New Beginnings

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The other guys trailed off to the SUV while Dean and Roman stayed behind.

"Talk to me man. Whats up?" Roman said.

Dean kept pacing up and down with his hands on his head, "What am I doing. Im so fucking stupid."

Roman's eyebrows knitted.

Dean stooped down. He sighed.

"I have been fighting all this time for something that never was going to make it. Im such an idiot. Paige was right." he said.

"What are you talking about?"

He stood back up, "You saw the clip! Renee is just here to dump me off. She's here to find somebody better."

"I don't think thats true-"

"You heard what she said! Why am I even bothering. God, im so stupid to think that she was going to fight for us. Im here, trying not to screw things up and she's there just putting me down. Its obvious what she's here to do. Ive been acting like an ass because I thought I was doing something right. But in the going to be the one looking like a fool."

"Im glad you realized that you were acting stupid but I think you're overthinking the situation."

"Roman.....she's not happy with me. Her family hates me. She doesn't want me to get to know them. Im not her ideal type. Im not on her 'level'. Renee is going to end up finding somebody else while she's there. Either that or she's going to realize that she really doesn't want me back in her life. What the hell am I fighting for then? If this is all going to come to shit in the end then it makes no sense. Why am I trying to avoid screwing things up? She wanted to come on this show to get rid of me. Im such an idiot to think that we were here to 'strengthen' our relationship." he said as paced.

Roman sighed, " not encouraging you to think that way at all. Don't make these assumptions based on a 20 second clip you saw."

"Its too late man. Im over it. Im going to start fresh. In the ass is going to get thrown away so.....fuck it. I don't care anymore." he said before he walked off.

Roman stood by himself, watching as Dean walked away back to the SUV.

VC-Roman-I think Dean has officially lost his mind.


The Girls' Villa

12:03 AM

The girls had just arrived back to their villa.

"So ladies, how was bonfire?" Sami asked as they entered through the backyard.

Sami, Braun, Drew, Matt and Dash were around a table, playing cards.

"I don't even want to talk about it." Sasha said as she walked passed them.

"Uh oh. That doesn't sound good." said Sami.

All of the girls seemed distressed. Judging from their demeanor the guys realized that bonfire must not have been good tonight.

"Braun can you...come with me for a sec." Alexa asked.

From the redness of her eyes and her messed up eye makeup, he could have tell she'd been crying.

"Sure." he responded.

He put his cards down and followed behind her as she led the way. Becky took his seat around the table.

"Deal me a hand." she said. Sami collected all the cards and started reshuffling the pack.

"Has anybody seen John?" Nikki asked the rest of the guys.

"He's asleep." said Drew.

She sighed.

VC-Nikki-Right now, I just need to get my mind off of what I saw at bonfire. feeling kind of vengeful. Im going to hate myself later on for what im about to do but right now....this seems like the perfect idea.

She went inside with the hopes of finding one person. Dolph.


Alexa led Braun straight into her bedroom and closed the door.

"Is everything okay mama?" he asked.

Her eyes fixated on the floor for a few seconds before she began breaking down once again. He pulled her in for a hug.

"Whats wrong?" he asked, rubbing her back.

She continued sobbing against his chest for some time before she recollected herself and was able to speak.

She wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I just need someone to talk to right now." her voice cracked, "I just don't know what to think anymore."

"Im all ears babe."

She sighed and went to sit on the edge of her bed. He sat next to her. She began telling him about the video clip that she saw.

"Wow...that was pretty sexual."he said after listening to her.

"Of course it was sexual. She's grinding her crotch on his!" she exclaimed, "If he had seen a clip of me doing that to one of the guys here how would that make him feel? He would hate it! I wouldn't hear the end of it! And he wants to propose to me at the end of the show? How am I supposed to say 'I do' after seeing that! Ugh...I don't know what to do Braun. I am so...messed up after seeing that."

"I think you need to get some rest. Try to sleep it off. Im sure by tomorrow its not going to seem like a big deal anymore."

"I wont be able to sleep because its going to be running through my mind all night!" she buried her face in her hands, "Why did we come here? This was such a stupid idea. This is just going to ruin us."

"Stop stressing Alexa. Its not the end of the world okay. He's having fun and you can too."

"I don't want to have fun, I want to be with him right now!"

"If he was thinking of proposing to you then I don't think his mind will change after one lap dance. He still loves you. Stop freaking out okay."

"If he loved me he wouldn't have let that happen! Who's side are you on?"

"Im just trying to make you feel better Lex."

She buried her face in her hands once again. Braun continued gently rubbing her back up and down.

She knew Braun was trying his best. Maybe asking him to talk wasn't such a great idea because no matter what anybody tried to say, nothing would have made her feel better.

She took a deep breath, "Braun......can you stay with me for the night?"

His eyes lit up.

It was a pretty big request. For the past two years the only man that she's shared a bed with was AJ. She knew asking Braun to spend the night with her wasnt a good look but at the moment she didnt care. She wanted the company. The only way the to take her mind off of things was to have him around. If she chose to stay in her bedroom by herself tonight there was no way she was going to get a good night's rest.

"Uh.....sure. If you're fine with that."

"I hope you're not feeling weird about it. I just need some company." she said, crawling further onto the bed, "Can you take the lights off?"

He got up and switched off the lights.

"Just so you know, im a cuddler." he said, getting onto the bed.

"I don't care. Just don't suffocate me." she said.

The usual recording style changed to the bedroom surveillance cameras. It showed Alexa positioning herself to lay on Braun's arm as she rest her head on his chest. He pulled the blanket over his and Alexa's body.


12:34 AM

"I find it kind of strange that you came to me this time." said Dolph as he walked behind Nikki with a glass of wine (that she gave to him) in hand. She was leading him to the pool.

"Last time I was begging to get a chance to talk to you. Now you're the one coming to me?" he added.

"I know. You better thank me for this." she looked back at him and smiled.

VC-Dolph-I dont know what the hell Nikki is up to playing along.

She carried him to the secluded waterfall area in the pool. They climbed down the steps and got into the water.

" wanted to talk. Let me hear what you have to say." she said.

He looked at her, full or skepticism. She looked back at him, waiting for him to say something.

"If this is part of another one of your 'strategies' then I dont want to be a part of it." he said.

"No its not. Im just curious as to what you had to say."

"Well....I wanted to talk about us. Obviously ive been hung up on you since the first time I met you. I felt that we had so much chemistry between us. You can tell me that the kiss we shared was a part of your game plan but I knew it was more than that. "

"I don't get it. What makes you think that it was more than what it was?"

"You don't kiss someone with so much passion and say it was 'part of the plan'."

She rolled her eyes.

"There was something between us. There still is something between us. Don't you think so?"

She twisted her mouth, "Yea...I guess there was."

"Are you being for real or are you just telling me what I want to hear?"

"No you're right Dolph. There was a spark between us."

"So why dont we explore that? Why dont you give me a chance?"

"Because im still in a relationship Dolph."

"Ditch him!"

She sighed, "I cant do that."

"Why not?"

"Because I just cant! Im still figuring out what I want. That's why im here."

"He is so out of your league. You need a man that will treat you like the queen that you are. Not some little boy."

"And where exactly do you fall on that spectrum?"

"Im a man that will give you everything you've ever wanted. I will worship you."he said as he got closer to her. She laughed.

"That's what they all say. Then they treat you like garbage."she said.

"Im a man of my word."

She smiled and put her arms around his neck. They were face to face,nose to nose.

"I cant be with you right now Dolph. But that doesn't mean you cant show me what im missing out on."

He smirked, "Why don't you show me what im missing out on. Why dont you make me want you even more than I already do."

"You like being teased?"

"I love it." He said.

They gazed into each other's eyes for a few seconds before she leaned in and put her lips against his. He ran his hands slowly up and down her sides as they drifted off under the waterfall. He began kissing back. It was just them, alone in that part of the glistening pool enjoying each other under the night sky and rushing water that drenched them completely. She wrapped her legs around his waist as the kiss kept getting more intense. The sound of the falling water combined with their soft moans was music to their ears.

Unlike the first time they kissed, no one was heavily under the influence of alcohol. This wasnt part of a strategy. This was real. And to them both, it was perfect.

VC-Dolph-What did I tell you? Didnt I say Nikki would have come to her senses soon? And look at her now. She's all over me. She couldn't hold back any longer even if she wanted too.


The Guys' Villa

1:14 AM

The guys all returned to the villa after bonfire. Dean knew exactly what was the first thing he had to do upon arriving.

Paige was seen in the kitchen conversing with Kelly, Alicia, Mandy, Kaitlyn and Mickie.

"Yea ive had a threesome before. However, I felt bad for the other girl because I was getting most of the attention." she said.

"Paige. Can I talk to you for a sec?" Dean interrupted them.

She raised her eyebrows and acted a little hesitant.


She left the girls in the kitchen and walked off with Dean to a private area.

VC-Paige-The only thing I want to hear from Dean right now is an apology.

He brought her to one of the balconies.

"Start talking." she said, folding her arms and giving him attitude.

"Look...Ive realized that ive been acting like a jerk-"

"Oh you just realized that?"

" Tonight was a bit of a turning point for me. You were right. I am just here to be thrown away."

"What makes you say that?"

"Renee said it herself. If she finds somebody better she's going to have to make the decision best for herself- which is obviously booting me out of her life right? Im sorry for acting the way I was. And for also everything I said that night."

Paige put her hand over her heart, "Aww, Dean." she gave him a hug, "I hated that we argued. You're one of my best friends. It was so hard for me to see you the way you were. It was frustrating. I just wanted to see you happy. I wish I could apologize for everything I said to you know not sorry. You needed someone to light a fire under your ass."

"Yea I know. So are we cool?"

".........Not exactly. There's someone else you owe an apology."

Paige led Dean into the room that she was staying in and sharing with a few other girls, one of the girls being Nia. She opened the door and found Nia laying in bed with a green face mask on. She pulled Dean inside.

"Nia." Paige said in a sing song tone, "Somebody has to tell you something."

Nia's eyes finally spotted Dean. Her heart started racing.

GC-Paige and Nia

Nia-You bitch. You barge into the room with Dean when I have a freaking face mask and a robe on?


Nia-You should have let me know beforehand that you were bringing him in so you know, I could've thrown my lingerie on. Or like some cute shorts.

Paige-Well I didnt think it mattered.

Nia-Of course it did! He may have broken my heart but I still wanna look cute whenever he sees me.

Paige-Well I was just so excited to bring him to you that I didnt even think it through. Dont worry babe, theres going to be plenty of time for him to see you in your lingerie.

Nia-There better be. Those lingerie was expensive okay. I didnt buy it just for it to stay packed up in my suitcase.

Nia looked at Dean but said nothing. There was nothing really that she wanted to say to him nor hear from him.

"I'll leave you two too it." Paige said, exiting the room and closing the door.

He stuck his hands in his back pockets, "Hey uh...sorry about our date that day. I know I was acting like an asshole. I didn't mean to hurt you. You're a great girl that deserved better so...I apologize for that."

"You're not really used to apologizing are you?"

"No. I don't often do it. I only do it when I mean it. Like right now."

She smiled, "Thank you Dean. I forgive you."

"Cool." He nodded and scratched the back of his neck, " So uh....while im here I just want to know....what the hell is that on your face?"

"Its a green tea matcha face mask." she giggled.

"Am I supposed to already know what that is?"

"Do you want one? Its good for your skin."

"Um...I don't kno-"

"Let me mix one for you. Im sure you have no kind of skincare routine anyway. You probably wash your face with the same soap you wash your ass with."

"I do actually."

VC-Nia-*Blushes* Gosh, I feel like im in high school again. You know those butterflies you used to get when your crush just even looked your way. Yea. I got those butterflies. I feel like a giddy little kid because he talked to me. I should be hating him right now but I cant. I forgive him. Im so excited now because I feel like this is going to be the start of something new for us.*grins* Im so happy!

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