Single and Ready To Mingle

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The Guys' Villa

12:23 PM

When all the single girls arrived back to their side of the island with the guys, they wasted no time in getting comfortable. Everyone were scattered through out the house in little groups talking, drinking, catching up or getting to know each other.

"You guys know as long as im here there's always going to be a party!" Said Paige as she was standing with a drink in her hand talking to Roman, Finn and Dean by the pool table.

"Oh yea. We know we can count on that." Roman said.

"Im basically using this show as a vacation. Free villa, free alcohol, free food. What more could I ask for?" she said.

"Hi Roman." a girl said, inserting herself into their conversation.

"Oh, hey Nia."

"Why don't you introduce me to your friends?" she asked.

VC-Nia-So...the guy who is at the peak of my interest right now is Dean *smiles* Crazy right? I don't know. There's something about him that I just like so much. Ive watched all the shows he's been on so I know the type of guy that he is. He's so cute *laughs* what do you want me to do?

"This is Paige," Roman pointed, "Finn and Dean. We all go way back."

"Hi there." Nia put her hand out for Dean to shake.

"Sup." he shook her hand.

"Guys, Nia is my cousin." Roman informed.

"Yea I can tell she's related to you. She has that pretty Samoan face like yours." said Paige.

"So Dean, are you excited to be here?" Nia asked.

"Its cool I guess." he indifferently answered.

It was pretty evident that Nia was trying to spark up conversation with Dean but he seemed uninterested.

VC-Paige-So im noticing that Nia over here is giving off signals that she's into Dean. She's batting her eyelashes and looking into his eyes and what not and....Dean seems to be in another world.

"Why don't you two get to know each other. Roman, come with me please." Paige pulled Roman away. Together, the pair walked off leaving Dean and Nia alone in horrendous awkward silence. Finn had left to go talk to some other girls.

VC-Nia-God, I have no idea what to say to him. What do you say to someone who's been staring at the floor for the past few minutes?

About 30 seconds of silence passed by before Nia said, "This house is absolutely beautiful."

He nodded with his eyes still gazing at the floor, "Yea, its nice."

"Do you...maybe want to get a drink with me?"

"......Um......" he scratched his head, "Ive had enough for now. Maybe later?"

"Oh yea, sure. No problem." she nodded.

Cue the awkward silence once again. She began having second thoughts about the decision to come over and talk to him.

VC-Nia-Like....what is up with this guy?

" going to the bathroom. I'll catch up with you later." she said.


She walked away, leaving him standing all by himself.

Paige and Roman were standing out by the pool side.

"Is everything okay with Dean?" she asked.

"He's acting different isnt he?"

"Yea. He seems really sad."

Roman began recalling how he has been acting since before they even arrived onto the island. This made Paige concerned....and a little mad.

VC-Paige-Dean.....why are you so stupid? Honestly. You're sad over this?

"Mark my word, im going to make him have a good time." Paige said, "There's no way im going to allow him to act like this. The time for being sad is over. Im sure Renee isn't sad."

"She seemed fine." said Roman.

VC-Paige-Dean, its time you snap out of it buddy. You better thank god im here because shit's about to change. You are not having this attitude while im around.


"Do you feel bad for using your block even though your girlfriend didn't use hers?" Zelina asked Seth.

Him, Zelina, Toni, Kaitlyn, Billie, Ember, Vanessa and Isla were hanging out in the kitchen around the kitchen island talking and having drinks.

"Not at all." he said, "I know the guy that I blocked and I don't trust him one bit. Kaitlyn knows what im talking about."

"Oh yea. Thats my ex that he blocked. I mean, Nikki is kind of the reason why we broke up in the first place."

"So he was your ex boyfriend?" Toni asked her.

"Yup. Never going down that road again."

"A lot of us here have history. Some of the singles have history with other singles, some of the couples have history with the singles, its crazy." said Seth.

"Seth and I have known each other since we did Are You The One last year." Billie informed.

"Thats right."

"So tell me Seth, who should your girlfriend have used her block on?" Zelina asked.

"Ohhh," he chuckled, "Tricky question. You're trying to dig deep arent you?"

"What? I just wanna know!" she playfully said.

"Yea tell  us!" said Billie.

Kaitlyn coughed, "Paige."

Seth scoffed, "Woah woah woah okay-"

"Oooo Paige?" Zelina asked.

"Yea. She totally should have blocked Paige." Billie agreed.

"She should have blocked all of you because all of you are beautiful." he said, trying to avoid actually answering the question.

"Oh give me a break. Answer the question!" Zelina insisted.

"Okay lets make things easier on him. What is your type?" Isla asked.

He shrugged, "I mean, I don't really have a type but most of the women I find myself attracted to has long, dark or brunette hair. Nice ass. Maybe tattoos. Lady in the streets, freak in the sheets you know."

"You just described Kaitlyn." said Toni.

"Well hey, if the shoe fits. But ive been attracted to different types of women through out my life so you don't necessarily have to be those things to get my attention."

"You ever been with a Latina?" Zelina asked.

Seth smirked, "I have not. Well, Nikki is part Mexican. Does that count? I don't know. But uh...why are you asking?"

"Oh, just wondering." she seductively said. They made eye contact before she looked away.

VC-Zelina-I am attracted to Seth. He's really hot, he has a lot of confidence, he seems like a good time. I want to get to know this guy a bit more.

The Girl's Villa

12: 02 PM

"Okay, who wants a drink?" Braun asked, uncapping a bottle of Jack Daniels.

"Ooo, I'll take one but not Jack Daniels. Maybe Vodka." said Nikki.

"Ugh, light weight arent ya?" Becky said, "Pour me some Jack big fella."

Braun laughed, "Thats the spirit."

Just like the guys, when everyone got back to the house they all began socializing and getting to know one another.

"We're both here to figure ourselves out you know. We're here to see if him and I are the ultimate endgame or if our endgame could possibly be with somebody else." Alexa said to the group of men that was surrounding her.

"And what if he finds out that he doesnt want to be with you anymore? What are you going to do?" Cedric asked her.

"I...I don't know. But that's not going to happen."

"You just said it could happen. Its a possibility." said Chad.

"I know but...AJ isnt the kind of man to give up on something. He'll work and work and work until he fixes his problems. That's what we're here to do. Fix our problems."

"That's kinda not what you said but okay." Chad replied.

"But what if your relationship is beyond repair?" Adam asked.

"Its not. Trust me. We're both young. We have a lot of time to repair it."

"Okay enough about him. What about you? What if you find everything you've been looking for in a man, right here. What if you find the perfect man for you right here? What if you fall in love so hard that you forget who the hell you came here with? Then whats going to happen?" Adam asked.

"Um..." she tucked her hair behind her ear trying to come up with an answer, "Im not here to fall in love. The man for me is on the other side of this island. Im here basically doing an experiment to see how we can fix ourselves. At the end of this whole thing, we're leaving the island together. We're here to gain answers and take a look at our relationship at a new perspective."

"Sweetheart, ive seen you and AJ on that show. You were the most annoying freaking couple on it. Trying to fix the relationship you have is like spraying Febreze onto a pile of dog crap in an attempt to make it smell better." Adam said as some of the guys chuckled.

"Wow. And who the hell are you to give your opinion on my relationship. You don't know a damn thing about AJ and I so don't think you know whats best for me. You see what you see on TV, you don't know how the hell we are in real life, asshole. You don't know me and you don't know him!"

"Well darling...why are you here? If your relationship in real life is so great then why the hell are you here?" Adam responded.

"I don't need to answer to you. Who the hell do you think you are?"

"Im just asking a question. Why are you here?"

"Bro, chill out." Chad said to him.

Alexa got up from her seat and walked away.

"I dont need this." she muttered to herself.

VC-Adam-Im not trying to be mean to Alexa, im just telling her what everybody else is thinking. Im hitting her with straight up facts. I don't care if she doesnt like it, she needs to know that her relationship is the equivalent to a cesspit. Full of toxic waste.

VC-Alexa-I don't need these nobodies telling me about my relationship! I am here for me and AJ, not them. I mean, who do they think they are! Fuck off, you guys don't know a damn thing about us so keep your stupid ass opinions to yourself!


7:02 PM

VC-Sasha-Im trying to socialize, im trying to have a good time but at the back of my mind im thinking about Roman. What is he doing? Who is he talking to? I wasn't feeling it before im just worried sick about him. Im missing him so much.

Sasha and Naomi was hanging out with Ricochet, TJ, Mustafa, Tyler Bate and Elias. The girls were sitting poolside as the guys sat, surrounding them.

VC-TJ-Sasha seems very spaced out and kind of out of it. She's not really talking or acting like herself.

"Sash, do you want to go get a drink with me?" TJ asked.

"Sure, why not."

The pair got up and began walking to the kitchen.

"You okay?" TJ asked.

"Yea...just got alot on my mind. This whole thing is kind of hard on me right now."

"Are you worried about Roman?"

"Pretty much."

"I don't think you should be worried. Roman is a good man."

"I know but...anything can happen. Im not taking anything for granted."

"Stop being so tense. Lighten up a bit. Ive been noticing through out the day that you've been acting really anti social and standoffish. Everything is going to be fine."

"Its not that easy to be honest." She sighed, "Hey, I think I might need to skip that drink. I have a headache right now and I think I need some rest. I'll see you in the morning okay."

"Alright. Sleep well."


Sasha left everyone and went up to her bedroom.

VC-Sasha-I  feel like a part of me is missing. I know I havent been acting like myself because im just not feeling like myself. I dont know what else to do but just keep to myself for the time being.

VC-TJ-I know this is hard for her but....I mean....she wasn't forced to be here you know. Stop being so standoffish. Talk to people. Its the only way to take your mind off of things. Hopefully tomorrow she has her head in the game.

The Guys' Villa

10: 45 PM

GC- Paige and Rosa

Paige-So...we've...we've been drinking since morning-

Rosa-Yes we have you can imagine...we're all fucking drunk right about now *drunkenly laughs*

Rosa-Time to partyyy!!!*shakes her chest*

Music was blaring and girls in their bathing suits were scattered about the backyard. Of course, not all of the 25 women were drinking and partying but the majority of them were.

Dean and Roman were seen playing pool, AJ was talking to Dana, Finn was talking to Bayley and Jimmy and Seth were being entertained by the dancing girls.

VC-Jimmy-This place is freaking lit right now! I love it here!

Zelina grabbed onto Seth's hand as she danced, pulling him into the middle of the group of girls who were dancing. He didn't resist. He twirled her around then brought her close.

"Im not much of a dancer." he said.

"That's okay with me. I'll teach you." she replied, turning her back towards him and twirling her hips against his pelvis.

"Are you seriously playing pool right now?!" Alicia said as she saw Roman and Dean, "Come dance with us!"

"Yea Roman!"said Rosa.

They both grabbed onto his hands and led him away onto the dance floor. Dean wasn't too sad about this however. This was his moment to escape. He quickly broke away from the scene and snuck up into his bedroom.

10 minutes after

"Hey, wheres Dean?" Paige asked Roman who was being bombarded with half naked dancing women.

"I left him at the pool table!" Roman responded.

"He's not there!"

"He's probably in his room!"

"Okay i'll go check!"

VC-Paige-You're not going to leave our party so soon Deano. Not on my watch.

Paige assembled a group of girls to go hunt for him.

Before they took off, she addressed them, "Okay girls so, my bestie Dean has been feeling pretty down because he's missing his stupid girlfriend that doesnt care about him. Sooooo, we're going to find him and cheer him up okay? Alright! Lets go find him!"

The group of women took off to find him.

GC-Liv, Carmella, Taynara

Liv-We cant have any Debbie downers in the house right now

Taynara-Not at all

Carmella-Especially not Dean and his fine ass

Liv-Baby we'll make you forget about your little girlfriend!

Carmella-Oh trust us! We will!

The first place they looked for him was in his bedroom. Paige opened the door and there she saw him, asleep.

"Lets get him girls!" she said

Her, alongside Carmella, Liv, Mandy, Taynara and Aliyah all ran into his room and invaded his bed.

Obviously, he was woken up by all the commotion.

VC-Dean-I wake up to find a bunch of women in bikinis in my bed next to me. Do you know how many dreams ive had about this scenario. I never thought it would happen. Usually I would have felt like the king of the frickin world because of this but *takes a deep breath* just not feeling it right now. I just want to sleep.

Liv and Mandy placed their heads on his chest and legs across his stomach as the other girls got themselves comfortable on the bed around him.

"What the hell is going on?" he groggily asked.

"We missed you." said Paige.

"You don't mind if we keep you company do you?" Mandy asked.

"Yea we don't want you to get lonely." said Liv.

"We cant have you go to bed all by yourself. We'll keep you warm." said Carmella.

"Um....okay." he said, laying in the middle of the bed surrounded by girls with hardly enough room to move.

"You girls take care of him alright. Sweet dreams Dean." said Paige as she got up from his bed.

VC-Paige-Today's mission: accomplished.

She took off his room lights and closed the door.

Liv kissed him on his cheek, "Goodnight."

The other girls also told him their goodnights.

"You guys aren't really staying here right?" he asked them.

"Aliyah's already passed out so might as well." said Carmella.

"What? You want us to leave?" Liv asked in a teasing manner.

"Uh...No I guess but...This is kinda too good to be true you know."

"We're all yours for tonight." said Mandy seductively said in his ear, "If you need us to do anything else for you, let us know."

Carmella smiled, "Goodnight Dean."

VC-Dean-This is just....crazy. If Renee sees this, I have no clue how im going to explain it to her. But on the other hand...I feel like a rockstar right now so...... I guess this is kinda cool.

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