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a/n-Sorrrrry for the late update. I know y'all always say its fine but I still feel bad whenever I update really late. Thank you guys for being patient tho! Writer's block is the worst.


continuation of night 22

The Getaway Room

Jey had Bianca pinned against the wall as they passionately made out.

VC-Jey-I am pumped to be getting this alone time with B. Man, I aint wasting no time. Lets get it on!

"You better slow down."Bianca giggled as she pulled her face away from his, "The night's still young."

"Im tired of you making me wait."he said as he caressed her thighs

"Baby, you know im worth the wait."

"Well....you aint wrong about that."

"How about we go into the hot tub? Lemme tease your ass a little more."

"I can only take so much, ma."

"I wanna push you to your limit tonight."

He grinned, "Alright. Let me go heat the water up and get the bubbles going then."

"In the meantime im going to go throw on something extra sexy for you."

"Well let me not keep you waiting."he said as he rushed out the doors.

VC-Jey-I got everything planned out. We're gonna hang out in the hot tub, drink some champagne. Get a little buzzed. Then imma pop the question. I'll ask her to be my girl. Then i'll take her back to the bed and blow her mind. It gon' be magical y'all. Trust me.

Little did Jey know that the hot tub was a part of Bianca's plan to get rid of him so she could acquire the thing she wanted the most: his phone.

She spotted it laying on the dresser and took it up. Then, she went and locked herself into the bathroom.

VC-Bianca-I know I said that Jey and I would have had our fun first and then id light his ass on fire about whatever it is that he has going on with Mandy but....I cant-I cant take it. No. I need to know now.

Bianca remained locked in the bathroom, scrolling through the string of texts between Mandy and Jey. Her mood drastically changed from turned on to absolutely disgusted.

VC-Bianca-.....Hm....I...am such a fool....Bianca...girl, you should have known better. You should have known better.

some of the texts were-

As Bianca scrolled down, she came across a nude photo that Mandy sent of herself. It was the first of many.

She shook her head.

After 10 minutes of finding out the truth, she came out of the bathroom. She went to the back deck and found Jey already relaxing in the hot tub.

He was a little confused to see her wearing the same clothing that she said she was going to change out of.

"I read everything."she said as she tossed the phone at him. It fell into the water but he quickly picked it up.

When he realized what she was talking about, his face grew small.

"You aint shit."she said before she walked back into the room.

He quickly got out of the hot tub and followed behind her, "B-"

"No no no. Save it Jey. You aint any better than she is. If you miss her so much why dont you just go back to her? Who are you trying to fool?"

"I dont want her!"


Jey didnt respond. He just kept on pacing up and down with his hands on his head.

"Yea. Look at you. You aint got shit to say. Im over it."

"Can we just talk about it? Please? B, im begging-"

"No. Nuh uh."she said as she grabbed her bag.

"Where you going?"

"Enjoy your night here."she said as she stormed out of the Getaway room.

VC-Bianca-*wipes tears from cheek*...Its like deja vu all over again. This is why I cant trust anyone. This is why I didnt want to trust him in the first place. Ugh......*wipes eyes*Im exhausted by all of this. I just....wanna go home.

Bianca entered back into the main backyard. Surprisingly, no one was in sight. It seemed that everyone had already called it a night. She tossed her bag aside and plopped down on a daybed.

Back in the Getaway room, Jey was seen alone sitting on the bed thinking about everything that just went down.

VC-Jey-.....I dont even know what to say right now man.....

"FUCK!"he yelled as he got up and swatted away a glass vase in a fit of rage.


day 23

VC-Dean-Man, I thought my dude Jey was in the Getaway last night absolutely laying pipe. But...then we all woke up and found Bianca sleeping outside. What the hell happened? Did she get locked out or something?

Sasha and Indi were seen with Bianca at the outdoor kitchen as she was giving them the run down of what went on.

"They were saying how much they missed each other and talking about all the shit they use to do together and she would send him a bunch of nudes and he would respond with heart eye emojis."Bianca was saying, "I was kidding myself thinking that he was going to stay away from her. They probably even hooked up, who knows?"

Indi comforted her with a hug.

"So why arent you smacking that bitch up right about now?"Sasha asked.

"Who, Mandy? Girl, im over it. Im not going to be fighting anyone for a man like Jey. Whats the point. He ain't worth it."

"This isn't about Jey, it's about that fucking bitch disrespecting you in the first place. She deserves some hands. You ain't gonna be fighting for him. You gotta let her know don't mess with you like that."

Bianca chuckled, "You're right. Maybe if I decide to go home then I'll leave her with an ass whooping. My mama told me she don't like to see me fighting on TV but...she's gonna have to give me an exception."

"I think she'll understand."said Sasha.

"Oh my gosh please don't leave."Indi begged.

"I dont know yet."Bianca sighed, "I'll sleep on it."

"Girl if anyone has to leave it should be Jey or that skank, not you."said Sasha.

"Damn, you're pretty worked up this morning Sash."Indi said.

"Yea because I'm pissed!"

VC-Sasha-What Bianca is going through is terrible. Buuuut....if she had given Montez the chance instead of Jey then she could have avoided all of this drama. I'm just angry at the whole situation. Jey isn't going to change. When will people realize that?

"Hey B, I heard something happened between you and Jey."Liv said as she joined the girls, "Is everything okay?"

"Dont act like you dont know what happened."Bianca responded.

"Is...it about the texts?"

"Yea and thanks so much for telling me Liv. You're such a good friend."Bianca said with obvious sarcasm.

"Bianca I wanted to tell you but I just didnt know how to."

"I get it. Mandy's your friend so you gotta look out for her. Its cool Liv. I now know where I stand with you."

"I didnt want to get involved. It wasnt any of my business."

"But the point is you knew this entire time and you wouldnt even let me know. You stayed quiet, watching me be played like a toy. Thank freaking god for Seth otherwise I wouldve ended up the biggest fool on Love Island."

VC-Liv-Seth. Of course its Seth.

"I...dont know what else to say. Im sorry."Liv said.

"Yea whatever."Bianca brushed her off.

With that, Liv awkwardly walked away.

VC-Liv-I think everyone literally hates me now....


10:45 am

Indi was seen sitting next to Mustafa, looking on at Ricochet who was coaching Kayla through her workout in the distance.

"Who the fuck works out in a bikini? Like, are you serious Kayla?"Indi complained.

"She probably has a mad wedgie right now."Mustafa said.

"She's such an attention whore. I hate to be this salty but I call it like I see it. But...im like...really jealous at the fact that they're hanging out together."she said to Mustafa, "Should I be feeling this way? Do you think im over reacting?"

"No I mean, he's obviously been leading you on."he replied.

"I didnt expect this from Kayla. She's such a fucking snake."

VC-Indi-Im worried because...I really like Ric and now...I got competition. I know he was into me too but who knows, Kayla can change his mind. I dont know what to do. Im pissed, im annoyed, I want to knock her teeth out but.....im trying to keep my cool. I may not be able to do it for much longer though.


11:34 am

Jey was seen now entering into the backyard.

After Bianca had left the Getaway last night, he drank the entire bottle of the champagne by himself and passed out on the bed.

VC-Jey-Im angry and....disappointed...in myself. I-I dont know where to go from here now. I feel...worthless. I hate that I hurt B like that.

Jey found Bianca laying in bed.

"Bianca."he said as he sat next to her.

She didnt respond to him.

"Can we talk? Please?"

"I got nothing to say to you Jey."

"Come on-"



"Leave!"she shot out of bed, " I told you I got nothing to say to you! I dont even want anything to do with you! You will never change Jey! Never!"

"Those texts meant nothing Bianca. I was just being a fucking idiot. I dont want her! I want you! She's nothing to me!"

"Could have fooled me. I dont want to be a part of this. The thing is I didnt want to trust your ass in the first place. My intuition never wrongs me. I aint gonna be played with. If you're not going to have the respect for me then im going to have the respect for myself. Im done with you. You and Mandy belong together."

Jey remained standing in the room in silence for a few seconds, his eyes locked with hers.

"I messed up...and I'm sorry."he said before he walked away.

VC-Bianca-Everything was going so smooth. What, just because we werent having sex yet he had to go crawling back to his ex just so he could get his rocks off? Its a damn good thing I made him wait. Im at a point in my life where I dont got time for childish games. I want a man and a good one. Jey is still a little boy as far as I can see. I should have known better....I cant believe I was actually falling in love with the idiot....When he gets a good woman he doesnt know how to keep her.

Jey was seen laying on the day bed outside with both eyes filled with tears. He took off his hat and put it over his face to hide it.

VC-Jey-Man if this is the last time I ever pursue a relationship with someone then so be it. I think imma just be by myself for a little bit.....In that way I dont cause anyone no harm.

"You okay bud?"Seth asked as he noticed Jey sitting with the hat over his face. Jey moved the hat and looked at him. He was with Dean.

"Oh no. Why the long face?"Seth asked again.

"Lemme guess, you didnt score last night did you?"Dean asked, "Yea id cry too. But its okay. You still got your hands."

"I fucked up man."Jey sighed, "Bianca hates me now."

"Oh no....."Seth said, trying to act surprised.

"Well Jey, since you're a bachelor now, welcome to the club!" Dean gleefully said, "You want a beer?"

Jey put the hat back onto his face.

"I'll take that as a yes."Dean said.

VC-Seth-Yikes.....I'm just gonna...act like I have no part to play in the destruction of Jey and Bianca.

7:20 pm

Austin played with fire a few days ago and ended up getting burned. So here is again, playing with the same-now single, fire.

Austin and Liv were seen sitting on the terrace together. Her legs were across his lap.

"So like, what's your idea of a perfect date?"he asked her.

"Im a simple girl. If its with you then literally it would be just us having a horror movie marathon while eating a bunch of junk food and cuddling."

He smiled, "That is music to my ears."

"I wish we can do that right now. That would be ideal to get my mind off of everything."

"We can still cuddle."

She got up and sat across his lap. She then threw her arms around his neck.

"You comfy?"he asked.

"Very."she said as she rest her head against his chest.

VC-Liv-Yea im still devastated about Dean but...fuck im just trying to have a good time. Everyone hates me so why not hang out with the one guy I know that likes me. Im just trying my best to be happy right now.

"You know what....I like you a lot."she said to him.

"I like you a lot too."he said.

She smiled.

Slowly, he began leaning in closer to her face until their lips met. She held his face as they passionately made out.

VC-Austin-I feel like the luckiest son of a bitch right now. Liv is my dream woman and im so happy that we're getting closer and closer. You know what, im kind of glad everything happened the way it did. Almost got a broken nose but...it was worth it. Id take a broken nose for her any day.

Once again Austin, be careful with your words.

8:34 pm

As everyone was out and about in the backyard, the sound of footsteps approaching them caught their attention. As they looked at the entrance, they saw Beth walking towards them.

"Hey everyone!"she greeted, "Why dont you guys join me at the firepit?"

"Oh no."said Liv.

Everyone did as was told and assembled at the firepit. Beth remained standing in front of all them.

"So, a lot has been happening here at the house. Secrets, break ups, fighting. A lot of couples have been experiencing some rough patches lately. And well....what you dont know is that...all along America has been voting for the most compatible couple. I think these last few days was a bad time to be fighting because tonight, the couple that got the least amount of votes...will be dumped from the island."Beth dropped the bomb.

Everyone gasped.

VC-Liv-Wow. What an unfortunate time for Dean and I to break up because who knows, our asses could be going home tonight. Ugh...I just-cant right now.

"So I want all of you to remain standing, except for you Adam. You can take a seat since you are our only single. For the rest of the couples, when I call your name, that means you are safe and can take your seat. The last couple standing....will have to say their goodbyes tonight. Got it? So, the first couple that is safe and who America voted as being the most compatible out of all of you is....Jey and Bianca. Congratulations guys, you can take your seats."said Beth.

Without looking at each other, they both sat down. They acted as though there was an invisible wall between them.

VC-Bianca-America....y'all voted wrong.

"The second couple that is safe is....Finn and Bayley."

The pair hugged each other before taking their seats.

"The next couple that is safe is.....Ricochet and Indi."

"Thank god."Indi whispered as she gave Ricochet a quick kiss. Together, they both sat down.

"The next couple that is safe and will be continuing their journey is....Damian and Sasha."

The pair looked at each other and smiled as they took their seats.

"Jeez, it's so awkward tonight. Whats up with that?"Seth commented.

"The next couple that is safe is....Dean and Liv."

Liv put her hand over her heart as she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Didnt see that coming."Dean muttered.

VC-Liv-I swore we were a goner.

"The next couple voted most compatible and therefore safe is....Seth and Alexa."

"Hell yes! Thats what im talking about!"Seth cheered.

He pulled Alexa in and kissed her head before he sat down.

"You better take it easy Rollins."Adam warned.

"Do-do you guys hear something?"Seth asked everyone.

Sasha laughed.

VC-Alexa-I dont know how we survived this. I dont. How were we not at the bottom two?

"Now...it comes down to Austin and Mandy...and Mustafa and Kayla."said Beth.

All eyes were on the two couples.

Liv covered her face with both hands.

"America has voted...and...the next couple safe and will be continuing their journey here on Love Island is....."

Sasha had her fingers crossed for Mustafa and Kayla.

Mandy held Austin's hand as she had her eyes closed.

Kayla's heart was racing.

"Austin and Mandy."Beth said.

Bayley's jaw dropped.

"You're freaking kidding."Sasha whispered.

The pair hugged before they took their seats. Bianca was seen shaking her head in disgust.

"That means, Kayla, Mustafa, unfortunately you have been dumped from the island. You have 30 minutes to pack your things and say your goodbyes."Beth informed.

All of the safe islanders immediately got out of their seats to give the pair their goodbyes and hugs.

VC-Sasha-Why? Why is it always someone I actually care about that has to go home? You got freaking Mandy and Austin over there wrecking relationships yet, they're safe? Such bullshit.

"I am so sorry Mustafa."Sasha said as she had her arms wrapped around him, "I wish it was anybody else but you."

"It's okay. I got nothing else left to do here anyway."he responded.

"You deserved a happy ending."

"I hope you have yours okay. Take care."he said.

VC-Mustafa-I expected this. I mean, Kayla and I weren't compatible anyway so it makes sense. I rather it be us than any of the other couples.

"This sucks."Liv said as she and few other islanders were in the bedroom watching Kayla and Mustafa pack their suitcases.

"I'm gonna miss you girl."Mandy said as she gave Kayla a hug.

VC-Kayla-I am torn. Man....I really felt as though I was going to find real love. I dont think that it was my time to go yet. Ugh...I cant believe this is happening. Ricochet and I were finally making some progress. I had so much hope. Ugh....*wipes eyes*im going to miss this. I really am.

"It was great getting to know you."Ricochet said as he hugged Kayla.

"I wish we would have done it sooner."she smiled.

VC-Indi-It sucks that Mustafa's going. We all love him. But on the bright side, Kayla's gone too. Thats a cause for celebration!

"I had a blast guys! I love you all!" Kayla said to everyone as they were standing at the villa's entrance door.

"I hope all of you find love and make it out of here alive."Mustafa added.

"We love you guys!"Liv said.

As everyone said their goodbyes one more time, the pair took their exit.

GC-Mustafa and Kayla

Mustafa-It makes a lot of sense that we were dumped from the island. We were one of the couples here that werent connecting. I cant be upset about it.

Kayla-I still had so much hope that we would have found love though. Things were going so great. All in all, being here was such a blast and I enjoyed every moment of it.

Mustafa-It is what it is. At least we stayed true to ourselves. Hopefully, i'll find that special somebody soon. And I hope you do too Kayla.

Kayla-*hugs him"

"Could this week get any shittier?"Liv complained as everyone was still at the villa entrance watching Kayla and Mustafa walk away.

To answer you Liv, no. This week cant get any shittier because it has come to an end. However, next week most definitely will be shittier. And soon enough you'll find out how.


Coming up next-

Sasha snaps on Mandy


A twist so unexpected, it flips the whole villa on its head!

VC-Liv-This is not what I fucking signed up for! What the fuck!

VC-Seth-Yes! Freedom!

VC-Alexa-Not this again.

VC-Dean-The Tittymaster's coming out to play.

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