Bonfire 3:2

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11:43 PM

"Welcome back to bonfire, ladies." Stephanie greeted the women as they filed in and took their seats, "How are you guys tonight?"

"Nervous." said Nikki.

"Do you really think you have a reason to be?"

"Oh yea." she nodded.

"Im just curious to see how Dean's coping." Renee said, "I hope he's been in good spirits."

"Well, you all know how bonfire goes. With that being said, we'll start with Alexa. Will you be watching it with the girls or by yourself?"

"Um...i'll watch it with everyone."

"Press play when you're ready." she handed Alexa the iPad.

VC-Alexa-I am praying that this clip wasn't like last bonfire's clip.

/The scene showed AJ and Lacey on their date.

"Can I ask why you dont drink?"

"Its a personal choice. Ive grown up seeing how substance abuse can ruin people. Ive seen how it can ruin families. It ruined my family. As a result, ive vowed to never ever indulge in it."

"Well that is truly admirable. I can relate to you to an extent. My dad was an alcoholic. It was bad. It really affected how my siblings and I grew up."

"Im so sorry to hear that."

VC-AJ-So far, I'm really liking Lacey. I can tell her and I would have a lot in common.

"What do you do for work?" AJ asked.

"Well after retiring from the military, I opened my own cement company."

AJ's eyes lit up "You were in the military?"

"Yup. I was a marine. I also was a part of the swat team"

".....W-wow. I would have never guessed that. Thats incredible. I come from a military family myself. As a matter of fact, I was born on a military base."

"Oh really?"

"Yea my dad was a marine."

"Well look at that. We already have something in common."

"What made you want to be a part of the military?"

"My life...growing up...was so hard. The environment I was growing up in was just so toxic. I knew that I needed to get away from that. Joining the military was the best option I had. It took me out of that toxicity. It made me into a better woman. I needed to escape my reality and that helped me. If I hadn't gone off to the military, god alone knows where I would have ended up. It saved me."

"Do you have any siblings?"

"Looord do I. I have 6 other siblings. Five sisters, 1 brother."

AJ gave an amused laugh, " Ive got 3 other brothers myself."

"Where are you from again."

"Gainesville Georgia."

"South Carolina."

"I was actually born in North Carolina. I lived there for a year before we moved to Georgia."

"We arent too far apart from each other." She giggled.

"You know, you say you own a cement company, I actually work for a cement company at the moment."

" No way. Well heres what, quit your job. I'll hire you instead."

"Im thinking about it!" AJ laughed

VC-AJ-Im liking her the more I get to know her. /

Alexa handed back the iPad.

"Whats going through your mind Alexa?" Stephanie asked.

"He..... seems to like her a lot." she solemnly said.

"Does this bother you?"

"Yea. Of course it will. Ive never seen him like that with someone else. They have a lot in common. She has a lot more in common with him than I do." she said

A lot seemed to be running through her mind judging from her eyes.

VC-Alexa-*smiles with tears in her eyes* I think its cute that AJ is connecting with that girl. I should be hating it but.....I don't. And its weird. I don't know how to feel *wipes tear with finger* Im really afraid I'm going to lose him now. I really am.

"Becky, you're next. Watching with everyone or by yourself?"


"Press play when you're ready."

The girls gathered closer around her.

"Lets see what my little potato has been up too." she said as she tapped the screen.

/VC-Zelina-So we were supposed to be heading back to the house already but the guys begged production to give us a few more minutes because everyones hanging out and just having a good time. We weren't in a rush to leave.

All the couples sat together in a circle on the grass, drinking and conversing.

"I won't be surprised if Finn is the first guy to hook up with someone in the house." said Seth, "The guy's quiet but he's dangerous."

"Yea on Are You The One, Finn got non stop action."said Roman.

Taynara giggled.

"Yea he even got action from Sasha. I witnessed it first hand." Dean said.

"Oof." Zelina covered her mouth.

"Thanks for reminding me Dean." Roman sarcastically said.

Finn's face was red, "No no no, I'm not going to be getting action until I'm reunited with Becky."

"We'll see about that." Taynara cheekily said.

He blushed.

Everyone began ooing./

"Ugh." Becky rolled her eyes as she handed Stephanie back the iPad.

"How do you feel about this Becky?"Stephanie asked.

"Well I'm glad he shut down the idea of him getting action any time soon."

"But did you hear what the blonde girl said." asked Renee, "Unbelievable."

"I did. She's in way over her head to be honest."

"Are you nervous at all about the girl-Taynara, making moves on Finn?" Stephanie asked.

"I am. We've already established that these girls does not care about anybody's relationships."

"Are you nervous about Finn responding to her advances?"

She sighed, "I am. I don't want to be but....we still got about 15 days left here. You can never tell what may happen. I know Finn is better than that but.....temptation is a pretty powerful thing."

VC-Becky-Im glad he's thinking about me and shutting all these thirsty girls down. But I fear that....if he's made a strong connection with someone.....he won't be shutting them down. Theres still a lot of time left here on this island and things are only going to get hotter and heavier. Theres no more ice left to be broken, no more getting to know each other. Everyone knows each other fairly well. From here on out, things are only going to get more scandalous.

"Next up is Sasha. Watching with everyone or by yourself?"

She took a deep breath in, "With everyone."

"Press play when you're ready." she handed over the iPad.

/VC-Billie-So tomorrow is bonfire for the guys and they seem a bit worried. To take the pressure off, we have decided to have a little sexy lingerie competition. The guys of course are the judges.

The scene opened showing the guys all sitting on chairs in the outdoor patio. Dean was seen wearing a shirt with the words 'Titty Master' on it in black lettering.

The girls began strutting out one by one wearing lingerie. Make Britney Spears ft G-Eazy was heard playing in the background.

First was Kelly. She came out wearing a very revealing, two piece, lace burgundy lingerie. The guys and the girls that were spectating all cheered.

"Holy shit." Seth's jaw dropped.

"Damn." Roman clapped as she modelled.

Zelina came out next. She wore a long sleeve, lace bodysuit lingerie. The cheers continued followed by some wolf whistles.

VC-Roman-Zelina just looks incredibly sexy.

"Thats my pick to win!" Roman shouted.

"Finn? Why is your face so red?" Seth asked, noticing him.

Before Zelina exited the stage, she bent over and did a sexy hair flip.

"WOOOOH!"the other girls cheered.

Next was Vanessa. She came out wearing a black, lace, deep V bodysuit.

VC-AJ-Im seeing the things I should not be seeing right now.

Before she exited, she took a seat on Roman's lap and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. After the kiss she then dragged her tongue alongside his neck to his ear.

"Oh my god." He blushed and laughed.

The scene changed to Roman doing a video confessional. As he was doing it, someone opened the door to the video confessional room and interrupted him. It was Billie and Vanessa. They barged in and took a seat next to him.

Billie-There you are Romey!

Vanessa-Why'd you leave?

Roman-Im... doing a confessional..

Billie-*Pinches his cheek* Isn't he pretty?

Roman-Dont do that.

Vanessa-*sits on top of him*

Billie-*turns to camera* Hi Sashaaaa! How you been sis?

Vanessa-We've been taking care of your man, girl.

Billie-Very good care! He's not even thinking about you to be honest.

Vanessa-*takes off his beaded colour coded necklace that Sasha also has one of, and throws it on the floor*

Billie-Are you turned on right now Roman?

Roman-No I'm not.

Billie-Dont lie!

Roman-Im not.

Vanessa-You're lying and you know it.Im sitting on top of you. I can tell./

Sasha shook her head as she handed back the iPad.

"So, what did you see Sasha?" Stephanie asked.

"Some ratchet ass bitches! Thats what I saw."

"I don't know about ya'll but I want to see the rest of that clip." said Naomi.

"Ya'll have no idea how mad I am right now like-ugh! She threw his fucking necklace on the floor! That necklace represents our relationship! It was on the fucking floor! Also, don't you see what Vanessa or whatever her name is was wearing! You can clearly see her tits and vag through the lingerie! Why the fuck was she on top of my man!?"

"In Roman's defence, they bombarded him. He didn't seem too into it." said Renee.

"He did seem very into Zelina during the lingerie competition though." said Naomi.

Sasha put her hands on her head, "I swear I'm going to go insane before I leave this island."

"How do you feel about Roman's reaction during the lingerie competition?" Stephanie asked.

"Ugh." she shook her head, "Of course he's going to entertain something like that! All of the guys were!"

"Boys will be boys." said Becky.

"We should have a lingerie competition and see how they like it!" Sasha said out of anger.

"Im okay with that."said Nikki.

VC-Sasha-I hate seeing a situation that pisses me off and not being able to do something about it. All I can do is watch and it sucks. I want to do something but theres nothing I can do!

Stephanie chuckled, "So next is Nikki. Will you be watching it with the girls or by yourself?"

"With the girls."

"Press play when you're ready."

/Seth and Kaitlyn were seen sitting on lounge chairs, looking on at the action going on in the pool.

"How did it feel leaving Nikki behind in a house full of men?" Kaitlyn asked.

"To be honest...I wasn't too worried."

"Really? Like...its Nikki. You and I both know how she is."

"I know. It sucked. I missed her for a little but...then I got occupied with whats going on in the house."he took a sip of his coke, "Im having fun. I hope she is too."

"It seems like you're already letting her go."

"No not at all. Im...just not bothering to dwell on it. We're not here to be miserable. We're here to enjoy this for what it is. I could've been like Ambrose and just shut everyone down and be a sourpuss but thats no fun."

"Are you afraid to lose her?" Kaitlyn asked.

He took a moment before he answered.

"I don't know....I really don't."

VC-Seth-Ive been doing a lot of thinking and I feel like I'm at a point where I'm conflicted about my relationship. Im the type of guy thats never satisfied with anything. I always feel like I can be better or get better than what I already have. The past year I've been with Nikki, my focus was on her. But now, here I am on this show and I'm seeing other options out there. Im just....unsure of what to do at the moment. I don't know what my next step is going to be. Do I want to be single? Do I want to fight for what I already have? Do I want someone else? I...dont....fucking....know./

"Wow." Renee commented.

Nikki faked a smile as she gave back the iPad.

"Interesting." she said.

"Clearly this is more than just interesting. Its a pretty big revelation." said Stephanie.

She nodded, "It is. I thought he would have been realizing what he truly wanted but instead, he seems more confused than ever."

"How do you feel about what he said?"

She took a deep breath in, ".....It hurts. I can see he's drifting away. If he really loved me then he wouldn't have had any doubt that he wanted me. But beginning to see that that wasn't the case at all. I want someone who's going to fight for me for once."

"Mentally, where does this put you?"

"Well, right now I just want to find something that's real. If theres a guy on this island for me then I want to find him. And i'll try too."

VC-Nikki-Im beginning to think that Seth and I won't last. For him to be thinking that way and saying things like that gives me major red flags. I honestly think I should be preparing myself to move on from him.

"Next is Naomi. Will you be watching with everyone or by yourself?" Stephanie asked.

"With everyone."

"Press play when you're ready."

/VC-Mandy-Its not that I want to be a home wrecker or anything like that but....I know what I want and I'm going to pursue it.

The cameras panned over to Mandy and Jimmy. It showed Mandy sitting on Jimmy's lap. His arm was around her waist as they conversed with the group.

"All of ya'll girls are just horny aren't ya?" Jimmy asked, "Ya'll just can't wait to get your paws on us."

"Not all of us." said Ember, "Some of us can wait. Like me."

"I think its pretty clear who are the good girls and who are the bad girls in the house." said AJ.

"Im a good girl. Right Jim?" Mandy seductively said, making eye contact with him.

"I...hope that you are..."

"You'll find out soon enough." she bit her lip.


The scene switched to later on that night when Mandy was doing a striptease at the pool.

"I wish I had some dollar bills right now!" said Dean.

"You should have asked Jimmy to help you take it off!" Carmella shouted.

"Its okay, he'll help take off whats left."/

Naomi was speechless.

VC-Naomi-Hold up......what-in-God's -green-earth did I just see?

"Aha! This bitch is crazy aint she? She gotta be joking!" Naomi raised her voice, "She's just asking me to kick her ass! Home wrecker? Bitch I dare you! I-dare-you!" she clapped.

"Well I'm not going to bother to ask how this makes you feel because we all can tell how you're feeling right now." said Stephanie.

"Im pissed! This little white girl thinks she can take my man? And why the fuck was she sitting on his lap? Nuh uh." Naomi shook her head and folded her arms, "Jimmy better be actin straight because I'm legit about to swim across this ocean to beat a bitch I aint kidding around. Who the hell does she think she is?!"

"How do you think Jimmy is responding to her advances?"

"Like a damn fool! First of all, why the hell you havin' her on your lap? Second, why the hell didn't you say anything in your confessional? Are you fucking dumb all of a sudden? If you didn't want her on your lap you wouldn't have her on your lap!"

"Periodttt!" said Sasha.

"Preach." said Renee.

" Nuh uh, no sir. This aint it." she shook her head, " I didn't plan on having murder on my mind tonight but now I do. I WANT Mandy to keep trying me! She clearly don't know who the the fuck I am."

VC-Naomi-Mandy you little bitch listen here! You are trying to come between a marriage girl! You better not be trying to fuck with my relationship! Im warning you! That pretty face of yours won't be pretty after I'm done with you. I may find my ass in jail but I got people who'll bail me out. You messing with the wrong bitch i'll tell you that. You are making a death wish babe. You better check yourself.

"So finally, Renee, will you be watching with everyone or by yourself?" Stephanie asked.

"Yeesh, I wonder how bad my clip must be for me to be last?" she laughed, "I'll watch with everyone."

"Press play when you're ready."

/Dean was seen taking off his clothes and resting them on a lounge chair. All he kept on was his black briefs.

"Why is no one in the pool? The night's young girls!" he said before he cannonballed into the water.

VC-Dean-Listen, im in party mode right now okay.

Soon, Dana, Billie, Vanessa, Aliyah, and Zelina were in the pool surrounding Dean, wearing nothing but their underwear. Eventually Liv and Carmella also joined in.

"So you've officially snapped out of it?" Billie asked Dean.

"Yea. From now on only you ladies have my attention. Im not worrying about anybody else. As far as I'm concerned, I'm a single man until  the end of June."

"Wait wait wait, but what was that whole thing with Nia earlier on?" Zelina asked him.

"What was what?"

"We saw you kissing her on the date!" said Zelina.

"That was just...temptation getting to me I guess. Look Nia is a great girl but I'm not here to get tied down. I want to be able to get to know each and every one of you. I don't want her taking all of this too seriously. Its just all in good fun."

"Well you're lucky because I sure do like to have fun." said Liv in a teasing manner.

"Oh do you?"

She giggled as her tongue played with the straw that was in her drink. He winked at her.

The girls began to holler.

"Hey hey hey, theres enough of me for all of you okay." said Dean, "Now lets drink."

VC-Nia-Ive been hearing the commotion outside so when I went to see what was going on, I saw Dean and Jimmy in the pool with a bunch of girls and.....Liv is on Dean's back with her arms around his neck like.....what the hell is this?

Nia made her self seen as she stood at the edge of the pool with her arms folded.

"Nia! Come in! The water's warm." Dean called out to her when he saw her.

VC-Nia-Listen, I have every reason to be pissed right now.

She shook her head in a disgusted way and proceeded to go back inside.

"Nia!" Dean called out again as he removed Liv from on top of him and stumbled out of the pool.

He followed her inside to the living room.

"Nia." he called out. This time, she finally gave him the attention.

"What Dean?"

"Whats wrong? Why didn't you come in the pool?"

"Because clearly you're having a ball with all those girls there, I didn't want to interrupt." she said with attitude, "How can you kiss me then all of a sudden have Liv rubbing up on you like that?"

"She wasn't doing anything. She was just on my back."

"Whatever. I should have known that it wasn't going to be anything more than just a date."

"You're overreacting!"

"How do you expect me to feel Dean! Look at you! Since we came back from the date I haven't seen you because you were with those girls! You're reeking of alcohol! Im sure you weren't even thinking about me!"

He cupped his hand at the side of her neck as he brushed the hair from her face with the other, "Im sorry if I hurt you. I really am."

She looked into his red, sleepy eyes.

"You know you're my girl." he softly said with his deep voice.

She blushed.

He lifted her chin and brought his lips against hers for a brief kiss.

"Are you still gonna be mad at me?" he asked.

She said nothing as she avoided eye contact with him.

He kissed her again then asked her the same question. She still didn't respond. He kept kissing her and asking her if she was still going to be mad at him until she gave in.

"Fine!" she laughed, "Im not going to be mad at you."

He grabbed her face and gave her one last, long kiss. She ran her finger down his abs.

VC-Nia-You know, I'm never really one to give in that easy but......*shrugs*/

It was safe to say that everyone who saw the clip was left absolutely speechless. There was a moment of silence before anyone spoke.

"Honestly.....what the hell did I just see?" Renee asked.

"Somebody went from 0 to 100 extremely quick." said Becky.

"Im-im in shock." Renee said.

VC-Renee-Am-am I hallucinating? I must be,right?

"Seeing this just pisses me off even more!" Naomi said.

"Well Renee....thoughts?" Stephanie asked.

Renee kept shaking her head as if she was trying to figure out what to say. Its like her mind had went numb.

"I-I wasn't expecting this from Dean at all i'm-at a lost for words."

"You did say you wanted him to start enjoying himself more right?" Stephanie asked.

"Yea but...not like this. I feel like he's changed into a whole different person."

"He's very different in this clip than he was the last two clips." said Nikki.

"What do you think got into him Renee?"

"I honestly don't know Stephanie. Like-im still in shock. I have never seen Dean act this way. Even when he was single. 'You you know you're my girl?' What?"

VC-Renee-This clip is all that I'm going to see tonight when I'm trying to sleep. Its going to keep replaying in my mind......

Renee was overwhelmed with emotion and confusion so much so that she didn't know how react or what to say.

"I have a headache. Im ready to leave." an emotionally drained Naomi said.

"Well ladies, thats it for bonfire. Get some rest and just enjoy yourselves okay. You all still have a lot of time left. I understand you're worried about your partners but this is a time for you to treat yourselves as well. Don't waste your energy stressing about them. Utilise it to focus on you. Take care girls, see you soon."

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