Picking Dates 3

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13th June
9:09 AM
The Girls' Villa

"Good morning ladies." said Stephanie as she entered into the villa. She was lucky to find Nikki, Renee and Sasha sitting around a table having their morning coffee.

"Uh oh." said Renee when she saw her.

"I think I know what this means." Sasha said, resting her cup on the table.

"Its time to choose some dates guys." Stephanie informed, "Go gather everyone into the backyard and lets get this thing going."

The girls did as they were told and soon everyone was in the backyard. The guys all assembled in two rows and the girls all sat in chairs in front of them.

"Morning everyone. Again, sorry for barging in unannounced but....get used to it. Its that time again. Its time for the ladies to get some dates." Stephanie said as the guys clapped, "Here's how its going to go down this time. I'll call one of the girls' names. When I do so, guys, if you want to go on a date with the girl I called you must simply raise your hand. Out of everyone's hands that are raised, the girl will select which one of you she would like to take on that date. Understand?"

The guys all nodded.

VC-Nikki-This should be pretty fun.

"So, the girl im starting off with is Naomi. Who would like to go on a date with the lovely Naomi?"

One by one, hands started to rise. There was Chad, Bobby, John, Apollo, Elias, Cedric, Sami, Dash, Mustafa, Cesaro, and Ricochet with their hands up.

"Okay Naomi, your call." Stephanie said.

Naomi's eyes scanned all the men whose hands were raised. She grinned as she took the time to think about it.

"Um....im going to go with.....Cesaro." she smiled.

"Naomi and Cesaro it is." said Stephanie.

VC-Renee-Im.....kind of shocked that Naomi chose Cesaro. I don't know if she knows how I feel about him. I was really hoping to choose him for this date because I wanted to spend more time with him. *shrugs* I guess I'll have to wait until the next date. Thanks a lot Naomi.

Renee sported a fake smile as she watched Cesaro kiss Naomi's hand and then proceed to stand at the back of her chair.

VC-Naomi-I chose Cesaro because from what I know of him already, he's a really great guy. He's very kind and seems really interesting so I think we're bound to have an enjoyable date. He's one of the best guys in the house in my opinion. Plus he kinda looks like Jason Statham so....theres that.

"Our next eligible bachelorette is Sasha. Who wants to go on a date with the beautiful Sasha?"

The hands that were raised were that of TJ, Dash, Ricochet, Mustafa, Chad, Apollo, Cedric, Elias and Matt.

"Take your pick Sasha." said Stephanie.

She took a few seconds to come to a decision.

"I'll go with.....Ricochet."

"Yesss." he quietly said as he proceeded to walk to her.

VC-Sasha-I think Ricochet is really cute and I just get really positive vibes from him. He's one of the guys that I feel very comfortable with.

"Next up we have Becky. Who would like a chance to take Becky out?" Stephanie asked. Becky giggled.

Hands started shooting up once again. There was Mustafa, Sami, Chad, Drew, Matt, Apollo, Cedric, Buddy, Dash and Bobby.

"Gosh, for a second there I thought no one was going to raise their hands." she laughed,"Anyway, im going to go with Matt on this date."

"Hell yea bro." Said Matt.

Sami twisted his mouth.

VC-Sami-I thought our last date went amazing. I was sure that she was going to chose me for this date but I guess I was wrong. Im trying not be hurt right now but im failing miserably.

"Now we have Ms. Alexa Bliss. Who would like to go on a date with this feisty little blond?"

Alexa shot Stephanie a hard look.

Once again, hands were in the air.

The guys whose hands were raised were Dash, Randy, Adam ,Elias, Buddy, Tyler, Fandango, Dolph, TJ, EC3, Braun and Apollo.

"Im going to choose Buddy." she indifferently said.

He began getting butterflies as he walked towards her.

VC-Alexa-He said that he really liked me so, why not give the kid a shot? Im not really into this whole thing anymore. I want to go home but im just going to ride it out. Before I know it, the month is going to be up and I'll be planning my wedding.

"Next up is the lovable Renee." said Stephanie, "Who would like a shot with Renee?"

The hands that were up belonged too Sami, Adam, Chad, John, Dolph, EC3, Drew, Dash, Apollo, Cedric, Bobby and Mustafa.

"Wow guys, I wish I can go on a date with all of you but....im going to choose.....John." she smiled.

Nikki turned to look at her.

"John and Renee it is." said Stephanie.

VC-Nikki-Okay so...what the hell. I had my sights set on John. I was going to choose him for my date because-obviously he was going to raise his hand for me. Renee just ruined everything. Oh my god. Who the hell am I going to choose now?

"Last but not least, we have the fabulous Nikki. Who would like to go on a date with Nikki?" Stephanie asked.

For the last time, hands shot up in the air. There was Adam, Elias, Fandango, Dolph, Chad, Bobby, Randy, Drew, EC3 and Andrade.

She looked across all the guys.

"Im going to go with......Randy."

He smirked. Dolph threw his hands up in frustration.

"Nikki and Randy it is." said Stephanie, " So, the guys who weren't selected, you can go back to doing whatever you were doing. As for my couples, you better go on and start getting ready. You're leaving for your date at 12 o clock."

"The date is today?" Renee asked.

"Yes! Now go get ready!" Stephanie replied.

VC-Dolph-I am beyond frustrated with Nikki right now. The girl is driving me insane.

The Boys' Villa
10:12 AM

Just like she did with the girls, Stephanie went over to the guys' villa and assembled everyone in the backyard. The girls stood in two rows across from the guys that were sitting on chairs.

"Whats up everyone! As you may suspect, yes, its that time again. Time to get some dates for these 6 guys right here." Stephanie said as the girls clapped, "So, here's how the dates are going to be picked this time. Girls, I'll call a name of a guy. If you want to go on a date with that guy, you'll raise your hand. Then out of all of you that has your hands raised, the guy will choose who he would like to go out with. Got it?"

The girls nodded.

"Im happy I have a say in this for once." Seth quietly said.

"So lets start shall we? The first guy up for auction is the mysterious but handsome....Roman!"

The girls started 'ooing' and clapping. He smiled.

"Who would like to go on a date with Roman?" Stephanie asked.

Immediately hands started flying up in the air. There was Zelina, Vanessa, Bianca, Isla, Taynara, Dana, Billie, Mandy, Carmella, Ember, Alicia and AJ all with their hands raised.

"The choice is yours Roman." Stephanie said.

"Wow." he chuckled and rubbed his chin, "Um.....im going to go with.....Zelina."

"Zelina and Roman it is." said Stephanie.

Zelina waved at him as she walked over.

VC-Roman-I chose Zelina because I think she's very attractive plus, she's a feisty one. I dig that.

"Next up we have the quiet but adorable, Finn. Which one of you ladies wants to go out with this Irishman?"

The hands that were raised were that of Aliyah, AJ, Liv, Dakota, Taynara, Isla, Bayley, Carmella, Kaitlyn, Alicia and Toni.

"Wow ehm....im going to chose....Taynara."

"Taynara and Finn it is." said Stephanie.

Judging from Bayley's reaction, she was a little disappointed and embarrassed.

VC-Bayley-I was kinda hoping that he would have chosen me but....*shrugs*

"Next, we have the outspoken but stylish, Jimmy! Who would like to go on a date with Jimmy?"

"Outspoken but stylish?" Jimmy questioned.

The hands that were raised belonged too Dana, Aliyah, Mandy, Carmella, Bianca, Dakota, Ember, Vanessa, Liv, Billie, Alicia and Mickie.

"Damn. Those are a lot of hands." Jimmy said.

"Take your pick Jimmy."

"Well...sorry everyone but im going to choose Mandy. Thanks for letting me know that you're all into me though. Makes me feel better about myself."

VC-Jimmy-Yo I was so surprised to see Mandy's hand go up. She's like one of those high maintenance girls you know. She's like one of those model lookin girls that I thought I had no chance with. The girl is fine as hell so im excited. I just hope I don't screw this date up and give her a bad impression of me because I think im more nervous to go out with her than she is to go out with me.

VC-Mandy-For some reason I find myself really attracted to Jimmy. The guy is a big goofball but....I like that apparently? But he also has this swagger and this bad-ass way about him that just gives me all the feels.

"Next is the aggressive but southern proud, AJ! Im running out of adjectives to describe you guys as so forgive me. Anyway, who wants to score a date with AJ?"

Kelly, Carmella, Lacey, AJ, Dana, Billie, Ember, Bianca and Alicia all raised their hands.

"AJ?" Stephanie said to him.

"You know what.....im going to go with Lacey."

Lacey gave a confident smirk as she strutted towards him.

VC-AJ-I chose Lacey because I noticed that she didn't raise her hand for anyone else yet. The first time she raised her hand was for me so im a bit flattered. Plus she's very reserved compared to the other girls. She seems really interesting. Id like to get to know her a bit more.

"Next we have the stubborn but charming, Seth. Who would like to get their paws on Seth?"

"I am very charming indeed."

The hands that flew up belonged too AJ, Kelly, Kaitlyn, Aliyah, Isla, Vanessa, Liv, Billie, Toni, Ember, Bayley ,Dakota and Carmella.

"Hmmm..."Seth studied the girls, "I think.....im going to choose.....Ember."

Ember's eyes lit up. She seemed shocked.

VC-Seth-Ember seems pretty cool and id like to get to know her. I mean, look at her hair. Anyone that has their hair like that has to be cool right?

VC-Ember-The weird girls like me usually never gets picked to go on dates so....im shocked. Seth is very flirty with the other girls and those are the girls that are really out there, you know what I mean? So to be chosen by a guy like that is...kinda weird. I dont think im really his type.

"Last but not least, I like to call him our ray of sunshine. He's...aloof but from what I can infer, very loyal. Who would like to go on a date with the one, the only, Dean."

Liv, AJ, Dakota, Carmella, Kaitlyn, Bayley, Toni, Vanessa and Nia all raised their hands.

"Dean, take your pick." Stephanie said to him.

VC-Liv- *With fingers crossed* Please pick me please pick me please pick me please pick me.

"I feel like I have to redeem myself to this certain girl. Ive been a jerk to her lately so I feel like I have to make it up to her."' he said.

Nia started blushing.

"She's a great girl and I want to use this opportunity to give her the date that we should've had. So....Nia, will you go on this date with me?"

Paige was beaming with excitement.

Nia grinned. Her heart was racing a mile a minute.

"I would love to, Dean." she said as she walked over to him.

Stephanie was shocked.

"Wow. Someone has a way with words. I like the new attitude Dean."

He slowly nodded.

"Well, there you have it. The dates have been selected. One question before I take off, Paige? I noticed that you didn't raise your hand at all." Stephanie said.

"Oh yea im not here for that. Im just here for support. And to party. I don't need to go on a date with these guys."

"I understand. Anyway, couples, your date is starting at 12 pm so I think you all should start getting ready."

"Today?" Seth asked.

"Yes Seth, 12 pm today. Have fun on your dates everyone, i'll see you all very soon." Stephanie said, dismissing everyone.

GC-Nia and Paige

Nia-Ya girl is going on a second date with her man!

Paige-I am so in love with both of you! You two are so cute. What he said to you was sooo sweet like-I wasn't expecting that from Dean.

Nia-Do you think he likes me?

Paige-I mean...if he didn't then he wouldnt have asked you on a second date. I think he likes you.

Nia-Ahhhh! *giggles*

Paige-Ive never seen someone so excited about Dean the way you are. I mean...he's Dean.

Nia-I know. He's weird but...im just....crazy about him. What is wrong with me?

Paige-So cute. When you get married to him can I be your maid of honor?

Nia-Bitch duh.

Paige-Just making sure.

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