Video Messages

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The Guys' Villa

22nd June, 2019

8:54 AM

VC-Finn-Yesterday we were given the chance to record our videos and today, we get to see the videos our girlfriends sent to us. Im excited.

The guys were seen patiently and silently waiting in the living room for a producer to give them some instructions. All they were told to do was sit and wait until one of their names were called.

VC-AJ-I can tell everyone is tense. We don't know what to expect in those videos. We don't know what the girls might say. With each day that pasts, their minds can change. Their opinions can change. Lots of things can change.

"Roman, you're first." a producer said to him.

He stood up and followed the producer out to the outdoor hangout where he saw a little wooden chest on the table.

The producer then left, giving him his privacy.

Roman & Sasha

Roman opened the chest and saw an iPad. He held the iPad in his hands and sat down. The screen came on and he tapped the play button. The video began.

//"Hey baby." Sasha grinned, "I hope you're having fun on your side of the island. Well, I know you're having fun judging by some of the bonfire clips I saw. Not too happy about them but I'm not going to dwell on it. Im tired of crying and stressing. Im actually having a pretty good time myself. The guys over here are great. I just want you to know that theres not a day that goes by that I don't think about you. You know that you're everything to me and-im just counting down the days until I see you again. I love you with all my heart....and I miss you more than anything. See you soon."

She ended the video by blowing a kiss to him.//

He smiled.

"That wasn't bad at all."

VC-Roman-Its refreshing to see her. I love being here but I can't wait until its time to leave and I can go back to focusing on one girl.


Sasha tapped the play button on the screen. When Roman appeared on it, a huge smile spread across her face.

"My baby." she softly said with a smile.

//"Sash. I hope you've been enjoying this experience to the fullest. I miss you a lot. Im excited to reconnect with you after this. I think theres some things we have to talk about. Anyway, if you want to know what I've been up too, I've just been having a blast with the guys. Sometimes I feel like I'm a father of two delinquent boys. Those two boys being Dean and Jimmy of course. I need to put them on a leash or lock them in their rooms or something." he chuckled, "All in all everythings going great and I'm positive that we're going to become an even stronger couple after this. Anyway baby girl, take care. Miss you. See you soon."//

"Ugh I wish I can snatch you out of the screen." she said as she put the iPad down.

VC-Sasha-In Roman's message, what caught me off guard was when he said that theres some things that we need to talk about. I don't really know what that means. Maybe he did something? Maybe he saw me do something? I don't know what clips he's seeing. Whatever it is, it has me worried sick.

Finn & Becky

Finn sat down and eagerly opened the wooden box to get the iPad.

//"Heya Finn! I miss you so so so so much and I can't wait to see you again and share our experiences. I think coming here was a good thing because I've been doing a lot of realizing lately as to what would make us stronger. I do think we need to work on some things. Its only been a month but I feel like I haven't seen you in a year. I miss that pretty face of yours. Those girls over there seem to be ready to pounce on you. Just let them know that if they cross the line i'll break their arms. But if you cross the line....thats a whole different story. But I know you're better than that. I hope you're thinking about me as much as im thinking about you. See you in a week." she smiled.//

He smiled.

VC-Finn-Im glad she's thinking about us because I've been thinking about us too. Hopefully we can bring our experiences together to become a better couple in the end.


Becky sat on the sofa and opened up the wooden box. She took the iPad in her hands and tapped the screen.

//Finn opened up the video with his signature ear to ear grin, "Hey Becks, first of all I want to say I miss you a lot. I think about you every day. Ive been having a blast here at the house and I hope you are too. We came onto this show seeing it as just another challenge to overcome but the experience is truly opening my eyes to the imperfections of our relationship. I truly think at the end of this we're going to come out stronger, we just need to talk things out and tweak some things a little. I realized that you and I are pretty different when it comes to showing love so, that definitely is something we need to work on. But at the end of this whole thing, we're going to be just fine. I miss you. I love you. See you soon."//

Becky nodded at the now blank screen.

VC-Becky-Finn's message was adorable. Im curious to know what he thinks our imperfections are. Also, he mentions that him and I are different when it comes to showing love. Im guessing it must've taken someone else to help him realize that. Is he developing feelings for someone else? Is someone else showing him affection? He had to have someone to compare me to you know.

Naomi & Jimmy

"I dont wanna hear a damn thing you have to say but at the same time if you didn't send me anything I'm gonna be hella pissed." Naomi mumbled as she made her way to the table.

She opened the wooden box and as expected, the iPad was in there. She smiled when she saw it. 

//"Hey baby, I'm missing you so much. You better be missing me too. Ive been seeing your clips and I gotta say....I wasn't too pleased with some things that I saw but....I know you probably aren't happy with some things you saw too. Just remember you my boo. You my ride or die. Its only you for me. I miss waking up to you. I miss seeing you everyday. I used to take these things for granted back home but do anything just to see you. I hope you're enjoying yourself baby. I love you to the moon and back. Cant nobody ever replace my queen."//

"Mhmm I hope you lettin' those girls know that too." Naomi said, placing the iPad back in the box.

VC-Naomi-Yes I wanted to kill Jimmy after the last bonfire clip I saw, and I still do. Theres still a lot of anger in me about that. But hearing him say these things kind of gives me reassurance that he's not fooling around and that he's not letting that girl get to him.


"I haven't seen you in forever babe, let me see that face." Jimmy said with a smile, taking up the iPad in his hand. He tapped the screen with his finger.

//Naomi appeared very serious. "Im not gonna sugar coat anything because I'm not that type of person. Lately, I've been worrying. Ive been worrying about you. You aint a weak man so don't start acting like one. The clip I saw of you at the last bonfire-like, you don't know how I felt seeing that. I never thought id have to be worrying about my man the way the other girls are worrying about theirs but you're giving me reasons too Jimmy. If the other guys are getting carried away, be the better man! Yes, I want you to have fun. I want you to enjoy this experience but just remember what matters the most. Im not gonna tell you what to do and what not to do, you're not a little kid. You got common sense. I hope you know what you're doing though. Don't let these skanky girls get to you. I miss you and I love you.....and kinda hate you."//

Jimmy twisted his mouth. Hearing what Naomi had to say really made him stop and think about whats been going on.

He buried his face in his hands.

VC-Jimmy-I never wanted to make Naomi worry or feel this way. I hate that I'm the one doing this to her. It sucks man *tear streams down his cheek*I never wanted to be that person....

AJ & Alexa

AJ opened up the box and found the iPad inside. Eagerly, he took it up and hit the play button. He smiled when Alexa appeared on the screen.

//"Hi baby. I miss you so much. I wish I can be with you right now. I know I was very hesitant to start this journey but its been going okay so far. I had some ups and downs but everything's fine now. Um...I don't know what you've been seeing of me but....I saw some things that you did that I wasn't happy with. It really broke me down inside. Ive been doing a lot of thinking about us babe and.....I don't know how you might feel about it. Im seeing things a whole lot differently now so....take that how you want to. I didn't get a chance to say it so happy belated birthday! I hate that I had to miss being there with you on that day. I love you baby. And I miss you."//

AJ knitted his eyebrows.

VC-AJ-I don't know how to feel about this message. I thought she'd be pouring her heart out in this but....she seemed pretty passive aggressive. She said she's seeing things a whole lot differently. I don't know what that means. I just-I don't know what to think about this message to be honest. I thought I was going to receive something very sentimental and loving I'm worried. This video just doesn't sit right with me.


"Ugh." Alexa hung her head back as she held the iPad in her hands.

VC-Alexa-I know I'm probably going to start crying as soon as I see his face. Lately my mind has been split about our relationship. Part of me wants to stay with him.....part of me wants to leave the relationship.....but I know as soon as I see him I'm going to want to be with him. Im going to get sucked back into him and....I don't know if thats the best thing for me *sniffles* Like-its not the best thing for me. I already know that. *sobs* I don't know what I'm going to do yet.

She finally tapped the play button.

//"Hey Lexi! Im glad that they're letting us do these videos because finally I get the chance to tell you how much I've been missing you and how much I love you. Don't let anyone tell you about what kind of man they think I am. Don't let anyone tell you that they know whats the best for you. They don't know you like that baby girl. They don't know how deep our relationship goes. And I know we've had some problems in the past but.... thats just what you and I have to go through to become better people. Nothing is perfect. They can judge us all they want but they don't know the love that we share. I miss you darlin..... See you soon. I love you pretty sure I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Being on this island confirmed that for me already. Take care."//

By the time the video ended, Alexa was a sobbing mess.

VC-Alexa-*while crying her heart out*I knew I was going to feel this way......I fucking hate this right now *sniffles*

Nikki & Seth

Seth opened up the box and to his surprise, he found the iPad in there.

VC-Seth-I honestly wasn't expecting a video from her. I can't wait to hear what she has to say...

//"Hi Seth. I hope you're having fun. We're going to have a lot to talk about, I know that for sure. I hope this experience has made you grow as a person. I hope it made you figure out what you really and truly want. We didn't come here to go back to our old ways in the end. We came here to be better people. Or at least learn to be better people. I'll see you soon Seth."//

"Fair enough." Seth nodded.

VC-Seth-I didn't really know what I was expecting to hear from her. It was a nice gesture for her to send me a video at least.


VC-Nikki-Im curious as to what Seth has to say. I really think his input can change my views on our relationship. I think judging from his words, it'll really let me know exactly where we are and where we're headed.

Nikki opened up the box.

However, there was nothing there.

"The box is empty....." she said in confusion.

She closed the lid back down and looked around to see if the iPad could be anywhere else.

"Seth didn't send you a video." a producer informed her.

"Really?" she said in shock.

VC-Nikki-Wow. I was really looking forward to hearing from him and...I got nothing. I think this tells me everything I need to know. Thanks a lot Seth. It was nice knowing you.

Even though her heart was broke and she felt ashamed, she didn't let it show.

"Now I got to do the walk of shame back to the group. Great." she said.

Renee & Dean

Dean slouched on the couch, staring at the box with a beer in his hand.

"I honestly don't even want to open it because I don't want to hear what she has to say." he said to himself, "I don't want to watch the video. I literally don't care too."

"Come on Dean. Be cooperative." One of the camera guys said to him.

"Screw you."

He remained seated at the couch, looking at the box as he drank his beer. He stayed there for about 10 minutes until he finally popped open the lid.

"Fuck it. Lets hear what she has to say. Im doing this for you camera boy."

He was a bit relieved when he saw the iPad in there.

He hit the play button.

//"Hi Dean. I just want to say that I'm happy that you've gotten out of your shell and started enjoying the experience but I feel like I'm seeing a whole different Dean now. You're over there...kissing girls and being extra friendly with them and...I don't know who you've become. Ive never ever seen you like that. I just hope that you're okay. Don't hurt yourself. Don't do anything to hurt me either. Ive come to learn that you're truly one of a kind and...theres nobody else that can compare to you. Ive been learning a lot about me and what I want. I hope you're doing the same. I hope you're in the right head space, I really do. I love you Dean. See you when we reunite."//

Throughout watching the video, Dean remained with a very blank, empty look on his face.

Without saying anything, he got up and walked away.


VC-Renee-I want to hear from Dean because I want to know that he's doing okay and that he's in the right frame of mind. After that last clip I saw of him I was left confused. To see him have a sudden change of character like concerns me.

Renee sat down and opened the lid of the box.

It was empty.

She spent a good few seconds looking at the empty box as she was shocked to not find anything in there.


VC-Renee-So Dean didn't leave a message for me. Um....I don't know why. I was really expecting one but.....I guess he wasn't up to it....He's not the type of guy to do things like that anyway......*wipes a tear from the corner of her eye*

Feeling sad and embarrassed, Renee got up and exited the area.


VC-Producer-Why didn't you leave Renee a message?

VC-Dean-.........I had nothing to say.

VC-Producer-Not even a hello or a 'I love you and I miss you.'

VC-Dean-Maybe you should've left the message for me.


VC-Dean-I'll say everything I have to say to her when I see her.

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