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Location- A private island situated in the Turks and Caicos region.

30th May, 2019

A yacht was seen cruising the blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean carrying passengers. Those passengers of course were our six couples who were about to endure an experience of a life time.

"Cheers guys!" said Sasha as her, Naomi, Finn, Becky and Renee all clinked their glasses that were filled with champagne.

"Shoot me in the head." Alexa said to AJ, rolling her eyes.

The pair were standing further away from everyone else, being a bit antisocial.

VC-Alexa-Okay so apparently, im going to be stuck on an island with Sasha-hate her obviously, Becky- hate her too, Nikki-we're not friends anymore, Naomi-don't care about her and Renee who also stopped talking to me.....Can I quit the show already?

"This is going to be really depressing." she said.

"Its not about them darlin' its about you and me. They don't matter." AJ rubbed her shoulders..

While AJ and Alexa were feeling like the black sheep of the crew, they weren't the only ones.

"Why does WWETV keep casting the same damn people for every show. Come on man. The United States has millions of people they can cast instead." Seth complained to his girlfriend.

VC-Seth-So I get onto the yacht, pretty excited about going to this private island....only to see AJ, Dean and Roman looking at got to be kidding.

Seth also stayed mostly by himself, looking out into the water as the yacht tore through it. At least he had one friend among the guys which was Finn.

VC-Finn-There is a lot of tension on this boat right now. Its pretty awkward but funny at the same time.

Some of the couples were interacting and drinking and some chose to stick by themselves. As they all looked ahead, they saw a large green platform that kept on getting closer and closer.

VC-Alexa-Im looking out ahead and I see that we're approaching the island and.....I cant help but to get emotional. All of a sudden...I don't want to do this anymore.

Alexa started sobbing into AJ's chest.

"Whats wrong?"

"I don't want to leave you. This is going to be a shitty time for me." she cried, "I don't-I don't want to do this."

He rubbed her back, "Its gonna be over before you know it Lex. Stop worrying."

VC-Alexa-I am the outcast here. All of these other girls are just going to be judging me and.....I don't want to deal with that. I know im not very liked and usually I don't care but going to be surrounded by all the hate.

"You okay man? You're unusually very quiet today." Roman asked Dean, noticing he was acting very mellow.

"Yea im cool." he said as he was sitting on a bench looking out into the ocean.

"You want a beer or anything?"

He shook his head, "Im good."

Roman was a bit surprised by his refusal of a beer. It was very unlike him. He decided not to ask him too many questions and just leave him be. After all, Dean wasn't one to talk about his feelings.....while sober.

"Who do you guys think the host is going to be?" Naomi asked her group which consisted of Sasha, Nikki and Renee.

"Hopefully its Shane. I liked him. He was nice." said Renee.

"Yea he was like a dad to us. A very disappointed dad to 24 undisciplined kids." Sasha added.

"What if its Hunter?" Nikki asked.

"Oh god im not ready to see him just yet. Its way too soon to see his face again." Sasha said.

After a few more minutes of sailing, the yacht finally arrived at the island. It stopped at a dock and all the couples got off.

"Ah, you all must be the lovely couples." a person greeted them there with a smile.

It was a woman. She was tall, fit, had long brown hair and blue eyes. She wore a long, pink and black floral print, flowy dress and sandals ; an outfit appropriate for the setting. She seemed to be in her late 30's.

VC-Seth-Please tell me she's the host because....she's pretty hot. I can get used to seeing her all the time.

"Welcome to Temptation Island. You may not believe this but I already know who all of you are. AJ, Alexa," she said as she proceeded to shake each of their hands, "Becky, Finn. Nikki, Seth. Dean, Renee. Roman, Sasha. Last but not least, Jimmy and Naomi. So great to meet all of you. Let me introduce myself, im your host, Stephanie McMahon."

Everyone gave her a round of applause.

"I can get used to seeing you." Seth said as Nikki nudged him, "Im tired of male hosts. They suck."

"McMahon? If you don't mind I ask, do you know Shane McMahon?" Renee asked.

"As a matter of fact yes, I do."

"Is he your husband?"

She chuckled, "Brother, actually."

They all went 'ooooh'.

"I do have a husband though. You all may know him. He goes by the name of Hunter."

Seth's face grew small.

"Woah! You're Hunter's wife?" Renee asked.

She laughed, "Indeed I am."

VC-Seth-Hunter....if you're seeing im not attracted to your wife. I just think she looks like a great person, that's it. Ignore what you may have heard.....

"I didn't even know Hunter was married." Dean said.

"Well guys, we have a lot to talk about so lets get to it shall we? Follow me." Stephanie said as she began leading the six couples down the beach. Each couple held hands and followed behind her.

VC-Naomi-God, the nerves are kicking in. Why did this sound like a good idea a month ago because clearly its not feeling like a good idea now.

Renee hugged onto Dean's bicep as they walked.

VC-Renee-I can tell Dean isn't to keen about being here. He seems so lifeless. I want him to go into this and have fun and let loose. This is a once in a lifetime experience, where else in life can you get an opportunity like this?

VC-Becky-I do think there's a possibility that Finn can stray. I don't know. I just feel it.

VC-Jimmy-Im just ready to have a good time you know what im saying?

Stephanie led everyone into a beautiful beach villa.

"Wow. This place is gorgeous." Nikki said, looking around.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Stephanie said, "Why don't you guys take a seat."

Everyone sat down. They noticed champagne glasses on the table in front of them.

Stephanie brought out a bottle of champagne, "To start things off, why don't we have a toast? Everybody grab a glass and filler up."

"Sounds good to me." said Nikki.

Stephanie poured some champagne for herself and handed the bottle off to Roman to pass around. Soon, everyone's glasses were full.

"Why don't you all stand and join me in raising a glass." she said and they all stood, "Before this journey starts, here's to you guys finding the answers you're seeking. Becoming stronger individuals. Bettering yourself and bettering the person that you're currently here with. Cheers everybody."

"Cheers." they all said as they touched glasses, acting like one big cohesive group.

After they all took a sip from their glass, they sat back down.

"So, how are you all feeling being here?" The host asked.

"Nervous." Finn smiled.

"Its unreal. Like, what am I getting myself into?" said Sasha.

"Im nervous as well. This can go either ways. It can pull us together stronger than before or completely tear us apart." said Becky.

"Well...... you guys have no idea what you signed up for." Stephanie said.

VC-Seth-What a very welcoming statement that is.

"Oh god." said Alexa, worryingly.

"You are about to go through a journey like no other. All of you are here today because you're currently experiencing problems in your relationships or you have questions that you need answered. To some people, coming on this show is last resort. Its a big decision to make because you're putting your relationship at risk. But don't let that scare you. It may be the greatest thing you ever did or the worst thing you ever did. You've decided to come on a show where you're going to be dating other people-simply put. Hopefully by doing so,it will help you figure out the most important question: if you guys were meant to be together or not."

VC-Alexa-AJ is a loyal man,I know that, but there's always that ounce of fear. Like, what if he were to fall in love with someone else, what if he were to hook up with someone. I don't want to lose him. He's my everything.

VC-Nikki-I do have faith in this show. I do think that it'll open my eyes and tell me what I need to know.

VC-Seth-This show is like the literal opposite of Are You The One.

"When you made the choice to come here, what did you hope to gain?" she asked, "Nikki, Seth?"

"Seth and I have made mistakes in the past. When we're around people....we tend to stray. When its just us we connect so powerfully. Obviously, that cant work. I just want this experience to open our eyes. What Seth and I have, is it really love? Is it lust? Is it something more shallow or more deeper than we thought. That's what I want to know."

"Basically we're going to try to redeem ourselves and if we cant then....I don't think we can continue on together. We need to know that we can trust each other even when we're not around." Seth said.

"Then I think that this show was made especially for you two." Stephanie said, "This show can change you. This show can change the future for all of you. Just keep that in mind. Anyway, what do you guys think of the house? Do you like it?"

"Its dope." said Jimmy.

"Its amazing!" said Renee.

"Its really big." Seth said.

"I just love the layout of it. Very tropical."said Nikki.

"Yes, there are a lot of amazing features in this house. Now, you're probably wondering, who's going to be staying here? The guys or the girls? Well......ladies, this is your home."

The girls started cheering and clapping.

"But girls, you arent going to be lonely. There are going to be 25 men-picked specifically for the six of you- to keep you company in this beautiful villa."

AJ twisted his mouth. The guys didn't seem too excited to hear her say that.

VC-Naomi-I have never been around that many men in my life.

VC-Renee-We're basically going to be living in a frat house. I hope these guys aren't pigs.

"As a matter of fact....why don't we meet them?"

The girls once again started cheering.

"And don't worry guys.....we're meeting the single ladies as well while we're at it."

"Alright!" Jimmy said as the guys started clapping.

"Why don't you follow me this way. Your roommates are eager to meet all of you."

VC-AJ-So wait....we're all going to be living with the singles? I thought they were going to have their own place to stay. God only knows whats about to go down on this show.

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