Fifth Dates

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23rd June, 2019

1:35 PM

"Do we have to take all of our clothes off?" Roman asked the masseuse.

"Yes, your underwear too." the fifty two year old masseuse said.

"Okaaaay I see what you're trying to do girl." Zelina teased her.

"She's tryna see the goods." said Roman.

The masseuse laughed.

VC-Roman-Today we are on our final date before our actual final date. For the date today we're getting a couples massage.

Each couple got their own masseuses and their own private room which was situated outdoors.

They weren't getting ordinary massages, they were getting a total body mud treatment. In order for that to happen every article of clothing needed to be off to avoid messing it up with mud. However, they would be given a disposable plastic underwear to make them feel more comfortable.

"All this partying and flirting sure does make me tense. I definitely need this." said Seth as he took off his shirt.

As everyone got undressed, the masseuses drew the curtains to ensure privacy and comfort.

"Its a good thing we went skinny dipping on our last dates huh. This isn't awkward at all." said Liv, pulling down her shorts.

"Nope. Not awkward at all." Dean responded.

VC-Liv-I wish I was the one about to give Dean the massage instead.

"Okay turn around." said Bayley to Finn.

He turned around and she quickly took off her under garments and slipped on her disposable underwear.

"Alright I'm done."

He turned back around to face her.

VC-Bayley-This date is pretttty intimate, not gonna lie. We're basically like, naked in front of each other.

"Im sooo happy you chose me for the massage date because honestly, I wouldn't have preferred anything else." said Alicia.

VC-Jimmy-I chose Alicia for this date because....I dunno man....after I saw Naomi's message I just know that I couldn't keep sticking around Mandy. Mandy and I have a genuine friendship though. She's a cool girl. She's not just a pretty face, she has a lot more to offer. But Naomi isn't liking what she's seeing so I got to take a step back. Mandy was pretty hurt when I chose Alicia but, I got to do what I got to do.

"I have never gotten a massage before." said Lacey as she climbed onto the massage table.

"You're kidding." AJ responded.

"Nope. This is going to be my first time."

"Ive never had one professionally done like this."

"Im going to be so uncomfortable through out this whole thing."

"You and me both." AJ chuckled.


1:45 PM

VC-Alexa-For our dates today we're going tubing.

"Don't let my hand go okay!" Sasha yelled to Mustafa.

"I won't." he responded as they slowly trailed down the river on their tubes.

VC-Sasha-So I chose Mustafa for this date because our last date went great and he's so fun to be around. He's one of the guys I have a great friendship with in the house and I wanted to spend more time with him. Plus, I think he's pretty hot haha.

"Hey, make sure don't let Gable fall off his tube. If he does theres a strong possibility that he may drown." Elias said to Naomi, "You gotta be 4ft and above to be able to stand in these waters."

"Wow, a short joke." said Chad, "Classic."

"Elias-shut up." Naomi defended him.

"You should've worn your water wings Chad." Elias continued as Alexa snickered, "Or a life vest. When you fall off, poor Naomi's going to have to jump in that water to scoop you up. What a shame."

It wasn't long before Naomi kicked Elias' tube, making him drift further away from her, Chad and Alexa.

VC-Renee-Our date choices today are a little unusual. When we heard that this was the last date before the getaway date, we decided to choose the guys who haven't been on dates before for this one.

"This is absolutely romantic." said Nikki.

Her and John were ahead of everyone else. They cruised the clear river waters with their tubes, looking on at the greenery that surrounded them while holding hands.

After a few more minutes of calm tubing, the water started getting rough. The pair noticed the current getting stronger.

Their tubes were being pulled further in from the current at a more rapid speed. They knew this wasn't a good sign.

VC-John-Usually, when the current picks up, it means that somewhere along this river theres a drop.

"Hold my hand John!"

"Hold tight. There may be a drop somewhere here."

Their ride turned bumpy after their tubes went over some rocks. Nikki was pissed that she ended up getting her hair wet after spending an hour doing it earlier that morning.

After the rocky ride came to an end,


They, along with their tubes, dropped.

VC-John- I knew it. I knew there was going to be some kind of waterfall here. But good thing the drop was like two feet so, it wasn't a big deal.


"Well don't you look pretty." Seth said to a mud covered Kaitlyn.

"I try my best."

After getting a 90 minute mud massage, all the couples were sent to wash the mud off in the outdoor showers. Some couples showered together while some showered separately.

"Do you feel relaxed?" Liv asked Dean as he rinsed himself.

"Ive never been more relaxed in my life. All I want to do now is drink some hot tea and a book or something. And I don't even drink tea. Or read."

She rubbed her hands up and down his abs, helping him get the mud off.

VC-Liv-If Dean asks me to marry him right now, id do it in a heart beat. Theres no ifs, ands or buts about it. I am in love with this man and.... I can tell that he wants to be with me too. What Dean needs is someone to shower him with love and affection and thats me! He didn't have anyone to shower him with love and affection when he was growing up so now, he definitely needs that. I can tell that he wants that kind of attention too but he's afraid to admit it. I just want to be able to soften him up, not make him more tense like his girlfriend did. He needs to be loved and he needs to know that he's loved.

She threw her arms around his neck and brought her lips to his. His hands rested on her waist as they indulged in a passionate kiss while the water and steam emanating from the shower caressed their bodies.

"Do you know what I admire about you Roman?" Zelina asked.


After they got done showering, they headed out to the patio of the massage  parlour to have lunch.

"I admire that you're very...reserved. Like, you're not trying to get with anyone or flirt with anyone. Ive seen the other guys getting lap dances and doing body shots and you're just...neutral. This is our second date together and I don't feel a romantic connection to you at all, no offence. I feel a friendly one you know. Is it because you're not enjoying yourself or because you're too in love with your girlfriend?"

"No, I'm having a great time actually. Yes, one of the reasons is because I love Sasha but the other reason is because....I have a young daughter. Im pretty sure when she's older she's going to watch all the shows that I was on and....I don't want her to see me on tv doing body shots and things like that. Its not a good look for me. I want to set a good example for her. I may have done some things on my previous shows but....I don't want to be like that anymore. I gotta conduct myself in a respectful manner. I want to be a role model in her eyes. When she gets older and she sees me being a total player and heartbreaker on tv then what is she gonna think of me? Most importantly, I want her to see what a good man is and I want her to expect no less. Thats of course for later on when she starts worrying about boys and all that."

"Thats adorable. I really love that." Zelina smiled, "Do you want more kids in the future?"

"Hell yea. At least three more."

"Wow." she laughed.

"Im a huge family man. Gotta make sure my bloodline keeps running you know."

"Do you see Sasha being the mother of your future kids?"

"For sure." he nodded, "I think she'd be a great mom."

VC-Zelina-Roman is a very gorgeous  man and initially I was interested in something romantic with him but the more I've gotten to know him the more I've grown this respect for him. He seems like a man that knows what he wants and obviously what he wants is his girlfriend. Hopefully after this him and I can have a friendship because he's such a cool person to hang out with.

VC-Roman-Zelina reminds me of Sasha in a lot of ways. I think thats why we get along so well. She's very down to earth but can be feisty. I guess I like that in women *shrugs*

"You didn't send her a video?" Kaitlyn asked with her jaw dropped.

"Nope." Seth said.

"What! Thats so mean. Did she send you one?"


"Oh my gosh Seth. You could have at least sent her something."

"I didn't have anything to say to her."

"Do you feel bad about it?"

"Not really....I don't think she cares either way. She has Dolph."

"So what, you guys have officially broken up?"

"I guess. We'll just have to see at our final bonfire. I just want to let you know....our final dates are coming up and....I want to choose you for it."

Her eyes lit up, "Really?"

"You seemed surprised. You're the only option I have. You're the only one I want to go with. These other girls are....not in my league."

"Oh my gosh." she smiled, "I would love to go on the final date with you."

"Awesome! Its a date then!"

VC-Kaitlyn-This is crazy. I never thought id make it this far in the house. When I heard that girls were going to be booted off the island ever so often I was like, great. They're going to get rid of me. But now....Seth wants to take me on his last date so honoured. I thinks its pretty evident that he's over Nikki so mayyyyyybe he might try to pull some moves on me. Would I turn him down? Pft no. Seth's hot and I'm willing to go the distance with him. Things are getting pretty boring on the island so, I'm ready to have some fun now.


After tubing, the couples all headed their separate ways to have lunch. Some of the couples sat at a picnic table while some sat on the grass.

"So how come you're single Elias?" Alexa asked as they ate.

"Not every woman can keep up with my rockstar lifestyle."

"Rockstar lifestyle?"

"Yup. I've been touring with different bands over the last few months. I even signed a record deal. Its a crazy life, what can I say."

"So if you're a big rockstar then why are you here?"

He shrugged, "Taking a break. Also to promote my album."

VC-Elias-Go buy my EP its called Walk With Elias. You won't regret it.

"Sometimes....when I start overthinking.....I convince myself that I'm his rebound." said Becky to Sami as she nervously twiddled with her thumbs.

"Why would you think that?"

"Okay because think about it. After he did Are You The One, he was pretty hung up on Sasha because he wanted to be with her and she had ended up getting together with Roman. During that time he started texting me and we began talking quite often. More often than we regularly did. Then eventually, things between us took off we're together. But you tell me, isn't that a rebound story?"

"I-I can't say for sure. But you're hurting yourself thinking that way. Finn loves you. He's not the type of guy to be deceitful."

"I saw the way he used to look at Sasha. And his ex girlfriend Peyton. He always had that little twinkle in his eye. I saw him look at Bayley that same way in a particular bonfire clip."

"Maybe it was the glare from the camera. Or maybe he was drunk, who knows. Finn won't hurt you Becky. You two are two of the best people I know. Its like you're made for each other."

VC-Becky-I felt comfortable enough to open up to Sami because its just impossible to not feel comfortable when you're around him.He's someone I'm very close to in the house. I wanted to get this off my chest and he was the perfect one to tell.

"I just don't want him to settle for me if I really am his rebound. Finn's problem is that he's too nice. He may find someone that he wants to be with but won't chase after her because he cares too much about hurting me."

"Yea and you know what thats called? Its called love Rebecca!"

"Yea but....I just want him to be happy you know."

"Tell me something? Do you think Finn loves you?"


"Because the way you're talking, I sense a lot of doubt."

"Im just really confused right now Sami."

"Confused as to what?"

"If I want to continue the relationship with him or not."

VC-Becky-Our days here are numbered and over the past few weeks I haven't really been thinking about what the state of Finn and I's relationship would be at the end. Ive just been too caught up making sure I don't see any clips of him doing things he wasn't supposed to be doing. Now, I find myself asking more serious questions and evaluating our relationship from different perspectives and...theres isn't really anything I'm 100% sure on yet. I have more questions than answers.....

VC-Sami-I don't know why Becky is thinking the way she is. From my point of view it seems like she thinks Finn doesn't love her as much. She thinks that he's still with her because he doesn't know how to break up with her and it really tells me that she's insecure. She probably thinks that she's incapable of being loved and it really pains me to know that she's thinking that way. If she keeps up that mentality, she's going to destroy her self, her current relationships and her future ones too.

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