Temptation Of Trouble

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The Girls' Villa

4:09 PM

(Still the 20th of June)

"I just really want someone I know I can trust. I want someone that'll make me a better woman." said Nikki.

John nodded.

They were both laying on the daybed, conversing and having some wine.

"Seth and I are just a bomb waiting to explode. I want to be with someone that I'm going to be afraid to lose."

"And you're not afraid to lose Seth?"

"I just don't think him and I are going to work out in the future. I really don't. I think Seth and I's relationship was shallow. We never built that deep bond. We never talked about our future together, or kids or getting married or anything like that. I want someone that I can definitely see those things happening with."

"I understand. And I agree with you."

"The reason I admire you so much John is because I see a lot of what I want in you. Theres not a lot of men like you these days. Im tired of these boys you know. I want someone that'll take me seriously."

VC-John-I do like Nikki. I think she has a lot of growing to do still but in order for her to do that she's going to need to be around people that will build her up. Frankly I don't think Seth can be that person for her.

The Guys' Villa

5:27 PM

"I want to have a word with you Liv." said Nia as she approached Liv who was hanging out with Carmella and Kelly.


She got up from her seat and followed Nia to her bedroom.

"Okay so," Nia folded her arms, "What's going on with you and Dean?"

Liv knitted her eyebrows, "What do you mean whats going on with us? We're just getting to know each other."

"You knew that I had a thing for Dean. You saw how excited I was when I said that he kissed me and now you want to get in between that?"

VC-Liv-Pft.............Girl what?

"What the hell Nia-"

"The respectful thing to do was to come to me and let me know that you were going to try to pursue him-"

"Oh I needed your permission?"Liv asked amusingly.

"You don't go around doing shit like that!"

"You are ridiculous. Like seriously."

"And you're a fake bitch."

"Im just getting to know the guy! Theres really nothing going on between us!" Liv said with her arms outstretched.

"You're getting to know him by dropping your panties? Really?"


"I knew you two were skinny dipping on your last date. Mandy told me."

"Is that a problem to you?"

"Im not mad that you're getting to know him Liv, I'm mad that you didn't have the decency to at least let me know that you're going after him too."

"You're acting like this is some sort of competition! Im here to get to know the guys! I don't owe you a damn thing!"

"You KNEW how bad Dean has hurt me! And when things finally started to go good you insert yourself and mess everything up!?"

"I am so done with this conversation." said Liv as she proceeded to walk away, "I DONT OWE YOU A DAMN THING NIA! GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE!"



VC-Liv-Nia is....freaking crazy if she thinks that I owe her some kind of explanation as to why I'm interested in Dean. What Dean and I do is none of her business. Its fair game. If she wants to keep going after him then she can but Im not gonna back down either. She thinks she's too entitled and maybe thats why Dean doesn't like her, just saying. Like, don't come after me, stay in your lane and keep doing your thing Nia. Stop always acting like a victim.

7:45 PM

"Wheres Finn?" Carmella shouted, "Somebody get Finn!"

GC-Carmella and Alicia

Carmella-So Bayley came up to me yesterday and asked for my advice on how I think she should change up her style and I asked, why do you want to do that? She said that she's trying to impress Finn.

Alicia-Oooo girlie's tryna get some action!

Carmella-So I was like giiiiiiiiiirl, let me give you a whole makeover okay! You wanna get your man, i'll help you get your man! You don't need to worry about a damn thing, I got you covered.

Alicia found Finn, blindfolded him and sat him down on a chair out on the back porch.

"What the hell is going on? Is Dean going to put his arse in my face?" Finn asked.

"Do you want me too?" Dean replied.

Everyone gathered around to see what was going on.

"Is someone going to give me a lap dance or something?" Finn asked again.

"Not yet." said Carmella, "Finn, I'm sure you've been getting bombarded by all the girls trying to get in your pants but...theres this one girl that has a special attraction to you. Tonight, this one girl challenged herself to come out of her shell just for you. She's transformed into a complete bombshell! She used to be a little cutie pie but now she's smoking hot and let me honest, you're going to find it hard to really resist temptation this time. Without further ado, I present to you, Ms.Bayley!"

At the same moment, Bodak Yellow by Cardi B started playing and out walked Bayley. Alicia removed Finn's blindfold.

He was absolutely stunned by what he saw.

She modelled her way out wearing high waist, denim shorts, a black lace bralette and thigh high black leather boots. Her hair was pin straight and parted in the middle, running down her back. Her hair seemed longer than usual thanks to some extensions.

For the first time in her life she had a full face of makeup on. She rocked shadowy eye makeup and a bold, dark red matte lipstick.

The girls started cheering her on.

VC-Billie-I see she's taken my advice. Good for her.

"I don't know who that is but its not Bayley." said Dean.

"Work it girl!" Carmella cheered as she walked.

VC-Seth-*whistles* Bayley looks good.

She finally approached Finn and stopped.

Instead of a pleased smile on Finn's face, he sported a look of concern. He was stunned...but not in a good way.

She held her hands together and smiled.

"Finny, I know what you're thinking." said Carmella, "Thats a whole lotta woman right there. You wanna get a taste of that don't you? Bayley, do a little twirl and show him what he's missing out on."

Bayley did as she said and flaunted her body as the other girls kept cheering her on.

VC-AJL-This is so sad....

"So what do you think, Finn? She did all this for you." Carmella asked.

VC-Roman-Ive never seen Bayley this way and....its kinda weird. I mean, she looks great but....its just weird.

"She looks.....not like herself." said Finn.

"She definitely upgraded don't cha think!" said Carmella.

"Erhm...she looks good." he nodded.

"YAYY NOW GO MAKE BABIES!"Alicia clapped.

"Now, I think you guys should spend some intimate time together in your bedroom Finn. You catch my drift?"Carmella said, winking at Bayley.


"You know, just do some talking and....whatnot." Carmella added.

Alicia coughed, "Baby making."

"You know what, I think she's right Bayley. Lets go to my room and hangout for a bit." Finn said.

"Sounds great."

Alicia and Carmella squealed.

VC-Carmella-I feel like a proud mother. Look at my girl looking all sexy, bout to get a piece of Finn. Im so happy *wipes an imaginary tear from her eye*

Finn led her to his bedroom and locked the door.

VC-Bayley-Finn's reaction to me was....not how I thought he was going to react. I thought he'd be a little more surprised. He looked....not happy for whatever reason.

"So, care to tell me whats going on?" he said as he sat on his bed.

"I just felt like I needed to up my game a bit. I mean, look at all the other girls."

"But you're not like the other girls."

"I know but...it was time for a change if I wanted to stand out."

"Be honest with me Bayley. Whats going on?"

"Don't you like it?"

"Its not you. You look....not like the Bayley I know."

She walked over and sat next to him.

"I was just trying to get your attention. I really like you and....I felt like if I kept being the way I was then I wouldn't get anywhere. You're always talking to other girls. I felt like I didn't have a chance. Everyone's making connections and finding love and.....I wanted to be a part of it too for once. Im tired of always being on the sidelines."

"And you thought doing this will make me fall for you?"

"What else am I supposed to do?!"

"Bayley, this is not you. You look uncomfortable. I adore you but I adore the real you. You should have never let those girls talk you into doing this."

"It was my idea."

"Oh my god."

"Hey, you said that I shouldn't feel insecure to show off my body anymore."

"Do you like the way you look right now? Do you feel like this is who you are? The makeup, the boots? Do you?"

She sighed, "....No."

"You don't need to change yourself for me. You're already perfect."

"Well its hard to believe that when you always have people coming up to you, telling you to change. All my life I've had people saying stuff like that to me and it was a matter of time I took their advice."

"Did somebody here say you needed to change?"

"Billie did. She said that you'd never go for someone like me after you've been with her best friend."

"Are you serious?"

"And she said a lot more mean things too but I don't want to get into."

"Bayley-" he sighed, "Im so sorry for whatever she told you. You should have told me that she said those things otherwise we would've booted her off the island instead."

She smiled.

"Don't listen to her, she doesnt know what the hell she's talking about. You don't need to change for me or for anyone. Don't ever let anyone get to you like that again."he held her hand.

She nodded.

He reached in for a hug.

"You're perfect okay." he said.

"Thanks Finn."

"Now go take these ridiculous things off and just go back to being you."

VC-Bayley-I don't know if Finn heard the part where I said I really liked him, I think he was more concerned with what I was wearing. *sighs*

VC-Finn-I hate the fact that Bayley was thinking the way she was. I wish I could've kissed her right then and there and truly let her know that she doesn't need to change for me but...im not going to do that to Becky. The challenge to resist temptation is almost over and I'm going to come out victorious.

9:25 PM

Seth walked over to the outdoor hangout where Paige was sitting alone.

VC-Seth-I saw Paige sitting all by herself which is a very rare sight considering she has so much friends in the house. We haven't really gotten the chance to talk so I figured this would be a good time.

"Hey there." he said as he approached her.

She looked up at him, "Hey."

"Im shocked to see you all alone."

She laughed, "Well, sometimes you need time alone to just refresh yourself mentally."

"I agree." he said as he sat down on the couch opposite from her, "Hope you don't mind me sitting here."

"Its fine."

"You know, every time we got to get rid of some of the girls from the island, your name always comes up."

"Oh yea? How am I still here then?"

"Some of us don't want to see you go. You make the house pretty lively."

"Its my job."

"You're the glue that holds this place together."

"Awww im flattered."

A few seconds of silence passed by.

"I didn't actually think that you were serious when you said you're just here to party, not tempt us."

"Well-obviously! I don't want to tempt you guys. You guys are like my brothers."

"You see me as a brother?" Seth asked, clearly disturbed by her statement.

"Well not you but...Finn, Dean and Roman."

"So what do you see me as?"

She smiled, "......Trouble."

"Me? Trouble?" he said amusingly, "Im a good boy."

She laughed, "Yea right Seth. You're trouble for sure."

"I always thought you were a girl that liked trouble."

"I do but I'm trying to behave myself now. I gotta resist the trouble."

"Hmm, are you resisting temptation here too Paige?"

She shrugged and smiled wickedly, "Maybe."

He looked into her eyes and smirked as he put the cup that he had in his hand to his lips.

VC-Seth-Okay look, I think Paige is incredible. Ive always had a place in my heart for her since I met her but I've never really explored that because....I never thought that she felt the same about me.

VC-Producer-So you lied to us when we first asked you how you felt about Paige?

VC-Seth-Alright I may have lied a little bit back then.

VC-Producer-Why didn't you want to admit it?

VC-Seth-I don't know man. I don't know. Im not good at talking about my feelings.

"So how are things with you and Kaitlyn?" Paige asked.

"Great. She's an amazing girl."

"Different from Nikki?"

"Very. In a good way. Honestly, I don't think theres going to be a me and Nikki after this."

"Oh shit. Really?"

"I think I've lost interest in the relationship. I thought being away from her for so long would make me miss her but I ended up drifting away. I don't think this whole relationship thing is for me. I may end up dying alone to be honest."

"Same here."

"Thats why we're perfect matches right?"

She smiled, "Exactly."

"Its crazy that we never gave it a shot." he said.

"Gave what a shot?"

"You and me."

She chuckled,"I said I'm trying to stay out of trouble Seth."

"How am I trouble? I don't get it."

"Do you remember what happened the last two times you and I were alone."

"Thats because we weren't under the right circumstances. Other people were involved. Im just saying, if you and I got together I think everything would be great."

"I don't know Seth, I don't know if I trust you enough, no offence. I think we're cut from the same cloth and I don't know if a relationship with you and I would be healthy."

"So you've been thinking about it? You seem to have all these opinions already."

She giggled, "Maybe  I have been."


"I have a lot of time to myself okay so I think about random different things."

"I think you and I would be a power couple. We can give Sasha and Roman a run for their money."

"I dunno Seth like-I am attracted to you but...I just think we're going to be bad for each other."

"Two fuck ups in a relationship. I think it'd be a fairytale."

"I think it'll be problematic and I don't want to go back there. Its hard to resist you but I can't give into temptation all the time."

"I tempt you?"

"You're very tempting Seth." she said with a little laugh.

"So you're into me. Then why do you always act like you hate me?"

"I don't know! I mean, I hated you at first but you've grown on me. I really like you a lot now. When I'm around you I just want to grab your face and lick you because theres something about you that lights a fire in me but....I don't want to get attached to you because I don't want to get hurt anymore. Thats why I avoid you when I can."

"Look, you have every reason not to trust me because you know about my past but....maybe we need each other to help fix ourselves and grow. I think we can learn a lot from each other."

She sighed, "Maybe. But what about Kaitlyn? You're pursuing her right now and I don't want you to break her heart. She's been through enough."

He took a deep, slow breath in and out as he tried to think of what to say. Obviously he couldn't tell her that he was ready to drop Kaitlyn in favour of her. It would give her more ammo to use against him.

"Look Seth, Kaitlyn really likes you-"

"But I want to be with you Paige. Ive always wanted to be with you."

"Im not looking for a relationship. I don't think it'll work out, I told you this."

"You won't know until you try."

"Oh my god Seth-"

"Im sorry if I seem like I'm begging but I think its stupid that we both want this but you're too paranoid about being hurt."

"Have you seen what I've went through in the last few months? Im just not ready for it Seth. I want you but right now, I think we're bad for each other."

He nodded and sighed, "Alright. I respect that. But just know, if you ever need me for anything, I'm always here for you."

She smiled.

VC-Paige-It feels good to get that off my chest. Ive had a thing for Seth for some time now and its good to know that he feels the same. Besides his looks, theres something about him that I'm attracted too, I have no idea what it is but theres something. I think we'd be an awesome couple but I don't think now is the time. Maybe when we're older and more mature. But right now I think we might end up tearing each other apart.

"Is it bad that I get horny every time I'm around you?" she said to tease him.

"Oookay Paige." he got up from his seat, "Don't make this harder than it is for me now. Stop teasing me woman. Ive been celibate since I came to this island."

She giggled, "Maybe we can change that?"

"Im leaving. You're just a tease." he said as he began walking away.

"Let me sleep in your bed tonight!" she said to mess with him.

He ignored her and kept walking.

VC-Paige-Maybe I'm just sexually attracted to him? I don't know.

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