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continuation of day 20

3:30 pm

As Kayla was in the dressing room putting on one of her sexiest bikinis to hopefully impress the new boy when he arrived, Mustafa was talking to Adam about his and Kayla's bright future together.

"I dont know man, I just feel like there is real potential between her and I."Mustafa was saying to Adam, "We're going at a really steady pace right now. I feel like by the end of the show if we make it that far, Kayla and I might actually become a lot more serious."

"Thats great man."Adam said.

"She's not trying to rush things and I like that a lot about her. We're actually taking the time to get to know each other. If we do become an item, i'll know for sure that what we have is real because we've taken the time to let it happen."

"Have you kissed her yet?"

"No. Thats way to much of a leap at the moment. Hopefully when we make things official. I want it to be special."

VC-Mustafa-Things are going great with Kayla. I hope that by the end of this journey that...I'll ask her to be my girlfriend.


After an hour and a half date, Alexa finally returned to the villa. All eyes were glued on her as she made her way through the backyard entrance.

"Where's your date?"Indi asked.

"He's coming, dont worry."she sighed as she sat next to Adam.

Everyone's attention was caught when they heard a second pair of footsteps coming in through the entrance. Not long after, Seth made his appearance.

Dean shot out of his seat, "Oh shit!"

Adam's whole system was shocked. He didnt move a muscle. He just stared on in disgust.

VC-Finn-Oh wow. Its the man himself.

VC-Kayla-Okay but...yum!

VC-Mandy-You guys got my hopes up for nothing...

Everyone erupted in cheers.

Seth greeted everyone by letting out one of his signature cackles. It was almost as if he himself was amused to be walking into the villa.

VC-Sasha-Yes. This is exactly what we needed right now *laughs*

Most of the islanders all raced over to welcome him.

"The star of the show is here people!"he exclaimed.

VC-Seth-I am extremely excited to be here because theres Dean, Finn, Sasha. Three of my closest friends. I honestly feel like im home. Im in the zone. Im in my element. A show filled with a bunch of trashy, horny people-myself included. Yes. One hundred percent my element.

"Dude I am so tired of watching you have sex on the show, you freaky bastard!"Seth said to Dean as he gave him a hug and ruffled his hair.

How do you think our producers and editors feel Seth?

"What's up with the suit?"Finn asked him.

"Its kind of my thing now. You like it?"

"Yea but dont you think you're a little over dressed? We barely wear clothes around here."said Finn.

"There is no such thing as being over dressed my boy."

"Hi! Im Kayla!"Kayla went over and introduced herself.

"Well hey there Kayla."he said as he kissed her hand, "Say, are you busy later tonight?"

"No. Not at all."she smiled and twirled her hair.

"Great then maybe I can give you some fashion advice."

Her jaw dropped.

After greeting most of the Islanders (and by most we mean every body except Adam), Seth and everyone else gathered at the outdoor kitchen to take some celebratory shots.

"Alright guys, now that daddy is here, cheers to having the most balls-out crazy, wild, drama and hook up filled summer yet! Cheers people!"said Seth as he and everyone else downed their shot.

VC-Seth-I feel like back then, I wasnt able to really enjoy myself that much because the younger, stupider me was always getting screwed over by some chick. Now that im here, theres going to be none of that! Seth freakin Rollins gives no fucks. *cackles* I have a new outlook and appreciation for life. Nobody is going to bring me down. After all, what's more dangerous than a man with nothing left to lose?


Alexa and Adam were seen on the terrace together.

"So..what went on during the date?"Adam asked.

"He just kept bringing up a bunch of stuff from the past and I was like...im over it, shut up. Something's not right with him."

"Clearly. If he thinks that he's going to come in between you and I then he has another thing coming."said Adam as he paced up and down, "I just know he's here to cause trouble. I mean, why else would he choose you for the date?"

VC-Alexa-I definitely think that with Seth in the villa, shit's going to get a lot more interesting. I have no interest in him anymore but...maybe this was the excitement I wanted....

8:45 pm

"Damn! Look at you with all this swag now!"Sasha said to Seth as he walked into the backyard sporting a large, heavy looking, white fur coat.

He did a twirl to show it off.

"Damn, alright! You go girl!"Sasha snapped her fingers and cheered him on.

"Theres plenty more where this came from Sash. Why do you think I came with five suitcases? They're all filled with designer suits and coats."

"So no more skinny jeans and band tshirts?"

"Oh good god no. That is a thing of the past. I have-what the kids call-the drip."

Its good to see what AJ's half of the money is being spent on.

Both with drinks in their hands, Seth and Sasha went over to the daybed to sit down and have a quick catch up conversation.

"Honestly, I was a bit surprised you chose Alexa for the date. I thought that ship sailed a long time ago."said Sasha.

"Oh it has. I just plan on being a nuisance while im here."

She laughed, "So what have you been up to lately?"

"Same old same old. Working and living the lifestyle of a baller."

"Oh my god you are so full of crap."she giggled, "Whats with this new persona? Its so...not you."

"People change. You cant expect to be repeatedly kicked in the ass and stay the same do you? No. You grow numb to it, you adapt and you adjust yourself accordingly."he said, "Now I am a man with zero fucks to give about anything."

She looked at him with skepticism in her eyes.

"Look, if you've been going through some stuff and you want to talk about it, you know im always here right?"she said.

"I appreciate that so much Sash but im fine."he smiled, "So anyway, whats been going on with you? You and Damian huh?"he nudged her.

She blushed and nodded, "Yea."

"You got into his pants yet?"

"Oh my god!"she playfully pushed him, "No I havent. Hopefully soon though."

"You really like him?"

"I do. He reminds me so much of Roman the more I get to know him."

Seth stared at her in disbelief for a few seconds.

She noticed.

"What?"she asked though she already know why he was looking at her like that.

"Do you see the problem with what you've just said?"

She twisted her mouth.

"Do you only like him because he reminds you of Roman?"

"What? No."

"Sasha, are you over Roman?"

"Of course."

"No you arent."

"I am over him. But im just saying that Damian has a lot of similar qualities to Roman. Anyone can see it."

"Yea they're both big and got deep voices. Im sure thats about it."

She chuckled, "Whatever."

"Oh my god Sasha, please dont tell me you're just into this guy because you're hoping he's a guy like Roman."

"Nooo, thats not it."she groaned, "I broke up with Roman for a reason, why would I want someone who's exactly like him?"

"But you just said Damian reminds you of him."

"Oh my gosh you're confusing me!"she laughed.

"You're confusing me!"

"Look, I just really like him okay. Im still keeping an open mind to everything because im not sure if I can really trust him yet."

"Yea I hope that you are because you definitely weren't number one on his list."

"Yea I know. There was the whole Dana situation."

"Yea. I cant believe he'd have sex with her and then kick her off the island. What a fucking savage."

"Wait what?"Sasha said in shock.

"Whoopsie."Seth gritted his teeth, "I probably shouldnt have said that because it was Damian and Dana's little secret but...oh well."

"They hooked up?"

"Yea. Right out here by the pool when everyone was asleep. And then the next day he chose you over her. And then there was Eva who he was also really into. He said and I quote, 'I should have coupled up with you instead'."

"He said that to her?"

"Yea. My advice Sash, dont get too involved. I know you're here to find love but wearing your heart on your sleeve just to get stepped on in the end just isnt worth it. Trust me. Take it from someone who's been through that shit multiple times."

By this time, Sasha's whole mood had changed. She seemed as though her bubble had just been burst.

"Ugh, I know I shouldnt have told you-"

"No...no its fine."she said, "Im just...shocked to hear these things."

VC-Sasha-*sniffles*...I..I dont even know why im emotional. I just cant believe Damian would do something like that to Dana. Im happy that he picked me and I was able to stay in the villa but...I feel like im being used. I feel like he thinks that im the safe bet. I dont respect what he did at all. And then on top of that he was telling Eva that he prefers her? I feel...like a total idiot right now *wipes eyes*

So Damian totally blew off the other girl to be with Sasha? Hm, I guess he and Roman arent so different after all.

Finn and Bayley were seen sitting together having some alone time.

"I'm not gonna lie, these few days have been really fun with you."Finn said.

"Yea. Things have been going a lot smoother than I expected."

"I know right. What a surprise."

VC-Bayley-So at this point, I'm honestly tired of waiting around. I want to know if it's going to be worth it investing into Finn or not. I'm sorta tired of the taking things slow crap. We've known each other for years, how much slower do we gotta go? I want to know if I should put all my focus on him or not.

"So like..I've been meaning to ask...do you think there's real potential with us?"Bayley asked.

"Of course. Thats why we're here right?"

"Just making sure because I don't want us to waste our time forcing something that isn't there."

"But there is something between us right?"

"I dont know Finn."she sighed, "You know I really like you but sometimes I just feel like...there isn't that spark. We've been into each other for years now and the fact that nothing has happened yet kinda concerns me."

"Sometimes...I want to take things a step further but...I'm always worrying about if you're going to  feel uncomfortable. I wouldn't ever want to make you feel that way, you know?"

She smiled, "I wont. Because it's you. And I trust you."

"I was just trying to spot the right time to take things up a notch."

"It's not that serious. I think you're worrying for nothing."

"So...you're ready for us to go further?"

"Four years in the making, I think it's about that time."

He smiled, tucked her hair behind her ear and pulled her face in for a kiss. Their first kiss.

The kiss eventually turned into a subtle little make out session.

VC-Bayley-*smiling*....Wow. I waited four years for this moment and....it was totally worth it.

"Dude, trust me. While im here we are going to have the time of our lives, me and you."said Seth to Dean as the two were at outdoor kitchen drinking beer, "We gotta make up for lost time man. All those years that we spent hating each other, all those years that we spent at each other's throats. We gotta redeem ourselves and fuck shit up like we used to back in the day!"

"To be fair, I spent more time kicking your ass than being your friend."said Dean.

"True true but who cares! Life is too short brother. As you know ive been watching the show just like everybody else and I hated seeing you be so depressed and in a funk. Its almost like we switched roles huh? Dude, take a look at yourself. You're fucking rich now, you can get any girl you want-even a chick like Eva, why the hell are you letting a girl like Liv bring you down? I mean all she does is complain about you."

"She does?"

Seth put his hand on Dean's shoulder, "I hate to have to be the one to tell you this but...yea. Dude, you're in another Renee situation no doubt about it. And in this case, Austin's the new Cesaro."

Dean furrowed his eyebrows.

"I know you love her man but...I dont think she's worth all the stress. You guys gotta have a serious talk and figure your shit out. I dont like seeing you down like this."

"You know....its funny you mentioned Austin. He actually told me earlier that Liv was all over him and that they kissed and shit. Do you...know anything about that?"

"They're into each other, man. And...about the kiss...yea, he kissed her."

Dean's face grew small.

VC-Seth-Ive just realized that so far ive upset two of my friends by telling them the truth about whats been going on. But hey, I like to think of myself as a messiah. And what is a messiah you may ask? A messiah is the saviour of the people. And right now im here trying to save my people.

"So when he kissed her...did-did she slap the shit out of him?"Dean asked as he opened another can of beer.

Glass bottles were no longer allowed on the shows after the attempted stabbing years ago.

Seth shook his head 'no', "She did nothing about it."

Dean immediately began chugging his beer.

"Look dude, I think I speak for everyone when I say that I want the old Dean back. The careless, dont give a fuck, goofy, aggressive, fun motherfucker that always did a bunch of random shit. I dont like seeing this miserable, dull Dean. She weighs you down man."

As Seth was carrying on, Dean finished his beer and took off walking towards Austin who was standing chatting with Indi and Kayla.

He used his balled fist to wipe the beer that leaked from his chin.

As Austin saw him approaching, he turned to face him.

VC-Austin-I saw Dean coming towards me and...he looks like he's coming over to say something to me. He just looks like he has a chip on his shoulder.

Seth remained at the outdoor kitchen looking on.

As Dean walked, he took off his leather jacket and tossed it on the ground.

"You alright man?"Austin asked as he noticed his eyes were locked and loaded on him.

Finally Dean walked up to him and-


Socked him right in the face. He fell to the ground.

"OH MY GOD!"Kayla yelled out.

"WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?"Indi screamed as she pushed Dean away.

A swarm of security instantly broke onto the scene to detain him.

"I told you not to fuck with me, kid!"Dean yelled at Austin.

"DEAN WHAT THE FUCK! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?"Liv screamed as she hustled over to where he was.

Dean continued yelling as he paced up and down, waiting for the security to come get him.

VC-Jey-Yo, the night was peaceful. Everyone was doing their thing, minding their business, next thing you know Indi and Kayla start screaming. We look over...Austin's on the floor and Dean's standing above him. Security comes storming into the villa. Yo....what the fuck happened? Why he just snap like that? Did the ghost of Muhammad Ali posses this guy or what?

At this point all of the Islanders were gathered at the scene. A team of 6 security guards all had their hands on Dean so that he wouldnt be able to attack anyone else. Dean on the other hand seemed eerily calm as he was being escorted to the front entrance.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS TAKING HIM? LET ME GO WITH HIM!"Liv shouted as she followed behind the security.

VC-Liv-What the hell! Like-why would he do that? Oh my god!

Meanwhile, Austin was still sitting on the grass trying to come to his senses as Kayla held an icepack over his right eye.

"Yo, what the hell happened?"Bianca asked.

"I have no idea."said Seth.

Alexa and Mandy was with Liv at the front of the villa watching as Dean was being put into the back of a production car. Liv tried to run towards him but was stopped by the security guards.


"He's not going to jail Liv, calm down."said Mandy.

"Oh my god!"Liv held her head and paced up and down.

VC-Liv-I am so fucking pissed and confused like-why would he do that? Look at what he got himself into now!

As the car that Dean was put into drove away, Liv broke out into tears.

"They took him?"Seth asked as he joined the three at the front of the villa.

"Yea."Mandy responded.

"Oh boy."he sighed.

VC-Seth-Well...I guess I got what I wanted......Be careful what you wish for kids.

T  O      B  E      C  O  N  T  I  N  U  E  D

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