Final Dates

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Thousand Waves Beach House, Turks and Caicos

"Wow. We have a whole beach to ourselves."said Lacey as her and AJ approached the house.

VC-AJ-So we will be staying at the Thousand Waves Beach House for our date. The beach is just a minute walk from the house. This should be a nice, relaxing time.

"This is beautiful." Lacey said, checking out the bedroom.

VC-Lacey-This house is the only one on the beach. Its very private and cozy. Its a very simple house. Its a good bit of walking to do to get here. This house is just ideal for us because I think it reflects who we are and want we want out of life which are the simple things.

"The producers did say that we're getting chef, butler and maid services so we don't have to worry about cooking."AJ informed.

"Do you think I'm one to shy away from cooking? We don't need those services darlin'. I can take care of everything."

"Well thats even better."

The pair spent a few minutes unpacking their stuff and checking out the rest of the house.

"Want to take a walk down by the beach?"AJ asked.

"Id love too."

VC-AJ-When it comes to Lacey, id love to get closer to her but I know I can't do that. Therefore, I got to keep her at a distance. Its the right thing to do. In a way, its unfair that you're going to have to leave behind the relationships you developed with the singles. Id love to remain friends with Lacey but we all know how Lex feels about me having female friends. But in all honesty, Lacey is an incredible woman and I wish her the absolute best.

"You do have my number. Remember, if you ever need anybody to talk to about anything, I'm always going to be there."Lacey said as they walked along the soft sand that lined the shore.

"I definitely appreciate that."

While walking, they often stopped to pick up sea shells that they found in the sand.

VC-Lacey-I couldn't have met anybody better suited for me like AJ is. But you know, this is a game. He did what he had to do and that was resist temptation. By the looks of it, he's very much still in love with his girlfriend and well...who am I to come between that? He's a good man. Im happy I got the chance to know him.

Villa Del Mar, Turks and Caicos.

"Ooh, this is nice."said Naomi

VC-Naomi-So for our final date, we'll be staying in the penthouse suite of this resort.

"The activities offered here are snorkelling, diving, fishing, golf, kayaking and horse back riding."Apollo said as he read from the resort's brochure.

"How about we do the snorkelling?"

"Sounds good to me."

The pair changed into their swim wear and headed to the front desk to request a snorkelling session. After a few minutes of waiting, an instructor came over and took them down to the beach and onto one of the boats. As they drove out deeper into the ocean, Apollo and Naomi geared up with their snorkelling gear. When the boat stopped, following the instructor's directions, they plunged into the water.

VC-Naomi-I don't really know how the date with Apollo is going to go. Like, here I am in this nice resort with another man. The only man I've been dating for the past like....6 years is Jimmy. I don't know how to date anybody else. There aren't any other couples here, the girls aren't here. Its just us and its weird. I feel like I shouldn't be doing this. I kind of wish I was here alone you know. But, I'll do my best to make sure Apollo feels comfortable and the date goes great.

Bali Home, Turks and Caicos

Liv wasted no time in stripping down to her underwear and getting into the pool.

VC-Liv-The place that we got is so cute! Its very private and right from our bedroom we have a beautiful view of the sky and the hills! I can't wait to watch the sunset with him. Its going to be so beautiful!

Dean joined her in the pool.

"This is perfect." she said, wrapping her arms around his neck, "I don't think I want to leave."

He smiled.

He tilted her chin upwards with his finger and brought her face to meet his lips.

VC-Liv-I wish this moment can last forever. Its just him and I alone in this beautiful apartment. I don't want it to ever end. wont.

"Are you going to break up with her Dean?"Liv asked.

"With Renee?"


" far as I'm concerned, thats the way we're headed."

She grinned, "Im so ready to spoil you."

He chuckled, "Spoil me?"

"I just want to give you everything you ever wanted. I want to be the person your girlfriend should have been. You deserve nothing but greatness." she said as her thumbs glided along his jawline.

"Im not quite a great person so I don't think I truly deserve greatness."

"Shut up. You haven't had great people in your life to make you a better person. Now you do."

She leaned in and kissed him again.

"Can we just stay in the pool all day and get drunk?"he asked.

She giggled, "I tend to get a bit touchy when I'm drinking alcohol."

"Its fine. I don't mind it."

She smiled and bit her lip. The dept and tone of his voice while delivering that line made him even more irresistible.

VC-Liv-Im not going to hold back anything while I'm here. And I don't think he's going too either.

Amanyara Holistic Resort, Turks and Caicos

"Wow."Nikki said in awe as she gazed around the resort.

VC-Nikki-So we are at the Amanyara Nature and Holistic Resort. Its this absolutely beautiful place for nature lovers because everything is very open and surrounded by nature. Each cottage is very far away from each other and nestled in between the trees so there is guaranteed privacy. This place is just too beautiful and I'm glad I'm here experiencing it with John.

"Do you know who'd love this place?"Nikki asked John.

"Brie would." he said.

"Yup." she nodded, "She definitely would."

VC-Nikki-So, John and I haven't reached that far. We expressed that we have feelings for each other but nothing else has really happened. But I just love spending time with him because he's just the most amazing man I've ever met. Hopefully being at this beautiful place can make our relationship grow deeper.

After the pair got settled in, they took a walk over to the cafe to enjoy some organic herbal tea.

"What do you think is going to happen at bonfire?"John asked.

She took a sip of her tea, "I don't know. I don't even know how the conversation is going to go. Seth and I....failed. And theres a shame I have knowing that we failed. I still care about him but while being here, I realised that we're not good for each other. My heart belongs somewhere else. Im not going to fight for a relationship thats toxic you know what I mean."

He nodded.

"I know you and Seth are friends. How is this going to affect your friendship with him?"

"Well...we weren't the closest of friends. I think that frizzled out a long time ago so it doesn't really matter to me. I just really want you to think about what you're doing. Personally, I don't want to be in a relationship right now. However, that doesn't mean we have to stop seeing each other."

"W-what do you mean you don't want to be in a relationship?"

"I just got out of a relationship, I don't want to jump back into one. Im just not ready for that again. Im not saying I never will be but, right now its not for me."

Nikki was taken aback by his statement.

"But do you want to be with me?" she asked.

"Yes. But it doesn't need to be an exclusive relationship."

"So what, are you like going to be with other women too?"

"We should leave room open to explore. You can't expect to jump into a relationship right away after the show ends. Im just saying we should give it time to grow a little."

"John."she sighed, "You're so confusing."

VC-Nikki-Here I am ready to drop everything to be with John and he hits me with this revelation that he doesn't want to be in a relationship. He says we can keep seeing each other but does that mean he's going to be seeing other people too? *sighs* Im not going to give up. Maybe I can change his mind. He needs to truly experience what its like being with me. When he does, he's going to be begging to tie me down.

Black Pearl Overwater Bungalow, Antigua

"This is really nice." said Zelina as she was leaning against the banister, looking out at the water.

VC-Roman-So after an hour and a half flight, we finally made it to Antigua. I don't know where Renee and Finn are located but we got this sweet overwater bungalow. I feel like I'm on a honeymoon right now. It just has that lovey dovey vibe in the air.

"Here you go."Roman handed her a glass of champagne.



They both took a sip from their glasses.

"So, are you prepared for the worst at bonfire?"she asked.

"I am. Im trying not to be too confident. Things can change. People can change. Im mentally ready for the best and the worst."

"How has this experience made you a better person?"

"Um.....I think it just adds to my character. I didn't give into temptation so it shows that I'm mentally strong. Im not one to crack under pressure you know."

"Seeing you through out this whole experience made me realise that you got a good head on your shoulders.  You put the people you care about first. Its hard to find a man like you these days."

He blushed, "I appreciate that."

"Its only the truth."

"I got a cousin I could hook you up with. Jimmy's twin. His name is Jey. He aint 100% like me but he's still a good guy."

She laughed, "Sure. Lets set something up."

"Could you imagine Jimmy being your brother in law?"

"Oh my god."she laughed, "That would be incredible."

VC-Zelina-Its sad that this whole experience is coming to and end. I sure had my ups and downs, you know.... with Seth. But I'm glad I've gotten to know Roman. He is walking proof that there is still good men out there. I don't need to give up hope just yet.

"Why don't we take the jet skis for a few spins?"he asked her.

"Look at the size of me. I don't think I want to even try to control a jet ski. Its going to manhandle me."

He laughed, "You can sit at the back of mine."

They went down the stairs at the front of the bungalow and hopped up on one of the jet skis. Zelina tightly held onto his waist.

"Don't let me fall." she warned.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine."

He started the engine, revved it and off they went.

Hermitage Bay, Antigua

"This is too good to be true." said Renee as she walked through the house.

After the two got settled into the house, they took a seat on the lounge chairs that over looked the pool. They each had a glass of white wine in their hand.

"What do you think of Dean's actions? Be honest with me."she said to Cesaro.

"Well....its seems like he's moved on. For the short amount of time I've known him, he seems to be like a very reserved person. Obviously he won't be the way he is if he isn't comfortable. It seems like he's very comfortable and.... just enjoying everything."

She sighed.

"But you know him better than I do so don't take what I just said too seriously."he added.

VC-Renee-I dragged Dean into this you know so.....I only have myself to blame for the way he's acting. Like...I just can't wrap my mind around the sudden change of character. Im looking forward to reuniting with him just to hear from him. To talk to him. To find out whats been going on. Cesaro and I....we have amazing chemistry together but at the end of the day, he's not Dean. Being away from Dean made me realise how truly special he is. I miss him. I miss his presence.

Villa Cocuyo, Antigua

After Finn and Bayley got to the house and settled in, they changed into their bathing suits and left with one of the producers to go swimming with dolphins.

They were taken out into the deep waters by a private boat. A professional trained to handle dolphins accompanied them.

"Oh my god! Look!"Bayley shook Finn's shoulder and pointed to the three dolphins that stuck their head up above the water.

"They're adorable."

VC-Finn-So we're at a Dolphin sanctuary, about to swim with some dolphins. I hope they don't eat me.

After listening to the instructor tell them great details about the dolphins, the two plunged into the water.

A dolphin stuck his head up very near to where Bayley was.

"Oh my god! Hey there buddy."she said.

They slowly rested their hands on him.

VC-Bayley-I touched a dolphin. My life is complete.

"You're lucky I'm a hugger big guy." she said as she reached around and hugged him.

VC-Finn-As fun as this is, my mind is still stuck on what Becky said in her bonfire clip. Im trying to enjoy the date but...the thought that my relationship could be over is haunting me. Its unfair to Bayley because I want to exude the same amount of energy that she is but I can't bring myself to do it.

Granite Suite, Bahamas

"I think the most important thing in looking for a significant other is asking yourself if you can imagine spending the rest your life with that person."said Ricochet.

He and Sasha were sitting by the pool, deep in conversation.

"I agree. There are people that don't take relationships seriously. Me on the other hand, I have zero time for meaningless relationships. If I didn't see myself marrying Roman in the future, I would have left. Theres people that act on lust. Just because this person looks good they want to get into a relationship even though they have no chemistry. I don't care how good you look, if we aint vibing then get the hell away."


"You need to be certain level of mature to handle a real relationship. Being with Roman has made me grow so much. Im not the same person I was two years ago. Ive changed for the better and I think thats a good thing. Its always great to be with someone that makes you grow."

VC-Sasha-If theres anything I've learned from this show is that.....I truly do love Roman. I loved him before we parted ways and now being away from him for so long made me love him even more.

"So are you going to go back out on the dating scene when you get back home?"she asked.

He shrugged, "I don't know. I think I might join Tinder."

"Yea! Give it a shot. Any girl would be lucky to have you."

"Its just that...sometimes when you tell a girl that you have a kid they tend to run away."

Sasha's jaw dropped, "You have a kid?"


"Get out of here!"she playfully pushed his shoulder.

"Yea I have a little boy. His name is Cameron."

"Thats adorable! You need to send me a picture of him when you go back home."

VC-Sasha-*grits teeth*So.....when Ricochet told me he had a son...the first thing that ran through my mind was the time we were on our date and I was ranting to him about Roman and how I think he may end up leaving me for his baby mama. That was just crazy talk. It was the alcohol speaking. I hope I didn't scare him. What if he thinks that all women are going to think like me. I feel like crap now.

"You're going to find a good woman one day Ric. Don't chase after these girls thats afraid of responsibilities. Roman has a daughter and I couldn't be happier to be apart of her life. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there you know. You'll meet the perfect woman eventually."

He sighed, "Eventually."

COMO Parrot Cay, Turks and Caicos

"You guys aren't gonna stick around during our entire time here are ya?" Seth asked the camera man as he and Paige entered the house.

"No. We're going to leave in a bit."the camera man said.

"Good. Because then it would've been awkward."

VC-Paige-I can't believe we got this big fancy house to ourselves........*blushes*

"Well, here we are again. You and I....together...once again."Paige said as she plopped down on the sofa.

"Just like back in Hawaii right? We always end up together in the end."

VC-Paige-Not gonna lie, its going to be strange trying to be romantic with Seth. We just have so much history that goes from me not liking him to us hooking up then to me not liking him again up, now to me liking him. I don't know how to even try to pursue him because all the other times that we had relations, it was just for the hell of it or I was drunk or it wasn't anything serious. But now, its serious.

He sat next to her, moving her legs and placing them on top of his lap.

"So....what do we do now?"she asked.

"We have a dinner to go to at 7. We have 2 hours until that."

"So, which of the couples do you think is going to break up?"

"Probably Dean and Renee. I don't think its going to end well for them. Also, maybe AJ and Alexa. Poor guy, he wanted to marry her but she's to busy kissing guys and bringing them into her bedroom."said Seth.

"What? Poor AJ."


"What about you and Nikki?"

"I thought I made it clear. We're done."

"What if she tries to win you back?"

"I don't think that'll happen but if it does.....maybe I might give it another chance. It depends on if theres another lady willing to win me over."he winked, " If there isn't then, I might try again with her."

"Im confused fucked things up with Kaitlyn by kissing AJ. Why didn't you pick her for the date?"

"AJ doesn't know what the hell she wants. She's great but she's kinda crazy. Literally. Im not ready to deal with that."

"So am I not crazy?"

"Yea but in a fun way."

She giggled, "I still can't believe I'm here with you right now."

"Whats so hard to believe about it?"

"Judging from our history you know, its just weird."

"So...are we sharing a bed or do I have to find another room?"

"We can share a bed. Plus, this is the nicest bedroom I've ever been in so it would suck to experience it alone."

"Do you remember on Are You The One, we were the last couple to find out we were a match in the Truth Booth. We never got the chance to go to our Honeymoon Suite because everything was ending so we didn't have time."

"Yea I do remember that. Is that why you chose me for this date?"

"Thats part of the reason."

She smiled, "Well....I'm going to go get all dolled up for our dinner later."

"You're going to shower?"


"Can I join you?"

"Slow your roll there cowboy. At least take me to dinner first."

He laughed.

VC-Seth-When I'm with Paige, I feel complete. Its weird its like she fills a void in me that I didn't even know I had. Its like the stars all align and everything feels just right.

Lion Sands River Lodge, Bahamas

Alexa and Adam were seen cuddling on the bed, looking out at the stunning view that was right in front of them. Their bedroom had no windows but instead had automatic walls that looked like small garage doors. When they were open, the bedroom basically felt like it was outdoors.

A gentle wind brushed across their faces.

"I think I'm going to fall asleep right here."said Alexa.

"You can't. We have dinner at 7."Adam sleepily said.

VC-Adam-So far...I don't know what Alexa's decision is going to be regarding her final bonfire. Is she going to get rid of the other guy or is she going to ditch me in the end? I would like to assume that she's going home with me at the end of this. Ive shown her nothing but love. There is nothing but love between us. Im nervous but I'm hoping for the best.

"Im so ready to make you mine."he said.

She smiled and rested her arm on top of his arm that was wrapped around her waist.

"You can't deny that our chemistry and connection is undisputed."

"I agree."she said, "Ive never had a connection like the one we share."

"Whats going through your mind right now?"Adam asked after a few seconds of silence.

"I just can't help think about what AJ's doing."

"Who's AJ?"

She rolled her eyes, "Really?"

"Oh right. That guy. Forget about him. I was hoping that you could probably spend forth of July with me."

"The fifth of July is your birthday right?"

"Yea so I'm thinking you can stay the weekend."

"Ugh I don't know. Thats literally next week. That also means i'll have to book a flight and honestly I'm tired of hopping airplanes."

"Well maybe things might be easier if you just dumped your boyfriend and fly back home with me. It'll save you the trip."

"Im not making any promises."

He smiled and kissed her cheek.

VC-Alexa-I....think....ive made my decision on what I'm going to do at bonfire. Its not going to be easy but...I have to do what I have to do. From here on out my life will change. Theres no stopping that.

She turned over to face him. He inched towards her and they began kissing. She hooked her leg over him as he caressed her face.

"I want to be with you so bad."he softly said as his hand moved from her face to under her shirt.

"We can't."she whispered back while moving his hand.

"I hate having to resist you."

"I know. It'll all be over soon."


At 7pm, all of the couples were required to attend a private, romantic dinner. Also, all camera crews were required to leave to give the couples their privacy, leaving their events for the night undocumented.

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