Third Dates pt 1

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"I honestly never get tired of being on yachts. I absolutely love it." said Nikki to Randy as she leaned against the railing looking out into the ocean.

"I never get tired of looking at you." he responded cheekily.

She blushed and rolled her eyes, "You're so cheesy."

The girls' dates took place on a private yacht this time. This was ideal for some of them. This date wasn't one that required having a big amount of energy. They all could just sit and relax, enjoy their conversations and really take in the sunshine and sea breeze.

Aboard the yacht was a chef and bartender that catered to their needs.

"You know its so weird that you and I never really crossed paths before." said John.

"I know right!" Renee responded, "I feel like you and I have a lot in common. You and I are both very positive and very friendly you know."

"Yea. We give off the same energy in my opinion."

"I think so too!"

VC-Renee-Ive never really thought anything much about John until I chose him for our date today. He's such a good person, he has a lot of ambition, he's very intellectual, very respectful. Theres something about him that I admire so much.

"We've known each other for so long yet we haven't really gotten the chance to connect." he said.

"Until now!" she laughed, "I want to know everything about you. Tell me everything that I should know."

He laughed, "Well where should I begin?"

VC-John-Renee is such a sweet girl. She's very open and expressive. I like that about her. I like that I'm getting to spend this time with her to get to know her a little more.

Nikki got distracted by John and Renee's laughter. She clearly seemed to be annoyed by them.

VC-Nikki-Ugh Renee....I wish I can say im happy you're having a good time but im not. Dont get too comfortable around John, I still have dibs.

"Damn, I wish I had a camera right now." said Ricochet as he walked up next to Sasha who was standing at the railings of the yacht, looking at the water and letting the wind run through her purple hair.

"I know right. This scenery is so beautiful." she said.

"It is, but im not talking about that. You look like a model right now."

"Shut up." she giggled.

"Im serious! The way the wind is blowing through your hair, the way you're standing, the way you're looking. Picture perfect."

She smiled.

"Do you wanna go get a drink?" he asked.

She curled her lips as she thought about it.

"You know what, sure."


Alexa and Buddy were sitting around a table. She sipped on some fruit punch while he ate french fries.

VC-Buddy-So, so far Alexa has been very quiet. She doesnt really seem like she's in the mood for talking. Not gonna lie, I was super excited to be chosen for this date but right now....its going pretty slow.

"Are you still upset about what I told you that night? You know, with the rumors of you and Braun."

She sighed, "Yea I guess im still a bit upset over the whole thing. Its not fun to know that rumors about you are being spread through out the house."

"I apologize for that."

"What? No no no no-" she giggled, "You don't need to apologize. I wanted to actually thank you for telling me because if it wasn't for you then I wouldnt have found out. I just feel so....alone right now. I knew this was going to happen. I knew I was going to come here and end up feeling singled out and alone."

"Sometimes I think its better to be alone. Less drama. Im kind of a loner myself."

"No but I feel as if everyone is against me you know. No matter what I do everyone seems to be in my business. Everyone seems to always have a problem with me."

"Does that matter to you? Do you care about what other people think of you?"

"No biggest concern right now is with AJ. What if at bonfire he sees a clip of someone saying that Braun and I slept together? All I care about is what he's going to think."

"Im guessing thats your boyfriend. You know him better than anyone else right? Do you think that he's actually going to think that you two slept together?"

"I hope not."

"If he sees that clip and he believes those rumors then...that pretty much sums up what he thinks of you. I think, as a boyfriend, you should trust your partner more than you trust anybody else. As a boyfriend, he shouldnt believe that you would do that despite what everybody else is saying." Buddy said.

Alexa nodded slowly, "You got a point. I just-I don't know. Obviously with something like this im going to be paranoid about it."

"I don't think you should worry. I think he knows that he has an amazing girlfriend that would never do that to him."

She blushed.

VC-Alexa-Im really happy I got to talk to someone about my situation. I didn't really want too because I already felt as though I was the joke of the house but...talking with Buddy made me feel a little better. He also made some good points. AJ is better than that to believe those rumors.

"So....tell me something. Why were you nervous to talk to me?" she smiled.

"Oh know...when you see a pretty girl you're bound to get nervous. Its never easy approaching beautiful girls. Your mind goes numb and you forget everything you were about to say."

She laughed, "Its honestly not that big of a deal. Im quite easy to talk too."

"Well im not good at talking to people so..." he shrugged.

"You're doing great so far. I give you an A plus."

"Oh wow." he wiped his brow, "Thank god."

"My friends were trying to convince me to be a male stripper but I was like...nahhh." said Matt.

"Why not? You got the look, the body, you got everything going." Becky responded.

"Its wayyy too much work man. They wanted me to be a part of some group. Basically like Magic Mike. I don't think thats for me."

"You could have been Magic Matt."

"It does have a nice ring to it but...whatever."

"So what do you do for work then?"

"Oh I uh...."his eyes looked directly into the camera that was near the two, "I don't wanna say. I could get arrested and im not about that life you know? I am a boxer though."

"So you have two jobs?"

"Nah I box as a hobby."

"Can you give me some sort of hint as to what you do? Im curious!"

"Lets just say...I help a lot of people unwind and feel good."

Becky grimaced.

"Are you a-" she blocked a side of her mouth and whispered to him, "Sex worker?"

"Bro what?" he laughed, "Definitely not. Lets just say what I deal with can also be used for medicinal purposes."

"Ohhhhhh." she finally understood, "Gotcha gotcha."

"So, why did you pick me for this date? Is it because of my hot bod or my pretty face?"

"Both actually." she laughed, "Just kidding. You seem really cool. You were one of those guys that I wanted to get to know."

"Yea like out of all the other girls I took a liking to you because you're so chill you know? You're really easy going and down to earth and you like to have fun and I like that bro. I-I don't like people that takes themselves too seriously."

"Aww well, thank you! I feel very flattered."

"Yea I like you. You're a cool chic. I can totally see myself blazing it up with you sometime."

"Good...I guess."

VC-Becky-Matt of a kind. I don't feel a romantic connection to him though. He seems more of like a best friend or a big brother.

"Do you ever worry about your husband on the other side of the island?" Cesaro asked as he took a sip of his drink.

"Not really." Naomi answered.

"Wow. You seem very secure in your relationship. I can see that it is a strong one." he smiled.

"Jimmy's my best friend. He's never given me a reason to worry. Him and I just have that built in trust in each other."

"Thats beautiful."

"However.....I think he worries about me more than I worry about him. He worries about stupid things though, like what I'm wearing. But thats just Jimmy being Jimmy."

"He's just being protective as he should be."

VC-Naomi-So, I'm talking to Cesaro and I'm noticing that Renee keeps glancing over to us. Sis....focus on your date. Don't be focusing on us.

"Damn, that girl needs to chill." Naomi quietly said.


"Renee. She keeps looking at us. Anyway, how are things between you and her? You feelin' her?"

"I think she's fantastic but I'm still hesitant to go any further with her because of Dean. No matter how much she says not to worry about it, it just doesn't feel right."

"I understand."

"I know what its like to be hurt. I would not like to be responsible for hurting Dean."

VC-Naomi-Cesaro, bless your soul.

To Be Continued
A/N-Ya'll, i felt like this chapter was dry af so forgive me. I still gotta get back in my zone after being away for two months because I totally lost track of everything

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