Bonfire 4:1

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26th June, 2019

8:10 PM

"Welcome back to bonfire ladies, its been a while, I know." Stephanie greeted the six women.

VC-Naomi-I am definitely nervous for tonight's bonfire. Its been a week and more since our last bonfire and....lord alone knows whats been taking place over on the other side of the island.

"How are you guys feeling tonight?" Stephanie asked.

"Scared." said Renee.

"Definitely nervous." said Naomi.

" pleased to let you guys know that your last bonfire. The next time you're here, you'll be reunited with your significant other." Stephanie informed them. They all nodded.

"Well, lets get down to it shall we? Becky, you're up first. Will you be watching with the girls or by yourself?"

"With everyone."

Stephanie reached over and handed her the iPad, "Press play when you're ready."

/Finn and Dakota were seen on their date.

"Theres something you're holding back from saying. I can tell." said Dakota.

"How can you tell?"

"I don't know, I can just sense it. Is there nothing you're at least hoping to gain out of this show?"

He twisted his mouth and gazed out into the distance.

"I mean....I guess one reason why I didn't mind doing this show is because.....I was hoping that maybe it may make Becky and I's relationship more passionate and more romantic. I love her but the relationship isn't how I pictured it would be. Sometimes I feel like we're just friends still. She's not really into romantic things like I wish she would be."

"Wouldn't you like to be with someone who's as passionate as you are?"

"It would be nice, yea. The thing about Becky is that she's very independent. She has a tough shell. She doesn't like being spoiled. I wish she would be more open with her emotions. I wish she would be a bit more vulnerable you know. But I don't know how to tell her that without sounding like I want to change her."

VC-Finn-I wish Becky would open up and talk to me more but I know its something that she's not comfortable with. She's a very independent woman and sometimes....I feel like she doesn't need me. Sometimes I don't feel the romantic love between us. Its frustrating because sometimes all I want to do is shower her with my love and affection and she doesn't want that. This is definitely something that I'm going to bring up when we reunite./

Becky handed back the iPad.

"So Becky, what do you think of what you saw?" Stephanie asked.

She sighed, "Erhm....he's right. Im not very lovey dovey like he is. But...thats just how I am. Its a very clear contrast in our relationship but...I didn't know that it bothered him that much."

" looks like this experience is paying off on Finn's part. He sees a fault in the relationship that he'd like to fix. Thats what he's here to do; see the relationship from a different perspective."

Becky nodded, ".....Yea."

VC-Becky-Yea I'm not like the other girls he's dated before. Hearing what I heard in the clip just makes me believe even more in my theory that I was just his rebound. Im sorry I can't be what you want Finn. Im sorry I can't be like Sasha or like any of the other women you've been with.

"Next we have Sasha. Watching with the girls or by yourself?"

"With everyone."

"Press play when you're ready."

/ "Do you want more kids in the future?" Zelina asked.

"Hell yea. At least three more."

"Wow." she laughed.

"Im a huge family man. Gotta make sure my bloodline keeps running you know."

"Do you see Sasha being the mother of your future kids?"

"For sure." he nodded, "I think she'd be a great mom."

VC-Zelina-Roman is a very gorgeous man and initially I was interested in something romantic with him but the more I've gotten to know him the more I've grown this respect for him. He seems like a man that knows what he wants and obviously what he wants is his girlfriend. Hopefully after this him and I can have a friendship because he's such a cool person to hang out with.

VC-Roman-Zelina reminds me of Sasha in a lot of ways. I think thats why we get along so well. She's very down to earth but can be feisty. I guess I like that in women *shrugs* /

"No bitch, you can't have a friendship with him after this." Sasha said as she handed over the iPad.

"So Sasha, what are your thoughts on the clip you saw?"

She started blushing which then, turned into a smile, "I loved the part where he said I'll be a great mom."

The girls laughed.

"But he said this girl-Zelina, reminds him of me and....I don't know how to feel about that. I don't know what kind of impression she's made on him and what he truly thinks about her. Like, what if he develops feelings for her eventually. Its never okay when your man says another girl remind him of you. Thats just how I'm looking at it."

VC-Sasha-Zelina better keep her distance. He don't need any more friends.

"Understandable. Nikki, you're up next. Watching with the girls or by yourself?"

"You know what, I think I'm going to watch this clip by myself this time."

Stephanie handed her the iPad with a pair of headphones, "Press play when you're ready."

/VC-Seth-Okay look, I think Paige is incredible. Ive always had a place in my heart for her since I met her but I've never really explored that because....I never thought that she felt the same about me.

"Honestly, I don't think theres going to be a me and Nikki after this."

"Oh shit. Really?"

"I think I've lost interest in the relationship. I thought being away from her for so long would make me miss her but I ended up drifting away. I don't think this whole relationship thing is for me. I may end up dying alone to be honest."

"Same here."

"Thats why we're perfect matches right?"

She smiled, "Exactly."

"Its crazy that we never gave it a shot." he said.

"Gave what a shot?"

"You and me."

She chuckled,"I said I'm trying to stay out of trouble Seth."

"How am I trouble? I don't get it."

"Do you remember what happened the last two times you and I were alone."

"Thats because we weren't under the right circumstances. Other people were involved. Im just saying, if you and I got together I think everything would be great. You and I would be a power couple. We can give Sasha and Roman a run for their money."

"I think it'll be problematic and I don't want to go back there. Its hard to resist you but I can't give into temptation all the time."

"I tempt you?"

"You're very tempting Seth." she said with a little laugh.

"So you're into me. Then why do you always act like you hate me?"

"I don't know! I mean, I hated you at first but you've grown on me. I really like you a lot now. When I'm around you I get that butterfly feeling in my stomach. I just want to grab your face and lick you because theres something about you that lights a fire in me but....I don't want to get attached to you because I don't want to get hurt anymore. Thats why I avoid you when I can."

"Look, you have every reason not to trust me because you know about my past but....maybe we need each other to help fix ourselves and grow. I think we can learn a lot from each other."

She sighed, "Maybe. But what about Kaitlyn? You're pursuing her right now and I don't want you to break her heart. She's been through enough."

He took a deep, slow breath in and out as he tried to think of what to say.

"Look Seth, Kaitlyn really likes you-"

"But I want to be with you Paige. Ive always wanted to be with you."

"Im not looking for a relationship. I don't think it'll work out, I told you this."

"Im sorry if I seem like I'm begging but I think its stupid that we both want this but you're too paranoid about being hurt."/

Nikki took off the headphones and handed it back to Stephanie.

"Care to give us your thoughts on what you saw?" Stephanie asked.

She sighed, "Well....clearly Temptation Island didn't benefit my relationship with Seth. All I'm going to say is that....he's moved on and apparently him and I aren't a thing anymore."

"What did you see in the clip?"

"I saw him confessing his feelings to....Paige. Basically he was saying that he always loved her and so on. It also seems like he's leading on Kaitlyn. All I know is that him and I are completely over."

"Are you bothered by what you saw?"

".....Yea. Im bothered to see that he hasn't changed his ways. I should've known coming here was just a recipe for disaster. Clearly Seth isn't ready to grow up."

VC-Nikki-When Seth and I reunite....I honestly have no idea how our conversation is going to go. I don't even know if he's going to want to say anything to me.

Stephanie nodded, "Next, we have Alexa. Watching it with everyone or by yourself?"

"With everyone."

"Press play when you're ready."

/"What really happened between you and Alexa?" Nia asked Seth.

He smiled, "Oh no no no no. You're trying to get me in trouble here."

He began pouring some hot sauce in a shot glass.

"No don't take the shot! We all wanna know!" said Paige.

"AJ, do you know anything about this?" Mandy asked.

"No actually." he said very sternly.

"I can't talk about that with AJ right here. Im a very respectful man okay!"

"No Seth, please, let us know." AJ said while glaring at him.

"Buddy, I just don't feel right telling you about that. Ask Alexa, she'll tell you."

"No, I wanna hear it from you. Go on."

Seth laughed to himself. He hesitated for a few seconds before he started spilling the beans.

"Fine fine fine, you picked your poison. Alexa and I did hook up. That was way back when Free Agents had ended. But it was only oral! We were about to reach the next level but she decided not too. It was a hell of a time though. That girl sure can work her tongue."

AJ's face shrunk. The girls all ooed, gasped and cheered.

"I see why you want to marry her AJ. The fighting, the arguing, its all worth it in the end isn't it?" he condescendingly said.

VC-Zelina-Poor AJ. I feel secondhand embarrassment for him.

AJ decided it was time to leave so he got up and walked away. Lacey noticed how upset he looked and followed behind him.

VC-AJ-....... Of course something like that is going to bother me. No man wants to hear that their girlfriend hooked up with someone else while they were on a break. I don't care that it happened years ago, she shouldve let me know. I've-I've noticed a pattern in Alexa. Whenever she's upset....she likes to have male attention. Hell, thats how we initially got together. She was upset over something and I was there to comfort her. Its making me she's dealing with what she's seeing at bonfire. I saw her upset over a clip she saw of me and then she brought a man into her bedroom. What else could she be doing to comfort herself?/

Alexa's jaw was dropped.

"Are you kidding me?"she said in disbelief, still staring at the screen.

VC-Sasha-She probably should have watched that by herself.

"What are your thoughts on this Alexa? It looks like some dirty laundry has been aired out." Stephanie said.

"Why the hell were they talking about that? That was from years ago! Does Seth have any idea of what he just did? Now AJ thinks I'm whoring around! Its nobody's business what happened between us all those years ago!"

" kinda are whoring around Alexa."said Becky. Sasha scoffed.

VC-Becky-I couldn't keep it in, I'm sorry.

"What the hell! No I'm not! Oh my god!" Alexa whined and covered her face with both her hands.

She was feelings stressed beyond words from what she saw. She felt blindsided. Exposed.

VC-Alexa-*while sobbing* Great! Now AJ is having doubts in me. Why the hell is it always MY business that gets spread everywhere! *wipes tears* I fucking hate these people. That was NOBODY'S BUSINESS! Are they trying to personally sabotage my relationship? *sniffles* God....I can only imagine how AJ feels....

"That wasn't anybody's business. Oh my god." She said with absolute worry in her voice.

"Do you think that this new information is going to hinder AJ's trust in you?" Stephanie asked.

"Did you not hear what he said? He's already having his doubts! Ugh!"

Stephanie refrained from asking Alexa any further questions.

VC-Sasha-Alexa you been tongue deep in Adam's are you trying to act innocent? AJ has every right to not trust you.

"Alright, next up is Naomi. Watching alone or with everyone?"

"With everyone."

"Press play when you're ready." Stephanie handed her the iPad.

/"How am I so sure that you're not going to leave me high and dry like you did the last guy?"Jimmy asked.

"Because I've never wanted him as much as I've wanted you. Plus, when you work hard for something, you appreciate it more. Id like to think I'm working pretty hard for you. I guess I like when things are...hard." she seductively said.

Jimmy cleared his throat.

She got up and sat on top of him, throwing her arms around his neck.

"Not to quote Rihanna or anything but, when I'm with you all I get is wild thoughts." she said.

He chuckled, "Smooth."

"Why don't we make my fantasies into reality?"

Jimmy rubbed his chin.

"Kiss me Jimmy."

He nervously laughed./

Naomi's jaw was dropped,"Thats-thats it? No! I want to see what happened after! Play me the rest!"

VC-Naomi-This bitch *clenches fist and inhales deeply*-I swear to god....Im gonna choke her out when I see her.

"She likes when things are hard? Well she's fucking lucky that I can slap hard! What the fuck is she doing? And fucking Jimmy is there acting like an idiot!" Naomi got out of her seat and started ranting and raving, "This bitch is throwing herself on top of him and he aint doing a damn thing about it! Are you kidding me? And what the hell is he talking about 'how am I so sure you aint gonna leave me high and dry?' What the hell is that supposed to mean?Is he planning on marrying her? Why the hell is he even asking a question like that! If he wants her then fine-"

She took off her wedding ring and threw it on the ground.

"Naomi!"Nikki cried and rushed to pick up the ring.

She also took off her necklace that were given to her and Jimmy upon arriving to the island to represent their relationship and threw it on the ground.

She began to angrily pace with her hands on her hips.

"Jimmy...I swear. To.God. If you act up thats it. I aint dealing with this shit. I aint dealing with it!" her voice cracked.

The anger and frustration was evident in her voice.

"Naomi put your stuff back on." Nikki pleaded as she tried to hand Naomi back her ring and necklace.

She shook her head 'no' and continued pacing.

"Don't make me regret coming here Jimmy. Don't make me regret it."she said to herself.

"Naomi, what do you think happened after the moment you saw in that clip?" Stephanie asked.


The rest of the girls quietly looked on in shock as she kept pacing.

"Ya'll I'm gonna need to excuse myself. I just need a minute." she said.

"Take your time."Stephanie said.

Naomi began walking away from the bonfire set up as the cameras followed.

"If ya'll don't get them damn cameras out my face I'm gonna break them." she threatened the cameramen.

They stopped following her and let her walk away to be alone.

VC-Sasha-You can tell Naomi is hurting bad. Ive never seen her act like this. Im personally wishing that they never came onto the show because now their beautiful marriage is being tainted. It hurts to see her like that.

"Alright, lastly is Renee."said Stephanie.

"Great. My clip is probably the worst considering that I'm last."

"Will you be watching by yourself or with everyone."

"With everyone."

"Press play when you're ready." Stephanie handed her the iPad.

/Dean and Liv were seen in a shower together.

"Do you feel relaxed?" Liv asked Dean as he rinsed himself.

"Ive never been more relaxed in my life. All I want to do now is drink some hot tea and a book or something. And I don't even drink tea. Or read."

She rubbed her hands up and down his abs, helping him get the mud off. They werent  completely naked, they were still wearing the disposable underwear that was given to them before the massage. However, Liv wasn't wearing any top. Her chest was fully bare.

VC-Liv-If Dean asks me to marry him right now, id do it in a heart beat. Theres no ifs, ands or buts about it. I am in love with this man and.... I can tell that he wants to be with me too. What Dean needs is someone to shower him with love and affection and thats me! He didn't have anyone to shower him with love and affection when he was growing up so now, he definitely needs that. I can tell that he wants that kind of attention too but he's afraid to admit it. I just want to be able to soften him up, not make him more tense like his girlfriend did. He needs to be loved and he needs to know that he's loved.

She threw her arms around his neck and brought her lips to his. His hands rested on her waist as they indulged in a passionate kiss while the water and steam emanating from the shower caressed their bodies./

Renee's mind went blank. Once again she was left speechless after seeing Dean's clip.

A few seconds of silence went by.

"So what are your thoughts on this Renee?" Stephanie asked.

" at a lost for words."she monotonously said, "I don't know who that is. How can so intimate with her. He doesn't know her. She doesn't know him. Why does she think that she knows whats best for him?"

"Maybe they developed a close connection to each other over the past few days?"Stephanie suggested.

"But Dean's so closed off. He just met her, he won't open up to her so quickly."

"Maybe theres something that has driven him to open up to her as quickly as he might have. Maybe its something he might have seen you doing on a clip? Or maybe he just really connected well with Liv?"

"I don't know. All I know is that....the way he's acting is so unlike him."

"After seeing what you saw, are you bothered by it?"

"Of course I am. I don't know what to think Stephanie. First,he doesn't send me a video message, now this?"Renee's eyes became glossy, "I don't know whats going on with him, I really don't. The things I've seen him doing on that side of the island is....mind boggling. The things I'm doing aren't even close to what he's doing. As a matter of fact, the other guys aren't even doing things like what he's doing."

Stephanie nodded.

VC-Renee-I didn't plan on coming here to lose him like that you know....I thought that we'd go about things a different way. I thought we'd be trying to find out what we really wanted but to doesn't seem like he's doing that. It seems like he's letting this girl make his decisions for him. Its such mystery to me. How can he make a 180 and change into a completely different person over the course of a few days. The way he's acting is completely opposite of how he was initially acting when he first came here.

"Well ladies, thats all I have for you tonight. From here on out, things are going to get pretty serious on your part. You're going to have your final dates coming up and your final bonfire where you make the biggest decision regarding the status of your current relationship. You all have a lot of thinking to do. These are decisions that will have an effect on your life. Everything you do here will have an effect on your life." Stephanie said, "Take care ladies. I'll see you all very soon."

VC-Renee-Im not like Nikki. Im not going to make assumptions and just throw away my relationship. I don't want to just...give up hope for us. I have so many questions and....I know I won't get answers until I see him again but maybe I can answer some of those questions by doing some self reflecting.

"Somebody needs to go get Naomi." Becky reminded everyone as they were walking away.

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