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continuation of day 21

Kayla was seen sitting on one of the daybeds next to Mustafa.

"So I know I owe you an explanation about what happened during the game."she said to him.

He slowly nodded, "Yea because to be honest...that was kind of embarrassing."

"I know and im so sorry. I really like you Mustafa, I do. But after getting to really know you I just feel like...maybe we'd be better off as friends. I dont think that I can be the girl you need."

"So....it took you two weeks to come to that realization? You couldnt have told me that sooner? You had to embarrass me like that in front of everyone?"

"I didnt know how to tell you. You're so sweet and...I didnt want to hurt you."

He frustratingly sighed. He couldnt even look at her.

VC-Mustafa-I am not surprised that Kayla's feeling this way. Its just my luck. The thing about it is that...since ive been here ive only had eyes for her. I dont really want to pursue any other girl in the villa. I feel like im at a dead end right now.

"I dont understand. Where did I go wrong?"he asked.

"Its not you. You did nothing wrong. I know that you're looking for a potential wife at this point and....I dont feel like that could be me. I just know that you'll find your perfect girl eventually. But I know its not me. I care about you Mustafa, thats why im doing this."

"Well...I just feel like ive wasted the last two weeks."he said.

She pouted, "Im sorry."

VC-Kayla-Im not going to fake and pretend that im the girl for Mustafa. Im not. No matter how gorgeous he is, im not going to fake it. We want very different things for our future. I want to do a lot of travelling and exploring, he wants to settle down and have a family. I know I should have told him sooner but....at least the truth is out now.

VC-Mustafa-I...dont even know where to go from here. I feel....really stupid right now.


After taking a shower to wash off all the pie that was on him, Damian headed over to the bedroom where Sasha was, relaxing on her bed.

"So what was that today? You smashed a pie in my face and caused a scene for what?"he asked as he dried his hair.

"I didnt cause a scene."

"So what was that about?"

"Lets just say that im aware of all your little secrets. You and Dana. You and Eva."

"Okay and? What was it that I did that was so wrong?"

She got out of her bed and stood up, "So you dont think that I wont have a problem with you hooking up with Dana on the first day here? And then the next day for our date you were acting like nothing happened! I knew you and Dana were into each other but I didnt know things got that far! And you didnt even have the decency to tell me?"

"It wasnt anyone's business."

"Yea but now I feel like an idiot. You know, that says a lot about you Damian. And I know you wanted Eva. You wished that you were coupled up with her instead didnt you?"

"So let me guess, Seth told you all of this?"

"It doesnt matter who told me. You're just leading me on right? Im the safe bet right? It makes me wonder if you're here for actual love or for the money."

"Safe bet?"

"Yea because with me, you actually have a chance at getting this money."

"Are you serious right now?"

"Im not going to be played like a fool Damian. Im not."

"Why are you letting these issues with Eva and Dana affect us now? They're gone. You and I have been getting closer and closer everyday. We've been doing so great. Ive been with you the entire time. Now all of a sudden you're letting this come in-between us? Things that happened in the past?"

"Listen...Damian....I have my reasons why im making this a big deal. Im not going to ignore the red flags. Im not going to allow myself to get too carried away with you because im scared that I end up falling hard for you and then lo and behold another girl will walk into the villa and you're going to get smitten with her."

"Sasha, you need to stop being so in your head about everything. You worry way too much."

"How can I not? Look at the shit im dealing with."

"Can we stop being so serious about everything and just have fun? You're here to have a great time right? Then lets do that. Stop putting all this pressure on yourself. Im all about you and you know that. If another girl walks in here and I want to get to know her then i'll let you know. I'm not going to blow you off. But honestly, you already set the bar kind of high for me and I dont know if another girl can compare."

She folded her arms, "Dont sweet talk me."

"Im being real. Dana and Eva were cool but Sasha, I never connected with them the way ive connected with you. Stop worrying and just...relax okay. Lets just enjoy the time together."

She took a slow, deep breath in and out.

"So you're not mad about me pieing you in the face?"she asked.

"Sort of but i'll let it slide."he smiled as he pulled her close to him and wrapped his long arms around her, "It kinda turned me on actually."

She laughed.

VC-Damian-Sasha takes everything way too seriously and worries a lot. She's just stressing herself out by doing that. Thats not what we're here to do. Right now, her and I having a lot of fun together and im really enjoying her company and getting to know her better. But she's letting the future of what may happen stress her out. Thats no way to live. Lets just be young and wild and free and live in the moment. What happens, happens. If it brings us closer together then great. If it tears us apart then....at least we tried.

VC-Sasha-I dont think I can never not have trust issues. Damian's right though. I get way too in my head about everything. Sadly...I dont think I can ever change.


"How you feeling man?"Jey asked Austin who was sitting on the living room sofa.

"The same way I look."he responded.

"So...fucked up?"

VC-Austin-So...the left side of my face is still swollen and bruised. Plus, im having a hard time breathing through my left nostril. But the doctors said that its nothing serious and that I should be fine soon. Everything just happened so quickly. Dean caught me off guard. Thats the only reason why I couldnt fight back. I didnt have the time.

Well, you cant say that we didnt try to warn you.


7:45 pm

"Alright guys! Get out your crayons and a piece of paper."said Seth to everyone as they were all gathered at the outdoor bar, "We're making 'We Miss You' cards to send to Dean."

"Its not funny."said Liv, "Im legit concerned about where he might be."

"Really? And...you're still here?"Seth responded.

"Well most of his stuff is here. And if he got kicked off they would have told us."

"They probably got him in a straight jacket somewhere doing breathing exercises."said Adam.

"They probably got him smelling some essential oils and stuff to calm him down."Jey joked.

"Did everyone enjoy kissing each other today?"Indi asked, "Wasnt it a fun group activity?"

"I enjoyed seeing Mandy get pied in the face over and over and over."Jey laughed.

"Yea Jey. Reminds you of our good ol days huh?"said Mandy.

Damian whistled.

As the group was carrying on, Sasha noticed that Mustafa had walked away to go sit alone. So, she went over to join him.

"Can I join or do you want some time to yourself?"she asked.

"No. You can sit."he said. She took a seat next to him.

"Whats up? You've been looking pretty down tonight."she said.

"Yea well...Kayla told me that she just wants to be friends. Now...I feel kind of stuck. I thought I had a good thing going but...apparently not."

"And you're not into any of the other girls here?"

"They're all great but its kind of hard to develop that attraction to anybody else when you've been with the same person from day one. I havent really been getting to know anybody else and I feel like its too late to start now."

"Well dont worry! Pretty soon a new girl is going to strut in here and im sure she'll be the one."

He forced a smile, "I highly doubt but....lets hope."

"Dont worry. Things will work out."

He shrugged, "I dont know. Its kind of hard to feel hopeful."

"Trust me, ive been there. And...I still feel like that sometimes. I wish I can give you some better advice but im in the same situation as you."she laughed.

VC-Sasha-Call me crazy but....what if Mustafa is the one for me? I adore him, he's such a great guy. Plus he's quiet and reserved, just how I like em. And he's like-freaking hot. I am attracted to him but like...I dont know. I feel like we're really different but...opposites attract right? *laughs* I dont know...I feel like I should get to know him some more. Maybe give it a shot?

"Oh my gosh, what are they doing?"Sasha asked as she looked back at the outdoor bar where most of the Islanders still were. Currently, there was a free-styling battle taking place between Jey and Ricochet as everyone else provided the beat by beatboxing.

"Its pretty noisy out here, you wanna go up to the terrace?"Sasha asked Mustafa.

"Yea, sure."he agreed.

As the pair got up and walked into the villa, Damian noticed them.

VC-Damian-So I see Sasha and Mustafa walk off together. Honestly..im not mad. Sasha got to do what she got to do. Her and I arent set in stone. We're not together. We're still exploring. I think in due time we'll find out if we're good together or not. Like I said...you gotta search to find love.


Seth was seen walking into the villa from the backyard entrance. As he was entering, Bianca was about to exit.

"Oh hey!"he gleefully said to her which made her stop in her tracks.

"Um...hi?"she laughed.

"Can I talk to you real quick? Since its just you and I alone in here."

"Sure. Whats up?"

"So...you consider Liv a friend right?"he asked.

"Yea of course I mean...we go way back."

"Right right right. So how would you feel if I told you that.....she's been keeping things from you?"

"Well...we aint that close."she laughed, "She's my girl but I dont expect her to tell me everything thats going on in her life."

"Right right right but....you do expect her to tell you information that involves you right?"

"I mean...I guess. If my name is involved then hell yes I wanna know whats going on."

"But what if it wasnt your name in particular but...somebody close to you? You'd want to know the secrets that Liv knows about that person right?"

"Okay stop doing these riddles with me, whats going on Seth?"

He chuckled, "I dont want to say too much. Its none of my business but all of yours. If you want to find out, I suggest you ask Liv. But hey, you didnt hear anything from me."

"Are you trying to start drama?"

"Start drama? Me? What? Bianca, im telling you this for your own good because I wasnt sure if you were going to find out or not. Take my advice and ask her okay? Good talk. And again, I told you nothing."he said before he walked away.

VC-Bianca-Oh boy....Apparently something's been going on under my nose that Liv knows about. Im feeling sick to my stomach right now.


"So I finally did it."Kayla said to Indi as they were sitting together, "I finally told Mustafa how I feel. I basically friend zoned him."

"Aww poor guy. But hey, I dont blame you. If you're not feeling it then what can you do? I was in the same situation with Matt."Indi responded.

"Yea. I actually wanted to talk to you about something. You wont get mad if I got to know Ric a little better would you?"

Indi lowered her eyebrows, "Ric?"

"Yea um...him and I talked about it and we're both open to getting to know each other a little more."

"You're-you're into Ric?"

"He's attractive, im not going to lie. And I just really like his vibe."

"Are you serious Kayla?"

"I mean...im just being honest with you."

"You're my friend, how can you be into the same guy that im into? You know that we're really happy together at the moment, now you want to get in between that?"

"Im not getting in between anything I just want to get to know him a little more. Im giving you a heads up just in case you see us talking. Plus, he's open to it to."

"I cant believe you right now."

"I didnt say anything wrong Indi. You're over reacting a bit. Im not trying to go after him, im just saying that I want to talk to him a little bit m-"

"Oh piss off."Indi got up and began walking away.


"You're such a fake!"

VC-Indi-Kayla is a friend to me here. She's always talking about how cute Ric and I are. All along, I just thought that she was being a supportive friend. Little did I know that she was actually jealous. How can you try to go after your friend's guy? I know Ric and I arent together but come on Kayla, how much of an insensitive jealous fake bitch can you be? Is this why she pied off Mustafa?

VC-Kayla-Yea Indi is a friend but....im not here to make friends. This isnt Friend Island.

10:12 pm


"Guys! Guys!" Liv said as she took her phone out, "I got a text!"

As everyone gathered around her, she began reading the text out loud. It simply said-

Everyone all looked at each other in shock.

"Something's about to go down."said Ricochet.

Hesitantly, everyone did as was told and assembled on the recoupling bench where the firepit was.

Then suddenly, another phone went off.


"Uh oh. Guys, I got a text."said Seth, taking his phone out. He began reading his text out loud. It said-

A wicked smile grew across his face.

VC-Seth-You guys know better than to give me this much power. When I have this much power....I tend to piss people off. Intentionally.

"Oh wow."Liv said under her breath.

The guys all immediately got nervous.

VC-Mandy-This is crazy because now that Seth gets to couple up with a girl, what does this mean for the guy who's girl he's going to take? Is he going to be sent home? Because right now, theres more guys than girls.

He got up and stood in front of everyone.

"Decisions decisions."he said as he stroked his beard.

Mustafa was seen nervously bouncing his leg.

Seth made sure to get a good look of each girl. It was almost as if he was internally evaluating the pros and cons of coupling with each of them.

VC-Sasha-I have no clue what Seth might do. There are some strong couples in here. Everyone's pretty much attached to the person they're with at this point. And to be fair....Seth hasnt really been connecting with anyone since he's gotten here. Well-except for Dean.

VC-Kayla-Even though he likes to mess with me, id like for Seth to couple up with me. We still havent gotten to know each other that well yet and im interested in doing so. Sure, he's a jerk but I think we'd have fun. Im here to play the game guys, dont judge.

"Im going to be honest....I dont have a lot of options to work with."said Seth, "A lot of you ladies are in happy couples at the moment and it would be wrong for me to mess that up. I feel like, no matter what my decision is, i'll end up stepping on some toes because im the only single person here. But the question is...do I care at all?"he cackled, "No. I dont. The girl I want to couple up with is my ex girlfriend, Alexa."

Everyone's jaws dropped.

Alexa covered her face with her hand, "I fucking knew he'd do this."

Adam was seen shaking his head in disgust, "You're a scumbag."

"Takes one to know one bud."Seth laughed.

"This is why he needs to leave."said Liv.

VC-Bianca-If it wasnt clear before...Seth is here just to wreak havoc. The man does not give a shit. He's taking no days off.

"Aww Lex, you're so good at acting devastated. We all know you're jumping for joy inside."said Seth, "How about we finally consummate the relationship?"


"Why would I when I got you now?"

In a fit of rage, Adam shot out of his seat and began marching up to Seth. Damian and Ricochet quickly got a hold of him and held him back.

"Yea, you wouldnt want to do that. Trust me."said Seth.

"You fucking think everything's a joke! You're fucking pathetic!"Alexa yelled, "You want nothing to do with me but yet you couple up with me? You could have chosen Kayla!"

"But thats no fun."

"GET OVER IT SETH! GET. OVER. IT!"Alexa screamed.

"Just a heads up, im a cuddler. Preferably the big spoon. But you already knew that."he said.

Sasha was seen trying not to laugh.

Adam went over and gave Alexa a tight hug.

"Whats going to happen now? Do you have to leave?"Alexa asked through her tears.

"I dont know babe."Adam responded as he rubbed her back.

VC-Alexa-I dont even know what to say at this point....Im just...overwhelmed. Like, yea I know I wanted excitement but not like this. Seth is just giving me headaches. If Adam has to leave then I'm leaving too.


Another phone went off. It was Adam's.

"Here we go." He said as he fished it out of his pocket and began reading it out loud. It said-

He breathed a sigh of relief as some of the Islanders cheered for him.

VC-Seth-Why is he still going to be here? What purpose does he serve? I took his girl, he should be high tailing out of here.

"You dodged a bullet man. Good job."Seth clapped.

Adam shot him a dirty look.

VC-Seth-Yes, the love triangle continues. *laughs* Im so smart, its unbelievable sometimes. What goes around comes around baby.

VC-Adam-With Seth being here, Love Island has office turned into Nightmare Island.

A/N-Alright guys! It's time to vote for the couples that you think are the MOST COMPATIBLE! You can vote for as many couples as you want.
I've provided a QR code down below and a link to the poll. The link will also be posted in the comments. You have 6 days to vote.


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