Down To The Wire

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The Guys' Villa

27th June, 2019

1:24 AM

VC-AJS-So...the producers convinced me not to leave. They're right. I made it this far, might as well stay for the 3 or 4 days I have left.

AJ and Lacey were seen sitting on the daybed. He was still very irate. He wanted to be left alone but Lacey insisted on talking to him.

VC-Lacey-I don't believe in going to bed angry. I know there isn't much I can do to help him feel better because his situation doesn't concern me but...if I can talk him through it and cool him down a bit that would give me peace of mind.

"Its been two whole years Lacey. I haven't given this girl half the problems she's been giving me. She can't ever say that I cheated on her. Ever. What more am I supposed to do?" AJ vented with a beer in his hand.

She had his hand on his shoulder, "Babe, I think you need to stop giving second chances.You're only hurting yourself. Look at you, you're an amazing man AJ. You don't deserve to go through this. If she can't appreciate what she has then, find someone who will."

"Two years isn't easy to just throw away. I mean...I still love her. Feelings can't just go away just like that."

"But you don't deserve to be going through the hell she's putting you through. You deserve a woman that will build you up, not break you down."

He sighed.

VC-AJ-Where I come from, if theres a problem, we fix it. Especially if it involves somebody we love. And thats what I'm determined to do when Alexa and I reunite. We're going to get to the bottom of this. I don't know if Temptation Island is getting to her or what but whatever it is, we're going to figure this thing out.


As Jimmy was making himself a sandwich in the kitchen, he was approached by Mandy.

"Hey daddy."she said, hugging him from behind.

"Damn, thats the first time anybody's called me daddy in that context."

"You should get used to it."

"You want a sandwich?"

"If you were hungry you should've let me know. I have something for you to eat."

Jimmy closed his eyes and took a deep breath while he smiled.

VC-Jimmy-Mandy. Mandy Mandy Mandy Mandy. What the hell are you trying to do girl?

"Anyway, I feel like these past few days you've been really distant with me. Whats going on?" she asked.

"Because you say stuff like that."

She moved and sat on the stool opposite him.

"Am I going to see you after this show ends?" she asked.

"I don't know about that."

"Listen, I don't expect you to break up with your wife but....I don't expect to stop seeing you either if you know what I mean."


"Its fine Jimmy. I know you can't say anything with all these cameras around. Im tired of you fake denying that you want me so just save it. I know what you really want to say. I just think that the relationship that we developed is really special. Id hate for it to just be thrown away. We can keep this going you know. No one has to know about it."

He shook his head.

VC-Mandy-Jimmy can keep acting like he's so worried about his wife. He's just putting on a show. I mean look at me, how could you not want me *flips hair* I know he probably wants to be seen as a good guy because theres cameras around but trust me, if there weren't cameras, shit would've gone down a long time ago.


The Girls' Villa

1:30 AM

"I don't get why you're so upset."said Adam to Alexa.

They were both in Alexa's room on the bed.

"How could you not understand Adam? I don't want AJ thinking of me as a cheater. He already said that he's starting to have doubts in me. I don't want him to think that I'm something I'm not."

"Who the hell cares about what he thinks? The only people that matter are you and I." he tucked her hair behind her ear.

She frowned, "Yea but....He's still my boyfriend. I still love him. I'm always going to care about what he's thinking. Especially when its about me."

Adam knitted his eyebrows, "Okay so....what the hell am I then? A placeholder? Your toy to play with until its time to reunite with your man? Whats going on here? Don't lead me on just to dump me in the end of it Alexa."

"Do you expect me to lose all feelings I have for AJ just like that?"

"When you're moving on to bigger and better things then yes! I do."

She sighed and shook her head, "You have no idea what its like to be inside my mind right now. You really don't."

"Tell me right now, do you just want to be friends or do you want something more? Because I'm not just some toy for you to play with when you're bored."

She rolled her eyes, "Ugh, listen Adam. I don't want to make decisions right now. I like you. I really do. But I still love AJ. I don't know whats going to happen to him and I at the end of this okay. But right now my focus is on you. You're the only one that has all my attention. Stop stressing me out okay. I just want these few days to pass smoothly because I know I'm going to be stressed the hell out when I reunite with him."

"Well, incase you still haven't made up your mind yet on who you want, maybe I should speed up the process." said Adam before he grabbed her face and started kissing her. Slowly she leaned back onto one of the pillows.

VC-Alexa-I really like Adam. Like really really like him. When I'm with him I feel like I can just be myself you know. But I still love AJ, no doubt about it. AJ has seen and knows every part of me, the good and the bad. We've been through a lot together. Yea our relationship was hard at times but it didn't matter because I had him. *gazes away from the camera for a few seconds* I feel guilty. Every time I kiss Adam I feel guilty because.....I know I'm jeopardising my own relationship but.....he makes me happy. No matter what happens at the end of this of the men I care about the most will get hurt. Thats just how it has to be. Its out of my control.

9:23 AM

Nikki and Naomi were seen working out in the home gym.

"I swear like, if theres a reunion and I see that bitch, ya'll are gonna have to hold me back. Because I'm gonna run up on her."said Naomi as she curled dumbbells.

"Part of me wants to hold you back but the other part of me wants to see you kick her ass."

VC-Naomi-I was so naive to think that coming here was a good thing for our relationship. I was enjoying the experience at first but just miserable. Its getting to me. Things like this can drive a person crazy. a way I guess I'm kind of glad I'm getting to see Jimmy's true colours. Im getting to see him in situations that I wouldn't have had the chance to see him in. I know I can't really fully judge from the clips I saw but the way I see him acting....I never ever imagined id see him like that. Im tired of it. Im tired of being worried and angry and sad. I want this to be over with so I can rest.


10:45 AM

Sasha, Renee, Sami, Becky and Mustafa were seen sitting on lounge chairs not that far from the pool. They all noticed Chad standing at the edge of the pool with a drink in his hand, looking out at the water. Then, all of a sudden they noticed Randy run up to him from behind, hook his hands around his neck, leap off the edge of the pool and straight into the water, bringing Chad crashing down with him, causing a big splash.

Becky spat out her drink.

"What the hell?!"said Sasha.

EC3, Elias and Drew all applauded him.

When he emerged from under the water, he stuck his hands in the air in a tilted U shape as he sported a smirk.

"He literally just came outta nowhere. What the hell!"Renee complained.

"He's so full of himself."Sasha rolled her eyes.


11:45 AM

The Guys' Villa

Nia, Paige and Alicia were sitting near the pool, looking on at Liv and Dean who was in the hot tub.

"Did you guys notice that ever since Dean and Liv got serious, he stopped acting like a frat boy?" Paige asked.

"Trueeeee."said Alicia.

Nia unwillingly nodded, "They seem happy."

The sound of Liv's loud laughter to whatever Dean had told her, broke Nia's heart a little.

VC-Nia-It hurts that I didn't get lucky with Dean. Ive seen a change in him over the past few weeks. He seems a bit more settled down. He's not constantly drunk and acting like an idiot which is nice. I tried to be the person that he'd change for but....I guess I wasn't meant to be. Im done beating myself up over it. He's here for his happiness.....not mine. Whatever. Good for them.

The scene switched to Dean and Liv in the hot tub. Dean was sitting on the seat of the hot tub with Liv sitting on him. They were face to face.

"Liv Ambrose. It has a nice ring to it, dontcha think?" she asked.

"It does."

"We gotta start picking out our future kids' names. Im thinking Olivia if its a girl or Xander if its a boy."

"Xander? I always liked the name Jonathan. Call him Jon for short."

"Ugh thats so basic. What is it, the 70's?"

He chuckled,"Just don't get too ahead of yourself okay."

"What does that mean?"

"You're already thinking of kids names. You're 21 Liv. You've just crossed over into adulthood. You're still pretty young. I personally think you don't really know what you want yet, you know."

"Are you kidding? Do you think I have a rock for a brain? I know what I want. Its you!"

"Of course you're going to think you know what you want but....when you get a little older you're going to find out that you were wrong."

She looked at him in awe "Are you being serious right now?"

"I am a totally different person now compared to my 21 year old self. Well....not totally different but there is a slight difference."

"Dean shut up. I know I want you."

"I just think that with you, its going to be a heat of the moment type situation and when you go back home to Jersey you're going to get carried away with all those college guys."

"Not everyone is like your soon to be ex girlfriend baby."she said as she took his hands and placed them on her butt, "Theres one thing I'm certain of and that is that I'm ready to ride or die for you."

She leaned in for a kiss.

VC-Dean-Liv's age does throw me off. She's 21. Im going to be 28 soon. I think we're at different stages of life. She's at the age where she's gonna want to party and hook up with different guys and experiment and-all the usual crazy things a young adult does. Why the hell would she refuse all that for a guy like me you know. Plus...she's beautiful. She can do a lot better than me. I think the kind of woman that I'm destined to have is like a....drug addict trailer park mom of 2. Anyway, I'm just gonna enjoy everything while I can.


28th June, 2019

The Girls' Villa

9:12 AM

Becky was laying by the pool when she was caught off guard by someone she saw walking around. It was Stephanie.

"Hi Becky. Do me a favour, round up everyone and get them in the backyard." she said.

Becky did as she was told and soon enough, they were all assembled in the back.

VC-Sasha-I am so nervous. I know whats about to happen anxiety is through the roof.

Stephanie stood in front of everyone, "Hey guys. Beautiful day today right? Well, as you know the days of June are running out and we need to wrap this experience up. Therefore, ladies, will be selecting the guy you would like to take on your final date. Now, your final will be unlike the other dates you've been on. Its going to be much more intimate as you and your person of choice will be alone together on a romantic destination overnight. So make your choices very carefully. I know you all have probably have someone in mind already. Singles, those of you who aren't chosen today....will be leaving the island."

The guys faces all showed signs of worry and sadness.

"Like...right now?" Sami asked.

"Yup. Those of you who aren't chosen will have to pack your things and leave the island...right now."she said.

VC-Sami-Oh boy.

VC-Braun-I was really hoping this day wouldn't come.


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