Bonfire 2:1

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*Totally forgot to mention that when the singles get voted off, they all go to a separate island called Fantasy Island where they all stay for the remainder of the show.


10th June

9:54 PM


The six women all filed onto the bonfire set where they saw Stephanie already waiting.

"Hello ladies." she smiled.

They each waved at her and took a seat.

VC-Naomi-We're back at bonfire and.....once again im nervous. We're all nervous. We have no clue whats waiting for us on that footage.

The air was chilly. The crackling of the bonfire made the atmosphere even more tense than it already was.

"Welcome back to bonfire everyone. You know exactly what goes down here. Before we get to that, how has things been so far with you all? Has anyone made connections? Has anyone had any sparks with anyone? Fill me in." Stephanie asked.

"We're all making connections id say. Its only been ten days so its still pretty early. Its fair to say that none of us have made that deep connection with anyone yet. We're all dipping our toes in the water still." Renee said.

"Ive made a friend actually. Braun. He's my strongest connection so far but only on a friendly level." said Alexa.

"What about you Sasha?" Stephanie asked, "How has this experience been going for you so far?"

She took a deep breath before she spoke, "Um...I havent really made a real connection with anyone. Its kind of difficult to even try when Roman is on the back of my mind everyday. I try to block him out a worrier. I worry a lot. I really want to have a good time and have fun but....I feel like half of me is missing. Ive been pretty dull these days and I hate it but...what can I do? I hope eventually I work my way out of it."

"I hope you work your way out of it too. I know this experience isn't ideal to everybody but its a once in a lifetime experience. As one of the producers of the show I really want you to soak up every bit of what it has to offer." Stephanie said. Sasha nodded.

"With that being said, why don't we start with the clips. Naomi, you're up first."

Naomi rubbed her hands together and smiled, "Oh boy."

"Will you be watching it with the girls or by yourself?"

"I'll watch it with everyone."

"Press play when you're ready." Stephanie handed her the iPad. All the girls gathered closer around her.

She pressed play.

/"So do you really think you can resist temptation for three more weeks?" Carmella asked Jimmy.

"Thats a long time isnt it?"


"Well...I know if I give into temptation, Naomi's gonna break my neck so for my sake....imma stay away from temptation."

"But you have all these beautiful girls around you thats willing to....lets say...break the rules with you."

"Forreal? Like who?"

"Theres a lot, trust me. A few nights ago, me and a bunch of other girls were all saying who, out of the six of you we'd bang and your name came up a lot."

"Really? Thats awesome! Did you say my name?"

"I did."she seductively smiled.

"Alright. Thats good to know."

"I think you'll give into temptation soon enough. The girls that want you knows exactly how to get you."

Jimmy raised his eyebrows and nodded./

Renee scoffed.

Naomi handed over Stephanie the iPad.

"So...what do you make of that Naomi?" Stephanie asked.

"Why is this girl acting like she don't know I can kick her ass like...." Naomi shook her head as the other girls giggled, "These girls are trouble. That Carmella better watch what she's saying."

"But how do you feel about what she said to him?"

"She says that she thinks he'll give into temptation, in other words calling him weak. Jimmy's not a weak man. At least that's what I think of him. I guess time will eventually tell if he's weak or not."

"And what about when she said that a lot of the girls are willing to sleep with him?" Asked Stephanie.

"Trust me, Jimmy absolutely loved hearing that. That must've boosted his ego to the moon and back. Im not worried at what she said. Just a little pissed off because its like her and these girls are willing to break us apart."

VC-Naomi-Ya'll came on this show to be singles right, not home wreckers. What I understood from the footage I saw was that there are girls willing to break up our marriage. Our marriage! What type of self respecting woman has those kinds of intentions? If Jimmy was the one being thirsty and going after these girls, that's a different story. I know how to handle him. But so far I havent seen him initiate anything with any of these girls yet. Its always some girl sparking it up with him first. And not in a decent way. Last week one was asking him to rub sunscreen on her, now this week another one is telling him that soon enough he'll give into temptation? Im pretty triggered. They have no respect for our marriage.

"Sasha, you're next. Watching it alone or with the girls?" Stephanie asked.

"Um....I'll watch it with everyone this time. I think I'll need the support."

VC-Sasha-I dont know what im about to see. I hope its nothing too bad. I honestly dont know what to expect on this clip.

"Press play when you're ready." Stephanie handed her the iPad.

She tapped the play button on the screen.

/Music was booming loud. The girls and guys were scattered everywhere. It seemed that they were having a party.

GC-Liv, Aliyah, Carmella, Vanessa

Aliyah-Its Liv's 21st birthday!!!!

Carmella-WOOOO! *Blows a party horn*

Liv-Ive been telling people im 21 since the beginning of the year but....Im actually 21 today.

Vanessa-You're finally legal to drink!

Liv-Yessss! *Blows party horn*

Aliyah-*Throws confetti at the camera*

It was your typical party scene with people drinking, dancing and all out having a blast.

Finally, Roman came into view. He wasn't alone however. The scene showed him and Alicia dancing together. He had his hands around her waist as she was throwing it back on him. She reached her hand up and caressed his face. He turned her around and now they were face to face. His hands were on her hips as he followed her rhythm. He brought one of his hands up to her waist while they both grooved to the music. There were other girls dancing around them as well. There weren't any other guys seen in the clip except for Finn who was seen walking towards somewhere. The scene continued showing them dancing for twenty seconds before it finally ended./

"Wow." Nikki mouthed. Sasha had a blank expression on her face as she handed Stephanie back the camera. Naomi rubbed her shoulders.

"So...Sasha...What are your thoughts on what you just saw?" Stephanie asked.

Sasha began getting a lump in her throat.

" um....brings back some memories. I uh...saw him....dancing with Alicia. His hands were all over her....." she faked a smile which quickly turned into a frown, "I didn't like what I saw. I didnt."

"But they were just dancing werent they?" Stephanie asked.

"Yea....they were.....but I still hated seeing it......." Sasha said as a tear rolled down her cheek. Naomi began rubbing her back.

"Im happy he's having a good time.....and not thinking about me......I can see he's having fun-" Sasha's voice cracked, "Good for him."

VC-Sasha-Here I am in the shittiest state ive ever been in because im missing Roman so much. I don't want to think about him but he's always on my mind. Clearly he's not even thinking about me. He's having fun, dancing, running his hands up and down Alicia's body......I don't even want to think about what probably happened after that......*shakes head*I fucking hate this so much.

"Okay Becky, you're up next. Watching it alone or with the girls?"

"With the lads."

"Press play when you're ready." Stephanie handed her the iPad.

/"So tell me something." he said, "Why are you wearing leggings and a t shirt in the water?"

She blushed, "Oh uh....I just feel more comfortable this way rather than wearing a bathing suit."

"You don't have anything to be insecure about though." he smiled.

"I just....would prefer to wear this. I could never wear something like what Kelly is wearing. I don't have the guts too."

He looked at Kelly, "Woah yea. Thats a bit...much. But...can you tell me why you're not comfortable? Is there any particular reason."

"Ive always been insecure about my body. I would always get made fun of because I was a bit chubby when I was younger so it stuck with me."

" have abs now. Your body is beautiful."

"I guess I just havent grown out of that mentality yet."

"Well, you know what. You don't need to be half naked to feel beautiful after all. Im just telling you, you're perfect as is and you don't need to feel insecure about anything. By the way, you look incredible in your tights and t shirt."

She blushed even harder, "Thanks Finn. That's like the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."

He smiled at her and tucked her hair behind her ear.

VC-Bayley-Im starting to get those butterflies in my stomach.....and I don't know what to do *blushes*/

"Quite the smooth talker aint he?" Becky said, handing Stephanie back the iPad.

"So...what are your thoughts on this?" Stephanie asked.

Becky shrugged, "He's just comforting her. That's all I see it as."

" that okay with you?"

"I think its nice that he's reassuring her the same time he has to be careful of what he's saying because he could be giving off the wrong impression."

"What if its not the wrong impression. What if he was flirting and not just being friendly?"

"Then.....I guess he's already began playing the game. He's doing what he's supposed to be doing."

"And you're okay with that?"

"Not one hundred percent but.....that's what we signed up for. I cant get mad. I can do the same if I want." said Becky. By the tone of her voice you could have tell she wasn't too pleased by what she saw.

VC-Becky-Not gonna lie, it did hurt seeing Finn and Bayley in that clip. I saw the way he was looking at her. He had that twinkle in his eye.....He seemed really happy and comfortable. It bothers me, it really does.

"Okay, up next is Nikki. Watching it alone or with the girls?"

"With the squad."

"Press play when you're ready." Stephanie handed her the iPad.

/Kaitlyn was seen laying on the pool table.

"This is gonna be so weird!" she giggled.

There were other girls surrounding her. The setting seemed the same as from Sasha's clip with loud music playing and an energetic and lively atmosphere.

Rosa came into view with a bottle of tequila. She went over to Kaitlyn and poured a little bit into her belly button. Paige put a piece of lime in Kaitlyn's mouth.

"Come on Seth!" Carmella cheered as Seth came into view. He had a salt shaker in hand. He threw some salt onto his tongue and then proceeded to lick the tequila off from Kaitlyn. He started from the button of her shorts straight up to her belly button. She couldn't stop giggling from how much it tickled. When he got off all the tequila he went straight towards her mouth to retrieve the piece of lime (of course with his lips). The surrounding girls all began cheering./

Nikki kept staring at the screen even though the clip had ended. All of the girls were left speechless.

Nikki's mind had gone blank. She didn't know what to make of what she just saw.

"So Nikki....whats going through your mind right now?" Stephanie asked.

Nikki still stared at the screen which had turned blank about now. She didn't respond.

"Are you okay?" Renee asked.

A few seconds after, she finally snapped out of her trance.

"That was.....a lot to take in." she said with a deep breath.

"What did you see?" Stephanie asked.

She shook her head, "I um....don't want to talk about it right now."

VC-Nikki-After seeing my clip....I am just dumbfounded. I don't know what to think. I am mind is just....blown. He's really going all out. Clearly he's not thinking about me.

"Alexa, you're next. Watching it with the girls or by yourself?"

"This time...I'll watch it with everyone.I think its only fair."

VC-Alexa-Last Bonfire, AJ was talking about marrying me so....I honestly don't expect anything bad in my clip.

"Press play when you're ready." Said Stephanie.

/Yet again, it seemed as if this clip was also from Liv's birthday party. Like Sasha's and Nikki's, the atmosphere was the same. The scene showed Kelly grinding on top of AJ while he was sitting on a chair. His hands were on her waist as she kept slowly twirling her hips around on top of him while 'Work' by Rihanna was playing in the background. She then took his cap off his head and put it on hers. He did nothing except look on at her body with a dumb smile across his face.

VC-AJS-I know I shouldnt be letting this happen but....everyone's having fun and letting loose so....why not.

She was sitting directly on top of him basically giving him a lap dance wearing only a bikini.

VC-Kelly-AJ is just so sexy and definitely my type. While im here, im not going to hold back. I want him and i'll do what I have to to get him. Even if it means giving him a lap dance. Trust me, we both enjoyed it *winks* I hope I get to give him another one privately sometime./

"Oh my god."Renee said.

Just like Nikki, Alexa's mind had gone completely blank. Her face was flushed. Words couldnt describe the way she was feeling. It was a cocktail of rage, heartbreak, numbness. Basically, her heart was just torn in half and spat on. She didnt know what to expect on her clip but it certainly wasn't this.

"Somebody take this thing away from me right now before I break it." Alexa sternly said.

Stephanie quickly took back the iPad. When she did, Alexa got up from her seat and stormed off.

Renee stood up, "Let me go see if she's okay-"

"Give her some space. Let her cool off for a bit." said Stephanie.

Alexa made her way over to the SUV that brought them to bonfire and got inside. She laid down across the seat and just began losing it.

VC-Alex-IF HE THINKS IM GOING TO FUCKING MARRY HIM AFTER THAT THEN NO! NO! HOW COULD HE-DO THAT! *Buries face in hands and begins crying* WHAT WAS HE THINKING! *Continues sobbing uncontrollably*IM SO DONE WITH HIM!

"I can hear her crying from here." said Becky.

VC-Renee-Judging from the last few clips...I am so nervous to see what Dean's been up to. Last Bonfire, I saw that he had like 5 girls in his bed. Imagine what went on during the party?!

"Okay Renee. You're up. Watching with everyone or by yourself?"

"With everyone."

"Press play when you're ready." Stephanie handed her the iPad.

/"Dean. Ive been waiting on you to have lunch together." said Nia as she approached Dean, Jimmy and Carmella.

"Im not really hungry. You can eat if you want."

"Well....maybe you should give Jimmy and Carmella some space. You're kinda intruding on their date."

"Intruding? These guys are my friends. We go way back. We're just hanging out."

"We're on a date together arent we? Maybe you and I should be hanging out instead."

Dean rolled his eyes and shook his head.

VC-Dean-What does this girl want from me? Honestly. What does she want?

"Nia's right. Carmella and I would like some time alone and're here with us so....maybe you should be with your date."

Dean looked at him, confused.

Jimmy and Carmella both got up from where they were and headed to a different part of the water.

VC-Nia-I hurt right now. Why wont he spend time with me? I am beyond frustrated at this point and I just want to go home. I don't even care anymore. All the other couples are having fun and spending time with each other and im just here feeling neglected and *voice breaks* unwanted

VC-Paige-So, the guys return home and Nia comes into our room, crying her eyes out. Im like...shocked. What the hell could have happened for her to be crying? She tells what happened and turns out Dean was being an absolute jackass to her. Im-im fed-up! That's it! Thats the final straw! I am not going to sit around and let him be an asshole to these girls any longer. Someone needs to stand up to him and bet your ass its going to be me./

"Wow." said Renee, handing Stephanie back the iPad.

"You got the best clip out of all Renee." Said Becky.

"Yea why cant my man act like yours?" said Sasha with a little laugh.

"So Renee, compared to the other must be pretty relieved that your clip wasn't Dean getting a lap dance from anyone or doing body shots right?" Stephanie asked.

"I mean....yea but..... at the same kind of pissed at him. He neglected his date. He made her cry. What the...I didn't expect this from him. Its not an acceptable way to act. He's acting pretty immature. I don't like it one bit."

"Why do you think he's acting this way?"

"I don't know if he's still hung up on the whole idea of doing the show. I don't want him to be like that. I want him to have fun. Talk to people. Make friends. Not be....making girls cry."

VC-Renee-I want Dean to open up. What, is he just going to be sad about the situation for the next three weeks? He's acting childish and I don't like it.

"Well ladies...thats all I have for you tonight. I hope what you've seen tonight doesnt bother you too much. You still need to carry on with your experience here on this side of the island. The guys are writing their stories and you should too. Have a goodnight girls. See you soon." said Stephanie.

VC-Nikki-Tonight...we all definitely saw something that is going to change the way we act from now until the end of the show. The guys are living it up. I think its about time we do the same as well.

As they all were walking back to the SUV, they conversed.

"You know done trying to play innocent." said Nikki "We need to take things up a notch."

"I think im ready to do that to be honest." said Sasha.

"The guys arent wasting time. They're having fun. I say we do the same." said Renee.

"Its gonna be a whole different ball game from here on out." said Becky.

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