Bonfire 2:2

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11:02 PM


"Hello gentlemen,welcome back to bonfire. You all look great tonight." Stephanie greeted the men as they took their seats.

"As do you." Seth replied.

VC-Finn-We're back here again hoping I don't see anything too bad. I know we've been living it up on this side of the island it selfish of me to not want to see the girls having as much fun as we are?

"So, before we get into the clips, how has everything been going for you guys so far? How's the experience? Fill me in."

The guys all looked at each other to see who was going to be answering first.

"Well," Seth started saying, "There's really never a dull moment with those group of girls we have back at the house. They're making the experience so much fun and so loving it."

"Do you like all the attention you've been getting?"

Seth chuckled, "Of course."

"What about you Dean?"

"........Im just.....taking it one day at a time."

"It seems like you're not really into the whole concept yet. Ive heard you've been acting pretty standoffish."

He took a deep breath, "Yea. I'm not into it but...i'm doing it for Renee."

"If she saw you acting the way you've do you think she'd feel?"

He shrugged, "I don't know."

VC-Roman-Right now...I just cant handle Dean and his attitude. He's being really unlikable. Don't get me wrong, I still love the guy but....with this attitude I just need some space from him until he snaps out of it.

"So, lets get down to it shall we. You know how this goes. I have a piece of raw, unedited footage of your significant other's time on the island, you'll tell me if you want to watch it with everyone or by yourself in which I'll give you a pair of headphones. Got it? First up, we have Roman. Will you be watching it with the guys or by yourself?"

"With everyone."

"Press play when you're ready." she said, giving him the iPad.

The guys gathered around him. He tapped the play button on the screen.

/Sasha was seen sitting at the edge of pool with her feet in the water.

"Im just saying...I think you should give me a shot." TJ said as he was in the pool, right in front of her.

"Of like what? Tequila? Patron? Vodka?" she asked.

"Oh my god, you know what I mean. Forget about Roman, and for the next three weeks I'll be your boyfriend."

" You're my friend. That'd be weird."

"I think we'd make a cute couple."

She raised her eyebrows, "Of course you do."

"I know I cant compare to Roman or anything but im sure I'll be able to take your mind off of him." he brushed his fingers through his wet hair.

"Look at you, chatting me up. Where did this confidence come from? You were always so....shy and quiet."

"Heartbreak changes people. What can I say?"

"TJ, you know I love you but....not in that way. We're just gonna be friends buddy."

" was worth a shot. Do you think Alexa will give me a chance?"

She laughed, "Yeaaa. Im pretty sure she would. Go shoot your shot while you can."/

Roman handed back the iPad, clearly amused.

"So Roman....what do you make of that?" Stephanie asked him.

"Um....its nothing much really. I cant get mad at that. It was a pretty innocent clip. Nothing much to talk about."

"What do you think Sasha's state of mind is in the house right now?"

"I don't know. I hope she's loosening up and enjoying herself. Clearly there's guys that would like her attention. And they should. She's an amazing girl."

"Okay, next up is Seth. Watching with everyone or by yourself?"

"With everyone."

Stephanie handed him the iPad, "Press play when you're ready."

/"So you said you both have been unfaithful before?" Andrade asked.

"Something im not proud of but it has happened yes." Nikki responded.

They were laying on a beach mat, looking out at the waves crashing on shore.

"Do you think it will happen again?"

"This isnt the first time Seth has cheated. He was once engaged to a girl long before and while he was with her, he was with another girl. So, he kind of has a track record."

"Do you trust him though?"

"Um.....well....I want to. But he's the type of guy that always has me on edge. Like right now, im worried about what he's doing. Im nervous. If he can cheat on his fiance then....what else wont he risk?"

"In other dont trust him."

She sighed, "It sounds harsh to say but yea...I guess I dont."

"Well Nikki, all I can say is do whats best for you. This is an opportunity that will never be given again. Its clear that you're unhappy in your relationship. This is your chance to find what makes you happy. If someone has to get hurt in the end then so be it. As long as you're happy."

She smiled, "Thanks Andrade."

She moved her head onto his chest and he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"I feel really comfortable with you already. Is that weird?" She asked.

"Not at all. Im glad you feel this way." He smiled.

VC-Andrade-Judging from our date today, I can tell that Nikki developed feelings for me. I mean, can you blame her?/

He handed the iPad back to Stephanie as he exhaled deeply.

"So....what are your thoughts on that?" she asked him.

"Not gonna lie, its kind of upsetting to hear her bring up my past. She barely even knows that guy. Why the hell is she telling him my business-"

"The whole world knows you cheated on your fiance already Seth! Your fiancé came in person and told everyone." AJ said.

"I know! But...she didn't need to bring that up. Why didn't she tell she her date all the things she's done. Obviously my past is not something im proud of and hearing her tell him that im a cheater really pisses me off. I don't think it was her place to tell him that."

"What about the statement that she doesn't quite trust you yet?" Stephanie asked.

"Well I don't quite trust her either! But we're here to work on that. I see her getting real cozy with whatever his name is over there....maybe I should be on edge too." he said, clearly angered and annoyed.

"Why don't you take a step back and look at yourself? Do you think that Nikki should be worried about you while you're here? Have you been doing anything to make her worry?"

He took a few seconds before he answered.

"No. Im having fun with some of the girls but its all innocent. Its just for fun. But what im seeing her doing is trying to establish a deep, intimate connection with that guy. Im just fooling around and keeping everything surface level. Im not talking to any girl and telling her about all the stuff that Nikki did in her past. Im not trying to make a deep connection with anyone. If I was then, Nikki truly had a reason to be worried."

"You seem really triggered right now." Stephanie said.

"I am."

VC-Seth-Nikki didnt need to be airing out my dirty laundry like that I dont care if everyone already knows all about it. Its my business, if anyone has to talk about it then its going to be me. Its like a cheater is all she sees me as. How am I supposed to feel after clearly hearing her say that she doesnt trust me? We worked so hard on our relationship for the past few months, does that mean nothing now?

"Well Seth....I don't know what to tell you. Anyway, Jimmy, you're next. Will you be watching alone or with everyone."

"With everyone."

"Press play when you're ready."

/The scene opened up showing Naomi and Sasha in the pool. However, Sasha was on top of Dash's shoulders and Naomi was on top of Cedric's. They were playing chicken fight, a game where the persons sitting on top the other persons' shoulders would have to try and push each other off. And thats exactly what the girls were doing. They kept pushing each other back and forth as the other guys and girls cheered for whoever they were rooting for. Naomi and Sasha clearly seemed to be having fun as they were laughing hysterically. Finally, Naomi managed to push Sasha with such force that Dash ended up stumbling back and falling into the pool, bringing Sasha down with him.

"WOOOOH! THATS HOW WE DO IT BABY!"Naomi gloated as she did a little dance, still on top of Cedric's shoulders./

Jimmy cleared his throat as he handed back the iPad. He looked bothered.

" to me Jimmy. What are your thoughts." Stephanie asked.

"Someone's getting a little handsy there aren't they?" he said.

"What do you mean?"

"She was sitting on top his shoulders. His hands were grabbing onto her thighs. Why would she allow that to happen. My wife....had her legs around somebody's neck. My wife.....had someone else's hands grabbing onto her."

"I don't think she saw it that way uce. They were just playing." said Roman.

"I don't fucking like it bro. I don't like seeing another man's hands all up on my woman. I don't care what they were doing. She may think that its nothing but what is he thinking?"

Roman shook his head in disapproval of what he was saying.

"Roman, Sasha was also in this clip doing the same thing Naomi was doing. Whats your opinion on this?"

"They were just playing a game. That's all it was. Im not bothered by it. Im actually glad. Sasha looks like she's having fun."

"You're not married to her so you wont understand where im coming from man." said Jimmy.

Roman twisted his mouth.

"Cant argue with you on that one Jimmy." Said Stephanie.

VC-Jimmy-Its not entertaining for me to see another man touching Naomi like that. It bothers me. If she allows them to get that close to her now then they might think its okay to push it even further, you know what im saying?

"Finn, you're next. Watching it alone or with everyone?"

"With everyone."

"Press play when you're ready."    

/ The scene opened up with Sami and Becky having their sand ball fight on their date.


She reached into the water and grabbed a handful of wet sand and threw it at him. It hit behind his head like a ton of bricks. He stumbled into the water.

She began getting a lot closer to him. When she was at a good distance, he picked her up and body slammed her into the water.

She quickly poked her head above the water.

"Oh, you like playing rough huh?" she said, pushing him and splashing water at his face.

"Aww, what? You don't like it rough? Im sorry. Give me a hug." he said, reaching in for a hug.

As he went in for the hug, somehow she maneuvered her way around him to put him in a choke hold.

"I like playing rough too." she said.

He began making choking sounds, "Okay okay. You win. You win."

"Who's your daddy?"

"You are?" he said, tapping on her arm.

She finally released him.

"'re so aggressive." he said, massaging his neck.

"Hey,you started it! All I did was finish it."

"What a great start to our romantic date huh?"

She laughed.

VC-Becky-What I really like about Sami is that he's not some corny, cheesy, romantic guy. He's such a clown-in a good way. Im kind of a clown myself. Well....literally. I am a trained clown so if you need one for your kids birthday party, hit me up *winks* But Sami knows how to have a good time and...I like that he's not so serious about everything. Its just...refreshing to be around./

"Hmm." Finn nodded as he handed Stephanie the iPad.

"So Finn...what do you think of this?" she asked.

"Sami is a great friend of mine see him and my girlfriend  play around like that was....a bit upsetting. Sami is a lot like Becky. They're both energetic and adventurous and love having fun. Thats where both of them and I differ. Im more easy going. Im worried that she gravitates more towards him because of that."

"Do you think your friend Sami is a real threat to you?" Stephanie asked.

"From what I can see...yea. She's having the time of her life with him."

"Do you think that this is something he will want to happen? Do you think that he wants to take Becky from you?"

"I hope not. Sami's a good man. I don't think those are his intentions but it still is his job you know. He is here to tempt the girls."

Stephanie nodded, "AJ, you're next. Watching with everyone or by yourself?"

"With everyone."

"Press play when you're ready."

He tapped the screen.

/"Maybe you should visit me in North Carolina sometime. I'll give you a ride on my tractor. Let you shoot some guns. That's of course if your little arms can handle the force of shooting big guns. We could go out and hunt some deer. My mom will welcome you with open arms." said Braun.

"Not really to keen about hunting animals but I'll think about visiting for sure." Alexa replied.

"Awesome. Where did you say your man was from again?"

"Gainesville, Georgia. Its a pretty small town."

"Oh he's a southern boy."

"Yup." she said, "Ugh, I really dont want to have to move to Georgia."

"You guys don't live together?"

"Oh no. I could never live there. Sometimes I go to visit him like every month. Sometimes every two months. When we're apart we keep our relationship going through phone calls and texting and face-timing."

"Why don't you want to live in Georgia?"

"There's absolutely nothing to do. No nearby malls, no nearby Starbucks. I would be bored out of my mine. Sometimes I stay over at his house for like a week and I lose my mind because I would just get so bored because you know, he's at work and im at his house alone. And his internet sucks. Its so slow."

"Well, lucky for you, North Carolina is way better than Georgia so you could move in with me instead. You'd love it there. I got high speed internet."

She giggled, "Sure Braun, sure."

"I promise you, there would be lots and lots of things to do." he winked.

She reached over and playfully pushed him./

AJ handed back the iPad.

"Talk to me AJ. Whats going through your mind?" Stephanie asked.

"Well...I just saw Alexa saying how much she doesnt want to live in kind of shocked. She would always tell me how much she wished she can start living with me but....apparently those were lies."

"So she's never shown a dislike for Georgia before?"

"No. She always seem to love it there. I don't get it. If she doesnt want to live in Gainesville then why didn't she tell me that. Why is she telling that guy?"

"What do you think prompted her to bring that up?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. I really don't."

"And how do you feel about her making plans with Braun to visit him in North Carolina?"

"That's obviously not going to happen."

"Are you saying that you wont allow her to visit or are you saying that she personally wont visit him?"

"Lex is not going to go down to North Carolina to visit that guy. She's just bluffing."

VC-AJ-Im really confused as to why she'd lie to me and say that she wants to live in Georgia when she really doesnt. Her and I going to need to talk about this because my intentions are to marry her. I don't want her to be married and unhappy with where we're living. I want her to be comfortable.

"Last but not least, our ray of sunshine, Dean. You're up. Watching it with everyone or by yourself?"

"With everyone I guess."

"Press play when you're ready."

/VC-Renee-So, im on my date with Apollo. We're just walking along the beach, talking about different things and just having a great time. He's absolutely wonderful.

"So like, when I told my parents that Dean and I were dating they were like.......him? What? Are you out of your mind Renee?"

"No way." said Apollo.

"Yea. And I was like....yea, we're dating. Im giving him a shot. They were so disappointed in me. Even to this day they don't like Dean."

"Ouch. How does that make you feel?"

"It makes me feel kind of like the black sheep of the family. I try not to bring him to any family gatherings because I don't want them to judge him you know."

"Does he know this?"

"I never told him straight up but maybe he got the hint."

"But Dean seems like a really nice guy. Why don't they like him?"

"Because of his background. They see him as being below my level if that makes sense. I graduated college. Dean dropped out of high school. Its a big contrast between him and I so I think that they think I should be with someone more like me."

"Do you want too?"

"Well....I don't know.I want my family to be proud of me. I want them to support me. I hate that I have to keep my significant other away from them. Thats not what I wanted."

"Do you think its possible to find the man of your dreams on this island? Somebody that your parents will see and say, yes! Thats the one for my daughter."

"....It is a possibilty. I mean, I got 25 guys to get to know."

"And what if that happens? Whats next for you and Dean?"

".......Im going to have to make the decision that is best for me."/

Dean gave back the iPad. His heart felt as though it was crumbling. He clasped his hands together against his face as his elbows rested on his knees. Stephanie avoided asking him questions right away. By his body language, she could have tell that a lot was going through his mind. His eyes were locked on the ground. His breathing got heavier. Roman put his hand on his back.

VC-Roman-I cant imagine what Dean is feeling right now. What he just heard cant be easy for him to hear. Nobody should have to hear a thing like that ever. Thats just...harsh.

Stephanie let about 15 seconds pass before she called out.


He looked up.

"Whats going through your mind right now?"

He took a deep breath in and sat up straight.

"Um....clearly I make Renee unhappy so....yea...thats what I take away from that."

"Is that the only thing you derived from what you just saw."

He nodded.

"Did you know that Renee's parents felt this way towards you? Did you have any idea?"

He shook his head no. His eyes remained fixated on the ground for a few more seconds. Stephanie gave him some time to think in silence.

He covered his face with his hands, "What am I doing?" he muttered.

Stephanie sighed, "Well guys....thats the end of bonfire. Clearly tonight a lot of you were shaken up from what you saw. This is why you're here right? To get answers. To open your eyes to the things that you couldn't see from before. Its better to know now than later. Get some rest guys. Head back to the villa. See you soon."

The guys began filing out one by one to head back to the SUV.

"Hey man...can I talk to you for a minute." a distraught Dean put his hand on Roman's shoulder.

"Of course. Whats up?" Roman said.

They both went off to the side as the other guys walked off.

VC-Dean-After seeing that clip....its like the bubble that surrounded me just popped....I have a whole new perspective of things.


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