Secrets Of The Past

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7:18 PM

The Guys' Villa

VC-Paige-So when the guys got back from their dates, we all decided to play a little game called truth or drink where we ask the guys a question about themselves. If they don't answer or can't answer, they have to take a shot of alcohol. However, alcohol does not scare these guys so we decided to take it up a notch. They're going to be taking shots of hot sauce instead. Its do or die boys.

The six guys were seated in the outdoor hangout area at a table. On that table were shot glasses and a bottle of hot sauce.

"Are you really going to make us do this?" AJ asked.

"Just answer our questions and you won't have to drink the hot sauce. Simple." said Paige as she filled the glasses.

VC-AJ-Ive tasted that hot sauce before and man, it aint no joke.

All the girls assembled around the guys.

"Okay who wants to ask the first questions to our lovely bachelors here?" Paige asked.

"I'll go." said Kelly.

"Remember, juicy questions only."

"So guys, which girl do you think is the hottest in the house?" Kelly asked.

All the girls 'ooed'.

The guys all looked at each other.

"Be honest fellas." said Paige.

The guys hesitated for a few seconds.

"Cheers boys." said Roman before he downed a shot of hot sauce.

VC-Roman-You can't answer a question like that without somebody getting offended.

He immediately started coughing. The other guys followed suit and took the shot.

"Oh god." Seth coughed and screwed his face up, "Thats horrible."

VC-Seth-I can't answer that question! In my opinion, theres about 3 or 4 girls thats the hottest in the house, not just one.

In-between the guys coughing and clearing their throats, Alicia asked the next question.

"Ooo! I have a question! How big are you....down there?"

The girls cheered in excitement.

"Oh my god." Finn blushed.

"Spill the beans boys!" Alicia said.

"Lets do this again." Roman said, taking another shot of hot sauce and immediately coughing afterwards.

"Nooo Roman come on!" Paige whined.

VC-Paige-I was really curious about Roman for some reason *laughs*

Jimmy and AJ also took another dreadful shot of hot sauce.

"God, I wanna puke." said AJ.

"You should've answered it!" said Alicia.

"Ya'll are gonna have some serious toilet troubles later on." said Zelina.

"Im like...6 and a half I think." said Seth, "I don't know. I haven't measured in a while."

"Pft, yea right Seth. You're not that big." said Nia.

"How would you know?"

"Im just saying. You don't seem that big."

Seth rolled his eyes.

"Five and a half and proud." said Dean without hesitation.

"Im a six." said Finn with his cheeks all red.

The girls all looked at each other with mischievous smiles.

"Okay okay I have a question!" said Liv, "Have any of you guys done a drug before? If so, what have you done?"

Dean chuckled, "Let see, I've smoked pot, did ecstasy, speed...and a few others that I didn't get the name of."

"What the fuck Dean? I didn't know you were a crack head." said Paige.

"I dont do it anymore."

VC-Dean-My mom always had drugs in the house. What? You expect me not to try them?

"Ive actually done pot too." AJ admitted.

Some of the girls gasped.

"AJ, you naughty boy." said Paige.

VC-AJ-Yea growing up...I did some things that I'm not proud of today. Smoking pot was one of those things. I was a dumb teenager.

"I haven't done anything. My mum would've killed me." said Finn.

"Not even weed?" Paige asked.


"Me neither. Believe it or not." said Seth.

"Yea I haven't done anything either." said Roman.

"I smoked weed once or twice." said Jimmy.

"I have a question boys." said Mandy, "Whats your position? I need to know for....future purposes."

She winked at Jimmy.

"I like anything to be honest. As long as I'm in there you know what I'm saying." said Dean.

"What about you Roman?" Carmella asked.

"Anything that involves us being up against a wall."

The girls 'ooed'.

VC-Roman-Sasha's tiny so...its a pretty good advantage. We're not just limited to the bed.

"I like being on top." said Finn.

"Hmmm you got a dominant side don't ya?" said Nia.

"You cant go wrong with doggy style." said Jimmy.

"Yea thats my favourite too." said AJ.

"Its mine too." Mandy said, twirling her hair and looking at Jimmy.

"Sixty nine baby! Its the best position." said Seth.

"Seth, I got a question for you." said Carmella, "Who's better in bed, Nikki, Renee, Alexa or Paige?"

"Come on." Seth groaned.

"Are you serious Carmella?" Paige asked.

VC-Paige-Carmella, what the hell are you trying to do? Are you trying to start drama?

"I never slept with Alexa okay." he said.

"Are you sure about that?" Carmella asked.

"Positive. We didn't get the chance to reach that level."

AJ was glaring a hole through him.

"Anyway, cheers girls." he said before he downed the hot sauce.

After he swallowed it, he gagged and coughed.

VC-Seth-I hate this game.

"Okay, I got another one. If you were to have a threesome with any two girls in the house, who would you choose?" Alicia asked.

"You girls are something else." Roman said as he poured more hot sauce into his shot glass.

Roman, Finn and Jimmy took their hot sauce shots to avoid answering the question. By this time, their noses and eyes were runny, mouths were on fire and faces were red.

"Can somebody get us some milk?" Jimmy asked as he coughed.

"You guys are boring!" Alicia said to them.

VC-Jimmy-If I had even so much as answered that question, Naomi would have somehow appeared behind me and put me in a headlock. No joke. These hot sauce shots are torture but I rather deal with this than deal with the aftermath of answering these questions.

"I don't want to take another shot of that so.....i'll just say....Kelly and.....Zelina." AJ said.

VC-Zelina-AJ's not really my type but, I'm flattered.

"Liv and AJ." Said Dean, "That'd be a fun time."

VC-AJL-Ew. Threesome? That's...disgusting to even think about.

"Uhh....Kaitlyn and Paige." said Seth.

"Jimmy doesn't want to have a threesome because he wants me all to himself. Isn't that right Jim?" Mandy suggested.

All Jimmy did was smile.....mainly because he felt like his whole insides were on fire.

"Have any of you guys ever been to jail?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Im a good boy, my record's clean." said Seth.

"I haven't." said Finn.

Roman gritted his teeth, "Ive been arrested for disorderly conduct and intoxication a few years ago. I spent the night in a holding cell."

"I spent some days in jail." Dean said, "You know....for petty stuff."

"Im not even surprised." said Paige.

"Ive been arrested a few times for DUIs." Jimmy admitted.

"Ive been to jail in Canada." said AJ.

"In Canada? Why are you a criminal in Canada?" Kaitlyn asked.

"I was like...17. I went to Quebec with my girlfriend at the time and one of my best friends. While I was there, I had found out that my girlfriend had hooked up with my friend so....I socked him in the face. I kicked his ass and ended up getting charged for assault. I spent the night in a holding cell too."

"Well jeez, we got a bunch of felons on this island." said Zelina.

"Don't ever mess with AJ's girl, guys. He may end up having to go back to jail." said Kaitlyn.

"Funny you mention that, I have a question for Seth." said Nia.

"Me again? What do you want to know this time?"

She slowly approached Seth and propped up her elbows on the table, looking at him in his eyes.

"What really happened between you and Alexa?"

He paused for a few seconds before he nervously chuckled, "I have no clue what you're talking about. Next question."

"Answer the question Seth. You know what I'm talking about." she smirked.

All eyes were on the pair.

VC-Paige-Nobody has any idea where Nia is going with this. What information does she have about Seth and Alexa?

"Im clueless Nia." he said.

"Well let me jog your memory. Remember when AJ and Alexa were on a 'break'. On Are you The One, episode 2 she mentioned that you and her hooked up. Please tell us the details of that hookup. I wanna know!"

He smiled, "Oh no no no no. You're trying to get me in trouble here."

He began pouring some hot sauce in a shot glass.

"No don't take the shot! We all wanna know!" said Paige.

"AJ, do you know anything about this?" Mandy asked.

"No actually." he said very sternly.

"I can't talk about that with AJ right here. Im a very respectful man okay!"

"No Seth, please, let us know." AJ said while glaring at him.

"Buddy, I just don't feel right telling you about that. Ask Alexa, she'll tell you."

"No, I wanna hear it from you. Go on."

Seth laughed to himself. He hesitated for a few seconds before he started spilling the beans.

"Fine fine fine, you picked your poison. Alexa and I did hook up. That was way back when Free Agents had ended. But it was only oral! We were about to reach the next level but she decided not too. It was a hell of a time though. That girl sure can work her tongue."

AJ's face shrunk. The girls all ooed, gasped and cheered.

"I see why you want to marry her AJ. The fighting, the arguing, its all worth it in the end isn't it?" he condescendingly said.

"Yikes." said Jimmy.

"Hide all the sharp objects guys." said Paige, moving away some forks from the table.

VC-Jimmy-*pretends to answer an imaginary phone* Hello? Oh hey chief. What? This aint it? Alright. I'll be sure to relay the message to Seth.

"So let me get this straight, you kissed Sasha, hooked up with Alexa and banged Renee? Jimmy, Finn, you better hide yo girlfriend and hide yo wife." said Nia.

VC-Zelina-Poor AJ. I feel secondhand embarrassment for him.

AJ decided it was time to leave so he got up and walked away. With all the anger and embarrassment he felt, it would be appalling for him to continue sitting there. Especially after hearing what he heard about his girlfriend. However, he decided that this wasn't worth getting physical for because in this situation, Seth wasn't the only one to blame.

VC-Lacey- Sometimes, things are better left unsaid.

Lacey noticed how upset he looked and followed behind him.

VC-AJ-....... Of course something like that is going to bother me. No man wants to hear that their girlfriend hooked up with someone else while they were on a break. I don't care that it happened years ago, she shouldve let me know. I've-I've noticed a pattern in Alexa. Whenever she's upset....she likes to have male attention. Hell, thats how we initially got together. She was upset over something and I was there to comfort her. Its making me she's dealing with what she's seeing at bonfire. I saw her upset over a clip she saw of me and then she brought a man into her bedroom. What else could she be doing to comfort herself?

"He wanted to know didn't he? I let him know! Now he's going to cry about it." Seth said, noticing AJ had left the group.

VC-Seth-Why is he mad? She didn't cheat on him. As far as I had known, they were on a break. Maybe I gave everyone a little too much details but *cackles* I was being honest.


VC-Kaitlyn-So, I had end up going back to Seth's room to sleep because he invited me and I was like, okay. Around 1 AM, I woke up to find that...Seth wasn't next to me. I waited for about 10 minutes in the bed for him to come back because I'm thinking maybe he went to the bathroom or something. But there was no sign of him still.

1:12 AM

Kaitlyn got out of bed and left the room to find him. She checked the bathrooms, the kitchen, the outdoor hangout, the pool, no sign of him. The house was pretty quiet overall. Most of the girls had gone to sleep, as well as the guys. The only ones she saw awake was Lacey and AJS sitting out by the pool, Paige and Nia in the living room and Toni, Ember and Dakota in the outdoor patio.

She asked Paige and Nia if they had seen him and they said no.

Finally, she decided to check one of the balconies after hearing faint voices coming from that direction.

She quietly climbed the stairs to the balcony, peeking her head to see who was up there. The good news was, she found Seth. The bad news, he wasn't alone.

To her horror, she saw AJL and Seth in an embrace as they were kissing. They weren't 'just kissing', they were kissing like they were long lost lovers that had just reunited, full of passion.

Kaitlyn's jaw dropped. She stood there for about 10 seconds, not making a sound and just looking on. Their backs were turned so they didn't see her.

VC-Kaitlyn-........What? *covers face* What is going on? When can I ever catch a break? *begins to break down*

Her breaths increased and her chest began feeling heavy. She quickly raced down stairs, wiping her tears with the palm of her hand. She finally stopped, slid down against a wall and began to let it all out.


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