Meet The Couples + Soundtrack

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29th May, 2019

Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland.

"Are you really carrying your onesie?" Becky asked Finn as he neatly was folding his giraffe onesie to place inside his suitcase.

"Yea. Why wouldn't I carry it?"

"Would you wear it?"

"Of course. Listen, im going to be on an island with a bunch of single women. Im going to need to find a way to scare them off. Throw this bad boy on and I can guarantee none of them will want to tempt me." he said.

She laughed.

CC-Becky and Finn

Becky-My names Becky.

Finn-And im Finn.

Becky-And we've been together for almost a year now.

Producer-Why did you agree to be on this show?

Becky-Well, we're always up for a challenge. And we thought this would be a great way to strengthen our relationship. Maybe get answers to questions that we don't even have yet.

Finn-She gets jealous very easily so I think she's putting me through the ultimate test.

Becky-No I don't get jealous easily!

Finn-Yes you do Becks.

Becky- *Looks at him questionably*

"Will you miss me for the month we're apart?" she asked.

"Of course I would. You're my best friend." he walked up to her and put his arms around her waist, "You're my other half."

Becky-Our relationship is pretty new and if there is a reason that we shouldn't be together then, its better to find out now than later.

Finn-I agree. But I don't know If there's a reason we shouldn't be together. I think we're perfect together.

Becky-You can never tell.

Producer-Do you think you can resist temptation?


Finn-For sure.

Gainesville, Georgia.

"I really like it out here in the countryside. I wont mind living here." said Alexa.

Her and AJ were seen sitting on the front porch of AJ's house that he rented, taking in the cool, afternoon breeze of the countryside.

"I don't know what you're waiting on." he responded.

"Its not that easy to just pick up everything and move out here. Plus, I don't think my parents would be too happy about me moving in with a guy im not married to."

CC-AJ and Alexa

AJ-Im AJ Styles.

Alexa- And im Alexa Bliss and we've been together for almost 2 years.

AJ-Lexi and I first met on The Challenge

Alexa-Yea it wasn't a love at first sight situation but there was an incident where I got pushed down and I was hurt and crying and he saw that and went and confronted the guys that did it. From that we started getting to know each other more and now we're unstoppable together.

"When we get married, we should get a pig." said Alexa.

AJ turned to her, " eat?"

"No! As a pet."

Alexa-AJ and I have our fair share of problems. Lately...we've been arguing a lot and not seeing eye to eye. There was a point in the relationship where I questioned if I even wanted this anymore. But I do love him and he's the only man ive wanted since I got to know him.

AJ-I think there are a lot of questions we need answers for to move forward in this relationship. As I keep saying, I aint getting any younger. I want to get married soon and start building a life for myself. I would love if Alexa is the person I do that with the moment, we're both unsure.

Alexa-Here's a fun fact, AJ rather do this show than go to couples counselling. He told me that he would back in Iceland but......apparently he changed his mind.

AJ-Im not going to pay someone to judge my relationship and assume things okay. No. Just no. More likely than not, they're going to cast me as the bad guy.

Alexa-Its whatever. We're doing great for now so we don't need the couples counselling....yet.

AJ-We wont need it ever. We're grown adults, we can sort shit out on our own.

"I honestly dont think I might enjoy myself on that island as much as I thought I would. You're not going to be there. I dont know who im going to be stuck there with." she said to him.

"Just try to play nice."

Alexa-When AJ and I are together, we are a force to be reckoned with. When we're fighting, we're both forces to be reckoned with against each other. What I want from this experience is for it to change us. To make us better people. To make us appreciate each other more. Well...for him to appreciate me more because sometime I feel as if he doesn't.

AJ- *Turns to look at her*

Alexa-Yea, you heard me. I want it to scare us. So at the end when we reunite, it'll be a relief. We'll come back with new perspectives. And we'll love each other more than we ever have and all the petty fighting will stop. I want us to grow from this.

AJ- We will. Trust me. We're going to use this as a wake up call.

San Diego, California.

"Are you really carrying that many bathing suits?" Seth asked Nikki as he laid on their bed, watching her pack her suitcase.

"We're going to an island ,Seth. What do you want me to pack? Trench coats?"

"Id prefer that."

CC-Seth & Nikki

Seth- My name is Seth Rollins

Nikki-And im Nikki Bella. We've been together for a year now.

"Stop packing and come here and cuddle with me." Seth whined.

She smiled as she folded a shirt of hers, "Maybe you should start packing too. We're leaving tomorrow."

"I know. I'll pack later on. Come here." he patted the bed.

She put her clothes aside and climbed onto the bed and laid next to him as he wrapped his hand around her waist.

Nikki- Seth and I may look like we're that perfect couple but.....we're not.

Seth-The last show we did, we started of strong together and things just.....started falling apart.

Nikki-We both made mistakes. We realized that when we're together, we're perfect. But when we're around other people......we tend to....lose ourselves a little bit.

Seth-We're going on to this show to really find answers about our relationship and find out if we really should be together or not. I mean, Nikki and I arent always going to be with each other everywhere we go. There are times when we're going to be apart in real life so this show is really going to put us to the ultimate test and tell us everything we need to know about us, going forward.

"Are you excited for the show?" Nikki asked him as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"Im more nervous. We worked so hard on this relationship. I don't want anything to happen to it."

Nikki-As Ive said before, Seth and I both made mistakes in the past. After that, we worked so hard on this relationship because we love each other and we're not just going to let some mishaps ruin everything.

Seth-All in all, Nikki is the woman I see myself marrying in the future. She's perfect. We compliment each other so well. I mean, look at us, we look so good together.

Nikki-I do still think that there's some stuff we have to figure out as a couple first. Like, do we really want this? Are we meant to be? Can we have a future together? I don't want to waste time being in a relationship with the wrong person and neither does he.

"What if you find your true love on that island?" Nikki asked him.

"I don't know if I have a true love. Im a complicated guy. You know that. Plus, its gong to be hard to find a girl that tops you."


Toronto, Ontario, Canada

"Off we go to another reality show." Dean said, packing his stuff into Renee's suitcase.

"Babe, you do know that's my suitcase right?" she said.

"I know. We can share one. Im not carrying a lot of things."

"No we cant. We're going to be separated remember."

"Then when we get there I can just take my stuff from your suitcase and put it into my backpack. Or hold it in my hand."

"Thats not gonna work. Just use your suitcase. Its not going to cost you extra."

CC- Dean and Renee

Dean-Im Dean....

Renee- Hi, im Renee, and we've been together for about a year.

"What did you even pack?" she asked him.

"The usual. Like two t shirts, a pair of jeans, a pair of bathing trunks. I packed a lot of boxers though because I thought, we're gonna be on an island you know. I don't need to wear much clothes."

"...........You know what, I'll pack your stuff for you. Don't worry about it. I got it handled."

Renee-Our relationship is very.....interesting to say the least. Its different but in a good way. I mean, Dean is such.....a unique guy.

Dean- Personally I feel like we don't need to do this show because I know I can resist temptation and I don't have any questions about our relationship. Ive told you before Renee, the moment that I saw you I knew that you were the one for me. You are literally my perfect match, remember?

Renee- I think that we need to venture out and see what else is there. Maybe you might fall in love with someone that's more like you, who knows. What im saying is that maybe by doing this show, we can find what we truly want and need. Anything can happen.

Dean-Im pretty happy with you to be honest. I don't care to go looking for anybody else.

Renee-There are so many things that can come from this experience though. We can find what we need. We can find ourselves. We can realize things about our relationships that we've never realized before. This can either tear us apart or bring us even closer together. You need to have an open mind going into this.

Dean- *Shrugs* Im not too excited about it. Im just doing it for you.

Renee-And I love you because of that.

VC-Renee-Im 27. Soon,I want to get married and have kids. I don't know if Dean is that person that im going to do it with because-I mean-we all know how Dean is. He's childish, he's impulsive, he's very spaced out. We are so opposite which is not a bad thing. I actually like that. I love him. I really do. At first when we crossed each other's paths I was not into him at all but the more I got to know him I just realized what a wonderful person he was, especially considering his back story. Dean is broken. He came from a broken family. And....I don't know if I fell in love with him because of what he went through or if its deeper than that. Im entering into a serious stage in my life and I don't know if Dean is going to be ready for that. He's not a serious guy at all. I need to do this show for my sake. I don't want my future to be.....not like how I planned it. I want that white picket fence life with kids and a dog and a mini van you know. And....I just don't see Dean living that life.

VC-Dean-Doing this show was Renee's idea. She seems really passionate about it for some reason. I don't know why. We get along great. We don't have arguments. We're not problematic. In my opinion, doing this show is just asking for trouble. Im not excited about it. You may think that im probably bouncing off the walls because im going to be staying in an island full of single women right? Well, when you're actually happy for once and in love with the woman that you have then, that concept starts to worry you.

"I mean, wont you like to be in a relationship with someone that actually live in the United States? Sometimes this distance thing gets so frustrating. How many times are we going to keep flying back and forth to visit each other?" she said as she rearranged things in her suitcase.

"It almost sounds like you're trying to find reasons why we're not good for each other." he said.

"Dean, no. Thats not what im trying to do. Im just stating the facts."

"But all along it wasn't a problem until just now when you made it a problem."

She went and sat next to him on the bed and put her hand on his thigh.

"I know you don't want to do this, but at the end of it, its going to make us better people. I want us to stay together. Imagine how much stronger our relationship is going to be after the show is all over. Stop thinking that bad things are going to happen. I love you don't I? Plus, Roman is going to be there. You're going to have so much fun!"

"I know but.....when I know that the things I care about the most could be in jeopardy its hard to be pumped."

She kissed him on the cheek, "Stop being a sour puss."

VC-Dean-I don't want to lose her but if she decides she wants to go then there's nothing I can do about it......and that's what im worried about......

Pensacola, Florida

Jimmy and Naomi's House

"Yes baby! Bar B Que that chicken!" Sasha said as she looked on at Roman who was bar b queuing shirtless, while wearing an apron and a chef's hat.

"If it don't taste good you gotta do it all over again!" Naomi added as she was sitting next to Sasha looking on at him.

The two couples: Roman and Sasha and Naomi and Jimmy decided to have a backyard Bar B Que and hang out with some friends before they left for the show. It was them, Jimmy's twin brother Jey, Naomi and Sasha's friend Tamina, Joelle (Roman's daughter) and Jimmy's kids (Naomi's step-kids).

CC- Jimmy and Naomi

Jimmy-Whats up im Jimmy.

Naomi-And im Naomi.

Jimmy-And we've been married for 4 years.

"Yo I just hope you know what you're doing man. This is a marriage we're talking about. Not some little one year relationship." Jey said to his brother who was relaxing in the pool.

"Im looking at it this way, its just a month. I don't think that we're going to let four years go to waste in just a month. Naomi and I, we're better than that."

"People can change you man. You don't know whats going to happen when you get there."

Naomi-I think my biggest problem with this relationship-or just with you-is that you kind of rush me into things. Four years ago when I told you I didn't want to get married yet you got so mad and started arguing with me even though we had only been together for 2 years at the time.

Jimmy- I didn't understand why you wasn't ready I mean....I didn't get it-

Naomi-Marriage is a big deal. I had told you that I was so caught up with work, the last thing I wanted was to plan a wedding. Sometimes I feel like you don't listen to me and its always about you you you. What Jimmy wants to do is what we're going to do.

Jimmy-Im like that because you're so laid back about everything. If I dont push you then you dont think about it.

Naomi-Thats some bullshit. I dont need you to push me to do anything. I know what im doing and I know why im doing it.

"We've been together for 6 years girl." Naomi said to Sasha, "I think its healthy to have a little break now and then. Obviously I don't mean to cheat or anything but when you're always in each other's face it gets overwhelming at times."

"I understand what you're saying."

Naomi-Jimmy and I decided to do this show because we got offered the contract and we thought, why not. We need something to rekindle our flame. I don't see us giving into temptation or falling in love with someone else or anything like that. We're doing this for us.

Jimmy-She's been having mood swings lately, dates haven't been fun as they would usually be, we just don't feel the romance or the passion anymore. I want this show to ignite that fire that died out.

Producer-But there's a possibility that this show can be a factor as to why you guys decide to separate. You cant dismiss that option.

Naomi-True. And if that's the case then......what a shame. Clearly I thought we were both strong people but that situation will shed light on the vulnerable one in the marriage so it'll be good information to have.

Jimmy-Thats not gonna happen though.

After Roman had finished Bar B Queuing, he took his daughter into the pool. He put her on his back and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Okay hold your breath. We're going down." he said to her. She took a deep breath and he went under the water. Their both bodies were completely swallowed in the water as he began swimming to the deep end of the pool with her strapped to his back.

"I cant wait to have one of our own." Sasha said as she looked on in adoration at the two.

CC- Roman and Sasha

Roman-Whats up im Roman Reigns.

Sasha-And im Sasha Banks.

"What does Joelle call you? Mom? Step mom? What?" Tamina asked.

"She calls me Aunt Sasha." Sasha giggled, "Calling me aunt is weird. Id prefer her to just call me Sasha but Roman insists on it. Maybe when she's older."

Sasha-We have been together for a year now. And we're still happily in love *smiles*

Roman-We're doing this show to test the relationship basically. We've accomplished a lot of great things together so to accomplish the mission of this other show would be a great achievement.

Sasha-I think we're seen as this power couple so going onto Temptation Island and resisting temptation and and coming back stronger than before would be such a great story to tell. It'll prove to people that we truly love each other and hopefully it'll inspire people.

Roman-I also think theres a lot of growing that can come from this. Going onto this island is more than just resisting temptation. Its about finding yourself, realizing what you really want, what you should have, whats best for you and your lifestyle.

Sasha- I think Roman and I's relationship is strong as hell but if we do find something that ends up tearing us apart be it. I want to know that im with a strong man. I'd rather for him to screw up here and let me find out than him screwing up behind my back and me not knowing. If we're not meant to be then i'd rather find out now. Not saying that I think Roman will screw up, im just generally speaking.

Roman-I agree with her. I feel the same.

Producer-Are you guys excited to begin this journey.

Sasha- *Grits her teeth* Im nervous. I don't know who's going to be on that island with him. I know how women are. Its not going to be easy for me, I can tell you that. I wont be able to get a good night's rest.

Roman-Im nervous too. I don't know what to expect honestly. If there's one thing that Sasha and I have is a whole lotta faith so, I have faith in this process to tell us what we need to know about our relationship.

Sasha-I have faith in us, getting back together stronger than ever once that month is up.

Roman-So do I.

Sasha- *Reaches in and kisses him* Love you.

Roman-Love you too.


Which couple are you most excited to see go through this journey?


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A/N-Those lyric videos arent mine.

These songs were chosen because they all relate to the theme of the book, one way or another.

Plus they're all personal favorite songs of mine.

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