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continuation of day 32

10:45 pm

Bianca, Bayley and Indi were seen hanging out on the terrace together discussing the events that just took place.

"I feel so guilty. I literally hated that I had to send those guys home."Bianca said "I feel like everyone deserves a chance you know?"

"Dont feel too bad. You just sent home Max and a douchebag."Indi said as the girls laughed.

"Yea Xyon sort of had it coming. If he didnt do what he did to Sasha....I probably would have saved him instead of Damian. But...Xyon dug his own grave."said Bianca.

"Was Sasha cool with your decision?"Bayley asked.

"I talked to her and she was fine about it. She seemed sort of relieved. Yesterday I spoke with her and let her know that if she's feeling Melo then...go for it. They're clearly into each other."

"Why do you say that?"Indi asked.

"Thats what he said. He said the night that they kissed, they both were talking and they said that they were interested in each other. But of course, I was the obstacle in the way thats why things didnt progress."

"He said you were an obstacle?"Indi asked.

"No, he didnt say that but thats what it sounded like in my opinion. He said while they were talking there was lots of flirting going on and that Sasha basically said that she wanted him to kiss her. So...he leaned in and the plan was for him to give her a quick peck on the lips but she turned it into something more and...they made out."

"Woah."Indi said.

"So the attraction between them is obviously there. I dont want to come in between that you know?"Bianca added.

"When did that happen though?"Indi asked.

"During the second night that Melo and the guys got here."

"But like...wasnt she crazy about Xyon during that time? Why would she mess around with Carmelo?"Indi suspiciously asked.

"Im honestly not surprised. Thats just what Sasha does."said Bayley.

"What do you mean by that?"Indi asked.

"You dont know Sasha as well as you think you do. She pretends to be your friend just so she can walk all over you. Why do you think Finn and I dont speak to her? Its because she always does stuff like this. When I first told her that Finn and I were getting closer, she literally put me down. Ask Bianca, she was right there."

Bianca nodded, "Yea I remember that. But, y'all im not trying to make a big deal out of this. Lets just leave it at that."

"Being friends with Sasha is a dangerous game to play." Bayley added, "She's a really selfish person. All she cares about is making herself happy. Even if its at the expense of the people she claims to love. Look at what she did to her ex."

Indi's eyebrows remained perked up. She was unsure of what to say.

"Whatever y'all. Lets just let it go."Bianca said, "Im not trying to make anymore enemies right now. I've known her longer than ive known Carmelo. I aint gonna let a dude come in-between us. If they're feeling each other then...cool."

"Bianca, you do know that she made out with Montez behind your back right?"Bayley informed.


"In the confessional room during like-the first week. I understand that at the time you and Tez were having your problems but...its pretty shady of her to make out with her friends' ex, dont you think?"

Bianca seemed surprised by the bomb that Bayley just dropped. All she did was sigh.

VC-Indi-Bayley is making Sasha seem like such a two timing jerk right now but....personally I havent seen that side of Sasha. She's been nothing but kind to me. She's my best friend here at the Villa. I dont know the history of Sasha and Bayley so thats why I couldnt defend her but trust me, everything that was said tonight will be reported back to Sasha. Its unfair for Bayley to be saying those things about her without her here to defend herself.

VC-Bayley-Im not trying to turn anyone against Sasha. Im just letting everyone know how she actually is. She's not the greatest friend to have. Friends are supposed to be supportive and well Sasha....she's only supportive if things are going her way.

"Would you guys think im stupid if....I gave Jey another chance?"Bianca asked the girls.

"Hold up-what?"Indi asked.

"Are you sure you want to go back there?"Bayley asked.

"Guys....I just feel...lost right now. At first when I was with Jey...I felt like I was right where I needed to be. I felt like...things were in its place. I felt like I had a purpose being here. I dont see any hope with Carmelo to be honest. With Melo....I feel like ive been forcing myself to fall in love with him. Its like ive been looking for a replacement that could have filled the spot that Jey left."

"So...you've forgiven him for what he's done?"Indi asked.

"Not fully. But...I think im ready to look past it and give him another chance. If its a stupid decision y'all better let me know right now before I make myself look like a fool out there."Bianca said with a laugh.

"No I mean, if thats what your heart is telling you to do then....I think you should give it a try."said Bayley.

"Its pretty clear that he still hasnt gotten over you."said Indi.

"You think? I mean, look at who he came back with. Jade is smoking hot."

"To be honest I dont think they're that close yet. Ric told me that Jey's sort of been in a depressive state ever since he came back from Casa Amor. As a matter of fact, Ric said he's been in that state since he was at Casa Amor. I think he'd drop Jade like a hot potato if you told him you wanted him back."

Bianca smiled, "I think what I need to do is talk to Jade first and see if its okay."

VC-Bianca-Its not fun feeling like you were someone's second option. I was really hopeful that something would have flourished between Melo and I but....im just not seeing that happening. My heart's not in it. Ive been thinking about it a lot and...I think im open to having a conversation with Jey to see where his head is at. And maybe...we can give things another try.


Sasha and Seth were seen sitting together on a daybed that was overlooking the pool.

After the six Islanders got dumped, an emotional Sasha had decided to unwind on that daybed and get some time alone with her thoughts. That was until Seth decided to show up. But she didnt mind. He was a great listener and she always felt comfortable with him. Plus he brought over a bottle of wine and two glasses so how could she turn him away?

"Its so crazy how fast things change huh?"she said as her eyes fixated on the glistening pool water, "Just days ago I was swooning over this guy. Head over heels for him. I really thought that....there could have been something. But that all changed in a split second."

"Im kind of used to it by now. This is reality tv. Almost everyone in here is a fake."

"Yea, you should know."she jokingly said to him.

He turned to look at her, "Well damn Sasha."

She laughed and put her hand on his shoulder, "Im just kidding. I know thats not you anymore."


She smiled, "So are you sad that Britt's gone?"

"Not entirely. There was a good connection between us but....I feel like she's not entirely over Adam. She was entertaining while she was here but...I dont think there'll really ever be anything outside of this show with her."

"Why not? I feel like you should give it a try. You two were so cute together."

He hesitated, "I dont know."

"I dont blame you for being hesitant. We're basically on the same boat."

"That Xyon dude is just absolute garbage okay. You deserve better than him, you know that. I should have picked up on what he was doing sooner. While we were at Casa Amor, on the postcard of pictures we got of you girls, one of the pictures was Mandy and Xyon making out in the dressing room. She was even sitting on top of him. But I didnt know it was the same guy you were with."

"Its alright Seth, dont worry about it. At least the truth is out now and I'm not looking like an idiot anymore."

Sasha leaned back on the daybed and took a sip of her wine. There was brief silence between her and Seth. A comfortable silence.

"I feel like...the more you do these dating shows....the more you get broken down inside and the more you get numb."Seth said.

"Agreed. Its very emotionally damaging. I dont know why we keep coming back."she laughed.

"The truth is...I love hanging out with you guys. Being here is a nice break away from society. When else would I get to live in a house filled with my best friends?"

"Awwww you're such a sweetheart."Sasha gushed, "But you're right. Even though its stressful at times, I do appreciate the break from the real world."

"I mean, if it wasnt for reality tv, I wouldnt have met awesome people like you, Finn, Dean."

"And Paige, Alexa, AJ."Sasha sarcastically said.

He laughed, "I wish I could unmeet them to be honest."

She smiled.

"As great as it is being here....I feel like theres nothing left for me right now."she said.

"What? What are you talking about?"he asked.

"I feel like id just be wasting my time if I continue the show. Somebody else can get my spot and actually find love. Im kind of over this whole thing."

"Are you really going to give up that easily?"

"Seth ive been here for thirty two fucking days and I havent found love yet. We only have like two and a half weeks left, I highly doubt im going to find love during that time. And I dont want to be dumped from the island, that shit's embarrassing. I want to leave on my terms."

"You never know what may happen Sash. I mean...you got me. Like you said, we're basically on the same boat. Britt's gone. Xyon's gone. We're both single. If theres ever the opportunity, no doubt about it id couple up with you."


"What do you mean really? Of course! You think id allow you to be dumped from the island? I agree, that shit is embarrassing."

She laughed.

"I think you should stay. You know I got your back."

"Okay but what if a really sexy girl walks in. Or worse yet, Paige-"

He groaned, "Oh come on."

"And you forget all about me?"

He made sure to look her in the eyes when he said, "Trust me. Thats not going to happen. Im better than that and id never do something like that to a girl like you. You have no idea how much I value you Sash. You really dont. I would never kick you while you're down. Ive been there and....it sucks."

She placed her head on his shoulder.

"Alright. I'll stay just because you asked me to."she said.

He put his arm around her.

"Im really happy to hear that."he responded.

VC-Sasha-Ugh...tonight was....crazy. I was on an emotional rollercoaster. Seth really showed that he wants to be there for me and....I really didnt expect this from him. It got me even more confused now because like....now im feeling things and.....*laughs*its so strange. Thinking about it now, our journeys are kind of the same. Love is our biggest problem. Im happy that we have each other to lean on because....if theres anyone that can relate to me, its him.

After finishing the bottle of wine, the two decided to call it a night and get ready for bed. Even after they parted ways, their minds still lingered on each other. Instead of going to bed with tears in her eyes, this time Sasha fell asleep with a smile on her face.

day 33

9:32 am

Indi and Sasha were seen hanging out by the pool.

"Where were you last night? Its like after the dumpings you just disappeared."Indi said to her.

"I just needed some alone time. Ive been going through a lot."she responded.

"My poor baby."Indi hugged her.

"Girl, im almost 30, you're the baby here."Sasha said as the two women laughed.

VC-Sasha-Ive decided not to tell anyone about my moment with Seth last night or even the fact that...I sorta think I like him because...the guy's unpredictable. Who knows what may happen. Its just too early. Plus I dont want anyone to think that im desperate or whatever because like...ive known Seth for forever now and...some people may find it odd that we're now connecting on a deeper level. Maybe im overthinking this *shrugs*

" I dont think your troubles are over yet."Indi said to Sasha.

"What do you mean?"

Indi sighed, "I hate that I have to tell you this but...last night Bayley was saying a lot of things about you."

"Bayley? Things like what?"

Indi began telling Sasha about everything that was said between her, Bianca and Bayley last night. She even told her what Carmelo had told Bianca.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?"Sasha said in disbelief.

"Bayley seems really bitter."

"Dude-I....oh my god."Sasha groaned as she threw her face into her hands.

VC-Sasha-This was the last fucking thing I needed to hear this morning! Oh my god.

Indi followed behind a now upset Sasha as she headed into the communal bedroom area where she could have privately been angry since no one was there at the moment. Seth also took notice of this.


Indi just sat on her bed and watched Sasha as she continued ranting.

VC-Indi-I dont really want to say anything because....angry Sasha scares me.

At the same time, Seth entered the room.

"Whats going on? Whats wrong?"he asked.

"I know you said you wanted me to stay Seth but I dont think I can fucking do that. These people will drive me insane! Its always the same shit over and over! Its best if I just fucking leave! Then maybe id be at peace. As soon as one problem is solved, ten more shows up!"Sasha angrily said as she paced up and down.

"Indi, can you give us a minute please?"Seth asked.

"Um...sure."Indi replied before she got up and left.

"Tell me what happened."he said to Sasha.

"Bianca now believes that im the one that wanted Carmelo to kiss me because he's out there spreading lies! And Bayley is going around telling everyone about my past and not to trust me. Like-who does that? Why is that her business? I try my best to stay out of everybody's way but yet they always got shit to say about me! Why am I always the fucking enemy here?" Sasha's voice broke.

Seth pulled her in for a hug as her tears started flowing.

"Listen, i'll take care of this okay."Seth said.

"No."Sasha sniffled and dried her tears, "I'll handle it. They wanna talk about me well, now they got a real problem on their hands."

"What are you going to do?"

"Fucking confront them! Nobody is going to be slandering my name and spreading rumors about me like that! And I cant believe Bianca would actually believe those lies instead of telling me what was said! That says a lot about her!"

Seth sighed, "Im so sorry you have to go through this crap."

Sasha sat on her bed, "This is why I prefer to stick by myself Seth. Theres no fucking drama. I hate all this he said she said shit."

"Yea I understand."

"This isnt over. Bayley and Carmelo are fucked. Im not letting that shit slide."she said.

VC-Sasha-Its like these motherfuckers are just asking for drama now because why lie then? Why talk about shit that does not concern you? Bayley, you should have kept your pretty little mouth shut like you're used to because now you've opened up Pandora's box and you're not going to like what you get.


12:30 pm

"Awww, what is this?"Alexa cooed as she followed behind AdamP.

He led her to a private spot in the backyard where he (along with the help of Carmelo and Tay) had set up a picnic for him and Alexa.

VC-AdamP-Im not here to be forgotten about okay. I still really do like Alexa and in my attempt to get to know her better, ive set up a cute picnic for us. I want to know where her head is at because ive been left in the dark ever since she reunited with her boyfriend and...thats a bit unfair to me.

"This is so cute! You did this all by yourself?"she asked as they both sat down.

"Yes...."he awkwardly answered.

She laughed out loud, "I'll take that as a no."

"Carmelo and Tay helped me out. Dean also helped with some of the food."

"Oh yea? So what did you do?"

"I picked the spot in the backyard to set it up. And I think I did a pretty good job. I also did all the manual labor of carrying the pillows and blankets out here."

She giggled, "But who's idea was this?"

"Oh it was mine. I really wanted some one on one time with you so I thought a picnic date would be a pretty romantic idea. If its not then forgive me because im not a romantic guy at all."

"I love it. Its perfect."

"Well lets dig in because we got a lot to eat. And dont worry, there are no strawberries because I know you're allergic."

"Aww, you remembered that?"

"Of course. How could I forget about you mentioning something that can potentially kill you?"

She laughed, "Good point."

He opened a bottle of champagne and filled up two glasses for the two of them.

"So im not going to lie, ive been feeling really ignored for the past few days. I came here under the impression that you and I would have had something going on but these days I find myself hanging out with Dean more than with you."

"I know. Im sorry ive been doing that."

"I cant blame you. I know you got a guy."

"Yea and he gets jealous easily. I still really do like you but...im stuck in a tough position."

"Yea I understand. I really miss when it was just you and I, before the guys came back from Casa Amor."

"Yea."she smiled, "Those times were fun."

"Sometimes I forget that we're actually coupled together right now. Ive just been feeling so lonely."

"Are you trying to guilt trip me?"

He smirked, "Maybe."

She giggled, "Well its working."

"But what should I do? Wait for you? Move on? Drown my problems with whisky and beer?"

"Oh my god, you're so dramatic its so cute. I feel like you should give other girls a chance. Right now Adam and I....we're trying to figure our stuff out. I dont want to keep you waiting. Do what you gotta do."

"Alright. I'll try my best then."

"There are lots of other girls you can get to know."

"Yea but you're the one I really like."

She blushed.

He went into the picnic basket and pulled out a bunch of grapes.

"Do you want me to romantically feed you these grapes like they do in the movies?"he asked.

"Sure."she laughed.

He held it up above her face as she bit one of the grapes off.

"My turn."she said as she took the grapes from him.

She removed one from the vine and put it between her lips. Adam then reached over to her and pressed his lips against hers to retrieve the grape. After he got it, he spat it aside and then leaned back in and kissed her.

"These are the best grapes ive ever tasted."he said as she laughed.


8:28 pm

Seth and Sasha were seen at the outdoor kitchen. He was currently making them both some alcoholic drinks.

"Do you think the other Islanders are going to think its weird that we're hanging out all the time now?"she asked.

"I really dont think they care."

"Oh trust me, they do. They just cant seem to stop minding my business so of course they're going to care about what im doing."

Seth chuckled.

VC-Sasha-Ive been biting my tongue from confronting Carmelo and Bayley all day because Seth convinced me to do it when the time is right. But...I think that time is going to be tonight because I cant take it any longer.


Carmelo, Ricochet, Indi, AdamP, Tay, Bianca, Dean, Liv and Finn were all seen sitting on the recoupling bench.

"Im pretty sure I can take you on in a dance battle bro."Carmelo said to Ricochet.

The crew was previously discussing the topic of dancing so of course a challenge was made by one of the hot heads.

"I think you're just over estimating yourself. You aint ready for me."Ricochet responded.

"You tell em babe!"Indi said.

"I think we should put that to the test!"Liv said.

"Yes! Get some music!"Tay clapped.

"I can take on both of them. At the same time even."Dean said.

"This isnt a Magic Mike dance battle Dean."said Finn.

As interesting as this all seems, its going to have to wait. Because...


"Oh. I got a text."said AdamP, "I GOT A TEXT GUYS!"

After Adam yelled at the top of his lungs a few more times that he had gotten a text, everyone was now gathered at the recoupling bench.

He began reading the text out loud. It said-

"Ohhh nooo."Indi worryingly said.

The girls all looked at each other just to make sure that they were all just as upset.

"Not another blonde."Liv complained.

VC-Cameron-Y'all....we dont need no more girls. We got about a thousand of us in the house already like...chill. Y'all could have gifted us more dudes though, what gives?

As instructed by the producers, the girls were all now on the terrace where they had a clear view of the boys in the backyard as they awaited their new arrivals.

"Dude, we havent had new girls in ages."Damian said to Ricochet.

"Im kind of excited."Ricochet smiled.

VC-Ricochet-The house has been pretty stagnant for too long. Im pumped to see some fresh faces.

"I hope you give these new girls a chance Dean."Seth said to Dean.

"Okay mom."Dean responded, "Here's an idea, why dont you give them a chance, huh? Maybe try to add some purpose in you being here."

"Im just looking out for you, you fucking asshole."

"Maybe you need to stop breathing down my neck the entire time and try to get laid or something. Im a grown ass man, you dont need to tell me what to do."

"You're a grown ass man that still thinks and acts like a little child."

"Dude, fuck you."Dean said.

"Fuck you too."

The two remained standing in silence for a minute before Dean asked, "You want a beer?"

"Yea sure."Seth responded.

Notice it didn't end in Seth getting his ass kicked? This is what we call growth, people.


"I feel sick to my stomach right now."Liv said as she and the rest of girls looked on.

"You're telling me."Indi agreed.

"Why the fuck does it have to be blondes. We have enough already!"Liv added.

As the guys were all gathered in the outdoor kitchen, the sound of high heels approaching was heard.

"They're coming."Damian said.

All eyes were glued to the entrance.

"I dont want to look."Indi groaned.

VC-Jade-Having new girls come in at this point in the show is very risky because a lot of people here are already in strong couples. That's why a lot of the girls are panicking right now because you don't know what may happen. They're definitely going to be a threat to all of us. Except me though. I dare them to try me.

Finally, holding hands, the two new girls made their appearance.

"Hey guys!"The blonde one waved.

The guys all greeted them.

"You guys are even hotter in person!"said the brunette.

VC-Aliyah-Hi, im Aliyah, im 25 and im an Instagram Model and nurse from Toronto, Canada. You may remember me from Temptation Island, yes, I was the bad, boujee. babe. And now im here on Love Island looking for the one! This Villa is filled with eye candy I mean theres Ricochet, Carmelo, Jey, Damian, the two Adams, Dean, Seth, Finn. I think I just named everyone *laughs* but they're all so hot. I already know Dean, Seth and Finn so my main target is Jey and Ricochet. And...maybe Carmelo. And Damian. I feel like they'd be able to handle a girl like me because trust me, when you're with me its not going to be an easy task.

VC-Summer-Hi! My name is Summer Rae, im 28 and im a model and dance teacher from Raleigh, North Carolina. I am no stranger to reality TV, you may remember me from season one of The Challenge. People may describe me as being a little bit of a diva but *flips hair* im okay with that. I kinda like it. But if you really got to know me you'd realize just how friendly and down to earth I am. Just ask Sasha, Alexa, Finn and Dean, they should know. We're all besties. Maybe Dean and I were a little more than besties but thats a story for another time. Im here looking for love and no one is going to get in the way of that.

"Oh shit."Dean said under his breath upon seeing Summer walk through the entrance. Seth looked at him in confusion.



Coming Up Next-

"Hey you." Summer said as she gave Dean a kiss on the cheek.

VC-Liv-What the....Am I missing something here? Who the fuck is she?


Sasha confronts Carmelo and Bayley.

Stay Tuned!

A/N-I'll try to get the next update out ASAP. This book has been going on too long.

Also, what do you think about Seth and Sasha's unexpected connection? Is it just loneliness? Is Seth just trying to be a good friend? Is there potential between the two?

And what are your thoughts on what Bayley said about Sasha?

Let me know in the comments!

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