Bonfire 3:1

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16th June, 2019

10:34 PM.

"Welcome gentlemen." Stephanie greeted the six men as they filed in and took their seats across from her.

VC-Seth-Another bonfire. Lets see what the girls have been up too this week.

"Welcome back to bonfire everyone. Before we get started, its come to my attention that a certain one of you had a drastic change of attitude since the last time we spoke at bonfire. Dean? What made you change?" she asked.

He shrugged, "I just wanted to start enjoying this whole thing."

"Well, are you enjoying it so far?"

"Hell yea."

"You're making up for lost time aren't you?"


"Thats wonderful Dean. I just hope its not to the detriment of anyone, including yourself. Just remember to take it easy. These women who are here to tempt you also have feelings. Anyway, i'm glad to see that you've changed. So guys, you all know how the bonfires go. This is your chance to get a sneak peek of what the girls have been up too. Anyone nervous?"

"I think we all are. We don't know what we're about to see." said Finn.

"Well, the first guy thats going to be viewing his clip tonight is Jimmy. Jimmy, will you be watching it with everyone or by yourself?"

"With everyone, Steph."

Stephanie handed him the iPad, "Press play when you're ready."

The guys gathered in closer around him to see the screen. He pressed play.

/ "Do you ever worry about your husband on the other side of the island?" Cesaro asked as he took a sip of his drink.

"Not really." Naomi answered.

"Wow. You seem very secure in your relationship. I can see that it is a strong one." he smiled.

"Jimmy's my best friend. He's never given me a reason to worry. Him and I just have that built in trust in each other."

"Thats beautiful."

"However.....I think he worries about me more than I worry about him. He worries about stupid things though, like what I'm wearing. But thats just Jimmy being Jimmy."

"He's just being protective as he should be."

"We've been married for so long and not even once did I suspect him of being unfaithful or anything like that. Even now like, he's over there with all those girls and I'm not even worried. I didn't marry no weak ass man."/

"Damn, its like she knows whats been going on with you and Mandy." Dean said.

Jimmy's heart sank after seeing the video clip. He handed Stephanie back the iPad. Normally, he would have been beaming after hearing what Naomi had to say. After all, this clip was very different than the last two. But instead, he felt guilty.

"Im pretty sure its relieving to hear Naomi say that right Jimmy?" asked Stephanie.

"Um...yea. Its a pretty big relief." he said with a shaky voice.

"Is everything okay?" she asked, "Talk to me."

He shook his head. His eyes became glossy.

"Nothing uh-im just....beginning to really really miss her a lot now. This is all catching up with me. Ive kind of been..... carried away lately and....just hearing Naomi say what she said was like a slap in the face to me waking me up from this daydream. I can't afford to be carried away. I have too much to lose." he said. From his tone you can tell that he was fighting back the tears.

"Im glad you know that."Stephanie smiled.

VC-Jimmy-I miss her like crazy. I want to be with her. Im tired of all of this. Im done with all this resisting temptation thing. I don't care about that anymore. I just want to be with my wife. I just want to hold her and never let her go.

VC-Producer-What do you think Naomi will see in her clip at Bonfire?

VC-Jimmy-Oh god *slouches over and rests elbows on knees*.......I don't even want to think about it man.........

"Next up is Finn. Will you be watching it with everyone or by yourself?"

"With everyone."

"Press play when you're ready." she handed him the iPad.

/"Come on in girls! The water's warm!" shouted Chad as he saw Naomi and Becky, inviting them into the pool.

They looked at each other and shrugged.

They began taking off their clothes, leaving on nothing but their bras and panties. They held each other's hands and cannon balled into the pool.

VC-Becky-Aint nothin' wrong with a little strip tease right?

The clip continued on showing the two girls drinking and having a blast with the guys in the pool. At one point, Becky had gotten out of the pool. Drew saw her, lifted her up over his shoulder and span her around as she amusingly screamed. He set her down and then went his way. She grinned as she looked on at him.

VC-Becky-I don't know if its the alcohol but....Drew is looking pretty damn sexy right now. I should start hanging out with him some more *smiles*/

Finn gave the iPad back to Stephanie.

"You know, when I finally thought I saw a decent clip of Naomi, I see this." Jimmy complained.

"Finn? What are your thoughts right now?"Stephanie asked.

" know, in a way, seeing what they're doing on their side of the island reminds me of what we're doing on our side. Theres girls stripping down to their underwear and jumping into the pool just like they were doing. It just makes me think, the way we are with the girls over here, maybe they're just like that with the boys over there."

"Does it make you worry?"

"When it comes to the actions, not so much. But if feelings are involved then.....yes."

"Well clearly Becky has an attraction to Drew. Are you in a situation similar to that?"

He took a deep breath in, ".....Yes. However, it may be a little more complexed than that."

Stephanie nodded, "Roman. You're up. Watching it with everyone or by yourself?"


She handed over the iPad, "Press play when you're ready."

/The scene opened up with Sasha and Ricochet on their date. They were seen sitting on chairs with some drinks on top a table, conversing. After that one drink Ricochet invited her to have, they kept on going at it.

"Honestly, for this short amount of time i've been with Roman I've faced a little bit of hell for him." she said.

"How so?"

"Roman's baby mama used to keep calling my phone, cussing me out. Threatening me to leave him alone. She said that I was distracting him from his parental bitch-what?"


"To be honest....its stressful. The whole thing with him having a daughter with this crazy woman is stressful. Sometimes...I feel like an outsider. He has a family you know. What if...he goes back to them and just ditches me. Roman's a big family man. Of course he's going to put them first." her voice broke.

"Don't think like that Sasha."

"How can you expect me not too? Its a possibility. Obviously he's still going to have feelings for his baby mama. I see the way he is with his daughter and...its beautiful. Why wouldn't he want to be with his family? Sometimes I feel like I'm a problem. Like i'm holding him back." she wiped a tear from her cheek.

VC-Ricochet-I like that Sasha is opening up to me but.....she's just totally depressing herself right now. I want her to stop but then again I don't want her to stop because I appreciate that she's confiding in me. Its a tough situation to be in./

"Yikes." said Dean.

By the looks of it, Roman was upset.

"So Roman, how does hearing Sasha's confession make you feel?" Stephanie asked.

"It just makes me wonder what kind of person she thinks I am?" he said in disbelief.

"I think she thinks you're a douchebag." Dean informed.

"Dean shut up." He raised his tone, "It honestly pisses me off to hear her say that. Why does she think this way? Ive never given her a reason to worry about me leaving her for my daughter's mother. If she knew that they were going to be a problem then why is she with me? If she so thinks I'm this unfaithful man that doesn't love her then she should probably leave me! She's being ridiculous!"

VC-Jimmy-Ive never seen Roman this angry. Ooh baby.

"It stings to know that your own girlfriend doesn't trust you. And the thing is, I trust her!"

"She's afraid to lose you, thats why she's so paranoid about everything. Sasha has a lot of trust issues." said Finn.

"Yea you sure as hell know every fucking thing about her don't you Finn?" Roman snapped.

"Im just stating the obvious Roman. Why can't you see that thats why she's upset?"

"Yo shut the hell up right now. I don't need you trying to clear things up for me. If Becky kept chanting about how much she thinks you're going to leave her how would that make you feel?"

Finn raised his eyebrows and turned his head. He didn't respond.

VC-Roman-I honestly don't know what to say about Sasha. What else does she want me to do to prove that I'm down for her and her only? Tattoo her face on my forehead? Ive been with her for a year, we're living together. What else do I have to do for this girl? If she keeps thinking like this then eventually its going to drive me way.

After a minute or so, Roman finally simmered down and apologised to Finn for lashing out.

"Next up is Dean-"

"Can I pass on this one?"

"Watching the clip is mandatory. You don't want to see what Renee's been up too?"


"'re going to still have to play the clip. Will you be watching it alone or with the guys?"

"With the guys I guess."

"Press play when you're ready." Stephanie handed him the iPad.

He pressed play and handed it over to Jimmy. Jimmy looked at him as if to ask 'what the hell do you want me to do with this?'.

As it played, Dean just listened, not even looking at the screen once.

/"Ive always felt that you and I have had this connection. We just get along so well with each other. I would really like to explore that." " Renee said while sitting on top Cesaro's lap with a drink in her hand.

"I want to explore it to but I don't want to disrespect what you have with Dean."

"But thats what im here to do Cesaro. Im here to try other options. Im not talking about having sex with you or getting serious with you, I just want to get to know you a little more. I think we should spend more time with each other." Her words slurred a little.

VC-Renee-Cesaro has everything I would usually go for in a man. Charm, style, brains, looks, hot body, great personality. He's the whole damn package!

"Renee....I don't know if I can."

"I know you're a man with morals and respect but...I don't know. Id like to see where things between you and I could end up. You are definitely my type on paper."

"How would Dean take this?"

"He can take it however he wants too.Just because he's sad about being here doesnt mean im going to be sad to. I hope he gets his head in the game. As far as im concerned, we're all here to explore new things. We're all here to be temporarily single and enjoy other people's company. You have nothing to feel worried about. As a matter of fact, I want Dean to be opening up to other girls the way im opening up to other guys. Specifically you."/

"Preach sista!" said Dean.

Jimmy handed back the iPad.

"Well Dean....thoughts?" Stephanie asked.

He grinned and repeatedly bounced his left leg. His eyes fixated on the ground. He took a few seconds before he answered.

"I.......agree with everything she said. We're alllllll temporarily single. We're here to enjoy other people's company! And guess what Renee...........Im not sad about it anymore! Im having the time of my life! You want me to get my head in the game? Well its in baby! Its in! And I agree! Cesaro is your type! I hope you end up having a HAPPY life with him and I hope he can give you everything I COULDNT! YOU DESERVE THE BEST AND THATS NOT ME! I SUPPORT IT! I HOPE YOU'RE HAVING A BALL OVER THERE WITH HIM RENEE! I REALLY DO!"

VC-Jimmy-I am legit scared for my life right now.

VC-Seth-The guy is just yelling into the air.


"Dean, calm down." Roman said.


"She can't hear you from here." Roman argued.

"Did he come to bonfire drunk?" AJ asked.

"You good bro?" Jimmy asked.

He slouched in his seat, "Im chill baby. Cool as a cucumber. Just needed to get some stuff off my chest."

VC-Roman-Im gonna need to have an intervention with this guy pretty soon. I feel like he's going to end up doing something thats going to hurt him and others around him.

"Dean? Are you alright?" Stephanie asked.

"Im hella fine."

"Im worried about you. I don't think you're okay darling."

"I honestly couldn't be better." he said in a relaxed way with a smile.

Stephanie sighed, "Anyway, Seth, you're up next. Watching with everyone or by yourself?"

"With everyone."

"Press play when you're ready."

/"No you're right Dolph. There was a spark between us." said Nikki.

The scene showed Dolph and Nikki in the pool together.

"So why dont we explore that? Why dont you give me a chance?"

"Because im still in a relationship Dolph."

"Ditch him!"

She sighed, "I cant do that."

"Why not?"

"Because I just cant! Im still figuring out what I want. That's why im here."

"He is so out of your league. You need a man that will treat you like the queen that you are. Not some little boy."

"And where exactly do you fall on that spectrum?"

"Im a man that will give you everything you've ever wanted. I will worship you."he said as he got closer to her. She laughed.

"Im a man of my word."

She smiled and put her arms around his neck. They were face to face,nose to nose.

"I cant be with you right now Dolph. But that doesn't mean you cant show me what im missing out on."

He smirked, "Why don't you show me what im missing out on. Why dont you make me want you even more than I already do."

"You like being teased?"

"I love it." He said.

They gazed into each other's eyes for a few seconds before she leaned in and put her lips against his. He ran his hands slowly up and down her sides as they drifted off under the waterfall. He began kissing back. It was just them, alone in that part of the glistening pool enjoying each other under the night sky and rushing water that drenched them completely. She wrapped her legs around his waist as the kiss kept getting more intense. The sound of the falling water combined with their soft moans was music to their ears.

VC-Dolph-What did I tell you? Didnt I say Nikki would have come to her senses soon? And look at her now. She's all over me. She couldn't hold back any longer even if she wanted too. /

Finn placed his hand on Seth's shoulder. He gave Stephanie the iPad back.

"Thats exactly why I blocked him." he shook his head.

His heart broke a little after seeing that clip. As for emotions, he didn't know what to feel.

His expression seemed worried. He let out a loud sigh.

"What do you have to say about this Seth?" Stephanie asked.

".....Absolutely nothing Stephanie. Absolutely nothing."

She nodded, "I respect that."

VC-Seth-Whats the point of her telling him she's in a relationship if she was going to end up making out with him anyway? And she's the one who kissed him first. She knows Dolph is bad news yet she finds herself alone with him in the pool? Makes me wonder what the hell happened after that? I don't think I even want to know.

"Lastly, AJ. Will you be watching with everyone or by yourself?"

"With everyone."

"Press play when you're ready."

/"Braun can you...come with me for a sec." Alexa asked.

From the redness of her eyes and her messed up eye makeup, he could have tell she'd been crying.

"Sure." he responded.

He put his cards down and followed behind her as she led the way. She ended up leading him straight into her bedroom.

"Is everything okay mama?" he asked.

Her eyes fixated on the floor for a few seconds before she began breaking down once again. He pulled her in for a hug.

"Whats wrong?" he asked, rubbing her back.

She continued sobbing against his chest for some time before she recollected herself and was able to speak.

She wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I just need someone to talk to right now." her voice cracked, "I just don't know what to think anymore."

"Im all ears babe."

She sighed and went to sit on the edge of her bed. He sat next to her. She began telling him about the video clip that she saw.

"Wow...that was pretty sexual."he said after listening to her.

"Of course it was sexual. She's grinding her crotch on his!" she exclaimed, "If he had seen a clip of me doing that to one of the guys here how would that make him feel? He would hate it! I wouldn't hear the end of it! Ugh...I don't know what to do Braun. I am so...messed up after seeing that. I wont be able to sleep because its going to be running through my mind all night!" she buried her face in her hands, "Why did we come here? This was such a stupid idea. This is just going to ruin us. If he loved me he wouldn't have let that happen!"

She buried her face in her hands once again. Braun continued gently rubbing her back up and down.

She took a deep breath, "Can you stay with me for the night?"

His eyes lit up.

"Uh.....sure. If you're fine with that."

"I hope you're not feeling weird about it. I just need some company." she said, crawling further onto the bed, "Can you take the lights off?"

He got up and switched off the lights.

The usual recording style changed to the bedroom surveillance cameras. It showed Alexa positioning herself to lay on Braun's arm as she rest her head on his chest. He pulled the blanket over his and Alexa's body./

AJ was frozen from what he saw. Even after the screen turned blank, he kept staring at it.

VC-Jimmy-This is just not a good bonfire tonight for anyone.

"So AJ, how are you feeling about this?"

"I-I can't believe what im seeing." he gave her back the iPad, "This can't be real. What is she thinking?"

"Clearly she's upset by something she saw concerning you."

"Yea but that doesn't mean you bring a man to your bed and sleep with 'em! Is she-is she serious right now? Does she have any idea how this makes her look? My girl! Is sleeping next to some strange man in her bed! What else did they do huh? Im sure he got handsy with her! Im sure he tried to kiss her! I understand that she was upset about seeing me and Kelly but there were other ways she could've dealt with that! Whats so special about him that she wants him in her bedroom? None of the other girls did something like that except Alexa! I am just-urgh!"he got up from his seat and began angrily pacing. His blood was boiling.

"Uh oh. Somebody get this man a wall to punch." said Dean, "Or just use Seth."

"This is frickin ridiculous." he murmured as he paced.

VC-AJ-Never would I have imagined Alexa would be the first to bring a man to her bedroom! Thats not okay! God! Im pissed off but I don't know what to do about it! There is nothing I can do about it. Braun better not be trying his luck because I'm gonna find my way over there and knock him out! At the last bonfire, he was the same guy I saw her with! He better leave her alone if he knows whats good.

"Well fellas, thats it for bonfire. I can see a lot of you got upset tonight. Remember, your girlfriends still has yet to see what you have been up too. Before you let the anger take you over, reflect on yourself and what you have been doing. Have a goodnight guys. See you soon." Stephanie dismissed them.

"I think we all need a drink right about now." Jimmy said as they walked back to the SUV.

VC-Finn-What a night.

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