Goodbye Forever?

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29th June, 2019

Bali Home, Turks and Caicos

8:26 AM

Dean and Liv were seen in the bathtub together. She was laying on top of him, covered in suds to hide her naked body. His arms were around her.

"Im sure you have a bunch of guys hitting on you at Hooters."he said.

"Its mostly old creepy guys. They tip really good though so I don't mind."

"Im not going to like that. Im going to have to be your personal body guard to make sure no one tries to be a smart ass around you."

"Id love that."she giggled.

VC-Liv-Last night was.....everything I wanted it to be *smiles* I don't want to get into too much details was perfect. In all my years of dating I've never had such a magical experience with someone. Waking up to him this morning with his arm around me felt just right. Sometimes I wonder like...why isn't he appreciated more? He's such an amazing guy. What more could you want from a man? His girlfriend has no idea how lucky she was to have him. Was. Thats past tense.

VC-Producer-Have you thought of the possibility that he might get back together with his girlfriend?

VC-Liv-It crossed my mind. If that going to be devastated. I-I don't even want to think about it because I'm just going to depress myself. I have no time for negative thoughts right now.

"What time do we have to leave?"he asked her.

"We have to check out at 12."

"We literally just got here and we have to leave already."

"I know. It sucks."

VC-Producer-What happened last night when the cameras weren't rolling?

VC-Dean-Um...some stuff happened...Lines may have been crossed.

VC-Producer-More crossed than they already have been?

VC-Dean-*nods* Yea......*sighs*

Thousand Waves Beach House, Turks and Caicos

Just like Lacey said she would've done, she declined the chef services and made breakfast herself for her and AJ. They took their plates down to the shore, sat on the sand and ate.

"Now I'm thinking about buying a house on the beach. Im in love with this place."said AJ.

"Are you gonna buy like a fancy Malibu beach house?"she asked.

"Im fine with a little cottage. I don't care for fancy houses. As long as its on the beach and far away from everyone."

VC-Lacey-The date last night was great. We went to bed at around 3 am because we were so indulged in conversation about our past and future. Plus, we got up at 6 this morning and decided to go for a swim. Personally, I've never been a part of something like this. To me, this is luxury right now. Being on this beach with this great guy is luxury to me. I couldn't have asked for a better way to end this experience.

"This was by far the best date I've ever had so, I just want to thank you for letting me be a part of it."she said to him.

"You don't need to thank me. Don't ever do that. Thank you for being a great friend. If you weren't here I probably would have left the show already."

"I wish we had our phones to take a picture of our names engraved in the tree."

"Yea. That would've been a nice keepsake to have."

VC-Producer-Tomorrow is final bonfire. Where is your head at?

VC-AJ-My head is at fixing the problems that this show caused. I don't know where the hell Alexa's head is at but we're going to sort everything out.

VC-Producer-Are you prepared for the worst?

VC-AJ-Worst? I can't afford to have the worst happen right now. I devoted to much time to this relationship and to her for it to go to shit. Whatever the problem is, we're going to get through it.


All the couples checked out of their villas and resorts at 12 and were on their way back to their original villas.

VC-Renee-I had a great time with Cesaro. He's such an intellectual and I was able to learn so much from him.

VC-Ember-Yes, being alone with Jimmy was awkward at first but as the night went on we really broke the ice and hit it off. Not in a romantic way but in a friendly way. Thank god the house had a Monopoly board so we were pretty busy. I won.

The Girls' Villa

2:45 PM

"Heyyy guys!"Nikki said as she and John made their way into the house.

The other five couples were already at the villa, hanging out around the outdoor bar.

"How was your date?"Naomi asked her.

"Oh my god it was incredible."Nikki responded and began giving her the details about their date.

"I bet you guys didn't have a waterpark where you stayed!"Sami boasted.

"You guys got a waterpark?"Renee asked.

"Jealous?"he smirked.


"You and Becky both look like you got a tan."said Adam.

"I like to call it sunburn."said Becky.

As they were having drinks and sharing experiences, a familiar voice interrupted them.

"Hello everyone."the person said. Of course, it was Stephanie.

"Hey Steph."said Nikki.

"I see you all have enjoyed your dates. You all look very refreshed and relaxed."she said as she approached them closer, "Im here because I have some quick business to take care of."

VC-Alexa-What now?

VC-Naomi-If she says that we're having bonfire right here right now....I might just have an anxiety attack.

"Im here to tell you guys.....unfortunately.....gentlemen.....this is goodbye."she said in a dramatic tone.

"Oh my god."Renee said under her breath.

They all looked on at Stephanie in silence and shock.

"This is the end of your time here on the island. But, keep in mind that depending on the decisions these ladies make, for some of you it could be goodbye forever."

Adam wrapped his arms around Alexa. Where his hand was placed on her chest, he could have felt how rapidly her heart was beating.

"So, fellas, pack your things, say your goodbyes. Your ride will be here shortly. Its been great having you all. Take care."

VC-Sasha-I thought that we all were going to be leaving the house together. Little did I know the guys were going to be taken away from us.

John embraced a teary eyed Nikki in a hug.

"I'll see you soon okay."he said.

"Yes. For sure. Im going to miss you John."

"I'll miss you too."

"Im going to miss you so much."said Sasha, reaching to give Ricochet a hug, "I had such a great time with you."

"Best of luck tomorrow."he said.

"Thank you. We'll keep in touch okay."

"Id like that."

"I hate having to have these feelings all over again."said Alexa as Adam dried her tears with his thumbs. He pulled her in for a kiss.

VC-Adam-This could be goodbye forever. Or, it could be the start of something new. Its all up to her.

VC-Alexa-Everything is getting so intense now and I hate it.

"Dont cry babe."he comforted her, "I hope you make the right decision and do whats best for you."

"I dont want this to be over. I don't want you to go."her voice broke.

He hugged her, "You'll be fine. Be strong okay."

As hard as it was for some of them to stop hugging the guys, they had to let them go.

It wasn't long before a limousine pulled up to the villa to escort the guys to the airport.

"We love you guys!"Renee shouted to the six guys as they filed into the vehicle.

The girls all stood at the front of the villa, waving and watching as the guys were carried away.

The Guys' Villa

3:34 PM

"No no no no. You can't be serious."said Liv when Stephanie told her the news.

"So ladies, say your goodbyes and pack your things. Your ride will be here shortly."Stephanie said.

The couples immediately began saying their goodbyes and giving hugs.

"Please....dont forget about me okay."said Liv through her tears as she hugged Dean.

"I won't."

"Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me and....I can't imagine not having you in my life."

VC-Liv-I just know I'm going to be crying all the way back to New Jersey. Fuck.....*tears begins streaming down her face*

"We'll, I know this isn't goodbye forever."Seth said to Paige.

"Yup. We can't escape each other even if we tried."she said.

"Is that a hickey I see on your neck Paige?"Jimmy boldly asked.

She quickly pulled some of her hair to cover it, "What are you talking about?"

Jimmy raised his eyebrows and shot Seth an impressed look.

"Mind your business Jim."Seth said, "Anyway, I had a great time with you."

"So did I."she reached in for a hug.

"When am I going to see you again?"

"Probably for the reunion if they're having one."

"Of course they're going to have one. These people live for drama."

She cupped her hand around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. He squeezed her ass.

VC-Paige-What a crazy month this has been....If I could do it all again...I would.

"You guys are so cute."said Bayley as they kissed.

"Its about time right?"said Ember.

"Oh yea."Bayley agreed.

VC-Liv-I never thought id fall for a guy as hard as I've fallen for Dean but...never say never. The thought of probably never seeing him again wrecks me. I don't know what id do with myself if thats whats going to happen. Dean has the power to either break me down or make me extremely happy and....thats scary. Thats a scary kind of power to have.

The guys all lined up to watch as the girls leave. They waved goodbye and then they were off.

VC-Finn-This is coming to an end and I'm ready for it. I'm tired of having my emotions played with. Being here was more stressful than anything. Its been fun but I can't wait to get it over with.

"So boys, it looks like we're back to square one."said Seth as he and the other guys stood at the front of the house in silence.

"What do we do now?"Jimmy asked.

"Sit and think about everything we did while we were here."said Roman.

"This house is going to be like a ghost town now because everyone is gone."said Finn.

"Well...theres really only one thing left to do."said Dean.

"And whats that?"asked AJ.

"Get fucking drunk."

Jimmy shrugged and nodded, "I like the sound of that. We could play poker. Get some mano y mano time."

"Huh? Mano y mano means hand to hand in Spanish."said Seth.

"For real? Well-whatever. You get what I'm trying to say."said Jimmy.

"Sure im down."said Roman as the other guys agreed.

They all started walking back to the house.

"Can it not end in a fight this time? Because for some reason every time we try to bond, shit always hits the fan."asked Finn.

"At all costs, keep AJ and Dean away from Seth."said Jimmy.


A/N-The singles that went home in this chapter actually went home. They were not taken to Fantasy Island.

Next up: Final Bonfire.

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