that Southern charm. Its a curse."

She laughed, "I hope you guys get to stay with us after this whole Casa Amor thing is over."

"Do you think that'll be a good idea? I feel like as soon as you see your boyfriend you'll forget about me."

She giggled, "Dont say that."

"But its true isnt it?"

"No not at all. My eyes are going to be glued to you all day. Especially when you're working out."

"Id make you breakfast wearing nothing but my underwear every morning."

She laughed out loud, "That would be great!"

Hey, can someone remind Alexa about the other guy back at Casa Amor real quick?

"Well Alexa, you sure are a dime and I would love to be with you a little longer."said Adam.

"I want you here longer too. I feel like....I can trust you. And its so weird because...ive only known you for three days. Ive never had a feeling like that for anyone before."

"Well, I guess you got a gift for reading people. Im here for you one hundred percent."

She went in and hugged him.

He kissed her on the cheek as he placed her hands lightly around her waist.

Gentlemen watching at home, if your name is Adam then consider yourself lucky because you'd have a shot with our very own Alexa Bliss.

9:45 pm


Someone's phone went off as the party was still going on.

Liv gasped, "Someone's got a text?"

Alexa pulled out her phone, "Its me! I got a text!"

"Turn the music off!"Kenny called out.

Andrade went and shut the music off. Everyone gathered around Alexa as she read the text out loud. It said-

"What!"Liv shrieked.

"Wow."said Sasha in disbelief.

"Wait so like...if we dont recouple with our boys....they get dumped?"Indi asked.

"I guess so."said Bayley.

"I guess it means the same for us."said Bianca, "We're also at risk of being dumped."

"Well this is just fucking great."said Liv as she stormed off to go sit by herself.

VC-Indi-*wipes eyes* I think its safe to say that we're all pretty sure that our boys arent coming back to us. I'm going to expect the worst.

VC-Alexa-This...is going to change everything.

Casa Amor

8:43 pm

All the guys and the girls were seen in the pool.

Seth nudged Britt, "Hey, do you wanna do something to piss Adam off?"

Her eyes lit up, "Of course!"

He pulled her face in and began making out with her.

Tay cheered them on.

Adam, who was standing opposite the pair looked at them in disgust.

VC-Adam-Thats the worst thing ive ever seen in my life....

"You guys want some competition? I'll give you competition."said Cameron as she began making out with Damian.

Damian lifted her up so that she could comfortably wrap her legs around his waist.

VC-Cameron-So...ive gotten the chance to hang out with Damian today and...I think I really like him. Like...a lot. I mean, just look at us! We'd be so cute together! *squeals*

After their steamy make out session in the pool, the two were seen in the bathroom together. They went in to the shower and turned it on. Probably to mask the sound of their lips smacking against each other.

Cameron then slid the shower door open a little to throw her bathing suit out onto the floor.

At first, snickering and giggling were heard. Then....soft moans and a little bit of dirty talk.



Damian's phone that he had placed on top of the bathroom counter went off.

"Shit is that mine?"Damian was heard saying.

Yes, I did that on purpose.

He got out of the shower, put his pants on-in that order, took his phone and read the text.

"Shit."he said as he proceeded to make his way to the backyard where everybody was.

"GUYS! I GOT A TEXT!"He yelled.

Everyone gathered around him. He began reading it out loud.

"Fuck."Jey groaned.

"Holy shit...."responded Ricochet.

"Major plot twist."said Austin.

The guys were stunned.

VC-Finn-I mean....judging from by what we saw on the postcard earlier...a lot of us look like we're at risk at getting dumped. Those girls look like they're very comfortable where they're at.

"Well I think its so obvious what im going to do."said Seth, who was coupled up with Alexa before the split.

VC-Adam-This twist has turned everything on its head because....we dont know where our girls' heads are at. We only saw some photos of them, thats it. And I would hate to make judgement based on one photo. This is...going to be a real tricky situation for sure.

T  O    B  E    C  O  N  T  I  N  U  E  D


A/N-Make your predictions! Who do you think will recouple (and with who) and who do you think will stick with their original partner?

PS-Dont worry, im not going to take an entire month to update again.

Just a reminder of the original couples-

Adam is single.

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