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continuation of day 31

4:03 pm

After an extremely fun and entertaining challenge today, all 24 Islanders were now back at The Villa and let's just say...they didn't return in the same mood that they left with.

VC-Sasha-The Villa is the last place I want to be right now. I just had a massive curveball thrown at me. Apparently, Xyon isnt being honest with me and now also...I got some explaining to do to Bianca. Why does this shit always happen to me dude like....ugh. I can never catch a damn break. As soon as I find a bit of happiness.....shit has to hit the fan and that happiness gets taken away from me. I want to just pack my bags and leave right now. Theres no point in me being here.

Xyon and Sasha were seen sitting on the terrace. There was a thick wall of tension between the two. She had began mentally preparing for the worst since she had left the site of the challenge so at the moment, she wasnt hopeful.

"So....you said we had to talk. What do we have to talk about?"Sasha asked.


"I dont even know if I want to know what this is about to be honest."she cut him off, "I really hate feeling humiliated."


"Go on, tell me what you have to tell me and lets just get this over with."Sasha folded her arms.

"Well Sash...the truth is that...ive been getting to know another girl while ive been getting to know you too. But..you are my number one. What we have developed is so special. I really do fancy you and I would love to keep spending time with you."

"And....who is this other girl?"


Sasha amusingly smiled. It was almost like she wasnt even surprised.

"Im sorry that ive been getting close to her behind your back. I just knew that if I told you, there would be drama. I was going to tell you eventually. Im sorry you had to find out like this."

Sasha's eyes was glued to the Fijian evening sky. She couldn't bring herself to look at him.

The two sat in silence for time before Sasha spoke.

"When you said you were getting close to her...what do you mean?"she asked.

"We've been hanging out, talking about our lives. We...kissed a few times. But thats it."

"Listen.......im tired of this kind of shit."Sasha said to him, "Im not here to fight for anyone's attention. If you're interested in her Xyon, then just go fucking get her. Im done with this."

"Sasha come on-"

"No no no no no. Save it. Im tired of Mandy always being involved in my shit. If ya'll like each other then just go for it. I have no interest in competing with her. Im over it. I thought you were fucking different but you're just like those other idiots falling for that blond bitch's trap. Go after her Xyon. When she cheats on your ass you better not have shit to say!"

"So are you going to act like you and Carmelo didnt have something going on?"

"Carmelo and I didnt have shit going on! It was one dumb kiss and that was way before you and I got serious. I chose you over him. I could have been playing you but I didnt, you know why? Because im a fucking good person!"

"Sasha with all due respect, I think you're over reacting a bit. We're not in a relationship yet, we're still in the process of getting to know each other. Ive only been here for a week."

"Yea and I think I found out all that I needed to know about you. You're not what im looking for."

Xyon didnt respond.

"Listen Xyon....like I said before, I have no interest in competing for anyone. Im tired of always being stuck in this situation. If you're feeling Mandy then by all means, go for it. Im not going to be in the way."Sasha said before she stormed off.

VC-Sasha-*wipes eyes*I dont care if y'all say im over reacting too. Im not putting up with this. Im fucking sick of Mandy and her bullshit. She can have him. If he can be attracted to her after all the things that she's done then....that says a lot about him. *sighs*...Im over it.

After quietly crying in the bathroom for 10 minutes, Sasha recollected herself and then headed out to find Bianca. She found her laying on a day bed, sipping wine.

"Hey."Sasha said as she sat next to her.

"Whats up?"Bianca responded.

"Did Melo talk to you?"

She nodded.

"Im...sorry I didnt tell you about what happened earlier. It was so....irrelevant in my mind."Sasha apologized.

"Yea, dont sweat it. Its fine. Melo's sexy and all but...im not going to throw a fit over a guy that I met a week ago. I still barely know him."

"I feel awful."

"Its fine Sasha."Bianca said with a laugh, "Stop worrying."

VC-Bianca-You know...I did feel a bit betrayed that Sasha didnt tell me what went on. Like, if it wasnt a big deal then why did neither of them tell me anything? What stings is the fact that she was so supportive of Melo and I even though she was keeping that secret from me. But, whatever. Im not going to hold a grudge against them for it, im not childish like that.

"I told Xyon that its over."Sasha informed Bianca after telling her about what Xyon had told her.

"Im tired of doing this dance with Mandy."she said.

"You're telling me. That bitch can never seem to get out of our hair. Soon she might be chasing after Carmelo."said Bianca, "So now that you're done with Xyon, where does this leave you?"

"Back to square one I guess."she sighed, "I literally dont know what im going to do. Damian's with Cameron and he really seem to like her. I feel like and outsider right now."

"Dont worry, there's going to be new single guys coming in pretty soon. Keep your head up."

"Yea but...I dont know. I dont think id have the energy to want to get to know them. Im mentally and emotionally drained."

"What about Carmelo?"

Sasha looked at Bianca as if she was crazy.

"He's yours. I wouldnt do that to you."she said.

"Girl, it aint that serious."

"But y'all like each other right?"

"Yea but...if you guys connect better than him and I do then why should I be upset at that? I want you to find love and who knows, it could potentially be with Carmelo."

"But what about you?"

"I like him, we get along great but im just not feeling that romantic spark yet. I think im just sexually attracted to him at the moment. But my point is, feel free to get to know him. You never know what may come of it. Maybe he might be the man of your dreams?"

Sasha sighed, "Thanks for looking out for me B but....I just dont know yet."

VC-Sasha-Now that im done with Xyon...I just feel like I have no purpose here. I dont care if theres going to be new single guys....im pretty positive that I wont be into them. Theres nobody else that im into in the Villa. Its best that I cut my time short and...leave. But...I dont know yet. We'll see.


8:54 pm

VC-Alexa-So at this point, everyone's in the backyard hanging out. And Adam-my Adam as in my boyfriend, is busy hanging out and laughing it up with Britt and Allie. Like...hello? What the hell is going on?

Alexa was seen looking absolutely pissed off as she watched AdamC, Allie and Britt together from afar.

"Is he serious right now?"Alexa complained to Mandy.

"Go take him away. Why are you just watching them?"Mandy responded.

"Why do I have to go over there? He knows that im going to be pissed off because he's with them. He should know to leave."

"Adam!"Mandy called out. This caught Adam's attention. He left the two girls and walked over to Alexa and Mandy.

"Whats up?"he asked.

"You're having a lot of fun there, arent you?"Mandy asked.

"Yea I guess."he confusingly said.

"Wrong answer."Mandy said before she walked away, giving Alexa and Adam their privacy.

"What do you guys have to talk about so much?"Alexa asked.

"Its....really not a big deal Lex. Do you want to come chill with us? Because you can."

"No Adam, I would not like to come chill with you, your crazy ex that slapped me once and the new girl you're in a couple with."

"So...whats the issue?"

"You're hanging out with your fucking ex Adam! Dont act stupid!"Alexa raised her voice which caught a few people's attention.

"Babe its innocent though!"

"And that makes it okay?"

"Oh my god Alexa."he groaned and held his temples.

"You use to say all those things about Britt, you use to hate it when I brought her up, and now it seems like you two cant leave each other's side!"

"Why are you nagging me right now? Is it because Hangman's busy? Is that it?"

Alexa seemed stunned.

"Oh.....so this is about Hangman huh? You're acting like this because of Hangman-"

"Acting like what? I cant just simply have a conversation with those girls? Is that what you're saying?"

"Whatever Adam! GO BACK! GO BACK AND HANG OUT WITH THEM! IM SORRY I INCONVENIENCED YOU! FUCK!"She yelled before she stormed off.

Adam watched as she walked away.

"Uh oh, crazy Alexa's back."Seth quietly said as he watched the action.

VC-Alexa-Adam fucking hated Britt! But now they're attached at the hip? Something has to be going on, you cant just switch up on a person like that! Furthermore, he shouldnt even be hanging out with his ex! It shows just how much respect he has for me which clearly is not much!

AdamC found a teary eyed Alexa on the terrace.


"Shut up Adam. Just leave."she wiped her tears.

"Im sorry I hurt you babe."

"Save it! If you want to go back to Britt then do it!"

"Why are you saying that?"

"Im not stupid Adam! I know whats going on!"

"Look....I was wrong to do that to you okay. Im sorry."he said, just for her to calm down. She didnt respond.

He then went closer to her and pulled her in for a hug.

"I love you."he kissed her forehead and said. She began breaking down even more.

VC-Adam-I have never seen this side of Alexa in my life. We have managed to avoid conflicts in our relationship...until now. All I know is that....we are not okay. But I still have faith that things will work out. I didnt come all the way here to have my relationship be wrecked apart by a reality show.

Yea im pretty sure AJ Styles said the same exact thing.


10:45 pm

Some islanders were seen hanging out on the recoupling bench. There was Xyon, Mandy, Ricochet, Britt, Cameron, Damian, Austin and Tay.

Mandy was seen sitting on top of Xyon's lap. The two were much more comfortable being together in public now after Xyon told Mandy what went on with him and Sasha.

VC-Xyon-I feel horrible that I hurt Sasha but...im going to respect what she wants. Im going to give her her time. Im hoping that she decides to give things another go. But for the time being...I still got Mandy and...im interested in seeing where this goes.

Not only was Mandy made aware of the situation with Xyon and Sasha but the news got to everyone in the Villa.

As she was sitting on his lap, Mandy leaned in and began kissing Xyon.

"Someone moved on already huh?"Britt asked, referring to Xyon, "That was pretty quick."

"Well, he's moved onto me so what do you expect."Mandy proudly said.

"I dont get it, bro if you were into Mandy the whole time then why lead Sasha on?"Damian asked Xyon.

"Its not that simple mate."he responded.

"Seems like you were just using her."Damian said, "She really liked you. And now here you are totally disrespecting her."

"She's the one that called it off, what do you want me to do? Beg at her feet?"

"Damian you're acting like you dont know how Sasha is."Mandy chimed in, " How many times has she thrown a tantrum at you for simply talking to other girls? She expects guys to give their one hundred percent undivided attention to her and her only. I think she thinks that this is Sasha Island, not Love Island."

"Why dont you ever like to see anyone happy?"Cameron asked.

"Excuse me?" Mandy replied.

"Girl its like as soon as someone gets into a strong relationship you make it your business to ruin it. Why cant you let people be? Sasha and Xyon were going great until you intervened. Why couldnt you just respect it and find somebody else?"

"Honey, we're here to find love arent we?"

"I think you're here to be messy. And dont call me honey."

"Sweetie please, you dont know me like that."

"Bitch thats what you think. Naomi's my homegirl so I know all about the Jimmy situation. Plus I know about you and Jey and Bianca so if I say that you're messy, YOU'RE MESSY! Dont even try to argue with me. I know all about your ass."

"Yea Mandy, sometimes you just need to mind your own business."said Damian, "And you Xyon, you should feel bad to hurt the girl that brought you here. She should have been your first priority."

Xyon sighed and got up from his seat, "Im done with this. Are you and Cameron some sort of love guru or something? Focus on yourself mate."

"Love guru? Man get your ass out of here before you see the wrong side of me."Damian said.

"Oh you're threatening me now?"

At this point, Damian also stood up, towering over Xyon. Ricochet worryingly looked on.

VC-Ricochet-Yo...if these two get into a fight....who's going to try to get in between them? Aint me. Those guys are fucking huge.

"Maybe you're the one that should mind your business mate."Xyon said.

"Mind my business and let you treat my friend like garbage? You're fucking wrong for what you did to her. And now look at you, acting like nothing happened. You're a douchebag bro."

"Say that to me one more time."

Damian stepped closer to him, "I said you're a douchebag. Whatchu gonna do about it?"

"He's a douchebag? You and your girl started attacking us for no reason!"Mandy defended Xyon.

"Y'all fucking deserve it!"Cameron stood up and argued back, "Y'all are fucking trash!"

"Should we try to do something?"Austin quietly asked Ricochet as they were arguing.

"Run away maybe?"Ricochet responded.

Holding Mandy's hand, Xyon began walking away.

"You're a fucking hypocrite mate."he mumbled.

"What was that?"Damian asked.

"I said you're bloody hypocrite!"Xyon turned around and yelled at Damian.

"You're fucking pathetic! Sasha's way too good for you anyway!"Cameron yelled back at him, "Thats why you got to settle for miss trash ass blondie over there! She'd get with anything as long as it has tattoos!"

Mandy began walking up to her.

"Oh you wanna fight?"Cameron began taking off her earrings, "BITCH I BITE! COME AT ME!"

Britt and Xyon quickly held Mandy back. But a persistent Cameron began making her way to Mandy.

"TRY ME BITCH!"Cameron yelled repeatedly.

However, Xyon and Mandy decided to walk away from the situation.


"You're so sexy."Damian said to her in adoration.

GC-Xyon and Mandy

Xyon-I really dont understand why we were attacked like that. What are we doing wrong? I could have been like Damian and fake my entire way through the show but...im real. While Damian was with Sasha he clearly was into other girls but he kept filling her head with lies. Thats why he's a hypocrite.

Mandy-I literally cant stand these people. We're here to find love. If im interested in a guy do they expect me to just sit in silence and not do anything about it? Fuck no. Everyone's just over reacting. And as for Sasha, did she forget that she did the same thing years ago to Jojo? Thats why she got her shit tossed from the top of the stairs. But she always likes acting like the victim. I dont feel sorry for her at all.

Xyon-I think everyone keeps forgetting the point of the show. We have to explore our fucking options. If she wanted to get to know other guys I wouldnt have been mad about it. She has every right too.

Mandy-Look *turns his face towards hers* enough about those irrelevant people. We have each other now. Fuck them.

Xyon-Yea but I hate feeling like I did something wrong.

Mandy-*leans in and kisses him* Dont worry about it. She was going to end up crawling back to Finn anyway.

Xyon-*pulls her back in and begins making out with her*

While still in the confessional, the two kept the passionate make out session going.

"Im so turned on."Mandy softly said in his ear as he kissed on her neck.

Guys, please not on the confessional couch. Other people use that!

The pair eventually left the confessional room and took it to one of the daybeds that was outside in a dark corner. Thankfully, most of the Islanders were already in the communal bedroom so the two had their privacy.

Through the calmness of the night, moans could be heard even from upstairs in the bedroom.


day 32

8:34 am

"Morning you beautiful people!"Mandy happily greeted Alexa, Liv and AdamC who were at the outdoor kitchen making their breakfasts.

"Well dont you seem happy."Alexa asked as she stirred her coffee.

"I have every right to be."

"Give us the gossip hun."said Liv.

"Last night....Xyon and I....hooked up."she grinned, "I feel like a champion right now."

"Oooo! How was it?"Liv asked.

"Everything I expected it to be. He was so good. I really think he's the one. I really do."she said.

"Thats so cute."Liv said with a mouthful of cereal.

"Aww the cold hearted queen Mandy is finally in love."said AdamC.

"Yup. It finally happened."she smiled.

"Speaking of the devil himself."Alexa said as Xyon entered into the outdoor kitchen.

"Hey guys."he greeted them.

He greeted Mandy by giving her a quick kiss on the head and saying, "Hey you."

She blushed.

"You guys are already so cute."Liv said.

VC-Xyon-I feel a lot closer to Mandy now. There is the potential of a relationship between us and maybe...its sooner than later. But look I know Mandy has a bad reputation with relationships. Its something that we're going to have to talk about. I want to be able to fully trust her and right now...that trust is not at one hundred percent.


For the rest of the day the Islanders kept it pretty mellow. There were some secret romps between Indi and Ricochet and Dean and Liv. Yes, even though Seth tried to slap some sense into him, Dean was not listening. Sasha basically stayed in bed all day, only leaving the bedroom to go get food and wine. AdamC had a quick talk with Allie explaining to her that he wanted to focus and fix his relationship. Jey, Austin and Damian lounged around in the pool for most of the day. Bayley and Indi got some useful workout advice from Jade. Tay, Mandy, Xyon and Finn practiced some kickboxing together. Carmelo decided to help out some of the guys by cutting their hair and making them look presentable. Of course, Jey was not one of his clients. All in all, nothing worthy of showing on live television happened.

That was until now.

8:40 pm

As all the Islanders were hanging around in the backyard, Britt's phone went off.

"Guys! I got a text!"she yelled out.

She began reading the text out loud for everyone around her. It simply said-

Everyone's jaws dropped.

VC-Bayley-Yea....this doesnt seem good.

The Islanders did as was told and was now sitting around the fire pit, next to the person they were coupled up with.

No one made a sound. They all just listened and waited in the eerie silence.

Liv was seen with her fingers intertwined with Dean's.

VC-Liv-If this is it, if Dean and I get kicked off then....I wouldnt even be mad to be honest. Im like...half expecting it to happen.

Sasha's phone went off, shattering the silence. She got up and read the text. It said-

Everyone all exchanged worried glances at each other. Mandy seemed to be nervous.

Alexa took a slow, deep breath in and out.

"This is bad."Liv muttered.

VC-Liv-What ive learned from the poll dancing challenge is that the public hates me so....im preparing for the worse.

Seth's phone went off next. He got up and read the text. It said-

Britt slowly shook her head.

Austin tightened his grip around Tay's hand.

After a few seconds, AdamC's phone went off. He got up and began reading the text out loud.

Mandy closed her eyes.

Britt put her hand over her heart.

Bayley's jaw dropped.

The cameras panned to Allie who didnt seem too surprised.

"Im so sorry."AdamC whispered to her when he sat back down.

"Its okay."she smiled.

He pulled her in for a hug.

Anyone else expecting a shoe to come flying at them courtesy Alexa?

Jey's phone went off next. He got up and began reading out loud. It said-

"Fuck."he said beneath his breath.

All eyes were on him.

VC-Indi-Anyone else confused as to how Jey was voted the fan favorite guy? These past few days he's been really unlikeable.

"Okay well...this aint gonna be easy. I dont like being in this position."Jey said, "But I gotta do what I gotta do."

Mandy's eyes were glued on him.

Anxiety was coursing through Tay's body.

"Im choosing to save this girl because...I genuinely think she's a great addition to the house and I do think that there is hope for her here at Love Island. The girl that im going to save is.......Tay."

Mandy shook her head.

"Thank you Jey."Tay smiled.

"No problem. Britt, im sorry. Mandy....."

"Its about damn time."Cameron let slip which made a few of the Islanders laugh.

VC-Cameron-Girl bye *flips hair*

Seth put his arm around Britt to comfort her.

The silence among everyone continued as they waited for someone else's phone to go off.

This time it was Indi's. She got up and read the text out loud. It said-

Damian seemed confused.

"I demand a recount."said MJF.

After a few seconds of silence had passed, Liv's phone went off. She began reading the text. It said-

Cameron hugged Damian tightly in a protective manner. Tay leaned her head on Austin's shoulder.

"Wow."said Austin in disbelief.

"What!"Indi in shock.

"Fuck bro."Damian groaned.

Tay reached over and hugged Austin. Jey put his hand on his shoulder.

For some of the earlier Islanders, this one stung because they were losing someone that had been there since day one; someone that they had been close to.

After a few seconds, Bianca's phone went off. She stood up and began reading out loud.

"Oh god."she complained.

VC-Bianca-This is never an easy decision to make. Never. I dont enjoy having to be responsible for kicking two people off the island.

Though it pained to look at them, her eyes focused on the three men.

"I would like to plead my case."said MJF.

"Oh yea Max? You're not even into anyone."said Bianca.

"False. I would love to get to know Alexa better. All guys named Adam are absolute bums. Its about time she upgrades."he responded.

Alexa's eyes widened.

"You should have said that earlier."said Bianca.

"Thanks pal."AdamP sarcastically said to MJF.

"You're welcome friend."MJF responded.

After carefully thinking through the decision as to which guy to save, Bianca was finally ready to give her answer.

She sighed, "Alright so.... ive come to a decision. Im going to save this guy from getting dumped because...im closer to him and....it seems like he has something good going on at the moment with one of the girls. I don't want that to be ruined. So the guy that im going to save is.......Damian."

Xyon nodded.

"Im sorry guys."Bianca apologized to the guys she just dumped.

"You girls lost out on a real man."MJF said.

VC-Finn-Six people just got dumped.....wow. This is major.

Xyon's phone went off this time. He stood up and read his text out loud. It said-

The Islanders that were dumped all began saying their farewells to their closest friends.

"This sucks bro."Damian said as he gave Austin a hug.

"It really does."he responded.

VC-Austin-I felt like I was robbed of finding love. The both girls I was really into came here with their boyfriends which-made no sense to begin with. However, I did see a lot of potential with Tay but....theres nothing I can do about it now. But, I dont regret any of the decisions I made. I stand by them. I tried my best to find love but...maybe this is a sign from the universe telling me that I shouldnt settle down just yet. Im young, im handsome and I got a few more hearts to break. If Liv or Alexa ever decides to move on from their lame ass boyfriends, they'd know where to find me.

"It was awesome hanging out with you."Seth said to Britt as they hugged, "Who would have thought that you and I would get along so great."

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend right?"

"Of course." He laughed, "Lets keep in touch huh?"

"I would like that."

VC-Britt-Im pretty surprised that I wasnt chosen over Tay because as far as I know, Tay doesnt have a strong connection with anyone. Seth and I had a pretty strong connection. But whatever. Of course they're going to choose the sexy Brazilian. I came in here with the intent of taking down Adam and Alexa and...I feel like I somewhat accomplished that goal. Cracks are beginning to show in their relationship and its only a matter of time before they break up. Call me a crazy ex girlfriend, I dont care.

"Take care, okay."AdamC said to Allie as he gave her a hug, "I wish I could have prevented this from happening."

"The public dont like me for some odd reason."Allie said.

"I think they just needed to get to know you a bit more. You're amazing."

She smiled, "I hope everything works out for you."

Adam nodded.

VC-Allie-I really did like Adam and I could tell that he liked me to but...it seems that Alexa has him whipped. She has him under her spell. She's such a whiny little brat, it baffles me how he manages to stay in love with her but hey, to each their own. I tried my best.

"You know im actually going to miss your smartass ways."Indi said to MJF as he packed his suitcase.

"Of course you are."he responded.

"You truly are one of a kind Max."Sasha said to him.

"Keep the compliments coming ladies. Dont stop."he said.

VC-MJF-Im kind of happy that im leaving. I hate half of the people here. Sure I might not have made a romantic connection with anyone but thats only because im a very picky person. My ideal woman was not here on Love Island so why even try? Alexa's cute but her taste in men is a major turn off. I dont think she's worthy enough for me.

"I fucking hate this."an emotional Liv said as she and Alexa helped Mandy pack.

"We all knew this was going to happen."Mandy said.

"I cant imagine being in this Villa without you now."said Alexa.

"You guys are going to be fine."Mandy comforted.

VC-Mandy-They finally got rid of me. But that doesnt matter. I still won at the end.

"I love you girls."Mandy said as she hugged Liv and Alexa.

Carmelo was seen entering the guys' dressing room where Xyon was currently packing his stuff.

"Damn bruh."Carmelo sadly said.

Xyon smiled, "Hey, its all good."

"But dude we just got here. I cant believe you're gone already."

"Obviously I wasnt going to be the fan favorite. But its alright. I had a great time."

VC-Xyon-Im not mad. I deserve this after hurting Sasha. I hope one day she can forgive me because I do think she's an incredible person. I am still fortunate that im getting to leave with Mandy by my side though. Im kind of looking forward to being out of here and getting some alone time with her.

"Bye guys! We love you!"Liv said as she and the other Islanders gathered at the entrance door of the Villa, watching as the six, now ex Islanders, walked away.

"We love you guys!"Indi made sure to let them know.

After noticing a single tear stream down her cheek, Seth went up to Sasha and quietly asked, "Hey, you alright?"

She looked at him and forced a smile, "Im good."

VC-Sasha-I hope Xyon and Mandy are happy together. Im not going to dwell on it. Its just....crazy the way things ended up right? *laughs to herself*...I wish them well.

We all know she doesn't mean that.


Coming Up Next-New girls arrive!


Poll Results (please read below)-

A/N-I just wanted to address a few things. I recently realized that to cast a vote on the poll last chapter, your email addresses were required. I'm really sorry about that, I didn't even know that was happening. There were some errors in the poll settings but I can guarantee that next time your email address wont be asked for.

Another thing, I noticed that some of you tried to manipulate the poll by repeatedly voting for your favorites in a short amount of time. Legit I had some specific characters having 40 votes to their names within 15 minutes of the poll being opened even though there were only like 5 people that completed the poll at the time. Please refrain from doing that because its unfair to everyone else thats doing the poll and it throws off the accuracy of the results. Also it doesnt make sense to do that because the website allows me to filter out those kinds of votes so, it doesnt even get counted anyway and you're just wasting your time.

Theres nothing wrong if a person votes multiple times just please dont go overboard.

Thank You!

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