Dates pt 2

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After snorkeling, everyone got back onto the boat where it took them to a private beach area. They hopped off onto the shore and saw that on the beach there were six umbrellas stuck into the sand, placed some distance from each other. Under each umbrella was a large beach towel that was spread on the sand, an ice bucket containing drinks and a picnic basket. The couples all branched off and went to an umbrella.

Finn & Liv

Liv took a sip of her orange juice through a straw, "Yum. So good."

Finn smiled.

"Do you want some?" Liv offered.

"Im good." he said, "Did you have fun today?"

"Oh my god I had so much fun. I have never done anything like that in my life. It was so cool."

"It was really cool. What made it even better was the fact that I had an amazing date to experience it with."

"Awwww." she put her hand across her heart, "You're amazing too. What a great first date."

Finn smiled.

Liv blushed and laughed as she looked at him, "Stop smiling at me! You're making my heart melt."

"How am I doing that?"

"Because your the cutest thing ive ever seen. Im dying inside a little bit every time you smile."

Finn changed his smile to a frown, "Fine, I'll stay like this then."

Liv began laughing, "Okay! Okay! I want to see your smile again!"

Finn laughed.

VC-Liv-God, I really like Finn. He's the cutest! But......I also have another interest. Dean........I don't know how that happened but I woke up this morning finding myself super excited whenever I see Dean. Even when we were on the boat I kept looking over at him. I think I got a crush. Two crushes actually.

Roman & Bianca

"How do you feel being away from your girlfriend?" Bianca asked Roman.

"I miss her a lot. But im not worried about her cheating or anything."

"Is it because you know you're fine and she cant get anybody better than you?"

Roman laughed, "That's exactly why im not worried."

Bianca laughed, "Cant blame you."

"No im kidding. I just have a lot of trust in her. I don't think I should have a reason to be worried because I know how Sasha is. When you trust someone with your life you just never seem to be worried about them screwing up."

"No offense or anything but....basically you're dating your biggest fan girl so of course she wont screw up."

"Why would you say that?"

"Oh come on. Don't tell me you don't watch the shows when they air on TV. The Challenges, Are You The One. Sasha is obsessed with you. That's kind of weird don't you think?"

"No......I don't see it that way."

"Well boo I think you really need to think about it."

"She doesn't seem like a crazy fan girl. Back then she was a bit crazy but Sasha matured a lot."

"And that's how you fell in love? Because of her maturity? Her 'maturity' swept you off your feet?"

"Well....the maturity was something I liked and appreciated lot-"

"Whats weird to me was that at first, you never gave the girl a chance. You saw her as a sister you said. And now....all of a sudden you're so in love with her? Why, because she 'matured'?"

"From then to now we both did a lot of growing up. I don't fall in love at first sight so when I first saw Sasha I wasn't expecting to fall in love with her. Back then we were both younger. All of this was new. It was our first time on a reality show, it was our first time living with 20 plus grown adults, the whole situation and experience was new so at that time we were still figuring ourselves out."

"It seemed to me that you got to smash on the beach and then 'fell in love'." Bianca said, referring to Sasha and Roman hooking up in Hawaii.

Roman scoffed, "Well I can guarantee you that our relationship is much deeper than that."

"I know im sounding harsh but im just telling you as it is."

"Are you sure that you're also not an obsessive fan girl? You seem to know a lot about the shows ive done."

"Im a fan of the shows. That's it. I watch it religiously. By no means am I obsessed with you or anything like that but I know about everything that has been going on."

"Well, you have your opinions and that's cool."

VC-Roman-Bianca, I barely know you. Why are you telling me what you think of my relationship? Slow your roll please. For your sake.

VC-Bianca-Im sorry but I think Roman and Sasha's relationship is so shallow. I mean you cant go from seeing someone as a sister to all of a sudden seeing them as a lover. That's weird to me! Something's wrong. Its either Sasha did some voodoo black magic on poor Roman or he just does not know what he wants. I don't think she's right for him and I know he can get someone better, someone more on his level, like myself.

Jimmy & Vanessa

"Yo you were tearing it up on the dance floor last night girl." he said to Vanessa.

She laughed, "You were tearing it up with me too."

"We make a good team." he put his hand out for a high five.

"Hell yea we do."she high fived him. She went into her beach bag and brought out a bottle of sunscreen.

"You mind putting some sunscreen on my back?" she asked.

His eyes darted from the sunscreen to her face.

" with my hands? You want me to rub it on your back?"

"Unless there's another way of doing it." she laughed.

VC-Jimmy-I know its just applying sunscreen and its innocent but...I don't know I feel about rubbing on some girl's back. It feels wrong.

"Why do you seem so hesitant? Its like you're deciding whether or not you want me to suffer sunburn."

He laughed, "Fine. Fine. I'll do it."

He took the sunscreen, uncapped it, squeezed some onto his fingers and pasted it all over her back and shoulders. When he was done he gave her back her sunscreen.

"Do you need any?" she asked.

"No im fine."

"Do you want me to apply some on your chest?"

"Oh no no. Im good."

VC-Jimmy-Vanessa, girl, you trying to get me killed when I go back home?

Seth & Paige

"Here we are again." said Paige as she and Seth both sat down under the umbrella.

"Isn't it weird. Its like you just cant stay away from me."

"Oh really? Me? Im the one who cant stay away from you?"


"Oh shut up Seth."

He dug into the picnic basket and brought out two beers. He passed one to her.

"To bad these beers are in glass bottles. We cant shotgun them like we did last time."

"Yea that's unfortunate."

The two remained silent as they sipped on their beer, watching the waves crash on shore.

VC-Producer-Tell me about Paige.

VC-Seth-What do you want to know?

VC-Producers-Whats your feelings towards her?

VC-Seth-Uh.........she's cool, you know. For some reason our paths just seem to keep on crossing.

VC-Producer-Thats not what we asked.

VC-Seth-My feelings towards Paige? I like her. I think she's great. I consider her as a friend.

VC-Producer-It doesnt go deeper than that?

VC-Seth-*Confidently shakes head* No.....

"So, how do you feel about seeing your ex bae as one of the singles?" Seth asked.

She shrugged, "I don't care. Im over it. I think im over this whole relationship thing for now. I don't want to get back into one in a hurry."

"No exceptions?"

"Nope. I did a lot of thinking and I came to the conclusion that im just going to worry about myself for now. Maybe in the next two years I'll try to settle down but until then im just focused on me. I'll just keep hooking up with people when I need to. I don't want any strings attached."

"To me it sounds like you need a friend with benefits."

"Yea that'll be nice. I just need a booty call. Someone to come to my house, hook up then leave. No talking about feelings, no watching everything I do, nothing like that. Just please me and be on your way."

Seth chuckled, "You go girl."

VC-Paige-Its like....things between Seth and I are always so awkward. Its so weird because things werent awkward in our previous encounters you know what I mean? Then again, our previous encounters ended up getting us in trouble so....I think thats why its awkward whenever we're together now.

"Im going into the water." said Paige as she stood up.

"Alright, have fun."

He watched as she walked down to the beach and sat in the shallow part of the water. She looked over to see Finn burying Liv in the sand. He had dug a wide hole for her body to fit. She was sitting in the hole as he piled sand on top of her body. The only parts of her that were visible was her chest, arms and head. He was shaping the sand he covered her with into a mermaid tail.

Dean & AJ

"Do you remember our first date on Are You The One? It was just like this." AJ said to Dean who was wasting no time with the beer.

"Oh yea. I totally forgot about that."

VC-AJ-So, here I am again with Dean. This is my second chance to get him. This show doesnt have any truth booths or anything like that so there is nothing to stop us this time. It does not matter if we're a perfect match or not. What matters is that I have my sights set on him and I have the chance to rekindle what we had back then. We had so much fun together in the past. The only reason why he fell back in love with Renee was because we found out that we werent a match. If we were a match, he would have forgotten all about her.

"So, I heard you had a sleep over last night." she said to him.

"Oh yea. Courtesy of Paige."

"So what went on?"

"Nothing really. They all fell asleep on my bed. I got up and went into the living room couch to sleep afterwards."

"I was kind of upset that you didn't come to talk to me yesterday. I mean, we had this date coming up and I just thought that we would have hung out beforehand."

"Honestly, I didn't want to talk to anybody yesterday. I just haven't been feeling myself lately. Plus, its not like ive never met you before and know nothing about you. We go way back."

"I know but I just thought it was the courteous thing to do."

"Well why didn't you come talk to me?"

"Because you were always surrounded by people. Either that or I couldn't find you."

"I just wasn't really up to socializing yesterday."

"Why's that?"

He took a deep breath, "Just wasn't in the mood."

"So are you in the mood today?"

"Kind of I guess."

"You're missing Renee aren't you?"

"Yea but............ im not sad because im missing her. Im just...worried about what she's doing. Im worried about how this will end."

"You're worried that she falls in love with someone else?"

He shrugged.

"I think she should be the one to be worried. She has a better chance of losing you than you losing her."

"I don't think so."

"Im telling you Dean. I think here you'll find out that there's so much more than just Renee."

"That's great but I don't want that."

"Do you remember back on Are You The One, how strong our connection was? You ever thought about what would have ended up happening if we were a match?"

"Yea, if we got together, you would have cheated on me with Punk a few months later."

VC-AJL- *Rolls eyes*

"That would not have happened. "

"I think it would have."

"Dean....I was so in love with you.........when I found out we werent a match it broke me. I would have loved for us to be a match or even still continued something together after we found out we weren't a match. I know that you and I would have been in a better position if we were together."

"What are you trying to say right now?"

" and I could have something beautiful. I know ive made mistakes in the past with TJ but-ive learned and ive grown. Im tired-" her voice broke, "Im tired of being used and toyed with. I fell hard for you and then-I found out we couldn't be together. Now you're here worried about Renee falling in love-first of all, if you had a healthy relationship you shouldn't have to be worried about a thing like that." she placed her hand on Dean's, "Just think of how perfect we'll be together."

Dean scoffed, "Look, I am so confused. You literally go from 0-100 real quick. A few months ago when we were doing The Challenge together, where were these feelings? Now all of a sudden you're single and im here doing this show you want to start reminiscing about the feelings you had for me?

"Well back then you and Renee were going strong. I wasnt going to disrespect that. I didn't know you two were having problems."

"We're not having problems! We're fine."

"Well why are you so worried about her?"

"Its not the relationship. Its me. The relationship is great. Im not. She can get someone better than me. And that's what im afraid of."

"Well you can get someone better than her."

"I don't want anybody other than her." he sternly said.

VC-AJL-Wow...Dean is stubborn when it comes to Renee.

"Dean...thinking this way will ruin you. You are an amazing man. I just wish that you can see that."

VC-AJL-I think Dean is very insecure and it breaks my heart. I know what that feels like.

She stood up from the sand and put her hand out, "You're sitting? We didn't come here to sit. Come on, lets go into the water."

She was clearly referencing the same exact thing Dean said to her when they went on their first date.

"That sounds really familiar."

"It should."

He didnt want to hurt her feelings and blow her off. Even though he would much rather sit and drink all the free beer, he took her hand and pulled himself up. This also was a way to get her to stop talking about feelings and such. Together they went into water. He told her to hop up onto his back so he could have carried her into the deep side.

VC-AJL-I think at the end of this Dean's going to lose his feelings for Renee. He's going to see that he can get someone who treats him like a king. Someone who actually loves him.

AJ & Mickie

"You guys were so messy." Mickie said to him, talking about him and Alexa, "Your relationship may seem great now but do you ever think back to all those fights you two had and everything that was said?"

"What couple doesn't have fights?"

"What couple that has been dating for two years go through fights like the ones you two have been having? Its ridiculous."

"Listen, when you're doing shows like The Challenge, the environment that you're in can change you."

"Okay so tell me how things are between you two off camera."

"Its great. We keep in touch. We call and text and facetime."

"So you don't live together yet?"

"No. Its a 9 hour drive away. Flights are less time but the back and forth is too hectic."

"So why doesn't she live with you?"

"Her parents are pretty protective. She said that they don't want her living nine hours away with a man that she's not married to. And she's still living in her parents' house so I cant go there."

"And you don't want to move from Gainesville?"

"Hell no. To live in Ohio? I don't think so."

"So you guys visit each other."

"She visits me. Ive never visited her but I have met her parents already."

"AJ...this is unbelievable. You guys have been together for two years and have no idea what its even like to be living with each other. When you guys are living with each other in these villas doing these shows you guys are always at each other's throats. Connect the dots baby."

"I know Lex and I aren't perfect but that's my girl. I love her."

"Do you like putting up with her shit? Be honest with me."

" but people can change. I think once Alexa leaves her parents' house and starts living with me she'll change. She'll mature and all this petty fights and arguments will stop. With the help of this show and her moving in with me, things will get better."

"You have no intentions of breaking up with her do you?"

"When you've invested two years into something you don't just up and throw it away. I have faith in us."

"You really love this girl, huh?"

"I do. Thats the end of this going to propose."

Mickie was lucky that she was not currently drinking anything because if she was she would have accidentally spat it out on AJ's face.


"I brought a ring with me here. When the month is over, im going to ask her to marry me."

VC-Mickie-Lord, why didn't you bless this man with some sense?

"Are you sure you want to do that?"

"I want to. I know I want to. I m just ready to begin my life. Settle down. Get married. By a house. Start having kids. Get a dog. She wants a pig so I guess we'll get a pig."

" happy for you I guess but remember AJ, you have no clue what its like living with her. Marriage is forever. Well unless you get divorced. Do you think she's capable of raising children. Managing a house? Do you think she's capable of growing up to handle these things?"

"Yea. I do think she's capable of doing all of that."

"AJ...please think about it. I think you really need to think about what you're going to do. Just months ago the girl wanted to break up with you. Battle Of The Couples is a prime example of marriage. Marriage is a couple working together as a team to face and overcome challenges in various forms. It seems to me like when the challenges get tough and the pressure is on Alexa's first reaction is to quit. Do you think that you'll be happy with her 50 years from now."

"I don't see why I wont be. At the end of all the fighting, who do we both go back to? Who do we both fight for? Each other. That says a lot."

Mickie sighed, "Well, you know whats best for you. Im happy for you pal."

"Thank you."

VC-AJ-This is a big step that im about to take and im ready for it. Im ready for us to begin our life together and for us to start to live the way that we should.

VC-Mickie-AJ, hunnie, I don't know what to tell you. I really don't. I think you're making a big mistake but, who the hell am I to tell you that.

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