Everybody Hurts

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The Guys' Villa

1:34 AM

Kaitlyn picked herself up off the floor and decided to confront AJ and Seth.

She wiped the tears from her eyes and marched back up to the balcony.

When they came back into view, she saw that they weren't kissing anymore however, they were still in each other's arms.

"What the hell is this?" she fiercely asked.

Shocked, they both turned around to see her.

"Kaitlyn." Seth's eyes glared wide open, "This-this is not what it looks like."

"Oh please! I saw everything Seth!"

He moved away from AJ and began walking up to her, "No let me explain."


He sighed, "No I....it wasn't like that."

Her eyes focused on AJ. If looks could've killed, AJ would've been long deceased. But Kaitlyn's deathly glare wasn't enough to stop AJ from sporting a smirk across her face.

"Kaitlyn, AJ and I were just-"

"I DONT CARE SETH! I DONT CARE WHAT YOU WERE DOING! I should've known better than to trust you I mean-I know what kind of person you are after all. You will never learn. Both of you. You guys are pathetic." she said before she left.

VC-Kaitlyn-*wipes tears* Its not that I'm being possessive or anything because like-I know Seth and I aren't together but the thing is that.....he filled my head with all these promises and said all these nice things just to turn around and screw everything up anyway. If he wanted to be with AJ then why did he lead me on? Don't do that! Now I feel like a fool for trusting him. Why does this always happen to me? I can never seem to trust the right people....I always get stabbed in the back in the end. Im just so done with everyone.

VC-Seth-I fucked up *sigh* This one's on me.

24th June 2019

9:45 AM

Seth found Kaitlyn outside on one of the daybeds, reading a book.

"Can you please hear me out?" he pleaded as he sat on the daybed next to her.

She rolled her eyes, "Why should I? Do you think theres a chance of me forgiving you? Im not even going to believe whatever you have to say."

"I just need to explain myself. Im not trying to make myself seem innocent because I'm not. But you deserve an explanation."

"I just want to be left alone."

"Just please...hear me out."

".....Fine, whatever."

"Last night, I went to the kitchen for some water and AJ was there. We started talking. Then we ended up in the balcony. She was telling me about her problems with relationships and men and all that and one thing led to another and she kissed me. I shouldve pushed her away but I didn't so I know I'm guilty for that. But I regret not doing it. Im sorry Kaitlyn. It was a heat of the moment kind of thing."

She turned her attention back to her book, "Right. Thanks for letting me know."

"You're an amazing girl and you don't deserve this."

"I know I don't. But why the hell do I keep trusting people like you?"

"Look, I know I screwed up. But my feelings for you were real. And I still want to take you on my final date because....I care about you the most. I don't have feelings for AJ."

She shook her head 'no', "Im tired of being walked all over Seth. I always end up trusting someone and then they show me reasons why I should have never trusted them in the first place. You should probably take AJ on your final date. You guys would get a lot more time to talk there."

VC-Kaitlyn- I can't blame Seth entirely because....AJ knew that him and I had gotten close. Yet she still inserted herself between us. She is such a snake. I don't know why she hates me so much. I did nothing for her to have this grudge against me. She always seem to be screwing me over somehow. She can have Seth if she wants him. Im done.

Seth got up and walked away, leaving her to herself.


10:50 AM

The Girls' Villa

"Nikki, where do I stand with you?" Dolph asked Nikki, interrupting her sun bathing session by the pool.

She lowered her sunglasses, "What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean. You are so two faced. One minute you're rubbing yourself up against me next minute you're completely ignoring me for John. Im tired of playing your game. Whats your deal?"

She rolled her eyes, "Are you asking me to chose between you or John?"


"Listen, John and I have been connecting really well lately so I'm going to have to choose John. Also, don't ever confront me again like this, who the hell do you think you are?"

"Are you kidding me? So what, we have sex and you're just going to dump me right after like it never happened."

"We never had sex, what are you taking about?"

"Are you serious? How can you deny that we had sex when I had you screaming out my name a few nights ago?"

"Oh please."

"Great. Keep playing stupid. Im tired of you having me wrapped around your finger. When John wasn't giving a fuck about you that was the only time I mattered didn't I? You are absolutely selfish and disgusting. It should've been me that you chose because I'm probably the only man that will ever care about you."

"Whatever Dolph. You're not used to being rejected are you? You can't always get what you want."

"Did John tell you the same thing? Because the whole world knows he didn't want you."

She rolled her eyes again, "You're blocking my sun. Please leave."

"You're absolutely pathetic. It should've been me!" he said before he stormed off.

VC-Nikki-Why the hell does Dolph think he has some right to make me chose between him and John. He's a little too entitled. Also, who the hell does he think he is coming at me with that attitude? Get the hell out of here.

VC-Dolph-Nikki, I can't believe how pathetic you are. You're going to put your tail between your legs and run to same man that rejected you over and over. I don't understand women. They can't accept a good man that would appreciate them but they would drop everything and run to a man that would treat them like crap. Women logic. Makes no sense.


25th June 2019

7:12 PM

"Truth or dare?" Nikki asked Mustafa.


Everyone had gotten together to hang out and enjoy each other's company. After all, the time on the island was running out. They needed to make every moment count where it can.

VC-Sami-Id say the girls have definitely loosened up more compared to when they first got here. They're actually letting their guard down and having fun. It kinda sucks too because the show is almost over. They just started having fun when everything's about to end.

"Okay, I dare you to....lick peanut butter off of Sasha cleavage."

"What!" Sasha yelled.

Everyone cheered.

Mustafa blushed.

"Mustafa you don't have to." said Sasha.

"No you have to! Its a dare!" Renee argued.

"Ya'll are crazy! That can't happen. Give him a next dare." said Sasha.

"Do it. Do it. Do it! Do it! DO IT!" Becky started chanting and everyone joined in. Soon, there was a crowd of about seven people chanting 'do it', trying to prompt Sasha to let the dare happen.

"Come on Sash. Be a good sport. Mustafa, you're willing to do it right?" Nikki asked.

".....Yea. Totally."

VC-Mustafa-Mom if you're watching this right now, please turn the TV off. Please. Im begging.

Renee opened a jar of peanut butter, took some on her fingers and pasted it between Sasha's boobs.

"Oh my god." Sasha smiled.

"Just pretend he's Roman." said Nikki.

"If I do that then we're going to end up back in my bed." she replied.

Renee made sure to paste a good bit on her cleavage. He definitely couldnt lick it off in one attempt.

"Okay Mustafa, all yours." said Renee, licking the peanut butter off of her fingers.

"Mustafa im so sorry." said Sasha.

"Why are you apologising? He's probably more excited than ever to do this." said EC3.

Mustafa kneeled down where she was sitting. She leaned forward a little and finally he began dragging his tongue between her boobs, trying to get the peanut butter off.

The girls all squealed and cheered.

"Thats my boy!" Randy clapped.

"Is she moaning?!"Sami jokingly asked.

"Im not moaning!" Sasha laughed.

VC-Mustafa-I wasn't going to back down from this because...I don't back down from anything. Its not in my nature. Also, I want to point out that I noticed some dirty looks from Ricochet.

After 10 seconds of licking, Mustafa was done. He received a round of applause from everyone.

"Thats some good peanut butter." he said as Sasha playfully pushed him on the cheek.

"Can somebody dare me to do the same thing?" Randy asked.


7:24 PM

Braun and Alexa were seen walking off to somewhere private to have a talk.

VC-Braun-I decided to pull Lexi aside to have a talk with her. Its a conversation I've been meaning to have with her for a while.

They sat together on the daybed.

"Alright mama, I've been meaning to tell you this for some time now so...here it goes. I have...feelings for you and-well, I thought you had feelings for me too but then I see you with Adam and....I just don't know where I stand with you. Clearly theres a connection between us. I can't be the only one feeling it."

Alexa was taken aback.

VC-Alexa-Ohhh.....*grits teeth*.....oh no.

"Wow-Braun. I had.... no idea."

"How can you have no idea?"

"I always saw you as a friend."

He lowered his eyebrows, "Really?"

She slowly nodded, "Yea.....and...I thought you had just seen me as a friend too."

"Why would you think that?"

"I don't know." she shrugged, "I got that vibe from you. I got like an older brother vibe from you."

There was a few moments of silence between them.

"Wow." he said. It was all that he could say.

"I thought there was something more."

She didn't respond.

VC-Alexa-What an awkward situation to be in....I hate this.

"You do know that Adam and I have something going on. Maybe if you had let me know earlier then we could've explored things. But....my attention right now is on Adam. I can't ruin what we have." she fibbed.

VC-Alexa-I had to make something up to make this whole thing less awkward. It was the best I could come up with.

"I guess its my fault then. I bit my tongue for too long." he said.

"Yea." she nodded, "Why did you wait so long to tell me?"

"Because I didn't know where your head was at. You were talking about getting married to your boyfriend so I thought you were still pretty committed to him but now...it doesn't seem like that anymore."

"Im still committed to him but...im exploring my options while I have the opportunity."

"Well, whatever. Forget that I ever said anything. As long as you're happy I'm happy. And it feels good to finally get that off my chest."

She reached in for a hug and he hugged back.

"We're still bestie though, right?" she asked.

"Yea sure. Of course."

VC-Braun-So uh *scratches chin*....I just got fucking friend zoned by the girl I cared about the most....I feel like I've wasted my time with her when I could have been getting to know one of the other girls.

8:30 PM

"His behaviour is so strange. He's not like himself." Renee vented to Cesaro as she was sitting on his lap, "And to top it off, he didn't send me a video message. It hurts knowing that I'm one of the two girls that didn't get a message. Like, what is he doing over there. Didn't he think that I would've liked to see him? I don't know whats going on with him. I really don't."

"Maybe....he's moved on."Cesaro suggested.

"He won't. I know him. He won't move on so quickly. I just hope those girls aren't getting to him." she sighed.

VC-Cesaro-I realised that Renee contradicts herself a lot. She wants Dean to play the game but now she's upset that he's actually playing.

"Well no matter what happens, I'm always here for you." he said.

She smiled. Soon after, she leaned in and kissed him.

VC-Renee-Id be lying if I said that I'm not bothered with Dean's actions. Um....*sniffles* it shows that he's not thinking about me. It sucks knowing your boyfriend isn't thinking about you because he's too busy with someone else. *wipes a tear from the corner of her eye* I miss him. I really do. I don't know who he's turned into.

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