#StickOrTwist pt 1

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continuation of night 27

Casa Amor

9:23 pm

Penelope and Allie were seen in the house secretly staring at Anna and Dean who were in the pool together. From where they were, Anna and Dean couldn't see them.

"I cant believe he's like this."Penelope complained.

VC-Penelope-So Dean basically ignored me all day today. We didnt talk about anything. Im sure he's feeling guilty about what went on in the Hideaway. And now...he and Anna are being all lovey dovey in the pool like-what the hell? Do I not exist anymore?

"So what do you look for in a girl?"Anna asked Dean.

"Hmm...what do I look for? Nothing really. Im lucky that chicks even dig me. I cant afford to be picky and choosy with my women."

"What do you mean? You're such a catch."

"I havent always been a ladies man. Why would girls wanna get with a broke loser like me. Honestly its only until I started doing reality tv, thats when I started getting a lot of attention from chicks. Its still kinda new to me."

"Do you like it though?"

"I mean....yea its fun. Sometimes I dont even know what to do with all the attention I get. Its overwhelming. Never had girls fighting for me until now. The thing about it is...whenever I hear that a girl is into me im like...why? What do you want from me?"

"Oh come on. Really?"

"Yea. I can never fully process it. Out of all the guys in the world, why me?"

"Because you're an awesome, incredible person that deserves love."

He twisted his mouth, "I dont know. My last few relationships were a total mess and....it was because of me. So I dont really think im that deserving. Its best everyone just stays away."

"Dont say that. Like seriously. Stop. You need to be more confident in yourself."

"Its hard to be confident when everyone that you've loved keeps saying that you're the problem."

Anna looked into his glossy eyes.

He shook his head, "Whatever. Sorry for getting a bit deep there. I think ive had enough to drink-"

"No. Its fine. Im so happy that you're opening up."she smiled.

He didnt respond. Instead, he took another sip of his beer.

She moved closer and wrapped her arms around him.

VC-Anna-Dean and I have really been getting to know each other and ive been lucky enough to get him to open up to me. From what he's been telling me....it seems that he's insecure and broken and is in dire need of real love to fix him. It breaks my heart to know how he thinks of himself.


Finn, Seth, Damian, Austin, Cameron and Britt were all seen in the bedroom getting ready for bed.

"Do you guys think that Bayley is into that guy?"Finn asked the guys, referring to Kenny.

"I dont know man. Ive never seen Bayley get that close with anyone besides you."Seth replied.

"Stop stressing."said Damian, "How long have you guys known each other? Like four years? I dont think she'd change her mind just after 3 days with this new guy."

"So I guess you're not going to recouple then huh, Finn?"Britt asked.

"I cant do that to Bayley."

"So if Bayley wasnt here, would you?"Austin asked.

"I think you'd have way more fun with one of us."said Cameron.

"If she wasnt here then maybe I would have recoupled. But ive been keeping my distance from you girls for a reason. I dont want to be that jerk that breaks her heart."said Finn.

"Dude....are you here to find love or are you just trying to be a good guy?"Austin asked.

"Heres a better question, are you in love with Bayley?"Seth asked.

"I do love Bayley but....I think we still need time to be in love with each other. Patience is key."

Seth sighed, "Dude...I just want you to be happy."

Finn smiled, "Thanks brother. I think I will be if I stay true to myself."

VC-Finn-Yes these girls are very tempting. Ive already screwed up and gotten a little too close to Tay on the first day here but...I regret it. I need to start thinking long term. I do see Bayley as someone I can be with long term. As for the girls here at Casa Amor....I cant see anything long term with any of them. I dont know their true intentions. Bayley and I have a solid bond thats unbreakable. Well...thats what I hope.


"So you're still going to sleep outside tonight?"Allie asked Adam as she found him laying on a daybed.

He nodded, "Yea...."

She climbed onto the daybed next to him, "You seem down. Whats going on. Talk to me."

"Nothing just....thinking about tomorrow. Casa Amor is coming to an end. Back to the main Villa."he said with sadness in his voice.

"You dont sound excited."

"Im just...still bothered by the picture I saw of Alexa. I just thought we were a little stronger than that."

"And you've been nothing but loyal to her while you were here. I would be upset too. I guess she got the excitement that she wanted."

"I know she's going to recouple with that guy. Obviously Seth is going to recouple with someone because he's a bastard. Its going to get so messy from here on out."

"Are you going to recouple with anyone?"

"Yea. Because if I dont im going to get dumped from the show. Im the only single. What do you say, do you want to come live at The Villa?"he asked her.

Her eyes lit up, "You're going to choose me?"

He smiled, "Yea."

"I would love to."she said as she hugged him.

VC-Adam-I dont know whats going to happen when everyone reunites tomorrow. I just hope Alexa hasnt gotten too carried away at The Villa with those guys. She's done it once back on Temptation Island with me, who's to say she wouldnt do it again?

And what are the odds its with a guy named Adam too?


It was now night night time at Casa Amor. Allie remained with Adam outside on the day bed. Finn also decided to join them on a daybed close by since the thought of him sleeping next to a girl that wasnt Bayley made him feel guilty. He was fine sleeping next to another girl last night though because he was drunk. Last night doesnt count. In the bedroom, Damian and Cameron were seen making out in bed together. Im sure if you asked him about Sasha he'd respond by saying 'who?'. Jade and Jey were in bed together having some pillow talk, probably talking about how similar their names sound. Prince Charming, Dean was asleep next to Penelope, acting like he totally didnt ignore her the entire day. Seth and Britt also shared a bed together as did Tay and Austin. It must be nice for Seth and Austin to finally share a bed with someone that actually wants to sleep next to them. Ricochet was enjoying his bed all to himself since AJ decided to sleep on Finn's empty bed and Anna decided to take Adam's one.

As Dean was sleeping, Penelope moved her body closer to his. He put his arm around her, making her feel a sense of relief.

The Villa

"Indi, do you mind sleeping on the day bed tonight?"MJF asked as she strolled into the bedroom in his briefs.

"Excuse me?"she responded.

"I just think out of respect for Ricardo that you should. You know, so that I can have your bed all to myself."

"Ricardo? Max, piss off."

"Im sure he's at Casa Amor sleeping all alone out of respect for you. Come on, be a good partner."

"You know what, you're right."Indi took MJF's pillow (that had silk Burberry pillow casing on it) and tossed it on the floor, "I think I should sleep alone tonight out of respect for my man."

MJF looked at her in disbelief, "You know what.....I hope he recouples."

Liv gasped, "Max! Thats not nice!"

Indi stood up on her bed and put him in a chokehold.

"Say you're sorry! Say you're sorry!"she yelled.

"Never!"he managed to say.

While still had him in the chokehold she hopped onto his back.

"If you dont get off of me im going to throw you into the damn pool!"

"You wouldnt!"

With her still on his back, he ran out to the pool and cannonballed in.

The rest of the Islanders watched through the bedroom window.

"Well, at least he can finally say that he made a girl wet."said Carmelo as everyone busted out laughing.

As everyone settled into bed and Indi got dried up from Max making her oh so wet-sorry, just threw up in my mouth a little, the room went dark.

Despite the back and forth between them, Indi and MJF still shared a bed together. I hope they fall in love. Kenny was with Bayley keeping everyone up as they couldnt shut up about Star Wars. Bianca and Carmelo were together as were Xyon and Sasha, Mandy and Andrade, Liv and Kip and Alexa and Adam.

Mandy was seen laying on Andrade's chest as he played with her hair.

VC-Mandy-I mean, look at Andrade. He's one of the sexiest guys ive ever seen. Even though Xyon is who I want, i'll still enjoy Andrade's company. Theres nothing wrong with a little side fling *smirks*.

"Yo Sash, keep your hands clean tonight."Bianca said to Sasha.

"Yea you pray to god with those hands."Indi added. Sasha laughed.

As the others carried on bantering, Adam and Alexa were having a quiet conversation of their own. Well not really a conversation, more like they were making goo goo eyes at each other as Adam stroked Alexa's hair.

"I really want to kiss you."she whispered to him.

"You should. I have soft lips."he whispered back.

She giggled, "But I cant. The cameras will see."

He raised the blankets over both of their heads. From the movements and sounds underneath the blanket, it seemed as though they were kissing.

Dont worry Lex, with the power of the blanket shielding you two, no one will ever figure out what went on under there. For all we know they could be talking about investing in bitcoin.


day 28

9:34 am

Mandy, Bayley, Alexa, Liv and Indi were all seen in the dressing room doing their makeup and putting on sunblock.

"I had such a weird dream last night."said Liv as she applied eyeshadow, "I dreamt that it was time for the recoupling and Dean chose to recouple. When he came back to the Villa, he came back with...Charlotte. And she was in a wedding dress."

Bayley and Alexa broke out in laughter.

"What was in your water?"Mandy chuckled, "That was such a random dream."

Im sure Charlotte had the same dream. But I think it was more like a paralysis inducing nightmare for her.

"Im so nervous about tonight. Im literally expecting the worst."said Liv, "I feel like that dream meant something. Im really in touch with my spiritual side so...I think that dream was predicting whats to come."

"So you think Charlotte's at Casa Amor falling in love with Dean?"Alexa asked with a giggle.

"Ugh no not Charlotte. But I did see him with a blonde girl in the picture."

"Hun, Dean is great and all but you can do so much better."Mandy said, "I dont get why you're stressing yourself out so much. You're acting like he's made out of gold."

"Yea Liv."Alexa agreed, "If he's been putting you through a lot then why would you want to keep going through that? You can find someone thats way more compatible."

"I bet as soon as you're out of this show you're going to meet someone way better and fall in love and get married and have a bunch of kids."Mandy said.

Liv cracked a smile.

"You cant change a guy like Dean. So its best that you start looking for someone who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated."said Alexa.

"Like Kip."Mandy added.

"Guys...I dont think im going to recouple."Liv said.

"You're joking."said Indi in disbelief.

"Im not."Liv responded.

"You better get that thought out of your head right now I swear."said Mandy.

Liv sighed, "I dont think it will be healthy for me to stay here. Especially if Dean comes back with someone."

"Liv, are you really going to throw this whole experience away?"Alexa asked.

"Its not going to be easy for me guys!"Liv raised her voice, "I know you want me to stay but....I need time to heal from everything."

VC-Liv-Before coming onto the show I knew Dean and I were going to have rough patches but...I didnt anticipate that it would be this complicated. You guys are probably still wondering why im crying over him even though we've broken up right? *wipes eyes* I thought we could have still worked everything out and make up. But I feel like he's being ripped away from me. And...I cant do shit about it. Its not easy for me right now.

"So Bayley, have you decided if you're going to recouple?"Indi asked.

She blushed, "I dont know. Its a tough decision."

"Whats so tough about it? You like Kenny right? Recouple with him."Mandy asked.

"Bayley, Kenny has made you feel in three days what Finn couldnt make you feel in four years."said Alexa.

"Yea you got a point."said Bayley, "I still need to make my mind up. I dont know what im going to do yet."

"You're here to find love hun. Just remember that."said Mandy.

VC-Bayley-I am conflicted right now because....Kenny and I have gotten so close and I love having him around but....then theres Finn. We both said that we're also here to play the game and we wanted to keep things open. Plus.... we're not even in a relationship yet. Ughhh I dont know, this is frustrating. I dont even know what he's going to do. I dont even know what im going to do. I hate being in this position. I hope I dont make the wrong choice....


10:40 am

"What do you think is going to happen today man?"Adam asked Kenny as the two were working out in the backyard.

"Alexa is definitely recoupling with you. One hundred percent."Kenny responded, "As for me, im still unsure."

"Be confident dude, I think things will work out. The way you make Bayley smile, theres for sure something there."

VC-Kenny-Bayley and I have a lot more in common than I thought and...I really do like her. This is the first time in a long time that ive actually had these type of feelings for a person. She's just...different. In a good way. I dont know, its up to her. Whatever she chooses to do tonight im going to have to respect it.

"Day by day, things between Alexa and I have been getting deeper and deeper. If she does recouple with me and Adam comes back into the house, what do you think will happen? Do you think she'll jump ship back to him or what?"Adam asked.

"Well...that is her boyfriend. But if you said things are getting serious between you two then...I dont know, I smell a break up coming."

"I think Adam is going to shit himself when he sees me."

Kenny laughed, "I cant wait to see the look on his face when he sees us."

VC-Adam-So yea theres one thing I havent mention to Alexa. Her Adam and I, along with Kenny, go way back. We were in a close knit friend group. There was a messy dispute in the group, he claimed we tried to kill him-long story short, he's not our biggest fan. So...when we come face to face, thats going to be another situation.

1:23 pm

Bianca and Carmelo were seen on a brunch date. Earlier she had gotten a text stating that she was about to go on a date and could have picked whichever guy she wanted to join her. Of course, she picked Carmelo.

"So first of all you look incredible as always."he said to her.

She smiled, "Thank you."

"No thank you for choosing me for this date."

"Yea, it was tough decision between you and Max."

"Wait-for real?"

She laughed, "No! Im just kidding."

"Nearly had a mini heart attack there."he laughed.

"Obviously I was going to pick you for this date because ive been the closest to you out of all the other guys."

"True. Since day one we've been vybing together."

"Yea plus you've been sleeping in my bed for all 3 nights so obviously im going to take you on this date. Like, who else did you expect?"she giggled.

"I try not to get too cocky. I try to be humble sometimes. But...im glad you chose me."

She smiled, "Im really looking forward to getting to know you even more though."

"I feel the same towards you. I would love for this to continue because obviously, im feeling you. Im lucky as hell that you're feeling me too."

"Yea you fine or whatever."Bianca blushed. Carmelo laughed.

VC-Bianca-I wouldnt say that all of my eggs are in Carmelo's basket but....a lot of them are. I havent seen any red flags from him yet. He's been nothing but a gentleman to me so....im hopeful.

"So how long have you been single?"she asked him.

"For about 2 years now."

"Damn. How come?"

"I never really had the time to date around. Work had me tied up. Im the type to make sure my business is taken care of before I bring anyone into my life. I like being prepared."

"A man that knows what he wants. I like that."Bianca smiled.

"So what about you? Obviously I know about the Jey and Montez situation. Have you healed from that yet?"

"I think im healing."she nodded.

"Theres a lot of fish in the sea. Not just two."

"I know. I just hate all these stupid games. Like, why cant I find someone thats serious? Ive been ready to commit to one person but the guys I usually go for is stuck in their childish ways."

"Jey blew it big time with you. He really did."

"Yea and he's going to regret it. He'll never find another like me. He can try though. But he wont."

"Talk yo shit!"Carmelo cheered her on.

"All he's gonna find is bunch of bootlegs. They aint never gonna be the real thing."

"Aint never!"

She laughed.

"Ayo, cheers to you giving me three of the best days ive had in a long time."Carmelo said as he raised his raised his glass of mimosa.

She raised hers, "And cheers to many more."

After they clinked glasses, they both reached across the table and shared a kiss together.


From Casa Amor, Dean was chosen for the brunch date in which he then chose Anna to take with him.

"I feel like all the girls are going to hate me now when I go back to Casa Amor."Anna said.


"Because you chose me instead of Penelope."

"To be fair...I want to get to know you more, thats why I chose you. It really doesnt mean anything other than that. I know a lot about Penelope already."

"The girls love you and Penelope together so thats why I feel like...im interfering."

"Dont worry about it babe."he said as he took a sip of his whisky, "Its not a big deal."

"Are you excited for Casa Amor to end?"she asked.

"Yes and no. Im definitely going to miss the freedom. If I go back to The Villa then its back to the same old drama."

"Whatever you decide to do, I just hope it brings you happiness."

"Yea I doubt it."

"Have you been having fun here though?"

"Of course. Like I said, this was freedom for me. It was refreshing to be away from all the nagging and drama and the he said she said shit."

"What is your goal here? Like, what do you want to achieve at the end of your experience here?"Anna asked.

"That is a good question. Honestly...I dont know. First of all, I was dragged here. I didnt come onto this show willingly. At the moment im a single man so...I dont really know what I want."

"So you're not looking for love again?"

"No. Way to complicated to deal with. I guess I really have no purpose here."

"Just remember, people fall in love in mysterious ways."

"Isnt that from a song?"

"Yes, Ed Sheeran, Thinking Out Loud. So you listen to love songs huh?"

"Not willingly. Liv would play them all the time."

"Well my point was, sometimes when you're not looking for love, thats when it finds you and hits you like a ton of bricks."Anna said.

"Do you know if they make repellant for that?"he asked.

She laughed, "You're ridiculous."

She then scooped up some eggs on her fork and motioned it towards his mouth.

He embarrassingly smiled, "Is that for me?"

"Duhh!"she smiled, "Open up."

He ate it off the fork and decided to return the favor by doing the same to her.

"Why does it taste better when you feed it to me?"he asked.

"I'll feed you all day if you want."

"You'll feed me eggs all day?"

"I'll let you eat whatever you want."she said with a wink which almost made him choke on his drink.

VC-Dean-What I like about Anna is that she's so laid back. Conversation is easy with her. I dont know, I just feel like we're cut from the same cloth. Yea she's....pretty cool.

VC-Anna-Dean and I are getting along surprisingly well but....I am going to maintain a distance because he is still stringing Penelope along so.....I dont know whats going on there. He's going to have to make up his mind by tonight. I just hope he does whats best for him.


Casa Amor

"I just feel like im being played with."Penelope was venting to Finn as they were sitting at the edge of the pool together.

"Yea I feel bad for you."he said.

"I have no idea since when Anna wants to get to know Dean. I thought she was into you. Now all of a sudden she's into Dean?"

"Story of my life."

"I feel stupid. I feel like ive wasted all my time on him here. I could have been getting to know other guys. But, its too late now."

"Who else did you have in mind?"he asked.

"Honestly...you and Seth."

"Really? So I was option number 2?"

She chuckled, "I dont mean it like that. I wish I had spent more time with you but I got so caught up in Dean. I thought what we had would have led to something more."

"Look, ive known Dean a long time. I know the kind of guy he is. He's very good at leading women on. I wish I could have warned you about him at first but it wasnt my place to do that. He's a pretty selfish guy. Look at the way he's been treating Liv."

"Yea ive realized that."

"I think its best that you leave things where it is. For your sake."

"I know."

At the same time, Anna and Dean was seen re-entering the backyard from their date.

"How was the date you guys?"Tay asked.

"It was great."Anna smiled.

"I'll be right back."Penelope said to Finn as she got up.

VC-Penelope-I dont know where I stand with Dean right now but I need answers. The recoupling is soon and...I dont want to be blindsided. I refuse to be tossed aside and left in the dark just like that.

Penelope grabbed Dean away from Anna by the hand and led him into the bedroom where they were alone.

"Ooo we're getting freaky or what?"he asked.

She rolled her eyes, "Whats going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"What did I do wrong? Did I say something, did I do something?"


"So why have you been pushing me away for Anna?"

"Im just getting to know her, thats all."

"Okay but do you understand how that makes me feel? It makes me feel like crap Dean. I would have appreciated if you at least told me you wanted to get to know her instead of ignoring me. Now I feel like ive wasted my time here behind you and you never really gave a shit-"her voice broke.

"I did give a shit. You made my time here a whole lot better."

"So now why are you kicking me to the side?"

He rubbed the back of his head,"You're right. I should have told you. Im sorry."

There was a few seconds of silence between them.

"So has she taken my place now?"Penelope asked.

He shook his head 'no', "You're still at the top."

She smiled and threw her arms around his neck.

"That's great, because I like being on top."she said. He leaned in and began kissing her.

VC-Dean-*clears throat*....What happens at Casa Amor, stays at Casa Amor.

Hey Alexa, please play Womanizer by Britney Spears. Thank You.

7:00 pm

The Villa

The Re-Coupling

All seven girls and guys were seen sitting on the recoupling bench; all of them dressed to impress. Everyone was silent. Their nerves and anxiety caused them to be.

Tears were already streaming down Liv's face, despite the ceremony not starting yet. Alexa held her hand tightly.

"No matter what happens tonight, I love all of you."said Indi, "Even you Max."

"Obviously."MJF responded.

Then, footsteps were heard making their way towards everyone. It was Beth.

Everyone all welcomed her by cheering, clapping and commenting on how hot she looked.

She smiled, "Hey everyone! How are you guys?"

She got a bunch of mixed responses from the girls. The responses ranged from 'feeling great' courtesy Sasha to 'I feel like I need to vomit' courtesy Liv.

"Well I can definitely feel the tension in the air. So now im going to ask all of the boys to come stand in a row next to me please."said Beth. The boys complied and got up from their seats and went and stood next to Beth, facing the sitting girls.

Kenny took a slow breath in and out.

"So everyone, welcome to the recoupling. Girls, three days ago I took your boys away and replaced them with these fine gentlemen here. As ive been seeing, you definitely welcomed them and made them feel right at home. But tonight girls, you all have very big decisions to make. And that decision is whether you want to stay with your partner who has been living at Casa Amor for the past few days or....if you want to recouple with one of the new boys. Keep in mind that your boys also have to make the same decision. If the both of you decide to stick with each other, then you will go back into your original couple and continue your Love Island journey. If the both of you decide to recouple, then you two and your new partners will remain in The Villa. However, if one of you decides to stick...and the other decides to recouple, the person who decided to stick will be dumped from the island immediately."

"Thats so harsh."Indi muttered.

"In the end, everyone will be in a couple. There will be no singles."Beth added, "Please make your decisions carefully."

The intensity in the atmosphere increased. Bayley's eyes were locked on the ground. Liv took slow breaths in and out to slow her rapid heart rate.

VC-Sasha-This shit is intense right now. I feel like this is a life or death situation, thats how tense everything is. The guys are coming back to the house-hopefully all of them and...we dont know in what state of mind they're coming back in. A lot can happen in 4 days. One thing's for sure and thats that the Villa is not going to be the same again.

"Alexa, i'll start with you. Please stand up."Beth said. Alexa stood up.

"So Alexa, at the last recoupling, you were taken away from your boyfriend Adam by Seth. Will you be sticking with Seth or....is there someone new that has caught your eye?"Beth asked.

"Because I know Seth really well and I know what his decision is going to be, to ensure that I stay in the game I will be recoupling."said Alexa.

"And who will you be recoupling with?"

"Adam."she smiled.

The guys all cheered for Adam as he made his way towards Alexa to stand next to her.

"Thats my boy!"Kenny shouted.

No one and I mean no one, under any circumstances, let Alexa know that Beth's husband's name is also Adam. It may not end well for Alexa.

"Alexa, is choosing Adam purely for strategic purposes or is there something more to it?"Beth asked.

"A bit of both I guess. I think he's an absolutely wonderful human being. Our connection is really strong. Even though I am going to stay loyal in my relationship to Adam-my Adam-not this Adam-I do think that this Adam deserves a chance to find someone at Love Island."

"What a load of bull crap."MJF muttered under his breath.

"Adam, how do you feel about being coupled up with Alexa?"Beth asked.

"Im very grateful for the opportunity."he simply said.

"Well, there we have it. Our first new couple, Alexa and Adam P. Now, lets find out if Seth decided to stick with you Alexa or, if he decided to recouple."Beth said as she turned towards the entrance of the backyard.

Everyone turned their attention there to. They patiently waited to see if Seth was going to make his way into the backyard alone or accompanied by someone.

A few seconds passed until a figure dressed in a flamboyant suit was seen approaching. It was Seth. Just Seth.

The girls gasped.

"Is he alone?"Bianca asked.

"What?"Sasha said in disbelief.

"Oh my god."Bayley covered her mouth.

Alexa was frozen from the shock of seeing Seth by himself.

"Did he really choose to stick with Alexa?"Mandy asked.

From where he was, Seth could have seen everyone looking at him. He stopped in his tracks at the sight of Adam and Alexa.

He furrowed his eyebrows. He put his hands on his hips and looked down, seeming very distraught by seeing Alexa with her new partner.

"Good thing my bags are already packed, huh."he commented.

"What is even going on?"a confused Alexa asked.

All eyes were locked on him.

Remaining where he was, Seth then stuck his hand out. Thats when Britt was seen making her way down the entrance to join him.

"This motherfucker."Sasha smiled.

Liv's jaw dropped.

Britt placed her hand in Seth's and together, they made their way down the entrance cackling and laughing.

"Did he really play with my feelings like that?"Bianca said in disbelief.

"He had us fooled. He really did."said Bayley.

"I was about to start crying and shit."said Indi, "What the hell Seth!"

Alexa shook her head. She couldnt help but laugh a bit.

"I deserve an Oscar for that performance up there! Was that some good acting or what?"Seth said as he and Britt approached Beth.

"What a way to tug at our heart strings! Welcome back to the Villa Seth! And welcome to the Villa Britt."Beth greeted them, "Seth, I see that you have chosen to recouple. Is Britt the girl for you?"

"Beth we are very like minded individuals and together, her and I are capable of so much. She is what the Villa needs."

"Seth, as you can see Alexa is coupled up. How does that make you feel?"Beth asked.

"Oh, is that the same guy she was kissing in bed? All the power to you Lexi."he cackled.

Alexa looked at the girls in confusion.

"Alexa, Adam, Seth, Britt, you all can take your seats."said Beth, "Now, at Casa Amor we had Adam who was originally single since Seth had decided to couple up with Alexa at the last recoupling. Lets see whether or not Adam decided to stay single and leave the island or...if he decided to recouple."

Once again, everyone turned their attention towards the entrance of the backyard. After a few seconds, Adam and Allie were seen making their way.

"Thats the same girl I saw in the picture."Alexa whispered to Mandy.

The pair made their way over to Beth.

"Welcome back to the Villa Adam. Welcome to the Villa Allie."Beth greeted.

Alexa and Mandy shot dirty looks at Allie.

"Adam, how are you feeling?"Beth asked.

"Feeling a little...nervous still for whatever reason."he responded.

"You've decided to couple up with Allie, I suppose for strategic purposes."

"Yes thats one reason. I didnt want to leave the show just yet, especially since my girlfriend is still here. But besides that, Allie is a great person and she deserves to be here."

"As you can see, Alexa has also recoupled. How do you feel about that?"

Adam looked over at Alexa and flashed a big smile. But, the smile dimmed once he saw who was sitting next to her.

"Hangman?"AdamC said.

"Good to see you again."AdamP said to him.

"Wait, you guys know each other?"Alexa asked.

"Kenny's there too. Kenny, say hi."AdamP pointed out.

"Whats up buddy."Kenny said.

AdamC glanced at Kenny but returned his focus back to AdamP.

"What the actual fuck is going on?"Seth amusingly asked.

"Im enjoying it."said Britt.

AdamC remained glaring at AdamP.

"Adam C, any comment? You seem like you're in a trance."Beth said.

"Um...."he cleared his throat, "All I know is that.....Alexa and I are going to have a lot to talk about."said AdamC.

"And so the drama begins."Indi said.

"Adam, Allie, you can take your seats."said Beth.

Before he went to sit down, AdamC went over and gave Alexa a quick hug and kiss. The manner in which he did it seemed very cold.

VC-Alexa-Yea so this has turned out worse than I expected. *sighs* Here we go....

T.  O.     B. E.     C. O. N. T. I. N. U. E. D

A/N-almost at 6000 words so I had to cut it short. I promise I won't make you guys wait long for part 2.

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