Dates pt 1

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June 1st

VC-Renee-So, today is our first date with the guys and we're going zip lining!

All six women and their dates went to the zip lining station which was located on the mountains in a forested area.

"Have you ever done zip lining before?" Cesaro asked Renee.

"Out of all the crazy things ive done, no. I never happened to do that."

The six pairs of dates stayed in a group. They listened to the zip lining instructor as he was informing them of what they had to do. There were two zip lines so each couple can go at the same time.

"Who wants to go first?" the instructor asked.

"We'll go!" Becky volunteered for her and Drew. The instructor geared them up and reminded them of what they had to do. In a matter of seconds, Becky and Drew took off along the zip line into the forest. She screamed out of excitement.

"God.....heights."Renee said nervously as she looked on.

"You don't like heights now?" Cesaro asked.

"Had a bad experience on Battle Of The Couples so after that...yea heights and I aren't really friends anymore."

"Its okay. I'll be there and I'll protect you."

"Yea right. What if my harness breaks and I fall to my death in that forest?"

"They don't call me the Swiss Superman for nothing. I'll jump out of my harness and try to save you."

"I'll be dead by that time."

"Well then we'll be dead together after I jump."

She laughed, "You're the purest."

Each couple eventually got a chance to zip line across the forest. Some did it more than once.

VC-Nikki-This is definitely a super fun date because it really gets the adrenaline going and it makes you feel super badass and- I just love it!

VC-Sasha-The wind is in your face and you feel like your flying-its super cool.

"You having fun?" Mustafa asked Sasha as they were sliding down their zip line.

"Hell yea!" she replied.

VC-Mustafa-I want Sasha to have a good time. I heard she was feeling down yesterday because she was missing her man so I just really want to make sure she has a good time with me and put her worries aside.


The six guys and their dates were seen in a boat being outfitted with snorkeling gear.

VC-Finn-So for our date today we're going snorkeling.

The boat was anchored in a deep part of the ocean and one by one they entered into the water. They all began swimming around and investigating what was under the water. They saw schools of fishes and corals underneath the beautiful blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

VC-Paige-Im hungover and im snorkeling at 8 in the morning.....

While underneath the water, AJ put her arms around Dean's neck, holding onto him as he snorkeled. The rest of the pairs made sure to stay in close range of each other.

VC-Finn-There was a point while we were under water where Liv grabbed onto my hand and was pointing out everything she saw. She never let go of my hand after that and I thought it was kind of cute how amazed she was at everything.

VC-Liv-Everything im seeing is just so beautiful! Ive never been snorkeling before and its such a beautiful experience. 10 out 10, would recommend.

Finn and Liv kept holding hands as they further explored the waters.


After the zip lining, the couples branched off to have lunch and get some one on one time with their partner.

Naomi & Randy

The pair took their seats on a picnic table. They had their lunch (which was sponsored for everyone) on the table waiting for them.

"Oh this looks good." said Naomi, looking at the food.

"You look better." Randy said.

She rolled her eyes.

"Im just kidding. But you do look beautiful today though."


"Did you have fun today?"

"Yea I did actually."

"Awesome." he nodded, taking a sip of his soda. There was a bit of awkward silence between the two as they ate.

"Listen, I haven't been on a date with anybody else except Jimmy for the last 6 years okay so forgive me if this whole thing is kind of awkward right now."

Randy laughed, "Yea this is probably strange to you isn't it."

"For sure. long have you been single." Naomi asked, trying to make conversation.

"Since the last time you saw me."

"That was like two years ago."


"No plans of settling down?"

"Well that's what im looking for. Im looking for the right woman to make me want to change my ways. Until then, im a free bird."

"How old are you?"


"Randy.....come on. You're almost thirty years old and you're still stuck in your player ways? Why wait for someone to change you when you can change your damn self."

"Maybe I don't want to change just yet. Why settle down so soon? Im still young. I don't want anyone holding me back."

"Dont you want children?"

"I do have a kid. She's three. She stays with her mom."

"Why am I not surprised that you already got someone knocked up. you think that one of us here can make you want to change your ways?"

"I think there's a chance that one of you might."

"Let me guess, you think its Sasha?"

"Oh no. God no. Probably Nikki."

"Ohhh okay."

"Alexa's pretty hot too. Id like to get to know her for a night, you know what I mean."

Naomi shook her head, "What is wrong with you?"


Sasha & Mustafa

"You havent been on a date since you were 21?" Sasha asked Mustafa in disbelief.

"Yup. Crazy right?"

"How come?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. Ive always been focused on my job and my family. I never really took that time for myself to go out and date."

"That's crazy. So is this weird for you right now?"

"Its not weird. More like strange."

"Well don't think of it as a date. Think of it as just hanging out."

"Got it." he smiled.

"So during the six years of not dating, weren't there any girls that tried to get with you? Or weren't there any girls that you wanted to get with?"

"There were. But I have a bad habit of not texting back-"

"Oh my god." Sasha laughed.

"Yea so basically I always screw things up for myself."

"If you want to find love then you need to stop doing that."

"Currently im still living with my parents so I think I'll wait until I move out to start dating again. I rather be on my own."

"So are you looking for a girl to settle down with or just a girlfriend for the time being?"

"Well im looking for something long term if I do get a girlfriend. I dont want to play around or just have short, meaningless relationships."

"You're looking for wife material?"

"Yea. And I havent really come across a girl like that yet so, I rather wait until I find her than go out and be with a girl that I know I dont want to marry."

"I like that you know what you want."

"I take these things seriously. Some guys just jump from one girl to another. Im not into that. If I was then I would have no problem dating around."

"So you get the girls huh?"

"I do. The girls come to me but...they're just not what im looking for."

VC-Sasha-This date really took my mind off of things. Mustafa is so great. We had a great conversation. The zip lining was awesome. Im just happy that I got the chance to forget about Roman for a little bit because I know as soon as I go back to that house my mind is going to be stuck on him once again.

Renee & Cesaro

"Personally Cesaro, I think you were too good for Mandy." Renee said after Cesaro described why they broke up, "I dont know why she was your perfect match."

"I gave her anything and everything she wanted. I bent over backwards for her. I dont know what more she wanted."

"Well buddy, she lost big time. She lost out on an amazing man. I dont understand why anyone would cheat on you."

"Maybe she wanted a guy with hair. Who knows."

Renee burst out laughing.

VC-Renee-Cesaro has managed to keep me laughing during this whole date. He is truly a gem.

"I always felt that you and I had a special connection." she said.

"For sure."

"I think our personalities go so well together. You are like that person that needs to be in my life through out. I rather have you as a best friend than have a girl as a best friend."

"I think we would be very great friends."

"So are we like best friends now?"

"I think so."

"Who knows where this friendship will escalate to." she laughed.

"Cheers to us becoming best friends." he held out his champagne glass.

"Cheers bestie."

Becky & Drew

"So I got a joke for ya." said Becky.

"Hit me with it."

"What do trees say?"

Drew shrugged, "I don't know."

"Well, I don't know either. Im stumped."

"Pft what?" Drew laughed.

"I got another. Why did the scarecrow win an award?"

"I have no clue."

"Because he was outstanding in his field."

Drew laughed, "Oh my goodness."

"I can go all day with these jokes. I have a ton more."

"You should be a comedian."

"I know right! I think I have what it takes."

"You do."

"You know I actually trained to be a clown."

"Did you now?"

"I did that, I did acting, I was a stunt woman, I did a lot of martial arts."

"So what do you do now?"

"Well I am still a stunt woman but also im an air-hostess."

"Wow. You're very talented. You can act, be a clown, do stunts and air host? You're pretty cool."

"Well, not to brag or anything but, I am."

Drew laughed.

"I always like to keep myself busy. So if Im not taking classes for something then im putting my skills to use."

"Thats very admirable. Im really into crime and mysteries, ghost stories, stuff like that-"

"Oh cool."

"I actually have my masters degree in criminology."

"Wow! That's awesome."

"Funny story, when I was 10 years old I used to love to read these magazines called X-Factor which focused on conspiracy theories and ghost stories. There was a particular case that stood out to me and I wanted to know more about it so I ended up writing a letter to the FBI under the Freedom of Information Act about the case asking for more details and asking questions and giving my theories and stuff like that. The FBI actually responded to me and ended up sending me a file containing private documents and information about the case that was never made available to the public."

"Woah....thats freaking cool. Have you ever tried doing that again?"

"No actually. But I found it super cool that the FBI did that. I wonder if they remembered that I was just 10 years old."

VC-Becky-Drew is awesome. He's very interesting and our conversations never seem to run dry. We can talk on and on about anything and all in all im just getting good energy from him.

Alexa & Dash

"So I heard that one of the guys already pissed you off." said Dash.

"Yup. The first day with everyone in the house and someone has already managed to attack me. Whats new?" she rolled her eyes.

"Forget about that guy."

"Ive long forgotten about him."

"So were you happy that you got my name? Or was there someone else you were hoping for?"

"I was pretty excited that I got you. I mean, you and I have never met before so it was cool to know that im going to hang out with someone new. Plus I saw the look on my boyfriend's face when I called your name and he was bothered, which I liked."

"So tell me about him. What kind of guy is he like? Because some of the guys have been talking and  I heard that he's kind of an asshole."

"He can be, to other people. Just don't rub him the wrong way. AJ is....first off, amazing-"

"Tell me all the bad things. What are some things that you don't like about him?"

"Um......he's very stubborn, like myself. He gets angry easily. He's very full of himself. He can be inconsiderate towards other people. He's kind of insensitive. AJ does what AJ wants to do you know. You either keep up with him or he'll leave you behind."

"Wow. Quite the gentleman you got there."

"But everyone has bad qualities to them."

"Do you wish that maybe he can change?"

"........I do. I think he needs to be a little more soft and gentle towards me. But that's how he is and I don't want to change him. I love him the way he is."

VC-Dash-There you go. There's your problem Alexa. You're settling for what you have. You can get so much better. You can actually get what you want but you're not choosing to do that because you're too afraid to let go of what you have. I should be a damn psychologist.

"To me it sounds like you're settling for AJ. I mean, you can get the man that you want but you're choosing not to do so because you and AJ have more history together."

"Im not settling. Im in love with him. Its not like I don't love him but have no choice but to be in a relationship with him. I love him more than anything else."

"What im saying is, think about your future. 10, 20 years from now, do you think you'll still be happy if you're with him. Think about 20 years of dealing with the same problems you're dealing with now. Maybe he cant change but you can. You can change now to benefit your life in the future."

"Im sorry, what is this? Am I here to get to know you or are you here to counsel me?"

"Im here to tell you everything that you don't want to hear."

"It seems like everyone in the world has a problem with AJ and I. Why does everyone want to break us up. I cant catch a break from this."

"Because everyone can see your relationship and see how bad it is for you. You cant see it because you're blinded by AJ. But if everyone is telling you to leave him then that should concern you. Nobody wants to see a happy couple break up. But everyone wants to see a dysfunctional couple go their separate ways."

Alexa was yet again, pissed off. She didn't respond to him. She wasn't even looking at him anymore.

VC-Alexa-I am so tired of people giving me their 2 cents on my relationship. I just dont want to hear it anymore.

"You're mad at me now aren't you?" he asked.

"I just wanted to have a nice lunch but now you've made me mad."

"Look, im sorry. I'll leave you to figure your stuff out okay."

"That would be appreciated. And tell those other guys to do that too because if someone else comes to me with that shit im going to flip out."

"You know what I like about you? I like that you're so loyal and committed to your man even though he's an asshole. That's commendable."

"No matter how bad AJ can be, he's remained loyal and committed to me so its only fair. Plus nobody else has captured my heart like the way AJ did, yet."

VC-Dash-Im seeing very obvious reasons why Alexa is still with AJ. The girl is just settling for him. I don't want to talk to her much about her relationship before she throws the mash potatoes at me but after this hopefully she'll open up to me more and I can help her realize what everyone has been talking about.

Nikki & John

"This is our first date. Cheers to that." said Nikki as her and John cheersed with their champagne glasses.

"Did you have fun today?"

"I did. It was super fun."

He took a sip of his champagne, "So, how's Brie doing?"

Nikki was caught off guard a bit by him asking about Brie.

"Um...she's great. I think. She still doesn't talk to me."

"Im really happy for her and Daniel. They seem to really love each other."

"Im confused by that to be honest. I mean, my sister can do so much better than that Daniel guy.  Now she's going to get married to him? What is she thinking? I honestly don't want to end up like her."

"But she's in love with him."

"Brie's confused. She went from Roman to that guy? Like, come on. And they've been only dating for a year. She's making some serious mistakes that she's going to regret in the future. She wont even respond to my texts or calls for me to slap some sense into her."

John raised his eyebrows at Nikki's comments.

" Anyway, im so happy that we're actually getting the chance to hang out now. No one to interrupt us, no one to pull us away. Just you and I, finally." she smiled.

John nervously smiled.

"Im surprised to see you on a show like this." she said.

"Yea well I got offered the opportunity and I decided, why not."

"Its very different to doing challenges."

"It is. But im here for the fun of it."

"So you're not going to try to make me your girl?" Nikki jokingly asked.

John forcefully chuckled.

"Im kidding." she laughed, "Im just glad that you're here. We're going to have a lot of fun together. Our friendship is still pretty new so we have a lot to find out about each other still."

"Yea...We sure do."

VC-Nikki-John and I are off to a great start. I don't want this date to end.

VC-John-Nikki is kind of coming on pretty hot and heavy and.....its weirding me out I cant lie.


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