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day 31

8:12 am

AdamP was seen in the outdoor kitchen whisking a bowl of eggs that he intended to scramble.

"So whats the status with you and Alexa?"Xyon asked him as he was eating cereal.

"We havent really been spending much time together."he responded, "We've had little conversations here and there but...that's it. She's been sleeping with Cole outside on the day bed for the past two nights."

"Yeesh. I mean, she did say that she was going to stay loyal to him."

"Its so strange to see her switch up on me so suddenly though. Is she really going to act like there was nothing going on? Its so bizarre."

"So there isnt anybody else you fancy?"Xyon asked.

"Actually....Liv and I struck up a conversation yesterday and I got to know her a bit better. She's quite alright but...I know pursuing her would be trouble so im not even thinking about it. She clearly cant move on from Dean."

"Yup. They're a whole mess."

VC-AdamP-I wonder if Alexa really brought me here just to put me to the side. I know she got a boyfriend and everything but...I cant just forget about our time together. I want to keep getting to know her. Its okay though, because I got something up my sleeve.

We've been busy showcasing a bunch of other couples so I think its only fair that we give Tay and Austin a piece of the spotlight. If you forgot they were on the show, you are not alone.

Tay and Austin were seen sitting together on a bean bag chair in the backyard. She was sitting on top of him.

"So, what are you looking for here? True love, a summer fling, a potential wife?"Tay asked him.

"Um....thats a tough question."

She laughed, "You dont know what you want?"

"I'll figure it out when the time is right."

"Well me personally, I just want someone that I can have fun with. Like, things doesnt have to be serious you know?"

"So....you're looking for a summer fling then?"he asked.

"Yea! For example, I have a lot of fun with you. But maybe if more serious feelings end up developing then...I wont be opposed to a relationship."

"I feel the same way."

"Yay! Im so happy we're on the same page."

"We look so good together though. Lets take a selfie."


Austin whipped out his phone and took a quick picture of the two of them.

VC-Tay-I like Austin a lot. I think he's very handsome. But im not in love with him. We still have to let these feelings grow. For now im just fine with us messing around. Who knows? Maybe we might end up falling in love *draws invisible heart with her fingers*

VC-Austin-Im going to be honest....Alexa and Liv were the perfect girls for me. They're my type to the T. But...they got their own drama going on. Its best I stay away from that. Im interested in exploring things with Tay so...lets see how it goes.


"So...you basically lied to everyone huh?"Seth said to Dean as the pair were sitting by the pool.

"About?"Dean asked.

"When you said you were over Liv."

Dean sighed, "Dude, are you going to be up my ass about that to?"

"I dont understand how you can go from saying you're over her to now being back with her and acting like nothing happened? The world is confused man."

"We're just coupled up. We're not together. We're still broken up."

"But you guys are banging?"

"I mean....yea."

"Dude, dont lie to me, are you over her? Were you ever over her?"

"I care a lot about her still. And now that we're back in the same villa...its going to be hard to ignore her."

"Did you forget everything that she put you through before Casa Amor? Come on dude, you're better than this."

"We're broken up, what are you going on about?"

"You're broken up but you're still sleeping with each other? That doesnt make sense. How are you going to move on?"

"Listen, at this point im tired of explaining myself to everyone okay."

"Well maybe if you stop doing questionable things then you wont have too."Seth responded.

At the same time Dean got up and began walking away.

"Ambrose." Seth called out.

Dean ignored him and kept on walking.

"Ambrose, come on."Seth called out again.

He didnt turn back.

VC-Seth-All im trying to do is talk some sense into this guy but he's being way too sensitive. The next time Liv fucks him over he better not tell me anything about it because apparently he likes being played with. Liv is a two timing, gas-lighter. At this point im hoping that a girl walks in here and absolutely charms the pants off of Dean just so he could get away from her.


"Im glad we're finally getting to talk."Damian said to Sasha as the two sat on the recoupling bench.

"Yea. Its been awhile huh?"she said.

"How are you feeling about everything that happened recently?"

"Honestly, im not bothered. Im actually glad you recoupled with Cameron because you deserve to be here still. Plus she seems like a great girl."

"And you're happy with your new guy?"

"As of right now....yea."she nodded and smiled, "Things are going good."

"Well im happy for you. But you know I still care about you a lot. I still have your back no matter what."

"Of course. And same here. I'll be looking out for you."

"I just dont want things to be awkward you know? This house is already filled with tension and I dont want that between us."

"Never! Never. Theres nothing but love here Damian. As long as we're both happy thats all that matters."she reassured him.

"Im glad theres no bad blood."

She reached over and gave him a hug.

VC-Damian-Im happy I had this talk with Sasha to clear the air and find out how she feels about everything. Essentially we got each other's blessings and can move on without any problems. She's been nothing but great to me so the last thing I want to do is be enemies with her.


2:34 pm

As all the Islanders were hanging out in the backyard, MJF's phone went off.

"Boys and girls, I GOT A TEXT!"He shouted.

The Islanders all gathered around him as he read the text out loud. It said-

"Fuck, im nervous already."said Indi.

VC-Jey-I think we're all in for a rude awakening today.

Oh, you have no idea.


All 24 islanders raced down to the site of the day's challenge. The guys were all wearing shiny trunks and the girls were cladded in matching bikinis.

The name of today's challenge is Poll Dancing and here's how its going to be played.

-The couples will be split into two groups.

-As you know last episode we had you guys complete a survey. Those questions from the survey will be asked.

-The goal is for an islander to correctly guess the percentage of responses.

-But before they do so,  an islander from each group must perform  a pole dance. Why? Because I said so, thats why.

- After the pole dance, they must place their answer on the board.

-Whoever guesses the right answer or whoever guesses the closest percentage to the answer wins the point for their group.

VC-Liv-Oh my god I can only imagine what the public thinks. They can be assholes sometimes.

The Islanders got themselves into two groups. Every couple was split.

Team Red-












Team Blue












MJF and Mandy opted to be the score keepers and hosts.

Because there are 11 persons on each team and only 10 questions were asked, one person from each team would need to sit out.

Bayley from Team Red and Jey from Team Blue decided to be the ones sitting out because apparently they hate fun.

VC-Bayley-Yeaaa....pole dancing isnt really for me. I hope everyone else has a good time though.

VC-Jey-Im not really in the mood to do any of this so....i'll just chill and watch. It aint a problem.

Indi from Team Blue and Allie from Team Red were seen stationed at their respective poles.

"Okay guys, heres the first question."said Mandy as she began reading from a cue card, "What percentage of the public do you think supported Bayley's decision to stick with Finn at the last recoupling. Go."

Both girls immediately grabbed onto their poles and began working it.

Aaaaaand, cue the sexy music to make this a little more entertaining.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(you guys can play it if you want)

Everyone all cheered and clapped loudly for the girls as they did their thing.

"Woooh! Lets go Allie!"AdamC cheered.

"She aint on your team bro."Carmelo said to him.

Alexa was seen side eyeing AdamC.

"Let your inner stripper out girls!"Sasha shouted.

"You're looking sexy babe!"Ricochet cheered for his new girlfriend.

VC-Indi-Ive never even touched a stripper pole until now. I hope I did good.

After their performance, they both placed their answer on the board.

Allie answered with 85%. Indi decided to go with 70%.

VC-Indi-I decided to go with 70 percent because I think a lot of people watching could have seen that Kenny and Bayley clicked really well and might have been hoping that she recoupled with him so....

"And the answer is.....65%."said MJF, "Thats still too high in my opinion."

"Indi, you scored the first point for the Blue team!"said Mandy as the Blue team cheered.

VC-Finn-Sixty five percent? I know its a high number but...I expected a higher number of people to support Bayley's decision. Did-did I do something wrong?

For the second round, Liv from Team Blue and Bianca from Team Red decided to take the poles.

"Knock em dead B!"Sasha clapped.

"Question 2."MJF said, "What percentage of the public thinks that Liv is the right girl for Dean? This should be fun. Go!"

"Oh god."Liv groaned.

VC-Liv-I dont even want to know the answer to this question to be honest.

Bianca immediately swung herself around the pole and went into a squat. Still in the squat position, she twerked for a little bit before she slowly got back up.

Carmelo was seen covering Xyon's eyes.

Liv was working the pole by grinding on it and doing body rolls.

Dean blushed as he watched her.

"Hey! Eyes on Bianca! She's your team mate!"Seth yelled at him.

After they were done, the girls placed their answers on the board.

Liv went with 65%. Bianca chose 50%.

VC-Liv-Im not trying to get my hopes up. I honestly dont think it'll be less than 65 percent.

VC-Bianca-I chose my answer based on what ive been seeing from Liv and Dean. Those two are confusing as hell so...I dont think they have a lot of support from the public right now.

"And the answer is.....33 percent. Thirty three percent of the public thinks that Liv is the right girl for Dean. Bianca, you won that point."said MJF.

Liv's jaw dropped.

VC-Liv-Thirty three percent? You guys are just going to turn your back on me now? What the hell? I...cant believe this.

"You okay?"Alexa asked Liv when she sat back down.

"No."Liv responded, clearly upset.

Seth from Team Red and Finn from Team Blue took the poles for round 3.

"So...its come to this huh?"Seth dramatically said to Finn.

"May the best man win."Finn responded.

"Okay girls, your question is: what percentage of the public thinks that Ricochet and Indi are the real deal. Go!"said MJF.

Both guys awkwardly grabbed onto the poles and began doing their dance.

"Come on boys! Put your back into it!"Indi shouted.

Finn tried his best to be sexy on the pole but couldnt stop laughing because of how absurd he felt.

"Let the demon out bro!"Jey cheered his team mate on, "Show Bayley what you got for her!"

Seth was seen with his hands on his knees and doing what seemed to be like twerking. Basically, he was just stiffly bending his knees up and down.

"Seth, what in god's name..."Bianca said as she looked on.

VC-Seth-Im not a dancer okay. Im very bad at it. Especially when a pole is involved. Ive been to a lot of strip clubs in my time but I can never replicate what those talented women do. However, if the challenge was to head bang or mosh or wave my arms in the air like a crazy person then no one would have been able to touch me.

"Well that sure was a boner killer wasnt it?"MJF said when the guys were done dancing.

Both Seth and Finn placed their answers on the board. Seth went with 80 percent while Finn went with 100 percent.

"Awww Finn. You really think so?"Indi asked.

"Of course."

VC-Finn-I do think Indi and Ricochet are a pretty strong couple-if not the strongest couple in the house right now. Me personally, I do think they're the real deal.

"And the answer is.....88%!"announced Mandy, "Seth, you got that one!"

"Take that Finneas!"Seth said as he began 'twerking' once again.

GC-Indi and Ricochet

Indi-Eighty eight percent is fine. I was sort of expecting one hundred percent though but whatever.

Ricochet-The twelve percent that said we werent the real deal are just salty haters.

Indi-They wish their faves could have a love story like we do.

Xyon and Ricochet decided to take on round four.

"Okay guys, what percentage of the public thinks that Dean and Liv should give it another shot? Go!"said Mandy.

Liv was seen shaking her head in disapproval.

Ricochet used his upper body strength to climb to the top of the pole. Using his legs to also grip onto the pole, he positioned himself upside down (Spider-Man style). Showing off his acrobatic skills, he spun himself around the pole in that position.

"Thats my babe!"Indi cheered.

Meanwhile, Xyon was seen low down on the pole thrusting the air.

"Somebody better give me some dollar bills to throw right now! Ya'll deserve it!"said Sasha.

When the men were done, they placed their answers on the board.

Xyon decided to go with 20% as Ricochet went with 50%.

"And the answer is.....45 percent."said MJF, "Forty five percent of the public thinks that Liv and Dean should give things another try. Ricochet, you got that point for Team Red."

The cameras panned to Liv who seemed out of it at the moment. She was sitting with her arms folded, staring off into the distance.

VC-Liv-I am not in the mood for this anymore.

"So far Team Red is in the lead with 3 points. Team Blue, you guys have 1 point."Mandy informed.


Alexa from Team Blue and Sasha from Team Red decided to battle it out for round 5.

"Ah yes, the old rivalry continues."said Seth.

"Ladies, your question is, what percentage of the public thinks that Seth will someday find love? Go!"Mandy said.

"Wait-what?"Seth asked.

The girls wasted no time in putting on a show. Alexa hopped up on the pole and spun herself around until she landed at the base.

VC-Austin-Alexa versus Sasha in a pole dancing battle? I think its fair to say that all the guys are having some problems in their pants right now if you know what I mean.

Team Red cheered for Sasha as she dropped it low and picked it back up.

She then spun herself around the pole. As she reached the base, she landed in a split where she subtly bounced up and down.

Xyon was seen covering Carmelo's eyes this time around.

VC-Carmelo-Shawty better chill. She bout to make a brother catch a heart attack bruh, damn.

To answer the question, Sasha went with 70%. Alexa went with 50%.

"Really Sasha? Seventy percent?"Seth asked.

"I see right through your gimmick Seth. You'll find love one day babe."she responded.

"You girls should have gone with zero."he said.

VC-Sasha-Seth is one of my best friends and I know him pretty well. I just know that he'll find love some day. Im confident that the public thinks the same too considering his past. How many times has the poor sucker fallen in love? He just always does it with the wrong girls.

"And the answer is....62%. Sasha, you got that point."said Mandy.

"The public believes in you Seth."Sasha said to him.

"Nope. Not happening."he responded.

You guys are all stupid idiots. Seth has already found love. Their names are Finn and Dean.

Cameron and AdamP were up next for round 6.

"Alright guys, your questions is, what percentage of the public thinks that AdamC loves Alexa more than she loves him? Oh, this should be good."said MJF with a chuckle.

Alexa lowered her eyebrows.

VC-Alexa-What the hell-who came up with these questions?

Yours truly.

Cameron broke out into a full pole dancing performance.

"Work it girl!"Jade cheered her on as she was swinging herself around the pole with her legs outstretched.

VC-Cameron-Ya girl aint no stranger to a pole okay. *flips hair* Let me do my thang.

She hooked one arm around the pole as she continued spinning herself. She then turned herself upside down with her legs split into a V shape as she kept on speedily going around the pole.

VC-Indi-How the hell is she up there putting on a full show? When I was up there my palms started sweating immediately. Is her palms not sweaty?

All the while, AdamP was just unenthusiastically swinging himself around the pole, occasionally thrusting the air as he did so. He was a little too distracted by Cameron to fully focus.

"Go Adam! Give us nothing!"Sasha sarcastically said.

VC-AdamP-Im not drunk enough to bust out my moves okay. Trust me, I can do it like Cameron. Just maybe after a half a bottle of whiskey.

After the suggested pole dance performance time was up (which was 10-15 seconds) Adam went and placed his answer on the board. Cameron however, was still working the pole.

"Jeez, save some pole for the rest of us, Cam."said Seth.

She kept on spinning herself around on the pole, grinding and doing body rolls as if she was expecting the Islanders to start throwing cash at her.

VC-Seth-Please keep in mind that even though we have to do a dance...we have no music to dance to. Its just awkward silence. Does Cameron have Spotify installed in her brain or what?

After 10 more seconds of dancing, Cameron finished her turn off with some twerking on the poll before placing her answer on the board.

"What was the question again? After watching Cam I forgot everything."said Damian.

"The questions is what percentage of the public thinks AdamC loves Alexa more than she loves him."Mandy reminded.

AdamP's answer was 65% while Cameron's answer was 95%.

VC-AdamP-I do think that he loves her a lot. However, I dont think she reciprocates the same amount of love. If she did then she wouldn't have done and said the things she has. Its so obvious he's way more into her than she's into him.

VC-Cameron-Honestly....I didnt even listen to the question when they first said it. I was just really excited to get on the pole. I just gave a random answer *shrugs*

"And the answer is....83%. The point goes to Cameron from Team Blue!"said Mandy as Cameron jumped up and down, squealing.

"This is so stupid. Like, honestly."Alexa angrily said.

VC-Alexa-Im...pissed. Now Adam is really going to think that I dont love him as much because of this stupid poll and the stupid public! Like...how the hell could they say that?

VC-AdamC-Yea its pretty crushing to hear the answer to that question. I...I dont know what to make of it. I dont even know what to think at this point.

"Dont listen to this stupid thing babe, you know I love you."Alexa said to AdamC as she rested her head against his shoulder.

"I love you too."he responded.

Up next was Austin versus Damian for round 7.

"Okay boys your question is, what percentage of the public thinks that Jey and Bianca should get back together? Go!"said Mandy.

"Oh hell no."Jey muttered.

VC-Jey-Of course my name was going to be brought up in this shit.

Austin didnt shy away from showing off his moves on the pole.

Meanwhile, Damian chose to headbang as he held onto the pole with one hand. His long dark hair was being whipped back and forth.

"Come on Damian. You could have done something sexier."Sasha complained, "You should have done salsa!"

VC-Damian-How am I supposed to salsa up there alone with no music? Come on Sasha...

After they were done, they placed their answers on the board. Damian went with 85% as Austin went with 75%.

"And the answer is....a whopping 33 percent of the public thinks Jey and Bianca should get back together. Austin, you got that point."said MJF.

Everyone's jaw dropped.

"Damn, that aint even half."said Carmelo.

VC-Ricochet-Just a few weeks ago Jey and Bianca were being voted the fan favorite couple and the most compatible couple. Now the public thinks they shouldnt get back together? Damn. That-that was pretty shocking to hear. They're quick to turn their backs arent they?

"Even if one hundred percent of the public wanted us to get back together it wasnt going to happen."said Bianca, "I deserve better."

"Point blank, period!"Sasha supported her.

Jey was seen just shaking his head.

VC-Indi-With Jey and Bianca being broken up...I feel like Ric and I can actually win this show. Thats not why we're together but...as of right now, there are no other strong couples thats on the level that Ric and I are on. I think our biggest competition right now is Finn and Bayley.

For round 8, Britt and Tay took to the poles.

"Okay girls your question is, what percentage of the public thinks that Damian would couple up with anyone just to stay in the game? Go!"Mandy said.

Damian seemed shocked by the question.

As the two girls battled it out, most of the islanders' eyes were on Tay. They couldnt help but be captivated by her body grinding against the pole.

"Is it me or did this place get a whole lot hotter?"Carmelo said as he fanned himself.

"I know right. Im sweating."said Austin.

VC-Allie-Im looking around and these guys are staring at Tay with their mouths basically hanging open. I mean...can you blame them though? If I was a dude id be checking her out too.

"You're doing great Britt!"Seth showed his support for his partner.

"Thanks for the sympathy Seth."said Britt as she walked around the pole.

After putting on their performances, the girls placed their answers up on the board.

Britt answered with 45% and Tay answered with 70%.

"And the answer is....79 percent of the public thinks that Damian would couple up with someone to stay in the game. The point goes to Tay!"said MJF.

"This is ridiculous. What?"Damian said in disbelief.

VC-Damian-They're practically saying that im here for the wrong reasons. Thats not true. Im here to find love. Im not sure why the public is thinking that way like-what did I do to make them think that? Is it because I coupled up with Cam? Im really attracted to Cam, thats why I recoupled with her. This game is making me look bad.

Carmelo and Jade were up for the ninth round.

"Okay guys, your question is, what percentage of the public thinks that Xyon is being honest with Sasha? Hmmmmm."Mandy suspiciously said.

Everyone 'ooed'.

"Wait-huh?"Sasha asked. She then looked over at Xyon who seemed to be looking very nervous at the moment.

VC-Sasha-Jesus Christ in the heavens above please dont let this be bad. Please.

Jade grabbed the pole with one hand and danced on it for a little bit before hopping up on the pole and elegantly swinging her body around it. Carmelo was seen sexily doing body rolls with one hand on the pole.

Bianca wolf whistled at him.

VC-Cameron-*twirls hair*I dont know about y'all but....Carmelo looking kinda fine. Me likey.

After they were done, the pair placed their answers on the board.

Jade answered with 75% while Carmelo answered with 45%.

VC-Carmelo-Xyon is my boy. Obviously I know about the Sasha-Mandy situation. I know he's been getting to know them both. But obviously the public is going to know more than I do because they're watching everything go down on live tv.

VC-Jade-I dont really know much about Xyon and Sasha. They seem to be really into each other. But...because this question was asked im starting to think that something fishy is happening.

"And the answer is....12 percent of the public thinks Xyon is being honest to Sasha! Carmelo, you got that point."said MJF.

Everyone's jaw dropped.

"What the fuck?"Sasha said in confusion.

All eyes were on Xyon.

VC-Xyon-*sighs*Oh boy....

"We have to talk alright."he said to Sasha.

All she did was blankly look at him as her heart was beginning to shatter.

VC-Sasha-Twelve percent? What the fuck could he be lying about so much for only twelve percent of the public to think he's being honest? What, does he have a wife and kids already? Did he bang someone in the villa? Is his beard fake? Is his accent fake? Is his name even Xyon? What the fuck is it like-I need to know.

"Xyon, you better not be fucking around, I swear to god."Indi warned.

VC-Xyon-At this point, I am ready to come clean to Sasha and let her know whats been going on. Im tired of the back and forth.

Sasha's mood went from energetic and peppy to weary and worried in an instant. Mandy couldnt help but crack a smile.

VC-MJF-How could you not love this challenge right now? How many people has it pissed off so far? Its great! I dont mind this going on for another two hours!

Dean and AdamC were seen at the poles for the last round.

"I feel like I should be wearing protective gear right now."said Adam.

"Still got PTSD huh?"Dean chuckled.

VC-AdamC-We all remembered what happened the last time I went up against that man right? How could we forget? Im going to be dancing on that pole and still be expecting him to bulldoze right through me. He's crazy enough to do it.

"The last question is....what percentage of the public thinks that Carmelo should tell Bianca about him and Sasha? Uhhhh ohhh."said MJF.

Carmelo's face grew small.

All eyes were now on him and Sasha.

VC-Sasha-Fuuuuck. Just kill me now. Im so done with this.

Bianca was frozen in shock.

VC-Bianca-Say what now?

Sasha just covered her face in her hands.

"It aint even a big deal B. You aint gotta be worried."Carmelo reassured Bianca. She didnt respond.

VC-Carmelo-Yo...did they really throw Sasha and I under the bus like that? Thats wrong.

Even though Adam and Dean were now dancing on the poles, the mood in the atmosphere changed drastically from a fun light hearted one to a serious, tense one.

"This is really awkward now."said AdamC as he thrusted his pelvis.

Dean also held onto the pole and thrusted into the air for a bit before he got down and began doing the worm.

Luckily, it lightened the mood up a bit as most of the Islanders cheered him on.

From the worm, he transitioned into a Magic Mike styled floor humping.

(like this for example)

"Im channeling my inner Channing Tatum."he said as he struggled a bit.

"Im convinced Magic Mike is the only movie you've ever seen, Dean."said Seth, "How do you even know how to do that?"

When he was done, to cheer Sasha up he went over and asked her, "You want a lap dance?"

He managed to make her laugh as she said, "No. Im fine."

He shrugged.

As the men finished dancing, they went and placed their answers on the board.

Without thinking (or looking at the answer board), Dean locked in with 100% and went back to sit down.

"What was the question again Dean?"Seth asked him.

"I have no fucking clue."he responded.

"Yea, thought so."

Adam locked in with 80%.

"And the answer is....75 percent! Seventy five percent of people thinks Carmelo should tell Bianca about him and Sasha-whatever that means."said MJF, "AdamC, you got that point for the Team Blue."

VC-Carmelo-The 25 percent of people who said that I shouldnt tell Bianca....I like y'all. What happened with Sasha and I was way before things got this serious with B so it doesnt even matter in my mind. This is just going to cause problems now.

"Team Blue, you guys scored five points. Team Red, you also scored five points which means, its a tie!"announced Mandy.

"We werent winning anything anyway so who even cares."said Seth.

"Okay guys now lets head back to the Villa!"said Mandy as everyone got up from their seats.

VC-Liv-Today was....a lot.

VC-Sasha-I am not excited to go back to the Villa. Ughhhh....I just know its going to be bad.

VC-Ricochet-Today's challenge was very eye opening. Its interesting to see how the public thinks of us. To say the least...a lot of us are going to be having some serious conversations with our partners.



a/n-Okay guys im going to need you to vote again. This time you are voting for your favorite Islanders! Those with the least amount of votes risks being dumped from the island.


The link will also be in the comments. Here is the QR code for it as well.

Here are the results from the survey. I got a lot of responses from you guys but the stupid website only recorded the first 23-24 responses because im using the free version.

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