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continuation of night 28

Dean and Liv were seen together on a day bed located in a secluded area, away from everybody else.

"I dont even know where to begin."she said to him, "This was the last thing that I thought would happen. I swore I was a goner."

"Same here."he replied, taking a sip of his drink.

"But here we are....coupled up once again."she said with a smile.

There was a few moments of silence between them. The faint laughter and banter of the other Islanders goofing around was all that could be heard.

"Did you really think I was going to move on?"she asked.

"Yea. I didnt see why you wouldnt. You deserve to find true happiness. Clearly you and I werent working out."

"You are my happiness Dean. I was...so miserable during those days that you were gone. Sure we were broken up but not being able to at least wake up and see you just pained me. I havent moved on. I cant move on. I dont want to move on. Being away from you made me realize just how much you mean to me."

Dean didnt say anything. His eyes were locked on the ground.

"Were you even thinking about me at all?"

He cleared his throat, "Um....I was. You were the person I came here for so...to be without you felt...weird. Im not going to lie, there were girls that...I messed around with-"

"Did you sleep with any of them?"


"Look me in my eyes and answer me."

His blue eyes made contact with hers, "I didnt sleep with anyone. Trust me there were times that it could have happened but....I-I just couldnt bring myself to do it."

"The photos I saw of you were just so....heartbreaking. I saw you in what looked like a Getaway room at Casa Amor. Like, what else am I supposed to think you were doing in there? I thought you had long moved on."

"Yea I couldnt...I couldnt hook up with any of those girls. I guess I have a conscience after all."

She smiled and hugged him tight.

"So....whats our status? What do you want to do?"she asked.

He sighed, "I think.....we need some time to get readjusted to everything. So I think its best if we keep our status as is for the moment."

"So....we're still broken up?"

"If you're cool with that?"

She nodded, "Yea I guess. I just want to say that...im sorry for everything that has happened."

"Yea...I am to."

"So...since we're still broken up I guess that means we cant have sex then?"she asked.

"Pft, who said anything about that?"

She giggled as she crawled over and sat on top of him. She leaned in and kissed his lips which eventually led to a steamy make out session.

She abruptly stopped kissing him and took a quick look around.

"No one can see us here. Are you thinking what im thinking?"she asked.

A wicked smile grew across his face as he leaned in began kissing her once again. His hands were already under her shirt, trying to undo her bra.

Dont worry ladies and gentlemen, that day bed will be tossed out and burned.


Everyone was seen in the backyard socializing and familiarizing themselves with the nine new additions to the Villa (except Dean and Liv of course).

"What do you call yourself again? NFT or something like that?"Seth asked the new islander.

"M.J.F you numbskull."MJF responded.

"What does that stand for?"

"Maxwell Jacob Friedman. Most people call me MJF like I prefer but you, you can call me sir, since I dont know you that well."

Seth scoffed, "You know, I would make a comment about how dumb MJF sounds but...quite frankly its not the first time ive been around people that wanted to be called a ridiculous name."

"And quite frankly you're in no position to talk shit about anyone when you've been dressing like a bi-curious wanna be drag queen."MJF responded which made Ricochet spit out his drink.

"Like honestly dude, whoever has been telling you that you're looking good in that trash is lying to your face. No wonder why these girls are staying away from you. All you're missing is the makeup, RuPaul."

"Max! Take it easy."Mandy said in between her laughter.

"You're going to have to put a muzzle on him, Mandy."said Indi.

Sasha hugged Seth, "Dont listen to him, he thrives on being negative. I think you look good."

VC-Seth-He doesnt have drip so therefore he cant recognize drip. What the fuck does he know anyway? Just because he wears a stupid, cheap Burberry scarf doesnt mean jack shit.

"I just want to do a toast real quick."said Indi as she knocked a spoon against her champagne glass, "Is everyone here?"

"I think Dean and Liv are missing."said Finn.

"They're either having sex or arguing. Probably both. At the same time."said Seth.

"Anyway,"Indi continued, "Tonight has been crazy. This whole journey has been crazy so far. Im sure no one expected to be in the position they're at. Especially me. But this is what Love Island is about. Love Island is about opening yourself up to new experiences. To new people. Its not about shutting everyone off. Its not about choosing one person and ignoring the rest. Its about giving people a chance. What we have is a once in a lifetime opportunity so, make the most of it people!"

Everyone cheered and applauded.

"One more thing. I know ive said to give other people a chance but...ive done that and....my heart keeps yearning for one particular guy. Thats how I know that what me and this guy have is legit. And...I think its time to ask an important question. So, Ric, do you want to make things official? Do you....want to be my boyfriend?"

Everyone burst out in cheers.

Ricochet was seen with a smile on his face. Indi nervously awaited his response.

"Come on Ric! Seal the deal!"Bianca cheered.

"I would love to."Ricochet answered before he went in and kissed his new girlfriend.

"OMG JUST GET MARRIED ALREADY!"Sasha shouted as she clapped for them.

GC-Indi and Ricochet

Indi-So...we're official now!

Ricochet-Im officially yours and you're officially mine.

Indi-He's off the market ladies!

Ricochet-And all you single dudes thats about to come into the Villa, you better look the other way.

Indi-*kisses his cheek* Gosh I was so nervous. But after being away from you for so long there was no doubt in my mind that...this was the right time to make it official. Although....you do have some explaining to do.

Ricochet-About what?

Indi-I heard some dirt about you and Kayla. But...we'll leave that for another day. Lets just enjoy the good vibes right now.

After the celebration for Indi and Ricochet was over, everyone began dispersing to go off in their own little groups.

VC-Carmelo-So as im walking, my shoulder accidentally brushes against someone. I wasnt looking at who it was because in my mind, its not a big deal. But apparently...I was mistaken. It was a big deal.

"Aye yo, you think you're a smart ass huh?"Jey barked as he pulled Carmelo back by the shoulder.

Yes, the person he accidentally bumped into was Jey.

"What are you on about bro?"Carmelo asked.

Jey smacked the cup out of Carmelo's hand. This got everyone's attention.

"Here we go."muttered Bianca.

"You aint gonna be doing that shit bro! The fuck do you think you are?"

"The fuck is your problem man?"Carmelo asked.


Carmelo and Jey were face to face at this point.

"Just walk away Carmelo."Bianca advised.



Jade got in-between the two, "Jey, calm down. This isnt the time and place."



VC-Carmelo-Am I going crazy or what? This dude has officially lost his mind.


Getting triggered by his taunting, Jey turned around and began marching back to where Carmelo was. Luckily Damian and Ricochet held him back.

"Dont waste your time on a guy like that man. Dont let him get the best of you."said Ricochet to calm him down.

"No, he wants to act like he's better than me. Just because he's coupled up with B he wants to rub it in my face. He wants to act like the man. I aint taking no disrespect from a guy like that! Who the fuck is he?"Jey ranted.

"We got your back bro, you know that."said Damian.

"If he wants to start beefing then we can beef. I dont give a fuck!"Jey continued.

"Listen, pretty soon his ass is going to be out of here so dont worry about it."said Ricochet.

"AYE YO! I DONT GIVE A FUCK MOTHERFUCKER!"Jey yelled out to Carmelo.

"SOUNDS LIKE YOU DO!"Carmelo yelled back.


VC-Damian-I think Jey is a little on edge after the recoupling. He's basically spazzing out at the moment for no reason.

VC-Jey-He bumped into me on purpose dawg, im telling you. He wants to rub it in my face that he's with B. How could you not see me next to you? Yet your shoulder brushes against mine? Miss me with that bullshit man, I know what he's trying to do.

"It was a legit accident."Carmelo was explaining to AdamP, Sasha, Bianca, Xyon and Seth, "I didnt even see him next to me."

"He just loves over reacting. Typical Jey."Bianca rolled her eyes.

"The poor guy feels threatened. Carmelo took his place."Seth said.

"Thats definitely what it is."said Carmelo.

"Well Carmelo, you dont gotta worry about Jey. He's irrelevant at this point."said Sasha.

"Worry? I aint worry bout a guy that acts like a 5 year old. He mad that you with someone new, B? Well this is his fault. He made his bed now he gotta sleep in it!"Carmelo said loud enough for Jey to hear.

"Cheers to that mate!"Xyon said as he took a sip of his beer.

VC-Carmelo-Im not one to back down from a fight. If Jey wants a war he can get one. I wasnt even planning on talking to the guy but homie done went and barked up the wrong tree.


After a long, emotionally exhausting day, it was now time for the islanders to settle into bed. Because we now have 24 people in the Villa, the living room had to be converted into a temporary bedroom. Four full sized beds were placed there for Austin and Tay, Seth and Britt, Mandy and MJF and Damian and Cameron.

"This is ridiculous. I cant believe I have to sleep in the living room like some sort of peasant. I should have just gone home."said MJF as he fluffed his pillow.

"Nothing's stopping you from leaving buddy."said Seth.

"Except for the fact that im here for the same reason you're here. To stir the pot and not have any meaningful contributions whatsoever."

"Whats your deal with me?"Seth asked.

"I just dont like you."

Seth shrugged, "Fair enough. The feeling's mutual by the way."



Dean was seen in the bathroom. He had just got done brushing his teeth. At the same time, Allie stepped in.

"I want to talk to you real quick."she said.

He sighed. The two made their way to the terrace where they were alone.

"Do you feel happy?"she asked.


"The way you played Penelope like that. How could you Dean-how could you do that to a woman. And now you're back here with Liv acting like the last 3 days never fucking happened! Dont you think Penelope deserves an explanation!"

"I tried to talk to her but she didnt want to talk!"

"You filled her head with lies! Why do that if you were just going to go back to your girlfriend! Is this fun for you?"

"Look, I swore that I was going to be sent home. I didnt expect to still be here."

"So you didnt recouple because you wanted to go home?"

"Basically."he nodded.

"So whats stopping you? Whats stopping you from packing your shit and leaving the show?"

Dean propped himself up against the banister.

"If you want to leave so bad why dont you just do it? Its because you're a liar. Penelope was right, you werent over Liv. But you are so damn good at charming women. You even made me believe that you actually had feelings for Penelope. I wish I could have gone back and protected her."

"This is your business how?"

"This is my business because I was at Casa Amor and I saw the way you were with her. What you did was wrong! If you wanted to leave then fucking leave!"

"Whats going on?"Liv asked as she stepped onto the terrace.

VC-Liv-I saw this new girl Allie, and Dean go onto the terrace and then I started hearing yelling like-no hun. Dont you dare.

"Its nothing Liv."Dean said.

"Your boyfriend likes to use women and just throw them away in the end."said Allie, "How do you feel knowing that he led my friend on, filled her head with lies and empty promises and just ditched her to come crawling back to you?"

Liv looked at Dean.

VC-Liv-I mean....he's sorta done that to me already so.....

"You're making a big deal out of this for nothing Allie. It was only four fucking days!"Dean argued.

"Thats not my point! My point is that you cant be doing that! That makes you look like a selfish, manipulative scumbag! If you knew you werent going to recouple with her then why lead her on? Why couldnt you be honest with her?"

"Ive had enough of this."Dean said before he walked away.

"You better talk some sense into him because what he did was unacceptable. Kissing and cuddling the same girl everyday yet he didnt eve have the decency to say good bye to her. Fucking ridiculous."Allie said to Liv before she stormed off.

VC-Liv-Okay so...apparently Dean got really close with one of the girls at Casa Amor and didnt let her know that he'd be sticking with me. I cant defend Dean's actions. He did the same thing to me years ago. I dont know the situation but....I got to get to the bottom of it.

After everyone got settled into their respective beds, the lights went out.

Despite Bianca and Carmelo's bed being one bed away from his, Jey was still able to hear them giggling and kissing.

"Im so happy to be back in your arms."Indi quietly said to Ricochet as they were laying in bed.

"You're the only one I want to wake up next to from here on out."Ricochet responded as he gazed in her eyes.

AdamC got up and grabbed his blanket and pillow. He then went over to AdamP and Alexa's bed.

"Alexa,"he whispered to her, "Im going to sleep on the day bed outside."

"Okay."she whispered back.

"Are you coming?"

"Im already comfy here though."

He stood there in silence for a few seconds before left the room.

VC-AdamC-Its our first night back together. You'd think that she'd want to be next to me considering she's my girlfriend after all but...I guess not.

In the living room, Britt noticed Adam with his blanket and pillow heading into the backyard. She got up, put her hoodie on and headed out to join him.

Meanwhile, back up in the main room love was certainly in the air. Xyon and Sasha as well as Bianca and Carmelo were making out. Dean and Liv had decided to go for round 2. Indi was trying to muffle her moans but failed a few times.

Bayley propped herself up on her elbows to see what was going on and saw that Ricochet was on top of her slowly going to and fro in a thrusting motion. Their bodies was completely covered under the blankets of course. She shook her head and smiled. At the same time, Finn gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

Austin and Tay were also seen sneaking up into the bathroom together.

Somebody please tell them the bathroom isnt sound proof.


day 29

7:30 am

Bayley, Finn, Jey, Jade, Allie and Alexa were all seen asleep on various day beds in the backyard.

VC-Bayley-Yea so last night...Indi and Ric got a little too carried away.

VC-Indi-I have no regrets.

8:38 am

Sasha, Bianca, Tay and Cameron were all seen in the dressing room doing their daily morning routine of fixing their hair, putting make up on and applying sun screen.

"Its like so surreal being here."said Cameron, "I hope we can all get along."

"Why wouldnt we?"Bianca asked.

"Because you guys barely got along."

"Well...you're not wrong."said Sasha.

At the same time, Indi walked in.

Sasha and Bianca immediately began squealing.

She blushed.

"So....are you sore?"Sasha asked.

Indi sat next to her.

"A little."she responded as they squealed even more.

"Y'all were loud as hell. And then on the next side we got Tay and Austin going at it. And then Liv and Dean."said Bianca, "I felt like I was on the set of a porno."

"Damn. Did everyone have sex last night?"Cameron.

"Not me. Yet."said Sasha, "Im basically a virgin in here."

"Same girl, same."said Bianca.

"Im living my best life guys."Indi smiled.

"Look at you. You look so happy. You're basically glowing."said Sasha.

"I am very very happy."Indi gushed.

VC-Indi-So...last night was the first time Ric and I got intimate. It was....magical. I think im finally in love.


11:04 am

Xyon was seen laying on a bean bag chair, soaking up the sun.

"Hey there sexy."Mandy said as she dragged a bean bag chair and put it next to his.

He lowered his sunglasses, "Hey there."

"How are you enjoying things so far? Any of our guys giving you dirty looks?"

"This guy-Dean keeps looking at me in a funny way but other than that, everythings great."

"So whats going on with you and Sasha? Are you focused only on her or what?"

"I feel like its way too early to tell."

"So your options are open?"


VC-Xyon-I do love hanging out with Sasha but I feel like I deserve to truly enjoy my experience. I would like to get to know other girls. My top two right now of course are Sasha and Mandy. Tay also seems really interesting. So...yea I would like to explore my options but im afraid that it might turn Sasha off. I saw the way she acted with Damian so...

"Maybe you should stop sticking with her all the time and give me some of that attention."said Mandy.

"I would love to but....I dont want to cause trouble. I just got here."

"Xyon, this experience isnt only about Sasha. You got to put yourself first and go after what you actually want. Im going in the pool."she said as she got up, "Feel free to join me."

His eyes were glued to her rear end as she walked.

He waited a few seconds before he got up and followed behind her.

As Sasha walked into the backyard, she noticed the two.

Good thing she was already wearing her bikini.

"Girls, lets hit the pool. What do you say?"she said to Bianca and Indi.

"Gladly."said Bianca as she noticed what was going on.

VC-Sasha-Hah bitch! I dont think so.

"Hey guys, hope we're not interrupting anything."said Indi as she and the other girls all stepped into the pool.

"Oh, no not at all."said Xyon.

Judging by her face, Mandy was clearly pissed.

VC-Mandy-Two can play this game Sasha.


Alexa was seen sitting on a daybed with AdamC who is still her boyfriend. Just felt like I needed to remind you guys.

"So you and Britt were talking last night?"she asked.



"About...random stuff."

"And thats all that happened? You guys just talked?"

"Maybe if you were outside with me then Britt wouldnt have come around."

"Oh okay, justify talking to your ex by blaming me."

"Ive spent four days without you. I thought you'd have been excited to have some one on one time with me but I guess I was wrong."

"Adam, I was already snuggled up in my bed. The last thing I wanted to do was get out of it and go sleep on a day bed where its cold and filled with mosquitos."

"Well awesome because ive been sleeping on that day bed for the past four nights."

"I didnt ask you to do that."

"Its the thought that counts."

"Sleeping on a bed next to someone means nothing Adam."

"Oh it means nothing? I saw you and Hangman kissing in bed, did that mean nothing?"

Alexa was stumped. She would have kept arguing with him but she was unsure of which time she and Adam kissed that he was referring too.

"It did mean nothing babe."

"I cant believe you'd actually do that to me. It never crossed my mind to kiss any of those girls at Casa Amor. Never. Sure I kissed a few of them but that was during the challenges."

"Okay I messed up and made a mistake. Im sorry. Can we just get back to normal? You're here with me now and I still love you. I want to pretend that the last four days didnt even happen. Its in the past."she asked.

He slowly nodded, "Yea. Of course we can."

She gave him a quick kiss.

VC-AdamC-Im starting to feel like Alexa and I arent at a stable place right now. Things just feel...different. I feel like we basically put a band-aid over our problems and decided it was fixed. *sigh*We'll see what happens I guess.


As night fell, the Islanders got dressed in their fanciest clothing and took over the backyard.

Some Islanders were on the dancefloor, some were mingling, some were drinking.

Dean and AdamP were currently having a whiskey drinking competition as Seth spectated.

VC-Dean-This Thor looking motherfucker basically said that he can handle more whiskey than me. So, I took it personal.

Both men had 50 shot glasses filled with Jack Daniels in front of them. They were downing them one after the other. The challenge was to see who could finish all fifty the fastest. The prize? Alcohol poisoning.

VC-Seth-I dont support this but I still want Dean to win.

Long story short, both men only made it to 12 shots before they decided to quit after feeling sick.

Dont try this at home.

As he was speaking to Carmelo, Xyon got a text on his phone. Because this text came from another Islander, the signature notification sound didnt go off.

It was from Mandy. It simply said, 'meet me at the terrace'.

He followed her instruction and went up to the terrace. There he found her standing and waiting. She smiled when she saw him.

"At your service ma'am."he said.

"Just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out. Just you and I. So we can finally get our alone time?"

"Who am I to say no to a babe like yourself?"

"Is it weird that I love being alone with you?"she asked as she threw her arms around his neck. He put his hands on her waist, pulling her body closer to his.

"I dont think so at all. Because I feel the same."

She bit her lip, "You are...so irresistible."

"Then why are you resisting?"

She leaned in and began kissing him.

He took his leather jacket off and held her face with one hand as the kiss intensified.

VC-Mandy-If I want him...trust me in going to get him.

Passionately, their lips intertwined; their hands caressing each other's face and body. In that moment, the two were in euphoria. Five days of sexual tension was being let out. The background noises faded away. It felt like nobody else was in the villa but them.

Until Xyon pulled away.

"I cant go any further."he said.

Mandy lowered her eyebrows.

"But you want to, dont you?"she then asked.

He frustratingly sighed. She took that as a yes.

"I'll wait as long as you want me to. I know you got your business to take care of. We dont gotta rush."she said as she gave him one last kiss.

He looked in her eyes and smiled.

VC-Xyon-Right now I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. I wanted to find someone in here and...it looks like I found two. And now...I dont know which route I should take. Damn you, Love Island. Fuck!



A/N-Hey guys like I said last chapter, I have a survey for you guys to fill out. The answers are going to be used in the next villa challenge.


The link will also be in the comments. Also, here is a QR code that you can access the survey with by using your phone's camera.

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