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1:29 AM

The Girls' Villa

The ladies all arrived back to the villa from bonfire. From the way they looked, they seemed very frustrated and tired.

VC-Adam-So while the girls were gone, some of the guys and I decided to do something a little special for them.

"Ladies! Please, take a seat." Adam greeted them as they approached the back porch. He was shirtless and had a towel slung over his shoulder.

"What on earth is this?" Nikki asked.

They saw chairs and what seemed to be massage tables set up, with lit candles everywhere giving the setting a romantic feel. They also noticed all of the guys that were there, were shirtless.

"You all seem stressed. Lets help with that, by using our hands. To massage you of course." said Dolph.

"You have some of the finest men on the planet here at your disposal ladies. Allow us to spoil you tonight."Adam charmingly said.

The girls all looked at each other.

VC-Naomi-Why not? I honestly think I need this right now.

"I like the sound of this." she said as she walked off to a massage table. The rest of the girls got on board with the idea and also joined in.

VC-Sasha-I think its absolutely cute that the guys would do this for us. We needed the cheering up.

Naomi, Sasha and Nikki decided to get a back massage. They stripped down to their underwear and mounted the tables. Naomi's masseuse was EC3, Sasha's was Ricochet and Nikki's was Dolph (of course).

Becky requested a shoulder massage which was done by Chad. Sami joined in and began massaging her scalp and playing with her hair.

VC-Becky-Let me tell you something. Nothing feels better than when someone is playing with your hair. I almost fell asleep.

Renee and Alexa both got leg and foot massages. Alexa's was done by Adam and Renee's was done by Andrade. TJ and Apollo acted as the servers by getting the girls drinks.

VC-Dolph-Some of the guys thought the idea was stupid but, who's laughing now?

"Ladies." Elias walked out with his guitar in hand. The guys groaned.

"It would be my pleasure to offer you a free concert here tonight. Allow me to serenade you-"

"Elias we're trying to make them relax, not stress them out even more." said Dolph.

"Aww no. Let him play." Renee pleaded.

"As I was saying." He sat on top a stool, "Allow me to serenade you with my voice-"

"Id rather listen to the crickets chirp than hear you sing pal." said Adam, "Seriously, beat it."

Alexa giggled.

"Or maybe just wait until we're done with the massages to 'serenade' them. If they want to listen to you, fine. But don't put us through that." said Dolph.

"Can you please shut your mouth. Im not here for you. Anyway, heres a song I wrote myself. Its called Walk With Me." he began strumming.

"Girls, do us a favour and kick him off the island next." said Sami.

3:12 AM

The massage sessions were all done and everyone went their way. Some went to sleep, some were drinking, some were lazing around on the couch, some were having conversation.

Nikki decided it was time to go to bed. She was seen walking down the hall to her bedroom. However, she wasn't alone. Dolph was seen with her. The surveillance cameras showed the two talking as they walked to the room. Finally they got to her door. They talked some more, for a minute or so. She seemed very giddy and giggly. She had her back to the wall as she talked to him. He pressed his hands against the wall and began leaning in closer.

Eventually, they began kissing. For a brief moment Nikki looked around to see if there was any camera crew. She realized there weren't any and the pair continued. He lifted her legs around his waist as they kept on getting more intense. From her lips he moved down to her neck.

He managed to carry her into the bedroom and shut the door. Luckily, WWETV's bedroom surveillance cameras was able to keep up with the action.

He rested her on the bed as their passionate make out session continued. His hands kept gliding up and down her body. They stopped for a moment to talk a bit.

She sat up on her knees. Dolph crawled further onto the bed and kissed her again, taking his shirt off. She took her top off too and laid back down on the bed as Dolph wrapped his arms around her body.

The scene fast forwarded a little to show both of them under the blankets. She was seen on top of Dolph who was laying flat down on the bed. She was topless. No shirt, no bra. All that was visible was her back since the blanket covered her from her lower back.

'I don't feel guilty.' she whispered to him.

'You shouldn't.' he responded.

1:13 AM

The Guys' Villa

The six guys were seen sitting by the pool each with a beer in hand. It had been about an hour since they got back from bonfire. Despite the existing hatred between some of them, they all ignored it for some guy time. After all, they were all in this together. They were sort of like a team in this crazy game they signed up for. Only they could have related to each other about what they were going through.

There was no tension and angst among them for once. Just a feeling of-dare I say-brotherhood and bonding.

"Honestly, I think this show is doing more harm than good." said Jimmy.

"You knew what you were signing up for brother." said Seth.

"Okay I'm going to admit, I was a little too vain. I thought I would have come on this island and temptation would never get to me. But I was wrong."

"You have a huge reason to fight it, uce. Don't forget about whats most important." said Roman.

Jimmy nodded, "I know man. I just want this to be over."

"At least you have a reason to fight." said Dean, "Me, I got nothing."

"Don't say that." said Roman.

"Its true. You all saw my clips. I aint got nothing to fight for."

"I think you're over reacting Dean." said AJ, "Renee's just taking the bull by the horns. You gotta give her a break. Don't get so worked up just yet."

"Look who's talking."

"Okay yea I got mad tonight but I'm not here preaching about how I got nothing to fight for anymore. What I saw in my clip got me angry but as far as I'm concerned I still got a girlfriend. You need to keep that in mind too."

"Whatever man." he took a sip of his beer, "Ya'll don't know what its like to be me."

"Its not over until both of you says its over okay. I don't like the fact that you're thinking the way you are. Its not good." Roman said.

Dean sighed, "What other choice do I have? Its either kill or be killed and I'm tired of getting killed. Plus, I'm really starting to have a good time. I love it here. I don't think I wanna go home!"

"No one's saying to stop having fun but theres a limit. These girls here have nothing to lose. We however, we have a lot to lose. Whether you want to accept that as a fact or not, its true. Have a blast man but don't get too caught up." said Finn.

VC-Finn-I feel like since I'm a part of the six guys on this island, its my responsibility to make sure no one goes too far and lose sight of whats really important. You never want to encourage someone to make mistakes so its our duty to talk them out of it when we can. Yes, we're all going through different situations but we got to build each other up and not let each other get too carried away. Also, some of the girls on the other side of the island are my friends and I don't want to see them get hurt either.

"Me for one, I really have a lot to lose." said AJ, "Im planning on proposing to Alexa when the show is over."

"No way!" said Jimmy, "Thats crazy man."

Finn high-fived him.

"Thats good to hear." said Roman.

"Do you really think you should be saying that out loud? What if at bonfire she sees you saying that you're going to propose?"Dean asked.

"I don't think the producers are that stupid to ruin this for me." AJ said then looked directly into one of the cameras.

"So you decided to come to Temptation Island first and then propose? What a genius idea for setting yourself up for failure." said Seth.

"Excuse me?"

"This is the literal worse way to propose. You're getting your hopes up man. You don't know what the rest of this show has in store for you."

"Are you insinuating that Alexa is going to cheat?" AJ sat up from his chair and turned to the side, facing Seth.

"All I'm saying is that we got two weeks left here. You don't know whats going to happen. It could be Alexa, it could be you-"

"I am nothing like you Seth, I am not a cheater!" AJ raised his voice.

"Im just stating obvious things that can happen!"

"How dare you think about Alexa and I in that manner-"

"Oh my god AJ, get your head out of your ass for once!"

VC-Finn-Just when I thought we were all finally friends.....

As the two carried on, the rest of the guys just minded their business and drank their beer.

"Look I get that your relationship is garbage but that doesn't mean that everyone else's relationships are too!" AJ barked.

"My relationship is garbage?" Seth said amusingly, "You and Alexa are the worst couple here! Id honestly be surprised if she said yes to your controlling ass. She probably brought you onto this show to ditch you!"

"I may be controlling but at least she doesn't have to worry about me cheating. I know you sure as hell can't relate!"

"You gotta worry about getting cheated on, you asshole. When Alexa's sad she sure knows who to turn to to make herself feel better."

"Seth shut the hell up." Roman pleaded.

AJ quickly grabbed him by the collar, "I dare you to keep running your mouth like that boy. I DARE YOU!"

"Fucking hit me, I don't care!"

Finn got in between the two, "Guys, this isn't the time for this right now. Seriously, stop."

AJ glared into Seth's eyes with the neck of his shirt still wrapped around his fist.

VC-AJ-Seth has this tendency to start attacking people and their relationships. Last time he attacked Dean about Renee. He's a mad man if he thinks he's going to try me.

He finally released him with such force that Seth's back bounced against the back of the lounge chair.

"I think its time to go to bed fellas." he said then grabbed his beer bottle and began walking away.

"The truth hurts doesn't it AJ?"Seth called out to him as he walked.

The peaceful, beautiful silence of the night was broken as AJ threw his beer bottle against a post out of anger and it shattered.

VC-Seth-Fucking lunatic.

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