Bonfire 4:2

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11:34 PM

"So, welcome back to bonfire gentlemen. Its been a long time hasn't it?" Stephanie greeted the men. They nodded.

"Well, tonight's bonfire is quite special. As a matter of fact, this is your last bonfire. The next time you're'll be reunited with your significant other."she informed them.

"Yayy."Seth sarcastically said.

"How do you all feel about this experience coming to an end?"she asked.

"Well, I for one can't wait." said AJ, "Its been great here but I'm ready to get this over with. Im ready to have that conversation with Alexa and go from there."

"What about you Dean?" she asked.

He was in his usual sitting position: slouching with his hand propped up against his face.

"Um...."he exhaled, "It had to come to an end eventually you know. We can't run from that."

"Are you ready to leave behind this whole experience? Will you miss it? Will you miss someone from it?"

He nodded, "Yea I was different to what I'm used to. After this show....I don't know where I'm going to end up. I don't what the outcome of this show is going to be for me. I kind of hate the fact that I'm going to have this big decision to make."

" haven't made up your mind as yet about what you want to do with regards to your current relationship?"

"I have ideas but.....theres another person involved and I'm going to need to hear her from her as well."

Stephanie nodded, "Well, lets kick things off shall we. Jimmy, you're up first. Will you be watching with everyone or by yourself?"

"With everyone, Steph."

She handed him the iPad, "Press play when you're ready."

/"You all seem stressed. Lets help with that, by using our hands. To massage you of course." said Dolph.

"You have some of the finest men on the planet here at your disposal ladies. Allow us to spoil you tonight."Adam charmingly said.

The girls all looked at each other.

VC-Naomi-Why not? I honestly think I need this right now.

"I like the sound of this." Naomi said as she walked off to a massage table. The rest of the girls got on board with the idea and also joined in.

Naomi, Sasha and Nikki decided to get a back massage. They stripped down to their underwear and mounted the tables. Naomi's masseuse was EC3, Sasha's was Ricochet and Nikki's was Dolph.

EC3 was seen lathering up his hands with oil and gliding them all over Naomi's bare back. He massaged with pressure, pressing into her with the palms of his hands.

"You do this often?" she asked.

"Not professionally. But I've always been told that I'm good with my hands."

"You're amazing."

He smiled.

He continued massaging her for a few more seconds.

"You have a lot of tension in you right now. I can feel it."

"Boy, you have no idea."

"Good thing I'm here to get rid of that."/

He handed back the iPad. Judging from his facial expression, he was clearly bothered by what he saw.

"So, what are your thoughts on this Jimmy?" Stephanie asked.

"......Im trying to convince myself that its not a big deal but....I didnt like what I saw."

"It seems like all the girls were having these guys rub on them." Roman pointed out.

"Freakin perverts."said AJ, "How desperate can you be to voluntarily 'surprise' the girls with massages. They're just trying to take any opportunity to touch on the girls."

"Any chance to get their rocks off."said Roman.

"I don't like seeing my topless wife getting massaged by some random guy. The girls may think that its an act of kindness that the guys wanted to surprise them but look-im a guy. I know how guys think. Like AJ said, I think they just wanted to get handsy with the girls. They should've known better."said Jimmy.

"But...the girls seemed like they appreciated the offer. If they didn't want the massages they could have easily said no. The guys' wouldn't have persisted."said Stephanie.

"If the girls really knew why they wanted to massage them they would have said no."said Jimmy.

"Why do you think that the guys did it for a more...perverted reason? Maybe the men noticed how stressed the girls had been and came up with the idea. Maybe they did it to cut the tension in the house? To make the girls feel more comfortable? After all, it is their job to make the girls feel comfortable."Stephanie asked.

"You're telling me Dolph was trying to massage the girls just because they looked stressed?'" Seth asked, "You're also telling me Randy was trying to do the same thing? Stephanie, we know half of the guys over there. We know how they are. They were doing that for their own benefits."

Stephanie put up her hands in surrender, "Okay you win. Cant argue with that. Anyway, Finn, you're up. Will you be watching with the guys or by yourself?"

"With everyone."

"Press play when you're ready."

/"Sometimes....when I start overthinking.....I convince myself that I'm his rebound." said Becky to Sami as she nervously twiddled with her thumbs.

"Why would you think that?"

" He was pretty hung up on Sasha because he wanted to be with her and she had ended up getting together with Roman. During that time he started texting me and we began talking quite often. Then eventually, things between us took off we're together. I saw the way he used to look at Sasha. And his ex girlfriend Peyton. He always had that little twinkle in his eye. I saw him look at Bayley that same way in a particular bonfire clip."

"Maybe it was the glare from the camera. Or maybe he was drunk, who knows. Finn won't hurt you Becky. You two are two of the best people I know. Its like you're made for each other."

"I just don't want him to settle for me if I really am his rebound. Finn's problem is that he's too nice. He may find someone that he wants to be with but won't chase after her because he cares too much about hurting me."

"Yea and you know what thats called? Its called love Rebecca!"

"Yea but....I just want him to be happy you know. Im just really confused right now Sami."

"Confused as to what?"

"If I want to continue the relationship with him or not."/

"What?"Finn said in utter disbelief.

VC-Finn-This is a massive curveball.

"So Finn, what do you think of Becky's theory?" Stephanie asked.

"Its-its absurd. Why is she thinking like that? confused."he said as he handed back the iPad.

"Did you have any idea that she thought of the relationship this way?"

"No I mean....thats not true. She's not my rebound. I am-totally caught off guard right now. Now she isn't sure if she wants to continue the relationship? What is going on with her over there? We were supposed to come here to become even stronger as a couple. And now...she doesn't know if she wants to be with me? This is crazy talk. Im absolutely appalled."

VC-Finn-I don't know where this side of Becky came from. I don't know what she's doing over there to make her think like that. This rebound talk is absolute nonsense. I love her. She's my best friend. I just-I don't know what to make of what I heard. Now I'm unsure if I'm going to have a relationship after this.

"Next up is Dean. Will you be watching with everyone or by yourself?"

"Get the popcorn ready boys. You're in for a show tonight."

"I take that as you're watching with everyone. Press play when you're ready."

She handed him the iPad and, like he did last bonfire, he dropped it on Jimmy's lap for everybody else to watch.

"You sure about this Dean?" Jimmy asked.

"Dean, take the iPad and watch your damn clip." said Roman.

"I don't care to watch it."

"Stop acting like a child and do what you're supposed to. Its the last clip man. Maybe you might see something that can have a positive effect on you."

"What, like my girlfriend telling everybody how horrible I am? I'll pass."

"Dean,"Stephanie said, "You're here for you. Jimmy isn't here for you. Jimmy has his own problems to worry about. This is part of your experience. What you see for yourself on this clip is only going to give you more answers or closure that you need. The rest of the guys are doing their part, man up and do yours. You may not want to see Renee and what she's doing but soon you're going to have to face her. Are you planning on running away from that too?"

He twisted his mouth. He took a few seconds before he finally took the iPad back from Jimmy.

VC-Roman-It definitely takes a village to convince Ambrose to do something.

/"His behaviour is so strange. He's not like himself." Renee vented to Cesaro as she was sitting on his lap, "And to top it off, he didn't send me a video message. It hurts knowing that I'm one of the two girls that didn't get a message. Like, what is he doing over there. Didn't he think that I would've liked to see him? I don't know whats going on with him. I really don't."

"Maybe....he's moved on."Cesaro suggested.

"He won't. I know him. He won't move on so quickly. I just hope those girls aren't getting to him." she sighed.

"Well no matter what happens, I'm always here for you." he said.

She smiled. Soon after, she leaned in and kissed him.

VC-Renee-Id be lying if I said that I'm not bothered with Dean's actions. Um....*sniffles* it shows that he's not thinking about me. It sucks knowing your boyfriend isn't thinking about you because he's too busy with someone else. *wipes a tear from the corner of her eye* I miss him. I really do. I don't know who he's turned into.

The scene then switched to show Renee and Cesaro in Renee's bed. She was laying on his bare chest and he had his arm around her.

"Im really going to miss hanging out with you when the show is over." she said to him.

"Im going to miss you too. Let me know how things go with Dean. The Swiss Superman will always be ready to sweep you off your feet if you're in need."

She laughed, "The Swiss Superman. I like it."/

Dean immediately gave back Stephanie the iPad, "Are you happy?"

"You're not doing this for me Dean! You're doing this for you."Stephanie raised her voice.

He rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, how do you feel about what you saw?"

"Fucking pissed. What, all of a sudden she's sad and she's claiming that she's missing me because I didn't send her a fucking video message?  It sucks to be ignored doesn't it? Her Swiss Superman will give her all the attention she wants. She spent WEEKS putting me down and now all of a sudden I turn my back on her and she wants to cry about it! Welcome to my world Renee. Being treated like trash isn't exactly fun is it?"he angrily said, "We're all temporarily single aren't we? Well I'm sorry! Im too busy living my single life to care about sending her a dumb video message!"

"But Dean....she sent you a video message right? How would it have felt if she didn't send you one and you were the only guy to get no message?"Stephanie asked.

"I would've won 10 bucks from Jimmy because we were betting on that. Now thanks to her, I owe him 10 bucks."

"Don't forget about my money man." Jimmy reminded him.

"Well...I have nothing more to ask."said Stephanie, "Roman, you're next. Will you be watching with everyone or by yourself?"

"With everyone."

"Press play when you're ready."

/"Truth or dare?" Nikki asked Mustafa.


"Okay, I dare you to....lick peanut butter off of Sasha's cleavage."

"What!" Sasha yelled.

Everyone cheered. Mustafa blushed.

"Mustafa you don't have to." said Sasha.

"No you have to! Its a dare!" Renee argued./

"Oh hell no." Roman said as he looked on.

/"Ya'll are crazy! That can't happen. Give him a next dare." said Sasha.

"Do it. Do it. Do it! Do it! DO IT!" Becky started chanting and everyone joined in.

Renee opened a jar of peanut butter, took some on her fingers and pasted it between Sasha's boobs.

"Oh my god." Sasha smiled.

"Just pretend he's Roman." said Nikki.

"If I do that then we're going to end up back in my bed." she replied.

Renee made sure to paste a good bit on her cleavage.

"Okay Mustafa, all yours." said Renee, licking the peanut butter off of her fingers.

"Mustafa im so sorry." said Sasha.

Mustafa kneeled down where she was sitting. She leaned forward a little and finally he began dragging his tongue between her boobs, trying to get the peanut butter off.

The girls all squealed and cheered.

"Is she moaning?!"Sami asked.

"Im not moaning!" Sasha laughed.

After 10 seconds of licking, Mustafa was done. He received a round of applause from everyone.

"Thats some good peanut butter." he said as Sasha playfully pushed him on the cheek./

"You gotta be out. Of. Yo. Mind. What the hell was this?"Roman said, clearly pissed off.

"It sounded like the girls were having some fun weren't they?" Stephanie said.

"If he had to lick peanut butter off her finger or her hand or something, id be fine with it. But off of her chest? Nikki's on some dumb shit man."

"You just realized that?" Seth said.

"You can't blame Nikki alone."said Jimmy.

"Yea. If Sasha sooo didn't want Mustafa to do the dare she could've up and left."Roman added.

"But guys,"Stephanie interjected, "At your villa you have women putting on lingerie competitions and grinding on you and having you doing body shots. Why is it such a big deal when your girlfriends do something a little risqué. They're just having fun."

"Yea but I don't want to see my girl doing risqué things with any other guy because I'm not doing risqué things with any girl here. Now, some of the other guys can't say that for themselves but I know for sure I can. My tongue hasn't been on anybody yet in this house."

"Uce, if Sasha saw you licking peanut butter off of some girls' tits....she'd have a heart attack." said Jimmy.

"She'd definitely pop off." Roman agreed.

Stephanie shook her head, "You guys get upset over everything don't you? Anyway, AJ, you're next. Watching with everyone?"


"Press play when you're ready."

/VC-Renee-So from what I've noticed....things have gotten hot and heavy between Adam and Alexa. I have no idea where that even came from! I just saw them basically eating each other's face tonight and realised, ohhh, something's definitely up.

"You're so pretty." Adam said to Alexa as he held her on top of him.

"You're pretty."she tapped him on the nose with her finger.

Her words slurred and she acted all giddy.

"Adam, you might wanna go easy there man. When you get back home you're gonna have an angry country boy coming after you." said John.

Alexa giggled.

"Id like to see him try. How sad would it be knowing that I took his girl and end up kicking his ass too?"

"You don't have to worry about him."said Alexa.

After a few more minutes in the bus, everyone had finally arrived back at the villa.

GC-Adam and Alexa

Alexa-I had a lot of fun with you tonight.

Adam-*holds her by the cheeks* So did I *kisses her*

Alexa-*smiles* Im gonna get in so much trouble for this.

Adam-Do you care?

Alexa-Right now, no *kisses him*/

"Oh shit."said Jimmy in shock.

AJ's face looked flushed of blood. He stayed staring at the screen even after it turned blank.

VC-Jimmy-Yo like, this is the same girl he wants to have this grand, surprising proposal for. I feel so bad for the guy man. Jeez.

"AJ?"Stephanie called out to him.

A minute had probably gone by since the clip ended and AJ still hadn't reacted or said a word.

He finally handed over the iPad. He maintained a straight face although it looked like he was trying to conceal how he was truly feeling.

"AJ...after seeing what you are you feeling about it?"

He exhaled slowly and deeply. His eyes fixated on Stephanie. He seemed as if he wanted to say something but it just wouldnt come out.

Another minute passed by without him saying anything until finally, he spoke up.

"That's the girl I'm planning to marry."he said with a straight face.

Nobody was sure if he was being literal or sarcastic.

VC-Jimmy-I don't know if his statement meant like, 'Yea. Fuck that.Thats the girl I'm still planning to marry!' or, 'Thats the girl I'm planning to marry? She was kissing another man, is this the same girl I was gonna marry?'

He rested his elbows on his knees and hung his head low. He felt his heart crumbling.

VC-AJ-I wasn't expecting to see what I saw tonight....To see Alexa kissing that guy made me sick to my stomach. What went wrong? WHY THE she allowing him to be that way with her. Nothing makes sense right now. I didn't want to regret coming to this place but I'm startin' too.

"AJ, a little word of advice, you don't know the exact context of this clip."Stephanie said, "Like with every clip, you don't know what happened before and after the scene that was shown. It could be a heat of the moment thing."

"It doesn't matter! She shouldn't be kissing him! It better be a heat of the moment thing for that son of a bitch's sake! What the hell is his name-Adam? Adam better pray to the almighty that he don't cross paths with me! He thinks he can kick my ass and take my girl? He's gon have to kill me instead! He made a huge freakin mistake!"he punched the seat of the stool he was sitting on, "I don't know how she's gon get herself out of this one. I knew we shouldn't have come here!"

VC-AJ-A few days ago I found out she had a fling with Seth, now im seeing her kiss this guy like she's been married to him for years. Is that who I'm planning on spending the rest of my life with? Everything was going great until she screwed up! I could've gotten past the Seth situation because at this point, which woman hasn't slept with him? Now, all my fears are coming true. It *voice breaks* hurts. I've been with her for two years and I still can't say I trust her. Have I been wasting my time? What more does she want from me? Im ready to give her everything I have but its like she's not ready for it. Is she really gonna lead me on for two whole years to just throw everything that we had away for this stranger? What is she thinking?

"I think I'm about done here. Its time for me to leave."said AJ.

"We just have one more clip to get through and you all will be on your way."

"No I mean I want to leave the show. Thats it. Im freakin done."he stood up and began taking off his wired microphone that was under his shirt.

"If he's going home can I hitch a ride with him?" Dean asked.

"Get Alexa from that house, put us on a plane and send us home!"AJ demanded.

He threw the mic on the floor and stormed off set.

Some producers followed after him to talk to him and hopefully calm him down.

The cameramen followed him as well.


"AJ you're going to need to calm down." a producer said to him.


As the producers dealt with an enraged AJ, Stephanie continued on.

"Okay Seth, you're up next. Watching by yourself or with everyone?"

"I'll watch with whats left of us."

"Press play when you're ready."

/Nikki decided it was time to go to bed. She was seen walking down the hall to her bedroom. However, she wasn't alone. Dolph was seen with her. The surveillance cameras showed the two talking as they walked to the room. Finally they got to her door. They talked some more, for a minute or so. She seemed very giddy and giggly. She had her back to the wall as she talked to him. He pressed his hands against the wall and began leaning in closer.

Eventually, they began kissing. For a brief moment Nikki looked around to see if there was any camera crew. She realized there weren't any and the pair continued. He lifted her legs around his waist as they kept on getting more intense. From her lips he moved down to her neck.

He managed to carry her into the bedroom and shut the door. Luckily, WWETV's bedroom surveillance cameras was able to keep up with the action.

He rested her on the bed as their passionate make out session continued. His hands kept gliding up and down her body.

The scene fast forwarded a little to show both of them under the blankets. She was seen on top of Dolph who was laying flat down on the bed. She was topless. No shirt, no bra. All that was visible was her back since the blanket covered her from her lower back.

'I don't feel guilty.' she whispered to him.

'You shouldn't.' he responded./

He took a deep breath in as he handed back the iPad.

"So Seth, what do you make of that clip?"Stephanie asked.

"Im gonna go ahead and guess that she had sex with Dolph. Theres no way they're both going to be like that and not have sex."

"Are you bothered at all by what you saw?"

"Part of me saw this coming. I mean, look at who we're dealing with here. Nikki is as gullible as they come. She's about as strong as a toothpick. She has no self control. I hope she finds what she needs in Dolph. Out of all the guys she could have gone after, she chooses Dolph. "

"What do you think might have prompted her to commit these actions?"

"As I said, she's gullible. Dolph might have told her what she wanted to hear and by doing that he won the key to her panties."

"You don't seem highly affected by this."

"Why should I be? At this point I don't think that theres a slight chance of us getting back together. I don't know why the hell we thought coming here was going to help us. She just fell back into her old ways. And I'm not going to lie...I did too."

"Does seeing this clip make you reflect on yourself and what you've been doing?"

He nodded, "Yea. It does. It looks like we weren't meant for each other because if we were....we'd be fighting for each other. I guess we realised that our true purpose is to go our separate ways."

"Is there really no chance of you and Nikki rekindling the relationship?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. We'll see when the time gets here."

Stephanie nodded, "Well guys. That does it for tonight's bonfire. I believe production is still trying to calm AJ down. Anyway, i'll see you all very soon. Remember from here on out, things are going to get even more serious than before. Your biggest decision awaits. Take care guys.

VC-Finn-I feel like every thing got flipped upside down tonight. I wasn't expecting Becky to say the things that she said. She's not sure if she still wants to be with me. Should I keep fighting for us or should I start mentally checking out of the relationship. *sigh* Im at a crossroads. I really don't know whats going to happen with us now.

VC-Seth-At this point, I'm here for me. Nikki went to an all time low by having sex with Dolph. I could've been doing the same thing but in my back of my mind, I still cared about her enough not to go that far. All bets are off now. Im going to do whats best for me.

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