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day 22

Ah yes, a brand new day is upon us here at the Love Island house. Lets get you caught up with what happened last night. Seth declared himself the enemy of the house by stealing Alexa from the guy who originally stole Alexa from him. However, there were no arguments about who was going to be the big spoon or the little spoon since Alexa decided to spend the night with Adam on the couch. Why people still use that couch, I have no idea. Ive asked the producers to put yellow caution tape around it but they never listen to me anyway. But even though Seth got a great, fulfilling night's rest last night, Bianca didnt. After Seth told her that something's been going on behind her back, she found it hard to go to sleep because her brain kept dreaming up worst case scenarios. She spent all night twisting and turning next to Jey who slept like a baby. Oh and also, Dean is still no where to be found.

VC-Bianca-I am dying to ask Liv about these 'secrets' but....I dont know how to do it. Seth told me not to mention his name so I dont want to. Like...how do I approach Liv about this? Do I just go, 'hey Liv, got any secrets you'd like to share with me?'. That would be so random.

10:23 am

Bianca was seen walking over to where Seth was currently working out.

"Hey, can we talk for a bit?"she asked.

"Whats up?"he asked as rest the weights down.

"So...about what you told me last night....how do you think I should approach Liv about it?"

"Thats a good question. I have no clue. Remember, you didnt hear anything from me."

"Does-does this secret involve Jey?"

Hesitantly, Seth nodded.

She sighed, "Now I dont know if I even want to know what this secret is."

"I know it sucks but...its happening. Apparently this secret's been going on for some time and Liv knew about it. Im surprised she hasnt told you yet."

"Alright, be real with me. Does it involve Mandy?"

A smile slowly grew across his face. Not a smile that show happiness but one that showed that he wished he could have said more about the situation. But for Bianca, that smile was a confirmation.

Her face immediately changed. She was pissed.

He put his hand on her shoulder, "You know what, everyone already hates me. If you want to know what Liv knows then...go through Jey's texts."

She nodded.

VC-Seth-Fuck it. Im already enemy number one. They may hate me but lets be real here, im the hero. Im saving my people. Im like a superhero protecting my citizens from heartbreak. Im the heartbreak avenger.

1:02 pm

Strolling through the entrance door of the villa and stepping into the backyard all calm, cool and collected was none other than WWETV's own felon-I mean bad boy, Dean Ambrose.

"He's back!"Seth yelled when he noticed him. Everyone that saw him began cheering.

"OH MY GOD!"Liv screamed as she shot out of her chair and ran towards him.

She attacked him with a hug.

Upon seeing Dean return, Austin quietly got up from his seat and walked the opposite direction.

"Tell me you're staying. Tell me you dont gotta pack your stuff and leave."Liv said to Dean.

"No."he sighed, "Im still here."

VC-Dean-The producers had taken me to a hotel and had me undergo anger management classes with some clown named Dr.Shelby. Its so weird-at one point I was the one helping him with his anger issues. The producers told me that since it was just one punch that they were going to let me off with a warning. Shit, if I had known that all I was going to get was a little slap on the wrist then I wouldve gone apeshit on Austin's face just to get kicked off. I know I can leave the show whenever I want but...I dunno...ive been doing some thinking and.....well if this is what Liv wants then its what she'll get.

"You need to tell me everything."Liv said to him as she grabbed him hand and  tried to walk away with him, hoping he'd follow behind. But...he didnt budge.

He pulled his hand back from her, "Yea, not right now. Im going to go grab a beer and chill with Seth."

"You dont wanna talk? You've been gone for almost 2 days."

He shook his head 'no' before he walked off.

"Um...okay."she said, clearly caught off guard a bit.

VC-Liv-Ugh....what is even going on anymore?


Ricochet and Kayla was seen sitting on the recoupling bench together having a talk.

"She absolutely freaked out on me when I told her that I was interested in getting to know you. I felt like she handled it really poorly."she was saying to him.

"Yea you got a point. She could have dealt with it better. No wonder why she's acting so cold towards me."

VC-Ricochet-So obviously I really like Indi. We've been hanging out for like 11 or 12 days now but...now that Kayla wants to get to know me...I want to explore that. Im a bit turned off by Indi being so territorial like....its just been 11 days. She didnt have to snap at Kayla like that.

"I still feel really bad about throwing Mustafa to the side like that."said Kayla.

"Why did it take you so long to tell him though?"

"I didnt know how to. Plus...I guess I was sort of holding on to see if maybe things will spice up. But as time went on...I just kept on getting that friend vibe from him. Like...it sucks to see everybody making out and getting freaky and im just....here. We wouldnt even cuddle. I understand that thats how he does things and that he wants to move at a slow pace but....thats not for me. I had to let him go."

"At least you know what you want."

"Sometimes I wished that when you guys first walked in that I went after you instead. That would have prevented all this drama from happening."

"I actually....had my sights set on you when I got here."Ricochet admitted.


He nodded, "Yea but then I saw you getting really friendly with Mustafa and then Indi was showing me interest so I just went along with everything. And then eventually Indi and I formed a connection and really hit it off."

"I wish you would have told me that in the beginning!"

"I didnt want to stir the pot."

"So is that why you kissed me like that during the kiss, marry, pie game?"she asked.

He nodded and smiled, "Yea. Been wanting to do it for a long time."

"I couldnt stop thinking about that like, that was the most excitement ive had since ive been here."

"Well...maybe we can do it again sometime?"

Her eyes lit up.

She smirked, "I wouldnt be opposed to that. Maybe....you can do it right now?"

Without hesitation, he leaned in and began kissing her.

VC-Ricochet-Look...ive never been in a situation where multiple gorgeous girls were into me. I dont know how to handle it. This is new for me.

You never learn, do you Ric?


As Liv was seen venting to Alexa, her phone went off.


"Guys! Ive got a text!"she yelled. As everyone gathered around, she began reading the text out loud. It said-

Liv looked at Dean who didnt seemed too thrilled.

VC-Liv-Kind of an awkward time to send us on a date dont ya think?

Thats the point.

"I have a gut feeling that this date isnt going to end well."said Liv as she was in the dressing room doing her makeup. Mandy, Alexa and Indi were with her.

"What do you think might happen?"Indi asked.

"An argument. An argument is bound to happen. He's being really standoffish with me. He hasnt spoken to me since he got here. He's been up Seth's ass the entire time. This isnt going to end well guys. I just know it."her voice broke.

She put her makeup brushes down to wipe the tears from her eyes with her fingers.

VC-Liv-Im scared. *chuckles* Its so funny though because....I remember my first date with him. It was beautiful. I wasnt scared at all. But....now I am.

Seth and Jey was seen in the dressing room with Dean as he was getting ready-which didnt end up taking long at all. He was wearing the Ambrose classic: dad jeans, white t-shirt, fake leather jacket and boots. Drives the women wild apparently.

"How do you think this is gonna go man?"Jey asked.

"I dont know. Liv is unpredictable."he shrugged, "But..its honestly time we had a talk. So...im looking forward to it."

"Do whats best for you man."said Seth, "For as long as ive known you, you've always been the one in the relationship to take the backseat. Figure your stuff out."

"Yea...I think I got it figured out already."he said as he sprayed cologne on himself.

VC-Seth-I think Dean would truly be happy once he doesnt have that pressure of a relationship weighing him down. I mean, look at me. Im single and loving life!

"Have fun guys."said Alexa as she and the other islanders were at the villa entrance watching Dean and Liv walk off together, arm in arm.

VC-Mustafa-The tension between those two right now is crazy.


For their date, Liv and Dean were treated to a beautiful picnic setup on the grass.

"This is so cute, ive never had a picnic date before. Can you believe that?"she said as they both sat down.

"I had one with AJ back in Hawaii."

"Well thats nice to know."she sarcastically said.

He popped open the bottle of champagne and filled both their glasses.

"Cheers babe."he said. They both clinked glasses and took a sip.

"So...we've obviously been sent here to talk about whats been going on."she said.

He nodded.

"So...where do we start?"

"Good question."

She giggled, "I know we have a lot going on and I did things that I shouldnt have and you also did things you shouldnt have and theres turmoil between us right now but...now we're alone here together and...I just dont even want to think about any of it. I just want to enjoy you. I want to enjoy us being here."

"Yea...I know what you mean. When we're good, we're great right? But the reality is, as soon as we go back into that villa, shit's going to hit the fan. We gotta figure this shit out now."

She sighed.

"Why did you blow me off like that when you came back into the villa?"she asked.

"I just didn't want to deal with any of that situation at that moment."

"You didn't want to deal with the situation or you didn't want to deal with me?"

He didnt respond.

"Okay, so I know you know about Austin."

"Really? What gave it away?"he sarcastically asked.

She smiled, "Im sorry about that babe. It was stupid of me to do."

"You know...I was trying to get sent home when I did punched him in the face. But then they gave me two choices. They told me that I can leave the show and if you wanted you can leave too or...they were going to give me the chance to come back into the house. So I came back."


"For you. This is what you wanted to do right? You wanted this experience for both of us so fuck it, im going to ride it out. What happens, happens."

"Now I feel like you're being passive aggressive."

"Im not. We came all the way here and went through all this hassle of doing this show, im not going to leave now."

"The way you're saying it makes it sounds like if we end up breaking up its going to be because of me. You're emphasising that I wanted to be here."

"Well I sure as hell didnt."

"So all of a sudden you want to be here now?"

"Why not?"

"The change in attitude scares me a little bit."

"I think we've been taking this whole thing way too seriously. We should loosen up a bit."he said.

"Um...what do you-"

"Im just gonna give it to you straight Liv, I think we should...take some time apart."

She stared at him in shock.


"Look at how the past few weeks have been. You've been driving me insane-"

"But we're coupled together now! Everything was great!"

"Yea but...maybe we should give the show a shot. We are here in Love Island after all. People hate that we're here as a couple on the show and to be honest, it is a bit unfair to everyone else."

"Oh my god."she threw her head in her hands.

"I think its what's best for both of us right now. Its always problem after problem with us."

"Yea and its mostly because of you."

"Well maybe Austin's the guy for you then."

"Dean come on. All ive ever asked of you is to act like you give a shit about me but now you're making this a bigger deal than it is-"

"No look-I dont want to be in a relationship where im the problem okay. Been there, done that. Go find what you want and need. I dont want to be toyed with. You deserve the world babe and im sorry im not that guy."

"Why do you have to be so fucking stubborn? Im not asking for a lot Dean!"

"Clearly you have interests in other guys so do what you gotta do. I dont want to be holding you back."

Tears were leaking down her cheeks. However, she kept her composure.

She took some time before she responded to him.

"You know what,"she sighed, "I get it. I understand. We have been malfunctioning and maybe...this is the way we fix it."

"Or maybe we find out it cant be fixed."

She wiped her eyes.

"Lets just...do our own thing and at the end, we'll make a decision."he said.

"Are you sure this is what you want to do?"she asked.

"Yea."he said.

She sighed. There were a few more seconds of silence before she asked, "So...are we officially single now?"

"Guess so."


"You know...we probably should have broken up after we ate."

"Yea because now I dont have an appetite anymore."she said.

VC-Liv-As much as I didnt want to do it....I feel like we need this break or hiatus or whatever you want to call it, to truly figure out if we were meant to be together, if we really love each other, if we're really meant for each other-all these questions. I dont know how im going to handle seeing him be with other women. Worse case scenario, he falls in love with someone else. I'm not ready to be without him. *sigh*.....I dont know what to do now. I feel fucking overwhelmed and just.....*wipes tears* broken down.

VC-Dean-Im tired of being miserable man. I love her. I really do. But maybe its just not meant to work out. I'm doing Liv a favor by doing this. I think she'll be able to find what she needs eventually. I think she's fooling herself sticking with me. She should move on and be happy. I mean...why would you want to be in a relationship where you gotta complain all the time about everything? That's ridiculous.

Liv and Dean's date ended very abruptly because they decided to cut it short and go back to the villa. Lets be realistic here, it would have been awkward to continue the picnic after breaking up. However, the food didnt go to waste because Dean made sure to take the picnic basket back to the villa with him.

When they came back, the girls noticed Liv head straight upstairs to the dressing room. She seemed upset. Of course, Alexa and Mandy were on the case.

When they got to the dressing room, they found Liv crying her eyes out. Bianca, Kayla, Bayley, Sasha and Indi eventually joined.

Alexa went over and hugged her, "What happened?"

She sniffled and dried her eyes with a napkin. She took a moment to catch her breath.

"We're...we're over."she managed to get out. Everyone's jaws dropped.

Alexa hugged her even tighter as she resumed crying.



"I had to do what I had to do man."Dean was saying to Seth as they were standing on the lawn, drinking beer, "Like you said, I always let myself get stepped on. Its not happening again. Im sick of the arguing, im sick of the he said she said crap. Like, lets just end it and be stress free, you know?"

"Im glad you took that initiative. I guess you and I are going to be living that bachelor lifestyle huh?"

"Bro...right now...all im hoping is for some fine ass babes to walk into this house."

Seth burst out laughing.

"Bring Eva back."Dean laughed.

"Lets make a petition!"

VC-Seth-Yup. Thats the smell. Thats the smell of all hell about to break loose.


8:12 pm


"I got a text!"said Sasha as everyone was in the back yard. She began reading it out loud. It said-

Everyone 'ooed'.

"Really? Tonight out of all nights? Does this show hate me?"Liv said.

"Who wants it?"Damian asked.

"Alexa and I!"Seth raised his hand. Everyone laughed.

"Not one bit. Dont you guys dare."Alexa said.

"Yea. We'd probably thrash the room."Seth said.

"I mean if none of y'all dont want it, Damian and I will take it."said Sasha.

"No disrespect but I think Jey and Bianca should get it. They've been together the longest here."said Adam.

"Thank you!"Jey said.

"All for Jey and Bianca?"Kayla asked. Most of the islanders raised their hands.

Bianca smiled, "Aw you guys."

"You kids have fun now. Enjoy your night."Adam said to them.

Together the pair held hands and ran off to pack an overnight bag and change into their pajamas.

VC-Jey-Hell. Yes. Alone time with B. Ive been waiting for this shit man! LETS FUCKING GO! NO MORE BLUE BALLS!

VC-Bianca-So...im conflicted at the moment because....I havent confronted Jey about this Mandy situation yet. I dont know the severity of it but...im also excited to be getting some privacy with him. I havent been with someone in a long time okay so im a bit sexually frustrated. You know what, we'll have a good night tonight and then maybe tomorrow i'll light his ass on fire.

Spoiler alert, thats not the way its going to go.

T  O      B  E      C  O  N  T  I  N  U  E  D

Coming Up Next-

Bianca finds out the truth


Two islanders will be dumped from the island.

Stay Tuned!

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