#StickOrTwist pt 2

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**As you know the recoupling is taking place at The Villa. I just want to point out that the OG boys cannot hear the girls when they are making their decision. The boys are unaware of the choices the girls make until they make their way back into the Villa through the entrance.

continuation of The Re-coupling

The recoupling has just kicked off and its fair to say that its off to a rocky start. Alexa recoupled with AdamP, Seth recoupled with AdamC's ex Britt and AdamC recoupled with new girl Allie. The cherry on top is that AdamC apparently personally knows AdamP, the same guy that Alexa has been 'secretly' smooching for the past 3 days!

Reality TV, you just gotta love it.

"Sasha, would you please stand up."said Beth.

Sasha stood up with confidence. Xyon smiled as he watched her.

"Sasha, before he left for Casa Amor, you were coupled up with Damian. Even though you two had your ups and downs, it seemed that you both were getting a lot more comfortable with each other. It even seemed that maybe a relationship was on the horizon."

Sasha nodded.

"So what is your decision? Will you be sticking with Damian or....is there somebody else that you'd much rather be with?"Beth asked.

"Beth...I feel like something new has awaken inside of me. I didnt anticipate making a strong connection with any of the new boys but....there was one certain boy that came in and took me by surprise."

Seth raised his eyebrows.

"So....tonight i'll be recoupling."

"And which one of these gentlemen would you be recoupling with?"Beth asked.

Sasha looked over at the boy in mind. They both made eye contact.

"Xyon."she said.

The guys applauded him as he made his way towards Sasha. He gave her a quick kiss.

Seth chuckled, "Of course its that guy."

VC-Seth-Sasha definitely has a type so...no surprise there.

Mandy was seen shaking her head in disapproval.

"Xyon, how are you feeling to have been chosen?"Beth asked.

"Im over the moon. Sasha and I had an instant connection from day one and im so happy that we're going to continue to explore that."

"They look so good together!"Indi said in admiration.

"Now Sasha, its time to find out if Damian chose to stay loyal to you or....if he chose to recouple with someone new."said Beth. She turned to look at the entrance of the backyard, as did everyone else.

VC-Sasha-Part of me is hoping that Damian recouples because he's such a great guy and id feel awful if he goes home because of me. But....I dont know. We were at a pretty strong point before he left for Casa Amor.

After a few seconds of suspense, Damian was seen making his way through the entrance.

However, he wasnt alone. Right next to him was none other than...

Liv gasped.

"Oh wow."Indi covered her mouth.

"Thank god I didnt choose to stick with him."Sasha muttered.

All eyes were on Damian and Cameron as they made their way to where everyone was.

"What a player."Bianca whispered.

Though Sasha said she hoped he would recouple, it stung a bit to see just how quickly he would move on from her.

"Thats the same girl I saw Ric kissing."Indi whispered to Bianca.

"Damian, welcome back to the Villa. Cameron, welcome to the Villa. Damian, what made you want to recouple?"Beth asked.

"I mean, just look at her."Damian gushed, "She's gorgeous. I love her energy, her fiery personality, her attitude. I feel like when I'm around her I can be myself. Plus, I think she'd fit right in at the Villa with the rest of girls."

Cameron flipped her hair with her hand, "He's damn right about all of that."

Beth smiled, "Well Damian, as you can see Sasha has chosen to recouple with new boy Xyon. What do you think about that?"

He looked over at the new couple.

"Im really happy that she did and I wish her nothing but the best."he said.

Sasha nodded and smiled.

"Okay, Sasha, Xyon, Damian, Cameron, you can all take your seats."

Damian and Cameron went over and took a seat on the recoupling bench.

"Indi, would you please stand?"Beth asked.

"Oh god."she complained as she did.

"Indi, before the boys left you were coupled up with Ricochet. Even though you two had some hiccups, it seemed that you were a pretty strong couple. Has your feelings remained the same or....was there somebody else that caught your eye at The Villa?"

"Dont get me wrong, all the new boys were absolutely incredible. I tried to make connections, I was even open to having my head turned but...I couldnt budge. Even though I found out some news that upset me, I still couldnt bring myself to forget the feelings I had for Ric. And because of that...I think I can say that I actually found something real in here."

"So....are you going to choose to stick with Ricochet or....will you be recoupling with someone new?"Beth asked.

"Ugh, I hope I dont end up looking like an absolute idiot because of this but....im going to stick with Ric."said Indi with a bit of hesitation.

"Okay so you've chosen to stay loyal. If Ricochet chooses to recouple, Indi, then you will be dumped from the island. However, if he returns and he is alone....he's all yours. Lets find out what he decided to do."said Beth as she and everyone turned their attention to the entrance.

Indi's breathing grew quicker.

Sasha was seen with her fingers crossed.

VC-Indi-Right now im on the brink of tears because....I dont know whats going to happen. Everything can change in an instant. I dont want to look like an idiot. I hope he wouldnt screw me over for some chick he met  three days ago. God....I hope I made the right choice.

"He's a deadman if he walks in here with another girl."said Sasha.

Finally, Ricochet was seen strolling through the entrance. However........

He was alone.

An ear to ear grin spread across Indi's face when she saw him. The girls all broke out in cheers and screams for her. Liv even got up and hugged her to celebrate.

In an instant, Indi was overwhelmed with a combination of emotions: relief, happiness, excitement, love. Tears of joy settled at the corner of her eyes.

"Atta boy Ric!"Seth commended him.

With a smile, Ricochet went over and stood next to Beth.

"Welcome back Ric!"Beth greeted him, "How are you feeling?"

"Very relieved to be back."

"What made you want to stick with Indi?"

"I simply couldnt connect with anyone else. Its not easy to throw away weeks worth of memories in just three days apparently. I care about Indi way too much to do that. Plus, im not that type of guy."

"Well it looks like you made the right choice. Go get your girl!"said Beth.

Without hesitation Ricochet went over to Indi who ran towards him and met him half way. They threw their arms around each other in a tight embrace.

"Ive missed you so much."Indi said with a shaky voice.

"Ive missed you too."he said as he rubbed her back.

She held his face and kissed him.

"Im so tired of crying you guys."Liv said as she fanned her teary eyes.

Bayley, Sasha and Bianca were also seen getting a bit emotional.

VC-Indi-The fact that he came back to me, to me. That alone means the whole world to me. You have no idea how special I feel. He was in there with eight other girls and I withstood all of them. Gosh...I think I love this man. Dont tell him I said that *laughs*

Holding hands, the pair took their seats on the recoupling bench.

"Lets hope the rest of the night plays out as beautifully as this just did."said Beth, "Bayley, would you please stand."

Taking a deep breath in and out, Bayley stood up.

Once again, the atmosphere reverted to being tense.

"Bayley, you came into the Villa already coupled up with Finn. It seems as though things were getting a little more serious between you two up until he left to go to Casa Amor. So, what will your decision be? Do you want to stay loyal to Finn who's been living at Casa Amor for the past 4 days or....is there someone else in mind?"

Bayley took a quick glance at Kenny who was staring at the ground.

"For the past 3 days, even up until today, my mind has been in turmoil."Bayley said as she looked down.

This caught Seth's attention.

"Oh no."he said as he listened on attentively, fearing for his boy, Finn.

"I did make a connection with someone surprisingly. I really thought that none of these new guys would be my kind of guy. I really thought I was going to be the outcast here. And because of that, I was a bit nervous to be without Finn. But...I was wrong. I actually met someone here that is ridiculously similar to me."

Kenny looked at her and smiled.

"So thats why im conflicted. But...I dont want to dive headfirst into something blindly. Im a very loyal person. Finn is not just someone I met a few days ago, or a few months ago. He's one of my best friends. So I......"she put her hands on her head and took a few shaky breaths in and out, "Um...this is.....a really hard thing to do."

"Take your time Bayley."said Beth.

Her hands were trembling.

It was evident that she was in a state of distress. This caused everyone else to be distressed as well. Her eyes remained locked on the ground as she battled with the decision in her mind.

"Put yourself first, Bayley."Mandy advised,

She took a few seconds before she answered with, "Im sorry but....im going to stick with Finn."

She quickly looked over to Kenny and said, "Im sorry."

He nodded and smiled.

"No worries."he mouthed.

Some of the girls were visibly upset by her decision.

VC-Mandy-Bayley....why would you do that?

"So Bayley, you've decided to stick with Finn. Its time to find out if he chose to stay loyal to you as well or...if he chose to recouple."said Beth.

Once again everyone turned their attention towards the entrance.

Bayley's heart was beating out of her chest.

"Come on Finn. Dont let us down."Indi whispered.

Liv closed her eyes. The suspense was too much.

The atmosphere was quiet. It was an eerie kind of quiet.

Then finally, an equally distressed Finn was seen strolling down the entrance. Bayley couldnt help but smile, seeing that he was alone.

"Oh thank god."Indi put her hand over her heart.

Finn's eyes lit up to see Bayley standing there by herself.

"Welcome back to the Villa Finn! How are you feeling?"Beth asked.

"Im feeling like im at home. Its great to be back."he smiled.

"What made you choose to stick with Bayley?"

He looked at Bayley and smiled, "Bayley means a lot to me. There was never a doubt in my mind that I would stay loyal to her. The girls at Casa Amor were great but when you have something real and pure with someone, nothing can sway you."

"Beautifully said."Beth said as she then motioned for Finn to go to Bayley.

He went over and they both greeted each other with warm hugs. Most of the Islanders cheered them on.

"Its so good to see you."he quietly said to her.

VC-Bayley-I feel so horrible to ditch Kenny just like that but....at least it wasnt for nothing. Finn and I are back together and we're getting to continue this journey so....at least theres a win.

As they both sat down, Bayley leaned her head on Finn's shoulder. Her face still showed signs of guilt.

"Mandy, would you please stand?"Beth asked.

"Mandy, you were coupled up with Austin before he left for Casa Amor. However, I think it was pretty obvious to everyone that there was no romantic connection between the two of you."

"Definitely not."she said.

"So, will you choose to stick with Austin and maybe give things another try or....will you be choosing to recouple?"

"Um....its a tough choice because the guy I really wanted to recouple with has already been chosen.".

"She can eat her heart out."Sasha quietly commented.

"But sticking with Austin would make no sense. Bless his heart but....im going to recouple."she said.

"So, which one of these lucky gentlemen will you be choosing?"

"I want to choose this boy because....he has a very large personality. He's a very straightforward person which I can respect. Also his taste in designer clothing is impressive. And even though he drove us insane a bit....I still think he'd be a perfect addition to the Villa. I think it'll be entertaining for sure. I cant believe im going to do this but...the guy id like to couple up with is....Max."

The remaining new guys cheered him on as he confidently strutted his way to Mandy. It was almost as if he was expecting this moment.

"Oh my god Mandy. Really?"Indi laughed.

"She cant get enough of me. I always knew she had a crush."said MJF as he stood next to his partner.

"Dont get too cocky now. You're welcome by the way."she said.

"No darling, you're welcome."MJF responded, "You boys are in for a real treat now."

"I already dont like this guy."Seth mumbled.

"Now, lets see what Austin decided to do."said Beth.

Everyone turned their attention to the entrance. After a few quiet seconds,

Sure enough, Austin was seen making his way towards everyone hand in hand with a new girl. It was Tay.

"Oh great."Bayley softly said.

"What?"Finn asked.

"Taynara's here."

"You dont need to worry about her."

"Austin, welcome back to the Villa. I see you have company. Welcome to the Villa Tay!"Beth greeted.

"Thank you!"she excitedly said.

"Austin, is Tay the girl for you?"Beth asked.

"We're still getting to know each other but I do like what I have seen of her so far. I think theres a lot of potential here."he said.

"As you can see, Mandy has chosen to recouple. How do you feel about that?"Beth asked.

"No surprise there. Its all good."

"She upgraded."MJF stated.

"I dont even like you like that Max, calm down."said Mandy as everyone laughed.

"Mandy, MJF, Austin, Tay, you all can take your seats."said Beth, "Bianca, please stand up."

Bianca crossed her heart as she did so.

"Bianca, before he left for Casa Amor you were coupled up with Jey. It seems that you two were going strong until...you learned that Jey's been communicating with his ex. So Bianca, what will you choose tonight? Are you going to recouple or....will you stay loyal to Jey and maybe give things another go?"

Bianca chuckled at that idea.

"Beth, I need to start putting myself forward. And that means taking risks. I need to step outside my comfort zone and give things a new try. Even though it might scare me, I got to do it. Otherwise im just going to be miserable. I thought I had found love already with Jey but...I dont think Jey knows what love is. I dont think he's ready for a woman like me just yet. So because of that....I will be recoupling."

There was looks of shock among many of the Islanders, especially the OG guys.

VC-Seth-Dude, was cupid living in the Villa while we were gone? Its like all of the girls fell in love with these new guys. Man, tonight is....intense.

"This was obvious guys."Sasha commented.

"So Bianca, who will you be recoupling with?"

Bianca smiled as she looked at Carmelo. He flashed a smile back.

"This guy and I had an instant attraction to each other from the moment he got here. He's sexy, he's funny and he's a great listener. I know ive only known him for like....four days but, I would love to see where things could go between us. So...the guy id like to couple up with is...Carmelo."

The girls along with Kenny, Kip and Andrade (the remaining new guys) all clapped and cheered for him as he made his way towards Bianca. He gave her a quick kiss.

"Damn."said Ricochet in disbelief at Bianca's decision.

"Carmelo, you are the chosen one! How are you feeling?"Beth asked.

"I am beyond thrilled to be chosen. Especially by B. She needs a man that will finally treat her like a queen, and thats me."

"Ooo, taking shots I see."said Seth.

"So Bianca, Jey was faced with the same decision that you had to make. Lets see what he has chosen to do."said Beth as she and everyone turned their attention to the entrance.

"Ugh I dont want to look."Indi said as she buried her face against Ricochet's shoulder.

The OG guys were seen visibly worried.

VC-Ricochet-I knew Jey had a heavy heart about the situation with him and Bianca. He wasnt the happiest to be at Casa Amor. We all knew he wanted to go back to The Villa to clear the air with B. She was still on his mind. I dont know what he's going to do. He never really opened up to us much at Casa Amor. I hope he recouples now because...I dont want to see him go. The OG guys, we've built a strong bond together. I dont want to lose any of them.

There was nothing but silence as everyone patiently waited. Ricochet nervously bounced his leg.

VC-Indi-I am so torn right now because Jey and Bianca were my favorite couple in here. Now it seems like they've fallen apart for good and...I just cant believe it.

VC-Sasha-I think it would be best for Jey to leave. He had something great going with Bianca and he blew it. He better not walk back in here with another girl. It just wouldnt make sense. Every time he gets a good woman he screws it up.

After a few more seconds of waiting, Jey was seen making his way through the entrance.

The girls' eyes all widened.

Bianca's lips parted.

"Oh my god."Indi covered her mouth.

The Islanders were stunned.

"Jey! Welcome back to The Villa. And Jade, welcome to your temporary new home."

"Unbelievable. I cant believe he'd do this."Indi whispered.

"Jey, is Jade the girl for you? What made you want to recouple with her?"Beth asked.

"I think its way too early to tell."he said with a laugh, "Being at Casa Amor was a bit uncomfortable for me. But Jade made these past four days way better. She's much more than just someone put here to tempt us. I was able to connect and have deep conversations with her. I know its only been four days but at this point I feel like ive known this girl for years."

"As you can see, Bianca has also chosen to recouple with Carmelo. What are your thoughts on that?"

Jey glanced over at the pair who was still standing. At the same time Carmelo put his arm around Bianca's shoulders.

"Im happy for her. Thats all I can say."he coldly responded.

VC-Austin-You can tell that Jey wants to strangle this new guy just by the way he looked at him alone.

"Jey, Jade, Bianca, Carmelo, you all can take your seats."said Beth.

VC-Indi-Jey and Bianca's situation is incredibly messy. Like, im glad he's back in the house but...how could you move on so quickly from Bianca especially when you were the one that hurt her. It just shows that he has no remorse for what he's done. His actions could have only been justified by him choosing to recouple with her and then getting sent home. I know it seems unfair but....thats justice in my opinion. He doesnt deserve another girl.

"Why do I feel like the Villa is going to be way more divided than it already is after this?"asked Damian.

"Lastly, Liv, can you please stand up."

"You saved the best for last huh?"she said as she stood up, "Dont worry, im sure i'll have a dramatic exit."

She quickly dried the tears from the corner of her eyes.

"Liv, you started this journey with your then boyfriend Dean. Actually, you were the one that wanted to do this show. Over the past few weeks, we have all witnessed your relationship hit highs and lows. But then, you two reached your boiling point and decided to call it quits just a few days before Dean left for Casa Amor. So, what will you decide to do? Are you going to stay loyal to Dean in the hopes that maybe things will work out or...is there someone new that you'd like to continue this journey with?"

"Beth, ive tried. Ive tried so hard to get over him. All of the new guys at the Villa were absolutely incredible. Kip, thank you for putting up with me. Im sorry if I led you on. But im not going to force anything anymore. From what I saw, Dean has been living his best life at Casa Amor. Im happy for him. Its what he deserves. I wish I could have gone back in time and made things right but I cant. Dean has been on my mind ever since that day we broke up. And...I know this is a stupid decision but its the only decision that seems right. I cant heal in the same place that broke me. Thats why im going to be choosing........to stay loyal to Dean."

Alexa and Mandy were seen shaking their heads in disapproval.

"Oh boy."Seth half heartedly said.

"Its fine guys. Im not going to be disappointed. I already know what to expect. Its time for me to leave anyway."said Liv.

Indi buried her face in her hands.

"Liv, dont do this. Come on." AdamC pleaded.

She responded with a smile. She was too choked up to speak.

VC-Liv-Love Island....you won.

"Okay Liv....you have chosen to stay loyal to Dean. Now....lets find out what he has decided to do."said Beth.

For the last time, everyone turned their attention to the entrance.

VC-Seth-Listen, Dean had his lips on five out of the eight girls that were at Casa Amor. Liv was right, he has been living life while he was there. Up until the very last minute he was caught in a love triangle. But...I dont know, he's an unpredictable son of a bitch.

VC-Sasha-I definitely think that if Dean comes back with a new girl he'll have a lot more fun. It just seemed like Liv weighed him down.

VC-Allie-I swear, if he walks in here with Anna instead of Penelope, there's going to be hell to pay. He better not play my girl like that.

As footsteps were heard approaching, Liv closed her watery eyes.

"My heart is racing."Alexa whispered.

Finally, Dean was seen making his way down the entrance. However, walking right beside him was none other than......

His own shadow.

Upon seeing him, all of the OG Islanders were dumb founded. None of them could have believed their eyes, especially the guys that lived at Casa Amor with Dean.

VC-Damian-Dude, Dean was messing with quite a few girls and he comes back here alone? What?

When Liv opened her eyes, she nearly dropped to her knees.

"Is this a joke? Is he trolling us like Seth did?"she asked, completely shocked.

"I dont know. Dean, are you?"Beth asked him as he stood next to her.

"Nope. Im here solo."

"Oh my god, I think im having a heart attack."Liv said as she put her hand over her heart.

VC-Seth-Wow Dean....wow....God I feel so bad for those girls.

"Dean, you have chosen to stay loyal to Liv. What influenced your decision?"Beth asked.

He made brief eye contact with Liv.

"Um...."he scratched the back of his head, "Well I really wasnt expecting to see her standing there by herself. I thought I was a goner for sure."

"So why not recouple with someone new?"Beth asked.

"I didnt want to put her at risk of being sent home just incase she decided to stick. Plus, if she had decided to re-couple, it would have been best for me not to be here. Out of respect for her."

"So how do you feel knowing that Liv chose to stay loyal to you?"

"Like I said um...I...wasnt expecting it."

Feeling overwhelmed, an emotional Liv walked over and immediately latched onto Dean.

He gently put his arms around her as she sobbed and kept repeating the phrase, 'I would always choose you.'

"I dont know how to feel about this."Seth said to Britt.

VC-Seth-I swear to god he better not complain to me about Liv again. Why would you do this Dean? Why?

A pissed off Allie was seen folding her arms.

VC-Allie-How could you play someone like that? Are you kidding me? I can just imagine how Penelope's feeling.

After Liv recollected her self, she and Dean sat together on the recoupling bench. She was seen clutching onto his arm.

"What a night."AdamC said.

The Casa Amor girls that werent chosen which were Penelope, Anna and AJ, were all brought out and put to stand next to Andrade, Kenny and Kip.

Penelope and Anna didnt even look at Dean once. He too avoided eye contact with them.

"Well everyone, this bring the recoupling ceremony to a close. Penelope, AJ, Anna, Andrade, Kenny and Kip, because you werent chosen tonight, unfortunately this ends your time here on Love Island. As for the rest of you, I hope you all are happy in your new couples. I will see you all soon. Take care everyone."said Beth before she left.

Everyone on the recoupling bench immediately got out of their seats to say goodbye to the dumped singles.

"Dude,"Seth pulled Dean aside, "You need to go talk to Anna and Penelope. Like, now."

Without question Dean went over to Penelope first, who was seen talking to Allie and AdamC.

"Can we talk?"he asked her.

"No. Its best that we dont."she said to him.

"What more do you want to say to her Dean? Do you want to feed her more lies?"Allie said.

"Its fine Allie. Its fine."Penelope said to her friend.

She then turned to Dean and simply said, "I hope everything works out for you."before she walked away.

By her tone, she clearly wasnt being sincere.

VC-Penelope-Got played by another bad boy yet again *wipes eyes* This is all my fault. I should have known better. He's just so damn good at making people believe in his bullshit. Like...why? Why lead me on if you were just going to run back to her anyway? Why not at least tell me about it. I feel very blindsided and...used.

"Hey."Dean said as he went up to Anna.

She had just got done saying her goodbyes to Finn and Jey.

"I really wasnt expecting things to end up like this-"

"You dont need to explain yourself."Anna cut him off, "Its fine."

He gave her a quick hug, "Take care, okay."

"I sure will. And hey, stop being around people that bring you down."

He smiled.

VC-Anna-I cant get mad at Dean. Ive known him for only 4 days. We obviously dont know the depth of his and Liv's relationship. You cant expect a guy to just throw that all away in an instant. However, at Casa Amor he did seem like had already thrown it all away but...he's a difficult one to read. I hope that he finds real happiness eventually.

"You probably hate me."Bayley said as she approached Kenny.

"Theres a lot of people I do hate but you will never be one of them."he smiled.

"Again, im really sorry I didnt-"

"Dont you dare apologize. You have nothing to apologize for. Its all good."

"I just feel really guilty."

"Dont. Please. Its fine."

She gave him a hug, "I hope we can keep in touch."

"Of course. You gotta show me your pogo stick collection sometime."

"Oh my gosh yes! And you still got to take me on a tour of Japan, dont forget."

"As soon as you're ready let me know."

She smiled.

VC-Kenny-Yea so...I wasnt chosen. Not gonna lie, it hurt a bit. I wanted to keep getting to know her. But she had to do what she had to do. Its not the end of the world. I'll be fine.

The singles all said their goodbyes to the Islanders and with that, the six of them took their exits. And it was a great thing that they left early because boy, if they only knew of the chaos that was lurking ahead.

VC-Damian-Right now, this Villa seems like a ticking time bomb about to go off.

VC-Sasha-The whole dynamic of the house has changed especially with all these new people coming in. Tensions are at an all time high right now. Shit is going to hit the fan soon.


Coming Up Next-

Carmelo and Jey squares off as the aftermath of the recoupling unfolds.

Stay Tuned!


A/N-Next chapter im going to have a survey that you guys are going to need to fill out as part of an upcoming challenge in the Villa so look out for that!

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