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continuation of night 20

11:45 pm

Everyone was seen in the communal bedroom still stunned at what happened between Dean and Austin a few moments ago.

VC-Damian-At this point we dont know what's going on with Dean and Austin. A producer came and took a bag of Dean's belongings and Austin's not even here. He was taken to the hospital to get checked out. Are we going to lose two of our guys? Is the show going to get canceled? We don't know what's going to happen.

"The last time two people got physical on a dating show was when I kicked Adam's ass."said Seth as he was clad only in his briefs and glasses, fixing his bed, "I got sent to a hotel but I was allowed to come back on the show. I think he's going to come back. More Dean equals more ratings."

"They shouldnt allow him too. If they do thats absolutely ridiculous."said Adam, "The guy's a hazard."

"The guy's a hazard."Seth mocked in a whiny voice, "Grow some balls Adam."

"Your ass should get kicked off to because you're here for nothing but to start drama." Adam responded.

"Yea you were the one talking to him before he snapped."said Liv to Seth as she walked over to her bed, "What were you telling him?"

"We were just...talking about normal guy stuff."

"No no no, you had to tell him something to provoke him like that. He wouldn't just attack Austin out of the blue."said Liv.

"Do you not know Dean?"

"Yea I know Dean and I know he's not a maniac. This is basically your fucking fault."

"Oh! It's my fault?"Seth amusingly said.

"Whatever it is you told him caused him to do what he did. I hope you're fucking happy."she said as she fluffed her pillows.

"I just told him the things he deserved to know. Anyway, I hope you're happy because is this not what you wanted?"

"What do you mean?"Liv asked.

"You wanted Dean to fight for you right? Well, he did. So stop acting devastated. You should be thrilled!"said Seth.

"I never fucking said I wanted him to fight for me! What the fuck are you talking about?"she raised her voice.

"That's literally what you wanted from him! You wanted him to be jealous! You wanted him to want you! Well, you got it! You're a hypocrite Liv!"

"I am not a fucking hypocrite you idiot!"

"I have been watching the show! I've been seeing and hearing everything-"


"Did I tell you to kiss Austin?"

Liv angrily threw her pillow at him, "I DIDNT FUCKING KISS HIM!"

"You sure did like it!"

She stormed out of the room. Mandy followed behind her.

"Yea! Walk away! You know what you did!"Seth yelled at her.

"FUCK YOU!"Liv screamed in the distance.

VC-Liv-Seth is such a fucking asshole! He had no business telling Dean what went on. He needs to leave like-literally. I cant deal with him.

"What a long day."said Seth as he got onto his bed.


day 21

12:04 pm

With the tension in the air still extremely thick from last night's events, we've decided to lift everyone's spirits and bring the islanders together through the only way we know how too. Annnnnd....send.


"Oh my gosh...I got a text!"said Bayley as she was hanging out with Kayla.

As everyone gathered around her, she began reading the text out loud. It said-

"Getting pied off? We gonna be eating pies or what?"asked Jey.

Well....sort of.


Unlike the last few challenges, this challenge was taking place right in the backyard of the villa.

"Okay guys! Listen up!"said Kayla as she began to read the instructions of the game.

Instead of listening to her, you guys can listen to moi. The name of the challenge is Kiss, Marry, Pie and yes...its exactly what it sounds like. Here's how its going to go down-

-Played in two rounds. One guy round, one girl round.

-To begin, all the girls will stand in a horizontal line.

-One by one, each guy will choose a girl he'd like to kiss, one girl he'd like to marry then one girl that he'd like to pie. He will do so by throwing a pie in her face.

-He must choose 3 different girls.

-The girls will have to do the same thing when it is their round.

So what if there was a big fight and argument last night? Kissing, proposing and throwing pies in peoples faces will patch things right up.

Oh by the way, Dean and Austin are not going to be involved in this because Dean hasnt returned to the villa yet and Austin's face was swollen and weird looking.

Guys' Round

All the girls were seen standing in a row. Jey was up first. He walked over to the girls, rubbing his hand together.

"Alright, the girl I want to kiss is......"he said before he went over and planted his lips on Indi. The girls all cheered. Bianca just gave a forceful smile.

VC-Indi-Definitely was not expecting that....

"You tryna fight dawg?"Ricochet jokingly asked Jey.

"Somebody get the ref!"Liv yelled.

VC-Jey-The decision to kiss Indi was just really random. There was no real motive behind it. She does have really nice lips though...

"The girl id want to marry is of course, my baby B."he said as he got down on one knee and presented a fake plastic ring to her.

Yea you werent expecting us to use real rings were you?

He put the ring on her finger, stood up and gave her a kiss.

"Thats mom and dad right there!"Liv clapped. Jey then went over and grabbed a pie.

"So the girl id like to pie is....the obvious choice."he said as he walked over to Mandy.

"JEY N-"Mandy began screaming out but ultimately got a pie smeared all over her face courtesy her ex boyfriend.

Everyone broke out in laughter.

VC-Jey-That felt good. That was therapeutic. I know Jimmy and Naomi watching from home and cheering me on right now. I can almost hear Naomi telling me to do it again.

Next up was Finn. He chose to kiss Kayla, marry Bayley and make Mandy a victim to another pie in the face.

"You guys are ridiculous!"said Mandy the pie-monster.

VC-Mandy-I dont get why Finn of all people would pie me in the face. We have nothing against each other! What gives?

Seth decided to go next.

"So the girl that id like to kiss, even though her fashion sense isnt that great, I think she deserves to taste these lips."he said as he went over to Kayla and locked lips with her.

VC-Kayla-What does this guy have against my style? I dont get it. The kiss was nice though. Kind of uncomfortable because of his beard but overall..nice.

"The girl id like to marry is a dear friend of mine and one of the most bad ass people I know. Out of all the ladies here, I think she deserves this the most. Sasha, would you marry me? Just as friends though."he asked as he knelt on one knee.

She laughed, "Damn ive never heard of a friend zone proposal but alright!"

After he put the ring on Sasha's finger, he went and got one of the pies.

"Boy oh boy, who should I give this prestigious pie to?"he said as he walked up and down with it.

"Indi, do you want it?"he asked as he gestured as if he was about to throw it at her, "Or how about you Bianca? Or maybe you Bayley? Oh wait! I know one even better!"

He took the pie and


Planted it directly on Alexa's face. He moved it around in a circular motion to make sure her whole face was covered. Alexa angrily pushed him away.

"You are evil!"Liv yelled.

He cackled.

VC-Seth-In my four years of doing reality tv, smashing a pie in Alexa's face was by far my favourite thing that ive ever done.

VC-Alexa-How can you decide to take me out on a date and then a day later....slap a pie on my face? Thats definitely...a first.

When it was Damian's turn, he chose to kiss Bianca, marry Sasha and generously give his pie to Mandy's face.

"Alright like this isnt funny any more. Im legit pissed."said Mandy as pie fell from her face.

VC-Damian-I decided to pie Mandy because she's the only girl that has a grudge against me so, it made sense.

VC-Mandy-There are other freaking girls here! This is the third time ive been pied in the face! Come on!

During Ricochet's turn, he decided to kiss Kayla (which wasnt a subtle kiss at all).

VC-Kayla-Damn...Ric knows how to work it. I'll definitely be thinking about this tonight.

VC-Indi-Okay like I get this is a game and all but...Ric just straight up made out with Kayla in front of everyone. Should-should I be concerned?

He chose to marry Indi and since he felt sorry for Mandy, he pied Liv in the face instead.

"I'll remember this Ric! I'll remember it."said Liv.

For Mustafa's turn, he gave Bayley a kiss on the cheek, he decided to marry Kayla and smash the pie in Indi's face.

"Its okay Mustafa. I was curious about how the pie tasted anyway."Indi said to him.

Adam was the last guy to go.

"This girl has been pied three times today and I think she deserves a little love."he said as he went over and gave Mandy a quick kiss.

"Thank you Adam!"she scoffed.

"The girl that I want to marry, hopefully in real life to, is of course my lovely girlfriend Alexa."he said as he got down on one knee and presented the ring to Alexa.

"Be careful now. It didnt work out too well for the last guy." Seth laughed. Finn nudged him.

"And the girl id like to pie....im sorry Sasha but you're looking a little too clean."he said before he rubbed the pie all over her face.

VC-Sasha-Yea I know I wasnt making it out of there alive.

Girls' Round

Indi kicked things off for the girls. She chose to kiss Finn, marry Ricochet and had some sweet payback by pieing Mustafa in the face.

"Its okay Mustafa! I'll lick it off!"Kayla said. He blushed.

VC-Indi-I sorta wanted to see what Finn was made of because from what ive heard of him....the guy has skill. And judging from our kiss, im pretty sure he does, if you know what I mean. Also...how can you not want to kiss him? He's freaking cute.

"Hmmm, which of you douche bags do I want to kiss?"Mandy asked as she approached the guys, "Eenie...meenie, miny..."

She threw her hands around Jey's neck and began making out with him. Bianca folded her arms and turned her head.

VC-Bianca-I better calm down before I gotta go join Dean wherever the hell he's at.

"Did he not throw a pie in her face?"Seth asked.

Mandy ended the make out session with a subtle bite on his lip. He was trying his best to seem indifferent about the whole situation but a smile was slowly forming on his face.

VC-Mandy-That was...for old times' sake *twirls hair*

VC-Jey-Its Mandy like...what do you expect?

"The guy id like to propose too is probably the sweetest guy here and would probably make the best husband so,"Mandy was saying as she knelt in front of Mustafa, "Mustafa, would you marry me?"

He smiled, "Of course."

"Damn Mustafa! Teach me your ways!"Seth cheered him on.

VC-Mandy-Who are we kidding? Mustafa wouldnt survive with me.

"Now to get some sweet sweet revenge."said Mandy as she took the pie in her hand.

She carefully looked at each of the guys that previously pied her which were Finn, Jey and Damian. She slowly walked up and down the line of guys. Then-


She smacked it against Jey's face.

"You cant pie Jey! You already kissed him!"Liv yelled.

"Whoops!"Mandy shrugged.

VC-Mandy-Yea I knew the rules. I didnt care about them though.

She then took some of pie off of Jey's face and quickly smeared it on Finn and Damian's.

"Killing 3 birds with one stone."she said.

The guys laughed.

VC-Finn-I cant blame her.

VC-Damian-Mandy's a smart girl, not gonna lie.

Next up was Bayley. She gave Mustafa a quick peck on the lips, chose to marry Finn and then pied Damian in the face.

"I dont know you that well! Im sorry!"she said to him.

For Alexa's turn, she kissed Mustafa, married Adam and of course, decided to pie Seth in the face. However, when she threw the pie at him, he shifted to the side and it fell to the floor, missing him completely. He cackled.

Her jaw dropped.

"Im untouchable!"he yelled.

She ran over to the table that had all the pies and grabbed another one. He quickly sped off but she took off behind him resulting in a chase that lasted about a minute before she gave up.

"You can never touch me Alexa! Never!"he gloated.

"I'll get you one day! And when I do, you'll never see it coming!"she responded.

VC-Alexa-I cant believed that I just chased Seth around with a pie today......You never know what crazy things life has in store for you.

Bianca went next. She decided to kiss Ricochet, marry Jey and pie Adam in the face.

VC-Bianca-Of course I was gonna kiss the guy with the hottest body in the villa like-hellooo. Plus, its nice seeing Jey get a little worked up.

"So the guy that im going to kiss is....."Liv was saying as she looked at each of the guys.

VC-Sasha-So, im a little shocked that Liv's participating in this game because girl, your man got taken god knows where last night, he isnt with you right now. I just know that if Dean was here and Liv wasnt, he wouldnt have taken part. But..it aint my business so....

Liv walked up to Finn and began kissing him.

"Oh great. Finn's going to get his face bashed in next."Seth said.

VC-Liv-I feel like Finn and I always had this....tension between us. Good tension, not bad tension *laughs*. He's just really cool and really sweet and like, its just a game so whatever. It means nothing.

Sasha shook her head in disgust at the sight of Liv and Finn kissing.

VC-Sasha-Liv, girl, you're messy.

"Well bud, it was nice knowing you."Seth said to Finn when Liv was finished kissing him.

VC-Bayley-Aaaand just like that, I feel the sudden urge to crawl into a hole and never come back out.

"So, the guy that id like to marry is-in my opinion-thee perfect boyfriend and my best friend is so lucky to have him. Fellas, take notes on how to treat your girl from this guy okay. He's literally a 10 out of 10. Adam, id like to give you this ring."Liv said as she knelt in front of Adam and presented the ring to him.

He smiled, "Im so honoured."

Alexa furrowed her eyebrows.

VC-Alexa-So...that caught me off guard a bit. Like...what the fuck was that Liv?

"And last but not least, the guy id like to pie is..."Liv said as she walked over to where Jey was standing, with pie in hand.

"I dont know why you looking at me girl. I thought we were cool."said Jey.

"Oh, we are. Dont sweat it."she said. Then-


With force, she smacked the pie in Seth's (who was standing right next to Jey) face. The girls all cheered.

"Untouchable my ass!"she yelled. He laughed.

VC-Seth-Yea I saw this coming.

Kayla was up next.

"Okay, because he blew me away the first time, the guy that id like to kiss is..."she said before she went up to Ricochet and began making out with him.

Indi clenched her fists. Sasha hugged her.

VC-Indi-I definitely got my eye on Kayla because she seemed a little too excited about kissing Ric. She better not cross me. I will bite her.

"So id like to marry this guy because he's one hundred percent husband material. Also, I think he can give me the excitement im looking for. So....Finn, would you marry me?"Kayla said as she got on one knee in front of Finn.

To say the least, this caught everyone by surprise.

"Ouch...okay."Mustafa quietly said.

VC-Jey-What the hell is up with these girls and Finn today?

"Sure."Finn smiled. She slid the ring onto his finger.

"I feel so bad for Mustafa."Bianca whispered.

VC-Adam-Oh wow. The secondhand embarrassment im feeling for Mustafa is real. This is the girl thats been up your ass from the moment you got here and now...she kisses and marries somebody else besides you? Jeez man.

"And the boy that id like to pie is...sorry Jey."she said as she smacked the pie on Jey's face.

VC-Kayla-I feel like if I had chosen to kiss or marry Mustafa, I would have been leading him on and at this point...im trying to go on my own and get to know the other guys a bit more. I adore him, I do but..I just dont think there can be anything romantic between us.

The last girl to go was Sasha.

"Alright so the guy that im going to kiss is the icon himself. Come here boo."she said as she walked right up to Seth and began kissing him.

VC-Sasha-I literally evaluated all the other guys and found a reason as to why I didnt want to or couldnt kiss them. So I was like...Seth it is. Its our second kiss actually.

VC-Seth-I adore Sasha but I feel kinda weird kissing her...with Finn right next to me. They had their whole thing and..you know, we were all friends, we all hung out together so...yea it was weird. But she's a great kisser, id give her that.

"So the guy id like to marry is Mustafa."she said as she knelt in front of Mustafa, "You are such a wonderful human being and please do not allow anybody to bring you down. If they dont know your worth, then thats too fucking bad for them because you're a gem and we all know that you'd make a damn good husband. Also, aint no other man can lick peanut butter off my chest the way you did."

Everyone that knew the joke immediately burst out laughing.

"Many have tried and many have failed. You're a legend. So Mustafa, will you marry me?"she asked.

"You're the best Sasha, of course I will."he said. She put the ring on his finger and gave him a hug.

VC-Damian-So...I was expecting that id either be the one she kisses or marries but....maybe she decided to marry Mustafa just to lift his spirits a bit because of what Kayla did so, I totally understand and respect it. Its just a game.

Sasha then went over and grabbed a pie in her hand.

She then walked right up to Damian and plastered it on his face without saying anything. Everyone's jaws dropped.

VC-Ricochet-Alright this game has officially gone off the rails.

"Is that it? Is the game done?"she dusted her hands.

"So...no explanation why you just pied me like that?"Damian asked.

"You know why I did that. Think about everything you've done since you've been here, thats why I did it."

"What are you talking about?"

"Great game everybody!"Sasha clapped, ignoring him.

VC-Damian-I dont understand whats happening. Sasha and I were at such a good place and....now she's mad for whatever reason. Have I been doing shit while unconscious or what because....I literally dont know what I did.

After a fun filled challenge to lessen the tension, we can confidently say that now theres even more tension than there was before. Ah, reality tv. You gotta love it.


Coming Up Next-

Sasha confronts Damian, Kayla gets real with Mustafa and Seth gets to couple up with the girl of his choice.

Stay Tuned!

A/N-Heres a little spoiler, some AEW guys and girls will be making appearances really soon. And a few NXT guys as well.

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